Church Family Notices - Glencairn & Moniaive Parish Church

Church Family Notices Sunday 8th February 2015
Minister Rev. Jannie du Plessis
Today’s Readings: Mark Ch.1. Vs. 21 – 39 Reader: Jack Buckham
Next Sunday St. Ninian’s Church 11.45am Dunscore Church 10.00am
Mon Feb 9th
Fellowship Dinner at Kenbridge Hotel 7.15pm for 7.30pm cost of meal £12.00 contact David Bartholomew
by Saturday 7th February (01644) 430380 (poster at the rear of the church)
Tues Feb 10th Congregational Board Meeting in the Paterson Rooms 7.30pm.
Tues Feb 10th Mid and Upper Nithsdale Elders’ Union Meeting will meet in the Penpont Church Hall, Penpont at
7.30pm. The speaker for the evening will be Jannie Du Plessis whose subject will be: ‘The historical connection between
the Church of Scotland and the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa and a comparison between the two Churches (with
regard to my experience of ministry in both).
Thurs Feb 12th Discipleship Course in the Paterson Rooms 7.30pm – 9.00pm ALL WELCOME.
Sat Feb 14th
Lunch in St. Ninian’s Church 12.00 noon – 2.00pm.
Sat Feb 14 Concert at Glencairn Church at 7.30 pm in aid of the Save Loch Urr Association. This concert is organised by
Hilary Craig, the accompanist of the Dalgarno Singers, with other local musicians including David Potter and Gavin King
Smith from Solway Sinfonia and Maxine Windsor. Classical and popular music including Handel's Arrival of the Queen of
Sheba, first performance of Around Loch Urr by Moniaive composer Melanie Thorne and some Cole Porter numbers
arranged for cello and piano. Adult tickets £10, students and school children £3 from Elizabeth Hall 01848 200256 or Hilary
Craig 01387 820501 or at the door.
Fri Mar 6th
Lenten Lunch in St. Ninian’s Church 12.00 noon – 2.00pm proceeds to Christian Aid.
Sat Mar 7th
“Messiah for All” at Kirkcudbright Parish Church An Invitation to Members and Friends of Congregations in
Dumfries & Kirkcudbright Presbytery to Sing or Join the Audience!
Sat Mar 14th
Kilmarnock Vision Day Imagine Church The Howard Centre, Kilmarnock KA1 2BT Cost £12.00 (see poster)
Sat Mar 28th
World Mission Conference at Kirkpatrick Durham Church Registration 9.30am for 9.45am (see poster)
Sat Mar 28th
Equip : Arts, Dalziel St. Andrew’s Church, Motherwell ML1 1JJ 10.00am – 4.00pm. Creative
workshops for everyone. Registration is required and places are limited. Please register online at indicating which TWO workshops you would like to attend. The
registration deadline is 19th March. This is a free event (lunch supplied), but a £10.00 charge will be levied for any
cancellations received after 19th March. (See poster at the rear of the church).
We are looking for someone to be the representative for our twinned church in Zambia. If you feel you would like
to be involved please speak to Rev Jannie du Plessis.
Minister Rev Jannie du Plessis B.A B.D M.Th The Manse, Wallaceton Tel: 01387 820245
Church Website
Items for inclusion in CFNs to be sent to Lindsay Dunse Session Clerk By Noon Thursday Telephone 01848 200666
email: [email protected]