St. Nicholas Catholic Church March 8, 2015 The Third Sunday of Lent Mission Statement We the members of St. Nicholas Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, are called to build a diverse Christian Family, united in vibrant worship and dedicated to the Gospel through service, evangelization and celebration of the Sacraments. We strive to create an environment that helps us realize we are each a unique child of God and we are committed to making our parish church a vital part of our people, our community and our world. Parish Staff Pastor: Father Mark Guzman (253) 851-8850 Deacon: Dale Fickes (253) 851-5035 School Principal: Amy Unruh (253) 858-7632 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Pastoral Assistants Parish Faith Formation Programs: Kurt Lawrence [email protected] (253) 851-6121 ADULT FORMATION: RCIA, Returning Catholics Don Evans [email protected] (253) 851-8391 Faith Formation 6-12: Deacon Dale Fickes (253) 851-5035 [email protected] Marriage Arrangements (253) 851-8850 Music Ministry: Ann Wopat (253) 858-7632 Stephen Ministry Arnie Sposato Pat Taylor (253) 853-2688 (253) 514-0669 Administration: Don Evans [email protected] (253) 851-8391 Knights of Columbus Dutch Dolney Phil Harry Parish Secretary: Dianne DeLapp (253) 851-8850 (253) 851-3298 (253) 514-8465 (253) 851-0554 Bookkeeper: Carlene Cook (253) 851-8659 Bulletin Editor: Dianne DeLapp (253) 851-8850 Youth Minister: Pat Taylor [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (253) 851-9040 3510 Rosedale Street, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 (253) 851-8850 Fax (253) 851-8823 Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 AM Weekday Mass Wednesday through Friday 9:00 a.m. Reconciliation Thursday's 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Saturday's 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm and by Appointment The Pastor must be notified at least 6 months prior to intended wedding date. St. Vincent de Paul Peninsula Fish Food Bank (253) 851-8800 Counseling (CCS) (253) 502-2696 Project Gabriel (888) 926-angel Marriage Encounter Jim and Lois Brown (253) 851-6798 Infant Baptism Annulment Ministry Deacon Dale Fickes Deacon Dale Fickes (253) 851-5035 (253) 851-5035 Sacramental Emergency Message Line After Office Hours and Weekends Please Call: (253) 549-1954 Bulletin Announcements Dianne DeLapp (253) 851-8850 [email protected] New Parishioners Welcome to St. Nicholas Parish. Please call or visit our Parish Office or fill out a registration card located in the Narthex and return it to the Parish Office. Stewardship Reflection for Third Sunday of Lent JN 2:13-25 The Ten Commandments, as presented to us in the first reading from Exodus, represent God’s direct teaching to us as to how we need to live and structure our lives. That is essentially what Lent is all about — a time for us to review those teachings and that structure, and how we are doing living it out. Traditionally, the Ten Commandments can be divided into two groups — the first four address our relationship to God, and the final six speak to our relationships with one another. God makes it quite clear to us that He does not just wish to be part of our lives; he wishes to be at the foundation of our lives, the absolute focal point around which we do everything. Leading a God-centered life is at the core of a life of stewardship. Our bond and liaison with the Lord should be central to our entire lives; it is this correlation with God which should be the driving force in our Lenten efforts. In his letter to the Corinthians St. Paul preaches, “We proclaim Christ crucified.” This statement is necessary for us to truly understand our faith and our connection to Christ. A legend is told of a church that placed this statement on an arch leading into the church. However, over time, weeds began to grow over the arch so that the saying could only be seen as “We proclaim Christ.” Without the crucifixion of Christ and the salvation it brought to us, it is never enough just to be loyal to Christ. More time passed and the only thing that could be seen was “We proclaim.” Clearly without Christ and the Cross, simply “proclaiming” is not adequate. It becomes empty words. Finally, all was blotted out by the weeds except for “We.” Is that where we are? Is that where our church is? We must be more than a social gathering place. Lent is not about us; it is about Christ crucified. Our Gospel from John relates Jesus driving the money changers and others from the Temple. This was not a sudden fit of anger on the Lord’s part. Note how He made a whip of cords, something which required time. He had carefully thought out what He was going to do. In John’s Gospel, St. John first speaks of Jesus’ conversion of water to wine. This is an important, although subtle, beginning. Jesus first converts, then He cleanses. This is the same process through which each of us must go; first we must seek conversion, then we seek cleansing. That, too, is perhaps the secret to our Lenten journeys. John goes on to say that “Jesus would not trust himself to them (the admiring crowds) because he knew them all.” The Lord knows each of us; He understands each of us. Yet He loves us unconditionally. Jesus wants more than our admiration. Our goal during this Lent should be to acknowledge His love; accept His trust; but make an effort within ourselves to earn and deserve that trust. It is ours either way. That is the joy of God’s love; we receive it whether we deserve it or not. Catholic Stewardship, Inc. St. Anthony Hospital...has openings for volunteers in the Pastoral Care department. One of the responsibilities is to bring Holy Communion to Catholic patients. I you have had prior training as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and would like to know more about volunteering, please contact Chaplain Kristen “Jo” Nivling at 253-630-2142. St. Nicholas A Week Ahead! SUNDAY, March 8 8:30 AM Mass — Parishioners of St. Nicholas 9:45 AM Religious Ed Classes—K-5 K of C Breakfast after Masses Blood Drive— 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM 11:00 AM Mass — John & Geraldine Connallon 12:30 PM Confirmation Class 5:00 PM Youth Ministry MONDAY, March 9 9:00 AM Communion Service 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study TUESDAY, March 10 9:00 AM Communion Service 9:30 AM Prayer and Share 10:00 AM Spirituality Book Club 6:00 PM Men’s Prayer & Share WEDNESDAY, March 11 9:00 AM Mass — Betty Arnce 4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes—K-8 5:30 PM Choir Practice 6:00 PM Men’s Bible Study 6:30 PM RCIA THURSDAY March 12 9:00 AM Mass — Milciades Murillo 9:30 AM Adoration until 6:25 PM/ Benediction 5:00-6:00 PM Confessions 5:30 PM Unicycle Club 7:00 PM Prayer Group FRIDAY, March 13 9:00 AM Mass — Carmen Guerra 5:00 PM Confessions 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross Soup & Bread Follows SATURDAY, March 14 3:00—4:30 PM Confessions 5:30 PM Mass — Parishioners of St. Nicholas SUNDAY, March 15 8:30 AM Mass — Emelia Marie Wollcat 9:45 AM Religious Ed Classes—K-5 9:30 AM St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 11:00 AM Mass — Raymond Shanahan 12:30 Confirmation Class 5:00 PM Youth Ministry PARISH FINANCE NEWS Budget Contributions Year to Date Needed Actual Year to Date Plus $15,246.31 $16,707.00 $518,373,00 $587,387.00 $ 69,005.00 St. Vincent de Paul.... The pantry is starting to fill up, but the demand is great. The following food items are needed: pasta roni, hamburger helper, ravioli, mac & cheese, peanut butter, canned peas & canned chicken. God Bless you all for your continued support. We are all serving God to help our less fortunate families. The Knight’s Corner: If you’re interested in helping those in need, serving your parish, growing in your faith or having exclusive access to top rated insurance protection for your family; the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. Please consider joining us, the St. Nicholas Council 9238. For more information call: John Oldham – Membership Director, 253-858-1700 or Phil Harry – Grand Knight, 253-514-8465. Save the Date: Tuesday, July 7th- Saturday, July 11th VBS is going to Nazareth. All are welcomed to join. Daily departures 10:30 am and Return Trip 1:30 pm We’re taking a journey back to Bible times… without leaving our church! Step back in time at Hometown Nazareth, exploring what it was like to live in the town where Jesus grew up. Kids and adults will explore the Nazareth marketplace, and visit Jesus’ mom, Mary. Plus whole lot more! Cost: Adults and Middle & High School Volunteers are free Young People ages 4-10: $25 Free childcare is available for children under 4 while you are in Hometown Nazareth please call for more details. For more VBS information contact: Eleanor Ficca at 253-254-6273 Soup & Bread March 13 ————— Taco Soup (Steve & Cindy Barry) March 20 —————Clam Chowder (Hombach Family) March 27—————–———-Minestrone (Dick Puryear) Next weekend will be our St. Vincent de Paul Semi-Annual Appeal for the St. Nicholas Conference. Please put cash or checks payable to SVdP into a SVdP envelope that will be in the pews and put it in the collection basket during Mass. Thank you in advance for your kind generosity. Reminder . . . St. Vincent de Paul Conference collects used books (hard cover & paper back) to sell in their 3 stores in Tacoma. They use the money to help the needy. Please leave your books in the box in the parish center. Come join the Knights of Columbus for our breakfast on March 8th from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. The menu will be: Blueberry Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, and Fruit Bowl. We ask for a goodwill donation. If you donate blood at the blood drive, you will get a free breakfast. The Counseling Center at Catholic Community Services offers professional and confidential counseling services for people of all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Our therapists are Licensed and have Master’s degrees. We accept all major insurances and/or sliding scale fees. Call us at: 253-502-2696 to set up an initial session. Visit us on the web: All bulletin notices & inserts are due on the Friday before the next week’s publication. Please follow these guidelines so that your notice will be included. Hey St. Nicholas Calling All Cursillistas! It has been said that Cursillo has a strong base at St. Nicholas. It is time to reconnect! If you would like to rekindle the Cursillo sisterhood and brotherhood…step forward and be counted! If you feel the call please contact Kurt Lawrence in the Faith Formation Office (253) 851-6121 or [email protected] So what is NCYC? National Catholic Youth Conference! This event is held every two years. It is a time to bring together in one place teens from the ages of 14 to 18, or college young adults 19 to 23. St. Nicholas is planning a Pilgrimage to the upcoming Conference in Nov. 2015 which is hosted by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. If you are interested and need more information please contact Pat Taylor in the Youth Ministry Office: (253) 851-9040 or [email protected] March 15th Teens ages 13 to 18 You are Wanted! Youth Ministry will be having a session on March 15th at 5:00pm in the Main Parish Hall. Topic: Bible History Where, When, How, and Why Bring A Friend! Thank you to all of our school families and parishioners that joined us last night for our Denim and Diamonds Benefit Dinner and Auction! Your support shows the community and children of St. Nicholas Catholic School the importance of education in the Catholic tradition Serra Club of Tacoma-Pierce County… will meet at St. Patrick’s Parish on WEDNESDAY, March 18th. Mass will be celebrated at 6:00 pm followed by a dinner with a guest speaker. The Serra Club promotes vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. If you wish to attend this event in order to learn more about Serra Club or would like more information about Serra, please contact: Win and Marjorie Fuchs at 253-851-5431, email winandmarj@comcast. Net or Florence and Jim Reardon, 253-851-2934, email [email protected] ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN UP AND MAINTENANCE DAY SATURDAY, 3/28/15, 8:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON! Come join us to clean up the grounds for Holy Week. Light maintenance and yard work will be done on and around the parish campus. Please call Mark Macleod if you have any questions and to sign up. 253-851-9407. Then he said to His Disciples, “THE HARVEST IS PLENTIFUL, BUT THE LABORERS ARE FEW” Child care is available in the Nursery in the Parish Hall during the 8:30 & 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday! Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Liz McConnell House-keeping • Errands • Pet watch Shopping • Plant care • Dusting • Windows PAUL L KADZIK DDS SS outh ound’S only CatholiC-owned funeral home Personable - Reliable - References Larry & Ellen Gaffney (253) 572-6003 | 253-509-0019 Honest Craftsmanship in a Tradition of Quality 3002 HARBOR VIEW DRIVE • GIG HARBOR 851-2050 FULL SERVICE CONTRACTOR DR. CHARLES R. DALE Complete Line of Eyewear Comprehensive Exams and Eye Care Owners: Pat & Lory Kelley General Contractor Reg. # KELLEHS005LZ Vercillo’s Catholic Book & Gift Nurturing the Future Starting Now Serve the Catholic Community Since 1994 Mon - Sat 10 - 5 [email protected] 3680 S Cedar St. • 253-471-8399 Catholic college preparatory school in the Jesuit tradition (Off South Cedar St. in the Goodwill Shopping Plaza) 10% off w/ad Financial Aid Available Katie Wilkinson Broker - Parishioner 253-653-4865 [email protected] All Natural Burgers. Charbroiled Black Angus Burgers. Fresh Baked Buns. Open 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM ~ Sun - Thur 6:00 AM to Midnight ~ Fri & Sat “The Comfort of Trust” (253) 851-9991 FUNERAL HOME, CREMATORY & CEMETERY Gig Harbor Hardware DR. RAMON L. AÑEL KIDNEY AND ICU SPECIALIST Competence, experience, kindness. This is my personal philosophy as a physician. This is our philosophy here at Key Nephrology. 253.358.8788 ň 4700 Point Fosdick Dr. NW, Suite 201, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Serving our community since 2008. Downtown 851-6169 Orthodontist St. Nicholas Parishioner BBB A+ Rating Call us, we can help! 253-383-5891 Free Consultation BURGER NIGHT Consignors Wanted! Don't have time? CALL US! KITSAP COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS - April 17-19 Check online for sale hours, and more info! 253.376.2888 Every Monday 4 pm–Close Every Burger Only 5.99 $ Joseph M. Bordeaux, D.D.S, M.S. Dedicated Attorney at Law The Leader in Children’s & Maternity Consignment! SHOP and SAVE 50-90% OFF RETAIL PRICES! Washington Operated by the Garber Family Bryan P. Stubbs • Personal Injury • Auto Accident • Social Security Disability • Work Injuries (L&I claims) CatholicMatch Pt. 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