RD RIDGE TO NWE S A L ST EM FO WA ZO RS RD NIN YT G H CO UN TY ZO NIN G NS R ID G E WI BROO KBER RY L LN PA RK L HI LN LN FR ES H 0 23 ' 118' FARM 293' EL FI MU-S EXISTING ZONING: RS9 and MU-S ER GA RD EN ASHL YN DR RD PETITIONER: Brookberry Farm LLC (Brookberry Farms Phase V) MEA DOW LA R KD R RD PROPOSED ZONING: MU-S and Site Plan Amendment M IE R AL ND O SP R EY FE RN HI LL R D HER ON LN RID G ER D DOCKET #: W3246 M SU WI BE RR YH IL L BR OO KB ER RY FA RM CR Y OSPRE 535 ' N 567' DL 190 ' ' 43 644' 330' 208 ' 73' 60' 150' ' 77 ' 160 S 300' 78' 40 ' 13 6 ' ' 43 TOM AHA WK CRE EK ' WES T WARD Property included in zoning request FORSYTH COUNTY ZONING 5 68 616 ' DS 500' mail notification radius. Property not in zoning request RS9 W NG NI HUNTERS KNOLL RD ZO FOX GATE CR TY N DL W IN SE RO BRIDGEGATE DR MEADOWLARK GLEN LN ROO K D UN NG NI CO WOODSPRING DR EB PA IG TH Printed: 2/24/2015 BROOKDALE RIDGE DR DR UN YR BR ASH ZO EM AL D -S AR ON W ST T ES SY PARK LN WALLRID G E DR IN W R FO UT WALN R SCALE: 1'' represents 600' STAFF: King GMA: 3 ACRES: 25.12 NEAREST BLDG: 10' east MAP(S): 5896.03, 5896.04 CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD DRAFT STAFF REPORT PETITION INFORMATION Docket # Staff Petitioner(s) Owner(s) Subject Property Address Type of Request Proposal W-3246 Aaron King Brookberry Farm, LLC Same PIN#s 5896-50-4386, 5896-60-1534, 5896-61-2054, and 5896-61-3322 No existing addresses for the subject property Special use rezoning and site plan amendment The petitioner is requesting a site plan amendment to reconfigure the lotting pattern on the existing MU-S zoned land and to amend the Official Zoning Maps for the subject property from RS9 (Residential Single Family; 9,000sf lot size) to MU-S (Mixed Use – Special use zoning). The petitioner is requesting the following uses: Residential Building, Single Family; and Planned Residential Development Neighborhood Contact/Meeting Zoning District Purpose Statement Applicable Rezoning Consideration from Chapter B, Article VI, Section 6-2.1(R) Location Jurisdiction Ward(s) Site Acreage Current Land Use Surrounding W-3246 March 2015 NOTE: General, special use limited, and special use district zoning were discussed with the petitioner(s) who decided to pursue the rezoning as presented. The petitioner has reached out to the residents of Brookberry Farm and the adjacent property owners. See attached documents for additional details. The MU-S District is intended to accommodate a comprehensively planned, pedestrian oriented mix of three (3) or more distinct land uses. This district has applications in a broad range of urban to suburban locations. The size and intensity of MU-S developments may vary based on their physical context and location. The MU-S District provides greater development flexibility in exchange for certain planning and design considerations. (R)(1) - Is the proposal consistent with the purpose statement(s) of the requested zoning district(s)? Yes, the site is partially zoned MU-S and is part of the larger Brookberry Farm development. GENERAL SITE INFORMATION Southern terminus of Summer Hill Lane, west of Meadowlark Drive City of Winston-Salem West ± 25.12 acres Undeveloped land Direction Zoning District 1 Use Property Zoning and Use Applicable Rezoning Consideration from Chapter B, Article VI, Section 6-2.1(R) Physical Characteristics Proximity to Water and Sewer Stormwater/ Drainage Watershed and Overlay Districts Analysis of General Site Information North MU-S Single family homes East RS9 Single family homes South RS9 Single family homes West MU-S Single family homes (R)(2) - Is/are the use(s) permitted under the proposed classification/request compatible with uses permitted on other properties in the vicinity? Yes, the proposed uses are residential in nature and would be consistent with the surrounding development pattern. The site contains a varying topography with a small creek located on the western edge of the site. The site has access to public water and sewer. A stormwater study will be required. The site is not located within a water supply watershed. The subject property contains 25.12 acres and is located along the eastern edge of the Brookberry Farm development. The proposed site plan depicts a continuation of the single family development in this area. The site appears suitable for the proposed improvements. SITE ACCESS AND TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Capacity/LOS D Street Name Classification Frontage ADT Count Summer Hill Lane Local Street 50’ NA NA The site would have one access point onto the existing stub street of Proposed Access Summer Hill Lane. The site also provides a stub connection to the south Point(s) that could lead to a future connection with Wallridge Drive. In November of 2014, Winston-Salem voters approved a bond package to Planned Road fund numerous projects throughout the City. One of those projects is to Improvements widen Meadowlark Drive to a three lane section with pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The City Engineering Department is currently in the process of hiring a Transportation consultant to design this widening project. The tentative timeline has construction starting in the summer of 2016. Trip Generation - Existing Zoning: RS9 Portion Existing/Proposed 14.30 acres @ 9,000sf lots = 69 lots x 9.57 (SFR Trip Rate) = 660 Trips per day Sidewalks Transit Connectivity W-3246 March 2015 Proposed Zoning: Total Site 39 lots x 9.57 = 373 Trips per day Sidewalks are required on one side of the proposed streets. No routes available in this area. The proposed site plan has a connectivity index of 1.5 which exceeds the minimum UDO requirement of 1.2 2 Traffic Impact Study (TIS) Analysis of Site Access and Transportation Information No TIS required for this request. The proposed site plan indicates that the 39 lots in this portion of the Brookberry Farm development would gain access via an extension of Summer Hill Lane. The site plan also includes a stub street to the south that lines up with Wallridge Drive. Overall, this portion of the site has good connectivity and would appear to produce nearly 300 less trips per day than what could be developed under existing zoning conditions. CONFORMITY TO PLANS AND PLANNING ISSUES GMA 3 (Suburban Neighborhoods) Legacy GMA Relevant Legacy The mix, type, density and design of development should facilitate Recommendations walking, bicycling, and the use of transit, where available. Neighborhoods should be protected from inappropriate residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional encroachment. Clustering of residential development is recommended for large undeveloped parcels identified for residential use to protect natural features, natural vegetation, and historic resources and open space. West Suburban Area Plan (2012) Relevant Area Plan(s) The West Suburban Area Plan (2012) identified the area that includes the Area Plan Recommendations subject property as having potential to be a mixed-use area for singlefamily, multifamily, office, and commercial uses. The subject property is located within a Special Land Use Area (SLUCA) of varied uses between the Robinhood Village Community Activity Center to the north and the Country Club Road/ Shallowford Road Metro Activity Center to the south. Low-density residential is recommended for this central portion of the SLUCA. The site plan of this new phase of the development is provided, as required of the SLUCA in the area plan. The site plan is consistent with the area plan’s land use recommendations. No Site Located Along Growth Corridor? No Site Located within Activity Center? Applicable (R)(3) - Have changing conditions substantially affected the area in Rezoning the petition? Consideration No from Chapter B, (R)(4) - Is the requested action in conformance with Legacy? Article VI, Yes Section 6-2.1(R) The subject request includes 25.12 acres zoned both RS9 and MU-S. The Analysis of MU-S portion of the site was approved and included in the original Conformity to Brookberry Farm rezoning in 2003. The site plan at that time showed the Plans and MU-S portion of this request as open space. The subject request would Planning Issues combine the 14.30 acres of RS9 zoned land with the existing MU-S W-3246 March 2015 3 portion of Brookberry to create 39 single family residential lots. The request continues the same general development pattern that is seen in the adjacent portion of Brookberry. Staff is supportive of this rezoning and site plan amendment request. RELEVANT ZONING HISTORIES Case Request Decision & Direction Acreage Recommendation Date from Site Staff CCPB F-1392 RS9 & RS9-S Approved Includes 795 Approval Approval to MU-S 11/10/03 portion of the site SITE PLAN COMPLIANCE WITH UDO REQUIREMENTS 39 single family lots at an overall density of 1.55 dwelling units per acre Units (by type) and Density UDO Sections Section 2-1.5 (C) MU-S District Relevant to Subject Request (A) Legacy policies: Yes Complies with Chapter B, (B) Environmental Ord. Yes Article VII, (C) Subdivision Regulations Yes Section 7-5.3 The proposed site plan depicts a subdivision layout with lots ranging in Analysis of Site Plan Compliance size from around 10,000sf to 55,000sf. The site plan meets UDO requirements. with UDO Requirements CONCLUSIONS TO ASSIST WITH RECOMMENDATION Positive Aspects of Proposal Negative Aspects of Proposal The site is adjacent to existing MU-S The request would remove some common open zoning. space shown on the original master plan. The request appears to generate less traffic than what could be developed under existing zoning. The request is consistent with the development pattern within the existing portion of Brookberry Farm. Even with the loss of some open space associated with this request, there is still a substantial amount located within the existing Brookberry Farm development. The request is consistent with the recommendations of Legacy and the West Suburban Area Plan. SITE-SPECIFIC RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following proposed conditions are from interdepartmental review comments and are proposed in order to meet codes or established standards, or to reduce negative off-site impacts. • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: a. Developer shall have a stormwater management study submitted for review by the W-3246 March 2015 4 Public Works Department of the City of Winston-Salem. If required, an engineered stormwater management plan shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Department. Plan may include the establishment of a Homeowners Association and a funded escrow account for maintenance and repair of stormwater controls. Relocation or installation of any stormwater treatment device into any buffer areas, vegetation designated to remain, or close proximity to adjacent residentially zoned land shall require a Staff Change approval at minimum, and may require a Site Plan Amendment. b. Existing trees to remain shall be cordoned off as shown on the site plan. c. No trees shall be cut prior to erosion control devices being installed and approved. Limits of creek disturbance shall not exceed 150 linear feet. If disturbance exceeds 150 linear feet, a state water quality permit will be required. • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: a. A maximum of ten percent (10%) of the residential units shall have garages which open toward the front yard street. No more than half of those may protrude in front of the front façade of the unit. • OTHER REQUIREMENTS: a. The subject property shall be considered part of Land Bay I as shown on the original master plan (F-1392). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval NOTE: These are staff comments only; final recommendations on projects are made by the City-County Planning Board, with final decisions being made by the appropriate Elected Body, who may approve, deny, table or request modification for any project. THE APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARINGS WHERE THE CASE WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE ELECTED BODY. W-3246 March 2015 5
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