HM the King extends Bahrain`s full support in combating

Sunday, March 15, 2015
India score 6th
win with a six
weed turns
me into
Issue No. 6590
The residents of Reef Island
who spent a fortune buying
property feel cheated today in
more ways than one. The presence of a labour camp in the
Island adds up to their latest
fear and makes the residents
feel insecure
Taymoor Amanullah who lost
his parents and elder sister
in a shipwreck is in search of
his identity. He hails from
Pakistan but had never been
there. Born and brought up in
Bahrain, he’s no Bahraini passport either.
let’s shake
terror out
HM the King extends Bahrain’s full support in combating terror
An apple contains
about 17% of your
daily needs for vitamin
C, an antioxidant that
can help prevent skin
Sharm El-Sheikh
is Majesty King Hamad
bin Isa Al Khalifa has
received at his residence the
US Secretary of State John
Kerry, on the sidelines of
Egypt Economic Development
Conference, currently held
HM the King welcomed
John Kerry and expressed
pride in the deep-rooted
outstanding bilateral relations,
progressing steadily at all
levels, noting that Bahrain-US
ties have always been based
on mutual trust and respect,
and joint coordination on
various fields, especially in
the political, economic and
defence fields.
King Hamad reiterated
the Kingdom’s support to all
regional and international
efforts to maintain security
and stability and promote
peace in the region.
HM the King lauded the
leading role played by the
United States, along with
allied and friendly countries,
in consolidating security and
stability in the region, and
combating terrorism for the
sake of promoting global
King Hamad reviewed
with the US State Secretary
the existing areas of bilateral
cooperation, and ways to
bolster and expand them as
two allied partners.
HM the King also
discussed with John Kerry
the latest regional and global
developments, the agenda of
the Sharm El Sheikh economic
summit, as well as issues of
mutual concern.
The US Secretary of State
expressed sincere thanks and
appreciation to HM the King
for his efforts and keenness
on consolidating relations of
friendship and cooperation
with his country, which, he
affirmed, reflected the solid
Bahraini-US partnership
He also praised the crucial
role played by Bahrain, and its
unwavering coordination and
cooperation with brotherly
and friendly countries in
combating terrorism, which
will serve regional and
global security, stability and
Afghan gave CIA money to
Al-Qaeda to free diplomat
Afghanistan used about
US$1mn provided by the CIA
to a secret government fund
to pay Al-Qaeda in 2010 for a
diplomat’s release, The New York
Times reported Saturday.
The terror group’s leader at the
time, Osama bin Laden, worried
that the US knew about the payment and were either tracing
the cash or had laced it with
poison or radiation, and suggested it be converted to another currency, says the Times. It
said letters by bin Laden and
his group’s general manager
were found among computers
and documents seized by US
Navy SEALs during a 2011 raid
in which the Al-Qaeda leader
was killed. They had been classified until presented as evidence
at the trial in New York of Abid
Naseer, an Al-Qaeda operative
convicted of plotting to bomb a
British shopping centre.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Bahrain gloBal e-govt
Winners of the e-Govt Excellence Award 2015 will be honoured
DT News Network
eputy Prime Minister and
Chairman of the Supreme
Committee for Information and
Communication Technology HH
Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al
Khalifa will patronise the 8th edition of
Bahrain International e-Government
Forum 2015 on Sunday at Isa Cultural
Centre. He will also honour the winners
of the e-Government Excellence Award
The centrepiece of the first two days
of the event include keynote speeches
by Sweden’s Former Prime Minister
John Fredrik Reinfeldt, AmbassadorHead of Delegation of the European
Union to the GCC region Adam
Kułach, along with Amazon Web
Services Head of World Wide Public
Sector Teresa H. Carlson.
Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak
Al Khalifa will also patronise Bahrain
IT Expo 2015 on March 17 at the
Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak
Al Khalifa
Bahrain International Circuit (BIC);
in conjunction with the launch of eight
parallel workshops organised by the
e-Government Authority (e-GA) with
the effective participation of NGOs
The centerpiece of
the first two days of
the event include
keynote speeches
by Sweden’s Former
Prime Minister John
Fredrik Reinfeldt,
of Delegation of the
European Union to
the GCC region Adam
and international organisations.
Workshop topics include Social
Media - Business Innovation, Secrets
of Business Innovation and Innovative
Entrepreneurship, Big Data – Future
and Challenges, Holistic Business
Process Management: Improvement
Defensible Critical Information
Infrastructure, e-Government Success
Stories, PMI – Agile, Horizon 2020
Information Day, and System Design
and User Experience.
The Bahrain IT Expo 2015 will be
open to the public at BIC Paddock
Hall from 9am to 5pm. The eight
workshops will be held in parallel
for three consecutive days till March
19 at the BIC Oasis Building from
8.30am to 4.30pm.
This annual event is organised
by e-GA in collaboration with
Bahrain Society of Engineers, Project
Management Institute - Arabian Gulf
Chapter and Youth Tech Society.
Around 700 participants from both
in and out of Bahrain are expected to
attend the event.
Beeline for gold purchase
Melvin Mendonca/DTNN
[email protected]
old buyers flocked
Manama Gold Souq on
Friday and Saturday as there
was a sharp dip in the price
of gold.
According to sources,
the rate of one gram of 22
carat gold stood at BD13.8,
while the rate of one gram
21 carat gold was BD12.3.
In the meantime, the rate of
18 carat gold was fixed at
BD10.5 during last few days.
An employee of a jewellery
shop confirmed that there
had been surge in gold
business during the weekends
due to the fall of gold rates.
“About a month ago, the
rate of one gram of 22 carat
gold was approximately
BD15.6 at the Manama
gold market. Of late, there
has been fall in gold rate,
tempting the customers buy
more gold,” he said.
Usually the gold buyers
visit gold market on Fridays,
as it is the weekend. “But last
Friday saw huge number of
people due to the steep fall in
price of gold,” he added.
He stated that Asians
usually prefer 22 carat gold,
while Bahrainis go for 21
carat gold. On the other
hand, most of the Europeans
like 18 carat gold. “This time,
there was heavy demand for
22 carat gold,” he said.
Manager of Malabar Gold
and Diamonds, Mohammed
Isaq, stated that there had
been increase in business in
the last couple of days due
to fall in rate. “BD13.8 for
one gram of 22 carat gold is a
best rate to buy. The rate has
been stagnant since last three
days, pulling the customers
towards the gold shop,” he
He stated that the
customers usually wait for
first two days when the rate
falls down. This is because
they expect more fall in the
rate. If the rate does not fall
further, they decide to buy on
the third day, he added.
“There are a lot of people
who wait for the gold rate to
fall. Obviously, there would
be increase in demand, when
the price falls,” he said.
At the global level, gold
forged to it lowest since
December, at $1,147.69 per
ounce, on dollar strength.
“The main driver behind
the weakness and the move
into oversold territory has
seen the relentless rally of
the dollar,” said Saxo Bank
analyst Ole Hansen.
By Friday on the London
Bullion Market, the price of
gold fell to $1,152 an ounce
from $1,175.75 a week earlier.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Bahrain-Born youth awaits
After losing family in ship mishap, youth runs from pillar to post for passport
Muhammad Azam/DTNN
aymoor Amanullah, 22, is in
search of his identity. A student
in a local institute, he lost his parents
and an elder sister in a ship tragedy
in the Gulf coast off Bahrain in
March 2006. Though he was born
and brought up in Bahrain, he
doesn’t have Bahrain passport and
is facing serious visa issues.
Taymoor Amanullah holds
Pakistani passport as his father was
a Pakistani national. He lived his
whole life in Bahrain and never
went to Pakistan. Yet he was denied
Bahrain passport.
Commenting on his identity
crisis, this hapless youngster
queries: “Where else can I go when
my parents are buried in Bahrain
and I have never stepped outside?”
His father Amanullah Ahmed Din
came to Bahrain in 1974 and was
working as a civil engineer in NassMurray and Robert Construction
Company at the time of the tragedy.
His parents and sister along with
Taymoor (right in first row) with his family.
(Left behind in second row) His sister who
died in the mishap.
other employees and their families
were celebrating the completion of
part of World Trade Centre towers
on a cruise that capsized due to
overloading. More than 57 people
drowned in the sea.
“I was in sixth (grade) then. It
took a long time to recover from the
shock. Still I am afraid of facing the
sea,” he said. “My elder brother is 25
and my sister is 35. We all were born
and brought up here. But no one has
A view of the capsized cruise.
My elder brother is 25 and my
sister is 35. We all were born
and brought up here. But no
one has passport. After 20
years stay in Bahrain one is eligible for the passport
-Taymoor Amanullah
passport. After 20 years stay
in Bahrain one is eligible for the
passport.” The company of his father
provided him and his siblings with
a good amount as compensation.
Since then he had been using that
amount for his living and education.
But three years ago that money also
got over.
Initially, Pakistan Embassy
helped him get student visa. Once he
turned 18, he could not get student
visa. Now Taymoor is studying and
working part-time for a meager
salary. He unsuccessfully applied for
the police job also.
Currently, Taymoor is planning
to appeal to HRH Prime Minister
Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa
to find a solution.
When contacted, his elder sister
Mazna, 35, told DT News: “Earlier,
the Southern Governor told that we
would get passports in a few months
but still nothing happened.”
She said that they followed up
the files for almost three years, but
then disgustedly gave up the efforts.
They face a lot of problems without
passport. Their father applied for
Bahraini passports for his whole
family in 1999.
SCW secy-general calls on UN Chief
New York
N Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon received
Secretary-General of the
Al-Ansri, who participates in
the 59th session of the UN
Commission on the Status
of Women (CSW), currently
being held here, on Saturday.
to the UN Chief greetings
from Her Royal Highness
Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of
HM the King and President
of the SCW, and her praise
of the efforts exerted by
the UN and its specialised
agencies, especially CSW, for
empowering women in all
During the meeting, the
highlighted the Government
of Bahrain’s focus on
advancing the status of
Bahraini women through
laws and effective procedures.
Hala Al-Ansari with Ban Ki-moon.
Hala Al-Ansari at the UN committee discussions.
women’s needs in the budgets
are a living proof of Bahrain’s
During the meeting, the SCW Secretary-General
pioneering experience in
highlighted the Government of Bahrain’s focus on
achieving the Millennium
advancing the status of Bahraini women through laws
Development Goals (MDGs)
regarding gender equality,”
and effective procedures. Ban Ki-moon lauded the
she elaborated.
Kingdom’s continuous efforts to empower Bahraini
Ban Ki-moon lauded
the Kingdom’s continuous
women and ensure their access to decision-making
efforts to empower Bahraini
women and ensure their
access to decision-making
“The launch of the in the Government’s Action opportunities units in positions.
He also mentioned about
for Plan, the establishment Ministries and official bodies,
Integrating Women’s Needs of
equal and the mechanisms to meet Bahrain’s
to submitting its periodic
on the Elimination of
Women (CEDAW).
He expressed pride in
the crucial role played by
HRH Princess Sabeeka
in empowering Bahraini
women in all fields.
“It has enabled them
to reach high positions
in Bahrain and at the
international level,” the UN
Chief added.
MP calls for new
Port at Muharraq
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Lack of infrastructure hits fishermen
DT News Network
Hammadi on Saturday
demanded to improve
fishermen’s cabins and
develop a new port in the
area between the two bridges
of Muharraq.
He pointed out that
fishermen, particularly from
Muharraq, were suffering
from lack of necessary
facilities for fishing.
“There is no port capable
of handling fishing ships,
small boats and other type of
ships, which exposes them to
robberies or other damages
in case of negligence. A port
with good infrastructure and
appropriate facilities is vital
here,” said Al Hammadi.
Presence of labour camp pose problems to residents of Reef Island
There is no port equipped to
handle fishing ships, small
boats and other type of ships,
which exposes them to robberies or other damage in
case of negligence. A port
with good infrastructure is
vital here
Melvin Mendonca/DTNN
[email protected]
hey owned housing
properties by paying hefty
bucks, yet their safety is at risk.
The residents of Reef Island
are on edge owing to the
labour camp built inside the
residential area. The unusual
movements of labourers in
the camp at odd times near
the villas cause apprehensions
among them.
Speaking to DT News, Dr.
Bashar Ahmadi, a resident
of Reef Island, said that the
milieu inside the island had
become unbearable due to the
-Ebrahim Al Hammadi, MP
The current cabins are
made by the fishermen
using simple tools, which are
susceptible to dry weather.
Moreover, the feeble tools
are vulnerable to theft and
Al Hammadi said that the
Cosy life offered,
pesky milieu in store
Sunday, March 15, 2015
current situation of the boats,
ships and wooden cabins
sullies the scenic beauty of
the coastal area. He stressed
that the implementation of
the proposal would solve
the issues faced by the
They even visit our
houses for no reason.
All of a sudden, they
appear on the road
with their bicycles.
Moreover, there
are no lights on the
streets here at night.
It’s absolutely a scary
situation here. It is no
more Beverly Hills of
- Dr. Bashar Ahmadi,
a resident, who owns
a villa
Trucks on King Fahad
Causeway affect industry
DT News Network
ahrain Chamber of
Commerce and Industry
(BCCI) board member
and Chairman of the joint
committee with Customs
Affairs, Abdulhakeem Al
Shammari, said that the issue
of overcrowding of trucks on
the King Fahad Causeway had
returned affecting industrial
and commercial sectors in
He revealed that trucks
passing through the causeway
to other GCC states required
PO Box: 50323,
Fax :+973-17464844,
E-mail : [email protected]
HIDD, Kingdom of Bahrain
4-6 days, which led to
hundreds of trucks crowding
on the causeway linking
Bahrain to Saudi Arabia.
Al Shammari noted that
the government formed a
special committee aimed at
reviewing current measures
parking area with room for
approximately 350 vehicles as
a temporary solution.
Current solutions have
led to positive results, added
Al Shammari, “But the
resurgence of the problem has
led to serious demands from
the industrial and commercial
sectors to create immediate
and permanent solutions that
would help movement of
vehicles throughout the day.”
The Bahrain Chamber
for Commerce and Industry
calls for the meeting of
involved stakeholders from
Bahrain and Saudi Arabia-The Bahrain Chamber for
Commerce and Industry, the
Chamber of Commerce in
the Eastern Province of Saudi
Arabia, and the Traffic and
Customs Divisions in both
countries, to discuss the issue.
The dry land, which should have been the beach. Labour camps could be seen next to the land.
Pic: SanthoSh RajendRan
the developer of Reef Island
initially told them that there
would be a beach next to their
villas and the residents of the
villas would have direct access
When contacted, local
parliamentarian Ahmed Abdul
Wahid Qarata stated that he
was aware of the hardships
faced by the residents of Reef
“They even visit our houses
for no reason. All of a sudden,
they appear on the road with
their bicycles. Moreover, there
are no lights on the streets here
at night. It’s absolutely a scary
situation here. It is no more
Beverly Hills of Bahrain,” he
Dr. Ahmadi also complained
of continuous noise pollution
caused by the water pumps,
which operate incessantly. “I
The artistic representation of the actual plan shown to the
prospective buyers. It shows a beach in front of the villas.
presence of labourers around
“I see them always snooping
around my villa for no reason.
I don’t feel safe anymore,” he
said, adding that the presence
of labour camp in the middle
of the most exclusive area of
Bahrain was annoying, as the
buyers had spent millions to
lead a peaceful life there.
discussions to segregate
thousands of expatriate
labourers from residential
areas; especially after an Asian
labourer broke into a house
at Isa Town last month. The
labourer attacked 65-yearold Bahraini and his son with
a stick and tried to sexually
assault a woman. The residents
here are also vulnerable to
The water pumps which operate throughout the year.
the same situation,” said Dr.
On March 4,
DT News reported
that Reef Island
also includes a bar.
Sayeed, one of the
flat owners here,
had alleged that the
nuisance created
by the customers
in inebriated state,
especially during
weekends, was
have been staying here since
last June. The pumps have
been running here since then.
Nobody knows the purpose
behind running the pumps
without any break. There is
no answer from the builder as
to when are they going to stop
the pumps,” he said, adding
that they are unable to open
the doors or windows due to
the blaring noise.
The diesel smell emanating
from the pumps is also causing
The shelters built between villas and the beach.
uneasiness to the residents
here. Dr. Ahmadi commented,
“The builder is not at all
respecting the Bahraini laws.”
According to Dr. Ahmadi,
The water pump at the residential area.
to the beach. But the developer
later altered the plans.
According to the latest plans,
there would be no direct access
to the beach. “Between villas
and the beach, the developer is
building shelters blocking the
entire view,” he said. “I have
spent a huge money here and
now I feel cheated.”
On March 4, DT News
reported that Reef Island
also includes a bar. Sayeed,
one of the flat owners here,
had alleged that the nuisance
created by the customers in
inebriated state, especially
Ahmed Abdul Wahid Qarata
Island. He assured that he
would make a detailed study
on the issue and bring the
problems to the attention of
the authorities concerned.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
DT News Network
he High Shariat Court
(Jaffari Department)
accepted the divorce request
filed by a woman, whose
husband deserted her three
years ago. The defendant
reportedly left the Kingdom
in 2012 without formally
divorcing the woman.
The plaintiff stated that
her husband stopped giving
her pocket money, and also
didn’t live up to his promise
of returning her dowry. It’s
said that the man without
any notice left the country
and didn’t return.
Judges at the court said
that the husband had
encrypted the future of his
Renowned Carnatic classical vocalist Sanjay Subrahmanyan and his accompanying artists treated Bahrain fans to a virtuoso performance that was enjoyed by over 300 music lovers. Indian
Ambassador Dr. Mohan Kumar, Mala Kumar and Shaikha Huda Al Khalifa with the event sponsors are seen among the audience.
Gaffers, workers wage
gap skyrocketed: Study
DT News Network
[email protected]
n Bahrain, corporate top
take home many multiples of
blue-collar-workers’ salary on
a monthly basis, according to
a study from Hay Group, a
consultancy firm. Bahrain also
has the worst pay gap increase,
when compared to that in
period from 2008 to 2014.
The study points out that
senior managers now make 7.9
times what lower-level workers
make. While in 2008, the pay
gap between senior managers
and lower level employees was
3.6 times.
The pay disparity between
The Kingdom with the largest
increase in its pay gap, points out
that senior managers now make 7.9
times what lower-level workers make
what senior manager and
lower-level employees make is
getting wider in two-thirds, the
study says after examining 63
The study also finds that
the average increase in pay
disparities was about 20 per cent,
while the average decrease was
just five per cent.
The consulting firm’s pay
database includes data of more
than 16 million jobholders in
24,000 organizations in more
than 110 countries.
Interestingly, the report did
not focus on measuring the
pay gap at the extremes — by
comparing, for instance, CEO
pay against that of the absolute
lowest paid unskilled worker at
the same company.
Rather, it looked at the median
base salary of a skilled worker,
factory production supervisor or
new graduate and compared that
with a senior manager, someone
who is “a few steps down from
the CEO” and is “often at the
level where people first start to
be called ‘head of’ something,”
the report stated.
Not all the countries Hay
Group looked at, however,
showed a rise in the pay gap.
Some countries, particularly
those in Europe, showed a
tightening in the pay disparity
between what senior managers
and average workers make.
The major reason cited
was stronger labour unions,
tax rates that offer little
incentive to raise the pay of
senior managers and the way
companies responded to the
recession in different regions.
Shaikh Nasser presented
ISO 9001:2008 certificate
DT News Network
[email protected]
resident of the Civil Service
Bureau (CSB) Ahmed bin
Zayed Al Zayed presented ISO
9001:2008 certificate to Royal
Charity Organisation (RCO)
Board of Trustees Chairman
and Personal Representative
of His Majesty the King for
Charity Work and Youth
Affairs HH Shaikh Nasser bin
Hamad Al Khalifa.
The CSB President hailed at
the annual ceremony hosted
by RCO at the Sofitel Hotel
the efforts of Shaikh Nasser
in implementing the directives
of HM the King to carry out
charity work inside and outside
He congratulated the RCO
personnel on the honour,
which testifies to good and
quality management and
At the function,
CSB President
hailed the efforts
of Shaikh Nasser
in implementing
the directives of
His Majesty King
Hamad to carry
out charity work
inside and outside Bahrain
keenness of CSB to provide
the best services concerning
institutional performance and
boost the culture of quality in
all government bodies.
A rustic Italian treat in urban settings
DT News Network
RT Rotana Amwaj Islands, the
newly-opened luxury hotel
in the heart of Amwaj, hosted an
Italian themed event to mark the
opening of the hotel’s latest outlet
‘Rosso’, a rustic Italian restaurant.
The fun-filled occasion featured
various entertainments including
live music, face-painting, surprise
treats for the children and an array
of culinary delights of authentic
Italian cuisine.
The event was attended by
Deputy Head of Mission, Italian
Embassy in Bahrain, Marco Esposto
and other esteemed members of the
media and the local community.
Rosso is the latest addition to
ART Rotana’s extensive selection
of dining options. The warm,
friendly environment of Rosso
with its indoor and outdoor dining
areas make this an ideal dining
location for families. Children will
most certainly be entertained by the
dough-throwing and pizza-making
tricks performed by the chefs.
With a wide selection of authentic
dishes, freshly-made pastas and
hand-stretched pizzas baked in a
traditional pizza oven, speciality
outlet chef Federica Piccioni
and her team offer customers a
one-of-a-kind authentic Italian
differentiator is its attention to
detail. All our efforts are focused
on providing customers with
an exceptional and memorable
culinary experience to inspire
the senses, comprising finest
ingredients,” explained General
Manager of ART Rotana Amwaj
Islands, Joe Batshoun.
“From its menu selection to the
décor and combination of indoor
and outdoor seating options
overlooking the pools and sea,
Rosso will undoubtedly live up to
its promise of taking customers on
a journey through Italy,” he added.
wife with his antics, leaving
the court with no other
option but to grant divorce
to the woman even without
his presence. The court
also said that the husband’s
departure had largely hurt
the wife’s life. Considering
this as a serious matter, the
court took a prompt action
in favour of the plaintiff’s
“The wife has also
expressed her concerns
over the people’s negative
stance against her for being
tied to a man who no
longer exists. Based on the
aforementioned, the court
decided to meet the wife’s
divorce request,” a court
verdict read.
The plaintiff stated that her husband stopped giving her pocket
money, and also didn’t live up
to his promise of returning her
dowry. It’s said that the man without any notice left the country and
didn’t return
divorce as
hubby flees
Man attacks cops
at hospital, held
DT News Network
Gulf national reportedly
attacked police officers at
Salmaniya Medical Complex
(SMC) after they stopped a
woman from visiting a patient.
It’s said that the defendant was
admitted to the hospital as he
had fainted in a local mall.
Later, a woman visited the
hospital to see a detainee who
was sleeping at the hospital.
When the police officers
denied entry to the woman to
see the patient, the defendant
reacted angrily to the officers.
When the police officers denied
entry to the woman to see the
patient, the defendant reacted
angrily to the officers. Then he
attacked them with his crutch,
breaking a cop’s cellphone
Then he attacked them with
his crutch, breaking one of the
officers’ mobile phone, court
files indicate. The officers said
that the man fled the hospital,
but he was nabbed later.
“I got angry when the police
denied entry to the visitor
to see the patient. I wanted
to leave and go to another
hospital, but one of the officers
held me,” the defendant said
in his statement. “I hit him
with my crutch on his hand,
and asked him to leave me. I
lost my temper and I broke his
mobile phone with a second
strike with my crutch.”
“I walked away but he was
chasing me, but I managed to
leave the hospital by climbing
over the hospital’s fence. Then
in a cab I went to another
hospital. But while I was trying
to book an appointment with
a doctor police came and
arrested me,” he added. The
defendant’s court hearing has
been scheduled on April 5.
Scientific research forum at Al-Ahlya varsity
DT News Network
nder the patronage of
Prof. Abdulla Al-Hawaj,
University, a scientific research
forum will be conducted
on Sunday on the Al-Ahlya
University premises.
Researchers and lecturers
will present new studies that
have been carried out in the
fields of science, history,
business, cultural issues
ART Rotana caters to the growing
needs of the global traveller and
complements the vibrancy and
sophistication of Bahrain’s tourism
and hospitality sector.
The hotel features 311 striking
sea-view rooms and suites with
an inviting, minimalist décor that
embraces warm, earthly colour
panoramic views and ample
in-room services and amenities
make this a haven for business
travellers and holidaymakers.
Shawqi Al-Dallal
and many other fields, said
a press release issued here
on Saturday.
In a statement, Professor
Shawqi Al-Dallal, dean of
post-graduate studies and
research attached to Al-Ahlya
University, said that the
University was adopting a
new strategy to encourage
the scientific research as it
was adopting all scientific
research initiatives, which were
presented by the university
teachers and students.
Al-Dallal pointed out that
the event will include an
opening speech by professor
“During the two-day forum,
12 pioneer studies will be
presented. There will be a
cultural fair in which books and
publications will be exhibited,”
he added.
Shawqi Al-Dallal added that
students of Al-Ahlya University
would also get an opportunity
to present their outstanding
graduation projects.
Lance corporal
misuses SIM
card, nabbed
DT News Network
lance corporal is in the
dock for misusing an
ID card of a 20-year-old
Bahraini who misplaced it.
The latter reportedly forgot
his wallet containing the ID
card in a local restaurant
and the defendant took it.
The 32-year-old accused
used the ID card to obtain
a SIM card.
He called up women
using the SIM card and
harassed them over phone.
But it was initially
thought that the victim
was behind the anonymous
calls to the girls.
“Police informed me
that there was a complaint
against me. When I went
there, officers accused me
of being responsible for
malicious phone calls to
many women,” the victim
said in his statement.
“Then I came to know
that there was a SIM card
issued under my name,
but it didn’t belong to
me,” he added.
identified the defendant
who admitted to his
offence. “I saw the wallet
while I was with a friend. I
gave it to him and I asked
him to get a SIM card
by using it. We wanted
to make nuisance calls to
girls, but I didn’t want
to do that with a SIM
card registered under my
name,’ the defendant told
The defendant’s trial
has been adjourned until
April 13 for review.
The accused called up women
using the SIM card and harassed them over phone. But it
was initially thought that the
real owner of the SIM card was
behind the anonymous calls
to the girls
Sunday, March 15, 2015
New fleet
of US ShipS
to arrive iN
Tahir Haneef/DTNN
[email protected]
DT News Network
iddle East Medical
centre (MEM), Hidd
and City International School
signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) on
recently for the treatment of
their management and staff
MEM is one among the
largest polyclinics in Bahrain,
which offers a variety of
services with multi-specialty
clinics and other ancillary A view of the MoU signing function.
Kingdom of Bahrain.
Speaking on the occasion, members of the school.”
Dr. Ravi Preet Singh, CEO
Dr. Ravi Preet Singh, CEO
of MEM said, “Our hospital Managing Director of City of MEM, Qamar Un Nisa,
has expertise to fulfil the International School, said: Managing Director of City
requirements We are extremely happy International School, Seema,
of the community in to sign this MOU as it is Manager Operations, Sudir
comfortable and reassuring between two organizations BDM, Board of Members
surroundings. By entering whose aim is to work for the Syed Athar Hamayun, Syed
Asfar Hamayun and HR
into this arrangement, we betterment of society.”
International Manager Shahzad Rahim
aim to provide and maintain
quality health service to School is one of the leading Kakakhel, were present on
the management and staff International schools in the occasion.
S and European airlines
have raised their decibel
of rhetoric in the campaign
against Gulf-based airlines.
Alleging that Gulf carriers are
successful in eating away the
market share of the Western
players only because of the
heavy subsidies provided by
Gulf nations, US-based airlines
have joined their European
counterparts in pitching for
less-than-fair policy treatment
for Arab carriers.
The crux of the allegation
revolves around the support
provided by governments in
Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) nations to their airlines,
compared to the private sector
players in the US and Europe.
The “Open skies” policy
pursued by US government
to ensure direct access to its
airlines, also allows the partnernations to access US skies on
an equal footing. Similar policy
followed by European nations
also ensures the same result.
Even though, Western
countries had an advantage
during the initial years of
these mutual agreements,
Arab carriers conquered the
Friday morning in Washington, D.C., largely
endorses practices in place for several years –
such as the shift of naval forces to the Pacific
and the presence of a Marine Corps special task
force to respond to turmoil in and around the
An official says in the article that this strategy
largely falls in line with the 2007 version, though
it is updated to mention recent events, such as
the rise of extremist groups Islamic State and
Boko Haram, and the leaner defence budget.
The strategy also summarizes in one place
plans to reposition ships in response to
rising dangers: China’s growing military and
territorial assertiveness, the continuing unrest
in the Middle East and Russia’s aggression in
the Ukraine.
The Navy will increase its forward ship
presence to 120 by 2020, up from an average 97
last year. In Asia, four littoral ships are expected
to be operating out of Singapore by 2017.
The term “all-domain access” takes its place
in the new strategy. It means that U.S. forces
must be able to work in all spheres – sea,
air, land, cyberspace and the electromagnetic
MEM, City School ink MoU
Arab carriers conquer European, US markets
Reveals US-based website in news article
DT News Network
S Navy likely to introduce new fleet of ships
in Bahrain shores, reveals a US-based news
website U.T Sandiego (http://www.utsandiego.
According to the news article published in
the website, America’s sea service is publishing a
new maritime strategy, A Cooperative Study for
21st Century Sea-power, after eight years.
Quoting a navy official who is familiar with
the new policy, the article describes that seven
Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) will work out in
Additionally, two new mobile landing
platform ships will be on scene to replace the
Ponce in 2016 and 2019. Finally, a joint highspeed vessel will frequent the region by 2015.
As part of the policy, American ships in the
Middle East will grow from 30 to about 40
by 2020. “We’re talking about increasing our
forward presence around the globe,” said Lt.
Timothy Hawkins, a Navy spokesman at the
Pentagon, in the article.
The official guidance document, to be released
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Students gear up for
‘marathon’ exam
DT News Network
ore than 10,000 students
at secondary level in all
government schools and nine
private schools will attend a
national exam that lasts for four
consecutive days from Sunday.
The students will be assessed
for their knowledge in Arabic,
English languages and solving
Emphasizing on the quality
of education and training,
Chief Executive Officer of
National Commission for
Assessment of Academic
Qualifications, Dr. Jawaher Al
Mudhahki said, “The national
examination is one of the tools
the Kingdom uses to measure
and observe the analytical,
skills to accurately show the
potential development of
The national examination is
one of the tools the Kingdom
uses to measure and observe
the analytical, cognitive and
language skills
- Dr. Jawaher Al
quality education for Bahrain’s
Vision of 2030.”
She said that the national
examination was built on a
foundation that guaranteed
be improved to meet
international standards.
“After six years of using
the national examination
system, it has proved
transparent to integrate data
to improve the educational
sector,” she said, and added:
“The recorded data is also
directly associated with
the requirements of work,
higher education market and
vocational training sector.”
The results of the previous
year showed that girls
performed better than boys in
exams of Arabic and English
in all public and private
schools, while boys excelled
in solving problems in all
public and private schools.
Music Reigns
DT News Network
he next Cathedral
on March 26 at 6pm brings
together 13 fine musicians,
all who have a passion for
brass band music.
They are under the
leadership of Lawrence
Gargan, the Head of Wind
and Brass at the British School
of Bahrain. Before coming to
Bahrain, Lawrence spent 20
years between Hong Kong
and Singapore as Principal
Trumpet in the Hong Kong
Philharmonic Orchestra and
the Singapore Symphony
He started out his musical
career as a boy in the local
Brass Band in Ayrshire
Scotland, and has always had
European and US markets with
much elan in the past few years.
This has severely dented
the revenue model of western
carriers. Qatar Airways CEO,
Akbar Al Baker said that by
throwing blames, US-based
airlines were trying to conceal
their ineptitude.
Al Baker was responding to
the allegation connecting Arab
carriers to terrorism made by
the boss of Delta Airlines.
CEO Richard Anderson of
Delta Airlines had said: “It’s a
great irony to have the UAE
from the Arabian Peninsula
talk about that (bankruptcy
protection provided by US
law) given the fact that our
industry was really shocked by
the terrorism of 9/11, which
came from terrorists from
the Arabian Peninsula, which
caused us to go through a
massive restructuring.”
Even though this statement
was widely ridiculed by other
Western airline industry
participants, the efforts to limit
the access of Gulf carriers in
the US and Europe has only
gained in strength.
The European Union was
urged by France and Germany
on Friday to take action
against airlines from the Gulf
region. European Transport
Commissioner Violeta Bulc
later said that the talks with
GCC hadn’t helped EU to gain
any progress and called upon
European countries to conduct
talks with Gulf states directly.
Efforts in US to restrict
access for GCC airlines have
also gained traction in March,
with three biggest North
American airlines seeking
Congressional intervention to
achieve their objective.
Brass maestros join
a keen interest in brass band
music and a gift at enthusing
The other band members
come from many walks of life;
all live and work in Bahrain,
and have performed in several
groups and venues. This is
the first occasion that they
are performing together. The
band include Dr. Charles
Wall, Head of the British
School, and a keen brass
player himself.
There will be a very exciting
programme from the Swag
Masters Fanfare and March
Ode to Joy.
Tickets are available for
BD 5 from St Christopher’s
Cathedral Office (Phone:
17253866) or through the
British School Shop.
goodbye to camping
ahrain’s camping season which started in November
2014 will soon be coming to an end. The government
institutions organized this season meticulously and planned
activities to make it convenient to all who came to the Sakhir
area for recreation and relaxation.
Camping is considered as one of the most entertaining
activity enjoyed by citizens and residents in cooler weather
across the Kingdom. As the temperature dropped and
the educational institutions were closed for the holidays,
families in Bahrain flocked to the Sakhir area for the annual
camping season. During the five month camping period,
the area became home to thousands of families who escaped
the busy urban and routine life and took refuge in outdoor
camps for relaxation and fun.
It is estimated that around 100,000 people visited Sakhir
campsites every weekend. There are around 1,500 registered
campsites, which increase with time and day of the week.
Around 20,000 cars entered the camping zone each day
during weekends.
As per the latest rules implemented, Campers have to
remove tents, accessories and rubbish before the camping
season finish or they leave the area otherwise it will be
removed by the competent authorities, and their owners
will then have to pay all expenses incurred on camps
decommissioning and cleaning.
While extra ordinary care, monitoring and awareness
campaigns have been initiated and campers were told to
follow the environmental, safety and security norms, In
spite of that many campers still pollute and leave the area
without clearing their mess. In 2012, around 11,000 tons of
garbage was removed from camping areas by cleaners. The
items removed included carpets, TVs, broken sofas, torn
and old tents, old tires, bricks, discarded utensils and cots.
The previous clean-up lasted for two months and costed BD
Last year people were caught setting fire to couches,
carpets and even whole tents at the end of the season rather
than disposing them at Bahrain’s landfill site in Askar. This
year, Campers who will burn any unwanted equipment and
furniture in the camping area are being threatened with
legal action.
The authorities have urged the public to maintain
cleanliness during or after the end of the camping season
and also organized awareness campaigns to combat littering
as well as imposing fines on violators.
While you will be planning to decommission your camp
or moving out, it is important that you look around and
clear any mess which should not affect the pristine Sakhir
environment. Let us follow some basic rules for our safety,
health and environmental conservation.
• Removeanycampentrancebarrierwhichyoumayhave
created at the entrance and in camp periphery.
• Remove stoves, iron, combustible materials, fire
extinguisher and first aid facilities.
• Remove all illumination, electronic gadgets and water
• Removeallgarbage,litterandbinsfromthecampingsite.
Do not leave behind any waste which may decompose,
ignite or generate odours.
• Don’tthrowanyfoodordecomposablefoodinopen.It
will attract vermin, birds, insects and rodents.
• Don’tthrowawayused/unusedplasticbags.
• Keep all recyclable and disposable waste in separate
• Donotburnanygarbageirrespectiveofitscomposition
and weight.
Remember the principle of green camping: “If you
brought it need to take it out and leave the area
just as you found it.”
Head of Waste Disposal Unit, Supreme Council for
Environment, Bahrain. ([email protected])
(The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do
not necessarily reflect the policy or position of this newspaper.)
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Out& abOut
Bahrain International eGovernment Forum & IT Expo 2015
Date: Today till March 19
Venue: Isa Cultural Centre/Bahrain
International Circuit
Bahrain International eGovernment
Forum & IT Expo has become a
continuous success story which aims
to bring in the latest international
practices and tactics in information
and communication technology to the
Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Forum & workshops provide
an integrated technical program,
featuring a number of internationally
renowned keynote speakers to discuss
and assess the sector’s recent issues
all carefully selected to better shape
government & private sector strategies
and implementations across the GCC
and international markets. The Forum
will take place on 15th March 2015 at
Isa Cultural Center and the workshops
& IT EXPO will be held at the Bahrain
International Circuit from 16 -19
March 2015. For more information visit /
Date : 16th March 2015
Venue : Bahrain International
Circuit, Sakhir
The BIC Dragster Xperience offers
a mind-blowing, never-before-seen
thrill at The Home of Motorsport in the
Middle East’. The Dragster Xperience,
is the latest offering at ‘The Home of
Motorsport in the Middle East’ gives
clients a chance to step into a state-ofthe-art Top Fuel Dragster - the fastest
CAR in all of the sport of drag racing
- for a hugely exciting run down BIC’s
world-class quarter-mile drag strip at
gut-wrenching velocity.
For more information call the BIC
Hotline on +973-17-450000
International stand-up comedy
Date: March 18 and 19
Venue: Rugby Club & Brit Club
The Chuckle Club is continuing to
bring the laughs to the GCC with March’s
comedy tour installment. This month’s
line-up of hugely talented international
comic imports will be heading to Dubai
and Doha before performing for three
nights in the original home of the
Chuckle Club, Bahrain on: Wednesday
18th at the Rugby Club. Thursday 19th
at the Brit Club.
Come to enjoy an evening of laughter
and general jollity. For details, call
The Magic Chicken
Date : March 19 to 25
Venue: Salman Cultural Centre
This slapstick treat of culinary chaos
depicts two under-lectual chefs mixing
up a hilarious concoction of comedy
cookery when a magic chicken flaps
in, turning the stage into a kitchen
nightmare. This is one for all the family
(minimum age is six). Timings are 4pm
to 6.30pm on the 19th and 22nd, and
10.30am and 3.30pm on the 20th and
Mark your calendar
Date : 30th March 2015, 8pm
Venue : Shaikh Ebrahim bin Mohammed
Center for Culture & Research
Lebanese singer Rima Kheshish’s
ability to blend the classics with
contemporary music will be showcased
in a memorable performance of her bestknown hits. Born in 1974, she started
singing as a young child when she was
a member of the Beirut Heritage Band.
Kheshish studied classical Arabic music
and was a member of the band “Orient
Express”. She released her first solo
album in 2006 entitled “Yalli”, which
featured collaborations with acclaimed
artists such as Ziad Rahbani on the
Youth football tourney
Date : March 20
Venue: Rugby Club
Tournament will be held at the
Rugby Club at Saar on March 20. The
fund raised during the tourney will
be donated to the home for disabled
children located at Isa Town.
U8 tournament will be held in the
morning, while U14 matches will be
held in the afternoon. Each player will
contribute BD2 for the fund. The
tournaments will be followed by a raffle
Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
Date: March 25
Venue: Shaikh Khalifa Sports Hall,
Isa Town
The world’s favourite fairytale will
be brought to life by a troupe of artistes
from Egypt. Actress Hana Shiha will be
Snow White. The performance will be
bilingual, English and Arabic.
Contact Louay Negm +973 6692 2500
or 3360 5300 for more information.
Amwaj Marina Boat Show 2015
Date: March 26-28
Venue: Amwaj Marina, Muharraq
The Amwaj Marina Boat Show is
back for a three day event that will
showcase a wide range of new and
pre-owned Yachts and Jet Skis. The
show will feature 16 Yachts ranging
from 42 ft to 122ft displayed on
water and 20 Boats of varied sizes
on land and there will be three daily
raffle ticket draws. Entrance is BD 2,
children under 12 years: Free (must
be accompanied by an adult).
Annual Carnival Day
Date: March 27 from
1pm to 7pm
Venue: IKNS Elementary
school campus
Ibn Khuldoon National School
is holding its Annual Carnival
on Friday, March 27 from 1pm
to 7pm at the Elementary School
campus. The proceeds will go to
the development of the school’s
Upcoming event
Al Areen wildlife park
Date: March 21
Venue: Al Areen park
The park is 2km x 2km,
where the public are able
to see a representative
collection of ungulate
species, the Arabian
Peninsula, East Africa,
North Africa and Asia,
nearly 500 individuals
belonging to 30 species
and 60 different species of
birds from the same areas,
comprising nearly 450
individuals. On arrival,
visitors are shown a video illustrating the reasons behind the creation of
Al-Areen, the animals housed and highlighting the importance of conservation
in the area. Then, the public is allowed in the park through guided tours in
specially equipped buses. Contact 17845480.
‘Out & About’ page gives
up-to-date information
on a daily basis (except on
Wednesday and Thursday) on
the events and programmes
taking place in clubs,
associations, churches, temples,
mosques, universities, colleges,
schools, and Bahrain Exhibition
Centre. To be included, you
may share your events’
information well in advance on
our whatsapp group ‘Bahrain
Events’ (39817819) or
email: [email protected]
or call 38444688.
Ongoing events
Global Warming
Date: Ongoing till April 26
Venue: Memory of the
Place- Bin Mater
House Exhibition
A multimedia exhibition
by Saudi artist Faisal Samra .
Combining three recent projects
in video, installation and painting,
the exhibition invites reflection on
global warming and recent regional
political events.
Swim with the dolphins
Date: March 27
Venue: Dolphin Resort,
Al Fateh st.- Marina Cornich
Visit Bahrain’s Dolphin Resort
where you can get up close and
personal with the dolphins. They are
very friendly and love when people
swim with them. You can even grab
their fin for a ride around the pool,
take photographs with the Dolphins.
This package includes: Lifejackets,
soft drinks, swimming & Dolphins
show. Bring your swim-wear, towels
& footwear. For more information
Ahmed 39471797.
Pilobolus dance theater
Date : March 26 & 27 at 7pm
Venue: Cultural Hall
A groundbreaking fusion of shadow
theatre, dance, circus and concert,
Shadowland has toured the world, seen
by nearly half a million people.
Even though shadows are traditionally
used to conceal secrets, the internationally
acclaimed Pilobolus Dance Theatre
uses shadows to reveal secrets through
a performance that is part dance, part
theatre, part circus, and part concert. In
this one-of-a-kind show, the performers
skilfully use silhouettes to create
spellbinding vignettes of movement that
must be seen to be believed.
Bharati – The Show
Date: March 27 to March 28
at 7.30pm
Venue: Arad Fort
A spectacular dance musical that
portrays a genuine mosaic of traditional
and modern India. 40 energetic dancers
engulf the stage adorned in 500 costumes
bursting with color, giant video
projections, authentic scenery, music
from the greatest song hits of Indian
cinema, martial arts, acrobatics, tears
and laughter. Bharati is a depiction of a
society that simmers under a flame of
chaos and confusion, caught in a conflict
between tradition and modernity.
Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.
How to reach us
Al Basta market 3
Date : Ongoing till March 28
Every Friday from 3 to
8 PM Saturday
10 am to 8 pm
Venue Bahrain International
Al Basta Market , the biggest
annual shopping festival in Bahrain,
empowering Bahraini youth in
every field, and supporting owners
of micro, small and medium-sizedenterprises through helping them to
market their products.
Mohammed bin Faris Band
Date : Ongoing till April 30 at 8pm.
Venue: Mohammed bin
Faris Music Hall
Every Thursday evening, the
musical sounds of Mohammed bin
Faris Band in a lyrical voyage regales
audiences with tales of a pealing
diver’s life from festive melodies to
working songs and farewell ballads.
In the 13 years that have passed
since its establishment, the band
has travelled the world to introduce
Bahrain’s soulful musical identity
through the traditional arts. As part of
its participation in this year’s Spring of
Culture, the band will hold a number
of concerts, transporting audiences to a
time of tradition.
Forms in suspension
Date: Ongoing till March 31
Venue: Al Riwaq Art Space
Al Riwaq Art Space presents
“Forms in Suspension” a solo
exhibition of colorful paintings and
wood installations by Bahraini artist
Lobna Al Ameen.
“Forms in Suspension” will run
through March 31, 2015 as part of
the “Spring of Culture” program.
The artist will be present at the
opening reception today from 7:00 –
9:00 p.m. For additional information
please contact: 17717441, info@
The fight being waged
by Greece is not just for
its people, it is for Europe
European leadership has
to decide either to respect
democracy, or take the
risk of increasing of the
extreme right populist
forces in Europe
-Greek President
Prokopis Pavlopoulos
Sunday, March 15, 2015
-Greek Prime Minister
Alexis Tsipras
EDB, BatElco Back
EGovt forum 2015
Batelco Diamond sponsor
DT News Network
he Economic Development
Board (EDB) on Saturday
announced its backing to
the Bahrain International
eGovernment Forum 2015 to
be held this week under the
patronage of Deputy Prime
Minister, the Chairman of
the Supreme Committee
Communication Technology
HH Shaikh Mohammed bin
Mubarak Al Khalifa.
S e p a r a t e l y ,
telecommunication provider,
Batelco also announced its
backing for the Bahrain
International e-Government
Forum 2015 as its Diamond
decision, Batelco Enterprise
and Government Division
General Manager Adel Al
Daylami said that technology
has become an integrated part
of our daily life and is no longer
considered a luxury for many
“In particular, decision
makers and industry experts
consider an e-technology forum
as an invaluable opportunity
New Tactics
Events such as this
allow the Kingdom to
highlight key strategic
initiatives and discuss
with industry leaders
the investment climate and competitiveness of Bahrain
- Executive Director –
Business Development at
the EDB Vivian Jamal
- Batelco Enterprise and
Government Division
General Manager Adel Al
Biz delegation from India
In cooperation with the
National Association of Software
and Services Companies
(NASSCOM), the EDB is
hosting a business delegation
from India comprising of 20
delegates from 15 companies,
who will be participating in the
Forum and will be meeting their
Bahraini counterparts.
During their three-day visit,
EDB officials will present various
investment opportunities in
Bahrain, and highlight the
Kingdom’s key competitive
advantages and the openness
of its economy. Business
meetings will also be arranged
with Bahraini businessmen and
women on the sidelines of the
The activities of the Bahrain
International eGovernment
Forum are being held under
the theme ‘Smart Cities –
Beyond Innovation’, which
will be held at the Isa Cultural
Centre. The event attracts
international participation
including former Swedish
Prime Minister John F.
Reinfeldtwho is taking part
as a keynote speaker. The
European Union (EU) also
records active presence with
elite delegates headed by
Ambassador Adam Kulach,
Head of EU Delegation.
DT News Network
Industry (BCCI) is hosting a
prominent delegation from
India comprising companies
in the Information and
Communication Technology
(ICT) sector on Monday at
12:00pm in Al Majlis Hall on
the Ground Floor of Bait Al
The meeting includes a
presentation of the products
and services offered by the
followed by B2B meetings with
their Bahraini counterparts in
a bid to mull investment and
partnership opportunities.
In this regard, CEO of the
Chamber Nabeel Al Mahmood
called the concerned and
interested entities in Bahrain to
attend and meet the delegation,
and seize the opportunity to
exchange information and
form partnerships.
Casio unveils Arabic Display calculator
asio Middle East announced the launch
of the world’s first standard scientific
calculator with an Arabic display. The firstever calculator with an Arabic interface is
a development of immense significance
for the Middle East region and has the
potential to benefit over 2 million students
across the wider area.
The ClassWiz fx-991AR X calculator
offers the benefits of a modern scientific
calculator to students from the region
enrolled in middle school and upwards,
bringing the world of scientific calculations
closer to students in their own native
“The ClassWiz range of calculators
Decision makers and
industry experts consider e-technology
forum as an invaluable opportunity to
exchange knowledge
and experiences
to exchange knowledge and
experiences,” he added.
Sponsoring the event,
Executive Director – Business
Development at the EDB
Vivian Jamal said: “Events such
as 2015 Bahrain International
eGovernment Forum allow
the Kingdom to highlight
key strategic initiatives and
discuss with industry leaders
the investment climate and
competitiveness of Bahrain,
particularly in the ICT sector,
in order to develop the sector
“We believe that the
Forum will reflect the
Kingdom’s achievements and
aspirations of building its
economy through advanced
technologies, and will provide
a platform to discuss further
areas of improvement in the
sector. This will help ensure
further development through
targeted economic planning
and will result in increased
opportunities for investment”.
BCCI meets
brings the power of scientific calculation
into the hands of students across the region
in their own language,” said Tsuneo Nagai,
Managing Director of Casio Middle East.
The new ClassWiz fx-991AR X model
features a high-resolution film-compensated
super-twisted nematic (FSTN) display with
12,096 dots - approximately four times
the 2,976 dots offered by the previous
Casio models and is the first standard
scientific calculator with an Arabic menu
and guidance.
Along with the ClassWiz fx-991AR X,
Casio plans to release three additional
standard scientific calculator models
equipped with the same high-resolution
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Bahrain, Egypt to enhance trade ties
DT News Network
ndustry and Commerce Minister
Zayed bin Rashid Al Zayani held
discussions with Egyptian Tourism
Minister Khaild Abbas Rami on
The Minister was in Egypt
to participate in the Economic
Development Conference.
The leaders discussed many issues
regarding developments in the tourism
sector and ways to develop joint
While reviewing latest development
in the tourism sector of the Kingdom
as well as efforts undertaken by the
ministry to boost growth in the sector,
the minister also voiced Government’s
keen interest in enhancing cooperation
with friendly countries.
“Such fraternal meetings have great
impact in enriching Kingdom’s tourism
sector, which also help exchange
experiences with Egypt, which is
considered as a source of power for the
Arab Countries,” the Minister added.
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thai Baht
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nEw ZEaLand dOLLar
SwiSS FranC
BritiSh POund
turKiSh Lira
Saudi riYaL
uaE dirhamS
Qatar riYaL
Kuwaiti dinar
Omani riYaL
EGYPtian POund
JOrdanian dinar
mOrOCCan dirhamS
SYrian POund
YEmEni riYaL
rates are for indication purpose only. For firm rates or for currencies not listed above please
call Bahrain Financing Company. telephone: 17228888, website:
1 uS DLr
1 uK StG
1 SFr
100 yEn
DT News Network
nternet service provider
and investment subsidiary
of Kuwait Finance House,
Menatelecom launched a
new promotion offering free
devices with any new postpaid package subscription to
Mena Home 4G LTE.
The promotion is applicable
to all new customers for a
limited time and includes free
refurbished devices under full
warranty. The powerful Mena
Home package provides a
built-in WiFi support and
comes with a free voice
line from Menatelecom’s
exclusive 77xxxxxx range
with free Unlimited local
Live Streaming App
San Francisco
RT Live streaming video
from a smartphone
may soon be known as
“meerkatting” thanks to a new
app that allows anyone with
an iPhone to become a roving
The free application
called Meerkat has become
a virtual overnight sensation
since its low-key arrival on
Apple’s online App Store
late last month, winning
over journalists, politicians,
self-anointed pundits, social
media celebrities and others.
Meerkat integrates with
Twitter, allowing users of
the messaging platform to
launch live video streams
calls from Mena to Mena
All packages come with free
unlimited downloads offered
by Menatelecom every day
from 12am to 12pm at fullspeed with no extra cost.
Menatelecom is renowned
for its innovative high-speed
bundles and competitive
pricing in the local market.
Customers can choose from
a wide variety of packages
and devices that are tailored
to many different uses and
difference with Menatelecom’s
4G LTE Network and visit any
of the conveniently located
outlets to try out the 4G LTE
sensation at GOSI Complex,
Muharraq, Country Mall Budaiya, Isa Town Mall, KFH
Automall in Sitra, Enma Mall,
and Seef Mall.
‘Meerkat’ wins hearts
with a single touch of an
on-screen button.
Twitterverse, Meerkat has
become a sudden hit with
tens of thousands of users
trying it.
Meerkat “marries the wide
potential of livestreaming
with the instant and social
strengths of Twitter. Two
great tastes that go so well
together,” wrote Hawaiibased consultant and blogger
Ryan Ozawa.
“Imagine the applications
for breaking news. Imagine
deploying Meerkat at an
event, with broadcasters and
viewers easily interacting
throughout. I could easily
see myself falling head over
heels in love with Meerkat.”
The app uses the name
and image of a meerkat,
which is a long-necked
carnivorous relative of the
mongoose that lives in the
deserts of southern Africa.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Showroom inaugurated by Bollywood actress Preity Zinta
DT News Network
ewellery retailer, Malabar Gold &
Diamonds marks another milestone
in its history by the opening of its 128th
outlet in Salalah, Oman.
Prominent Indian actress Preity Zinta
inaugurated the outlet on March 12
in the presence of Manager – Oman
Women Corporation in Salalah, Noor
Ul Hassan Salim Al Gassani, Managing
Director- International Operations,
Malabar Gold & Diamonds, Shamlal
Ahamed M P, Group Executive Director
- Malabar Group, KP Abdul Salam,
other directors and guests.
The showroom conveniently located
at Al Salam street, Salalah, is the second Preity Zinta inaugurates outlet at Al Salam street, Salalah, Oman in the presence of Al Gassani, Ahamed M P, Salam K P, other Directors and guests
showroom of the group in Salalah,
seventh in Oman and 48th in the Middle East. Like all
other Malabar Gold & Diamonds outlets, the showroom
displays a significantly large collection of traditional
as well as contemporary jewellery in gold, certified
diamonds, platinum and precious stone jewellery from
across the world that can hold customers spell-bound with
their awe-inspiring beauty.
To celebrate the occasion, the group introduced fabulous
inaugural offers for customers. With every purchase of
diamond jewellery worth OMR 500, the customers will
get a 1 gm gold coin absolutely free and the customers
can also avail a free gold coin with every purchase of gold
jewellery worth OMR 300. These offers are valid at their
outlet in Salalah until March 31, 2015.
In Oman, Malabar Gold & Diamonds operates
showrooms at Darsait, Baushar, Ruwi – 2 showrooms,
Salalah – 2 showrooms and Sohar.
Siemens signs €4bn
power deal with Egypt
erman conglomerate
Siemens has signed a
“four billion euro” power
deal with Egypt, a company
Under a number of accords
agreed between the parties,
Siemens will build a “4.4
gigawatt combined cycle
power plant and install wind
power capacity of 2 gigawatt”,
the company added in a
Other projects would
include building a factory in
Egypt “to manufacture rotor
blades for wind turbines”.
memorand ums
Siemens will also propose to
build additional “combined
cycle power plants with a
capacity of up to 6.6 gigawatts
and ten substations for
reliable power supply”, the
statement added.
Other major deals
Russia’s DEA
A record investment of
$12 billion (11.4bn euros)
in Egyptian gas fields on
the West Nile Delta, despite
a surge in deadly militancy
in Egypt.
AlSudain Group
Egypt signed a $6bn deal
with the UAE’s AlSudain
Group for crop storage and
developing a commercial
zone in Ain Sokhna on the
Red Sea.
Islamic Development
A $3.8bn, 10-year loan
deal was signed with the
Development Bank for
building a power plant near
“To be a writer you have
write -- and no academ
degree is going to do th
writing for you. ”
– Michelle Richmond
[email protected]
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Don’t have time to study?
Ali Al-Aradi
HRD Lecturer
ime is one of the most important
resources for a college student.
effective time management is a skill
most people need to make the most
out of their personal and professional
lives. To a college student, it can make
the difference between a mediocre
and a superior performance. To
manage time effectively, you
must control it. When you do not
consciously control time, your old
habits will control your time and set
limits on your achievements.
The first two crucial steps in taking
control of time are establishing goals and
following a schedule. You can use the
assignment deadlines and examination
dates predetermined for you by your
instructors as semester goals. But you
must create a schedule that will enable
you to reach those goals successfully.
The below are methods of scheduling
and time management that will help you
achieve your goals and manage your
time effectively.
A Month at a Glance Calendar
Write all important dates on a
month-at-a-glance calendar. Note
when assignments, themes, reports,
and research papers are due. Record
dates for quizzes, tests, mid-terms, final
examinations, and presentations. These
dates are your goals and referring often
to your calendar will help you keep
focused on your goals.
A Weekly Priority List
Before each study week begins,
prepare a weekly priority list that takes
into account both short and long-term
assignments. List those things that you
both need and want to accomplish during
the week. First, identify what needs to
be read, reviewed, or written for each
course. List specific chapters and pages.
Then review test schedules and longterm assignments and specify time for
preparation. For example, include library
time for research if a semester paper is
assigned. Use your weekly priority list
to break down long-term assignments
into manageable pieces and to monitor
progress toward your goals.
A Semester Plan
You need to construct a plan for
achieving your semester goals that is
flexible enough to adjust to your weekly
priorities. By planning how you will use
all the hours in each day of your week,
you can program your time effectively. A
semester plan is an effective program for
reaching your goals. It is a detailed, weekly
schedule of activities. The schedule allots
time for classes, studying, personal care,
eating, sleeping, recreation, etc. If you
construct and conscientiously follow a
semester plan, you will establish good
time management habits and program
yourself for success.
In order to create an efficient
schedule for yourself follow these
Identify committed time. Record
those things you must do and/or will do
and record the times attached to each
activity. Include your class and work
times, and family activities, exercise
times, commuting, etc.
Identify personal time. Record
the time you need for sleeping,
eating, grooming, doing household
chores, etc.
Estimate study time. estimate
how much study time you will need
for each class. Begin by following
the two-for-one rule. Plan to spend
two hours studying outside of the
classroom for every one hour of class
each week. If you spend a total of 12
hours in classes each week, plan at
least 24 hours of study time in your
schedule. Allot more time to difficult
classes and less time to easier classes.
eventually, you will discover how
much study time you will need in
order to succeed in each class.
Establish a study plan. Set specific
times for studying. When possible,
incorporate the following time
management principles:
Plan for peak periods of
concentration. Determine when
your high and low periods of
concentration occur. Reserve peak
times for intensive study. Use less
efficient times for less intensive tasks
like rewriting notes and recopying or
typing assignments.
Schedule study times according
to class periods and course formats.
Study close to the time you are in class.
Some classes take more preparation
before class. Others require review after
class. For a class in which you discuss
and recite, plan to study just before
class begins. For a lecture course, plan
to study soon after the class ends.
Study in time blocks. Plan 50
minute blocks of study time separated
by 10 minute rest periods. Your study
time will be more focused when you
know when a break will occur.
Study difficult subjects first. When
you begin studying, your mind is alert
and fresh and your concentration is
better. Do not give in to the temptation
to get easy things and little assignments
out of the way first.
Practise distributed learning.
Learning occurs more effectively if it
is spaced over several study sessions.
Study a subject one hour each of three
nights rather than three hours in one
evening. You will master the material
more easily if you follow this method.
Use daylight hours productively.
Research shows that each hour used
for study during the day is equal
to one and one-half hours used at
Make your semester plan livable.
Allow adequate time for eating
well-balanced meals, sleeping eight
hours a night, resting quietly, and
relaxing with friends. Your physical
health and mental attitude contribute
significantly to your success as a
student. Leave enough time in your
schedule for your physical, social,
and recreational needs.
Revise your plan. You probably
will not construct the best plan for
your needs the first time you try. You
will discover what kind of plan will
work best as you live with your plan
and revise it. Remember that sticking
to a sensible, well-balanced plan will
make your life easier and help you
succeed in college.
other’s Day provided an
opportunity to recognize one
of the most important educators in
a student’s life. KG students of
Quality Education School (Kanoo
Gardens) welcomed mothers with
sweets, games and special cards
created by the children. The
children sang a special song and
mums got an opportunity to spend
the day with their children in the
‘We encourage two way open Mr. Warrier
communications between home
and school and are fortunate to have a very supportive
and interested parent body. Our focus on practical
approach prepares children to face real life issues and
succeed in their future endeavours. We create an ideal
environment through which students become competitive
and are educated for knowledge creation, lifelong learning
and leadership. They will take on leading roles in their
future working environments: directing change, solving
problems and developing new knowledge,’ said QES
Principal Dr. Ravi Warrier.
St Chris Senior School students and Mrs Abrar from the NBB Home for Disabled Children.
n March 2014 St Chris Senior School
began a collaborative initiative with
NBB Home for Disabled Children
in Isa Town. Physiotherapist Abrar
Hasan Ammor asked St Christopher’s
for some help in brightening up the
walls of her room. Year 10 students
headed up to Isa Town to measure up
the room, then they began designing.
With the help of Kirsty McKay,
Community Service Coordinator,
Bryon Pearce, Assistant Head of the
Senior School and Jibi Varghese, DT
technician, boards were cut to size and
the painting began.
Last July, Mrs Ammor came to St
Christopher’s to pick up the first two
murals; now, one year later, all of our
paintings have been delivered and can
now be enjoyed by the children of the
Kirsty McKay said: “We hope
our paintings encourage the
youngsters to keep working on their
physiotherapy – to reach that goal of
walking independently! Mrs Ammor
is delighted with the work of our
students and we hope to continue
to help the children who attend this
facility for years to come.”
Pics by MohaMMed Reyadh
he Lions Club of Riffa announced
its Annual Inter-School essay and
Painting Competition held at the New
Millennium School premises, Zinj
for the talented young generation in
Winners Group A (8-10 Years):
Essay Competition: Topic – Peace in
the world begins at home 1. Devisree
Sumesh, Indian School, 2. Atiriya Sarkar,
New Millennium School, 3. Jaimy Renji,
Asian School.
Painting Competition: Topic- Peace
1. Kishan Pagadala, Indian School, 2.
Arpita Sam, New Millennium School, 3.
Devisree Sumesh, Indian School.
Group B (10 -12 Years): Essay: 1.
Jomills Jose Anand, New Indian School
2. Deekshitha Pilli, New Millennium
School, 3. Jasmine Arabella, Philippine
Painting : 1. Chime J. Rosaldes,
Philippine School, 2. Lily Lou Lijia,
Sacred Heart School, 3. Krishnendu B.
Menon, New Millennium School.
Group C (12-15 years: Essay:
Topic – The role of the Media in
bringing world peace 1. Diandra
evita Godinho, Asian School 2.
Wrenz Luwi Ouano, Philippine
School, 3. JF Nichols G Cortez,
Philippine School.
Painting : 1. Sneha Dhileep, New
Millennium School, 2. Nehal Sunil
Bhatkalkar, Indian School, 3. Maria
Carmella Roxas Solido Philippine
The response for the event was very
encouraging, with a participation of
576 students from various schools
in Bahrain. The New Millennium
School had the largest number of
participants. The awards ceremony
for the competition was held at the
elite Seef Residence on March 2.
New Millennium
As part of British Council’s Disability Arts Programme in collaboration with U.K. disability artist Rachel Gadsden, a workshop was held
at Rehabilitation Institute of Active Learning (RIA) Centre where
children participated in art programs. The workshop also aimed to
mix children from other schools with the disabled children.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Saturday held discussions with Saudi Crown Prince and
Deputy Premier Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Head of the Saudi delegation to the Egypt
Economic Development Conference (EEDC). HM the King reviewed with Prince Muqrin solid deeprooted fraternal Bahraini-Saudi relations and ways to bolster them at all levels.
Sunday, March 15 , 2015
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Saturday received US Secretary of State John Kerry at his residence, on the sidelines of Egypt Economic Development Conference currently held at Sharm Al Sheikh, Egypt. HM the
King discussed ways to enhance bilateral cooperation and reiterated Kingdom’s support to all regional and international efforts to maintain security and stability, and promote peace in the region.
Energy Minister Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza Saturday received board members of the Bahrain Society of Engineers headed by Chairman, Masoud Ebrahim Al Hermi. Al
Hermi thanked Dr. Mirza for his continuous support and efforts exerted to upgrade the profession of engineering in Bahrain.
Secretary General of Bahrain National Committee for Education,
Science and Culture, Lubna Khalifa Salibikh held discussions
with Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Dr. Abdulaziz bin Othman
AlTuwijri at the organisation’s premises in Morocco. They
discussed ways to boost bilateral cooperation.
The Bahraini side of the Bahraini-Moroccan joint business council
of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) held its first
meeting presided over by board member Ahlam Janahi at the
Chamber’s headquarters in Sanabis. The meeting, which reviewed
bylaws of joint business councils also named Yousif Salahuddin as
vice chairman. The council urged Gulf Air to launch direct flights
to Morocco to encourage business endeavours.
His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Saturday held discussions with British Foreign Secretary
Philip Hammond on the sidelines of Egypt Economic Development Conference. HM the King
welcomed the UK Foreign Secretary and reviewed with him long-standing bilateral relations and
ways to bolster them in various fields.
Capital Club Bahrain held an open forum with CEO of the
Bahrain International Circuit Shaikh Salman bin Isa Al Khalifa.
The forum is part of a series of programmes organised by the
Capital Club to highlight upcoming regional and international
events held in the Kingdom.
The International Non-Olympic University (INOU) of the
International Nobel Peace Prize Recommendation Forum
(INPPRF) has appointed CEO of Medpoint Design & Events
Management Shaikha Noora bint Khalifa Al Khalifa as
INPPRF’s Ambassador for the National Brand Award (NBA),
and INPPRF’s Royal member.
BIBF conducted an emergency evacuation drill in which emergency response team successfully cleared the building in around two minutes time. Over 300 BIBF staff and
students participated in the drill carried out in coordination with Civil Defence department. The drill aimed to raise awareness regarding the procedures to be followed
during different emergency scenarios. Above, Civil defence team members, BIBF staff and students during the fire drill.
Renowned Emirati singer Hussain Al Jassmi performed to a packed audience at Arad Fort as part of the Spring of Culture festival on Friday. Performance
included some of his top hits.
Rang Barse 2015, Holi Celebration, was held on March 6 at Adhari Park. Around 4000 people participated in the event organised by Brand Box for which
DT News was media partner. DJ Lil B, DJ Fredz and Rakesh Maini rocked the show with their phenomenal on stage performance.
Lulu International Exchange opened their fourth Branch in Riffa Souq on Thursday in the
presence of senior management members. This marks Lulu International Exchange’s 102nd
branch globally.
The 17th annual 6-A-Side Football Tournament organised by the Rotary Club of Manama and Rotaract Club of Bahrain took place at the Bahrain Rugby Football Club in Saar.
The tournament was organised to raise money to help support children in need.
18 Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sreesanth gears up for
debut film Woh Kaun Thi
a very talented actor. I
I love Ayushmann. He is
m Laga Ke Haish
so happy that his film Du an actor to do well, so for
well. It’s important for
tal sanity, it is great.
Ayushmann’s own men
John Abraham
Weed turns
me into
aty Perry has confessed
that weed doesn’t suit
her as she turns into a more
of a weirdo than she actually
The Roar hitmaker said
that she doesn’t even do
more of cocktails, it was just
a red wine or a nice Malbec
that she preferred.
The 30-year-old singer
added that she got to eat a
lot of things like pizzas
with some extra garlic
sauces were the things
that she loved about
travelling with her
Prism tour, but now
she has returned to
her oatmeal and
as she had to
do important
Star Wars Episode
to release
Los Angeles
tar Wars Episode VIII, the upcoming eighth
movie in the Star Wars franchise, has been locked
for release on May 26, 2017, Walt Disney Studios has
Rian Johnson has also been confirmed to write
and direct the film. The studio also revealed at
their annual shareholders meeting in San Francisco
that Gareth Edwards’ upcoming standalone film,
starring Felicity Jones, will be called Rogue One. Its
shooting will begin in London this summer and it
will release on December 16, 2016.
Downey; Indeed a Super
Los Angeles
ctor Robert Downey Jr. became a real life
superhero after he gifted a 3D bionic Iron
Man arm to a little boy who was born with a
Strict parenting rules
partially developed right arm.
Downey Jr. dressed up as his fictional character
Tony Stark to deliver a robotic Iron Man arm to
Alex, who loves superheroes.
Alex was told he was meeting a bionic expert in a
hotel room, but he had no idea it would be one of his
favourite superhero characters Iron Man.
“Nice bow tie, by the way. How were your travels?”
Robert told Alex.
Alex replied: “It’s very good.” Robert then
opened two cases, written Stark Industries, with
one containing Alex’s new arm and another one
containing a larger arm for the actor.
The Avengers: Age of Ultron actor also shared on
Twitter some photographs of his meeting.
ennifer Lopez has admitted that she is a strict mother to her
7-year-old twins Max and Emme and regularly keeps an eye on
The Boy Next Door actress recently appeared on the American Idol
and said that she allowed her kids to use iPads and play video games
only on Sundays as weekdays ought to be completely dedicated to
school according her.
The 45-year-old American singer added that her kids just
wanted to be on these devices all the time, as they got to play
with it as much as they wanted on Sundays.
Lopez recently shared a picture of herself as a baby girl on
Instagram and also a pic with her children that completely
seemed adorable.
ormer Indian
c r i c k e t e r
Sreesanth is all set to
make his Bollywood
debut with his
upcoming comedy
Sister Wars
ylie Jenner wants
to be more famous
and successful than her
elder half-sister Kim
A source informed
that the American
planning to enter
into music industry,
feels that she and her
34-year-old elder sister
have similar body types
and looks.
She continued that she
wants to be diverse like
Kardashian and doesn’t
want to be put in a box
and only do one thing. The
17-year-old TV personality
wants to follow Kanye
West’s wife’s career, rather
than going head to head
did only
which was
boring as
per Kylie.
suspense Woh Kaun
And the cricketer
recording a song for
the film in Mumbai
recently. Speaking
to media persons
on the occasion,
debutante actor said
that it’s a great
and he is really
happy about it.
A Vegan 50th
B’day Cake
day before his 50th
birthday, superstar Aamir
Khan cut a vegan birthday cake
as part of celebrations with
media persons, a practice he
follows every year. As a step
towards healthy living, he says he
has also stopped smoking.
Aamir said: “I feel very special.
Thanks to everyone for coming
here. Every year, you have loved
me so much. I’m thankful to
all of you.”
The actor, who has
been preparing for
his role as a wrestler
in Dangal, said he
took time off from his
workout routine on Friday.
“Today I have not worked
out. I took a holiday from
workout, and I spent
time with Azad (son),”
said Aamir, adding that
he is looking forward
to “something special”
that his wife Kiran Rao
has planned for him.
her thighs?
indsay Lohan has been accused of
photoshopping her thighs in a picture she
recently shared on Instagram.
The image of the 28-year-old actress in which
fans noticed the white door behind the star had
bent edges rather being straight, and wrote that
this had to be a purposeful upload for being
funny and nothing serious.
The rep of the American actress clarified that
the image wasn’t photoshopped.
Priority list in life
ritney Spears has confessed that her
upcoming music album isn’t the only
important thing in her life right now.
The Toxic singer said that she would try to
do an amazing album, but it wasn’t her first
priority as there were lot other things that
were going on with her kids and schools.
The 33-year-old pop star’s manager
Larry Rudolph said that the
singer’s team was working on
to put out a few great singles
as they came, but not that
seriously and albums were not
as important in the digital
age as they used to be. Spears’
upcoming singles could feature
American singer rapper Iggy
Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt had
her leading breakthrough role
in the 2012 film, Student of
the Year. She received critical acclaim for her role in
the 2014 film Highway.
She played Ananya in the
2014 romance comedy 2
States and Kavya in 2014’s
Humpty Sharma Ki
Alia Bhatt
March 15, 1993
Emma Thompson photobombs Oscar winning actress, Lupita Nyongo
Sunday, March 15, 2015
BMW I8 joins Dubai police fleet
Kuwait arrests Islamist leader
Kuwait City
uwait has arrested the
leader of the Islamist
Ummah Party for allegedly
insulting the neighbouring
Gulf state of Saudi Arabia
on television, the interior
al-Mutairi was arrested at
the instruction of the public
prosecutor for “grossly
Military aid
for Egypt
soon: Kerry
S Secretary of State John
Kerry said Saturday that
Washington will decide “very
soon” on freeing military aid
to Egypt frozen since the army
toppled Islamist president
Mohamed Morsi in 2013.
announcement on the sidelines
of an international investment
conference in Egypt, after four
Arab states pledged to offer $12
billion (11.4bn) in investment
aid to help revive its economy.
“With respect to aid and
assistance, I really expect a
decision very soon,” Kerry
told reporters in response to a
question on when Washington
planned to release the $650
million in military aid it froze
after Morsi’s overthrow.
Washington annually offers
about $1.5bn in aid to Egypt,
including $1.3bn in military
aid. A part of it was frozen at the
height of a deadly crackdown
on Morsi’s followers.
he Dubai Police motor
pool already includes
everything from a Chevy
Camaro to a Bugatti Veyron,
but for its latest acquisition
Dubai decided to think a
little greener. The latest car
to wear Dubai’s white and
green police livery is a BMW
i8 pouf-in hybrid. Like the
insulting Saudi Arabia”
during an interview, the
ministry said in a statement.
Mutairi is the head of the
Ummah Party.
New York men plead not guilty
New York
hree New York residents
accused of offering
support to Islamic State
jihadists fighting in Syria and
Iraq pleaded not guilty to
terrorism charges on Friday
during a court appearance
following their arrest last
month. Uzbekistan nationals
other exotic cars collected by
the Dubai Police, the i8 will
be used for public relations,
promoting both the police
force and Dubai itself.
Juraboev, 24 and Abror
Habibov, 30, together with
Kazakhstan citizen Akhror
Saidakhmetov, 19, are charged
with offering support.
Shocking find
child who appears to
execute an Arab Israeli in
a video released this week by
the Islamic State group is said
to have been recognised by
classmates in France, an official
said Friday.
The schools inspector in
the Haute-Garonne district in
southern France said students
in the city of Toulouse believe
they recognised the boy, who
appears to be no more than 12.
“Concerning the formal
identification of this person,
I cannot tell you anything,”
Jacques Caillaut told reporters.
“Children from the Vauquelin
College have recognised one of
their classmates, but we must
remain cautious.”
Muhammad Said Ismail Musallam, an Arab from East Jerusalem
held captive by the Islamic State group for allegedly being a
Mossad spy, shown in a video apparently showing his execution, March 10, 2015. ( screen capture: YouTube)
Shocked students had seen
the video on Wednesday and
counselling was put in place for
them, he said. According to the inspector,
students at the Vauquelin
secondary school would have
known the boy when he was
still in primary school in
“There is a child who has not
been enrolled at the Vergers
(primary) school since March
14, 2014, but I do not have any
other details,” Caillaut said.
French officials Thursday
launched a formal investigation
into the video, which also
features a French-speaking
According to sources close
to the investigation, the man is
probably Sabri Essid, who has
close links to French jihadist
gunman Mohamed Merah, the
killer of three soldiers, three
students and a teacher in
southern France in 2012.
obama committed to I
two-state solution
Sharm el Sheikh
S President Barack Obama
is “committed” to a twostate solution for Israel and
Palestinians, Secretary of State
John Kerry said Saturday on
the stalled Middle East peace
“The position of the
United States with respect
Breaking Barriers
he Afghan Air Force’s first female
fixed-wing pilot visited and flew
with the Blue Angels at Naval Air
Facility El Centro, California this
week. Capt. Niloofar Rahmani flew
her orientation flight in the back seat
of a Blue Angels F/A-18 Hornet with
Narrator and VIP pilot, Blue Angel
#7, Marine Capt. Jeff Kuss.
to our long expressed hope,
the Republicans and the
Democrats alike (and) many
presidents of the last 50 years
or more, has always been for
peace and President Obama
remains committed to a twostate solution,” Kerry said at a
news conference in Egyptian
resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.
Kerry said that Obama was
“hopeful that whatever choice
people of Israel make... (they)
will be able to move forward on
those efforts”.
The top US diplomat said
he would not like to comment
more on the issue only a few
days before an Israeli general
‘Imp gaps
remain to
Sharm el Sheikh
S Secretary of State John
Kerry said on Saturday
that talks on Iran’s disputed
nuclear programme have made
progress, but there were still
“important gaps” to overcome.
Kerry, who is attending
a three-day international
investor conference in the
Egyptian resort town of Sharm
el-Sheikh, said the purpose of
the Iran talks was “not just
to get any deal, it is to get
the right deal”. “We made
some progress, but there are
still some gaps, important
gaps.”The negotiations are
entering their final phase, with
Kerry due to meet his Iranian
counterpart in Switzerland.
would be their biggest victory
yet against the jihadists.
Karim al-Nuri, a top leader
from the Badr militia and the
spokesman of the volunteer
Popular Mobilisation units,
said it would take no more
than “72 hours” to liberate
The last IS fighters holed
up in the city centre were
“surrounded from all sides”,
Nuri said.
Speaking to AFP from the
outskirts of Tikrit, near the
village of Awja, he said “their
number is now 60 to 70”.
Afghan’s first female fixed-wing pilot
“This was a wonderful opportunity
to share the pride and professionalism
of the United States Navy and
Marine Corps with a representative
of another nation,” said Blue Angels
Commanding Officer and Flight
Leader Capt. Tom Frosch. “It also
provided the opportunity for our
squadron to ask questions and learn
more about Afghanistan’s Air Force.”
“When I heard I was going to
fly with the Blue Angels, I was so
excited,” Rahmani said. “That was
the first time that I felt [G-forces]
while flying.”
Rahmani was recruited to join the
Afghan Air Force in 2010 at the
age of 18. She graduated from flight
school and completed her first solo
flight in 2012. Rahmani also attended
advanced flight school and qualified
to fly the C-208, a military cargo
sheepdog sisters
Old English sheepdogs Sophie, six, and Sarah, four, are inseparable and do everything together. Their owner Cees Bol, takes snaps of his pets in unusual human
scenarios. Now they have some fan following since images of them watching sunsets and going to Mc Donald’s went viral.
Iraq ready for final assault
raqi forces on Saturday
plotted ways of flushing out
die-hard jihadists from central
Tikrit, which one commander
predicted would be liberated
within three days.
Fighters from the Islamic
State group are massively
outnumbered and completely
boxed in but they are protected
by the thousands of bombs
they planted across the city.
The broad alliance of
fighting forces battling IS in
the region is keen to minimise
casualties on their way to what
The inseparable
Sunday, March 15, 2015
aircraft. She said she hopes to fly the
C-130 in the future.
Rahmani’s road to success has
been challenging and dangerous, she
“It was not easy finishing flight
school, it was very hard, but someone
had to accept the risk so that other
women can do what they dream,”
Rahmani explained.
rom huddling together
to watch a beautiful
sunset to enjoying a burger
at McDonald’s to celebrate
their birthdays, these are the
inseparable sheepdog sisters
whose owner documents every
aspect of their lives together.
Cees Bol, from Sibculo, the
Netherlands, takes pictures of
his dogs Sophie, six, and
every day, posting them on
social media for the pets’
online followers.
But instead of capturing
the animals going for walks
or fetching sticks, the 46-yearold and his partner Hannake
snap their beloved English
Sheepdogs in an adorable
series of human scenarios.
And the daily images of the
pets, and their friends, include
trips to McDonalds, sitting at
the dinner table and posing in
a number of outfits.
Bol said: “The main reason
I take the photos is so I can
make people happy and put
a smile on their face well, Sophie and Sarah
“In a world full of
bad things, I found
a way to make
it a little bit
brighter. And
seeing people
happy makes
me happy.”
“We get
a lot of
about the
y o u r
make my
day, when
I’m sad I
look at your
picture’s and I
feel better, your
photos make me
happy and warm.”
picked up Sophie six
years ago the breeder
told us she didn’t like to
pose for photos, but that
soon changed. She is the best
poser of the two.”
“Sophie will do almost
anything for us but Sarah is
a bit more naughty - she will
The main
reason I take
the photos is
so I can make
people happy
and put a smile
on their face well, Sophie and
Sarah do
with years of experience - so
when I see a lovely view I take
a few pictures with the dogs.”
pose but more for the cookies
than to please.”
Bol posts his images online
on hosting site 500px and his
photos of Sophie, Sarah and
the other dogs have received
almost 60,000 views.
And he is planning to make
use of the catalogue of images
to create a book about the lives
of the dogs - who are sisters
by birth.
He said: “We live in the
countryside so we often go for
walks in the woods, and when
we go out we take the dogs
with us, even on most of our
vacations if possible.”
“I’m not a professional
photographer, just an amateur
“Besides that I come up with
a lot of ideas that I try to turn
into photographs. And if I need
more dogs my friend joins me
with his sheepdogs, Jason and
“And once a year for Sophie’s
Birthday we go to McDonalds
and order french fries and
burgers for them - a kind of
doggy birthday party - which is
where that photo came from.”
“Hannake and I actually met
because of the dogs, I had one
Old English Sheepdog and she
had two. I needed someone to
look after mine for a week and
Hannake agreed. After that we
went on a date and became a
(Daily Mail)
Sunday, March 15, 2015
CAP the snAP
by John Graziano
Sunday, March 15 , 2015
Head this challenge.
Can you think of an apt
caption for this?
Something funny, intelligent and out-of-the-box!
If you make a winning
entry, your photo along
with the caption will be
featured in DT News.
So grab a pen, think hard,
write to us and see yourself in this space soon!
Don’t forget to attach your
Sent entries to: facebook@ with subject as
‘Caption Contest’
1- Assist, often in a criminal act; 5- School orgs.; 9- On
the up-and-up, briefly; 14- Brazilian soccer star; 15- Do
followers; 16- Nicholas Gage book; 17- New Mexico art
colony; 18- Predictive sign; 19- Join the cast of; 20- Put to a
wrong use; 23- Manhattan museum, familiarly; 24- Besides;
25- Tire type; 29- Puts on; 31- Airline to Oslo; 34- “Silas
Marner” author; 35- Tailless amphibian; 36- Gillette brand;
37- In spite of; 40- This, in Tijuana; 41- Honey producers;
42- Eagle’s home; 43- That, in Tijuana; 44- Departs; 45Throws; 46- 007 creator Fleming; 47- Edge; 48- Star groups;
56- Reluctant; 57- Trompe l’___; 58- Long time; 60- Oldwomanish; 61- Appraise; 62- ___ sapiens; 63- Strong
Australian horse; 64- Tolkien tree creatures; 65- Employs;
Yesterday’s solution
best fRom the lot. You Could be next
1- Fitting; 2- Ray of light; 3- “The Time Machine” people;
4- Actress Harper; 5- Drive forward; 6- Lure; 7- From the
U.S.; 8- Prefix with Tibetan; 9- Discovers; 10- Spanish hero;
11- “___ grip!”; 12- What’s ___ for me?; 13- Fork feature; 21Stradivari’s teacher; 22- White-and-black bearlike mammal;
25- Actress Taylor; 26- At ___ for words; 27- As before;
28- Caucus state; 29- Prescribed amounts; 30- Cereal grain;
31- Agitates; 32- Army leader?; 33- Wise ones; 35- Biblical
pronoun; 36- Citrus coolers; 38- Steak order; 39- Model
Campbell; 44- Collect; 45- Names; 46- Cordage fiber; 47Singer Bonnie; 48- Talon; 49- Mrs. Chaplin; 50- Metal
fastener; 51- Knowledge; 52- The Tower of Pisa does this;
53- Island of Hawaii; 54- Revivalists; 55- Unspecified in
number; 59- Rejections;
hA hA...hee hee...ho ho...!
Sardars’ friend: Hi, last year the
nameplate outside your house
read Santa Singh BA.This year it
reads Santa Singh MA. When did
you finish your Master Degree?
Sardar: You don’t understand?
Last year my wife died, I put BA
to indicate Bachelor again. Then
I took A second wife, so MA is
married again.
beeTle bAIleY
”Don’t try to fly bro, it’s not
Gotham city and you are not
Bruce wayne”
Sujith Kumar
Your Star todaY
20 March - 20th April
Today you may wake up
feeling energetic, enthusiastic, and very happy, Aries.
You may not be able to trace this to
anything logical, so don’t even try.
Make the most of what’s happening
and use that energy to create the life
you want.
20th July - 20th Aug
An unexpected release of
tension could come today,
Leo. Something that has been
restricting your growth is going to
disappear, and you will want to run
through the streets shouting. From
here on out,certain desires that could
start to manifest in your life.
20th Nov - 20th Dec
Creative energies are flowing
like a river today, Sagittarius.
Ideas for projects should come
thick and fast. You can’t wait to get
started. You may even formulate plans
to market them once they’re done. Love
and romance should also be going well
for you.
20th April - 20th May
Have you been feeling psychic
lately, Taurus? Has a recent
dream or premonition come
true? Any insights that you receive today aren’t likely to be clothed in complex symbolism - they should be easily
understood. Write them down! You will
want to check them later.
20th Aug - 20th Sept
Some strange but wonderful
things could be happening
to you now, Virgo. Sheer luck
could well be in the picture. Have you
wanted to move to a nicer place? If so,
now you probably can. Have you been
expecting a bonus or settlement? Today
it could be yours!
20th Dec - 20th Jan
Dreams should shed light
on some difficult issues
you’ve been trying to resolve,
Capricorn. You can finally make the
problems disappear. This should
be more than a relief to you, it’s a
20th May - 20th June
Today you might gather
with some very smart friends
at a coffee house for an intellectual conversation, Gemini. Some
fascinating ideas and useful information could be exchanged. Much of
what is said could inspire new creative projects.
20th Sep - 20th oct
A rather black mood that’s
been plaguing you since early
morning could suddenly disappear when a business or romantic partner
brings wonderful news your way, Libra. It
could involve a goal that finally manifests
that you may have given up long ago. If
so, you could feel a little overwhelmed.
20th Jan - 20th Feb
More than one call could come
today with absolutely wonderful
news! Exciting changes are in the
wind, Aquarius, but you need to bear in
mind that with the good news comes the
unknown. Your life may be turned upside
down. Consider if you really want to stay
in the same rut for the rest of your life.
20th June - 20th July
A fabulous career break could
come your way today, Cancer.
It could be a raise, promotion, or
even a new job in a new field. It could
also involve a completely different location. The work you will be doing may
be unlike anything you’ve ever done
before, and that’s a challenge.
20th oct - 20th Nov
If you’ve been concerned about
your health for any reason,
Scorpio, today your medical professional could give you a clean bill of
health. You will believe it, because you’re
likely to feel wonderful. Stress has vanished and your enthusiasm is higher than
they’ve been for a long time.
20th Feb - 20th Mar
A sizable sum of money could
come your way today, Pisces,
probably as a surprise. This is a significant day for you. The money will open
up new doors,so the situation definitely
calls for a celebration. Don’t gamble or
consider any kind frivolous of investment
for at least two months.
Hoy en la Historia
March 15, 1975
Greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis,
pictured at his wedding to former
U.S. First Lady Jackie Kennedy,
died. He owned the world’s largest
private shipping fleet
44BC: Roman Emperor Julius Caesar
was murdered on the Ides of March by
senators led by Brutus and Cassius
1922: Sultan Fuad I changed his title
to King of Egypt and Sudan when
the UK recognized Egyptian
1985: Military rule ended in Brazil
2005: Bernard Ebbers, former CEO
of WorldCom, was convicted of fraud
and conspiracy in the largest
accounting scandal in U.S. history
Picture: Associated Press
Little Known Facts
Jupiter’s famous Red
Spot is a storm the
size of Earth that had
raged for hundreds of
How to play:
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column
down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
Yesterday’s solution
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Google balloon crash alarms town
Stripping policemen jailed
Portuguese policeman
was Friday handed a
22-month suspended jail
sentence for wearing his service
weapon while performing
stripteases. The 32-year-old
officer admitted to the court
in Novo de Sao Joao that he
wore his uniform to make his
performances “more realistic”,
Mexico City
t’s a bird. It’s a plane.
Actually, it was a balloon.
But the crash of one of
Google’s “Loon” balloons for
relaying Internet service was
enough to have security forces
summoned to a mountain
township in central Mexico.
The state government said
the balloon “caused surprise
but claimed the firearm was
a replica of his service pistol.
The policeman said he had
turned to stripping because of
his financial problems.
Born for first time in 100 years
or the first time in a
century, babies of the
endangered Pinzon giant
tortoise have been born in the
wild in the Galapagos islands,
scientists said. An expedition
in 1970 found only 19 adult
tortoises on the archipelago’s
Pinzon island, averaging
70 years old, so scientists
among inhabitants because of
the sound it made when it fell.”
Escalera said no one was hurt
because the equipment came
down in an unpopulated area.
Change of Mind
new order was “illegal,
contemptuous,” arguing that
detention orders could not be
issued repeatedly.
“We will challenge it in the
high court.”
No Punjab officials were
immediately able to confirm
the issuance of any new order.
Releasing Lakhvi would
violate “Pakistan’s professed
commitment to combat
terrorism, including its
recently stated policy of
not differentiating amongst
terrorists”, India’s foreign
ministry spokesman Syed
Akbaruddin said Friday,
adding that his government
had “conveyed its outrage” to
The Mumbai attacks were
blamed on banned Pakistani
militant group Lashkar-eTaiba (LeT). Lakhvi and six
other suspects have been
charged in Pakistan but their
cases have made virtually no
progress in more than five
removed them to start a captive
breeding programme on Santa
Cruz island. The programme
produced juveniles that were
transplanted back to the island.
Indonesia prepares
convicts for execution
one month was issued late
on Friday,” Lakhvi’s lawyer
Britain donates
$2.9m to Vanuatu
India’s Modi visits Tamil heartland
ritain will donate £2 million
(2.8m euros, $2.9m) to help
Vanuatu recover from a cyclone
that slammed into the South
Pacific island nation, a minister
announced Saturday. The
assistance follows a plea for help
from the president of Vanuatu.
Emotional Plea
arendra Modi landed
in Jaffna on Saturday,
making a highly symbolic
first visit by an Indian prime
minister to Sri Lanka’s warravaged northern Tamil
heartland after urging greater
autonomy for the island’s
largest minority.
Rizwan Abbasi said.
Abbasi claimed that the
The Jaffna peninsula in Sri
Lanka’s far north was worst hit
by the country’s 37-year civil
war that killed at least 100,000
people, mostly Tamils, and
remains heavily militarised.
Officially Modi is there
to launch construction of a
cultural centre funded by India
and formally hand over 50,000
who was sentenced to death
at age 14. Shafqat Hussain was
sentenced in 2004 by a court in
the port city of Karachi after
it found him guilty of killing
ndrew Chan, Myuran
Sukumaran and other
prisoners facing execution will
be put through an ‘assimilation’
process to mentally prepare
them for the firing squad,
Indonesia’s attorney general
has revealed.
HM Prasetyo on Friday told
reporters Jakarta was waiting
for the legal avenues of some
of the 10 drug felons awaiting
execution to be exhausted
before setting a date.
He refused to call it a delay,
even if he had earlier planned
for the Bali Nine pair to spend
as little time as possible on
Nusakambangan, the execution
island where they’ve been for
more than a week.
He also flagged for the first
time a period of ‘assimilation’.
“Assimilation is preparing
mentally the death convicts
who’s about to face execution,”
he said. “There, they will be
accompanied by religious
figures until they’re truly
Chan and Sukumaran are in
isolation cells where they can
talk to each other but can’t mix
with other prisoners besides
one Nigerian, also on death
Prison authorities say there’s
been no order to move them
out, even though it’s clear they
will be spending longer on the
island than originally intended.
houses to families that lost
their homes in the decades of
The Indian premier was
welcomed to Jaffna by the
region’s top Tamil politician
C. V. Wigneswaran, who asked
him to guarantee a political
settlement for Sri Lanka’s
another boy. Hussain’s mother
Makhni Begum pleaded with
the government to cancel the
In a telephone interview
state would get bill for “protection and
upkeep” of cows. The proposed act is
called ‘Govansh Sanrakashan and Gau
Samvardhan (Cow Protection and
Cow Conservation and Development)
“For the scientific test and analysis,
government is considering to establish
laboratories to differentiate beef from
meat of that of other animal species.
Test reports of these laboratories
will be valid evidence in the court of
law,” Dhankar said adding that sale
of packaged beef has been banned in
New Delhi
fter Maharastra, the Haryana
government is all set introduce
a bill in the Budget session to ban
beef and cow slaughter in the state,
says a report in CNN-IBN. The report
adds the government intends to
slap punishment under section 302,
which amounts to murder, for those
who caught slaughtering cows and
possessing beef.
The reports points out that Haryana
Agriculture Minister Om Parkash
Dhankar had said on March 8 that the
169 rescued, scores missing
escuers were frantically
searching for survivors
Saturday after an overloaded
ferry sank in rough waters off
the coast of western Myanmar
killing more than 30 people
and leaving at least a dozen
more missing. The “Aung Takon 3” went
down late Friday after leaving
the town of Kyaukphyu on its
way to Sittwe in western Rakhine
state, police said.
“The latest death toll is 33
-- four men including a monk
and 29 women. At least 12
persons are still missing,” a
police officer in Sittwe town
said, speaking on condition of
He added 169 people had
now been rescued, and that no
foreigners were believed to be
on board the ship.
“We suspect that the boat
sank because it was overloaded
A survivor (C) from an overloaded ferry that sank is carried by
two Myanmar army soldiers
with goods,” the police officer
said, adding that the ship
Ooowl, that hurts!
The Hague
rogue owl that has
terrorised a northern
Dutch city for the past year,
forcing citizens to arm
themselves with umbrellas at
night, has finally been caught,
officials announced Friday.
Dubbed the “terror owl”
by residents of Purmerend
north of Amsterdam, the
aggressive European eagle
owl is suspected of more
than 50 attacks on humans,
swooping silently from
above and leaving many
of its victims bloody and
“The animal was trapped
was listed as carrying 214
passengers and crew.
from the Pakistani-controlled
section of the disputed
Kashmir territory, she insisted
that Hussain was innocent.
“I request to the government
and I beg to the judiciary to
order the retrial of my son.
Please spare his life. Don’t
snatch him from me,” she
But locals said they feared the
ferry was packed with unregistered
ticket holders who would not
have shown up on the ship’s
manifest, a common practice on
the impoverished nation’s often
overcrowded ferry network.
“We don’t know how many
are still missing because some
people were on board without
official tickets,” Hla Shwe, a
local from Ngaputhone village,
which lies a few kilometres
(miles) away from where
the ship went down, said by
“There are many dead bodies
which didn’t appear yet,” local
MP Maung Lone added, also by
telephone. “We estimate about
300 people were on board.”
Three navy boats and a
host of private vessels were
sent to scour the area after
news emerged that the ferry
had sunk shortly after 8.30pm
(1400 GMT). (AFP)
Terror owl trapped
Pak mother calls for halting son’s execution
n elderly Pakistani mother
made an emotional appeal
Saturday for authorities to
halt the execution of her son,
he alleged mastermind
of the 2008 Mumbai
attacks was detained afresh
for one month after a
Pakistani court cancelled a
detention order against him,
his lawyer said on Saturday.
It is the latest round in a
tussle over Zaki-ur-Rehman
Lakhvi, accused over the
terror siege that left 166
dead, which has worsened
already strained ties with
Lakhvi was granted bail
by an anti-terror court in
December, infuriating New
Delhi, but quickly slapped
with a detention order under
public order laws.
The Islamabad High
Court suspended that order,
only for the Supreme Court
to reinstate it in January.
On Friday the high court
once again set aside the
detention order, only for a new
one to be issued hours later.
“The new order detaining
Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi for
Sunday, March 15, 2015
by a falconer today,” the
Purmerend city council said
in a statement, issued Friday
“It’s in good health and
is currently being kept in a
temporary facility awaiting
a transfer once a proper
permanent home has been
found,” it added.
The large owl is suspected
of a spate of mysterious
attacks on citizens over last
year, prompting city council
to advise evening strollers
to arm themselves with
umbrellas for protection
against aerial assaults.
“The attacks were getting
heavier,” the city council
said, adding “many people
were afraid to step out of
their homes.”
Owl being a protected
animal, special permission
was needed to trap the
the state.
In Maharashtra other than cows,
the new law bans beef from the
slaughter of bulls and bullocks, which
was previously allowed based on a
fit-for-slaughter certificate. The new
Act will, however, allow the slaughter
of water buffaloes. The punishment
for the sale of beef or possession of
it could be prison for five years with
an additional fine of Rs 10,000 in the
state. If Haryana makes cow slaughter
equivalent to murder, it will take a
step ahead of Maharashtra.
Gandhi statue near
Churchill’s in London
unveiled on Saturday at the
symbolic heart of the British
establishment that once
loathed him for his campaign
against imperial rule.
including Britain’s World War
II leader Winston Churchill,
who described him as a halfnaked “fakir”, in London’s
Parliament Square, opposite
Big Ben and the House of
Indian Finance Minister
Arun Jaitley unveiled the
bronze statue at a ceremony
attended by Prime Minister
David Cameron, Bollywood
superstar Amitabh Bachchan
-- who gave a speech quoting
Gandhi’s principles -- and
Gandhi’s grandson, Shri
Gopalkrishna Gandhi. In a speech at the event,
Cameron hailed Gandhi as
“one of the towering figures in
the history of world politics”
and said that the statue would
give him “an eternal home
in our country”. The statue,
which stands nine feet (2.7
metres) high, is by respected
sculptor Philip Jackson and
is based on a photograph of
Gandhi taken when he visited
London in 1931.
Robbers gang-raped
elderly Indian nun
olice in eastern India
said Saturday they were
investigating the gang-rape of
a 75-year-old nun by burglars
who broke into the convent
school where she lived.
Two people have been
arrested in connection with the
alleged attack on Friday night,
when 12 men broke into the
convent in West Bengal state.
“A preliminary investigation
has revealed that a nun at the
school was gagged and gangraped,” police inspector general
Anuj Sharma said.
“Two people have so far
been arrested,” he said, adding
that the nun was recovering in
Local residents took to
the streets in anger, shouting
slogans demanding action and
blocking off the main highway.
West Bengal Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee tweeted
her condemnation of what
she called a “horrific attack”,
promising “swift, strongest
The incident came at a
time of heightened sensitivity
over women’s safety in India,
which last week banned a
documentary about the 2012
gang-rape of a student in Delhi
that sparked mass protests.
gINEER for high rise building
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Expat Camry Silver
BAHRAIN AIRPORT COMPANY wishes to invite proposals for the following Public Tender:
Tender Title
Tender No.
Doc. Fees
Tender Closing
This salad has so much to celebrate: salty cured ham,
juicy chicken breasts, crunchy croûtons and a creamy
dressing. Wow.
For the salad
4 slices of speck (or prosciutto)
2 cornfed chicken breasts, bone and skin removed
knob of butter
2 thick slices white bread, cubed
2 cos lettuces
For the dressing
2 garlic cloves
75ml/3fl oz white wine
2 eggs, yolks only
1 anchovy fillet
75g/3oz parmesan cheese, grated
150ml/5fl oz extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp Dijon mustard
salt and pepper
Day/ Date
Preheat the grill to high.
Place the speck or proscuitto onto a baking sheet and
place under the grill for 3-4 minutes, or until crisp. Remove
speck and place on a plate lined with kitchen paper to
Vendors with the required experience are kindly requested to collect the appropriate
at Bahrain Airport Company, (Building 284 , Road 2104 , Busaiteen 221) – Purchasing
Department – tel:17353344, 17353302 .During working hours (8:00am – 2:00pm), after
Deposit each Tender Submission in the tender box provided at the Bahrain Airport
Company, Procurement Department before closing date specified above.Late
Provide an initial bond as indicated above or at the rate of 1% of the tender value
Cut both chicken breasts through the middle, without cutting through, to form one large flat piece. Season, to taste,
with salt and black pepper and brush with olive oil.
Heat a griddle pan until hot then place the chicken breasts
on it and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until just
cooked through.
Heat a frying pan until hot and add the butter and then
the cubed bread. Fry until golden brown, then remove.
Separate the leaves from the lettuce and cut into chunky
For the dressing, in a medium saucepan, bring the garlic
and wine to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes, until
the garlic has softened. Leave to cool.
1. EncloseacopyoftheCommercialRegistrationCertificate,forthecurrentyear,
2. FormBAC02istobecompleted,mentioningtheTotalTenderValueandUnit Priceasapplicable.
3. EncloseaCertificateofCompliancewiththeEmploymentPercentageforBahraini
Combine the wine and garlic with the egg yolks, anchovy
and cheese in a mixing bowl. Blend with a hand blender
or food processor until smooth. Drizzle in the oil in a thin
steady stream, taking care not to add it too quickly, otherwise it could split and curdle. Stir in the mustard and add
seasoning to taste.
4. AlltenderDocuments(original/copies)whicharesubmittedmustbestamped
Add the crisp-fried speck, croutons and lettuce to the
dressing and toss to combine. To serve, place salad on
plate, top with chicken and pour the dressing over.
[email protected]
ence and ready to work in two
shifts can send CV with recent
photo graphs and expected salary to [email protected]
Urgently Required SITE EN-
Caesar salad
Good knowledge of programming techniques. Experience on
Database architecture, design,
modeling and implementation.
Prepare and manage Documentation. Please send CV to E-mail
[email protected]
Urgently required PART TImE
SANDWICh mAkER for a franchise company to work from
2am to 7am. If interested please
send email to [email protected].
Urgently Required ADmIN ASSISTANT. Branded Property
Management and Real Estate
Group in Bahrain looking for
Admin Assistant (female) to join
immediately with team. Experience - Minimum 1 year similar
experience, Gender - female,
Nationality - Any. Forward your
application to “[email protected]”
Urgently Required SENIOR
SECRETARy we accept applicants with wide experience in
foreign exchange, age not more
than 30 years. Ability to communicate with expected clients.
Very attractive salaries. Bilingual is preferred. Please send
your CV to bh.joboffers@gmail.
Must possess 5 years of GCC
experience in handling the accounts. Should hold a university
degree. Must read, write and
speak Arabic and English fluently. This vacancy is open for
any nationality. E-mail : - [email protected]
COOk For a newly opening
cafe and restaurant. Should be
a specialist in making broasted, burger, sandwiches, juices,
& parathas. Please send CV to
E-mail : georgekim786@yahoo.
Required ACCOuNTANT, A
leading trading company is
looking for accountant with audit experience and finalization of
accounts. Commerce graduate
with minimum five years experi-
for sale. Engine size 1201 1300 CC. Price BD 2,100. Contact: 33453396
leXuS eS-SerIeS, 2008 model for sale. Engine Size30014000CC . Price BD 8,000. Contact: 36611106
nISSan alTIMa, 2012 model
for sale. KM 53000, engine Size
2001-3000CC. Price BD 4,800.
Contact: 39541177
MITSubISHI lanCer, 2008
model for sale, engine Size
2001-3000CC. Price BD 1,900.
Contact: 32229226
bMW 3-SerIeS, 2008 model
for sale. KM 96000, engine Size
2001-3000CC. Price BD 7,200.
Contact: 39265885
CHrySler 300M/300C, 2003
model for sale. Engine Size
3001-4000CC. Price BD 1,100.
Contact: 33558876
nISSan alTIMa, 2008 model
for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 2,800. Contact: 36100026
leXuS ES-Series, 2006 model
for sale. Engine Size 2901 3000 CC. Price BD 3,800. Contact: 39881810
MInI Cooper, 2011 model for
sale. KM 60000, engine Size
1000-2000CC. Price BD 5,200.
Contact: 33355790
Urgently Required CIVIL QA
QC INSPECTOR We are looking for CIVIL QA QC inspector
in Bahrain. Suitable candidates,
Please submit your CVs to:
[email protected]
Interior Design Company offers
two positions: (1) ARChITECT/
INTERIOR DRAfTSmAN expert in AutoCAD, SketchUp, and
Revit. Minimum 6 years experience. (2) VISuALIzER expert
in photorealistic 3D renderings.
Email CV to bahdintjob@gmail.
Urgently Required ACCOuNTANT experienced from consultancy company an advantage,
local hire only . Email CV: [email protected]
SALES ENgINEER/ ExECuTIVE. Urgently required experienced sales Engineer/Executive for a reputed company in
Bahrain. Candidate should be
able to do sales & purchasing.
Should have strong communication skills & valid GCC driving
license. Please forward your
CV to “engineers980@gmail.
AND hEAVy / LIghT DuTy
DRIVERS for reputed mineral
water company. Young, presentable with good communication
skills & valid driving license may
forward their CV to
Altoufic Recruitment Company
needs urgently for Qatar SENIOR BuSINESS DEVELOPmENT (Indian Nationality) with
perfect Salary / Email: altoufic@
Pizza Chain urgently needs
Staff for local transfer: ITALIAN
fOOD ChEfS, COOkS, BAkERS, PIzzA mAkERS, DELIVERymEN (motorbike/ car).
Send your CV and information
on [email protected]
analysis, designing, developing,
implementing and executing a
Mazda CX-9, 2008 model for
sale. KM 177000, engine Size
3001-4000CC. Price BD 4,800.
Contact: 36991412
ToyoTa Solara, 2006 model for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 4,200.
Contact: 38333612
Ford FoCuS, 2004 model for
sale. KM 173000, engine Size
1000-2000CC. Price BD 1,150.
Contact: 35392897
leXuS IS-SerIeS, 2006 model for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 5,300.
Contact: 36611106
Ford GT, 2006 model for sale.
Engine Size 3001-4000CC.
Price BD 4,300. Contact:
Honda Cr-V, 1998 model
for sale. Engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 1,250. Contact: 33071582
Jeep Grand CHerokee,
2000 model for sale. KM 150000,
engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD
950. Contact: 34556227
GMC aCadIa, 2008 model
for sale. KM 115000, engine
size 3501 - 3600 CC. Price BD
5,200. Contact: 39117862
ToyoTa yarIS, 2008 model
Reaching the right audience
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
World Endurance Race
DT News Network
ahraini rider Manal
Fakhrawi in three hours
14 minutes at an average
speed of 30kph riding Godasil
Tehankorla from Al Khalidiya
Stables, Saturday claimed
the Fatima bint Mubarak
Ladies’ World Championship
Endurance Race title.
She completed the race in
a total time of three hours
and 14 minutes (3:14:00) with
an average speed of 30kph
at the Bahrain International
Endurance Village, in the
presence of BREEF President
Shaikh Faisal bin Rashid Al
Khalifa and International
Federation of Arabian Horse
Racing (IFAHR) Chairman
Lara Sawaya.
She was crowned race
winner by the Representative
of His Majesty the King for
Charity and Youth Affairs,
the Supreme Council for
Youth and Sports Chairman
Committee President and
Bahrain Royal Equestrian
and Endurance Federation
(BREEF) Honorary President
HH Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad
Al Khalifa.
The Fatima bint Mubarak
Ladies’ World Championship
Sunday, March 15, 2015
five gold for bahrain
GCC Women’s Games Day 7
DT News Network
ahrain athletics team
Saturday added five more
gold medals to their tally on
the second day of the athletic
events at the Fourth GCC
Women’s Games, being held
in Muscat, Oman.
Salha Mohammed (1:00.11)
gave Bahrain its first medal of
the day in the 400m hurdles
final ahead of Qatar’s Maryam
Fareed (1:11.03) and Hana Al
Qassmi (1:13.41) of Oman.
Raja Lamadi (2:18.09)
made it two golds after
winning the 800m ahead of
her main challenger Mohra
Jassim (3:27.02) of Qatar.
400m gold medalistSalha Mohammed on the podium
Bahrain continued to
dominate as Noora Jassim while Aisha Waleed (39.24) final to beat Mubaraka Al
(42.67) clinched the gold collected the bronze.
Mani (11.22) of Qatar for a
in the javelin throw ahead
Sabrine Yousef (11.24) silver and compatriot Abeer
of UAE’s Fatma Al Hosani made it four golds for Bahrain Al Manawri (10.90) claiming
(42.07), who took silver, in winning the triple jump bronze.
Rose Marry (11:04.55) then
rounded off Bahrain’s medal
haul in winning the 3,000m
steeplechase ahead of UAE’s
Alya’a Al Ma’amari (15:56.01)
who took silver.
conclude today with 10 finals
at 6.50am. Competitions
include 5,000m, long jump
(heptathlon), javelin throw
(heptathlon), hammer throw,
high jump, 1,500m, 200m,
800m (heptathlon), 5,000m,
4x100m relay.
Meanwhile, the bowling
competition begins today at
8am with singles, doubles
and masters, as Bahrain look
to pose a strong challenge to
rivals Qatar, the UAE, Oman
and Kuwait.
Bahrain’s bowling team will
be led by veteran player Nadia
Akeel, and includes young
talents Fatma Khalid, Majda
Taher and Layla Janahi.
The taekwondo events also
get underway today at the side
gym of Sultan Qaboos Sports
Complex gym in Boshar, where
four different weight categories
competitions will take place.
Spearheading Bahrain today
in the taekwondo are Dina
Abdulrahman, Kaltham Jassim,
Juana Mousa and Bashayer
suffered their third straight
defeat as their podium dreams
vanished. The Bahrainis went
down 20-28 to Oman, who
revived their chances in the
Elsewhere, Bahrain look
to stay in the volleyball
competition today when they
face hosts Oman at 5pm at
Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex
gym in Boshar.
Bahrain suffered a heartbreak
1-3 defeat to defending
champions the UAE last Friday
and must take full points today
to have any hope for the title.
Nasser Yaqoob clinches Sixth BOGC title
was being held under the
umbrella of the Shaikh
Mansour bin Zayed Al
Nahyan Sports Festival.
Fakhrawi was followed
in second place by another
Bahraini rider Dana Al
Benghadeer (3:14.12) riding
WH Picos Shazam from
Victorious Stable, with
third place going to Oman’s
Zamzam Hamed Hasani
(3:17.37), riding Leyhla
Eclipse from Al Zaeem
Anna Lena Weiershaeuser
(3:42.07) from Germany
riding Romance De Perros
from Al Khalidiya Stables
was fourth, French rider Alice
Marie (3:42.07) riding Xeres
De Saulvons was fifth and
Qatari Khulood Al Khoori
(3:42.51) riding Edel from
Victorious Stable finished
Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad
Al Khalifa praised the great
success of the Fatima bint
Mubarak Endurance Race,
asserting that it is a result
of the great efforts from all
the participating riders in the
Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad
expressed his optimism about
the bright future of endurance
sport in the next races at
the global level after the
outstanding results achieved
by the riders. He stressed that
Bahrain is keen to ensure the
success of this race to develop
riders’ performance at the
international level and to
highlight their talents.
congratulated the Bahraini
rider Manal Fakhrawi on
her first place and expressed
his appreciation for the
efforts of all members of the
competition’s committees
from the beginning until the
last stages.
Shaikh Faisal bin Rashid
Al Khalifa praised the strong
and large participation in the
race and the level provided
by the riders came to confirm
their capabilities in the sport
of endurance on a global
level and the importance
of developing endurance
sport worldwide and Shaikh
Nasser’s support throughout.
Sawaya thanked Bahrain
on the good organisation of
the championship and its
success and announced that
the top riders in this race will
participate in the next World
Endurance Championship
to be held this September in
Verona, Italy.
Red Bull X-Fighters Jams
to bring plenty of thrills
DT News Network
or the first time in Bahrain,
the best freestyle motocross
show in the world, Red Bull
X-Fighters Jams, will be taking
place during Race Fever –
Bahrain International Circuit’s
(BIC) nation-wide celebration
of motorsport held as part
of the lead-up to the 2015
Formula One Gulf Air Bahrain
Grand Prix.
Four renowned international
FMX athletes, including Nick
de Wit (South Africa), Martin
Koren (Czech Republic),
Chris Brock (UK) and Julien
Mannon (France), will perform
jaw-dropping stunts on April 2
and 3 at Amwaj Islands.
They will entertain fans with
their high-flying performances
on each of the two nights,
with gravity-defying tricks,
enthralling flips and neverbefore-seen daredevilry.
Red Bull X-Fighters Jams
is a series of events that tour
the globe offering thousands
of people the opportunity
to witness the best freestyle
motocross action closer
to home and being held in
collaboration with BIC in
partnership with Meritas
Holding, Amwaj Islands,
Hertel and Max Media Co.
Aside Red Bull X-Fighters
Jams, Race Fever also features
three other main events,
they include a cross-country
promotional tour, a fantastic
raffle for a chance to win a
brand new 2015 Jaguar F-Type
Coupe, and back-to-back
live musical performances by
British pop sensations ‘The
Vamps’ and talented Swedish
DJ Otto Knows.
The tour will kick Race
Fever off on March 20,
when five branded cars with
promotional teams will drive
around the island waving
chequered flags to get the
public involved and to spread
the word about the Grand
Prix weekend, beginning at
Al Basta Market at Bahrain
Circuit next to BIC, then
go to Bahrain City Centre,
Motorox in Adliya and then
to its final destination at The
Lagoon in Amwaj Islands.
Marina FC returned to form after defeating KMCC Hamad
Town 2-0 in the ninth round of matches in the MEM sponsored
Ford-Turk Kerala Super League, after taking the lead through
Anees who latched on to a rebound ball and Amal completed
the scoring with a low drive to secure victory. In other games,
Showstoppers continued its grip on the league with an easy
1-0 win against Atletico with Nizam scoring the lone goal, while
Kerlawi beat KH United also 1-0 with Shafeek the lone scorer
and YUVA Kerala FC and RFC Manama played out a 0-0 draw.
Aidan Payne/ DTNN
[email protected]
ahrain national team
player Nasser Yaqoob
(140 gross) clinched his
sixth title after winning the
52nd Bahrain Open Golf
Championship edging out
Simon Dunn and Matt Turner
(who are both professionals
from Dubai) by a stroke which
concluded Saturday after two
days of fierce competition at
Awali Golf Club.
More than 100 players both
professional and amateur,
and former champions from
the region and elsewhere teed
off in similar conditions to
the opening day on Friday
with cloud cover at times and
a pleasant breeze in a huge
field of talented players young
and old.
Yaqoob who carded a 66
for a four under par on the
first day managed to edge
out his two main rivals from
the previous day, by scoring
birdies on the 4th and 16th
holes, but finishing nervously
with bogey strokes on the
15th, 17th and 18th holes.
The Bahraini did just
enough as Dunn who was
third overnight closed in on
the 18th hole par five with
an eagle and finished with a
back nine 32, but just missing
out for a play-off despite
registering birdies on on the
5th, 9th and 10th holes.
Turner who was second
overnight lost out on count
back but scored birdies on
holes 5, 9, 13 and 18 and
bogey’s on the 11th, 12th and
17th holes.
Daniel Owen a former St
Christopher School student,
last year’s runner-up and a
professional in his own right
came in fourth after carding a
68 with birdies on holes 2, 4,
14, 16 and 18.
Last year’s champion and
five-time winner Hamad
Mubarak Al Afnan carded 73
to finish ninth overall, while
the championship created a
record with the oldest and
youngest participants ever
competing in the name of
Peter Rogers at 77 years and
three quarters!! the oldest
to participate in the history
of the championship dating
back to 1964 and the youngest
ever player Taimur Malik
at 12 years of age and a St
Christopher’s School student.
“I felt over the two days
the conditions were right
for me and I enjoyed the
course which I know well.
As a Bahraini and an
amateur player to beat two
professional coming from
Dubai is an achievement and
I feel that being a member
of Bahrain Golf Club just
across the road gave me some
advantage,” said Yaqoob.
The championship was
played over 6685 yards on a
par 70 course, however no
one managed a hole-in-one
on the sixth hole with a car
up for grabs sponsored by Al
Haddad Mercedes and AXA
Insurance for the first nonprofessional player, despite
Yaqoob achieving this feat
on the first day on the eighth
Prizes were presented to
the top ten gross scores and
the overall and day one and
two nett outside the main
prizes and the best nett
Awali Club captain Abdul
Elah Fakhroo, Tournament
Director Steve Brown and
CEO of Bapco Dr Peter
Bartlett handed out the
trophies to the winners.
Main event supporters
were platinum sponsors
Bapco and Alba and gold
sponsors Arabian Exhibition
Management, Banz Group,
Pan Gulf Industrial Services,
Seef Properties, Citibank, Al
Haddad Motors, African and
Eastern and Banagas.
pic by biju Haridas
Nasser Yacoob
Final hole of championship
Final results :
1 Nasser Yacoob (140 par gross)
2 Simon Dunn (141 +1 on count back)
3 Matt Turner (141 +1 on c/b),
4 Daniel Owen (144 +4)
5 Yousif A Al Murbati (147 +7 on c/b)
6 Mohammed D Al Noaimi (147 +7 on c/b)
7 Sultan Al Hakam (147 + 7 on c/b)
8 Khalid Al Aathem (149 +9)
9 Hamad Mubarak Al Afnan (153 +13 on c/b)
10 Ryan Wooley (153 +13 on c/b).
Best Gross Day 1: Diab Sager Al Noaimi (73)
Day 2: Hamed Fares Al Qatami (74).
Best Nett Day 1: ahad A Sultan (69)
Day 2: Rashid S Bu Harab )70).
Best Nett Overall: Ali Mohammed Al Hakam (134).
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Starc StarS
6th win with a 6
India beat Zimbabwe
Australia pummel Scots
itchell Starc continued his
impressive World Cup
campaign with a four-wicket
haul as Australia overpowered
Scotland by seven wickets in
Hobart on Saturday.
Left-arm paceman Starc
took four for 14 in 4.4 overs as
Scotland collapsed to 130 all out
in barely half their allotted overs
after losing the toss at Bellerive
There were five ducks in the
innings, with fast bowler Pat
Cummins, recalled in place
of dropped spinner Xavier
Doherty, taking three for 42 in
seven overs.
Matt Machan top-scored
with 40 and Calum MacLeod
made 22 but at 79 for seven
there was a real chance Scotland
would be dismissed for under
However, bold hitting from
the ninth-wicket duo of Josh
Davey and Michael Leask took
the non-Test side to three
Australia captain Michael
Clarke -- passed fit after missing
training in midweek to rest
his hamstring injury -- then
decided to give himself some
batting practice ahead of the
quarter-final in Adelaide on
March 20 by making a run-aball 47 opening the innings.
There was a worrying
moment for Australia, when
with 39 still needed for victory,
rain stopped play.
But when the match
resumed, new batsman David
Warner -- usually an opener settled Australia’s nerves with
a straight six and a four off the
first two balls he faced.
Warner finished on 21 not
out, off just six balls, while
James Faulkner (16 not out)
ended the match with a six as
Australia finished on 133 for
three in 15.2 overs.
Scotland have still to win a
World Cup match, having now
taken part in three editions -a run of 14 games -- and all
four of their previous one-day
internationals against Australia
had ended in thumping defeats
-- by six wickets in 1999, 203
runs in 2007, 189 runs in 2005
and 200 runs in 2013.
Opener Kyle Coetzer -- who
made 253 runs in Scotland’s first
four matches of this tournament
-- fell for nought, his second
successive duck, when his flatfooted drive off Starc was caught
by Steven Smith at third slip.
Windies’ Cup dream
hinges on weather
Scotland :
K. Coetzer c Smith b Starc
C. MacLeod c Warner b Starc
M. Machan c Faulkner b Cummins
P. Mommsen c Starc b Watson
F. Coleman c Clarke b Johnson
R. Berrington c Warner b Maxwell
M. Cross c Haddin b Cummins
J. Davey b Starc
R. Taylor c Haddin b Cummins
M. Leask not out
I. Wardlaw b Starc
Extras (lb1, w8)
Total (all out, 25.4 overs)
Fall of wickets: 1-8 (Coetzer), 2-36
(MacLeod), 3-37 (Mommsen), 4-50
(Coleman), 5-51 (Berrington), 6-78
(Machan), 7-79 (Cross), 8-95 (Taylor), 9-130
(Davey), 10-130 (Wardlaw)
ready to
move on
uresh Raina hit a century
as India spoiled Brendan
Taylor’s farewell party with a
hard-fought six-wicket win in
the World Cup Pool B match in
Auckland on Saturday.
Raina survived two dropped
catches during his unbeaten
104-ball 110 as India chased
down a stiff 288-run target in
48.4 overs for their sixth win in
as many matches.
batsman Taylor had anchored
Zimbabwe’s 287 all out with a
punishing 110-ball 138 in what
was his last international after
signing a deal with English
county Nottinghamshire.
With India on 158-4, and
Raina on 47, Zimbabwe spurned
a good chance of pressing for a
win when Hamilton Masakadza
dropped a sitter at short fine-
Bowling: Starc 4.4-1-14-4 (1w); Cummins
7-1-42-3 (1w); Watson 3-0-18-1; Johnson
4-1-16-1 (1w); Maxwell 4-0-24-1 (1w);
Faulkner 3-0-15-0 (1w)
Australia :
M. Clarke c Leask b Wardlaw
A. Finch c Coleman b Taylor
S. Watson c Cross b Davey
J. Faulkner not out
D. Warner not out
Extras (lb2, w3)
Total (3 wkts, 15.2 overs)
Did not bat : S Smith, G Maxwell, B
Haddin, M Johnson, M Starc, P Cummins
Fall of wickets : 1-30 (Finch), 2-88
(Watson), 3-92 (Clarke)
Bowling : Wardlaw 5-0-57-1 (1w); Taylor
5-0-29-1; Davey 5-1-38-1 (1w); 0.2-0-7-0
I think it couldn’t have
been better in the
sense if you’re playing
the last game of the
league stage, and if you
get an easy win, you
don’t get a lot out of
that game
he West Indies will have
one eye on the skies and
the other on the scoreboard as
they seek to keep their World
Cup campaign alive in a mustwin clash with the United Arab
Emirates on Sunday.
The two-time champions’
hopes of a quarter-final berth
hinge on a convincing victory
in Napier after a series of
unconvincing performances in
Pool B, including a shock loss
to Ireland.
They currently lie fifth in
the group and to advance must
snatch fourth place off Pakistan
or Ireland, who play each other
on Sunday in Adelaide.
But a cyclone thousands of
kilometres away in the South
Pacific could blow away their
chances if it brings heavy
rainfall to New Zealand’s
North Island by Sunday.
A washout would send Jason
Holder’s men tumbling out of
the tournament -- they need
two points from a victory, the
solitary point awarded for a
no-result will not be enough.
Forecasters say a cyclonerelated downpour is due on
Monday, although the New
Zealand weather is notoriously
fickle and they warn rain is still
possible on Sunday.
Team manager Richie
Richardson was confident the
weather gods would smile on
the West Indies.
matters, the West Indies must
soundly beat the UAE by 70
runs or more to ensure they
have a better run rate than
Pakistan and Ireland.
We have got a new
life in this tournament and we must
ensure we do not
waste it
Misbah-ul Haq
India had lost opener
Rohit Sharma, in-form
Shikhar Dhawan and
Ajinkya Rahane, with
two of the wickets going
to Panyangara.
smashed 15 boundaries
and five towering sixes in
his brilliant knock.
His ton anchored his
team, unable to qualify
for the quarter-finals,
after they were sent into
bat by the defending
invaluable 93 for the
fourth wicket with Sean
Williams and another
109 for the next with
Craig Ervine to help
Zimbabwe recover
from a struggling 33
for three.
Today’s Match
UAE v West Indies
at Napier
Ireland v Pakistan
at Adelaide
(01:00 local, 22:00 GMT )
(06:30 local, 03:30 GMT )
Zimbabwe :
C. Chibhabha c Dhawan b Shami
H. Masakadza c Dhoni b Yadav
S. Mire c Dhoni b M Sharma
B. Taylor c Dhawan b Shami
S. Williams c and b Ashwin
C. Ervine c and b M Sharma
Sikander Raza b M Sharma
R. Chakabva c Rohit b Yadav
T. Panyangara c Yadav b Shami
T. Mupariwa not out
T. Chatara b Yadav
Extras: (lb2, w7)
Total (all out, 48.5 overs)
Fall of wickets: 1-11 (Masakadza),
2-13 (Chibhabha), 3-33 (Mire), 4-126
(Williams), 5-235 (Taylor), 6-241 (Ervine),
7-276 (Raza), 8-285 (Panyangara), 9-286
(Chakbva), 10-287 (Chatara)
Bowling: Shami 9-2-48-3 (3w); Yadav 9.5-
1-43-3 (2w); M Sharma 10-1-48-3 (1w);
Ashwin 10-0-75-1 (1w); Jadeja 10-0-71-0;
India :
R. Sharma c Raza b Panyangara
S. Dhawan b Panyangara
V. Kohli b Raza
A. Rahane run out
S. Raina not out
M. Dhoni not out
Extras: (b1, lb2, nb1, w12)
Total (4 wkts, 48.4 overs)
Did not bat : A. Jadeja, R. Ashwin, M.
Sharma, M. Shami, U. Yadav
Fall of wickets: 1-21 (Rohit), 2-21
(Dhawan), 3-71 (Rahane), 4-92 (Kohli)
Bowling: Panyangara 8.4-1-53-2 (2w);
Chatara 10-1-59-0 (1nb, 6w); Mupariwa
10-0-61-0 (2w); Mire 5-0-29-0 (1w);
Williams 5-0-31-0; Raza 8-0-37-1 (1w);
Masakadza 2-0-15-0 (1w);
MS Dhoni
Brendan Taylor says he
will miss representing his
country after playing his
last one-day international
against India in Auckland
on Saturday but insisted life
goes on.
The 29-year-old will
play for Nottinghamshire
in England on a three-year
deal which will put his
Zimbabwe career on hold -and there is the possibility
that he may never turn out
for his country again.
leg off Sikander Raza.
It was Masakadza who was at
the receiving end of the second
chance when wicket-keeper
Taylor dropped Raina off his
bowling with his score on 71.
The left-hander punished
Zimbabwe by completing
his fifth one-day hundred
-- his first in World Cups -reaching the three-figure mark
off 94 balls. In all he hit nine
boundaries and four sixes.
With India in a spot of bother
at 92-4, when Raza bowled
Virat Kohli for 38, Raina found
an able partner in skipper
Mahendra Singh Dhoni as the
experienced duo added 196 for
an unbroken fifth wicket stand.
Dhoni finished with 85
not out off 76 balls, hitting
the winning six off Tinashe
Panyangara, his second in
addition to eight boundaries.
Where they stand
+2.25 9
+0.37 8
+0.13 7
+2.56 12
+1.82 12
+1.70 8
2 0
P31 6th win, with a 6
Sunday,March 15, 2015
Gunners fire aGain
Fifth straight Premier League win
rsenal made its five Premier
League wins in a row here
with a straightforward victory
against a well-drilled but pallid
West Ham. In the process
Arsène Wenger’s team kept up
the pressure on second-placed
Manchester City and played some
delightful attacking football with
Mesut Özil, Oliver Giroud and
Aaron Ramsey all combining
If at times in the second half
Arsenal seemed a little distracted,
a team with half an eye on ticking
this match off and readying
themselves for a more gruelling
challenge in the Champions
League in Monaco, they can at
least be sure Leonardo Jardim’s
side will provide a much sterner
test than these listing, drifting
Theo Walcott came close to
giving the home side an early lead
when he got the ball in space of
the edge of the box, but he waited
too long to get the shot away,
giving West Ham time to clear.
Alexis Sanchez forced a
save from Adrian after Calum
Chambers crossed the ball in
from the right, but the Chilean’s
finish did not get the better of
the keeper.
David Ospina also had to be
alert as Matt Jarvis set up Kevin
Nolan down the other end just a
couple of minutes later, but his
half-volley was parried away.
Arsenal continued to look the
more likely in the opening 45
minutes, but the visiting keeper
pulled of a series of saves to deny
further efforts from Walcott and
Sanchez, as well as a strike from
Aaron Ramsey.
The deadlock was broken in
first-half stoppage time though
as Olivier Giroud blasted to
ball in from a Mesut Ozil cross,
putting the Gunners ahead going
into the break.
The visitors almost drew
level shortly after the restart as
Stewart Downing whipped the
ball in from a corner, but Matt
Jarvis fired high.
Arsenal soon started to
dominate again, and could
have doubled their lead when
Ozil chipped the ball forward
for Walcott, who played it in
for Ramsey, but the Welshman
sliced it wide.
He made amends a few
minutes later though as Giroud
found him with a through-ball,
leaving Ramsey to drill it past
Adrian from the centre of the
penalty area.
The Gunners added a third
just three minutes later when
Mathieu Flamini found the back
of the net with his first touch
just moments after coming off
the bench, bursting forward to
fire it in from a Santi Cazorla
The result keeps Arsenal
in third, just a point behind
Manchester City, while West
Ham sit 10th.
Arsenal- 3
West Ham United- 0
Arsenal’s Olivier Giroud celebrates
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