Kelleher & Rogers Auctions &INE!SIAN!UCTIONSs-ANY6ALUABLE0ERSONALIZED3ERVICES “The Lady Cotswolds Missionary Find” K Kelleher Co-Chairman Larry Gibson (right) with British dealer G Allan Grant holding the block of A 19 of the extremely rare China 5 Candarin Yellow Ochre (Scott #6)—part of the greatest find of # major rarities in the history of m Chinese philately. C A fter communicating with British stamp dealer Allan Grant (Rushstamps Ltd.), Kelleher & Rogers Co-Chairman Larry Gibson flew to the United Kingdom in quest of a major discovery. One of the top authorities in Chinese classic stamps, Gibson arrived there to inspect and verify a group of classic 1880s Chinese stamps. They had been found in an old Chinese tea caddy and were about to be offered in a country estate auction. Grant had made the discovery at the auction’s pre-sale viewing. Specifically, the stamps were found in an ornate wooden tea caddy as three unused multiples of China Scott Catalogue number 6: a block of 19, a block of 10 and a block of six. An unused single of Number 6 is valued at $16,000 in the current Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue of Stamps and Covers 1840-1940. They are known as the China 1882 5-candarin orange yellow Imperial Dragon stamp. Grant and Gibson then decided to work together to buy the stamps, which non-philatelic auction house British Bespoke Auctions had as lot No. 94 — described as “A Cigar Box of Early Chinese Stamps” — in its Jan. 31 auction. They succeeded in the purchase and the first of the blocks will be offered to world philately this spring in a Kelleher & Rogers public auction in Hong Kong. “This is, in fact, the most outstanding find in the history of Chinese philately, and a once in a lifetime opportunity to unveil to the philatelic marketplace one of the greatest jewels of the China specialty,” explains Larry Gibson, an internationally recognized authority and dealer in Chinese rare stamps. A relative of the owner of the Cotswolds house where the stamps were found was a missionary in China who used the 5c Imperial Dragon stamps, among others, for postage. “The stamps remained in the family, safely tucked into little brown church donation envelopes since the late 1890s, when the missionary returned to the UK,” Gibson explained. “They were stored in the attic of their old family house and remained there for 125 years — amazing!” Email or Call Us to be on the list to receive our next auction catalog. Malaysia Building, 50 Gloucester Road, 9th Floor, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Email: [email protected] U.S. Offices: 4 Finance Drive, Suite 100, Danbury, CT 06810 USA r5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: info@kelleherauctio [email protected] ww kelleherauctions com Kelleher’s 7ORLD2ENOWNED0UBLIC!UCTIONS3INCEs/NLINE!UCTIONSs-ANY0ERSONALIZED3ERVICES Unmatched Excellence in Knowledge & Expertise. Stanley Richmond Laurence Gibson Michael Rogers Our respected philatelic professionals bring to you Unparalleled Philatelic Experience with over 160 years of professional experience. W ith 130 years of service to world of American philately, we are the oldest continually operating philatelic auction firm in this country. The firm you can completely trust when you have decided to sell your collection. r$MJFOU3FMBUJPOTIJQT8JUI0ME'BTIJPOFE7BMVFT—As America’s oldest philatelic auction house we take pride in USFBUJOHZPVGBJSMZ/PUPOMZUIBUCVUZPVXJMMEFBMXJUIFYQFSUQSPGFTTJPOBMQIJMBUFMJTUTXJUISFTQFDUFECBDLHSPVOETJO U.S., Asian and worldwide philately. r8FSF3FTVMUT0SJFOUFE—consistently achieving better results. r,FMMFIFST'PSNJEBCMF*OUFSOBUJPOBM3FBDI—with major offices on three continents - we are America’s only firm penetrating global markets. r'SFRVFODZPG"VDUJPOBOE8FC*OUFSOFU4BMFT—bi-weekly online sales or public auctions every other month— no need to wait months for your material to come to market. Take advantage of today’s market price today. r(FOFSPVT$BTI"EWBODFT—receive up to the full market value today by immediate payment for outright sale or advance towards auction sale. r8IZFWFSTFUUMFGPSMFTT Deal with owner professionals who know the market. r8FXJMMUSBWFMUPZPVSIPNFPSPċDFGPSCFUUFSQSPQFSUJFT often the same week that you call. Free honest DPOTVMUBUJPOTBQQSBJTBMT r:PVPXFJUUPZPVSTFMGUPDPOUBDUVTđSTUBOEBMXBZTXIZOPUUPEBZ Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions America’s Oldest Philatelic Auction House • Established 1885 A 'JOBODF%SJWF4VJUFr%BOCVSZ$5 1IPOFr5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: E mail: info@kelleherauctions [email protected] com www kelleh w herauctions com Here’s just a sampling off the many fine letters we receive ive from philatelists who have ve dealt with Kelleher... in and d e v i r rece much fo e r e ks w k you so ionalism. c e h c s n “Our der. Tha d profes ience r n o a er good ard work y the exp y uncle b h m your enriched e about an r you c en o s a e m r w u d I e I’m s as be t, learn and h this, as mpany h s thru-ou o g u throu e. Your c courteo the least n d r i imag sional an lighted o s s t e fel !” prof eam ever t. t n r I u yo and gnifican and n O’Hern i u s o n y t bi Ala rnia bless d o o “G Calif “I wo was w uld like t o i He ca th the buy tell you h ow e m erabl e to my h r from you happy I e o r stamp amount o me and sp main offi ce f e time co going nt a consi . “Not llection. dthrou fair p only did g h m h r y e buy other ice, but it was d it for a m buyer or o s pre “Tha vious uble that e than n k s l s for a woul y offe ome d p r to an recommen leasant ex ed me. yo p d consi ne who is your fine erience. I gning C t their hinking of ompany colle s ction elling or .” Steve n New Gray York “In c and y losing, I’d o for yo ur staff at like to tha n K u in ha r professi elleher A k you, ndlin onali u g my sm an ctions, was a f a d t v up th ery diffic her ’s coll success e u ec But y collection lt thing to tion. It our o do to after r the p g roces ganization so many y ive ea s much h , aga beautifully as handle rs. in!” d . Tha nk yo u so Steph en E. Neva Back da hus Our founder, Daniel F. Kelleher, lleher, shown with an n The Collectors Club ad from our firm that ran in Philatelist in the 1920s. Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions America’s Oldest Philatelic Auction House • Established 1885 'JOBODF%SJWF4VJUFr%BOCVSZ$5 1IPOFr5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: [email protected] ww kelleherauctions k ll h ti com Kelleher & Rogers Auctions &INE!SIAN!UCTIONSs-ANY6ALUABLE0ERSONALIZED3ERVICES A New, Exciting Auction Firm Over 130 Years in the Making. Asian Prices Continue Quite STRONG! Consign now for our next Auctions in Hong Kong. Mal Malaysia Building, 50 Gloucester Road, 9th Floor, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Email: [email protected] Em U.S. U S Offices: 4 Finance Drive, Suite 100, Danbury, CT 06810 USA r5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: [email protected] @kelleherauctions com www kelleherauctions com The Sizzling Asian Market Place at your fingertips! Contact us TODAY to sell or consign to our Next Sale. A magnificent quality complete sheet of 25, of the 3ca Large Dragon, first issue, Scott #2, Chan #2 in exquisite condition realized HK $546,250 (US $70,000). The ever-popular 8f Monkey New Year in NH block of 4 topped out at HK $63,250 (US $8,100). 1933 “Sven Hedin” registered cover to Sweden realized HK $14,950 (US $1,910). PRC Poems of Chairman Mao, Scott #967-80, Yang #W39-52, in NH blocks of 4 realized HK $115,000 (US$14,740). An exceptionally rare 1c +1c green, A folded at right rather than left variety fo realized a world record price of HK re $172,500 (US $22,500). $1 A superb example of the large $1 on 3c Red Revenue surcharge, Scott #84, Chan #90, original gum realized HK $74,750 (US $9,580). A 1900 1c +1c completee unsevered used paid/ reply card, Wuchow to Canton and back again, realized HK $115,000 (US $14,740). The 30c C.I.P. carp design Scott #117a, Chan #123d, horizontal pair imperf between reached HK $16,100 (US $2,065). The ever-popular $20 Yellow and Black Hall of Classics issue, Scott #242, Chan #248, topped out at HK $57,500 (US $7,370) against a $4,900 Scott value listing. Corner m margin single of the $2 Statistical Dept. “Republic” overprint inverted, Scott #159a, Chan #165b, reached HK $14,950 (US $1,910). Sample realizations. Go to for complete realizations Malaysia Building, 50 Gloucester Road, 9th Floor, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Email: [email protected] U.S. Offices: 4 Finance Drive, Suite 100, Danbury, CT 06810 USA r5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: info@kelleherauctio [email protected] ww kelleherauctions com Kelleher’s 7ORLD2ENOWNED0UBLIC!UCTIONS3INCEs/NLINE!UCTIONSs-ANY0ERSONALIZED3ERVICES Put yourself in the Driver’s Seat. Stanley Richmond, our President Emeritus, upon graduation from college. Sell NOW in a Strong & Active International Market. răFonly truly international American owned philatelic auction house with offices on three continents. r8FXJMMWJTJUZPVJOZPVSIPNFPSPċDFGPSBGSFFNBSLFUWBMVFDPOđEFOUJBM consultation. r$POTUBOUMZBDIJFWJOHSFDPSESFBMJ[BUJPOT r"EWFSUJTJOHBOENBSLFUJOHCVEHFUXFMMJOUPTJYđHVSFT r%FUBJMFEBOEJOGPSNBUJWF"VDUJPOEFTDSJQUJPOTBOEMPUTJ[FUIBUNBYJNJ[F SFBMJ[BUJPOT r4JOHMFPXOFSDBUBMPHTBWBJMBCMFXJUIUIFPOMZJOIPVTFQSJOUJOHGBDJMJUJFTJOUIF industry. r%FBMEJSFDUMZXJUIPXOFSTXIPBSFJOUFSOBUJPOBMMZBDDMBJNFEQSPGFTTJPOBM philatelists with 60 years combined experience. r0VUSJHIUTBMFGPSJNNFEJBUFQBZNFOUQSJWBUFUSFBUZQMBDFNFOUPSBVDUJPO consignment. Liberal advances available. con r$BMMVTOPXUPBSSBOHFZPVSDPOTVMUBUJPOOPPCMJHBUJPO Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions America’s Oldest Philatelic Auction House • Established 1885 Am 'JOBODF%SJWF4VJUFr%BOCVSZ$5 1IPOFr5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: info@kelleherauctions com [email protected] www kelleh herauctions com 7ORLD2ENOWNED0UBLIC!UCTIONS3INCEs/NLINE!UCTIONSs-ANY0ERSONALIZED3ERVICES Kelleher’s Consign or Sell To Us Now for Our Spring Sales and... Feature YOUR Collection! A Special Message: O UIFSTXJMMCVZZPVSDPMMFDUJPOPVUSJHIUBOEUIFOUVSOBSPVOEBOETFMMJUBUTPNFBVDUJPOPĕFOGPSBT much as two to three times what you paid for it. It’s true. But Kelleher’s personalized services do NOT permit that to ever happen. When you consign or sell to us, XFXJMMCFQMFBTFEUP'&"563&ZPVSđOFDPMMFDUJPOJOPVSBVDUJPODBUBMPHTBOEGPSTQFDJBMDPMMFDUJPOT consigned to us we can even offer you, the seller, a personalized auction catalog all your own. $BMMPVS0XOFS#VZFSTXIPBSFBWBJMBCMFUPUSBWFMJNNFEJBUFMZ to value your collection. No pressure. No Hassle Market Values will be provided. If another buyer asks you “How much do you want for your collection?”XBMLBXBZDPVOUPOVTUPDBOEJEMZ advise you as to the current market conditions so that you can receive the most for your collectionFJUIFSJO PVUSJHIUDPOđEFOUJBMTBMFUPVTGPSJNNFEJBUFQBZNFOUPSBVDUJPODPOTJHONFOU $POTJHONFOUTBMTPOPXBDDFQUFEGPSPVSSFHVMBS*OUFSOFUTBMFTOPOFFEUPXBJUGPSUIFOFYUQVCMJDTBMF We sell more lots online than any other public auction company. *OUFSOBUJPOBM3FBDITFMMUPFWFSZPOFJOUIFNBSLFUBSPVOEUIFXPSMEOPUKVTUPOFQFSTPOPSDPNQBOZ Guaranteed results. It’s never been easier to receive full market value by contacting Kelleher’s today! You will be glad that you did. ! Th greatest di The distinction i i when h iit’s’ time i to sell ll is h having your own personalized li d public bbl auction catalog l designed by our talented graphic artists and written up by Kelleher’s expert professional philatelists. And printed in full color in our own in-house printing services. Call now for an in-home appointment—never a charge to APS members! Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions America’s Oldest Philatelic Auction House • Established 1885 'JOBODF%SJWF4VJUFr%BOCVSZ$5 1IPOFr5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: [email protected] ww ww w w kelleherauctions com Kelleher’s 7ORLD2ENOWNED0UBLIC!UCTIONS3INCEs/NLINE!UCTIONSs-ANY0ERSONALIZED3ERVICES Upcoming Public Auction Sales: Kelleher Public Auctions April 10-11, 2015 Collections, Stocks and Accumulations of the World April 22-24, 2015 r'MBHTIJQ4FSJFT4QFDJBMJ[FE4BMF$BUBMPHs (Order Yours Today – They are FREE to APS members!) A total of six (6) catalogs of... r648PSMEXJEF4UBNQT1PTUBM)JTUPSZ featuring Ingram, Monson, Stiles, Moradian Persia and others. r643FWFOVFTJODMVEJOH(MFOEBMF-F#PXBOE%3'PMEPWFST r"FSP1IJMBUFMZXJUI&QIFNFSBGSPN%BOOFS1FDLIBN1IJQQT'JU[IVHI r3ZVLZV*TMBOET4UBNQT1PTUBM)JTUPSZ as formed by the late George W. MacLellan r1SJODF&EXBSE*TMBOEBOE4FMFDU$BOBEB1SPWJODFTGSPNUIF.BKFTUJD$PMMFDUJPO r1PTUBM$BSETBOEUIFJS6TBHFT with further offerings from the Constellation Collection ,FMMFIFS3PHFST)POH,POH"VDUJPO4BMF May 22-24, 2015 Featuring extensive classic China including the Lady Cotswold Find13$)POH,POH+BQBOBOEPUIFS"TJBBSFBT XJUITFWFSBMNBKPSDPMMFDUJPOT"SDIJWFT*OUFSOBUJPOBMXJMMDPOEVDUBTBMFPGSBSF Chinese and Asian banknotes, coins and scripophily in Association with K&R. 8IFSF%PYou Buy? Michael Rogers g Online Sharing Philately Worldwide Why not do it the Fun, W Economical & Easy Way? E Our exciting Online Auctions BSFKVTUMJLFUIFPMEGBTIJPOFE giant mail sales...only BETTER. Michael Rogers Online Our Great Monthly Online Sales featuring 1,000’s of USA, Asia (China), British, & Worldwide. Be a bidder! Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions America’s Oldest Philatelic Auction House • Established 1885 'JOBODF%SJWF4VJUFr%BOCVSZ$5 1IPOFr5PMM'SFFr'BY Email: [email protected] ww ww w w kelleherauctions com
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