MID-CITY NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL® BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday, September 15, 2014 7PM Wilshire LAPD Station-Community Room 4849 W. Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 The meeting was called to order by the MINC® Vice President, Lora Davis, and roll call was taken by the MINC® Secretary, Valaida Gory. The MINC® Board Members present were: Thom Washington, Angela King, Lisa Ford-Cook, Valaida Gory, Michael Maloney, Lora Davis, Juana Rosa Cavero, Shauna Skarin, Lorraine Genovese, Erick Morales, Deborah Montgomery, and Armando Lopez. The Board Member who came in later was Birgitta Croil-Snell (7:40pm). Note: Two Board Members, Lawrence Klutse and Marguerite Davis were listed as on Board Business; they were representing MINC® at the City Attorney’s event. The first order of business was the review and approval of the minutes from the August Board Meeting. A motion was made by Michael Maloney and seconded by Erick Morales to approve the August Board Meeting Minutes with the noted correction of the file number for the CIS submitted. The motion passed with a vote of 12 Yes. Public CommentsPete Brown from the Compass PR Group was representing Clear Channel Company. He announced that on Sept. 23rd, the City Council will be voting on an item relating to outdoor billboards. Currently there is a moratorium on billboard displays; the proposed ordinance would allow billboards to be placed, under the monitoring and control of the city. Lorraine Genovese requested that Board Members make sure their information was correct and confirmed for the business cards. The next item on the agenda was a presentation from Joe Garrett and Marty Bermean from TDC Properties. They presented plans and illustrations to explain their proposal to develop land at 5849-5857 David Ave. They want to build 17 3- story houses on the lots. Several board members suggested that TDC meet with the stakeholders in the immediate vicinity where they want to build, and get their input first. The Board will take no action at this time and will wait to hear from stakeholders in the area. The next order of business was the discussion to submit Community Impact Statements (CIS) relating to City Sidewalk Repair Plan. The plan proposed a 50/50 split solution in which property owners and the City share the costs required in repairing sidewalks. LANCC is asking NCs to file CISs on this issue. The CIS needs to be submitted by October 1st. A motion was made by Juana Rosa Cavero and seconded by Shauna Skarin to have MINC® file Community Impact Statements for CF 14-0163-S3 and CF 14-1063-S4. The motion passed with a vote of 11 Yes, 1 No (Gory), and 1 Abstention (Washington). Thom Washington will draft an attachment and email it out to Board. Deborah Montgomery distributed and discussed a draft letter to be sent to the Mayor in support of the creation of the Bill Elkins Center. This item was addressed at the SLAANC meeting and NCs were asked to draft a letter of support. A motion was made by Valaida Gory and seconded by Deborah Montgomery to have MINC® send a letter of support for creation of the Bill Elkins Center. The motion passed with a vote of 11 Yes and 2 Abstentions (Skarin and Ford-Cook). The next item discussed was participation in OPNC’s Health Fair on Saturday, Nov. 8th. A motion was made by Angela King and seconded by Shauna Skarin to have MINC Board participate in OPNC’s Community Health Fair. The motion passed with a vote of 13 Yes. The next order of business was appointment of a MINC® representative to the Recycled Water Advisory Group (RWAG). A motion was made by Lorraine Genovese and seconded by Thom Washington to appoint Erick Morales as the MINC® Representative to the RWAG. The motion passed with a vote of 12 Yes and 1 Abstention (Morales). The next item discussed was reimbursements to Board Members for MINC® expenses incurred during transition to the new funding system. A motion was made by Thom Washington and seconded by Shauna Skarin to reimburse Erick Morales for the amount of $65.40. The motion passed with a vote of 11 Yes and 1 No (Morales). Note: Armando Lopez left at 8:30pm before the vote was taken. Committee Reports- See agenda item 10 for details. Budget-Note: Lora Davis left room to recuse herself before discussion of funding the musicians for the Farmer’s Market. Erick Morales acted as the chair during the time that the St. Elmo project was presented. A motion was made by Michael Maloney and seconded by Juana Rosa Cavero to approve funding of St. Elmo’s NPG in the amount of $4,999 to provide musicians at the Wellington Square Farmer’s Market for fifty weeks. The motion passed with a vote of 10 Yes, 1 Abstention (Gory) and 1 Recuse (Lora Davis). The items ii and iii on the Jazz festival and CACLA were tabled. Lora returned. Outreach- Angela King presented information about funding sidewalk signs to promote MINC® meetings. A motion was made by Shauna Skarin and seconded by Deborah Montgomery to approve funding in the amount of $1800 for sidewalk signs announcing MINC® meetings. The motion passed with a vote of 10 Yes, 1 No (Ford-Cook) and 1 Abstention (Gory). PLUM- no report Ad Hoc Committee ReportsBylaws-no report Board Retreat-no report Washington Cleanup-The date is set for Oct 25th CD 10 will provide tools and equipment, MINC and UNNC will split cost of refreshments. The goal is to have 200 volunteers from MINC® area. The cleanup will cover Normandie to Fairfax. The kickoff will be at 8am in the parking lot of Washington Square Shopping Center. The flyers will be available soon. Liaison ReportsDesign Advisory-Lorraine Genovese reported on business card format and costs. It was decided to go with 250 cards/member for 19 Board members at a cost of $39.00 plus tax and design time. A motion was made by Shauna Skarin and seconded by Juana Rosa Cavero to approve the funding of business cards for MINC® Board Members for an amount up to $950. Board Business- move announcements of open board seats to Public Comments. Erick Morales suggested having Board sit in a U shape in front of room at next meeting. Future Agenda Items- Clear Channel- Billboards Meeting Adjourned Submitted by Valaida P. Gory, MINC® Secretary
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