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Notice of Holding the First
Provisional Shareholders'
General Meeting of Guangdong
Provincial Expressway
Development Co.牞 Ltd. in 2015
The Company and all members of its board of directors hereby guarantee
that the content of
information disclosure is real牞 accurate牞 complete and free from any false
record牞 misleading representation or material omissions.
I. Basic information about the meeting
1.Convener牶 The board of directors of the Company.
2.The 14th 牗provisional牘 meeting of the Seventh board of directors of the
Company held on March 6牞 2015 examined and adopted the Proposal for
Holding the First Provisional Shareholders' General Meeting in 2015 .
The convening and holding of this shareholders' general meeting by the
board of directors of the Company complies with relevant laws and ad-
ministrative regulations牞 departmental rules and regulations牞 regulatory doc-
uments and relevant provisions of the Articles of Association of the Com-
3.Time of holding
牗1牘 Time of field meeting牶 15牶30 p.m. March 23牞 2015牗Monday牘
牗2牘Time of voting through network牶 March 22牞 2015-March 23牞 2015.
Specific Time for network voting through the Transaction System of Shen-
zhen Stock Exchange牶 9牶30 a.m. to 11 30 a.m.牞 13牶00 p.m to 15 00 p.m.
March 23牞2015牷 Specific Time for network voting through the Internet
Voting System of Shenzhen Stock Exchange牶 Any time during 15牶00.
March 22牞2015 to 15牶00.March 23牞2015.
4.Mode of holding
In the way of combining field voting and network voting. The company
will provide network voting platform by the transaction system of Shen-
zhen Stock Exchange and internet voting system牞 shareholders holding flu-
id shares can use their voting right through the above system within the
voting time through network.
5.Voting Rules
Shareholders of the company should seriously use the voting right to vote.
The same share can only select one of the voting methods among field
voting牞 voting through transaction system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange牞 and
internet voting system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange the voting can not be
repeated. Specific rules as follows牶
If the same share votes repeatedly through on-site牞 transaction system and
internet牞 the first voting would be effectives牷
If the same share votes repeatedly through the transaction system and in-
ternet牞 the first voting would be effective牷
If the same share votes several times through the transaction system or
internet牞 the first voting would be effective.
6. Shareholding Registration date
Shareholding Registration date of A shares is March 16牞 2015牞 Share-
holding Registration date of B shares is March 16牞 2015.
7. Participants牶
牗1牘Shareholders registered under the China Security Exchange Co.牞 Ltd牞
Shenzhen Branch by the ending of the exchange in the end of the stock
right registration date. May authorize agents in writing to attend the meet-
ing and vote. Such proxy is not necessarily a shareholder of the Compay牷
牗2牘 All directors牞 supervisors and senior executives of the Company牷
牗3牘 The lawyer retained by the Company.
8..Venue牶 Meeting Room of the Company牗45/F牞Litong Plaza牞 No.32牞 Zhu-
jiang East Road牞 Zhujiang New City牞 Guangzhou牘.
9. The company will issue a prompt announcement on this Provisional
shareholders' meeting on March 20牞 2015 牗Friday 牘牞 all investors please
II. Items on agenda of the meeting
1. The matters to be examined at this shareholders' general meeting were
examined and adopted at the 9th 牗Provisional牘 meeting of the Seventh su-
pervisory committee held on March 6牞 2015.The matters to be examined
comply with relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the Arti-
cles of Association of the Company and the materials submitted to the
shareholders' general meeting are complete.
2. Content of proposals牶
1 Proposal of the election of Ms. Ling Ping and Mr. Wu Guangze as
the Supervisors of the Seventh Supervisory committee
Candidates Supervisors牶 Ms. Ling Ping and Mr. Wu Guangze
The proposal will take the cumulative voting system.
3.Particulars about disclosure牶
Refer to the announcement of the 9th 牗Provisional牘 meeting of the Seventh
supervisory committee of the Company published on Securities Times 牞
China Securities Journal 牞Shanghai Securities News and Hong Kong Com-
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Stock abbreviation牶 Guangdong Expressway A牞 Guangdong Expressway B
Stock Code牶 000429牞 200429 Announcement No.牶 2015-006
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mercial Daily respectively on March 7牞 2015 or www.cninfo.com.cn.
III. On-site registration method
1.Registration mode牶 Any shareholder qualified to attend the meeting shall
register by producing his own identify card牞 securities account card牞 valid
shareholding certificate or corporate entity certification牷
牗1牘A shareholder holding personal shares shall go through the registration
procedures by producing stock account card and his own identity card.
An entrusted agent shall go through the registration procedures by pro-
ducing his own identity card牞 power of attorney and the securities account
card of the principal牷
牗2牘 A shareholder holding state-owned shares or corporate shares shall go
through the registration procedures by producing power of attorney牞 stock
right certification and the identity card of the attendee. An entrusted a-
gent shall go through the registration procedures by producing his own i-
dentity card牞 power of attorney and the stock right certification of the
牗3牘A non-local shareholder may register by mail or fax after providing the
said certification papers.
2.Place of registration牶 Securities Affairs Dept. of Guangdong Provincial
Expressway Development Co.牞 Ltd.
Address 45/F牞Litong Plaza牞 No.32牞 Zhujiang East Road牞 Zhujiang New City牞
3.Date of registration牶 March 20牞 2015 牗9牶00-12牶00 a.m. 14牶30-17牶00 p.
IV.The identity authentication on shareholders attending internet voting
and voting procedures
1 Adopt the voting procedure of voting through transaction system.
1.The time of network voting through the transaction system of Shenzhen
Stock Exchange was on March 23牞 2015牞 from 9牶30 a.m.to 11牶30a.m. in
the morning and from 13牶00 p.m. to 15牶00 p.m. in the afternoon牞 the vot-
ing procedures were operated according to the Purchase of New Shares
through Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
2.Voting codes牶 360429
Short Abbreviation 牶 Guangdong Expressway
3.The specific voting procedures for shareholders牶
1 The direction of sale or purchase牶 voting of purchase牷
2 The Proposal of the election of Ms. Ling Ping and Mr. Wu Guangze
as the Supervisors of the Seventh supervisory committee which will be ex-
aminedin this Shareholders meeting will take the cumulative voting sys-
tem 1.01 in the Declaration Price item is for Ling Ping and 1.02 is for
Wu Guangze.
N a m e o f Pr o p o sal
C o rr e s p o n d in g
D e c l a ra t i o n P ri c e
P ro p o s a l 1
P ro p o s a l o f t h e e l e c t i o n o f M s . L in g P i n g a n d M r.
C a n d id a t e
L in g Pin g
1 .0 1
C a n d id a t e
W u G u a n g ze
1 .0 2
W u G u a n g z e a s th e S u p e rv i s o rs o f th e S e v e n t h
s u p e rv i s o ry c o m m i t t e e
Writing down voting opinion under the section of ″ entrusted share
The voting on the same Proposal can only be applied once牞 and can
not be cancelled牷
5 The declarations not meeting the above requirements are invalid牞 the
transaction system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange will be canceled automati-
牗2牘Adopted the procedures for authentication and voting through internet
1.Specific processes for shareholders to have authentication
In accordance with the provisions in Details on Implementing Authentica-
tion on Internet for Investors in Shenzhen Stock Exchange牞 shareholders
can use service password or digital certificate to have authentication.
For those applying for service password牞 please logon website http牶//www.
szse.cn or http牶//wltp.cninfo.com.cn and get registration in password ser-
vice special zone牞 fill in related information and set service password牞 this
service password can only be used half day later when you finish activa-
tion successfully through trading system.
The application should be offered to Shenzhen Securities Information
Company or its appointed agents to apply for digital certificates.
2.Shareholders can visit the website with the password and digital certifi-
cate牶 http牶//wltp.cninfo.com.cn. the internet voting system to make their vot-
3.Voting date牶
The specific time to vote through Shenzhen Stock Exchange Internet Vot-
ing System is from 15牶00 on 牞March 22牞 2015 to 15牶00 on March 23牞
V.Instructions for voting
1 Internet voting can not cancelled牷
2 The same voting matter can only be voted once牞 if voted repeatedly牞
the first voting will be as the standard牷
3 The same voting right can be used through either transaction system
or through internet牞 and the first voting will be as the standard牷
4 If you want to check the voting results牞 please log in the internet
voting system http牶//wltp.cninfo.com.cn of Shenzhen Stock Exchange after-
noon 18牶00 pm on the same day of voting牞 click ″vote inquiry″ function牞
you can view the results of personal voting results牞 or inquire in the au-
thorized business branches of security company.
VI. Other matters
1. This meeting will last for half a day. The shareholders who will attend
the meeting shall bear the expenses of traffic and accommodation by
2.Contacts牶 Feng Xinwei 牞 Wang Li
Tel牶 020 29006688
Fax牶 020 38787002
VII. Power of attorney 牗Refer to the appendix for details牘
The Board of Directors of Guangdong Provincial Expressway
Development Co.牞 Ltd.
March 7牞 2015
Appendix牶 Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney
Mr.牗Ms牘 is hereby authorized to attend the First Provisional shareholders'
general meeting of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.牞
Ltd. in 2015 to be held on March 23牞 2015 and exercise the voting right
on behalf of me 牗my company牘. His/her voting opinions on the matters
subject to voting shall be my 牗my company's牘 opinions.
Proposal of the election
Proposal 1
of Ms. Ling Ping
and Mr. Wu Guangze as the Supervisors of
the Seventh supervisory committee
Ling Ping
Wu Guangze
Principal 牗signature牘牶
Identity card number of the principal牶
牗If the principal is a corporate shareholder牞
shall be affixed.牘
Stock account number of the principal牶
Proxy 牗signature牘
Identity card number of the proxy牶
Date of authorization牶
the seal of corporate entity
Scope of authority牶
Valid term of authorization牶
Stock Code牶 000429牞 200429 Stock Abbreviation牶
Guangdong Expressway A牞 B Announcement No.牶 2015-005
Announcement of the 14th
牗Provisional牘 Meeting of the
Seventh Board of Directors of
Guangdong Provincial
Expressway Development Co.牞
The Company and its directors hereby guarantee that the content of infor-
mation disclosure is real牞 accurate牞 complete and free from any false
record牞 misleading representation or material omissions.
I. Holding of the board meeting
The 14th 牗Provisional牘 meeting of the Seventh board of directors of
Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.牞 Ltd. was held in the
morning of March 6牞 2015 牗Friday牘 in the manner of voting by correspon-
dence. The meeting notice was sent to all Directors respectively by ser-
vice and fax on February 25牞 2015. 11 directors were supposed to attend
the meeting and all of them were actually present. The number of direc-
tors attending this meeting exceeded half of all directors牞 which complied
with relevant provisions of the Company Law and the Articles of Associa-
tion of the Company.
II. Examination by the board meeting
The meeting examined and adopted the Proposal for holding the first pro-
visional Shareholders' General Meeting in 2015. The meeting Approved to
hold in 2015 the first provisional Shareholders' General Meeting at 15牶30
p.m. On March 23牞2015牗Monday牘 in 45/F meeting Room.The meeting will
examine the ″Proposal of the election of Ms. Ling Ping and Mr. Wu
Guangze as the Supervisors of the Seventh Supervisory committee.
Affirmative vote牶 11牷 Negative vote牶 0牷 Abstention牶 0.
III. Documents Available for Inspection
1.The resolutions of the 14th 牗provisional牘 meeting of the Seventh board of
directors signed by the directors present and bearing the seal of the
board of directors.
The Board of Directors of Guangdong Provincial Expressway
Development Co.牞 Ltd.
March 7牞 2015
Stock abbreviation牶 Guangdong Expressway A牞 Guangdong Expressway B
Stock Code牶 000429牞 200429 Announcement No.牶 2015-004
Announcement of Resolutions of
the 9th 牗Provisional牘 Meeting of
the Seventh Supervisory
Committee of Guangdong
Provincial Expressway
Development Co.牞 Ltd.
The Company and all members of its Supervisory Committee hereby guar-
antees that the content of information disclosure is real牞 accurate牞 com-
plete and free from any false record牞 misleading representation or material
I.Holding of the Supervisory Committee
The 9th 牗Provisional meeting of the Seventh supervisory Committee of
Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co.牞 Ltd. 牗″the Company″牘
was held in the morning of March 6牞 2015 牗Friday牘 in the manner of
voting by correspondence. The meeting notice was sent to all supervisors
respectively by service and fax on February 25牞 2015. 3 supervisors were
supposed to attend the meeting and all of them were actually present.
The number of supervisors attending this meeting exceeded half of all su-
pervisors牞 which complied with relevant provisions of the Company Law
and the Articles of Association of the Company.
II.Examination by the supervisory committee meeting
2.The meeting examined and adopted the Proposal for Replacing the par-
tial Supervisors of the Company.
Due to job transfers牞 Mr. You Xiaocong resigned the position of the
Chairman of Board of Supervisor牞 Mr. Zou Huiming resigned the position
of supervisor from the company牞 the Board of Supervisors agreed to rec-
ommend Ms. Ling Ping and Mr. Wu Guangze to be the candidates of the
Seventh Board of Supervisors whose term of office shall be the same with
that of the members of the Seventh Supervisory Committee and request
shareholders' general meeting of the Company to make election牞
This proposal shall be submitted to the shareholder meeting for examina-
Affirmative vote牶 3牷 Negative vote牶 0牷 Abstention牶 0.
III. Documents Available for Inspection
The resolutions of the 9th 牗provisional牘 meeting of the Seventh supervisory
Committee signed by the present and bearing the seal of the supervisory
Committee .
The Supervisory Committee of Guangdong Provincial Expressway
Development Co.牞 Ltd.
March 7牞 2015
Candidate Supervisor Resume
Ms. Ling Ping牞 born in March 1963牞 bachelor degree牞 Senior Accountant牞
Senior Economist牞 joined in work in April 1980
April 1980 - 1986 November牞 worked in the Guangdong Transportation
Hospital clinical laboratory牷 November 1986 - February 1996牞 worked in
Shenzhen and Zhuhai Expressway Co.牞 Ltd.牞 used to be Finance Depart-
ment cashier and accountant牷 February 1996 - January 2015 worked in
Guangdong provincial Highway construction Company牞 served as accoun-
tant牞 audit牞 deputy manager of Audit Department牞 minister of the Audit
Department牞 Chief Accountant牷 since January 2015牞 worked at Guangdong
Communication Group Co.牞 Ltd.牞 currently serve as Chairman of the Exte-
rior Supervisory Board.
As of the date of this announcement牞 Ms. Ling Ping did not hold any
company's stocks牞 was not administratively punished or publicly criticized
by CSRC牞 Punished by other administrative department. In accordance
with the Companies Law牞 the Securities Law and other related laws牞 regu-
lations and requirements of the conditions.
Mr. Wu Guangze牞 born in February 1967牞 Bachelor牞 MBA牞 Engineer牞
joined in work from July 1990
July 1990 - 1997 June牞 in Guangdong Province Petrochemical Design In-
stitute牞 an engineer牷 June 1997 to 2000 November牞 in the Guangdong
Railway Group Ltd.牞 served as engineer牞 deputy director of the section牷
2000 November to 2011 June牞 in Guangdong provincial Highway con-
struction Co.牞 served as deputy director of the General Manager's Office
minister牞 General Manager's Office Director of General Affairs Department牷
June 2011 -2014 December牞 in Guangdong牞 China Road transport Science
and Technology Co.牞 Ltd.牞 served as party secretary of the Discipline
Committee牞 the union president牞 director牷 December 2014 - present牞 in
current company牞 serve as Vice secretary of Communist Party牞 Secretary of
Discipline Inspection Commission and Chairman of the Labor Union.
As of the date of this announcement牞 Mr. Wu Guangze did not hold any
company's stocks牞 was not administratively punished or publicly criticized
by CSRC牞 Punished by other administrative department. In accordance
with the Companies Law牞 the Securities Law and other related laws牞 regu-
lations and requirements of the conditions.