Warrant for Town Meeting - Town of Limington Online

Friday, MARCH 6, 2015
Saturday, MARCH 7, 2015
To Roxanne Herrick, a resident in the Town of Limington, County of York and State of Maine:
In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the
Town of Limington, in said county and state qualified by law to vote in town affairs to meet at the
Municipal Complex in said Town, on Friday, the 6th day of March, 2015 A.D., at 8:00 A.M., then
and there to act upon Article 1 and by secret ballot on Articles 2 through 4 as set out below.
The polling hours will be from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.;
And, to notify and warn said inhabitants to meet at the Municipal Complex in said town on
Saturday, the 7th day of March, 2015 A.D., at 9:00 A.M., then and there to act on Articles 5
through 26 as set out below, to wit:
Friday, the 6th day of March, 2015
Article 1: To choose a Moderator.
Article 2: To elect:
1) Selectman/Assessor/Overseer of the Poor – 1 position (3 year term)
2) Planning Board Members – 2 positions (3 year term)
3) Davis Memorial Library Trustee -1 position (5 year term)
Article 3: To see if the town will vote to direct the Municipal Officers to enter into a one year
contract with the York County Sheriff for the purpose of deployment of a deputy that is dedicated to
the Town for 40 hours per week. This contract will continue the contract funded by a Federal grant
that was signed in April of 2011. And to raise and appropriate the sum of $83,000 to fund this
(2014 was $34,000 under the Federal grant.)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 3 In Favor, 4 Opposed, 1 Abstain
Article 4: To see if the town will vote to approve an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, Town of
Limington to correct two clerical errors of reference.
Article 11. Performance Standards – General Requirements
Article 11.A. Access to Lots
1.A1.E. Any access road serving three or more dwelling units shall meet the road design and construction standards applicable to new
private roads (see Article 11.1.) (see Article 11.M.1).
Article 6. Administration
Article 6.C.2. No Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued unless the lot or building or structure complies with all the provisions of this
Ordinance, and of the current edition of the BOCA National Building Code Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC), which
is incorporated herein by reference. A record of all Certificates of Occupancy shall be kept on file in the office of the Code Enforcement
Officer, and a copy shall be furnished, on request, to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the structure or land involved.
A duplicate copy shall be filed in the office of the tax assessor and the Certificate of Occupancy shall state specifically the uses which it
[Strikeouts are old language and new language is underlined.]
Saturday, the 7th day of March, 2015
Article 5: To see if the Town will vote to designate the Capital Improvement Reserve Account for
the purpose of accumulating funds for future capital projects and to transfer to said Capital
Improvement Reserve Account all funds currently in the following Reserve Accounts:
Emergency Vehicle Reserve Account ($2,454.28)
Transfer Station Construction Reserve Account ($57,938.23)
Old Town Hall Reserve ($9,787.41)
Saco River Cable Fund Reserve Account ($108,190.47)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 7 In Favor and 1 Opposed
Article 6: To see if the Town will vote to accept all monies received in the form of cable television
franchise fees and deposit them in the Capital Improvement Reserve Account. This article shall
continue in effect until repealed or amended.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 7 In Favor and 1 Opposed
Article 7: To see if the Town will vote to direct the Municipal Officers to borrow up to $165, 000
for a period of seven years for the purpose of constructing a facility for the maintenance and repair
of Town owned vehicles.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 7 In Favor and 1 Abstain
Article 8: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $377,799 for General Town
Said funds to be allocated to:
2014 Budget
2015 Budget
Acct# 0200
Town Officials
Acct# 0205
Code Enforcement Officer
Acct# 0207
Town Clerks Office
Acct# 0600
Old Town Hall Committee
Acct# 0700
Municipal Complex
Acct# 1000
Computer Systems
Acct# 1300
Acct# 1400
Town Financial Audit
Acct# 1450
General Miscellaneous
Acct# 1600
Planning Board
Acct# 1620
Zoning Board of Appeals & Finance Board
Acct #1650
Saco River TV
Acct# 1700
Town Tax Maps
Acct #1800
Acct# 1900
Legal Services
Acct# 7100
Loan Payment for York County 6 Mo.
(2014 Budget - $388,714)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 9: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $25,780 for Human Services.
Said funds to be allocated to:
2014 Budget
2015 Budget
Acct# 2400
General Assistance, to include state 50% reimbursement
Acct# 2420
Town Health Office
Acct# 2430
Southern Maine Agency on Aging
Acct# 2431
HomeHealth Visiting Nurses
Acct# 2432
Kids Free to Grow
Acct# 2433
York County Community Action
Acct# 2434
Caring Unlimited
Acct# 2435
York County Shelter
Acct# 2436
Veterans Grave Maintenance
Selectmen: In Favor
(2014 Budget - $25,780)
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 10: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $349,965 for Public Safety.
Said funds to be allocated to:
2014 Budget
2015 Budget
Acct# 2500
Fire Department
Acct# 2503
50/50 Fire Grant
Acct# 2509
Firefighter Stipend (50% calls/training)
Acct# 2600
Animal Control
Acct# 2602
Emergency Management
Acct# 2630
Deputy Sheriff Contract
Acct# 2640
Acct# 2700/2800 EMS Department
(2014 Budget - $343,750)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $555,742 for Roads & Highways.
Said funds to be allocated to:
2014 Budget
2015 Budget
Acct# 3050
Snow & Ice Removal
Acct# 3060
Salt Shed
Acct# 3100
General Highway Maintenance
Acct# 3200
Brush Removal
Acct# 3300
Acct# 3400
Replace E911 Signs
Acct# 3410
Street Lighting
Selectmen: In Favor
(2014 Budget - $563,742)
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 12: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $231,100 for Sanitation.
Said funds to be allocated to:
2015 Budget
Acct# 3500
Curbside Contract
Acct# 3600
Curbside Tonnage
Acct# 3600
EcoMaine Assessment
Acct# 3700
Transfer Station Operations
(2014 Budget - $289,915)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 13: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $131,275 for Leisure Services.
Said funds to be allocated to:
2014 Budget
2015 Budget
Acct# 5000
Davis Memorial Library
Limington Parade Committee
Acct# 5300
Crankers Snowmobile Club
Acct #5350
HB Emery Summer Rec. Program
Acct# 5400
Limington Youth League
Acct # 5500
Limington Fireworks Committee
Acct# 5900/5920 Moy-Mo-Da-Yo
(2014 Budget - $125,011)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 5 In Favor, 2 Opposed, 1 Abstain
Article 14: To see if the town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to compensate volunteer
firefighters at a rate of $10.00 per hour for a major incident or incidents exceeding 8 hours duration.
The compensation shall be for the duration of the incident. Funding to be taken from surplus up to
$10,000.00, only as required, meeting the needs of a major event and only upon approval of the
(2014 Article the same)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 15: To see if the Town will vote to accept the following schedule of payment of taxes for
2014: (Two payments on one annual bill.)
First tax payment is due August 1, 2015 and second payment due November 16, 2015.
First payment if unpaid by August 4, 2015 will draw interest at 7%.
Second payment if unpaid by November 19, 2015 will draw interest at 7%.
Unpaid taxes after December 30, 2015 to be published in Town Report.
(2014 interest 7%)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 16: To see if the town will vote to authorize the municipal officers to spend an amount not
to exceed 3/12 of the budgeted amount in each budget category of the 2015 annual budget during
the period from January 1, 2016 until the annual town meeting in March 2016.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 17: To see if the town will vote to authorize the municipal officers and Treasurer to procure
a temporary loan or loans for the purpose of paying obligations of said Town, and loans to be paid
back by taxes collected during the current municipal year.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 18: To see if the town will vote to authorize the municipal officers to accept any private
gifts of property or money, donations, grants, state and/or federal funding available and to authorize
their expenditure for the purposes specified.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 19: To see if the town will vote to authorize the municipal officers to appoint all necessary
officers (other than elected positions) for the ensuing year.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 20: To see if the town will authorize the municipal officers to sell, by sealed bid, any or all
tax liens or deeds held by the town, which in their judgment is in the best interest of the town, and
to execute quit claim deeds for such property.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 21: To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to sell any excess unused/outdated town
owned vehicles or equipment. Vehicles shall be sold by sealed bid. All monies received to go to
the General Fund.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 22: To see if the town will authorize the municipal officers to pay the following items from
the property tax overlay funds:
1. Refunded tax abatements and applicable interest;
2. Overpayment of property taxes and applicable interest;
3. Interest from tax anticipation notes;
4. Medical billing overpayments.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 23: To see if the town will authorize the selectmen to transfer funds between accounts
within a warrant article, only if the expenditures do not exceed the sum approved by voters and with
approval of a majority of the Financial Advisory Committee.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 6 In Favor, 1 Opposed, 1 Abstain
Article 24: To see what sum of money the Town will authorize the municipal officers to transfer to
offset the 2014 tax commitment.
Selectmen recommend:
$85,000 from Revenue Sharing
$350,000 from surplus
$350,000 from Excise Tax
$ 29,425 from Tree Growth Reimbursement
$130,000 from EMS Medical Billing
$ 20,000 from Cable Franchise Fees
(2014 Surplus amount - $803,688)
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 25: To see if the town will vote to increase the property tax levy limit of $796,377
established for the Town by State law, in the event that the municipal budget approved under the
preceding articles results in a tax commitment that is greater than this property tax levy limit.
Selectmen: In Favor
Financial Advisory Committee: 8 In Favor and 0 Opposed
Article 26: Entertain motion to adjourn.
THE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING will be called to order at 8:00 A.M. by the Town Clerk on
Friday the 6th day of March 2015, to choose a moderator. The moderator will then open the polls
for the purpose of voting on candidates and referendum questions. The polls shall close at 8:00
P.M. on Friday, March 6th and the moderator shall recess the meeting until 9:00 A.M. on Saturday,
the 7th day of March 2015 to resume the Annual Town Meeting.
Given under our hands, this 22nd day of January, 2015:
Selectmen, Town of Limington
Ray Cullen, Chairman
A true copy of the warrant,
Darryl Hubbard
Clerk of: Limington, Maine__________
Bruce Rozett
JANUARY 23, A.D, 2015
Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed, I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said
town, qualified as herein expressed, to meet at said time and place, and for the purposes therein
named, by posting an attested copy of said warrant at the bulletin board outside the Limington
Municipal Complex entrance and hall bulletin board inside the Limington Municipal Complex,
being public and conspicuous places in said town, on the 23rd day of January, A.D., 2015, being at
least seven days before the meeting.
Resident of Limington, Maine
State of Maine
Limington, ss.
Then personally appeared before me the above-named ____________________ known to me, and
swore that the representations set forth in the above Return of Warrant are true of his/hers, and that
he/she executed the Return of his/her own free will (and who signed the above Return in my
Date: _________________
Notary Public
Printed name of Notary Public,
My commission expires: __________