MINC® OFFICERS CITY OF LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA PRESIDENT Lora Davis VICE-PRESIDENT Juana Rosa Cavero SECRETARY Valaida Gory TREASURER Valaida Gory CERTIFIED NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL Since 2002 PARLIAMENTARIAN Marguerite Davis SERGEANT AT ARMS Lorraine Genovese CHAIR – LORA DAVIS [email protected] P.O. Box 78642 Los Angeles, CA 90016 (323) 732-5085 [email protected] mincla.org MINC® STAKEHOLDER MEETING AGENDA Monday, March 9, 2015 @ 7:00PM Wilshire LAPD Station – Community Room 4849 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019 The public is requested to fill out a “Speaker Card” to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action. Public comment is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, but the Board has the discretion to modify the amount of time for any speaker. The public may comment on a specific item listed on this agenda when the Board considers that item. When the Board considers the agenda item entitled “Public Comments”, the public has the right to comment on any matter that is within the Board’s jurisdiction. In addition, the members of the public may request and receive copies without undue delay of any documents that are distributed to the Board, unless there is a specific exemption under the Public Records Act that prevents the disclosure of the record. (Govt. Code § 54957.5) The Mid-City Neighborhood Council (MINC) currently holds its regular meetings on the second Monday of every month (Stakeholder) and third Monday of every month (Board), however starting in April there will be one general meeting, the second Monday of every month. MINC may also call any additional required special meetings in accordance with its Bylaws and the Brown Act. The agenda for the regular and special meetings is posted for public review at the Eleanor Green Roberts Aquatic Center, 4526 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019, and on our website mincla.org and at empowerla.org. The Mid-City Neighborhood Council complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate on the basis of any disability. Upon request, the Mid-City Neighborhood Council will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure the availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting the Neighborhood council Secretary at (323) 732-5085, or please send an email that states the accommodations that you are requesting to [email protected]. SI REQURIERE SERVICIOS DE TRADUCCION, FAVOR DE NOTIFICAR A LA OFICINA 3 dias de trabajo (72 horas) ANTES DEL EVENTO. SI NECESITA AYUDA CON ESTA AGENDA, POR FAVOR LLAME A NUESTRA OFICINA AL (323) 732-5085. 1. Call To Order, Board Roll Call (5 min. – 7:00pm) 2. Review and possible Approval of Minutes from prior MINC® Stakeholder meeting held 2/9/15 (5 min. – 7:05pm) 3. Announcements & Public Comments On Items Not On The Agenda (10 min. – 7:15pm) – Comments from the public on non-agenda items within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction (5 speakers, no more than 2 min. each; no board member announcements permitted). These are just comments – no questions may be addressed, as that would make the item necessary to be agendized. Any board member has the option to address the issues later on the agenda under item #8 Board Business. i. Scheduled Announcements (10 min. – 7:25pm) – Announcements regarding upcoming events, activities, procedural matters: a. MINCfest 2015 to be held on Saturday April 18th at 11am at the Nate Holden Center for the Performing Arts. Guest speakers, entertainment, community informational booths and a free boxed lunch-(sign up required). Please email [email protected] for information on having a community booth or if you would like to volunteer to help with this event. b. Open Board seats: Regions 1, 3, 9 and an Organizational rep. Rules to become a board member are: attend 1 stakeholder or board meeting, complete board application, be willing to attend 8 stakeholder meetings per year, and an additional committee meeting per year, and check your MINC emails once a day. c. Grievance Committee: Based on our bylaws and as stated in the passage at the bottom of this agenda, MINC would like the names of Stakeholders who want to be considered for the grievance committee. ([email protected]) . 4. LAPD Report (5 min) – Includes monthly crime report update and law enforcement issues within Mid-City Senior Lead Officers: Hector Marquez ([email protected]), Charles Thomas ([email protected]), & Hebel Rodriguez ([email protected]); Captain Howard Leslie ([email protected]). 5. Government Reports – Reports from city/state/federal entities (CD-10, Mayor, LAPD, Etc.) on issues or subjects of importance to the community. These may be ongoing issues, announcements, or other sorts of details. Representatives have a standing place on the agenda, but are not always available to attend. (15 min.7:45)) a. CD-10 – Councilmember Herb Wesson’s Office – Representative: John Harmon ([email protected]) b. Mayor Eric Garcetti – South LA Area Representative: Kimberly Rodriguez ([email protected]) c. U.S. Congressmember Karen Bass (CD37) – Deputy Chief Of Staff Solomon Rivera ([email protected]) d. State Assemblyperson Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (SA54) – Field Representative: Maya Douglas ([email protected]) e. State Senator Holly J. Mitchell (SD26) f. Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas (2nd District) 6. Scheduled Presentations (none) – Presentations set up in advance regarding issues or activities pertinent to Mid-City. (N/A) 7. Prior Board Issues – Presentations or additional information for Board consideration on issues presented at prior mtgs. (5 min 7:50pm) A. Report on the status of the conditional use permit pertaining to Lily’s Dance Studio by PLUM committee chair Birgitta Croil Snell ([email protected]) B. Discuss and possibly approve NPG application from Friends of William Grant Still in the amount of $900.00 a. The funding request was previously approved. This is to justify prior incomplete paperwork presented to DONE. MOTION – to approve $900 NPG to Friends of William Grant Still. 8. Liaisons Updates (5 min. – 7:55pm) – Updates from MINC® Liaisons appointed by the Board to represent the Board on various entities, issues, or coalitions. A. Safety – Chin Thammasaengsri (5min 8:00pm) B. NC Budget Advocates and LANCC: Monthly report from the NC Budget Advocates by the MINC® appointed advocate, Juana Rosa Cavero [email protected]) . (3 min 8:03pm.) 8. agenda. Board Business (5 min. – 8:08pm) – Comments from the Board on subject matters within the Board’s jurisdiction. C. D. E. Comments on Board Member’s own activities / brief announcements. Brief response to statements made or questions posed by persons exercising their general public comment rights. Introduce new issues for consideration by the Board at its next meeting / request that it be placed on the next F. Ask Committee Chairpersons to research issues and report back to the board at a future time. 9. Future Agenda Items and other Calendar Events (2 min 8:12) MINC® Board Meeting – Monday 16, March , 2015 @ 7PM , Budget Committee Meeting on Monday March 23 7pm, this location, Outreach meetings are now the first Monday of the month, April 6th, 7pm this location, PLUM committee meeting will be held on the 2nd Thursday of every month, next meeting April 9th, 7pm at this location. RECESS (8 minutes) 2nd Half of the meeting will start at 8:20 10. Board Organization – Brief presentation regarding board administrative issues, updates and information – Juana Rosa Cavero ([email protected]) (5 min 8:25pm) 11. New Board Issues – New issues for the MINC® Board to address since the last meeting. (10 min 8:35) a. Discussion and vote on: 2nd parking pass for Valaida Gory, MINC treasurer 2 i. MOTION: to approve MINC’s allowed 2nd pass to park at City Hall to MINC teasurer Valaida Gory. b. Discussion and update regarding "Online Voting for 2016 Neighborhood Council Elections" c. Discussion and possible vote for the Civic University Training for Neighborhood Council Board Members. Please note, there are only two seats available for each NC; one male and one female as stated in the fact sheet. The trainings will be held in Downtown over three (3) weeknights; Thursday, April 2; Wednesday, April 8; and Wednesday, April 15 from 6-9pm i. MOTION: to select ________________ and ______________________ to attend the Civic University Training for Neighborhood Council Board Members. 12. MINC® Treasurer Report (10 min. – 8:40pm) – Report from Valaida Gory ([email protected]) on expenditures, MER and current balance of the MINC® budget. a. Present and possibly approve the Monthly Expenditure Report (MER) for February 2015. i. MOTION: to approve the MINC February 2015 MER. ii. MOTION: to approve MINC budget reforecast. b. Present and possibly approve board re-imbursement to Lora Davis in the amount of $30.00. Personal monies were spent on office supplies during our period of having no access to MINC monies. i. MOTION: to approve to reimburse Lora Davis in the amount of $30.00 13. Committee Updates (18 min. – 8:58pm) – Updates from MINC® committees regarding committee activities and any upcoming report or recommendation that will be coming before the Board at the next Board meeting, which might require possible action by the Board. a. Budget Committee: Update from the Budget Committee from the Lora Davis ([email protected]) (2 min – 8:42pm) i. Discussion and possible vote to appoint Thom Washington as the interim budget committee chair. 1. MOTION – to appoint Thom Washington as the interim budget committee chair, if and when Erick Morales returns to the board and takes over the budget committee. 2. Enrichment Summer program funding request to be presented at Board meeting 3/16/2015 b. Outreach Committee: Chair Angela King ([email protected]). Updates on planning for the MINCfest 2015. (15 min 8:57). i. Refreshments – Vendor, menu and pricing ii. Giveaways – MINC branded items (Lorraine Genovese) and disaster kit (Chin Thammasaengsri). 1. MOTION: to approve overall MINCfest 2015 budget for the amount up to $16,000.00 2. MOTION: to approve $1800.00 for disaster kits to be given out at MINCfest by our MNC’s Safety Liaison. 3. MOTION: to approve $3500.00 for the MINC branded giveaway items. 4. MOTION: to approve up to $3200.00 for refreshments for MINCfest 2015 c. Planning & Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee: News from the PLUM Committee from the Chair Birgitta CroilSnell ([email protected]). No meeting in February or March. Let’s discuss ideas to remedy this at the board meeting 3/16/2015. (2min.9:00) d. Ad-Hoc Committees Updates – Updates from ad-hoc committees by committee chairs i. Bylaws: Chair Valaida Gory ([email protected]) (1 min.) ii. Board Retreat: Chair Thom Washington ([email protected]) (1 min.) Meeting adjourned. PROCESS FOR RECONSIDERATION: The Neighborhood Council Board may make a MOTION TO RECONSIDER and alter its action taken on any item listed on this agenda at any time during this meeting, or make a MOTION TO RECONSIDER at its next regular meeting as indicated below: 3 ● ● If the Neighborhood Council Board moves and approves a Motion for Reconsideration at the initial meeting wherein an action was taken, then the underlying item may be reconsidered at that time. If the Neighborhood Council Board moves and approves a Motion for Reconsideration at the next regular meeting then consideration of the item may only occur at this regularly scheduled meeting if the item for consideration has been placed on that meeting’s agenda. If the underlying item for reconsideration has not been placed on the agenda for that next regular meeting, then it shall be considered at a subsequent meeting pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act. PROCESS FOR FILING A GRIEVANCE: Any member of the public may file a grievance by submitting a writing containing the nature of the person’s complaint to the Secretary of the Neighborhood Council. The written grievance will then be referred to a grievance committee comprised of three (3) Stakeholders who are randomly selected by the Secretary from a list of Stakeholders who have previously expressed an interest in serving from time to time on such a grievance committee. Within fifteen (15) days of referral, the Secretary will coordinate a time and place for the committee to conduct its public meeting with the person(s) submitting a grievance and to discuss ways in which the dispute may be resolved. The grievance committee will prepare a report and recommendation to the Board to be heard within fifteen (15) days from the date of the grievance committee’s meeting. The Board may receive a copy of the panel’s report and recommendations prior to the meeting by the Board, but the matter shall not be discussed among the Board members until the matter is heard at a meeting of the Board pursuant to the Brown Act. This formal grievance process is not intended to apply to persons who disagree with a position or action taken by the Board at one of its meetings. Those grievances can be aired at Stakeholder and Board meetings. This grievance process is intended to address matters involving procedural disputes, e.g., the Board’s failure to comply with Board Rules or these Bylaws, or its failure to comply with the City’s Charter, the Plan, local ordinances, and/or State and federal law. In the event that a grievance cannot be resolved through this grievance process, then the matter may be referred to DONE for consideration or dispute resolution in accordance with the Plan. PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS: In compliance with Government Code § 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at our website by clicking on the following link: mincla.org, or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an agenda item, please contact the Board Secretary. 4
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