Presbytery StPatrick’s 59QueenStreet TePuke3119 Ph:075735377 St Thomas More & St Patrick’s Newsletter Parish Priest: Fr Darren McFarlane Deacons: Henk Gielen & Vince Shaw ParishOf ice 17GloucesterRoad MtMaunganui3116 ph:075754807 [email protected] 14 & 15 March 2015 4th Sunday of Lent (Year B) RITE II SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Mt Maunganui: St Mary’s Tauranga: St Patrick’s Te Puke: Wed, 18 March 3pm; Wed, 18 March 6.30pm. Fri, 27 March 5.30pm PALM SUNDAY & EASTER SERVICES TIMES: STM NEW MINISTRIES ROSTER Available in church foyer for 15 March to 12 April . PLUS NEW INSTRUCTIONS FOR CO-ORDINATORS, EMCS & READERS (next to roster.) St Thomas More, Mt Maunganui & St Patrick’s Te Puke PALM SUNDAY 29 March—normal Mass times HOLY THURSDAY 2 April STM 7pm GOOD FRIDAY 3 April Stations of Cross 10am at Te Puke; 3pm at STM EASTER VIGIL 7.30pm at Te Puke. BYO candles. EASTER SUNDAY 9.30am & 5pm at STM. St Thomas Aquinas Parish, Tauranga: HOLY THURSDAY 7pm (St Mary Immaculate) GOOD FRIDAY 3pm (St Mary Immaculate & St Joseph’s, Te Puna) EASTER VIGIL 7pm (St Mary Immaculate) EASTER SUNDAY 8am & 10.30am (St Mary Immaculate) and 9am (St Joseph’s) PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO 5pm Vigil on Saturday, 4 April. CARITAS: Week 4 SHINING A LIGHT ON POVERTY: This week we are looking at the education in our Catholic schools about the work of Caritas and the challenges facing poor and vulnerable people by asking them to show solidarity by accepting the 24 hour challenge. This features building a cardboard village and the use of a water bottle to provide an inexpensive light. See your week 4 envelope. Ete Atua o te Ao Marama. God of light and understanding. Enlighten us all to see the deeds around us. Light our path as we grow in empathy and understanding. SUNDAY MASS TIMES Mt Maunganui 9.30am & 5pm & Maori Mass 2nd Sunday of month 11am. All welcome. Te Puke Saturday Vigil 5pm WEEKDAY MASS TIMES Monday 9am Te Puke Tuesday 9am Te Puke LENTEN REFLECTION Held in the church complex each Thursday 7.30 – 8.45pm. All welcome. REQUEST TO BRING AN EASTER EGG: Again this year we would like to ask each of you to bring Wednesday 9am Mt Maunganui an Easter Egg to be collected and delivered to the food bank for Easter. There are children and families out there who do not always have the luxury of chocolate. Maybe a box of chocolates for the mother and father.. There will be a basket in the foyer for you to place the gift. Many thanks for your generosity. Thursday 9am Mt Maunganui MEMORIAL WALL FOR SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN: We would like to create a (one-off/ Friday temporary*) memorial in honour of those New Zealanders who served in all wars and conflicts. Pa- 9am Mt Maunganui rishioners who have family members who have served (or currently are serving) are invited to bring a photo/s of their loved one in service uniform. These will be displayed in the church foyer (STM & Te RECONCILIATION Puke). Please place COPIES (NO originals/ & maximum size A5 (21cm x 15cm) i.e. half an A4 size Before Mass - in the box in the foyer. *These will be displayed during the month of April. Tues & Sat (Te Puke) STM School is also participating in commemorations. More details to follow. & Wed to Friday (Mt) from BAPTISM PREPARATION: There will be two sessions for school children in year 4 and up who are 8.30am to 8.45am. unbaptised and seeking Baptism in the Catholic Church. These sessions will be held in the St. Thomas More complex on Monday 16 March and 23 March from 3:30 until 4:30 pm. Once the children have comPlease note: pleted these sessions they will be able to join the First Holy Communion programme later in May and be Liturgy of Word & Baptised during a school Mass before this special Sacrament takes place. Please give this some thought and contact Margaret at the St. Thomas More Parish 575 4807 ext 3 if you Holy Communion Mon & Tues (Mt) would like your child/children to join in this programme. Blessings, Margaret 9am STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Are held at STM every Friday during Lent, starting at 5.30pm. Maketu EASTER VIGIL Saturday, 4 April 2015 will be held at St Patrick’s Te Puke 7.30pm Maori Mass If you require transport please complete the form in the church foyer with your name and phone num2nd Sunday of ber and we will endeavor to arrange transport for you. month 9am 3rd Sunday of month MEDITATION FOR PEACE in STM Church complex every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Liturgy service 11am PARISH OFFICE will be closed Monday, 16 March. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE (MT): There wil be a meeting of the CWL at church complex on Thurs, 19 March at 9.45am. There will be a trading table, raffle. A full meeting and morning tea – please bring a plate and whatever you can for the trading table – new members always welcome. SVDP SOCIETY DEE STREET SHOP: We urgently need volunteer staff. If you can possibly spare 3 hours (morning or afternoon) for permanent once a week or on an “on call” basis (again, am or pm) when needed (3 hours) please ph Eileen 572 0470. LECTIO DIVINA: The Lectio Divina process encourages us to listen in a more focused way and to “tune in” to God’s presence within the Scriptures. Not too late to join - held on Tues, at 7.25pm and runs for another 6 weeks, held at STM in Frassati Room. For info ph Mary Parker on 577 1200. YOUTH GROUPS: We congratulate Stella Brennan in her new role as Youth Worker for St Thomas More, St Mary Immaculate and Aquinas College. Tahu (years 7 to 9) Is held at the church complex on Friday evenings from 7pm to 8.30pm. Lighthouse (years 10 to 13) is held in the church complex on Sunday evenings from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. All youth welcome. SET FREE NATIONAL CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL SetFree is your opportunity to experience a weekend of amazing speakers, excellent music and youth culture! For high school students (Youth Stream) and young adults aged 18+ (YA Stream). April 10 - 12 (Divine Mercy Sunday Weekend) at Totara Springs Christian Camp Matamata. Register at or email [email protected] PASSIONIST FAMILY GROUP NEWS: Martin Family Group: March activities: Wednesday, 18 March 2015; 10am Guest speaker at the Church complex. Please bring a small plate for morning tea. Details to be advised when we confirm the availability of the speaker(s)? Family on the Edge: Join us on Tuesday, 17 March at 7pm, you are invited to celebrate St Patricks Day at 239 Range Road. There will be a classic movie starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara in the “Quiet Man” - not to be missed! Ice-cream & popcorn will be served. So wear the green and come and enjoy. See you there, Dolores Kolbe Group Activity: Sunday, 22 March 12pm- Picnic & Fishing at the Bridge Marina. Any queries contact Pam Heaton: [email protected] Advance Notice: 2015 PFG FORMATION DAY BOP: Members and co-ordinators along with anyone in the parish community are all welcome and should not miss this exciting opportunity. Presented by Fr Brian Traynor CP on Sat, 16 May from 9.30am to 3.45pm at the Parish Centre, St Piux X Catholic Church, Beach Rd, Katikati. Topic: “God”. Further details to follow. TE PUKE NEWS: FEAST OF ST PATRICK: Tuesday, 17 March, Mass at 9am followed by a shared (green) morn- ing tea! Please bring a plate to share. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE (TP) Monthly meeting Monday, 16 March 1.30pm in supper room. All are welcome. BIBLE SOCIETY GROUP: Thank you to all who supported the Street Stall held on 25 February. $325 was raised. Mary & Lou Schnuriger. READINGS for 22 March: 5th Sun of Lent: 1. Jer 31:3134 2. Heb 5:7-9 Gospel: John 12:20-33 IF YOU ARE IN ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL—Please register at Hospital reception as a “ROMAN CATHOLIC” & you will be visited by a parish chaplain. *On Ministries roster: Correct ph no for M Cooper is 574 4324 If you wish to receive Holy Communion at your home (upon discharge and/or if you are unwell) please phone parish ROSTERS FOR SUNDAY 22 March 2015 9.30AM office 575 4807 ext 2 and we will arrange. Co-ordinator: David Kontze Greeters: Neville Keton Readers: Mary Begley & Bernade e Nair EMCs: Tony Noble & Linda Milne Power point: Primila D’Mello Altar Assistants: E McCarthy, T Mills Pickering & NS ROSTERS FOR SUNDAY 5PM Greeters: Mikki Buckland & T Schaaf Readers: Margaret & Philip Sherry EMCs: Josie Alker & Margaret Dumble Power point: Linda Cha Altar Assistants: S & A Edwards & I Rice CHILDREN’S LITURGY for 22 March: Carol Burke & Margaret Erskine Shaw COUNTERS for 22 March: Price-Swenson & McCarthy CHURCH CLEANING for week star ng 16 March 2015: T Noble, R Palmer, B Griffiths MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK: Mon Joan Tonkin RIP Sun St Thomas More & St Patrick’s Parishes If you wish to have a Mass intention please either complete the small card in the STM church foyer and hand into the parish office or alternatively phone the parish office 575 4807 ext 2 and arrange. There are donation envelopes in the church foyer & these can be handed into the parish office also. NEW PARISHIONER? If you are a new to the parish, we extend a warm welcome to you. Please complete the New Parishioner form in the church foyer and place in the box. DONATIONS TO ST PATRICK’S & ST THOMAS MORE: Please phone parish office 575 4807 ext 2 to arrange for planned giving envelopes or donations by automatic payments. You will then be allocated a Planned Giving Number and a receipt will be issued in April/May each year to enable you to claim a tax rebate for your gifting.
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