INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Joe Hartmann Office Mon-Thu 9:00am – 4:00pm Fridays 9:00am – 1:00pm Phone 970.586.8111 Fax 970.586.8112 Website MASS SCHEDULE Sat All year 4:30pm, and Memorial Day thru Labor Day 6:15pm Sun 8:00am &10:00am 7:00pm en Español Mon Communion Service 8:30am Tue-Fri Tue-Fri Weekday Mass 8:30am Adoration 7:00-8:15am RECONCILIATION Tue-Fri 7:30am -8:15am Sat 3:00pm – 4:15pm First Fri 4:30pm – 5:00pm DIRECTORY Assistant Shirley Reece [email protected] Manager Robert Lauro [email protected] Sacristan Jim Callowich [email protected] Weddings Religious Education By Appt Finance Council Please Call The Office Bob Christopher Dr. Anthony Fink Tim Schiller Judy Schreiber OLM Weddings - Sharon Brubaker [email protected] 970.397.2613 St. Malo Weddings - Nancy Lang [email protected] 970.586.4589 K-5 Beth Miller [email protected] 6-12 Sharon Brubaker [email protected] RCIA Nancy Lang 970.586.8111 Spanish Victor Rojas 970.449.3272 Bulletin Noon Monday Bob Christopher Deadline [email protected] PARISH GROUPS Wednesday 9:50–11:00am Sunday Readings and Reflections: Call Claire Kreider 577.1669 Prayer Chain To request prayers for someone contact: Helen 586.4014, Diane 577-9544 Or By Appointment SACRAMENTS Fr. Joseph Hartmann [email protected] Pastor Sunday Pastoral Council Morning Bible Class: Call Sue 577.1889 Brenda Bosch Kent Bosch Bob Christopher Scott Dorman Johanna Gengler Joe Phillips Victor Rojas Our Lady Of The Mountains Catholic Church 920 Big Thompson Ave. PO Box 1706 Estes Park, CO 80517 MARCH 8, 2015 Third Sunday Of Lent: First Scrutiny Phone: 970-586-8111 Fax: 970-586-8112 THE SAMARITAN WOMAN In the adjacent painting, the artist depicts Jesus, a Jew, seated at Jacob's well and speaking with a Samaritan woman. Notice her full attention and the concentrated look she gives Him. Notice Jesus’ calmness and attentiveness to her. Due to her five failed 'marriages', and now her cohabitating with another man, He knows her life has been difficult and painful. Without judgment, Jesus’ understanding and tenderness softens her hardened heart, her bitter view of life and probably of God. She opened herself enough to discover an unexpected truth and hope for her life in Jesus. Jesus was thirsting, but not for water; He thirsts for faith in souls. She thirsted for someone who could truly satisfy her deepest longing. Both were answered. Artwork: “Christ And The Samaritan Woman”, by Vasilly Igorevish. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE WITH FR. DON WILLETTE The menu for this Friday, March 6, is baked catfish, scallop potatoes, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, rolls and dessert. June 14 thru June 27, 2015 Orientation for interested Pilgrims will be held Suggested donation is $7.00, or $15 per on Sunday, March 1st at 1pm. family. Make it a Friday devotion for Lent; at Saint John XXIII Catholic Church. Stations of the Cross and Lenten meal at Our –– o –– Lady of the Mountains. –– o –– 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Jeremiah 1:5: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Lord, You alone are the giver of life. Your Word tells me that you know every single hair on my head. You became one of us to save us. Help me to defend the littlest and least of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Give me the grace to see You in everyone. May I have the grace and SAVE THE DATE strength to be my brother's keeper and do my part to defend life. We are told that it is not Saturday, March 14th so much what we say but that we show up, that Annual Knights of Columbus we stand up for the unborn. "Amen, I say to St. Patrick's Day Dinner you, as much as you have done to one of these little ones, you have done that to Me." Corned Beef and cabbage with all the fixins (Mt 25:40). For more information please visit and, of course, green beverages. Entertainment will be an Irish dance group. –– o –– Stations of the Cross and Lenten Meal The Stations of the Cross are held every Friday during Lent at 5:30pm. This beautiful devotional helps us to meditate on the season. Each week, immediately following the Stations, the Knights of Columbus will be holding a Lenten meal in the lower center. This will give you a good option for your day of abstinence. Please RSVP ASAP and pay in advance to Shirley in the office. Also, the Knights would like to say "Thank You" to the parish for their attendance at the Saint Valentine's Day dinner Saturday night. We hope everyone enjoyed the dinner and live entertainment. YOUTH CORNER Knights Of Columbus SAT MAR SUN MAR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION K-5th GRADE Classes are held Wednesdays from 3:30-5pm Confessions: Wed. March 18th and 25th. No Class: Spring Break: April 8th MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL Middle School 6:30pm High School 7:30pm. Youth Group and Confirmation Class 7:30pm For Activities see online bulletin: Call Sharon Brubaker for more information at 970.397.2613 or email Her at [email protected] SIGN UP SHEETS For Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Sunday are available in the office reception area. Sign up early and avoid the rush! THU MAR 7 Rosary Before Mass 8 Rosary Before All Masses 12 6:00pm Officer Mtg. Members Welcome 6:30pm Rosary, 7:00pm Business Mtg. FRI MAR 13 Lenten Meal After Stations SAT MAR 14 St. Patrick's Day Dinner FRI MAR 20 Lenten Meal After Stations FRI MAR 27 Lenten Meal After Stations THU APR 9 6:00pm Officer Mtg. Members Welcome 6:30pm Rosary, 7:00pm Business Mtg. SUN APR 12 Pancake Breakfast The Prayer Intentions Of Pope Francis March 2015 Universal Intention: That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person. Evangelization Intention: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends Upcoming Mass Schedule Dates are: June 12-14, Denver, September 11-13, Denver, and October 23-25, Frisco. For SAT MAR 28 Palm Sunday Vigil 4:30pm more information, please visit SUN MAR 29 Palm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 7:00pm Questions? Feel free to contact Brenda & Gary Granger: THU APR 2 Holy Thursday Last Supper Mass 7:00pm Phone:303.604.6202, or email them at Adoration Until 10:00pm [email protected]. FRI APR 3 Good Friday NO MASS 3:00pm Veneration Of The Cross 5:30pm Condolences To Mary SAT This Lent: Learn how to suffer in union with Christ. Endow and the Archdiocese of Denver invite you to a unique half-day Lenten retreat which allows participants to step away from the busyness of their lives to reflect with Pope Saint John Paul II on the message of joy and hope in suffering. During this retreat, we will explore the various ways that we experience suffering in the world, its origins, and our quest for its meaning. Pope Saint John Paul II will show us how it is only in Christ that we can hope to find any meaning and purpose in our experience of suffering. Join us Saturday, March 14th, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location: John Paul II Center for the New Evangelization—Bonfils Hall- 1300 S Steele Street, Denver, CO 80110. To Register for this retreat please and find it under the ‘Events’ tab. Men and Women welcome to attend! APR SUN APR 4 Holy Saturday 8:00pm Easter Vigil 5 Easter Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am NO 7:00pm Misa en Espanol SAT APR 11 4:30pm Mass SUN APR 12 Divine Mercy 8:00am, 10:00am, 7:00pm SAT 23 Vigil Of Pentecost 4:30pm, 6:15pm MAY SUN MAY 24 Pentecost 8:00am, 7:00pm 10:00am Graduation Mass SAT MAY SUN MAY 30 Holy Trinity 4:30pm, 6:15pm 31 Holy Trinity 8:00am, 10:00am, 7:00pm EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND “I was sick and you visited me.” MT 25:31 If you are unable to attend Mass, are currently homebound, hospitalized or in hospice and wish to receive Holy Communion please contact Shirley in the office at 970.586.8111. An Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist will then contact you and arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to you. FASTING, PRAYER AND ALMSGIVING WHAT WOULD HAPPEN if people thought of Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving in a broader context? For example: FAST: Offering special acts of sacrifice for others: e.g., Fasting by reducing one’s dependence on TV and electronic devices and, instead, saying a prayer each time you ‘automatically reach out to use it’? PRAYER: Thinking, Praying and being mindful of millions of people who have broken lives, or little or no access to electricity, food, housing, clean water or sanitation. ALMSGIVING: Fasting daily from one daily food item you habitually eat and, in its place, put $1 in the Rice Bowl to give it to the poor. HOLY MASS: Making a commitment to read the Sunday readings before going to Mass. If you don’t have time to read all three readings then be sure to read the Gospel. EUCHARISTIC VISIT: Visiting and Adoring the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Giving 5-10 minutes on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or a Friday. Make it happen. Offertory From Last Week Offertory From Masses Church Preservation Fund $ $ 4,799 555 Sanctuary Candle The Sanctuary Candle For This Week Was Donated In Thanksgiving For Bert & Jackie Cushing “I have always considered that, during the night, sleep is my best prayer… Only, the whole of me is not sleeping, for my heart keeps watch by the tabernacle, and I ask my guardian angel to offer each heartbeat to our Lord as an act of love.” ~ Saint Agnes of the Cross Daily Readings Week Of March 8, 2015 Sun: Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/ 1 Cor 1:22-25/Jn 2:13-25 Mon: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b/Lk 4:24-30 Tue: Dn 3:25, 34-43/Mt 18:21-35 Wed: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Mt 5:17-19 Thu: Jer 7:23-28/Lk 11:14-23 Fri: Hos 14:2-10/Mk 12:28-34 Sat: Hos 6:1-6/Lk 18:9-14 P a s t o r' s Dear Our Lady’s Families and Visitors, After His Resurrection Jesus breathed on His apostles and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; whose sins you retain, they are retained’” (John 20:21-23). This is the Third Sunday of Lent. Those few words from St John are the clearest command, that God's direct forgiveness is meant to be manifest now in His Church through His priests. He has gone to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover with His apostles. Not surprising, He is thoroughly grieved and angered with what He sees when He arrives at the Temple area: the amount of commotion and commerce in a sacred place. Jesus proceeds to make a whip of cords and drives out the money-changers and merchants who, amongst other things, have been gouging people in their selling of animals for sacrifice. He shouts, "Take these out of here, and stop making my Father's house a marketplace." Our souls can become like that. It is not animal sacrifices that win God's favor; it is a contrite humble heart loving Him, obeying Him, and caring for one another with honesty and integrity. This pleases God and this was not happening. Even today, many Catholics just want Jesus to ‘dust’ them off a little or go over them with a damp rag. Few want Him to do some serious business in their lives, total conversion. Very few want Him to get out a whip of cords and knock over those things in their lives that are not His will. The big question is: Why are we not trusting Jesus to let Him really clean house in us? When women go to the beauty salon or men go to a barber shop, they hope to look better and be different when they come out. As His priest, I try to make His Sacrament of Confession available as much as possible. It is a great grace that most Catholics tend to avoid. But, those who regularly receive the sacrament understand its necessity in their spiritual journey. If you are willing to have the Lord do spring cleaning on you: (1) Ask the Holy Spirit to show you your sin and have sorrow for them. (2) Ask the Him to forgive your unknown faults and to C o r n e r heal your subconscious. (3) Go to Confession. (3) Thank the Lord for again having made you whole. This is all there is to it: After a thorough examination of conscience,enter the confessional, begin with... Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was [wks/mo/yrs] ago. These are my sins. Confess your sins clearly as best you can remember. Say An Act of Contrition: “My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with Your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy. Amen.” After the Prayer of Absolution the Priest Says: Priest: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. You: “For His mercy endures forever.” Priest: The Lord had freed you from your sins; go in peace. You: “Thanks be to God.” Ta-dah!! That’s it! It doesn't get simpler than that. You are as God’s newly baptized baby, all fresh and clean, filled with grace!! When we confess our sins to a priest, we are following an important plan laid down by Jesus Christ. He needs us to love one another. To share our faith and our values with those who may be wavering. To be channels of God's grace through our prayer, sacrifice, our thoughts and actions. He wants to remove our sins, each of which puts more and more distance between us and God. Even if we are satisfied with the way we are now, Jesus still wants us to change for the better. Trust that He will combat the evil that is spoiling everything. If you have not been to Confession in a while, our Lord invites and welcomes you to receive His mercy in this beautiful Sacrament of Healing. God bless you, Rev. Joe Hartmann Please Pray For The Sick W E E K L Y SAT MAR 7 4:30 PM FR. GREG SUN MAR 8 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Dick Bettale Jim Boyer Richard Boyer Jane Cornell Naomi Cosgrove Bert Cushing Terry Danton Cyd Deats Mary & Bob Dorris Mary Dorwart Pat Dzuris Mary Rose Filsinger Sylvester Frontczak Sarah Gonterman Mark Matthews Larry McCoy Allison Daigre McGreal Karolynn Murray Patrick Murray Inge Niedringhaus Kurt Niedringhaus Olga Romero John Shelley Jane Swaney Matt Thompson Eleanor Vernon The Westley Family Bob Winokur 7:00 PM FR. GREG MON MAR 9 8:30 AM FR. MARK TUE MAR 10 8:30 AM FR. MARK THU MAR 12 8:30 AM FR. GREG FRI MAR 13 8:30 AM FR. MARK SAT MAR 14 ✝ GREG WESTLEY ♥ NOAH THOMAS McCLAIN ✝ VIRGINIA VAN WESTEN ♥ ✝ ♥ ♥ ♥ BETTY WASSMER ✝ ✝ ✝ ✝ ♥ ✝ RAY NUETZMAN JOSEPHINA MORALES OLM PARISHIONERS COMMUNION SERVICE MARY DORWART 8:30 AM FR. GREG WED MAR 11 C A L E N D A R 4:30 PM FR. GREG PHIL VAN DOREN ANN NOONAN BIASI MARY JOSEPHINE FRANCO OLGA HALL DAN GENGLER ♥ PHYLLIS TOMAINO ✝ ROY & VERNA JONES ♥ ALLEN & PAT DZURIS OLM: Fr. Joseph Hartmann –– o –– Rome: Fr. Mark De Battista, –– o –– Poland: Fr. Gregory Cioch –– o –– ♥=Living, ✝=Deceased, S=Solemnity H=Holy Day of Obligation, F=Feast Day This Week: Go To Confession.
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