Sample Guidelines IDEXX Quality Starts with Quality Samples The quality and accuracy of results are very important to everyone at IDEXX IDEXX Tips for obtaining high quality samples: Choose the correct sample and container Read the collection guidelines on the following pages or in the Sample Requirements column by each test in the Reference laboratory section of the current edition of the Directory of Products and Services (call 00800 1234 33 99 if you cannot find the test you require) before taking a sample. Improper choice of a collection vial can adversely affect results. Did You Know? Using a serum gel tube is an easy way to collect a good serum sample for chemistry panels. However, for certain specialised tests, such as many endocrinology and drug tests, the gel can interfere with results. Did You Know? Whole blood EDTA samples start to degrade as soon as the blood is outside of the animal. To preserve cell morphology, include air-dried, unstained blood slides along with the EDTA tube. Slides should also be included with samples submitted for fluid analysis for accurate cytologic interpretation. Blood smears made at the time of blood collection help avoid platelet clumping problems and allow more accurate platelet interpretation. Did You Know? Including slides with your Comprehensive Haematology can help with pathologist reviews of unusual cells, and with the identification of red blood cell parasites. Use proper techniques Filling syringes: When filling syringes, aim for a good free flowing stick from the largest accessible vein. Slow draws and difficult sticks can rupture red cells, adversely affecting CBC results and certain chemistries. The longer the blood stays in the syringe, the greater the risk of clumped platelets and clots that degrade test results. Always fill the tubes without additives first. This prevents carry-over of tube additives. For example, if you are filling an EDTA tube and a serum gel tube, always fill the gel tube first. Even a small amount of EDTA can interfere with many chemistry results. Fill EDTA or citrate tubes precisely. Overfilling and under-filling tubes causes the wrong ratio of additives. Excess EDTA in an under-filled tube will give inaccurate CBC results. Overfilling the EDTA tube may cause the sample to clot. Centrifuging: Make sure samples are fully clotted before tubes are centrifuged. Note that some samples may take longer to clot than others. Did You Know? In tests that require serum, it is important to collect and centrifuge the sample properly. If a tube is spun too soon after drawing the blood, you will send plasma to the laboratory and not serum. If you have any questions regarding submission of specimens, or if you require appropriate supplies, please call us on 00800 1234 33 99. Samples clotted during blood draw may result in… • Platelet clumps • Falsely decreased cell counts (platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells) • Haemolysis (when forcing blood into tube) Excess anticoagulant (under-filled tube) may result in… • Decreased RBC count and HCT due to dilution • Altered cell morphology • Inaccurate MCV, MCH, MCHC and HGB • Falsely prolonged clotting times EDTA contamination may cause … • Falsely decreased calcium • Falsely increased potassium • Interference with many specialised tests Specimen Collection Guidelines.... 2 – 7 Sample Submission Forms.......... 8 – 10 IDEXX Quality System........................ 11 1 Specimen Collection Guidelines Specimen Collection Guidelines Type of Testing Specimen Container Contents Protocol Storage Chemistry, Immunology, Endocrinology Serum Serum Gel Tube Gel to separate serum from clot (during centrifugation) and a clot activator Let specimen clot 15 – 20 minutes, centrifuge at 2,500 rpm for 10 – 15 minutes. DO NOT use serum gel tubes for therapeutic drug monitoring (digoxin, phenobarbital), or Troponin HS I Refrigerate Normal Flora, Predictable Susceptibility Patterns and Non-pathogenic Organisms IDEXX follows guidelines set by CLSI, combined with our years of experience in performing susceptibility testing. We believe these are “best practice” microbiology techniques, and would be happy to discuss the following policies with you. Chemistry (including Troponin HS I), Immunology, Endocrinology including progesterone and therapeutic drugMonitoring (Digoxin, Phenobarbital) Serum No additives (empty/sterile) Let specimen clot 15 – 20 minutes, centrifuge at 2,500 rpm for 10 – 15 minutes, remove serum and transfer to a plain serum tube Refrigerate Sterile Tubes Use glass or plastic tubes with no additives. Serum Gel tubes with clot activator are not acceptable for cultures because the clot activator binds bacteria, which inhibits growth. Chemistry Cardiopet® proBNP 0.5 ml separated EDTA plasma Serum Tube Plain tube No additives (empty/sterile) Collect specimen in an EDTA tube, Centrifuge sample tubes (10 minutes at 3000 rpm or StatSpin VT hard cycle). Use a pipette to transfer plasma to plain sample tube labelled BPNE Canine/Feline. NOTE: The Cardiopet® proBNP assay is stable for 48 hours at room temperature. Please submit samples by courier or Guaranteed Mail. If you anticipate a delay in transportation, please submit samples cooled on ice. Keep frozen Refrigerate DO NOT freeze Whole blood EDTA Tube and air-dried unstained slides Anticoagulant EDTA Filling tube to the line mark on the tube will allow to obtain the correct blood to anticoagulant ratio Invert gently several times after filling Coagulation (PT, APTT, fibrinogen, D Dimer, AntiThrombin III, Factor VII) Citrated Plasma Citrate Tube Anticoagulant Sodium citrate Keep frozen Correct blood-to-anticoagulant ratio is very important. Take blood sample from animal. At least 2 ml of blood is required to run PT and APTT (yield minimum of 1 ml citrated plasma). Remove needle and fill sample tubes in the appropriate order and to the level indicated on each tube. Mix anti-coagulated tubes. Ensure the coagulation tubes are not clotted. If they are, repeat sampling is required. Centrifuge coagulation sample tubes (10 minutes at 3000 rpm or StatSpin VT hard cycle). Use a pipette to transfer plasma to sample tube labelled CITRATE PLASMA. Please remember to include an EDTA sample for platelet count, which is part of our coagulation profile. To ensure the best results, please submit the citrated plasma samples frozen, packed with ice packs to prevent thawing, by overnight delivery to the laboratory. NOTE: Samples that are clotted or haemolysed will not be analysed because they would fail to provide accurate results See Avian and Exotic specimen submission guidelines in this section. Check individual test listing. Urinalysis, Urine Culture Urine (Sterile collection preferred) Plain urine container Boric urine container No additives Boric Acid After collection, cap container. Refrigerate and prevent UV/sunlight exposure Urolith Analysis Urolith Dry sterile container No additives (empty/sterile) Do not place into formalin or other liquid as stones may dissolve. Room temperature Microbiology See Microbiology Specimen Submission Guidelines Cytology See Cytology Specimen Submission Guidelines Biopsy See Histopathology Specimen Submission Guidelines Don't Forget Label all tubes and slides submitted with: Animals Name, Owners Name, Date of Sampling and Time of Sampling 2 Fluids Make sure all collection devices containing fluids are sealed and leak proof before submitting. Note: Specimens that are >48 hours old are not suitable for culture, and loss of viability should be expected. Blood Culture Aerobic and anaerobic cultures are performed on all blood cultures. Haematology Avian Blood and Miscellaneous chemistries Microbiology Fluids: urine and tissue can be submitted in sterile containers (moisten tissue samples with sterile saline or water to prevent drying and loss of viability). Type of Source Collection Device Specimen Preparation and Collection Abscess or Wound Transport Swab Aseptically prepare collection site. Aspirate fluid or Aerobic and pus from pustules or vesicular wounds and abscesses. Anaerobic Culture Blood 2 – 5 ml for small animal 10 ml for large animal Wash venipuncture site with antiseptic soap; sterile water rinse. Apply 1 – 2% tincture of iodine or povidone-iodine; let dry. Remove iodine with 70% alcohol wash. Draw up to 10 mL into sterile syringe. Change needle and inoculate a blood culture bottle and mix well. Leave at room temperature. Blood Culture Bone Marrow Plain sterile container Aseptically prepare collection site. Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture Central Ner- Plain sterile vous System container Collect CSF fluid by an aseptic subdural tap, ventricular aspiration or lumbar puncture. Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture Ears Transport Swab Note: Posterior pharyngeal cultures may also reveal organisms causing otitis media. Aerobic Culture Anaerobic Culture Eyes Transport Swab Aerobic Culture Use swab to collect suppurative material from cul-de-sac or medial canthus. Note: Topical anaesthetic may inhibit bacterial growth. Faeces In sterile container Transport Swab Avoid contamination with urine and soil. Faecal Culture Nail, Skin or Plain sterile Hair Culture container (Fungal) Sinus Fungal and/or Use sterile blade or swab to collect material from infected nail. Please do not include the scalpel blade Aerobic Culture in the container. Swab or scrape active border of skin lesions. Use an envelope for hair. Sinus Aspirate from maxillary, frontal or other sinuses. Note: Chronic sinusitis often involves anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture Plain sterile container Please DO NOT submit syringes with needles. Test to Request Tissue Plain sterile container Place tissue in a plain sterile container with small amount of sterile saline to keep specimen hydrated. Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture Urine* Plain sterile container Boric acid container Cystocentesis is strongly recommended (except in large animals). Avoid contamination with faeces. Keep refrigerated. Indicate collection method. Urine Culture If you have any questions regarding submission of specimens or require supplies call us on 00800 1234 33 99 *Cystocentesis samples: Either plain or boric samples are suitable for culture. For all other urine samples boric acid samples are recommended if culture is required. 3 Specimen Collection Guidelines Cytology ACCURATE RESULTS DEPEND ON QUALITY SPECIMENS. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES: ACCURATE RESULTS DEPEND ON QUALITY SPECIMENS. PLEASE FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES: Perform sampling by fine-needle aspiration or non-aspiration biopsy, scrapings or imprints. Prepare slides in-clinic using either a “squash” preparation or blood-smear technique. Call if you have questions about slide preparation. Please DO NOT submit syringes with needles. Turnaround Time Most evaluations will be completed within 3 – 4 days of receipt in our laboratory (unless otherwise indicated). Additional fixation or decalcification will take longer. We will notify you if an unusually long delay is anticipated. Patient history and clinical findings contribute to an accurate result. On containers and slides, please write: • Patient’s name • Site/Source On the requisition form, include: • Patient details (owner‘s name, patient‘s name, age, sex, species, breed, etc.) • Reference to any previous laboratory results (FBC, biochemistry profile, prior cytology/ histology or serology) be sure to include our laboratory reference numbers • Gross lesion description • Specific anatomic location (eg., cutaneous, subcutaneous, deep tissue, intrathoracic, intra-abdominal) • Size, shape, consistency, symmetry, definition of borders • Clinical history – duration of lesion, progression of lesion, treatment and response to therapy • Radiographic and ultrasonographic findings When submitting aspirates and impressions: • Submit one to three un-stained air-dried slides • Store at room temperature • DO NOT spray with hairspray or other fixatives • DO NOT expose to formalin fumes • DO NOT ship slides for cytology in the same bag as a formalin-containing biopsy jar. When submitting fluids and washes: • Enclose fluid in a plain EDTA Tube along with unstained air-dried slides. • Prepare slides immediately after fluid collection to preserve cell morphology (most fluids are stable for only a few hours at room temperature). • If volume allows, also supply fixed fluid in a EDTA Tube by adding two drops of 10% formalin saline (as supplied in our histology pot) per ml of collected fluid. Formalin fixation may improve cell preservation in fluids and is particularly indicated for the evaluation of cerebro-spinal fluid, respiratory specimens, and urine. • DO NOT submit fluids in a gel tube, in a syringe, or as cover-slipped and wet preparations. Submission of fluid in a gel tube can interfere with accurate cytologic evaluation due to the presence of clotting activators. When submitting urine samples: • Please do not submit sedistain urine slides as these dry out and are non-diagnostic 4 Specimen Collection Guidelines Collection Technique Samples are collected for histological examination by standard surgical techniques or at post mortem examination. Histopathology Labelling Criteria Please ensure all specimen containers are labelled with • Patients name, date • Type of specimen, (Site / Source) Requisition Information A thorough clinical history and details of the physical examination are essential for the correct histological interpretation of tissue changes. Information required includes details (species, breed, age, sex), a description of the appearance and distribution of lesions, duration of the condition, biopsy sites or post mortem tissue, response to prior treatments, current treatment regimes and any other relevant information. You may include any questions to be answered on your requisition form. Fixation Guidelines Tissue samples should be fixed in 10% buffered formalin. Did You Know? The 10:10:10 Rule? For optimum fixation and sectioning use 10% formalin; 10:1 ratio; and a biopsy size 10mm cubed • Place specimens in a biopsy pot supplied by IDEXX Laboratories, with the ratio of formalin to tissue > 10:1. • Samples that are very tiny (less than 2mm in diameter) and friable, haemorrhagic, mucoid or fatty in nature may not be suitable for histology processing and interpretation. If a biopsy of this size or nature is received the lab will proceed with testing but inform you if the sample submitted is potentially inadequate. If the sample is inadequate you will be informed via a preliminary report, that the tissue did not survive processing or is not diagnostically viable, upon which the charge will be removed. • With the exception of biopsies, if submitting multiple samples please use a separate pot for each specimen and label each with anatomical site. If samples are to be placed together, please clearly indicate this on the request form, and refrain from small samples (under 1cm) being submitted in the same container as larger ones. • Submit entire lesions and tumours with adjacent excised tissue. • For rapid fixation of larger lesions and tumours, cut a section 0.5-1cm wide through the centre of the specimen. Where possible, cut the skin surface, so the deep surgical margin is not cut. • Open hollow organs, such as intestine, prior to placing them in fixative. • Small fragile specimens (bone marrow, Tru-cut liver or kidney) can be submitted in mesh cassettes, available from our supplies department. • Please do not submit needles with samples. Large specimens can be labelled with suture material. • Samples placed on card often fall off during transit. Smaller biopsies from different sites can be placed in individual labelled containers to denote the site. • High priority samples can be dispatched on the day of collection as they will fix on their way to the laboratory. Samples of lower priority can be fixed for 24 hours at clinic prior to dispatch to the laboratory. Transport Guidelines All samples should be placed in a well sealed leak proof bag containing enough absorbent material for the volume of formalin. Fixed tissue which is to be mailed may be placed in a leak proof plastic bag or container with a formalin soaked gauze to keep the tissue moist (ensure adequate fixation has occurred prior to transportation). Necropsy Samples IDEXX no longer offers in-laboratory necropsy service, but there are a variety of options for submitting necropsy samples. Please contact our Customer Support team on 00800 1234 3399 for further advice. 5 Specimen Collection Guidelines Avian and Exotic Specimen Collection Guidelines Blood samples should be collected aseptically from veins, most commonly the jugular vein in companion birds. Ulnar veins or tibiotarsal veins can be used in some species. Nail clipping is NOT a suitable method for collecting blood samples. The following guidelines will allow our staff to process your specimens safely, efficiently and accurately. They will also help to ensure your samples arrive with us in a satisfactory condition for testing. Biochemistry Only Submit sample in lithium heparin tubes. Gel separator tubes can be used. Gel tubes can be spun before submission, and this will reduce storage artefacts. Plain serum tubes can also be used, but result in a smaller sample for analysis, and may reduce the number of measurements that can be performed. Small sample volume may limit the number of biochemistry tests that can be performed. If submitting a small sample, please note your required tests in order of preference on the submission form. Please: • Do not use tubes or swabs that are past their expiry date. • Do not send unlabelled tubes. • Do not stick labels onto tubes – we need to bar code all specimens on receipt and this is hindered by this practice. • Do not cover the tubes with sticky tape – if the lids are screwed on tightly they will not leak. • Do not send hypodermic needles. • Do not send glass tubes or slides unless suitably packaged. Slide holders are available free-of-charge from our laboratory. • Do not send any sample unless suitably packaged – specific packaging instructions are provided and packaging material is available from our laboratory. It is the sender’s responsibility to ensure that all pathological specimens are packed in accordance with current Royal Mail or Courier regulations. Non - adherence to packaging instructions may result in sample return or disposal by the carrying company and the imposition of possible financial penalties. Haematology Only Submit slide(s) and whole blood. Make slides immediately after collection, using blood that has not been exposed to anticoagulant. Preferably make two slides, one by the usual slide-and-slide method, one by a coverslip-and-slide method. Air dry slides immediately, but do not fix or stain. Submit the whole blood in lithium heparin. Gel separator tubes can be used but must NOT be spun down. EDTA can also be used for most birds (excluding ratites, crows and ravens), but is not the preferred sample. EDTA should not be used for reptile blood, use of lithium heparin is recommended. Haematology and Biochemistry Required Submit blood films (see haematology above) and blood in lithium heparin. Do NOT spin gel separator lithium heparin tubes if only a single tube is submitted. At least one unspun lithium heparin tube must be submitted. Small sample sizes may limit the number of biochemistry tests that can be performed. If submitting a small sample, please note your required tests in order of preference on the submission form. Please note: We keep all specimens received at the laboratory for seven (7) days after which they will be disposed of in an appropriate manner, so when the results of your initial sample submission point to the next step in your investigation, and we have the appropriate sample at our laboratory, simply call our Customer Support Team to discuss your requirements. Spoiled Samples When a sample is received in poor condition, e.g. clotted, lipaemic, or haemolysed, we will perform the requested tests wherever possible. Many spoiled samples can be avoided by the use of correct tubes. It is for this reason that we provide polypropylene, screw top tubes, free of charge. (Shipping charge of £7.50 + VAT will apply to each dispatch) Samples from patients on chemotherapy treatment Please indicate clearly on the submission form if samples are from patients on chemotherapy treatment. Cytotoxic drugs are eliminated by renal or faecal excretion within 48 hours of being administered, and all samples require special handling in order to comply with health and safety regulations. Accurate results depend on quality specimens Sample Tubes & Supplies Sample tubes are provided free-of-charge by IDEXX Laboratories. These tubes are designed to be used with our analysers, and use of other tubes may cause delay in processing. Courier & Customer SUPPORT Reference Laboratories 6 Veterinary Pathologists All enquiries: 00800 1234 33 99 Fax: 01937 544 001 Internal Medicine Consultant Email: [email protected] • EDTA Tubes • Serum Tubes • Serum Gel Tubes • Citrate Tubes • Heparin Tubes • Swabs with charcoal media • Plain Swabs (for PCR tests) • CEM Swab • Plain Universal Containers • Boric Acid Universal Containers • Faecal Universal Containers • Histology Pots containing 10% formalin • Endoscopy Biopsy mesh Cassettes • Slide Containers • Packaging Supplies All of these tubes are supplied free of charge to our clients (shipping charge of £7.50 + VAT for each order). To order supplies, please fax one of our supplies order forms to 01937 544 170 or order online at 7 Sample Dispatch Guidelines Sample Dispatch Guidelines Regulations for the shipment of Pathological Samples to the Laboratory Packaging you Samples for Dispatch to the Reference Laboratory • All known infectious samples must be packaged in accordance with IATA602 in approved IARA602 infectious boxes • Diagnostic samples must be packaged in accordance with the revised Royal mail regulations STEP 1 – ORDER TEST KITS According to the IATA regulations, Infectious substances are defined as: Infectious substances: “Substances which are known to contain, or are reasonably expected to contain, pathogens. Pathogens are defined as micro-organisms (including bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, parasites, fungi) and other agents such as prions, which can cause disease in humans or animals.” 1. Category B Shipping Box 2. Order Form 4. Pressure Bag 5. IDEXX Overpack Bag 3. Specimen Classification of biological products and Diagnostic Specimens: “Those known or thought likely to contain infectious substances. Diagnostic specimens being transported to undergo confirmatory testing must be considered to fall within this group (see packing instructions P650)”. You represent and warrant that any sample containing any hazardous substance which is to be delivered to IDEXX will be packaged, labelled, transported, and delivered in accordance with applicable laws. Biological substances must be posted in packaging that complies with Packaging Instruction P650 and the senders name and return address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging. If you would like to view the comprehensive guidelines on how to package and submit samples to the Reference Laboratory, the IATA Guidance document is available on the Royal Mail website: STEP 2 – PREPARE BOX 1. Assemble the Category B box by folding up the top half of the box. The side with the two cut out holes forms the bottom of the box. If you wish to send samples that are known to be infectious, please ensure that the IATA 602 regulations are met. Please note: we are unable to accept any sample falling into Category A – high risk to humans 2. Fold in the small side flaps so they are hovering over the holes. Approved IATA 602 boxes can be purchased through a number of suppliers or can be purchased / rented at a discounted rate from IDEXX Laboratories. The above information is a guide only and if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support team: 00800 1234 3399 Option 1 followed by Option 1 3. Fold up the sides of the box and lock the two tabs into place in the notches in the base of the box. 8 9 Sample Dispatch Guidelines STEP 3 – PREPARE SAMPLES Sample Dispatch Guidelines STEP 4 – SHIPPING STEPS 1. Place the prepared Specimen bag (s) containing the sample (s) and order form (s) into the box. 1. E nsure you complete the appropriate Requisition Form (remembering to include both your practice code and practice address) and submit all sample types required. Ensure that the sample tubes and slides are labelled with the patient and owners names, and your practice Vet Code. Please note: More than one specimen Biohazard bag can be placed in one shipping container, however only one requisition should be placed into the Biohazard bag. 2. F old the sides of the lid into the box and push the top down. 2. E nsure the caps are tightly screwed onto each sample container, and wrap the tubes in a piece of absorbent material in case of leakage. Please do not use sellotape either on the tubes or on the packing material. 3. F inally, fold in the side tabs and close the box 3. Place the wrapped tubes into the sealable pocket of the supplied Specimen Transport bag, and seal by removing the paper strip and holding the sticky tab over at the fold line 4. Now that your box is prepared, place the box into the IDEXX Overpack bag and seal the bag by tearing of the red strip. 4. F old the Requisition Form with the typeface facing outwards (as in the picture) and place in the open pocket of the Specimen Transport bag ! 10 Following these guidelines will allow our staff to process your specimens safely, efficiently and accurately. They will also help to ensure your samples arrive with us in a satisfactory condition for testing. If you would like any further advice please contact our Customer Support team: Telephone: 00800 1234 33 99 : Fax: 01937 544 001 : e-mail: [email protected] 11 Sample Submission Form Sample Submission Form Small Animals Request Form Histo/Cytology Request Form SMALL ANIMAL REQUEST FORM IDEXX Reference Laboratories LAB NUMBER (LAB USE ONLY) Please ensure you add your VET CODE VETERINARY SURGEON OWNER‘S NAME ADDRESS STAMP OWNER‘S ADDRESS VET CODE e.g. A999 date ANIMAL ID / PIMS NUMBER xx-xx-xxxx Mr./Ms. Surgeon Practice Name Street Town County Post Code Mr./Ms. Owner Ensure all information is completed at the top of Street, Town, County, Post Code the form Spot Canine 6 years x Bred M NAME OF ANIMAL SPECIES SEX DISCOUNT IDEXX Advantage Programme| Code: IDAV STANDALONE TESTS SCREENS & ADD ONS Get the FOUNDATIONAL IDEXX Advantage NSAID NSAID CLIP Refer to the current Chem 10 Chem 10 CLIP Directory of Products Chem 15 Chem 15 CLIP Chem 17 Chem 17 CLIP and Services for LYTE 4 LYTE 4 CLIP further information PLEASE TICK IF YOU WISH FOR THE FBCS/ FBCE Full Blood Count (Canine, Feline, Exotics, Avian) BA Bile Acid (Fasting) Comprehensive Haematology BAS Bile Acid Stimulation Test ACC/AFC Coombs‘ (Canine/Feline) FILM Blood Film Examination CRPR C Reactive Protein ACOA Coagulation Profile CC/FC Coombs‘ F/CB Cobalamin & Folate (Can./Fel.) AT4C/AT4F Total T4 FRU Fructosamine AVT4 Free T4 by immunoassay CPLI Spec cPL® (Canine) BAP PTC Bile Acid Add a „post feed“ bile acid to profiles that ENDOCRINOLOGY contain a fasting bile acid FPLI Spec fPL® (Feline) FFFC Spec fPL®, Folate & Cobalamin SFTC Spec fPL®, Folate & Cobalamin, TLI CBNP/F Cardiopet® proBNP (Can./Fel.) TNI Troponin I HS PCRU TLIC/F Protein : Creatinine Ratio (Urine) TLI (Canine/Feline) TFCB/ FTFC TLI, Folate & Cobalamin (Canine/Feline) ^ ORGAN SPECIFIC Cardiac Kidney Biochemistry KPN Liver SLFTN Liver plus Bile Acid Stimulation LFTBN Liver & Kidney L/KN DIABI Diabetes Monitoring DIABN CANINE SPECIFIC PANCI Vomiting Dog/Pancreatitis PANCN FELINE SPECIFIC AFINI Old, Thin Cat Select PANFI Under The Weather (incl. Spec fPL®) GENERAL Add On! L/KI CARDN/FN add on test choice SP1N SP1I Basic SP2I Extended Basic SP2N SP3I Comprehensive SP3N SP4I Fits and Faints GER1I Polyuria/Polydipsia GERTI Geriatric incl. T4 SP4N Bile Acid Stimulation Test Cardiopet® proBNP CBTP Cardiopet® proBNP and Troponin I HS AELE Electrolytes AFRU Fructosamine APCR Protein : Creatinine Ratio ASPE Protein Electrophoresis (Serum) AUCE Urine Chemistry, Microscopy & Culture, Protein : Crea Ratio ACPL Pre-anaesthetic PASN General Health WELN Spec cPL® ACTF Spec cPL®, Folate, Cob., TLI ATFC TLI, Folate, Cobalamin ACRP C Reactive Protein AFPL PLEASE TICK IF YOU WISH FOR THE SCREEN^ TO BE NON INTERPRETED COAG Coagulation Profile PT & PTT THYROID CTPV FTPV Canine Thyroid Panel Feline Thyroid Panel T4CM/ T4FM Total T4 CTSH Canine TSH and Total T4 INFECTIOUS DISEASES VFT4 Free T4 by immunoassay INFECTIOUS DISEASE FELINE FT4R Free T4 (Equilibrium Dialysis) FeLV Antigen FIV FIV Antibody ACTH/V ACTH Stimulation FACT FF FeLV and FIV FIP Feline Coronavirus (FIP) Antibody CORT Cortisol (basal) TOXO Toxoplasma IgG/IgM DEXL Dexamethasone Suppression (Low) MPCR Mycoplasma haemofelis/ Cand. Mycoplasma haemominutum/ Cand. Mycoplasma turicensis DNA PCR (Haemobartonella DNA) PGT Progesterone OTHER HORMONES Spec fPL® IN Insulin (Canine) G_ALSC Screen (Can. & Fel.) G_ALI Indoor Panel Spec fPL®, Folate & Cob., TLI AFCS Spec fPL®, Folate & Cob. ATFF TLI, Folate & Cobalamin T36P Vetoryl Profile AFF FeLV/FIV DIG Digoxin OTHER ASSAYS REQUIRED AMPC Haemoplasma RealPCR PHEN Phenobarbitone Please specify: KBR Potassium Bromide PPBR Combined Phen & KBr PLFT Phenobarbitone Profile CROSS REF. N° THERAPEUTIC MONITORING species age breed sex 6 years neutered entire M Please see directory of services for content and sample requirements. UHIS FastTrack Histology HISK Histology & Complete skin Exam HIST1 Histology 1 site HIST4 Histology 4 sites HICY Histology & Fluid Cytology HIST2 Histology 2 sites HISA # of sites above 4: ……………… HISM Histology & Cytology (FNA) HICL Histology & Culture Tick this box if you HIST3 Histology 3 sites would like your sample CYtOLOgY* Please see directory of services for content and sample requirements. processed urgently FLUID CYtOLOgY (includes microbiology) NON-FLUID CYtOLOgY (only smears submitted) (Additional charge of ASP CYTO1 Miscellaneous Fluid Aspirate Cytology 1 site £12.70 will be applied) WASH/LAVAgE/FLUSH (includes microbiology) TRAW tracheal Wash ASC Abdominal Fluid CYTO2 Cytology 2 sites BAL Bronchioalveolar Lavage PF Pleural Fluid CYTO3 Cytology 3 sites NW Nasal Wash/Flush PERI Pericardial Fluid CYTO4 Cytology 4 sites PRW Prostatic Wash SYNO Synovial Fluid CYTA # of sites above 4: ……………… FFCY Fixed Fluid Cytology CSF Cerebro-Spinal Fluid LNAS Lymph Node Aspirate UCYT Urine Cytology (no culture) SWCY FNA & Culture/Sensitivity UCEC Urine Complete Exam BMEX Bone Marrow (includes FBC) Don’t forget to select the test(s) required * Fees are determined by the number of anatomical sites/lesions sampled. Please refer to our Directory of Services for further details regarding sampling and fees. HIStOLOgY – The same standard charge is applied to submissions obtained from up to 2 sites (HISTO1 and HISTO2). The fee increases for submissions from 3 or more sites. Up to 4 biopsies from inflammatory skin disease, multiple lymph nodes, or endoscopic biopsies are classified as a single anatomical site. CYtOLOgY – The same standard charge is applied to submissions obtained from up to 2 sites (CYTO1 and CYTO2). FNAs from multiple lymph nodes are classified as a single anatomical site. The fee increases for submissions from 3 or more sites. Please note that for fluid and wash/lavage/flush cytology, each additional site is charged at an incremental fee equal to 50% of the standard charge. HIStORY, SItE, AND LESION DESCRIPtION: ALLERGY ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME AFTC TM Don’t forget to select the test(s) required FELV ADRENAL/PITUITARY REPRODUCTION FELINE SPECIFIC ADD ONS GERTN WELI PREVIOUS REF. N° ABAS CANINE SPECIFIC GER1N PASI COAGULATION ABNP/F AFINN PANFN BIOCHEMISTRY AFBC GENERAL SCREEN TO BE INTERPRETED KPI Select interpreted or SLFTI non interpreted option LFTBI HAEMATOLOGY ADD ON TO ANY SCREEN A999 Ensure all information is completed at the top of the form name of animal courier or lockbox sticker vet code HIStOLOgY* Mr./Ms. Owner Street, Town, County, Post Code Spot Canine x Bred owner‘s address Practice Name Street Town County Post Code Please ensure you add your VET CODE e.g. owner‘s name practice address stamp lab number (lab use onlY) ENTIRE See price list for profile content & sample requirements. Please tick test required ü Please tick box for IDEXX Advantage discount and ensure you enclose your IDEXX Analyser result or SNAP® Test device. Advantage prices will only be applied if in Clinic results / SNAP device are received. Tests only applicable if marked with CARDI/FI NEUTERED veterinarY surgeon xx-xx-xxxx Mr./Ms. Surgeon AGE BREED HISTO/CYTOLOGY REQUEST FORM IDEXX Reference Laboratories © 2013 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. · UK044 as of 4-2013 DATE Please ensure all text is legible. This helps us process your request more efficiently and also ensures you receive appropriate interpretation if you have requested an interpreted profile. © 2008 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. · UK043 as of 10-2011 Please ensure all text is legible. This helps us process your request more efficiently and also ensures you receive appropriate interpretation if you have requested an interpreted profile. Has whole tumour been submitted? o Yes o No Previous Ref Nr dorsal Biopsy Method Endoscopy Please fill out all relevant information/ details here Excisional Incisional G_ALGUK Grasses & Weeds Panel Post Mortem G_ALE Other: Trees Panel Differential Diagnosis/Disease Suspected: Please indicate the site of the lesion here Cytology type Please check Quick Guide or Directory of Services for further assays and codes. FNA Wash/Lavage History, Clinical Findings & Current Therapy (Please indicate if continuing overleaf) Impression Please fill out all relevant information/ details here if you require interpretation of your results Non Fasting Sample FOR LAB USE ONLY EDTA SMEAR PI TUBE 12 SEP SERUM UN SPUN GEL WHOLE BLOOD PART SPUN GEL FLUORIDE SPUN GEL Analyser result/SNAP® TEST enclosed HEPARIN HEPARIN PLASMA CITRATE CITRATE PLASMA PLAIN URINE BORIC URINE UNLABELLED LOCK BOX COURIER GTD REV NHIS Recent treatment Cystocentesis Other: ventral Tissues to be submitted in 10% formal-saline. Polypropylene tubes with fixative are available from the laboratory. Please do not push large tissues into small pots. Please ensure absorbent material is included in order to contain any leakage in transit. FOR LAB USE ONLY IDEXX Laboratories Ltd Tel: 00800 1234 3399 · Fax: 01937 544001 [email protected] · Scraping HISTOLOGY POTS FIXED EDTA PLAIN URINE SMEARS BORIC URINE PLAIN TUBE SWAB LABELLED EDTA CULTURE BTL UNLABELLED CROSS REF. N° IDEXX Laboratories Ltd Tel: 01937 544000 · Fax: 01937 544001 [email protected] · 13 Sample Submission Form IDEXX Quality System Microbiology Request Form Please ensure all text is legible. This helps us process your request more efficiently and also ensures you receive appropriate interpretation if you have requested an interpreted profile. MICROBIOLOGY REQUEST FORM IDEXX Reference Laboratories LAB NumBeR (LAB uSe ONLY) Please ensure you add your VET CODE ANImAL ID / PImS NumBeR VeTeRINARY SuRgeON OwNeR‘S NAme ADDReSS STAmP OwNeR‘S ADDReSS VeT CODe e.g. xx-xx-xxxx Mr./Ms. Surgeon Practice Name Street Town County Post Code A999 Mr./Ms. Owner Ensure all information is completed at the top of Street, Town, County, Post Code the form Spot Canine 6 years x Bred M NAme Of ANImAL SPeCIeS Age BReeD Sex DISCOUNT IDEXX Advantage Programme| Code: IDAV è URINE Please indicate collection method: NATURE OF SPECIMEN OR SITE OF SWAB Cystocentesis Catheter GENERAL SW Basic Urine Screen Extended Basic Urine Screen Comprehensive Urine Screen Swab (Culture & Sentest) Ensure you state SWCY Cytology & Swab the collection site MRSA MRSA/MRSP Culture ofCEM1 the specimen CEM - 1 Swab Premium Urine Screen FAECES FAECES Free Catch I do NOT wish for faecal samples to be pooled INFECTIOUS DISEASE PANELS HPCR Herpesvirus FHV-1 (DNA) RealPCR™ FELINE FEAP Enteritis (Panleucopenia/FPV) (DNA RealPCR™ FCOP Feline Coronav. (FIP) (RNA) RealPCR™ FDPP Feline Diarrhoea Panel FEP1 Feline Eye Panel 1 FEPC Feline Eye Panel 1 plus bact. CEM2 CEM - 2 Swabs FP2 Feline Eye Panel 2 BC Blood Culture FP2C Feline Eye Panel 2 plus bact. MPCR Feline Haemotropic Mycoplasma (Haemobartonella felis) (DNA) FUR1 Upper Respiratory Panel 1 SARC Basic Faecal Screen SC Synovial Culture SARO Extended Basic Faecal Screen FT Fresh Tissue Culture CFA Comprehensive Faecal Screen MYCO Mycoplasma Culture PFA Premium Faecal Screen TBCU Mycobacterium Culture ZP1 Zoonosis Package 1 ACID Acid Fast Organisms (ZN Stain) ZP2 Zoonosis Package 2 AVC Basic Avian Faecal Screen UENC Urine Chemistry & Microscopy AVCC Comprehensive Avian Faecal Screen PCRD CDPP Canine Diarrhoea Panel MSH Basic Exotic Faecal Screen Protein : Creatinine Ratio & Urine Deposit Microscopy CRP1 Canine Upper Respiratory Panel MSHC Comprehensive Exotic Faecal Screen UCUL Urine Culture & Sentest CRCP Canine Upp. Resp. Panel plus bact. FEA Basic Equine Faecal Screen UCD Urine Deposit Microscopy TRA1 Travel Disease Profile I FEFC Comprehensive Equine Faecal Screen STOX Stone Analysis TRA2 Travel Disease Profile II FEF Equine Faecal Screen - Foal TRA3 Travel Disease Profile III CDIFF C.difficile selective culture TIC1 Tick Panel – Blood TIC2 Tick Panel – Tick URINE FU1C Upper Respiratory Panel 1 plus bact. FUR2 Upper Respiratory Panel 2 FU2C Upper Respiratory Panel 2 plus bact. CANINE FAECES è ADD ONTO ANY FAECAL SCREEN ATFC TLI, Folate, Cobalamin (Can.) FPAR Faecal Parasitology ATFF TLI, Folate, Cobalamin (Feline) BAER Baermann's Test for Lungworm AGIA Giardia Antigen (ELISA) Baermann‘s Test for Lungworm C.difficile selective culture OB Occult Blood SALM Salmonella CAMP Campylobacter INFECTIOUS DISEASE INDIVIDUAL TESTS SCA Salmonella & Campylobacter FELINE GIAR Giardia Antigen (ELISA) BAEA ACDIFF SKIN SCE Basic Skin Screen SCEF Extended Basic Skin Screen SCEFE Comprehensive Skin Screen (Equine Only) NAIL1 Basic Nail Examination NAIL2 Comprehensive Nail Examination AVIAN PREVIOUS REFERENCE NUMBER: Avian Panel 1 AVP2 Avian Panel 2 CHLS Chlamydia felis Antibody Cryptosporidia Antigen FCVS Calicivirus Antibody PARV Parvovirus Antigen (CPV) FHVS Herpesvirus Antibody PAN Feline Panleucopenia (FPV) Antib. FIMM Immune Status BHA Bartonella henselae Antibody FHW Heartworm Antibody FLYM Lyme Antibody (Borrelia spp.) FEAG Feline Enteritis Antigen CALF Calicivirus (RNA) RealPCR™ CPCF Chlamydia (DNA) RealPCR™ FCUL Dermatophyte Culture SPF Skin Paras./Dermatophyte (Direct Mic.) MFC Skin Paras./Dermatophyte (Fungal cult.) è ADD ON TESTS CROSS REFERENCE NUMBER: AVP1 CRYP SKIN APCR AMSA Protein : Creatinine Ratio MRSA/MRSP Enrichment eNTIRe TOPC Toxoplasma gondii (DNA) RealPCR™ VIF Virus Isolation (Respiratory) AVIAN CPCR Chlamydia psittaci (DNA) RealPCR™ PBFD Psitaccine Beak & Feather Disease ASEX Avian Sexing CANINE BABC Babesia canis Antibody FILM Babesia canis Film Examination CIH Infectious Hepatitis Antibody Don’t DIS forget to select the test(s) required ERL Ehrlichia canis Antibody HW Heartworm Antigen LEI Leishmania Antibody LEPMAR Leptospira Antibody (Full Screen) NEO Neospora caninum Antibody PAR Parvovirus Antibody (CPV) TOXC Toxoplasma IgG/IgM DAPS Vaccination Status LEPV Leptospira Antibody BBPC Babesia spp. (DNA) RealPCR™ LYPC Lyme (Borrelia spp.) (DNA) RealPCR™ EPCR Ehrlichia canis (DNA) RealPCR™ LPCR Leishmania (DNA) RealPCR™ LYM Lyme Antibody (Borrelia spp.) ASPS Aspergillus Antibody DIPC Can. Distemper CDV (RNA) RealPCR™ TOPC Toxoplasma gondii (DNA) RealPCR™ VIC Virus Isolation (Respiratory) CPPC Canine Parvovirus (DNA) RealPCR™ CPV2, CPV2a, CPV2b, CPV2c OTHER ASSAYS REQUIRED: Please fill out all relevant information/ details here FOR LAB USE ONLY 14 PLAIN fLuID fIxeD fLuID DRY SwAB OTHeR fReSH TISSue uNLABeLLeD LOCK BOx COuRIeR gTD ReV NHIS Fully approved as a training laboratory by the European College for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) Technically valid results are ensured via the use of: •Validated testing methods, using suitable reagents, and equipment which is regularly calibrated, checked and maintained to a high standard. •Appropriately qualified and trained staff, including technicians, veterinary pathologists, customer support and administration personnel. •Full investigation into any problems •Controlled Standard Operating that come to light, with appropriate Procedures (SOPs) for all test methods. corrective action taken to prevent reoccurrence and improve the way •Extensive quality control programmes that we work. including inter-laboratory comparisons. Distemper Virus Antibody History, Clinical Findings & Current Therapy (Please indicate if continuing overleaf) PLAIN uRINe SeRum SKIN SCRAPe BORIC uRINe fAeCeS SKIN SLIDe CHARCOAL SwAB eDTA fLuID eDTA Analyser result/SNAP® TEST enclosed A detailed list of accredited tests with associated methods and Standard Operating Procedures is available on our website, and the scope for the accreditation can be found on the UKAS website 2534 Accredited by UKAS to BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 See price list for profile content & sample requirements. Please tick test required ü Please tick box for IDEXX Advantage discount and ensure you enclose your IDEXX Analyser result or SNAP® Test device. Advantage prices will only be applied if in Clinic results / SNAP device are received. Tests only applicable if marked with Get the IDEXX AdvantageSCREENS URINE Refer to the current Directory of ProductsUCE UCEP and Services for UCEC further information UCECP NeuTeReD © 2013 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. · UK042 as of 04-2013 DATe Pathology services play a crucial role in ensuring accurate diagnosis and effective treatment and monitoring for patients. Our Wetherby Laboratory gained accreditation in 2004 by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to BS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2000 (now updated to 17025:2005) General standards for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories and since then, with continuing process improvement, have expanded on the number of tests included in the scope of accreditation. The majority of tests in Biochemistry, Endocrinology, Haematology, Immunology, Microbiology, Histology and Anatomical Pathology are included. In contrast to other quality standards such as ISO 9001:2008 and GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), BS EN ISO/IEC 17025 is the only internationally recognised standard for testing laboratories that specifically demonstrates technical competence and the ability to generate technically valid results. Reference ranges provided with results for guidance are based on studies carried out in the laboratory wherever possible, but also take into account published information (which can reflect different methodologies and study populations). These are constantly under review by the Clinical Pathology team using experience from reporting cases and updated information from the veterinary field, and in our opinion offer the best aid in interpretation of reported results. As with all reference ranges some normal animals will lie outside these ranges. The Quality Management System also requires that the business is managed in such a way as to ensure customer requirements are foremost. It is crucial that we understand our clients’ expectations – we do this via customer surveys, courtesy calls and taking on board all comments received. If you would like to lodge a complaint or let us know how we could improve our service then please contact the customer support teams (contact details on back page). We aim to resolve problems and, where appropriate, implement improved procedures as soon as possible. We will inform you of the outcome, including follow up contact, to ensure ongoing satisfaction. As a result, we put resources into those areas of our service that you consider to be of primary importance. Anne-Marie Porritt IDEXX Laboratories Ltd Tel: 00800 1234 3399 · Fax: 01937 544001 [email protected] · HND Quality Manager 15 Postal Addresses IDEXX Laboratories Wetherby IDEXX Laboratories London IDEXX Laboratories Lea Green Grange House Sandbeck Way, Wetherby West Yorkshire, LS22 7DN 84 New Wanstead London, E11 2SY Unit 12 Lea Green Business Park Lea Green Ind Estate Eurolink St Helens, WA9 4TR Sample Delivery Wetherby Point-of-care Analysers IDEXX Laboratories, PO Box 4 Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS22 4YY IDEXX Laboratories Ltd Riverside House Riverside Walk, Windsor Berkshire SL4 1NA 16 © 2015 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. • 14100039-1014-UK (UK214)
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