Mechtild Harf Research Grant PURPOSE The Mechtild Harf Research Grant is intended to advance the understanding of therapeutic strategies in the context of hematopoietic cell transplantation and/or cell therapies for hematologic malignancies. This grant is further intended to enhance the academic careers of young scientists who focus with their research on allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. The grant is dedicated to the memory of Mechtild Harf. The Mechtild Harf Research Grant is funded and administered by the DKMS. RESEARCH SCOPE The research proposal must address issues on stem cell donation, hematopoietic cell transplantation or cell therapies for hematologic malignancies. The Mechtild Harf Research Grant annually provides up to two grants with a preference for one application focused on clinical research and one focused on laboratory based research. Various aspects may be covered including but not restricted to transplantimmunology, stem cell donation, cell manufacturing, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. DESCRIPTION OF THE GRANT Each grant consists of a maximum of € 80,000 support annually, for up to three years depending on interim reports showing satisfactory progress. Each funding year runs from July 1 to June 30. Up to two scholars will be selected from among the eligible applications for the funding period. ELIGIBILITY Principal Investigators for the Mechtild Harf Research Grant must have received a doctoral degree (M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent) in a field pertinent to the award within the past twelve years.. Applicants can be fellows in training or faculty in an academic institution. Applicants from all countries are invited to submit an application. FUNDING The grant, €80,000 per year including taxes, is paid for a maximum of three years. This grant will be transferred to the host institution. The grant is intended to cover salary and other expenses (e.g. consumables, publication expenses) necessary for pursuit of the research project. DKMS does not provide institutional overhead. The grant can only be used for direct costs associated with the award recipient’s research. The budget may include travel support for the active attendance at one scientific meeting per year according to DKMS travel and expense policies. Requests for equipment in excess of €10,000 will be subject to separate review by the Grants Committee. Funding cannot be provided for: - Secretarial services or clerical work. Constructions, fittings and furnishings, or rent. General infrastructure, office materials, postage and telecommunication costs. Professional Liability Insurance. VAT, if deductible. REPORTING An interim report highlighting the project’s progress and summarizing the use of funds is required after each year. A final report is required at the end of the third year. The recipients are required to respond to any DKMS request for information related to their career progress following the grant activation. Recipients are encouraged to present their research findings at the end of the grant period at the Mechtild Harf Award ceremony (usually held in conjunction with the EBMT meeting). DKMS has to be acknowledged in all scientific publications, oral presentations, press releases or other information coming out of the project financed by the grant. APPLICATION The application must be typewritten in Arial 11 point font and 1.5 spaced line pitch. The cover sheet form must be used and submitted as separate document. All other documents should be merged to one PDF document. The page and space limits specified must not be exceeded. The application checklist found below should be used to ensure that the application is complete prior to submission. Incomplete applications will be judged ineligible for consideration. The completed proposal must include the following: 1. Completed cover sheet including required signatures. 2. Table of contents for the application. 3. Research plan (max. 10 pages) which should contain the following sections: a. b. c. d. e. f. Specific aim and objectives of the project. Description of the significance of the project with appropriate background information. Discussion of the Principal Investigator’s preliminary investigations and findings. Description of the proposed research including design and methodology. Description of the resources and major equipment available to support completion of the project. References cited 4. Detailed budget and budget justification for first year and entire period of support (max. two pages), including: a. Budget for staff (name, role, % effort, salary requested, fringe benefits). b. Equipment and supplies (itemize by category). c. Other expenses. 5. Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae of Principal Investigator (max. two pages). Please include the five most relevant publications of the last 5 years, number of publications as first or last author, and overall impact factor (including co-authorships). 6. Description of other research support for overlapping projects. Provide a description of any active research support including (max. half page per project) a. b. c. d. e. Title of the project. Period of the funding. Total funding awarded/requested. Principal Investigator’s role and effort in the project. Areas of overlap between the proposal and active or pending projects which must be identified and addressed. 7. Supporting documents, including: a. Human subject certification. Projects proposing investigation involving human subjects must obtain appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals. A letter of intent to seek IRB approval must be submitted with the application. b. Letters of support from the host institution. The Head of Department must declare that he/she approves the research project for the funding period. c. The application may include up to three letters of support obtained from senior faculty members. d. Letters of collaboration and consultation. Letters from proposed collaborators or consultants must be included. th Applications should be submitted to [email protected]. All documents must be received prior to the 7 March 2015. Any application failing to meet the requirements of the program will be judged ineligible. Applications will be evaluated for scientific merit within the field of hematopoietic cell transplantation and/or cell therapies for hematologic malignancies, significance and anticipated overall impact of the potential findings. Applications will be treated as confidential documents. The winning nominee will be announced during the Mechtild Harf Award Ceremony along with the EBMT Annual Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, March 22-25, 2015. The grant will be activated July 1, 2015.
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