25 Mary Street, Cygnet Tasmania 7112 P: (03) 6295 1541 E: [email protected] W: www.sjcc.tas.edu.au TERM 1 NEWSLETTER 3 - 12 MARCH 2015 “Have courage, the good seed will grow up in the children’s hearts later on” Edmund Rice There is again in today’s newsletter, ample evidence of the busy and rich life that is reflected in our school each week and indeed each day. This time of the year is characterised by what we might describe as “interruptions”, whether they be holidays, or Holy Days, carnivals and excursions and for the teachers additionally many meetings and planning requirements. And while all these things are very important and often enjoyable they do take us away from another sort of joy. The joy that comes from calmness and order and having time for reflection and being settled. That was why last week – our first full week without significant other things happening – was a good marker for the term. At this half way mark there was a feeling overall across the school of focus and engagement which made me proud of the school, the students and the staff. Amongst the busy things which bring such richness to our curriculum, we also are making sure that focus and engagement are not being lost. We are also half way through our Lenten season and I pray that you have been able to find time to embrace the purpose and spiritual messages of this season in your own undoubtedly busy lives. Below I have shared a prayer and reflection from Pope Francis in his wonderful text – The Joy of the Gospel. God of abundant mercy, we come before you, with open hands and open hearts. Through your holy wisdom transform us, so that our lives may give witness to you loving kindness. When we see pain and sorrow, move us with compassion. When we see violence and oppression, inspire us to respond with justice and mercy. Grant this through Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, holy and mighty God forever and ever. Amen Now is also an appropriate time to start planning for the great celebration for which we are preparing for in Lent – Easter. The Holy Week celebrations begin on Palm Sunday – 29 March and full details of how you and your family can join with the Catholic Church in Tasmania to celebrate this event follow. It is always a spirit filled day and I encourage you to seriously consider joining in. Thank you to the wonderful Working Bee helpers On Saturday 28 March we had a great team of workers assist with planting nearly 200 plants, mulching and moving mulch, compacting down walking areas, cutting logs for seating and stepping stones and generally making significant progress to our Adventure Playground. We are now ready for more additions during the next couple of weeks. The Playground looks great with so many plants now in place. Thank you to Ann Daley and Rob, Karen Newbon, Louise Rowe and Craig, Sharlene Duggan and Wayne and Mitch, Damian Burnett, Simon Perigo and Sue Connor, the Robbie family, Jinju Reeding and her Dad, Paul, Leah Gardner and her three boys and Rob Foale as well as yours truly. ! Secondary student retreat day Next Wednesday 18 March, all secondary students will be involved in their annual retreat day. This will be held at school and will be run by the team from Project Hatch in Victoria. The retreat will be held at school this year and we will be utilising the Multi-purpose Centre and the downstairs area in K block for the sessions. Students are to wear their PE uniform for this day. Anne Foale, Principal Dates to Remember: 16-26 March - SJCC Book Fair - College Library 17 March - Huon and Channel Swimming Carnival (Please note change in date) 18 March - Secondary Students Retreat Day 19 March - VET Hospitality Students attend a Masterclass -Guilford Young College 20 March - National Day Against Bullying 23 - 25 March - Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conferences 3:30pm-6pm 24 March - Year 7 excursion “Water in the World” - Burton’s Reserve 29 March - Palm Sunday Pilgrimage for further information and to register visit: www.cymtas.org.au 30 March - 5 April - Holy Week 31 March - Mass of Oils - St Mary’s Cathedral 2 April - Final Day Term 1 3 April - Good Friday (Holiday) 5 April - Easter Sunday 20 April - Term 2 Commences 24 - 25 April - ANZAC Day / Camp Gallipoli and Dawn Service (More information to follow) 1 May - May Ball PALM SUNDAY PILGRIMAGE – Sunday 29 March 2015 Every member of our school community – students, staff, families and friends are encouraged to join with other school and parish communities from right around Tasmania for the sixth Palm Sunday Pilgrimage event! Filled with energy, hope and faith, this is a celebration of World Youth Day 2015, Palm Sunday and all Catholic schools, parishes and organisations! This massive celebration includes something for everyone: Pilgrimage Walk from Lindisfarne to St. David’s Park (Hobart) for Festivities in the Park; Free music, dancing, giant slide, sumo suits, kid’s activities. Food and Drink available for sale; Street Procession to St. Mary’s Cathedral for an inspiring celebration of Palm Sunday Mass! Great opportunity to unite as one Archdiocese and have loads of fun! Please ensure you register! For more information and to register go to: www.cymtas.org.au or contact Rachelle: [email protected] or 0400 045 368. Palm Sunday Pilgrimage: TIMETABLE 10.15am: Gather at Church of the Incarnation, 1 Bay Road, Lindisfarne Meet with hundreds of other Tasmanians as we kick off the day with a bang and make our Pilgrimage Walk (approx. 7km) from Church of the Incarnation, along the picturesque waterfront, across the Tasman Bridge, and along to the stunning St. David's Park, Hobart. 12.30pm: Festivities in the Park @ St. David's Park, Hobart If you are unable to make the 7km pilgrimage walk, please come and join us at St. David's Park, for the festivities happening here, and most importantly, for the final leg of the pilgrimage - the procession to St. Mary's Cathedral. Festivities in the Park will include: FREE music, dancing, amusements, sumo suits, face painting, games and more! Fun for big and little kids! There will be hot food, cold drinks, hot drinks and other yummy goodies both for sale and by donation. 2.00pm: Blessing of Palms and Street Procession Put your faith into action and be a part of this vibrant display of our Church. We will process, with police escort, and full of colour, palms, singing, fun and faith through Hobart to St. Mary's Cathedral. The procession culminates in a vibrant !energy, and youthful celebration of Palm Sunday Mass at the Cathedral. Enrolments for Year 7, 2016 Enrolments for Year 7, 2016 are currently invited. SJCC Year 6 students will receive continuing enrolment information in the near future. If you have a child currently not at SJCC, who would like to join us for Year 7, please contact the College office for an enrolment form. Please invite friends or other family members who may also be interested in enrolling at the College to contact the office on 62 951 541 or email: [email protected] for an enrolment form. The system enrolment deadline is 24 April 2015. Learning Conferences A reminder that parents/guardians of students and the students themselves are requested to meet with their child’s Class Teacher during Week 8 (week beginning 23/3/15) for a Learning Conference. A letter will be sent home next week with more details. In essence, the conference allows for Class Teachers to discuss progress in key learning areas, as well as work habits, such as organisation with both student and guardian. Goals will be set so that students can work towards achieving them during the remainder of the year. Please note that this conference will facilitate the construction of their Personalised Learning Plan (PLP). Studies throughout Australia (and the rest of the world) indicate that establishing an ongoing process of goal setting with students is an integral step in empowering them, enhancing their engagement and ultimately optimising/personalising their learning. To foster this culture of self-directed learners, additional Learning Conferences will be held throughout the year at the end of Term 2 (after mid-year reports have been issued) and at the beginning of Term 4. Please make it a priority to attend each time to support your child’s progress. Brett Tanner Deputy Principal School Fees Thank you to families who have made fee payment arrangements and/or paid upfront. Don’t forget you can receive a 5% fee discount (not levies) if you pay your account in full by the 30 March. Board Nominations Sought - Closing Friday 27 March 2015 All parent/care givers of students currently enrolled in the school as well as members of the local parish/school community are eligible to be considered for Board membership. The principal focus of Board members is to work to improve the capacity of the College as a Catholic school in order to deliver quality educational outcomes for our students. Nominations for membership should be in writing and signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee and forwarded to Mrs Anne Foale, Principal by 27 March 2015. A copy of the application form can be found on the reverse, additional nomination forms are available from the office and from the website (www.sjcc.tas.edu.au). At the close of nominations, following consultation with Fr Michael Tate, Parish Priest, prioritised recommendations are submitted to the Director of Catholic Education for decision. The intent is for vacant positions to be filled prior to the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 20 April, 2015. The inclusion of different voices, experiences and perspectives that support the Catholic ethos of the school bring an energy and richness to the College. Please consider approaching those within our community that you believe have gifts that would be valued on the Board. Self-nominations are acceptable. If you would like to discuss a nomination please call me (62 951 541) or email: [email protected] Anne Foale, Principal ! BOARD NOMINATION FORM Please submit to Mrs Anne Foale, Principal by 27 March 2015 [email protected] 25 Mary Street, CYGNET 7112 Full name of nominee: _____________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email: ___________________________ Occupation: ______________________________________________________________ Religious Affiliation __________________________________________________ Association with College (Please tick) Parent/Care Giver – children attending St James Catholic College Parent/Care Giver – children attending other Catholic School/College School Association (e.g. Parent/P&F Committee etc) Parish Association Please attach a brief CV Name & Signature of Proposer: _______________________________________________ Name & Signature of Seconder:_______________________________________________ Name & Signature of Nominee: _______________________________________________ Date: ! 2015 Swimming Carnival Results FINAL HOUSE POINTS • Lovett 372 • Lourdes 348 • MacKillop 276 House Champions ! Grade 7 Boys RILEY NEWICK – Lourdes – 15 pts MJ Parbs (Second) – Lourdes – 9 pts Nickolas Burgess (Third) – Lovett – 8 pts Grade 8 Boys BAILEY GORDON – Lovett – 15 pts Luke Ashlin (Second) – Lourdes – 10 pts Joshua Coad/Geoffrey Crowe (Third) – MacKillop – 7 pts Girls Girls MONICA ROBBIE – Lourdes – 12 pts Ellie Gregory – Lourdes – 10 pts Jinju Redding – Lourdes – 9 pts TAYLAH DILLON – Lovett – 15 pts Phoebe Denny (Second) – Lourdes – 10 pts Chloe Sinclair (Third) – MacKillop – 4 pts Grade 9 Boys LUCAS COWEN – Lourdes – 10 pts Brock Cordwell (Second) – MacKillop – 7 pts Nathan McQueen (Third) - MacKillop – 4 pts Grade 10 Girls Girls ABBEY REINMUTH – Lourdes – 15 pts Bridget Reinmuth (Second) – Lourdes – 8 pts Boys LACHLAN CROWE – MacKillop – 11 pts (3 events) Jackson Gordon (Second) – Lovett – 10 pts (2 events) Isaac Beecroft (Third) – Lourdes – 9 pts CHLOE DILLON – Lovett – 15 pts Emily Coad (Second) – MacKillop – 12 pts Bronte Harris (Third)- Lovett – 3 pts St James Catholic College is School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) School As most of you would be aware SWPBS is a systems approach for establishing the social culture and behavioural support needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students. Its features include: • • • • • Explicit teaching of positive social expectations; Clarity about what those expectations are; Acknowledgement and rewards for appropriate behaviour; Consistent consequences for unacceptable behaviour; The use of data about behaviour for decision making. At St James Catholic College our expectations regarding school-wide positive behaviour are contained within our FLAMES acronym. Students are expected to demonstrate values and attitudes that promote: F aith; L earning; A ttitude (positive attitudes); M utual Respect; E ncouraging others; S afety A reward system of diary stamps, house competition and rewards, certificates, postcards, wristbands, and special morning teas with the Principal underpin the positive behaviour support system. It is also essential that consistent consequences for unacceptable behaviours are administered. Students who breach our code of behaviour have the problem behaviour recorded on our database and are required to perform some form of follow-up to ‘make things right’. The goal is to ensure we maintain positive working relationships between all members of our community. In essence, it is acknowledged that we all make mistakes; however, it is important that we learn from those mistakes - it is an opportunity for personal growth. I am pleased to report that since the middle of 2013, when we began collecting this data, the number of reportable problem behaviours have decreased by 37%. That is, from an average of 7.2 reportable incidents per day to 4.5. Incidents can range from minor (for example - lateness, incorrect uniform, ‘talking in class’) through to major (for example – defiance, physical aggression). Please note that the majority of incidents are of the minor variety and we are working particularly hard to minimise any major problem behaviours. It is clear that our processes are working as there has been significant improvement, but we aim to do even better. We are reviewing our data and looking for areas to focus our efforts. The consensus from staff is that the year has started particularly well with many commenting that the ‘feel’ in the classroom and the playground is as positive as they can remember. It is certainly a joy to come to work each day to teach these wonderful children without having to worry about classroom management issues! Brett Tanner Deputy Principal SJCC “Night out at the theatre” On the evening of Wednesday 4 March, 22 year 8, 9 and 10 - students accompanied Mrs Chisholm and Mr Rowland went to the theatre to see 'The Wedding Singer' performed by 'The Old Nick' theatre company. The cast were students from many Hobart schools whom have been rehearsing through the summer to bring this to the stage. It was a very enjoyable night and a good time was had by all. ! Marian Celebrations & May Ball 2015 When: Friday 1 May 2015 Liturgies: Primary - Daytime, Secondary - Evening (times to be advised) Location: St James Catholic Church and the SJCC Multi-Purpose Centre (Kindergarten to Year 10) Tickets: $5.00 per adult The focus of the Liturgy is our devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, through a real recognition and celebration of the importance of mothers and parenthood in general. As well as focusing on Mary and parenthood, the Liturgy and the Balls which follow, have been part of our College tradition for a long time. The social aspect of the Ball contributes to the very special nature of school; bringing young and older students together, publicly introducing our Prep children to the community and presenting our final year students to peers and families. Some important points to note: All Primary students are expected to attend the daytime Liturgy and May Ball (Times to be advised). All Secondary students (not Preps) are expected to attend the evening Liturgy and May Ball. At the conclusion of the balls, students must be taken home by parents or an adult. If for some reason, a student is unable to attend, a note of explanation is to be sent to the Principal, Anne Foale. • • ! • Dress Code: Boys wear a pair of trousers (not denim jeans), a neat open-necked shirt and black shoes (school shoes would be fine). They may choose to wear a tie. Girls wear a formal dress, or skirt and blouse and shoes suitable for dancing. Parents of students in Prep or Year 10 will receive a letter outlining the special procedures for the night. Dress code for parents is normally smart and casual. Please note that due to the Multi-Purpose Centre surface, girls will not be able to wear stiletto heeled shoes. Flats, wedges or a similar type of shoe may be worn. • Photographs: Photographers will be working at the Ball and prints will be available for viewing at Cygnet News Agency and Huonville (updates provided by future newsletters). • Donations (Supper): Families are asked to supply sandwiches to be brought along on the evening of the Ball. • Flowers: If you are able to assist by supplying flowers for the decoration of the Church and Centre, please bring along to school before or on the Friday 1 May 2015. • Cost: Tickets are $5.00 per adult and if possible should be prepurchased from the College office. Door tickets may also be purchased on the evening. • Decorations: The new Multi-Purpose Centre is the venue for both the Primary and Secondary balls. Volunteers to help the May Ball Committee decorate this area will be sought on a date(s) to be advised. LOST: School Jumper labelled AMITY WALKER, if found please return to the office. Loss and Grief Grief is a normal human reaction to any important loss, moving from a neighbourhood, losing a job, children leaving home, a divorce, separation or a loved on dying. When there is a significant loss such as a death or divorce, the grief process must be allowed to happen. It is ignored or ‘buried’ within (pretending everything is OK), it becomes what is called “unresolved grief” and this has a destructive effect on one’s life. There are five stages to the grief process: • Denial • Anger • Bargaining • Depression • Acceptance It is important to pass through each of the five stages of grief, so that life may go on. The Five Stages of Grief: • DENIAL – is a period of rejecting or not believing what is taking place. It is often characterised by a sense of numbness of all the emotions or shock. “This can’t be happening to me”. • ANGER – is a deep-seated rage over what is happening. The anger may be projected at random to parents, family, friends or God. It is essential to experience and express the anger but it must be done in appropriate ways. “Why me”? • BARGAINING – is an attempt to exchange something we are willing to do or give up, for something we want to keep. “If only…..” or “What if…..”? • DEPRESSION – is the feeling of being unable to cope. Life seems out of control or overwhelming. It happens when the reality of the situation sets in. “What’s the use”? • ACCEPTANCE – is learning with the change. It is a time when the past is no longer dwelt upon and the future holds hope once again. The stages are not timed or smooth or orderly. This process cannot be rushed. Patience is important. If you think your child/children may benefit from participating in Rainbows or Spectrum, please contact the Connie to discuss the programs offered. Connie Thomas – Rainbows Coordinator What’s been happening in Kindergarten? The Kindergarten children have been learning all about colour. They have learned that if they mix blue and yellow they get green, red and yellow make orange, and blue and red make purple!!! Fantastic discoveries and lots of exciting experiments. We have also been learning about syllables. It has been fun to clap the number of syllables in really long words and count how many we find. Louise Rowe ! Option Line 4 – ‘The Mixed Class’ At the end of last year, there were a number of students whose subject choice was difficult to fit into the timetable – and this class is the result. The Class has the following make up: • French (1 student) • German (1 student) • Japanese (1 student, second half of the year) • Business Studies (1 student) * • Design Technology (2 students) * • Creative Writing (7 students) * All course outlines are available on the wiki – 2015stjames.wikispaces.com/ and can be accessed by students at all times. French is via a textbook and CD with in class marking and worksheets; German is on line, supplement with in class worksheets. Creative Writing work is supplied and assessed by Mrs Chisholm and Ms Burnett assesses their work habits and in class activities as well as teaching the Business Studies and Design Technology. Thanks to technology, and independent workers, this class is working well and students and parents can see what is expected by looking at the outlines on the wiki. We are looking for a volunteer to come once or twice a term on a Tuesday afternoon who can have a, beginners, conversation with our French student – do you know anyone? Cecily Burnett Book Fair The 2015 St James Catholic College Book Fair will be held from Monday 16 March to Thursday 26 March. There will be a variety of books and items available for purchase. Students will be given the opportunity to view the books and items in Library lessons. They will be able to make a wish list or purchase items. Parents are welcome to view items and may come in the mornings or afternoons or by appointment (contact College office 62 951 541). For those students that received a voucher on prize day last year, they may choose to spend the voucher at this book fair or wait until the next one that will be held in August for Book Week. Vouchers need to be spent in one order and unfortunately change cannot be given. Have you thought about a book instead of an Easter egg? Your children benefit from the sales as the Library will receive a percentage of sales. There are lots of goodies that would make excellent presents. Hope to see you. Connie Thomas - Library Technician Old Dogs; A Pod of Dolphins; and the Beauty of Algebra What is the connection between these three, seemingly random things? I would like to suggest that when we look at a subject like mathematics and its impossibly hard concepts we forget that life has patterns and routines just like those that we use in maths problems. I have an old dog, deaf as a doorpost, but otherwise quite healthy. She’s timid on the steep drop-offs that we get next to the local beach. If she’s run off ahead and can’t get down to the beach I can’t just whistle and call her back to the steps. She trusts that I will go to the easy way down and signal to her. She always looks for me and thus the easy way down. There’s nothing more serene than watching a pod of dolphins, especially if they’ve found a couple of kayakers to follow and play with. Dolphins look for the fun stuff in life - seeking it out it would seem - whenever they can. So how is this like algebra? Well algebra is hard, but it’s also fun! You find the easy way into it, learn a couple of tricks and then follow the routines again and again. After a time there is a beauty to it, patterns emerge and the hard becomes challenging. The challenge becomes intoxicating and the impossibility becomes, well, not quite as difficult as you first thought. If the algebra is beyond you, grab some algebra cards from the Maths department and have some fun!! Ian Cantle ! You are warmly invited to attend the Blessing and Opening of the Multi Purpose Facilities Monday 30 March 2015 Beginning at 1.45pm Followed by light refreshments Please RSVPto the College office by 25 March 2015 via phone or email: Phone: 03 6295 1541 Email: [email protected] ! ! ! !
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