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Focus On Modern Service Experience
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
9:00 AM 12:00 PM
General Session
Modern Service Experience Keynote: Oracle Service Cloud Vision
Brian Curran, Oracle, Becky Ploeger, Kohl's Corporation, Kate Leggett,
Forrester, Steve Fioretti, Oracle
Palazzo M
As a leading service professional, there has never been a better time to
take your seat at the table in order to drive your organization's success
in a world of increased customer expectations. Command of this
transformation requires a true understanding of the customer journey
and the challenges your organization will face in pursuit of fulfilling their
needs. Join Oracle's Brian Curran, VP Customer Experience Strategy &
Design, as he narrates a vision of how to Design the Service
Experience of Tomorrow. Learn how you can rewrite your role and the
role of your department by embracing today's digital disruption head-on,
and by utilizing modern strategy and capabilities to catapult you and
your organization forward. Becky Ploeger, Vice President of Digital
Commerce Customer at Kohls will join us to explain how her company
has risen to the challenge of understanding and delivering on these
increased customer expectations. You will also hear Kate Leggett, Vice
President and Principal Analyst from Forrester Research, give her
knowledgeable insight on the future of customer service and trends that
are impacting a company’s ability to deliver great service. And finally,
we’ll close with a Customer Appreciation Awards Ceremony to
recognize our customers’ achievements.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
The Modern Agent Experience
Josh Bowcott, Oracle
Discover how to quickly build a modern, unified agent experience. This
session provides an overview of the powerful Connect Add-In
Framework, a walk-through of the creation and deployment of an addin, and a demonstration on how to assemble an agent experience
through the use of workflows, workspaces, workspace rules, and addins.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Insightful Answers
Getting Deeper Insights with Reporting and Analytics
Kenny Tietz, Oracle
Delfino 4005
Learn best practices for optimizing reports and dashboards to help gain
deeper insights from your data. This session will review various
analytics features that will help you maximize your operational reporting
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system and understand performance implications. You'll also learn
about options for integrating with a data warehouse for your enterprise
analytics needs.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Customer Service Leadership in 2020
Ian Jacobs, Forrester
Delfino 4006
The pace of technology change, new and emerging support channels,
and rapidly changing customer expectations are all putting more and
more pressure on today’s customer service and support organization.
This session will peer into the future and predict what customer service
might look like in the year 2020. Ian Jacobs, Senior Analyst at
Forrester, will become fortune teller and soothsayer (when in Vegas…!)
and help us organizations think about the next wave of technology and
behavioral shifts that a Service Executive needs to consider as they
plan for the future.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Web Customer
Panel: The Future of Leading Online Service Experiences
David Fulton, Oracle, Stuart Concannon, ASOS, Aphrodite Brinsmead,
Ovum, Jeremy Kembel, Oracle
Delfino 4104
Web Customer Service like any rapidly maturing technology space is
subject to its fair share of hype and hyperbole, which makes making a
decision on channels to support or trends to follow a risky bet (even for
Vegas!). Join our esteemed panel of practitioners and technologists as
they cut through the bluster and BS to speculate on what they see the
benchmark for leading practices and technologies being over the next
few years, why, and what that will mean for your online service strategy.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Contact Center
Cross-Channel—Unifying the Service Agent Experience
Justin Anderson, Oracle, Allyson Boudousquie, Convergys, Kent
Swartz, Oracle
Delfino 4105
Today’s customers bring increasingly high expectations for consistent,
expedient service across every channel. In this session, learn how
Oracle Service Cloud enables you to deliver exceptional support across
all channels with the Modern Cross-Channel Contact Center. Empower
your agents with a unified workspace, simplified tasks, and powerful
knowledge tools that will make their job easier, and make your
customers happier. Learn how Convergys, a global leader in customer
management, is leveraging Oracle Service Cloud to enable 28 global
customers to engage through the right channel at the right time
throughout the customer journey. Through Convergys’ Digital
Engagement strategy, companies are providing a superior customer
experience using a variety of digital channels: web chat, mobile chat,
co-browse, email, social, and more. Convergys also will offer case
stories and best practices on how to improve agent productivity and
increase satisfaction by having a single view of the customer—
providing a seamless experience across multiple touch points.
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2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Crafting a Modern Self-Service Experience with Oracle Service
James Watson, Oracle, Chris Fellows, Oracle
Join this session to learn how to deliver modern self-service. We'll
introduce you to the Oracle Customer Portal Cloud Service, and provide
a getting started demonstration targeted for designers and developers
on how to work with the Customer Portal framework. By the end of the
session, attendees will be able to edit files, configure common options,
customize the look and feel for a pixel-perfect support site, and find
help to move to the next level. This session is relevant to website
designers, developers, and contact center administrators.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Insightful Answers
Measuring the Value of Knowledge
Nav Chakravarti, Oracle, Ramesh Manian, Oracle, Joe Harkulich,
Rockwell Automation, Joyce Moline, Ameriprise Financial, Eric Henly,
Ameriprise Financial
Delfino 4005
Join the conversation about how best-practices organizations are
moving away from knowledge management activity measures and
moving toward quantifying the value of specific knowledge interactions.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Strategic Roadmap to Modern Customer Service
JP Saunders, Oracle
Delfino 4006
Learn how to mature your customer engagement strategies to become
a modern customer service and support organization that aligns to your
customer experiences initiatives across the organization, and drives
sustainable growth and profit for your business. In this session you will
discover how to leverage the Oracle Roadmap To Modern strategy
framework, to develop a synergistic alignment between your phases of
technology adoption, engagement approaches, and value metrics. This
session is designed to help you quickly establish a common
understanding amongst your peers, partners and teams of where your
business is today on its maturity journey, and how to move that forward
to where your business needs to be.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Web Customer
One Service Experience on Many Devices—Tips and Tricks for
Responsive Design
Lawrence Morrisroe, Oracle, Chandini Davis, Virgin America, Douglas
Stolls, Virgin America
Delfino 4104
Supporting every approach that your customers might take to get their
service questions answered gets harder by the day due to the constant
proliferation of internet-connected devices of every shape, size, and
input method. How do you deliver a high-quality service experience
without getting overwhelmed by the possibilities versus the
probabilities? In this session, we'll explore responsive design and
outline best practices for its use for online service, and identify ways in
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which you can apply the concept quickly and easily to your online
service experience.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Contact Center
Service and Social Engagement
Hari Menon, Oracle
Delfino 4105
Social media has forever transformed the way customers interact with
brands. Today, 1 in 3 users prefer to contact brands using social
media rather than the telephone. Every year, customers share
hundreds of billions of messages about products and services that can
influence your customer’s perceptions, for better or worse. Are you
listening? Learn how Oracle Service Cloud and Oracle Social Cloud
deliver a modern service platform that empowers you to quickly and
precisely identify relevant messages across a myriad of global sources
and enables you to focus your finite resources on delivering real
solutions to customer problems.
3:30 PM 4:15 PM
Developing Custom Functionality with Customer Portal Widgets
James Watson, Oracle, Chris Fellows, Oracle
Learn how to customize the Oracle Customer Portal Cloud Service
using the framework's primary container for custom page functionality:
the widget. This session will also cover the use of Customer Portal
models, custom objects, and Oracle RightNow Object Query Language
(Oracle ROQL) with a hands-on demonstration. The session is relevant
to web developers with some programming experience.
3:30 PM 4:15 PM
Insightful Answers
Knowledge—Optimizing Knowledge Authoring and Workflows
Jeff Elser, Oracle, Peter Tebbenhoff, Oracle, Sarah Sheaffer, HSN,Bill
Zakareckis, Netscout,Craig Cecil, Intergraph Corporation
Delfino 4005
Learn how to optimize your knowledge-authoring process to support
your knowledge program objectives. We’ll explore Knowledge-Centered
Support (KCS) and non-KCS approaches to knowledge-authoring best
3:30 PM 4:15 PM
Customer Panel—Accelerating Success with Social Customer
Steve Fioretti, Oracle, Erika Brookes, Oracle
Delfino 4006
Research says that 72 percent of customers who complain on Twitter
expect a response within an hour. Is your organization meeting that
high expectation? No matter what the buzz, social customer service
provides access to a gold mine of rich, relevant customer data that can
be leveraged for everything from marketing to product innovation. Join
this panel of social media and customer care executives as they
discuss the critical ways their organizations are building customer
relationships online, getting insightful product recommendations, and
resolving customer complaints. Hear from real companies that have
resolved customer complaints and uncovered new product ideas that
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outshine their competition.
3:30 PM 4:15 PM
Web Customer
Assisted Service—Improving Service Engagements with Chat and
Jessica Bradley, Oracle, Michelle Brusyo, Oracle, Amy Patel, Toyota
Delfino 4104
As consumers spend more time on the internet, they’re demanding a
more positive, intuitive, and timely online experience. Likewise,
businesses know that every online interaction with a customer must be
better than the last. Join us as we discuss how to deliver a great service
engagement while decreasing resolution time, as well as how to
manage engagements delivered through the contact center and use
cross-channel communication to rapidly understand the customers'
needs as they transition from self- to assisted service.
3:30 PM 4:15 PM
Contact Center
Automating Your Contact Center
Jens Lundell, Oracle
Delfino 4105
Balancing agent efficiency, usability, compliance, and data integrity can
be an administrative headache. With Oracle Service Cloud, these items
no longer need to be balanced, but can all be achieved. In this session,
we will walk through a use case where data from multiple systems is
seamlessly integrated as the agent is guided through a customer
4:30 PM 5:15 PM
Personalized Experiences Enabled Through Extensibility
Vikram Kaledhonkar, Oracle
Delivering modern customer experience excellence requires the ability
to rapidly adapt to changing business needs. Extending Oracle Service
Cloud through custom objects offers this flexibility. Join this session for
an overview of custom objects capabilities and see a demonstration on
how to use new objects in Oracle Service Cloud Agent Desktop, Oracle
Service Cloud Analytics, server-side code, and Oracle RightNow App
Builder Connect PHP API Cloud Services. This session will also
highlight features added in recent releases.
4:30 PM 5:15 PM
Insightful Answers
Customer Panel—Best Practices in Knowledge Management
Brent Avera, Sony, Michel van Zantbeek, Achmea, Nav Chakravarti,
Delfino 4005
Knowledge management (KM) is a foundational aspect of providing a
superior customer experience. In this session, you will learn about the
processes, measures, and methodologies required for a successful KM
4:30 PM 5:15 PM
Disrupting the Customer Journey: Blurring Organization Lines in a
Members' First World
Andy Yasutake, LinkedIn
Delfino 4006
Who really owns the Customer Experience? LinkedIn is embarking on
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an innovative member and customer focused journey to break down
organizational silos and traditional” functions of marketing, service and
sales in a hyper-growth company with global reach. At LinkedIn, Global
Customer Operations is a part of the Global Marketing organization.
LinkedIn's goal is to close the loop between the next generation of
marketing, sales and service and positively disrupt the member and
customer’s experience journey on their global ubiquitous platform.
- Disrupting current organizational structures to provide “Service
Excellence” from a Member and Customer’s point-of-view.
-Utilizing innovative and emerging technologies that help meet the
raising expectations of customers in a digital and always online world.
- Leveraging moments of truth at the right time to help enhance the
members' journey
4:30 PM 5:15 PM
Web Customer
Tear Down This Wall—Creating the Next Generation of Web
Customer Service by Combining Web Self-Service and
Jeremy Kembel, Oracle, Edouard Leeuwenburg, T-Mobile Netherlands
Delfino 4104
As technology and trust landscapes have matured over the last few
years, support communities have emerged as a valuable part of the
online customer service experience. But even the most efficient support
communities offer a separate, disconnected experience—a cross
between an island destination and the wild west. In this session, we’ll
discuss the next generation of web self-service, where the
knowledgebase and community Q&A are part of a seamless
experience, enabling customers to more easily find answers and
business owners to finally measure the relative performance of their
4:30 PM 5:15 PM
Contact Center
Contact Center Customer Showcase
Justin Anderson, Oracle, Julia Neary, Pella Corporation
Delfino 4105
Join this session to see selected Oracle Service Cloud customers
demonstrate how they leverage the Oracle Service Cloud contact
center to deliver better customer experiences and increase agent
productivity and effectiveness. Focusing on live demonstrations, learn
how each customer has adapted Oracle Service Cloud to meet their
unique needs and how they deliver measurable benefits to their service
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Thursday, April 2, 2015
9:00 AM 12:30 PM
General Session
Modern Service Experience Keynote: Oracle Service Cloud
Overview, Roadmap, Analyst & Influencer Panel and
Customer Panel
Chris Hamilton, Oracle, Christopher Patterson, Oracle, David
Hayden, Oracle, Matt Cooper, iRobot, Paul Greenberg, The 56
Group, Ian Jacobs, Forrester, Denis Pombriant, Beagle
Research,Jim Ferron, Nintendo, Joe McGinnis, SiriusXM Radio,
Joe Testa, Academy Sports, Maryellen Abreu, iRobot, Stuart
Concannon, ASOS
Palazzo M
Oracle Service Cloud’s Product Management leadership team will
share how the Oracle Service Cloud portfolio’s current capabilities
and future roadmap can help address key trends and challenges
facing customer service organizations. We’ll share recent and
planned developments and innovations, highlighting these through
customer examples and demonstrations. You will also learn what
industry experts and visionaries see as key trends in the market
and how these dynamics are impacting an organization’s ability to
deliver world class customer service. They’ll also offer strategies
and approaches on how you can respond to a constantly changing
market. Finally, Oracle Service Customers will discuss how they
are addressing their market and business challenges, best
practices in applying technology solutions to service organizations
and the value and ROI they’ve achieved in their process and
technology deployments.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Integrating a Modern Service Experience with Your Enterprise
Vikram Kaledhonkar, Oracle, Jeffrey Wiedre, Nikon, Rhianna
Albert, eVerge Group
Is your customer service integrated enough to be called ‘modern’?
Or is it just one of the disconnected islands in your IT applications
landscape? At Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC), we offer you rich set
of integration capabilities, including Connect Web Services For
SOAP, Connect For PHP, Connect For REST , Oracle ROQL
(Oracle RightNow Object Query Language) and Custom
Processes. Join this session to get introduced to these tools and
learn how Nikon, an Oracle customer, embraced the integration
challenge by leveraging the tools offered by OSvC. Nikon
enhanced their existing Service Cloud functionality, upgraded their
customer portal framework and integrated with other applications.
Now Nikon agents can see customers’ service and e-commerce
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interactions in one place, customers can access all web areas with
a single sign-on, and Service Cloud administrators can roll-out
upgrades and functionality changes more quickly.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Insightful Answers
Policy Automation: Automating Policy Compliance in
Personalized Customer Engagements
Davin Fifield, Oracle, Jan Guzik, KP OnCall, Sheri Hastings,
Delfino 4005
It’s tough to personalize service, and even tougher in a regulated
environment where providing inconsistent information could result
in noncompliance penalties. Because these penalties can be
staggering, some enterprises stick to providing generic, consistent
information—across channels and agents—rather than risk the
liability. But personalized service is key to survival. Join this
session to learn how Oracle Policy Automation can empower your
policy experts to take the guesswork out of compliance while still
allowing you to deliver personalized customer engagements
across all channels.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
How to Differentiate Your Brand with Oracle Service Cloud
Stuart Concannon, ASOS, Chris Hamilton, Oracle
Delfino 4006
The world of business is changing fast. Technology is exploding,
mobile devices are everywhere, new communication channels are
emerging and social media is mainstream. All of this is combining
to forever change the way your customers interact with your
business. Customers want answers fast – no matter where they
are or what device they are using – and they never want to repeat
their story. Delivering great customer experiences across channels
can be a primary way to differentiate your brand in this hypercompetitive world. Learn how the Oracle Service Cloud can help
you meet your customers’ expectations across channels – in both
assisted service and self-service interactions. Your customers will
love you for it and your brand will be stronger than ever.
1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Web Customer
Lowering Customer Effort: Building Effective RightChanneling into Your Online Service Experience
David Fulton, Oracle
Delfino 4104
The number of channels that consumers use for service
interactions continues to grow. And as these channels proliferate,
it becomes increasingly important to make sure customers are
aware of which ones save them the most time and effort. But how
do you raise awareness without robbing the customer of
something else they value—choice? In this session, we'll discuss
the concept of right-channeling, the real benefits it delivers to the
brand and the end-customer, and how it can be applied to your
Oracle Service implementation.
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1:00 PM 1:45 PM
Contact Center
The Hidden Value of the Social Network within Oracle Service
Josh Lannin, Oracle, Justin Anderson, Oracle
Delfino 4105
Learn how Oracle Service Cloud customers are unlocking the
expertise within their organizations using the integrated enterprise
social network it now includes. This modern social user
experience provides service agents the ability to collaborate with
all employees in their company to accomplish their work more
easily. See how customers are improving how they work:
addressing customer issues more accurately and faster, sharing
knowledge in the context of their business and staying connected
to each other across different teams.
Discover how Oracle Social Network Cloud Service reveals
previously unknown intelligence about people, documents, and
business processes that can be used to improve service
interactions for your customers and help convert and create
positive experiences.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Multichannel Service Interactions
Scott Seebauer, Oracle, Monty Deckard, BassPro
Are you meeting your customers' channel expectations? This
session will provide an overview of channel options that will enable
you to exceed expectations, and illustrate how channels are
delivered as part of the Oracle Service Cloud solution including
chat, cobrowse, computer-telephony integration (CTI), video, and
SMS. You'll also learn how to seamlessly transition customer
interactions across channels.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Insightful Answers
Field Service: Connecting the Contact Center and the Field
Jeffrey Wartgow, Oracle
Delfino 4005
Discover how the new Oracle Field Service Cloud Service solution
can dramatically improve your customer service through intelligent
appointment booking and scheduling. Join this session for a walkthrough of the entire field service cycle from incident creation to
scheduling and ultimately fulfillment, leveraging all the latest
features in the service cloud.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Customer Panel: Knowledge Management Strategy
Nav Chakravarti, Oracle, Joe Harkulich, Rockwell Automation,
Louis Ross, Beachbody
Delfino 4006
Knowledge management (KM) is a foundational aspect of
providing a superior customer experience. Join this session to
learn about the KM strategies required to support overall business
2:00 PM -
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Web Customer
KCS and Community: Bringing Them Together
Delfino 4104
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2:45 PM
Matthew Lees, Oracle, Paul Drotleff, Rockwell Automation
Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) grew out of a desire for
support organizations to deliver greater value more efficiently. Now
on its fifth iteration, KCS provides a methodology for creating and
maintaining knowledge in support environments, with the end goal
of ensuring productive customer experiences. As the sources of
knowledge change—such as the exponential rise in usergenerated knowledge across the social web—KCS adapts through
the collaboration of its adherents. Join this session to discuss the
convergence of KCS and social knowledge through the Customer
Engagement Journey Matrix, reputation models, and other
approaches, and take away valuable insights that you can apply to
your own KCS implementations.
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
Contact Center
Voice of the Customer
Susie Boyer, Oracle, Jeremy Whyte, Oracle
Delfino 4105
Listening to the consumer is a top customer experience trend in
2015 that shows no signs of changing. In this session, discover
key features and capabilities available with Oracle RightNow
Feedback Cloud Service and learn how Oracle leverages its
solutions to support its Voice of the Customer program.
2:00 PM 4:00 PM
Public Sector
Public Sector Vertical Breakout
Harriet Franklin, Oracle, Spencer Stern, Stern Consulting,
Margaret Brisbane, Miami Dade County, Lt Colonel Michael Ortiz,
United States Air Force
Palazzo M
Join your peers within the Public Sector to hear three
presentations around the "HR Modernization Story Benefiting
Generations of Airmen", "Improving Citizen Service Experiences
with Oracle Policy Automation", and "A Modern Citizen
Experience: The Next Generation of 311/CRM Systems". We will
also discuss the challenges and opportunities in delivering great
experiences for your constituents.
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