1. How to import previous speeches (must be an officer)

1. How to import previous speeches (must be an officer)
a. Create an excel spreadsheet with this format:
For example:
scumbatwil 1
scumbatwil 1
Icebreaker 19JUN09
Easy Money 14AUG09
i. A table corresponding manual numbers to manual
name can be found at the bottom of this page:
ii. In Excel, to get the date format to be 19JUN09,
type a single quote in front of the date.
1. E.g.: „19JUN09
Save the excel file in .csv format
i. Use “save as” and choose the file format.
Click on “Club Control Panel” near the bottom of the
In the club control panel page, click on “Speeches”
under “Import Tools” on the left
Enter the name of the excel file in “select the file
on your pc to upload and process” and hit “Start
2. How to enter leadership manual records (must be an officer)
a. On the left hand side of the SCUMBAT easy-speak
homepage, under “Scheduling and VPE Tasks”, click on
“View CL Progress”
b. Click on a pencil icon at the right of the screen to
edit leadership manual information for the member.
Other features of easy-speak:
1. Profile (on the upper right hand corner, next to “Log out”
a. Change username and password
i. Username must be unique throughout all easy-speak
ii. Username cannot contain full last name of the
user for privacy reasons
b. Enter personal information
i. Phone #--if you don‟t mind other members calling
2. Under “My Participation” on the left hand side
a. “Sign up for meetings…”
i. All of the meetings that have been created can be
seen here
ii. Can set availability for each meeting
iii. Can sign up for roles (except speeches) for all
existing future meetings
iv. Can accept or reject roles assigned to you.
b. “Request a speech”
i. Sign up for speeches
ii. Enter title of speech and some information about
the speech
iii. Enter the manual the speech is from
iv. Choose 3 preferred dates for the speech
c. “View My CC Progress” and “View My CL Progress”
i. History of speeches, roles taken, or leadership
goals fulfilled
3. Under “Meeting on 28 Jan” on the left hand side
a. “View meeting”
i. Shows everyone‟s availability for the meeting, as
well as all the roles and all assigned to the
ii. Another place to set availability for the meeting,
sign up for roles, and confirm or reject role
b. We can also print the agenda and email the TM and
General Evaluator of the meeting here.
4. Under “My Communication” on the left hand side
a. “Discussion Forum”
i. We can start new discussions, respond to existing
discussions, cast our votes in polls, etc.
ii. This is also the only place I know of on easyspeak where we can upload files, other than
photos, to share with the rest of the club
b. “Photo album”
i. Upload photos here
c. Emails
i. Access to email everyone in the club