DIARY DATES 16 Shakespeare week 6.00pm FOS meeting 7.00pm Governor Finance 17 9.10am Year 4 Mass in school—St Patrick 18 Y4/5/6 Shakespeare workshops Y5/6 Cross Country 19 St Joseph feast day School Council meeting ‘Born for This’ performed by students from Cardinal Griffin, Year 5 and Year 4. 7.00pm in our school hall. 20 Mufti 23 Girls football v Holly Grove home 24 9.10am Year 5 Mass in school 25 Y5/6 Science workshops @ Burntwood Library 26 FOS Easter Eggstravagansa 27 Mufti for Lent 28 Y4 Football tournament @Littleton Green 30 Y3.4 cross country 7.00pm Year 2 parent SATs meeting 31 9.10am whole school Mass—Holy Week APRIL THURSDAY Mufti for Lent last day of term 2 Easter holiday 3-17th April inclusive 20 Monday Summer Term begins 25 Girls football tournament@Springhill 27 Reception & Year 6 Class photos 29 R/Y1/2/3 visit from Animal Man May BANK HOLIDAY SCHOOL CLOSED 4 8 Rosary Assembly 9 KS1 Football Tournament 11 Year 6 SATs 18 Year 5 Pilgrimage Day @ Our Lady of Lourdes 21 Year 6 visit to Holocaust museum 22 Year 6 Pentecost Party 2529 HALF TERM JUNE Key Strings music concert for whole school 12 13 Summer Fair 15 Year 5 Alton Castle 3 day residential 18 7.00pm Year 6 celebration Mass @ St Mary’s 24 Year 1 visit Hednesford museum Toys & Games www.st-joseph-st-theresa.staffs.sch.uk 13.03.15 ISSUE: 447 Headteacher—Mrs PM Davies Tel 01543 510485 [email protected] CONGRATULATIONS to our Year 4/3 Tag Rugby team who won the Burntwood and Lichfield Tag Rugby tournament held on Tuesday. The team played 4 games and were undefeated to take them through to the final. They played Whittington in the final which we won 2-1. Our team will now represent Lichfield and Burntwood district in the Staffordshire Games on 19th June held @ Keele University. Well done to our squad and parents for your support. Friends of the School Easter Eggstravaganza Thursday 26th March 6.00-8.00pm Easter Egg bingo Easter activity stalls Judging Easter bonnet. Light refreshments will be on sale. The children are invited to make an Easter Bonnet to bring into school on Thursday morning for assembly. FRIDAY 20th March MUFTI donations for Easter items Talent Night Thank you to all our superb performers and families that came along to support this event. School Attendance Class Attendance for the week ending 6th March Shakespeare Week All classes will be celebrating the famous playwright during next week’s lessons. Year 4/5/6 will be taking part in a Shakespearian workshop next Wednesday morning. Year Year Year Year Year Year Year R 1 2 3 4 5 6 90% 95% 96% 98% 99% 1st 91% 98% Busy Bees Kind Koalas The children have really enjoyed learning about the different Mr Men and Little Miss characters. Please return Profile books on Monday. Talk homework: see slip Words to learn: then my ship Thank you Miss Bowen Please return your Profile Books on Monday. Talk homework: see slip Shakespeare Tricky words: March because Tuesday Thank you Mrs Windsor Joyful Gems’ Amazing Astronauts Talented Tigers Tenacious Turtles Legendary Lions Keep up the fantastic work Joyful Gems, you have written some fantastic Mr and Mrs Men stories which I have really enjoyed reading. Keep handing in all of your homework Talk homework: see slip Tricky words: night dream summer Thank you Miss Evans A great week working very hard Year 3. Can those of you with a pen licence please remember a black pen labelled in school. Talk homework: see slip Hamlet Tricky words: Hamlet play scene Thank you Miss Higgs Well done for completing some super work this week. TUESDAY: Please remember black top & trousers/ leggings (school trousers if you haven’t got black) THURSDAY: as above plus a packed tea for afterschool. Please return Profile Books by MONDAY. Talk homework: see slip Midsummer night’s dream Thank you Miss Wright A great week in school. Well done for your super behaviour today at Cardinal Griffin. You were a credit to our school. Talk homework: see slip Romeo and Juliet Tricky words: Romeo Juliet Capulet Montague Thank you Mr Johnston Please ensure you have 2 black gel pens. Homework to be handed in MONDAY– Grammar & Reading THURSDAY– Maths & Punctuation Please return Profile Books Tricky words: Shakespeare Macbeth tragedy Thank you Mrs Larner CONGRATULATIONS to this week’s STARS Maths Champs Harry Short Harry Tye Lunchtime Awards Grace Padley Phoebe Sherwin Madison Evans Alex Lea Courtney Smith Joshua Gadsby Lillie-Mae Twigg Elle Marshall Lauren McKinley Isobel Jones Shana Pearson Isobel Jones Star writers Jack Padley Lilly Hanslow Behaviour & Yanto Anderson Bray Manners Kieran Gorse Owen Jones Isla Potter Susanna Tomczak Micah Longmore Nikka Mitinova Madeline Golder Katie Patrick Daniel Matheson Jacob Danan Ruby Corfield Reynolds Christi Sibi Millie Jarrett Joseph Caldwell Emilie Kirby Molly Gaffney Madeleine Coley Joshua Wykes Star Historian Phoebe Pickering Gifted & Talented Congratulations this week to; Sophie Moody Y4 achieving Gymnastics Level 5 Andrew Murray Y1 awarded ‘best defender’ trophy with Chasetown FC soccertots. James Bevan Y5 who has been invited to join ‘the skiing ‘talented child programme’ Monday: School clubs Centrestage Drama for KS2 3.30-4.45pm Y1&2 Science club 3.30-4.00 Y4 Homework club lunchtime Y1/2 Football 3.30-4.30 Tuesday: Y6 Maths/Lit booster 3.30-4.30 Y2/3 writing club 3.30-4.30 Netball 3.30-4.30 Wednesday: Art club Y5 Thursday: Lunchtime Story club Y1 & 2 Y5 Homework club 3.30-4.30 Y6 Maths booster 3.30-4.30 Journalists Club 3.30-4.30 Y3/4 Football/Tag Rugby 3.30-4.30 Friday: Y5/6 Football 3.30-4.30 Pony Club Tuesday 4.30-6.30pm Sunday 11.00am-12.30pm Interested in joining please email: [email protected] WELL DONE to our Year 5 football team who took part in the Burntwood/Cannock Y5 tournament on Saturday. Parents can now purchase school uniforms from our website www.a4jdesigns.co.uk. The School has been given their own special code for ordering from the system Code AJ433
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