Welcome to Worship First Baptist Church Morristown: September March 8,14, 2015 2014 Churchwide _____________ Today’s Message: SCRIPTURE TEXT: LAMENTATIONS 3:40-44 P ASTOR , D R . H. D EAN H AUN 8:00 AM - Traditional Service Songs of Praise #297 Majesty #18 Glorify Thy Name #535 I Am Thine, O Lord Cleanse Me Offering Message in Song Guest Soloist, Shelley Waite Hymn of Decision I Come to the Cross 9:15 AM - “The Way” Contemporary Service Offering will be collected at the side doors following this service 10:45 AM - Celebration Service Opening Praise How Firm a Foundation Praise Ringers Praise Medley You are God Alone with How Great is Our God Choir & Congregation #535 #553 Offering TONIGHT 6:00 PM We welcome today in our Celebration Service mezzo soprano, Shelley Waite and composer, conductor Amy Mills. Ms. Waite’s career spans the United States and abroad showcasing her talents in all musical genres from opera to jazz. In tonight’s service Ms. Waite will present a full concert of selected hymns, sacred classics and premiere an original Christmas Trilogy composed by Amy Mills. Ms. Mills has distinguished herself as one of the few female conductor/composers active in American classical music today. She has conducted orchestras, bands, and choirs around the world. Missing your Bible? Please check with Terry Long in the library to claim your Bible. I Am Thine, O Lord Marrow Donor Registry Drive for Cleanse Me Jamie Godfrey, Jesus, Draw Me Close O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Message in Song Hymn of Decision mezzo soprano Praise Ringers Guest Soloist, Shelley Waite I Come to the Cross Missionaries Fred, Mary, & Trevor Naudé Missionaries Rob, Jenny, Hannah, & Haley Patterson David Stepp of Living Waters, mission trip to India Harvest of Israel container to be shipped Churchwide prayer requests for the bulletin must be received in the church office by noon on Tuesday and will be included here or on the weekly prayer sheet Sanctuary Flowers In memory of Charlie & Mildred Rich In memory of John Alan Templin by Tom, Betty, & Andy Stewart, Josh & Gena McNutt by Alan, Candy, & Issac Templin, grandparents John & June Miller Hear Every Word! - FM Hearing System available at the Information Desk! daughter of Mark & Laura McInturf diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. TODAY 10:30am - 2:00pm FBC Fellowship Hall. **No Needles! No Cost! Testing involves a simple swab in mouth.** Testing Men & Women 18-44. If you cannot be tested donations are accepted Children’s Ministry _____ 3.14.15, 9:26 AM Children’s Building 5th & 6th Grades “Be there or be squared!” Free Event! Breakfast & Lunch Provided! April 19 following 10:45am service in Fellowship Hall. Sign up in foyer Missions ______________ Israel Prayer Team March 15 at 6:00pm Women’s Ministry ________________________________ NEW Ladies Tuesday Morning Bible Study March 10, 9:30am in the Parlor HEAVEN by Randy Alcorn Naudés from Indian Ocean Islands Pattersons (plus the cost of freezer bags and meats) Pre-registration required! Deadline is Monday, Mar. 23 To register call Michelle in the church office 586-0522 or Sherry Pewitt (865) 621-0812 First Love on Main _______ Crockpot Chicken Noodle Soup Tomato Parmesan Chicken Crockpot Pizza Casserole (Kid Pleaser) Skillet Beef Stroganoff Slow Cooker Pineapple Glazed Ham This FREE health check-up will include screenings for cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure. For an appointment, call 423-289-1179. Plan to attend our “Mini-Missions Fair” in the Missions Hallway March 22, during the evening service. we will hear from four mission groups: Thursday, March 26, 6:00pm Fellowship Hall | Cost $15.00 This fascinating, easy-to-read study will help every Christian find an anchor for present faithfulness, celebrate the loving provisions God has made for His children, and convey to others a love for God and His home. Saturday, March 21, 8:00 am - noon FBC Library ______________ The FBC Bookclub will meet Sunday, March 15 at 5:00pm in the library to discuss The Third Target by Joel Rosenberg. Guests Welcome ________________________________ Bro. Dean and Pam invite all first time guests to join them in the Parlor immediately following the 10:45 am service. They would love to have the opportunity to meet you and express their appreciation for your visit with us today with a small gift. If you are a first time guest in one of our other services, please bring the card below to the Welcome Desk in the foyer for your gift. WELCOME! from the Amazon River Harvest of Israel Greg & Jodie Robinson Living Waters David Stepp Thank you for filling out this information so we may get to know you better. Please detach and bring to the Welcome Desk or to the Pastor’s Reception to meet the Pastor and receive a small gift of appreciation of your visit with us today. Date ____________ 8 am 9:15 am 10:45 am First Time Visitor Attended Before Name_______________________________ Spouse (if any) _______________________ Address _____________________________ City________________ St____ Zip _______ Next Week ____________ Help us welcome guests Leonardo and Una Bella from the A Place Where You Can Belong! Home Phone _________________________ Cell Phone ___________________________ Disaster Relief Training _____ E-Mail ______________________________ March 14 at Camp Carson (Newport) Church Member No Yes ___________ For more info, contact the Nolachucky Baptist Association at 586-7331 or visit www.tnbaptist.org. Glorify God… Grow in Christ... Go Make Him Known Children Living at Home: Guest of ____________________________ Here for Special Occasion _____________ Married Single Parent Widow(er) Divorced Single College Youth Below 18 18-23 24-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ College___________ Fr Soph Jr Sr Please check all that may apply: I’ve recently moved to the area I want to know more about FBC Morristown I would like membership information I would like a visit from a Pastor Name__________________ Age___ Grade___ How did you hear about our church? Radio Brought by Friend Name__________________ Age___ Grade___ Television Newspaper Drive By Word of Mouth Name__________________ Age___ Grade___ Internet Other __________________ One Lord... One Heart... One Mission MARCH 8 - MARCH 15, 2015 SUNDAY, MARCH 8 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS 8:00 Traditional Service 9:00 FBC Library Opens 9:15 //theWAY Contemporary Service Sunday School 10:30 Marrow Donor Registry Drive in F.H. 10:45 Celebration Service with Handbells Life Groups (Sunday School) 12:00 Pastor’s Reception (Parlor) 4:30 Stewardship Promotion Team 4:45 EXALT Student Choir 5:00 Preschool & Children’s Choirs FBC Library Opens 6:00 Evening Service Shelley Waite in concert Children’s Bible Drill TUESDAY, MARCH 10 9:30 Ladies Bible Study 10:00 JOY Group Brunch 1:30 Griggs-Naudé-Haun WMU Group WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 4:30 Fellowship Dinner (See Menu on Back) 5:00 FBC Library Opens Capital Campaign Team 5:15 JOY Ringers 6:00 Praise Ringers WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 (CONTINUED) 6:00 EQUIP Student Worship LDI (Adults) AWANA (Children) Group Therapy (Counseling) 6:15 Orchestra Rehearsal 7:15 Choir Rehearsal THURSDAY, MARCH 12 6:00am Men’s Bible Study (West End Volunteer Fire Dept) 12:00pm Property Committee SATURDAY, MARCH 14 9:26 Pi Day (5th & 6th grades) SUNDAY, MARCH 15 8:00 Traditional Service 9:00 FBC Library Opens 9:15 //theWAY Contemporary Service Sunday School 10:45 Celebration Service Life Groups (Sunday School) 12:00 Pastor’s Reception (Parlor) 4:45 EXALT Student Choir 5:00 Preschool & Children’s Choir FBC Library Opens 6:00 Evening Service Children’s Bible Drill ETC VOLUNTEERS - 10:45 AM HOUR March’s ETC Coordinator is Emily Jenkins, 865-740-9089 Preschool Rm# Joey Lamb Pollywog Jake Blackbear Hawk Firefly 172 173 181 183 185 186 187 TODAY March 15 Cathy Adams & Terri Wells Larry & Tommi Lindsey Marissa & Lanette Breeden Paige Brannan & Joy Farmer Margaret Long & Libby Jaynes B. Shane & C. Schwanke M. & C. Hurst & L. Brooks Julia Bolton & Shelia Wheeler Beth Amos & Patti Hill Diane Gregg & Amanda Whaley Matt & Blair Cohen Tinker Amos & Mandy Schneitman Jason & Erin Winstead June Miller & Candy Templin SERVICE CHANGES IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER 1. CALL . . (423) 307-5699 and listen to the recorded message 2. WEBPAGE . . Look on our "Snow Policy" page at www.fbcmTN.com/weather 3. SOCIAL MEDIA . . Facebook: “First Baptist Church, Morristown, TN” or on Twitter search for @fbcmtn 4. TEXT ALERT . . Signup for text alerts to your cell phone at Citizen Tribune website Name (optional) _______________________ Phone _______________________________ E-Mail _______________________________ I have asked Christ into my life I am renewing my commitment to Christ Sensing God’s call to ministry/missions I want to know how to become a Christian My spouse/child is not a Christian I have an important decision to make I am experiencing family problems I have serious medical problems I am in need of employment I would like information about Bible Study I would like a visit from a pastor Immediate family member in the military: Name _____________________________ Relationship _______________________ I would like to receive daily prayer e-mails I would like to receive special event e-mails Please share with church staff only Other Prayer Requests/Praise Reports: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Ministries of Interest: Children Prayer Ministry Awana Men’s Ministry Youth Women’s Ministry College Teaching Studies Adult Choir Teaching Bible Orchestra Missions Handbells Woman’s Missionary Union TV Ministry Ministry Center Sound Ministry Team Member Screens Bereavement Meals Pastoral Care Church Bus Driver Other _____________________________ Chicken ‘n Dumplins’, Creamed Potatoes, Corn, Carrots, Biscuits, Salad Bar, Dessert Kid’s Menu: Chicken Nuggets & French Fries PRICES: Ages: 0-2 FREE; Ages 3-10 $3.00; All others $6.00; FAMILY MAX $25 (Family Max includes only parents & kids in school) **CALL (423) 307-5655 FOR WEEKLY MENU** Smartphone App __________________________________ Connect with us via your mobile device! Scan the QR code on the right to download the FBCM app! Watch sermons, read sermon notes, check ETC schedules, read the Bible and more! WEEKLY REPORT - MARCH 1, 2014 Bible Study Attendance Financial Information Sunday Bible Studies Weekly Year To Date Preschool......................53 Receipts ....................... $91,593.21 ......... $474,241.74 Children ........................92 Budget .......................... $60,178.00 ......... $541,602.00 Youth ......................... 140 Over/(Under) Budget ..... $31,415.21............($67,360.26) BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT College ..........................12 Adults ......................... 521 Terrace Estates ............25 Life Care .......................25 Total .......................... 868 Weekly Study Biker Church ................53 Men of M’town Study . n/a Total ............................ 53 GRAND TOTAL ........... 921 Thank you for filling out this card so that we may pray with you about your needs and your desire to be part of our ministry. Please detach this card and place it in the offering plate or bring it to the Information Table after the service. Wednesday, March 11 Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Eric (Aimee) Gilbert and big sister, Annmarie, on the birth of their son and brother Ben Henderson on March 1 weighing 9lbs. 12oz. Proud grandparents are Jack & Pat Gilbert and greatgrandmother, Dorothy Gilbert. SYMPATHY Pastor Dean and the church family extend Christian love and sympathy to the family and friends of Constance “Connie” Gray, who passed away February 27 Sharon Moore and family in the death of her father, Earl Portwood of Clinton on March 3 March 8, 2015 HOW TO BELONG TO THE FIRST BAPTIST FAMILY Near the end of our service, we will extend to you an opportunity to unite with the First Baptist Family. This is during our time of invitation and commitment. If you believe in your heart that God is leading you to become a part of His family here and partner with us in His work, you may walk to the front and express your decision to one of our ministers. You may join our church in one of these five ways: 1. By Profession of Faith and Believer’s Baptism: You are coming with the desire to receive God’s free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ and take the first step of obedience which is scriptural baptism. (Romans 6:4) Jesus said, “if you confess Me before men, I will confess you before My Father in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32) 2. By Baptism: You have previously received God’s free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ and now desire to take that first step of obedience by being baptized. (Romans 6:4) 3. By Transfer of Membership: If you have previously received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, have been baptized by immersion, and are currently a member of another Southern Baptist church, then you will unite by transferring your membership to FBC. 4. By Statement: If you have previously received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, have been baptized by immersion and are coming from a church other than Southern Baptist, but of like faith and teaching, you may unite by acknowledging your personal relationship with Christ. 5. By Watchcare: The Watchcare affiliation is offered to those persons in temporary or seasonal residence in this area (primarily students) who wish to maintain their formal membership at their home Church but who wish to become an active participant in this church and wish to represent that participation in a more formal way than as “visitor.” Each time a person joins our church, we are all encouraged! May God’s blessings be upon you as He leads you today. (423) 586-0522 www.fbcmTN.com
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