“What are the capacity / technology gaps for forest monitoring on the FMU level?“ Jakarta, 3-5 March 2015 FMU Development as STRATEGY Resolving forest area problem that have arisen; preventing new problems arising in the future. increasing capacity for conservation forest and protecton forest management. FMU FMU facilitating access for beneficiaries, alleviating the high-cost economy, and establishing a solid basis for fair allocation of forest benefits. providing the social and economic infrastructure needed to strengthen local institutions, especially those with access, especially those with access to forest resources utilization; increasing economic efficiency and developing added value for forest products THE Role of FMU IN FOREST MONITORING SYSTEM National Forest Monitoring System TRACK POLICIES and MEASURES DEVELOPING FMU National Forest Inventory to estimate Emission Factors Satellite Land Monitoring System to estimate Activity Data + FMU Inventory 1. Number of sampling 2. Kinds of sampling (KPHL and KPHP); 3. Sampling error; 4. Kinds of Variables (KPHP and KPHL); GHG Inventory to estimate Emission and Removals Based on DG Decree No.P5/VII-WP3H2012 KPHL Long Term and Short Term Planning Short Term Planing as description of long Term Planning, and done each year; Long Term Planning as the objective that will be done by KPH KPHP Types of Blocks The Core Blocks The Specific Blocks The Utilization Blocks The Community Development Blocks The Protected Blocks Planning Planning Apportion into Blocks Blocking Inventory Bio geofisik & Socio Economy Gazetting and Mapping of Blocks Bordering and Mapping Inventory Data Based and Map Bio geofisik and Mapping of the Potential of Forest Products Mapping Process of FMU Forest Land use Planning FOREST AREA MAP FOREST COVER MAP CATCHMENT AREA MAP PROTECTED AREA MAP not yet ACCESSIBILITY MAP Utilization Permit Map Peat Land Map Forest Stock Map Settlement Map Administration Map Countur Map RKTN Map not yet GAP ANALYSES OF DEVELOPING FOREST LAND USE PLANNING FOR FMU CURRENT STATUS Current Variables Gap OUTPUT/NEXT STEP FOREST INVENTORY IN FMU LEVEL - BIO GEOFISIK in KPHL and KPHP with the same methodology -STANDING STOCK - Data and information of environmental services - Data, Information and mapping of NTFP in KPHL; - Data and information of Balance of forest resources in FMU level; - Number of sample plots is minimum; - Data and information of biomass and carbon stock; - Improving the differently methodology for inventory in KPHL and KPHP; - Developing the inventory methods for NTFP and Environmental Services; - Developing method for balance resource spatial based on FMU as indicator of Asset Value of FMU; spatial analyses of Forest Value; - Developing the criteria for the optimal number of sample for the specific range of large area. - SOCIO ECONOMIC - INTENSITAS SAMPLING of villages IS NOT REPRESENTATIV E -Data and information of livelihood of village in and around the FMU - Data and information of traditional knowledge of the local community in and around the FMU - Developing analyses livelihoods the community; - Developing analyses the local institution to fit to the FMU based on traditional knowledge ; - Developing green economic of FMU - USING LANDSAT - Only land cover - Differentiating Standing stock - Provided high resolution of IMAGERIES Current Status Current Variables Gap Less identification of each species of biodiversity in each area Plantation or Reboitation Bussiness Plan Bussiness Plan Example case: KPH Tasik Besar Serkap, Province Riau, Sumatera Out put/Next Step Identification of Specific - Recomendation for the local fit Species for each species for rehabilitation; location - Map of local species in FMU -Market network - Short nd long term planning; - Kinds and Stock of Monitoring business. and Evaluation ?? ? - Bussiness Plan directly related to the market (local, middle and national level) - Training for enterpreneur for markerting - - Map of Market Networking; - Analyze of ROI (Return of Investment. Planning • Forest Inventory • Analyse of Forest Inventory Quality Control and Quality Assurance • Management Planning • Bussiness Planning; Blocking Area ? Safeguard ? •Community development •Controlling and safety; •Rehabilitation in outside of concessioner; •Coordination and sincronizing with concessionair; •Human Capacity Building; •Boundary; •Investation Development Actions Thank You
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