PHYSICS AP‐1 Dynamics SHM Problem Bank ‐ 1 MISCONCEPTIONS Name ___________________________ Teacher _________________________ Period _____ MisConceptual Questions 1. A mass on a spring in SHM (Fig. 11–1) has amplitude A and period T. At what point in the motion is the velocity zero and the acceleration zero simultaneously? (a) x = A. (b) x > 0 but x < A. (c) x = 0. (d) x < 0. (e) None of the above. 2. An object oscillates back and forth on the end of a spring. Which of the following statements are true at some time during the course of the motion? (a) The object can have zero velocity and, simultaneously, nonzero acceleration. (b) The object can have zero velocity and, simultaneously, zero acceleration. (c) The object can have zero acceleration and, simultaneously, nonzero velocity. (d) The object can have nonzero velocity and nonzero acceleration simultaneously. 3. An object of mass M oscillates on the end of a spring. To double the period, replace the object with one of mass: (a) 2M. (b) M/2. (c) 4M. (d) M/4. (e) None of the above. 4. An object of mass m rests on a frictionless surface and is attached to a horizontal ideal spring with spring constant k. The system oscillates with amplitude A. The oscillation frequency of this system can be increased by (a) decreasing k. (b) decreasing m. increasing A. (c) (d) More than one of the above. (e) None of the above will work. 5. When you use the approximation sin ≈ for a pendulum, you must specify the angle in (a) radians only. (b) degrees only. (c) revolutions or radians. (d) degrees or radians. 6. Suppose you pull a simple pendulum to one side by an angle of 5°, let go, and measure the period of oscillation that ensues. Then you stop the oscillation, pull the pendulum to an angle of 10°, and let go. The resulting oscillation will have a period about __________ the period of the first oscillation. (a) four times (b) twice (c) half (d) one-fourth (e) the same as 7. At a playground, two young children are on identical swings. One child appears to be about twice as heavy as the other. If you pull them back together the same distance and release them to start them swinging, what will you notice about the oscillations of the two children? (a) The heavier child swings with a period twice that of the lighter one. (b) The lighter child swings with a period twice that of the heavier one. (c) Both children swing with the same period. 8. A grandfather clock is “losing” time because its pendulum moves too slowly. Assume that the pendulum is a massive bob at the end of a string. The motion of this pendulum can be sped up by (list all that work): (a) shortening the string. (b) lengthening the string. (c) increasing the mass of the bob. (d) decreasing the mass of the bob. 9. Is the acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator ever zero? If so, where? 10 For a simple harmonic oscillator, when (if ever) are the displacement and velocity vectors in the same direction? When are the displacement and acceleration vectors in the same direction? 11. Two equal masses are attached to separate identical springs next to one another. One mass is pulled so its spring stretches 40 cm and the other is pulled so its spring stretches only 20 cm. The masses are released simultaneously. Which mass reaches the equilibrium point first? 12 What happens to the period of a playground swing if you rise up from sitting to a standing position? 13. Why can you make water slosh back and forth in a pan only if you shake the pan at a certain frequency?
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