Module B Notification - Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College The

Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College
The Entrance Campus
English Faculty
Advanced English
Critical Study of Texts
TIMING: 40 minutes TERM: 1
WEEKS: Friday 20th March, 2015
(During Half-Yearly Exam Period)
OUTCOMES: A student will:
H2A: A student recognises ways in which particular texts are valued.
H6: A student engages with the details of text in order to respond critically and personally.
H12: A student reflects on own processes of responding and composing.
TASK: Students are to answer the following question in the Half Yearly Exam on Module B:
Speeches highlight the need for change in society.
To what extent does this view support your understanding of the speeches set for study?
In your response make detailed reference to THREE of the speeches set for study.
* expected length of a response is approximately 900 words.
The prescribed speeches are:
* Anwar Sadat
* Paul Keating
* Margaret Atwood * Noel Pearson
* William Deane
* Doris Lessing
* Geraldine Brooks -
Speech to the Israeli Knesset, 1977
Redfern Speech, 1992
Spotty-Handed Villainesses, 1994
‘An Australian History for Us All’, 1996
‘It is Still Winter at Home’, 1999
‘On not winning the Nobel Prize’, Nobel Lecture, 2007
‘A Home in Fiction’, Boyer Lecture 4, 2011
In your response you will be assessed on how well you:
 demonstrate an informed personal understanding of the ideas expressed in the text
 evaluate the text’s language, content and construction
 organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and
* The Campus Assessment Policy and procedures MUST be followed
* Tasks must be completed on the date of the exam
* Tasks that are handed in late may receive ZERO (0) marks and an N Warning letter issued
* Students should refer to the Policy sections on submission of work, plagiarism, illness and/or
misadventure appeals, and the assessment task appeals process
* Writing booklets will be provided for this section. No notes are to be brought into the exam room
Section II – Module B: Critical Study of Texts
Marking Guidelines
Explores skilfully whether or not the statement supports their
understanding of the speeches
Demonstrates a perceptive understanding of context, language,
form and ideas with detailed textual references
Composes a sustained argument using language appropriate to
audience, purpose and form
Explores effectively whether or not the statement supports their
understanding of the speeches
Demonstrates an informed understanding of context, language, form
and ideas with detailed textual references
Composes an effective argument using language appropriate to
audience, purpose and form
Explores whether or not the statement supports their understanding
of the speeches
Demonstrates an understanding of context, language, form and
ideas with appropriate textual references
Composes a sound argument using language appropriate to
audience, purpose and form
Describes aspects of their own response to the speeches
Makes limited reference to the speeches
Composes a limited response
Attempts to explore aspects of the speeches using elementary
knowledge of the text
Attempts to compose a response to the question
17 -20
13 - 16
9 - 12