ข่ าวเด่ นประจาสัปดาห์ จากสคร.บูดาเปสต์ (Weekly News from Thai Trade Center, Budapest) รวบรวมโดยสำนักงำนส่งเสริ มกำรค้ ำระหว่ำงประเทศ ณ กรุงบูดำเปสต์ สัปดำห์ที่ 2-6 มีนำคม 2558 เป็ดจำนวนมำกกว่ำ 100,000 ตัวถูกฆ่ำทิ้ง หลังจำกตรวจพบเชื้อไข้หวัดนกทำงภำคตะวันออกของฮังกำรี เมื่อสัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา มีการตรวจพบโรคไข้หวัดนก ในฟาร์มสัตว์ปีก Füzesgyarmat ทางตะวันออกของฮังการี เป็ดจานวนมากกว่า 100,000 ตัวจึงต้องถูกฆ่าทิ้ง ไม่มีหลักฐานปรากฎชัดว่าเป็นโรคไข้หวัดนกที่พบเป็นสายพันธ์ H5N8 แต่สามารถติดเชื้อในมนุษย์ได้ อย่างไรก็ ตามไม่พบเชื้อโรคดังกล่าวในเขตภูมิภาคโดยรอบ ฟาร์มสัตว์ปีกจะได้รับการชดเชยความเสียหายจากเงินกองคลังของรัฐบาลตามขั้นตอนทางกฎหมาย คาสั่งห้าม จัดส่งสัตว์ปีกจากภูมิภาคมีผลบังคับใช้เป็นเวลาสามสิบวัน หลังจากที่มีข่าวการระบาดของโรคไข้หวัดนกในภูมิภาคตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ของประเทศฮังการี หน่วยงาน ควบคุมสุขภาพสัตว์ของรัสเซีย (Russia's animal health authority) สั่งห้ามการนาเข้าผลิตภัณฑ์สัตว์ปีกจาก ฮังการีที่ยังไม่ได้ผ่านขบวนการความร้อน (ที่อุณหภูมิ 70 องศาเซลเซียสหรือมากกว่า) ซึ่งมีผลกระทบต่อการ ส่งออกสัตว์ปีกจานวน 2-3 พันตันของประเทศ Japanese automotive industry company plans €50 mln investment in Hungary A Japanese automotive industry company plans to invest €50 mln in Hungary in the near future. The investment would create 200 jobs. Japanese companies have invested about €1bn in Hungary in the past two years, creating almost 4,000 jobs. Japan's Nissin Foods plans an expansion at its base in Kecskemét (central Hungary) that will also create 200 jobs. Diamond Electric will launch a development at its base in Esztergom (northern Hungary) also in the millions of euros. Hungary's farm exports to Japan rose 70% last year and reached $130 mln in JanuaryNovember. Mangalitsa pork and honey are the most popular Hungarian farm products in the country. State secretary for economic diplomacy Levente Magyarmet met with deputy foreign minister Minoru Kiuchi and economic affairs bureau director Naoko Saiki during his two-day visit to Japan. http://www.bbj.hu/ Pikopack completes HUF 2.1 bln investment Packaging company Pikopack yesterday wound up a HUF 2.1 bln expansion at its Hungarian base in Füzesabony in northeastern Hungary. The project was supported with a HUF 1 bln European Union and state grant, and is responsible for the creation of 20 new jobs. Hungarian news agency MTI noted that Pikopack produces food and aerosol cans and it exports almost 40% of its output. In 2013, the company's revenue exceeded HUF 8.5 bln. Source: www.bbj.hu Romania records fourth largest retail sales increase in EU Romania posted in January the fourth biggest year-on-year increase in retail sales in the European Union (EU), of 7.3%. Only Luxembourg, Hungary, and Poland surpassed Romania, according to EU’s statistical office Eurostat. At EU level, retail trade went up by 4% in January over the same month in 2014, due to the increase in sales of fuel and non-food goods. Compared to December last year, the increase was of 0.8%. Finland’s retail sales went down by 1.2% year-on-year, whereas Belgium recorded a 0.3% decrease in its retail trade. Compared to December 2014, the largest increases occurred in Portugal (6.8%), Poland (3.1%) and Germany (2.9%), whereas retail trade dropped in Great Britain by 0.9% or in Lithuania by 0.5%. Romanian shoe producer to expand abroad Romanian shoe producer Denis plans to open this year over ten stores across the country and to expand abroad, by investing EUR 400,000. The company already decided to expand abroad at the end of the last year, but postponed it for the first part of 2015, reports local Capital.ro. Denis wants to sell its products in the US, Germany and Austria. Last year the company posted a EUR 10.5 million turnover, up over the previous year, when its sales amounted to around EUR 9 million. The shoe producer, which has sold over 160,000 pairs of shoes, wants to reach this year a EUR 15 million turnover. Denis runs a network a 35 units within Romania, as well as in Kiev, Ukraine. Romanian furniture retailer to build 10,000 sqm stores Romanian furniture retailer Casa Rusu wants to expand its network with stores of up to 10,000 sqm, which it will build from scratch. The company is part of the furniture producer Rus Savitar, which will open its fourth factory in Romania, following a EUR 4.4 million investment. Casa Rusu wants to buy plots in Bucharest, Timisoara, Craiova, and Cluj, to build stores of 8,000 – 10,000 sqm. The company has expanded so far with units of up to 5,000 sqm. The largest store stretching over 4,000 sqm opened in 2010, in Vitantis Shopping Center, in Bucharest. The retailer currently has 17 stores, 11 of which are under franchise. Following a EUR 500,000 investment, the company will open on March 6 a new store in Colentina, eastern Bucharest, for which it estimates annual sales of EUR 3 million. Source:www.romania-insider.com/ Bulgarian Economies – overview According to the National Statistical Institute, the country registered a growth of 1.2pc in 2014. However, growth is expected to slow down to 0.8-1pc this year, according to latest estimates of the finance ministry. The World Bank has lowered its 2015 economic growth forecast and now expects GDP to expand by 1.1pc. It is more optimistic about 2016, with growth forecast of 2pc. The economy is likely to see a lack of investment and low consumption in 2015-16. Domestic demand is likely to weaken this year. The unemployment rate, while decreasing, will remain above the EU average and is estimated to be 10.9pc in 2015 and 10.4pc in 2016. Inflation is projected to gradually pick up this year as well. The general government deficit is projected to improve to 3pc of GDP. The deficit had deteriorated from 1.2pc in 2013 to 3.4pc in 2014, driven by expenditure overruns and weaker-than-expected revenues from VAT, excises and some non-tax categories. The general government gross debt is estimated to have increased rapidly from 18.3pc in 2013 to about 27pc last year, reflecting financing needs for the annual deficit through measures to stabilise the financial sector. Bulgaria needs to borrow up to $9.3bn in order to pay back its current debt. Source: www.dawn.com/
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