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The Collegiate FYI
March 12, 2015
Volume 2015, Issue 10
Letter from the Principal
Dear Collegiate Families,
I am happy to report that
after this past weekend's
Pancake Breakfast, the
School Improvement Team
has raised enough money
to complete one of their
major projects for the
year. That project was
building new classroom
entrance signs on which
the college pennant of
each teacher’s alma mater
will hang. These banners
will help to serve as a reminder to each of our students of our commitment
to ensuring their readiness
for college upon graduation from Collegiate Academy. These placards will
also help to familiarize our
students with the various
colleges and universities
around the nation, their
reputations, and their diverse program
strengths. As a proud
graduate from North Park
University, I always am
excited to see our students
consider some of the
smaller institutions around
the country. GO VIKINGS!
I am also happy to report
that we have a new Pancake Champion! Against
very tall odds, Mrs. Zilke-
nat’s Girl Scout Cookie
flapjacks beat out the competition! Thank you to all
of the families and friends
that were in attendance,
and to the SI Team and
their families. Our pancake feasts have become
my favorite events here at
This week also brings us
to the start of the fourth
quarter. I can not believe
how quickly this year has
sailed by. This has truly
been a great year for the
school as a whole and I
hope that you and your
students are excited and
energized to finish the year
strong. This is also the
time of year when Mr.
Becker and I are beginning
to create draft budgets to
be approved by our Board
of Directors. At the current
time we still have quite a
few students who have not
submitted their 15/16 Intend to Attend form for
current CAC families. Please help us to
create accurate budgets
by submitting your Intent
form as soon as possible. It is essential that we
are able to gather accurate
enrollment numbers not
only for budgeting, but also
so that we are able to hire
for additional staffing
needs sooner than later. Thank you to all of the
families that have already
completed this process,
and thank you in advance
to everyone else.
This Saturday Evening,
our Foundation will be
holding their annual Father
Daughter Dance in the
Gym. If you have not yet
purchased tickets, you can
reserve them at the Elementary front desk. They
will also be sold at the
door for $25 a couple and
$5 for each additional
child. As an administrator,
this is a wonderful event to
witness, and to remember
just how many amazing
male role models there are
supporting our young ladies. I hope to see many
of you there.
Gus Johnson
Assistant Principal
Individual picture orders and Yearbook orders are due ASAP! Please
turn them in to either front desk or order online. We also have a limited
number of extra class photos for sale at the corresponding front desk.
CORE Values:
Inside this issue:
Volume 2015, Issue 10
Senior Spotlight ~ Philip Jones
This week we are shining
the spotlight on Philip
Jones. Philip started at Collegiate when he was in kindergarten!
He will be one of just a few
2015 graduates who have
been at CAC for all 13
He is also a member of his
church’s praise team and
sings once a month during
the worship service. His
hobbies include your average teenage hobbies like
listening to music, playing
video games, and having fun
with his friends.
Philip has also been member of our school’s Ultimate
Frisbee team since it was
formed three years ago. We
have won two State Championships for Division II!
He has been accepted to
three universities: Grand
Canyon University (GCU),
University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS), and
University of Colorado Den-
ver (UCD or better known as
CU Denver). He was offered
a $6,750 scholarship from
GCU, but will not be attending there.
He has accepted the invitation to the University of
Colorado Denver where he
will be pursuing a Mechanical Engineering degree with
a minor in Physics. He plans
to utilize that degree to
pursue employment in the
design/manufacturing business.
Philip we are proud to
have you at Collegiate
Academy and are excited
to hear about your future
Father Daughter Dance - This Saturday, March 14th - 6pm-9pm
Our parent organizer, Kristi, puts together a beautiful, high quality event
with a limited budget.
There will be dancing,
snacks, and lots of fun!
other father-figures by
donating supplies/volunteering.
Please consider supporting
this special event for our
little girls and their fathers, grandfathers, and
For more information
please contact Kristi at
303-669-2536 or
Click here to access the
sign up genius and search
by [email protected].
[email protected].
Tickets are $25 per couple ahead of time at the
Elementary front desk or
$30 at the door.
Each additional child will
be $5.
We Have a New Champion!!! Congratulations Ms. Z!!
In her first public attempt
at mastering the pancake,
Mrs. Ellen Zilkenat overthrew our previous cham-
pions, Mr. Chris Becker
and Mr. Andrew Gitner,
and tromped Ms. Pamela
Mrs. Z!
Prom and Mr./Mrs. Collegiate Competition Needs
This school year is racing
towards the end! Our Mr./
Mrs. Collegiate Competition is coming up on Fri-
day, April 3 and Prom is
Thursday, April 16th! We
are in need of a few supplies and volunteers to
make these fun and special events for our high
school kids! Follow this
link to sign up!
Yearbook ID code: 8602415
Yearbook ID code: 5143715
Deadline: Mon, Mar 16th!
Deadline: Fri, Mar 13th!
Order now at
Page 2
The Collegiate FYI
Young Rembrandt’s Club
Ages 5-12
Wednesdays 3:05 - 4:05
pm 04/08/15 - 05/06/15
Flyers at the front desk.
Academic Olympics
Postponed until next
year due to circumstances beyond our control.
Important Upcoming Events
Sea Camp Meeting
Ellis Island/Liberty Day
Elementary Neon Day
Tues, Mar 17th - 7:00 pm
Fri, Mar 20th - 12 - 1:30 pm
Fri, Mar 20th
Informational Meeting regarding flights, medications,
and other important details.
Our 1st and 2nd graders will
transform into immigrants
moving through Ellis Island.
Family members are encouraged to come and take part
in the event!
Pull out your neon clothing for
a Spirit Day that is sure to be
We will meet in Mr. Ray’s
room (room 264).
Butter Braids - Orders due Monday, March 16th!
We are taking orders for
Butter Braids! Just in time
for your holiday celebrations! Forms are available
at both front desks and are
going home in Thursday
folders today!
Orders are due March
16th and can be turned in
at any time. We will be
delivered April 1st at 1pm
in the Elementary lobby.
Coming Soon - Kids Power Martial Arts Club - Flyer Next Week
Grades K-8 are invited to
sign up for this $30 six week class. The club will
meet on Wednesdays beginning April 1st and ending May 6th. Keep an eye
out for the sign up flyer
next week.
Books for Breakfast and Burritos - Friday, March 13th
Come join us in the café
for a touch of the Irish and
a breakfast snack or Good
Times Burrito! Our Wellness Committee sponsors
these times to encourage
families to spend some
time together before rush-
ing off to school and
work. We meet from 77:30 and the first 20 families will receive the book
for free compliments of
Kids’ Adventures.
Burritos will also be on
sale during morning carpool and at both front
desks for $2 each.
McDonald’s Spirit Night is Back! - Thursday, March 19th
Join us for dinner on a fun
-filled Thursday night!
Dinner will be prepared
and served by your CAC
teachers and administrators! We will be there
from 4-8pm and our school
receives a percentage of
every CAC order.
Outside Opportunities
School of Mines Soccer
Camp - click here.
Page 3
Youth for Understanding
USA - Exchange student
program - click here
2nd Annual Jeffco Writing
Challenge - click here
Volume 2015, Issue 10
The art exhibit will be on display at the Jefferson County
Education Center located at 1829 Denver West Drive,
Building #27, in Golden, CO.
The opening celebration is on Friday, March 13,
2015 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friends and family are
welcome to attend and view work by Dakota U., Annie
E., Adrian P., and Bailey B.
Spring Break
March 21st - 30th
Elementary “Neon”
Spirit Day
Friday, March 20th
Pull out your neon
clothing for a spirit
day that is sure to be
Entréé Salad w/Roll / Turkéy & Gravy
w/Roll / Mini Méat Loaf
Black Jack Pizza
Chickén Nuggéts w/Friés
Entréé Salad w/Roll / Big Daddy’s Pizza /
Hot Ham & Chéésé
Black Jack Pizza /
Cuban Sandwich
Hamburgér / Chééséburgér w/Friés
Entréé Salad w/Roll /
Galaxy Pizza /
Wafflé, Sausagé, & Bluébérry /
Applé Swéét Potato Baké
Black Jack Pizza / Béan & Chéésé Burrito
Chickén Nuggéts w/Friés
Prétzél, Chéésé, Sunflowér Sééds /
Chickén Tamalés / Mac N Chéésé /
Pintos & Chéésé
Chickén Sandwich
Black Jack Pizza
Chickén Sandwich w/Friés
Turkéy & Chéésé Sandwich /
Corn Dog / Chili w/Cornbréad/
Stéaméd Véggié
Nacho Bar
Black Jack Pizza
Corn Dogs w/Friés
Page 4
Middlé/HS only
HS only
Daily (Sécondary Only)
Prétzél, Chéésé, Sunflowér Sééds
The Collegiate FYI
Becky lives in Roxborough in the West
Village area and is
looking for a carpool
for her 7th grade
daughter. She can be
reached at 303-9298430.
Anna can be reached
@ 303-906-7349 and
needs rides for her
7th grade daughter
from Wadsworth
between Coal Mine
and Pierce.
Nona or Tanya can
be reached at 303989-3951. They live
near Jewell and Kipling in Lakewood.
They would like to
share carpooling for
their middle school
Suzanne lives in the
vicinity of Kipling &
Bowles and needs
help after school
getting a Kindergartner and 9th
grader home. My
contact number
is 303-907-1878.
The Foundation
Meet Monthly - 3rd Tuesday
Elementary School Library
6:30 pm
Please email:
[email protected] for
more information.
The Foundation is a group of parents/guardians and other family
members, teachers, students, and
administrators tasked with overseeing all fundraising, grants, group
purchases, and donations collected
for all K-12 students of Collegiate
Academy. This group makes decisions regarding which fundraisers
will occur, which grants we will pursue, how funds will be distributed,
President - Niccole Board
Co-Vice Presidents Elizabeth Miller
& Mary Minger
Secretary - Terry Usry
Co-Treasurers - Carol Jalowiecki &
Pamela Roberts
Directors - Barbora Meese &
Nerissa Magnuson
We are so grateful that Carol has
joined us as treasurer. She has an
extensive accounting background
and strong desire to help CAC provide a quality educational experience!
We really need more parents as
well as students involved so please
consider attending a meeting with-
out a required commitment. We
would love to have you and your
input for one evening or a longer
~ Thank you
We are running low on clothing
in our recycled uniform store! If
your child borrowed items from
the store, please return them to
us as soon as you are able. We
also appreciate donations of
clean and gently used uniforms
pieces. The store is an invaluable resource for many of our new
and current families too.
Board of Directors
Meet 1st & 3rd
(Weekdays vary to accommodate member
schedules so please check the school calendar at for exact
Scott Close, Chair
(Parent Member)
Ken Patton, Vice Chair, Treasurer (AtLarge Member)
Sherry Ballengee, Secretary pro tem
(Elem. Teacher Rep)
Mike Meese (Parent Member)
Debbie Randall (Parent Member)
Chris Becker (Principal)
Gus Johnson (Asst. Principal)
Collegiate Academy is a communityfounded and run charter school. Authorized by Jeffco Public Schools,
CAC operates autonomously under
the direction of its own Board of
The CAC Board of Directors consists
of five elected parents, two at-large
community member, the administrative
team, two high school students elected
by the student body, one elementary
teacher, and one upper school teacher elected by the teaching staff.
The Board of Directors welcomes our
newest parent member, Debbie Randall, who brings a background in
social work to the team. Debbie has
been regularly attending our meetings for some time and we are excited to have her formally become a
member of the Board!
We still need to fill multiple positions—attend a Board meeting and
see if this might be a good fit for
your talents!
Holding a position on the Board of
Directors is an excellent opportunity
to have direct input in your child’s
For more information, a letter was
included in the January 15th FYI or
you can email the Board directly at
[email protected].
Volunteer Opportunities
The Father Daughter Dance is
on March 14th and we need a
team to make it a special time
for our young ladies and their
father, grandfather, or father
figure. Contact Kristi at 303-669
-2536 or
[email protected].
Our Silent Auction & Carnival is
coming up on May 2 and this is
our biggest community event of
the year! Positions available include: build and design games,
silent auction, gather vendors
and donors, help with food, etc.
Page 5
Our next meeting is Wednesday,
February 11th from 6-7 in the
Elementary Conference Room.
Contact Terry Usry at 720-4906837 or [email protected].
Silent Auction Donation Ideas
Reach out to family, friends, & business
contacts for donations for our silent auction!
A list of ideas follows but feel free to be
Sports Memorabilia (like autographed
jerseys & balls
Tickets to sporting events
Round of golf
Have a boat? Consider offering a
family picnic and boat ride at a lake.
Have a time share? Consider offering a
weekend getaway.
Restaurant certificates
Family outings to putt-putt, ice
cream, museums, etc.
Don’t forget that donations count towards
your annual 40 hours! Call Melanie at 303972-7433 ext 7 with your questions.
The School Improvement Team is
looking for families that are willing to Adopt a Classroom this
summer. Tasks will include painting and sprucing up. Contact Gus.
[email protected].
Our Vision
8420 S Sangre de Cristo Road
Littleton, CO 80127
Phone (303)972-7433
Fax (303)932-0695
[email protected]
To provide the highest quality k-12 college preparatory education in Colorado
Our Mission
To help students prepare for and succeed in college and their career by providing a
Core Knowledge foundation that establishes the key values of lifelong learning, allowing them to recognize and to develop their unique and innovative ideas.
Integrity • Perseverance • Quality • Ownership
Mrs. Board nominated Bella P. because she has improved greatly throughout the school year in both
quality of work and positive attitude.
Mrs. Casassa nominated Owen W. for doing quality work on his research project.
Mrs. Bryson nominated Liezl M. for always making sure that she is doing her best work and demonstrating a great positive attitude.
Mrs. Hillan nominated Courtney R. for demonstrating excellence in her writing of constructed responses.
Mrs. Zilkenat and Mrs. Weber nominated Patrik B. because he has had a quality attitude towards
school along with improvements in his writing. For example, Patrik wrote two quality paragraphs about
electricity and magnetism neatly and independently.
Mr. DeVries nominated Kaitlyn N. because her work is beautiful, easy to read, and easy to grade.
Mrs. Ballengee nominated Alex D. for working hard to turn in quality work with a positive attitude.
The MS team nominated Erick M. for his excellent work ethic improvement.
The MS team nominated Tristan D. for being awesome all of the time!
Mrs. Ferraro nominated Samantha P. for amazing dedication and excellence in Leadership!
Mrs. Ferraro nominated Clare S. for amazing dedication and excellence in Leadership!
Mr. Ferraro nominated Alex C. for amazing dedication and excellence in Leadership!
Mr. Ziegler nominated Olivia F. for donating her golden locks to cancer patients!
Official T-Shirt Order Forms
Day Without Hate is a student-led, grassroots organization that promotes nonviolence, respect, and unity within our
schools. This year’s DWOH is Friday, April 24. Help your child join his/her fellow students to help end school violence
and promote peace. By encouraging students to be tolerant, friendly and kind, and teaching them that there are nonviolent solutions to problems, hopefully as a community we can create a better world.
All proceeds from the T-shirts go directly to fund our Peace Scholarship and expenses for our rally. Over the past
three years, Day Without Hate has awarded nearly $20,000 in scholarships to students promoting peace in their high
schools and communities. This year, we hope to double that award.
Please make your check payable to your school and return your order form by March 17 no exceptions!! Schools
place orders in bulk for shirts. Sorry, individual order for shirts are not accepted. Your child will receive his/her shirt
by April 17.
Youth T-shirt ($5.00 each): S (6-8) ______ M (10-12) ______ L (14-16) ______
Adult T-shirt ($5.00 each): S _____ M _____ L _____ XL ____ 2XL_____ 3XL _____4XL ____
TOTAL shirts ordered: __________
Student’s Name: ________________________ Grade: _______
Teacher’s Name: ________________________
Collegiate Academy Art Contest
Middle or High School students have submitted artwork will be chosen by a panel
of local artists, teachers, and administrators.
All artwork will be judged on the following criteria: originality, composition,
skill, and concept. There will be two categories - two dimensional and three dimensional.
All artists and their families are invited to the “Gallery Opening” on Tuesday
March 17th from 5 to 7pm. Food and drink will be served. The top eight
submissions will be put on permanent display in the Cafeteria. First prize
will receive a $20 iTunes card.