Application Pack Computing/ICT Teacher learners today, leaders tomorrow - opportunities for all Contents Welcome from Headteacher School Information Buile Hill Family Tree Departmental Information Job Advert Job Description Person Specification Why Choose Us? Leadership Opportunities Meet the staff Life as an NQT School Location Map Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ Welcome from the Headteacher Thank you for your interest in this post, we have included information about the school to help you make an informed decision. I would like to take this opportunity to enlighten you on our vision and philosophy. We believe a successful school needs to have distributed leadership, together with trust and confidence in middle leaders to implement strategies to further increase our results and continue to support professional development in staff. In order to facilitate the high quality teaching standards that are required for continuous improvement, we have established strong links with other schools, colleges and universities in the local area. We also achieved a grading of “Good” in all areas in our Section 5 Ofsted inspection under the new framework, in October 2012. We have an open door policy and actively encourage visitors to come and look round our school. If you would like the opportunity to come and visit us and to discuss the post further please do not hesitate to contact me on the number above. Should it not be possible for you to visit but you would like further information please feel free to contact me. We are looking for someone with exceptional qualities to be part of our dynamic and innovative school community and who has high aspirations and expectations for each and every one of our pupils. I look forward to receiving your application. Yours sincerely, James Inman Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ School Information Thank you for your interest in this post. I hope that you find the information in this pack informative and that you will decide that our organisation is the exciting new challenge that you are looking for. Buile Hill Visual Arts College is an 11 - 16, co-educational, fully comprehensive community school, serving the inner city community of Salford. It is a rapidly improving school, which has a growing reputation in the area. All our year groups are expanding quickly and we are currently oversubscribed in year 7 and expect this to work through into all year groups. We serve one of the most deprived areas in the country and our percentage of children entitled ton pupil premium funding is high. We insist on the highest standards at all times and only the best staff are invited to join our community. There are approximately 750 pupils on roll and we have an experienced team of teachers, support staff and pastoral leaders in each house. There is a highly skilled administrative team and all staff on site contributes to the ethos of the school, which is one of working together to ensure that each pupil fulfils their full potential. We were last inspected in October 2012 and we were delighted with a „good‟ judgment which was well deserved recognition for the progress we had made as a school. A subject inspection in Business, ICT & Enterprise in April of the same year also resulted in the school being deemed as „Good‟ in this area. However, we are not complacent and we work regularly with a group of current Ofsted inspectors and HMI to ensure we maintain our high professional standards with all the staff receiving high quality CPD. Each faculty undergoes an annual faculty review in addition. Again, this is led by an external consultant to maintain objectivity and ensures we are working in line with current national policy. We spend a large proportion of the school budget on CPD and believe strongly in developing leadership at all levels. We have attached examples of the programmes we offer to ensure we are constantly at the forefront of innovation and have high levels of expertise. We seek staff with a passion for teaching and a desire to enable young people to achieve their personal best. We wish to recruit excellent practitioners who deliver learning and teaching that matches individual needs, challenges and inspires minds, and ensures that every young person aspires to succeed. Our Senior Leadership Team consists of a Headteacher, four Assistant Headteachers, Business Manager aswell as our Director of Quality Systems. Each term we second two members of the school staff onto SLT to enrich this group and provide additional experience to the members of staff involved. We have produced and deliver an externally accredited leadership programme for staff in school to undertake if their application and proposed project is successful. Academic standards have risen from 20% 5A* - C including English and maths in 2010 (when a new Senior Leadership Team was established), to 59% in 2013. We encountered a dip in our results last year to 46%, partly due to the new accountability measures, and partly due to a strategic decision to reduce the number of vocational qualifications on offer in preparation for Progress 8. Our results are expected to increase to in excess of 60% this year. We are currently experiencing a changing demographic in school with our current year 7 meeting national standards for the first time and with many more able students choosing this school; we are therefore flourishing and growing rapidly in KS3. Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ School Information cont.... Examination courses commence in Year 9, with considerable subject choice within National Curriculum guidelines, culminating in GCSE accreditation. The school offers a curriculum which is mostly GCSE based but we do also offer some vocational courses. Students take three option subjects for two hours a week in addition to English, Maths and Science. Core PE is taken by all students but also available as an option and Computer Science will soon be taken by all students. RE and PSHE is taught within the extensive form time programme. The caring atmosphere within the school has a firm, underlying commitment to high standards of behaviour, attitude and effort. The Buile Hill Family is very important to us and every member of our community is linked to a House. We are particularly proud of our hardworking and talented staff who nominate each other weekly for the FRED (Friendly, Resourceful, Enthusiastic and Dedicated) draw. Consequently, during every Friday briefing a lucky and well deserved member of staff takes home a bottle of champagne as a small token of our thanks for going above and beyond that week. We celebrate excellent staff attendance half termly and are very proud to have a healthy, happy and friendly staff, with one of the lowest rates of staff absence in the LA. House Coordinators have responsibility for the academic progress and attitudes to learning of their mixed year house group and play an integral part in the drive for consistently high academic standards. Children in each house compete to win one of the regular house activities. We have four non-teaching Raising Achievement Co-ordinators in school who strategically lead on the following areas: Behaviour, Safeguarding, Attendance and Achievement. The School has a well defined Induction Programme for NQT's and new staff which is co-ordinated by an Assistant Headteacher who is also responsible for our SCITT. This means we train our own teachers and are able to award the Qualified Teacher Status. In addition, we are part of an alliance offering School Direct training places and PGCE places each term. We are undertaking such initiatives because the support we provide trainee teachers, as well as those new to the profession, is exemplary. In September 2008, we moved into a brand new building. Our new school has provided us with the „state of the art‟ facilities in all subject areas. The latest ICT is embedded throughout the curriculum to further develop learning and support teachers. All teachers are issued with a laptop, every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and many have visualisers. We have innovative plans to expand the use of technology to further support learning in the future. Our school day starts at 8.25am with a twenty minute form time. This is followed by five, one hour, lessons separated by a fifteen morning break and a thirty minute split lunch. School finishes at 2.30pm, after which there is an extensive programme of extra-curricular clubs, interventions and activities undertaken by the majority of our young people. Finally, our school is a friendly, vibrant and exciting place to be educated or to work. Every member of our school community is recognised and valued for the individual they are and each one is given every opportunity to fulfill their potential. If, after reading the information presented in this pack, you are interested in applying for the post we would encourage you to take time to visit our website and in particular our twitter feed, which demonstrates how student centered we are. Still interested? You are most welcome to come and visit us, before submitting your application. James Inman Headteacher Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ Assistant Headteacher Pastoral Heads PA & Office Design & Repro LRC Pastoral Team TA’s Attendance Non - Teaching Staff RAC’s House Coordinators Attendance Seclusion Assistant Headteacher SCITT & Head of MFL Pastoral Team MFL dept Performing Arts dept Assistant Headteacher Maths, numeracy & Assessment English dept Tech dept Humanities dept Director of Quality Systems & Head of ICT Science dept Assistant Headteacher Teaching & Learning Maths dept Art dept PE dept SEN dept ICT dept Buile Family Tree Headteacher School Business Manager ICT Department Who are we? The ICT/Computing faculty from September will comprise of four full time specialist teachers and one part time member of staff including the faculty head and the 2nd in Department. It benefits from three dedicated fully networked computer rooms, all with Windows Seven as the operating system and industry software including Adobe CS suite. There is also a cross curricular ICT room which is used by other departments. Many departments also have a suite of laptops to complement our facilities. Computing is taught as a discreet subject at both KS3 and KS4, with ICT taught within Year 11 until June 2016. From September we will be making significant changes to the curriculum. Year 7 and 8 pupils will follow the new Computing programme of study and have 1 lesson per week. In Years 9-10 all pupils study GCSE Computing (OCR Specification). Pupils within Year 11 will be studying GCSE ICT or GCSE Computing, with one option group studying Business and Communication Systems and Leisure and Tourism. All Key Stage 4 lessons receive a generous three hours allocation of curriculum time. Courses being taught by the department will include OCR Computing, ECDL, GCSE ICT (OCR Specification), Business and Communication Systems, Leisure and Tourism, and from September 2015 both Digital Applications and Business Studies will be offered. We are in the process of adapting our Schemes of Work to incorporate the imminent changes to KS4 and KS3 curricula. Our passion lies in collaboration, with members of the team planning and marking together, sharing resources and good practice. Outcomes for children. Our outcomes for children are improving at every sitting and current predictions show the June 2015 figure to exceed National Averages for GCSE ICT, and Business and Communication Systems. Significantly, the number of pupils making 3 and 4+ levels of progress is increasing. In 2014 the department achieved 52% A*-C, 53% 3 levels of progress and 19% 4 levels of progress for GCSE ICT. We expect that to rise to 72% A*-C, 71% 3 levels of progress and 24% 4 levels of progress. In Business and Communication Systems in 2014 we achieved 52% A*-C, 71% 3 levels of progress and 36% 4 levels of progress. We expect that to rise to 59% A*-C, 73% 3 levels of progress and 39% 4 levels of progress. With the introduction of problem solving, independent enquiry, group collaboration at every level and greater engagement in lessons, standards within teaching have improved at both Key Stages, with rapid improvements during this academic year in the quality of the marking and feedback given to students. We recognise that to continue our journey to outstanding we need to ensure that excellent outcomes continue to rise throughout both Key Stages over the next two years. What are we good at? The faculty has always strived to deliver outstanding results and it is expected that whoever is appointed will contribute to further success. All courses are very popular with students with the majority achieving excellent outcomes by the end of KS4. In a recent faculty review led by an external consultant we were identified as ‘good’ under the current Ofsted framework in all areas. Excellent teaching is at the heart of the faculty and teachers work hard to ensure that all lessons are well planned, innovative and interesting. Our department includes a range of dedicated, specialist staff that have developed the collaborative climate that has enabled teaching standards to improve throughout the year. In our lessons the teacher-student relationships have been identified as a strength, they are good and mutually respectful. Pupil engagement and attitudes have improved within the department. In the best lessons, formative assessment checks understanding and supports progress through challenge and developing responses. The use of 1-2-1 intervention and the weekly extended day session for Year 11s has enabled the vast majority of pupils to make good progress. What do we want to develop? Within the next few years we are striving for computing to become an outstanding faculty whose influence permeates all areas of school life. Our ongoing vision for the Computing faculty at Buile Hill is extensive as is reflected in the forthcoming curriculum changes. We are constantly looking for new and exciting opportunities to improve the quality and experiences that pupils receive in the subject by investing in new software and hardware. We value extracurricular opportunities in the faculty as a way of extending the learning and enjoyment the pupils receive after the home time bell goes. To this end we are seeking an individual who shares this same vision. Computing faculty advert Buile Hill Visual Arts College is an 11 - 16, co-educational, fully comprehensive community school, serving the inner city community of Salford. It is a rapidly improving school, which has a growing reputation in the area. All of our year groups are expanding quickly and we are currently oversubscribed in year 7 and expect this to work through to all year groups. In September 2008, we moved into a new building. We were last inspected in October 2012 and we were delighted with the ‘Good’ judgement which was well deserved recognition for the progress we had made as a school. We are looking to appoint a dynamic and highly motivated Teacher of Computer Science, either as a NQT or more experienced. Our faculty results have improved significantly over recent years and we now need to consolidate the improvements made ready for the new Computing curriculum and to ensure achievement and progress within the Faculty is Outstanding. This post represents an excellent opportunity for career development as the successful candidate will be a member of a multi-faceted, dynamic and hardworking departmental team and will have the opportunity to influence its development and future direction. We are looking for: • • • An excellent teacher of Computer Science An inclusive individual, with high expectations of their students, who is committed to maximising rates of progress. Someone with a sense of humour, who understands the importance of developing a positive culture in our organisation and is totally committed to the concept of distributed leadership. We will guarantee: • • • • • You will be supported but challenged. Provided with the very best CPD on offer from the abundance of talented staff working within the school as well as external experts seconded to work with us to maintain objectivity in school. A stimulating and friendly working environment where every member of staff is valued and makes a significant contribution to the Buile Hill Family. Working with honest, aspirational students, who are full of character and have a lot of potential. Support from creative and innovative colleagues that will ensure your professional practice continues to develop in-line with national standards. If you feel you share our values, have the vision and drive for excellence and want to be part of an enthusiastic, dedicated and well-resourced team, committed to ensuring that students fulfil their potential, then we would like to hear from you. Visits to the school are encouraged and warmly welcomed. Completed application forms should be returned to: Mrs. J. Derbyshire Headteacher’s PA Buile Hill Visual Arts College Eccles Old Road Salford M6 8RD at the following email address [email protected] The closing date for all applications is 10.00am on Monday 20th April 2015 The interviews will take place on Thursday 23rd April 2015. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Appointment to this post is subject to 2 x satisfactory references, Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check, medical clearance, evidence of essential qualifications and proof of right to work in the UK. Directorate: Education Section: Buile Hill Visual Arts College Job details Job title: Teacher – Standard scale Grade: Main scale Teacher Location of work: Buile Hill High School Directly responsible to: The postholder is responsible to the Headteacher in all matters and to the defined subject line manager in respect of curricular matters and the pastoral line manager in pastoral matters. Directly responsible for: Teaching Computer Science Hours of duty: 1265 hours Primary purpose of the job: To teach pupils within the school and to carry out such other associated duties as are reasonably assigned by the Headteacher. Post ref no: Main duties and responsibilities/accountabilities This job description is to be performed in accordance with the provisions of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document and within the range of duties set out in that document so far as relevant to the postholder’s title and salary grade. The post is otherwise subject to the Conditions of Service for School Teachers in England and Wales (the ‘Burgundy Book’) and to locally agreed conditions of employment to the extent that they are incorporated in the postholder’s individual contract of employment. Copies of the relevant documents are available for inspection at the school. The responsibilities attaching to the post of teacher are as follows: 1. To teach, according to their educational needs, pupils assigned to him/her in the allocated classes. 2. To follow all school policies in relation to teaching, learning and assessment and the care and 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. management of students’ and health and safety. To undertake pastoral duties as required with due regard to all policies and procedures relating to: attendance, progress, pastoral welfare and management. To take part in performance management procedures. To undertake continuous professional development. To be a form tutor and carry out the duties of this role. To attend and contribute to subject department meetings. To work with teachers from other departments to share good practice. To contribute to writing SOW and resources as directed by the Head of Faculty. 10. To undertake any other duties which the Headteacher may reasonably require. The postholder must carry out their duties with full regard to the City Council’s Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety and Community Strategy policies. To contribute and demonstrate a commitment to the City Council’s Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy. To undertake any other such duties that are reasonably commensurate with the level of this post Review arrangements The details contained in this job description reflect the content of the job at the date it was prepared. It should be remembered, however, that it is inevitable that over time, the nature of individual jobs will change, existing duties may no longer be required and other duties may be gained without changing the general nature of the duties or the level of responsibility entailed. Consequently, the council will expect to revise this job description from time to time and will consult with the postholder at the appropriate time. Date job description prepared/revised: March 2015 Prepared/revised by: Richard Simcox – Head of Faculty Agreed job description signed by holder: James Inman Headteacher Job title Grade Directorate Location Teacher –Computing/ICT Mainscale Children’s Services Buile Hill Visual Arts College Note to manager In completing this form you are setting the expected standard for the person you need for this job on this occasion. Once completed, it will help to create your shortlist of candidates and to devise the questions you ask at interview. Please describe the criterion in ways that are both accurate and capable of being tested. Above all, the requirements must be job related and non-discriminatory. The job description, person specification and advertisement must be consistent. Each of the criteria must be identified under the Essential or Desirable headings. Whilst all criterions are important, those marked Essential must be met before an interview can be offered. (See Section 6 of the Recruitment and Selection Code of Practice for more information on producing a person specification) Note to applicants Whilst all criterions below are important, those under the Essential heading are the key requirements. You should pay particular attention to these areas and provide evidence of meeting them. Failure to do so may mean that you will not be invited for interview. (*See grid overleaf) Essential criteria Necessary requirements – skills, knowledge, experience etc. * M.O.A. 1. Graduate A 2. Qualified teacher status or experience of teaching in an 11-16 high school and willingness to work towards QTS A 3. Excellent teaching skills I/R 4. Support for an inclusive education system A/I/R 5. Good working relationships with colleagues A/I/R 6. Ability to work as a member of a team A/I/R 7. Desire to continue own professional development A/I/R 8. Excellent attendance record R 9. Willingness to participate in extra curricular activities A/I/R 10. Willingness to support faculty and develop courses, resources & schemes of work. A/I/R Desirable criteria Necessary requirements – skills, knowledge, experience etc. * M.O.A. 1. Knowledge of Computing and the Computing Curriculum A/I/R 2. Knowledge of a range of Computing and ICT courses including, ,GCSE Computing, GCSE ICT, GCSE Business Studies, ECDL and Digital Applications A/I/R 3. Familiarity with a range of Teaching & Learning Strategies including all relevant Government Initiatives A/I/R 4. Willingness to further own development and knowledge as the curriculum/subject matter changes including knowledge of outside bodies including CAS A/I/R Completed by Date Approved by Method of assessment (* M.O.A.) A = Application form, C = Certificate, E = Exercise, I = Interview, R=Reference Date Why Choose Us? If you choose to pursue an application to work at Buile Hill Visual Arts College it is because you are motivated to work within a supportive, collaborative and dynamic team which consistently strives to achieve the best outcomes for our students. We believe in providing opportunities for all - both staff and students. Our expectations are high for everyone within our community, recognising the fact that only through this teamwork can we all achieve our aspirational goals. Staff come to work to teach lessons that ensure students make excellent progress. Parents choose our school because of the expectations we have for ourselves and our willingness to go above and beyond for everyone within our community. Likewise the high expectations that we place upon ourselves as professionals, we also extend to our students whether it be with their progress, uniform or behaviour throughout the school and community. If you are looking for a school that will challenge whilst support you, then our CPD package will ensure you develop your skills, whether it be in the classroom or as a leader influencing colleagues. Having recently moved into our new building and rapidly improved our own practice, we are well placed to offer forward thinking yet reliable support to staff at all levels. Creativity lies at the heart of what we do and we're keen to work with innovative colleagues who can further enhance our already exceptional community. We believe in lifelong learning, whether this is staff or students. By working at Buile Hill staff benefit from the following: An emphasis on personal development, supported by an annual personal £300 CPD budget. Bespoke pathways for progression regardless of your role within the Buile Hill family. A climate for collaboration and coaching, ensuring we work together to share good practice and build on our already rapidly improving outcomes. Regular coaching and challenge from working HMI and Ofsted consultants. A supportive and sociable staff, with regular social events, weekly FRED (Friendly, Resourceful, Enthusiastic and Dedicated) award and termly recognition of excellent staff attendance. Leading regular school-to-school support across a range of schools in the North West. A well structured and supportive pastoral staff, who work strategically within school and across the Local Authority. A whole-school team that believes in distributed leadership at all levels within the organisation. Involvement in an innovative and influential ITT partnership. Well resourced specialist facilities across all departments. A committed, aspirational and supportive culture within which we avoid blame and focus on improvement. We welcome positive, innovative and committed colleagues into the Buile Hill family and look forward to further developing our own practice as a result. If you are driven by team-work and motivated to achieve the best possible outcomes for all children, then Buile Hill is right for you. As our strapline implies, „We‟re going places‟, and we‟re looking for exceptional staff to join us along the way. Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ Leadership Opportunities In whatever capacity you join Buile Hill Visual Arts College; you will enjoy the benefit of our motto „Opportunities for All‟. We believe in leadership at all levels and we credit this as being the vehicle that has enabled our rapid improvement as a team, achieving the best possible outcomes for our students. The leadership opportunities at Buile Hill range from the leadership project delivered by the school leading to masters level accreditation, to regular secondment posts onto our extended SLT team, to working within the lead teacher group as an outstanding practitioner coaching another colleague within school. Below is a brief description of some of the leadership opportunities that our staff benefit from at Buile Hill. Leadership Project As with all of our CPD opportunities, the leadership project is open to all staff. It requires participants to develop and lead a project within the area they work. The participants attend monthly CPD sessions and are assigned a mentor, who meets regularly and supports them with the implementation and monitoring the impact of their project. This project leads to masters level accreditation from Manchester Metropolitan University. SLT Secondment For staff with extensive experience at a middle leadership level, there are regular seconded posts onto SLT. With the post comes the opportunity to lead a project across a range of areas, focusing on a whole school area for development. Staff on this programme are coached by a member of SLT and enjoy the experience of working at a strategic whole school level throughout the year. Lead Teacher A key part of our CPD programme are the weekly sessions delivered by members of the lead teacher group. These are staff identified in a range of areas and departments who are excellent practitioners. Each week is focused on a different theme and all staff can opt to attend as necessary. The lead teacher group are also assigned another member of staff to support on an informal basis. The support offered includes regular coaching sessions, team teaching, observations and learning walks. SLE There are currently 3 SLEs working within school. We encourage and support applications to apply to local teaching schools as an SLE. There is regular and extensive school-to-school support being led by a range of excellent staff from Buile – for example these include leading faculty reviews at other schools, supporting with marking and feedback, moderation of assessment work, supporting new administrative teams and taking part in LA wide conferences. ITT As a SCITT Buile Hill recruits, trains and awards QTS to up to 20 trainee teachers a year. These are across a range of subjects and they are placed within our alliance of 10 schools spread across Greater Manchester. In addition, we regularly host ITT trainees from MMU, Edgehill and Manchester University – every faculty has had at least one trainee during this academic year. Our staff are actively involved in the mentoring and coaching of our trainees, delivering pedagogic training sessions, supporting with the quality assurance of our SCITT provision across our alliance schools and shaping the future of teacher training in our locality. Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ Meet The Staff At Buile Hill I have been provided with opportunities to develop and lead initiatives which I am passionate about. This extends to outside of my department; for example recently I led a range of whole school I nternational projects. I was supported and encouraged within this role by other school leaders. I really enjoyed the opportunity. We have a strong ethos of all staff leading projects and developing ideas. I feel this is important as it allows all members off staff to be valued and develop their skills. Since I started in 2012 I have had nothing but encouragement, support and opportunities to develop as a leader. By recently enrolling on the school-led leadership project, I have been given information and chances to continue to develop my leadership further. Louise Talbot - Art Teacher/Acting Head of Art My role in school is to help improve school attendance at a strategic level. I am working with the Local Authority to implement effective strategies to combat persistent absentees and identify attendance concerns at an early stage. Working closely at an early intervention prevention level, we aim to develop a high standard across the school with clear expectations with regards to attendance. I have implemented an escalation process, which ensures that every opportunity of support and advice is given to parents, children and the family to help improve attendance prior to fine or prosecution. My role fits within the school community by ensuring families are aware of their roles and responsibilities regarding attendance. I also ensure that families who are struggling to support their children to school, who may be vulnerable, or have additional needs, are signposted to the relevant agencies within the local authority locality teams. Whilst I have been at Buile Hill I have had several development opportunities. I have attended SIMS training and also an attendance conference. I am currently on a Leadership and Management course which is part of Manchester Metropolitan University leading to a nationally recognised qualification. Every year we have a pastoral residential which is a fantastic experience where we look at the pastoral vision and how we can develop our roles and improve our specific areas strategically. Anna Goddard – Attendance Officer I am an NQT at Buile Hill Visual Arts College having trained as a salaried School Direct trainee at Buile Hill last year. During my training I was exposed to a wide variety of opportunities both in house and externally. I was assigned several members of staff who were available to support me in a number of ways. These ranged from a subject mentor, who helped with subject specific matters such as planning and resources and a professional mentor, who assisted me through parents‟ evenings, with behaviour management strategies and integrating me into all aspects of the wider community within school. In addition, to this I worked with a lead teacher, outside of my department, who helped me manage my workload, apply for jobs and improve my practice. This wealth of experience offered to me was invaluable; I had regular meetings with my mentors, was observed regularly and consistently and given constructive feedback to develop throughout the year. As an NQT I have continued to be developed as a teacher and a professional in CPD sessions, through feedback from staff and from being a part of HMI inspections and faculty reviews. NQTs are offered and encouraged to take on responsibilities – and I have taken on the role of tracking and monitoring all vulnerable pupils in the Maths department. I have also had the opportunities to work with this year‟s trainees and other NQTs to guide them and support them the way I was supported last year. Natalie Eccles – Maths NQT Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ Life As An NQT By starting your teaching career as an NQT at Buile Hill Visual Arts College you will enjoy a structured support programme led by a range of experienced, outstanding teachers within school. As with all staff, NQTs will undertake a diagnostic observation early in the first half-term with their mentor that will enable them to identify their strengths and areas for development. This will inform their professional plan that will direct their training throughout the year. Every NQT has a dedicated departmental mentor, as well as a personal lead teacher assigned to support them from another department within school. Our lead teachers are all outstanding practitioners who have been trained to coach colleagues and provide them with practical support within the classroom. As with every member of staff within school, all NQTs have a personal CPD budget to spend throughout each year in a way that will support their development, whether this be observing other teachers, taking time to peer mark a set of books or work with one of our SLEs planning a lesson, team teaching and using the video classroom as a method of coaching. There is a weekly CPD programme run by excellent practitioners focusing on specific themes; these sessions are open to all staff and enable NQTs to focus their training on the areas of development identified within their professional plan. In addition, at Buile Hill all NQTs benefit from a timetable reduction of 10%, allowing for increased time to be spent on planning and assessing students. All NQTs are observed on a half-termly basis by either their mentor, line manager, the induction tutor in school or as part of our whole school teaching and learning days. All of our mentors and observers are trained with the emphasis on areas of strength and for development, rather than Ofsted gradings. This information feeds into the CPD cycle and is used to support the NQT in their development. Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ Life As An NQT Testimonials from staff who have trained and completed their NQT year at Buile Hill “I started my training at Buile Hill Visual Arts College in January 2013 as part of my second placement from Manchester Metropolitan University. I was undertaking the PGCE course at the time. Throughout my time here I had extensive opportunities to develop as a trainee with one to one mentoring every week, consistent lesson observations, constructive feedback and professional development sessions on a weekly basis. Even as a trainee my time here was used effectively and efficiently. I was integrated into every aspect of school life from departmental meetings to parents‟ evenings and teacher training days. In May, just before the end of my placement, a permanent MFL job came up in the department which meant that I would now have the opportunity to teach my second specialist language, German, as well as my first, French. During my NQT year I continued to receive both formal and informal feedback from Head of Faculty, HMI inspectors and other teaching staff in the school through the lead teacher support programme. CPD sessions are on offer each week, which enabled me to identify my weaknesses and develop them with the help of more experienced teachers. The support offered is second to none and is not just limited to departmental support. I have developed throughout my time at Buile and taken on a number of responsibilities such as developing homework at a departmental level, taking a trip to Paris and becoming a lead teacher myself to guide others that come into the school in the way in which I was guided and supported.” Amy McCarron –MFL Teacher/Lead Teacher and Mentor “I trained at Buile Hill Visual Arts College through the School Direct training route. Buile Hill was my block A school which meant I spent the autumn and summer term at the school. During my time at Buile, I received support from a wide range of colleagues, weekly CPD sessions that targeted my areas for development and inset days. I was welcomed to the school as a member of staff. I am now a history teacher at Buile Hill and as part of my CPD I am on the Buile Hill leadership project, whereby I am leading an action plan for improvement in my department. I receive half termly CPDs and it contributes towards my masters, as well as providing me with the skills needed to be an outstanding leader. The highlight of my training has been the residential - a weekend that enhances your teaching and learning skills, but also allows you to build relationships with other members of staff. My future plans are to be a head of history.” Laura McBride – History NQT/Mentor “I joined Buile Hill as an NQT at the beginning of the 2013/14 academic year. During my NQT year, I received constant support from my subject and professional mentor as well as being ssigned a lead teacher. Weekly meetings were held with my subject mentor, and the lead teacher supported with any school issues outside of my subject area. CPD sessions were held weekly to help with all aspects of teaching and this had an impact on my teaching practice. At the end of my second year at Buile I was given the role of KS3 coordinator, meaning I am now responsible for the progress of pupils in year 7 and 8 alongside the Head of Maths. It is a challenging position, but one which I am enjoying. In the future I would like to progress within my subject area, ventually becoming a Head of Faculty, whether this is at Buile or another school.” Martin Ainscough – Maths Teacher/KS3 Coordinator/Mentor Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’ School Location Map Learners Today Leaders Tomorrow – Opportunities for All Targets | 61% A* - C including English & Maths | Attendance 94.5 % | 100% Teaching ‘Good’ by July 2015 - 50% at least 1 ‘outstanding’
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