MARCH 2015 The Church at Horseshoe Bay 600 Hi Ridge Road, PO Box 8295, Horseshoe Bay, Texas 78657 (830) 598-8390, Fax (830) 598-4822 T h e S t at i o n s o f t h e C r o s s The Church at Horseshoe Bay is recreating The Stations of the Cross in the beautiful Remembrance Garden behind the church overlooking the community of Horseshoe Bay. This will be a self-guided experience for individuals, couples, or small groups beginning on Monday of Passion Week (March 30) and continuing each day through April 4. At Cross Purposes What's the story behind the “At Cross Purposes” graphic we're using for Lent? Our computer is often our “life”: it keeps us organized, we listen to music, it contains our pictures, it has our financial and work information, it has our downloaded books and a lot of other things. The computer screen shows all the things we have of interest. It represents what we enjoy and what is important enough to pay attention to. It is our “life.” The cross, in the background, is designed to ask ourselves: are all the things in my life under the lordship of Christ? The exact origin of The Stations of the Cross is not entirely clear, though it is associated with Christian pilgrimages to Jerusalem in the early Christian centuries. Those who were able to walk along the path Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion were deeply moved by this experience. There’s something about being in the actual place where something momentous happened that makes the event more real. Christians throughout the ages have made pilgrimages walking along the Via Dolorosa, and pausing to remember the Stations of the Cross along the way. The Stations of the Cross allow you to approximate the pilgrimage to Calvary. The images and verses invite you to follow Jesus to the cross, so that you might experience deeper gratitude for the blessings of God’s amazing grace. Devotional Prayer Books will be available at the entrance to the Remembrance Garden to give guidance to pilgrims who walk through the Stations. Docents from the Christian Education Ministry of the church will be on site from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm each day, but pilgrims are invited to come at any convenient hour. The Garden is beautifully lighted in the evening, but a flashlight is necessary to read. The entire Highland Lakes Community is invited to experience The Stations of the Cross this Easter Season in the Remembrance Garden of The Church at Horseshoe Bay. Maundy Thursday On Maundy Thursday of Passion Week, April 2 at 7:00 pm, The Church at Horseshoe Bay will recreate the experience of Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples by offering Communion around tables in the Fellowship Hall and a Tenebrae Service in remembrance of the night Jesus was betrayed. Add to your experience of this holy night by walking through The Stations of the Cross before attending the Maundy Thursday Service. The meaning of the term “maundy” is uncertain, but probably is a derivative of the Latin word for mandate. The Scriptures tell us on Maundy Thursday night of Holy Week, Jesus washed his disciple’s feet and gave them the mandate that they should love and serve one another as he had loved and served them. So that we would remember his love for us, he initiated the new meaning of the Passover with the mandate that we should do this in remembrance of him. • March 8 Daylight Savings • March 16 Grief Support Group • March 17 Board of Trustee Meeting • March 29 Palm Sunday • March 31 Books and Scones • April 2 Maundy Thursday-Communion Tuesday, March 31, 3:30 p.m. Church Library The book for March is Windows on Easter, by Bill Crowder. The books are available in the office for $4.00. Everyone is welcome to join this discussion. The Source of My Strength by Charles F. Stanley Looking for canapé plates for use by WOW at its High Tea with Eileen Hurd on April 16. If you have any tiered plates that WOW can use for the High Tea, would you please call Sue Maine at 830-596-7572. Need 15-20 tiered plates. For those who grieve, He offers comfort. For those who struggle, He offers rest. For those overcome by pain, He offers hope and healing. To those who carry emotional burdens too large for them to bear, Christ offers his strength. In this book, Dr. Charles Stanley talks honestly about his own journey through emotional pain and points readers toward the wellspring of strength. He shares his own experiences with grief and shows readers how to overcome the pain, understand the burdens, confront memories, and discover the courage and strength to live freely in God's love for them. This is a book written from the heart. Music Minis try The Church is looking for a few people to loan us items for our Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae service. We are needing the following items: Chalices (need 30) Small/Medium glass pitchers (30) Lanterns/Hurricanes with pillar candles or glass-encased candles If you have any of these items that the church might borrow for this service on April 2, please contact the church. We ask that these items be labeled with your name and will be available for pick-up on April 3. Thank you! BELLS will be RINGING! Save the date March 22. The hand bells will be ringing in both services. They are excited about some of their new music and I think you will enjoy listening. Some of the new tunes are “Worthy of Worship,” “My Faith, My Heart” which is an arrangement of “My Faith Looks Up to Thee,” and “Easter Glory” an arrangement with “Thine Be the Glory” and “Christ the Lord s Risen Today.” These are all hymns that should be familiar. Members of the group will also be accompanying the choir on both Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Garry Kesler is looking for a Snare Drum to borrow for Palm Sunday service. Please contact him if you have one you can loan the church for the day. [email protected] PALMS & MUSIC Sunday March 29, 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Music is an important part of most of our worship services. It is often the bonding agent between the scripture and the preaching. The Christian year has several occasions that music often takes a more dominate role than at other times. Lent is just one of those times. Much like Christmas, there are many great anthems and songs written about the last forty plus days of Jesus’ life before the resurrection. This year, Palm Sunday will be celebrated with much fanfare. The choir along with accompaniment of piano, organ, violin, clarinet, hand bells and rhythm instruments , will take us into Jerusalem singing Hosannas to the King as we experience what it might have felt to have been there on that day. Palm branches will wave as many will be excited about this Messiah as he rides into town. But some may ask “Who is He?”, this one they call The King. Not everyone in Jerusalem knew who this person was or what he represented as he entered their city. The choir will present all of this in four new and wonderful anthems. The second part of the service will take you from the triumph entrance to the reality of the rest of the week! The choir will remind us that later that week , Jesus and his disciples were together in the upper room. Jesus then humbly said, “Wash Their Feet” to the astonishment of the twelve. Jesus then ask his disciples to go to the garden with him to pray. In the singing by the choir of “Alone He Prays” and “Forsaken” you might begin to feel how Jesus was anguishing about what he knew His Father wanted him to do for all of US! To close and to leave us thinking about this holiest of weeks, the choir will sing “I Wonder Why.” This anthem ask us to ponder the question, “If we would have lived then, would we have behaved as others did?” This service is laced together with scripture from the word of God lead by the ministers. This promises to be a service with joyous announcement of the coming of Jesus into Jerusalem as well as the thought provoking closing, asking each of us to exam our lives for the week until the resurrection on Easter Sunday! I sincerely hope all of you will come to celebrate Palm Sunday with us. There will be scripture, preaching and singing in this service. Take a moment and invite a friend. I promise you and they will not be disappointed. P.S. Don’t miss the Easter services. They will be just as exciting! BYA- Because You Asked Those who attended the annual meeting know that the Church ended the year with contributions exceeding our budget by $53,082. Many members responded to a year-end letter sent by the Board of Trustees and contributed generously in December. Your donations are the church’s only support and you deserve a big THANK YOU for all you did during the year and at yearend Also reported at the annual meeting was that expenses actually came in about $80,000 under budget. That accomplishment was a result of the extraordinary efforts of the board of trustees. Each board member has an area of responsibility in the church and each of them tried very hard to economize wherever they could. So another big THANK YOU goes to those dedicated board members. As a result of the generosity of members and hard work of the trustees, the Board was able to restore some transfers to the Building Fund and the Benevolence Fund that we had suspended earlier in the year. The total increase to our building fund was $144,315 during 2014. The following chart was included in the annual report and shows the anticipated building and grounds projects we expect to undertake during the next five years. Our building fund stands at $555,638 as of the end of January, 2015. We are working to lower the cost estimate associated with the parking lot plus get realistic estimates for the three projects that are showing cost as “unknown.” With a building that is over 20 years old, we know we will need to continue to invest to maintain our wonderful church facilities and therefore we will always want to have a reasonable reserve in the building fund. Project Estimate Thank you for your conProject Department Cost tinued support. If there is A/V Digital Video Taping of Services Buildings $ 6,555 some aspect of church HVAC Unit Replacements Music Blg Buildings 12,839 finances you would like HVAC Unit Replacements - FH / Kitchen Buildings 38,347 to see addressed in this HVAC Unit Replacements - Sanctuary Buildings 46,383 newsletter, please let us HVAC Unit Replacements - Education Blg Buildings 19,174 know. Painting - Exterior Buildings 20,000 Painting - Interior Parking Lot - across the street Parking Lot Seal Coat - Main Lot Sanctuary & Narthex - replace/repair window seals Sanctuary - Recarpeting Sanctuary - Pew Restoration Carillon repair / replacement Sunday School classroom modifications Buildings Grounds Grounds Buildings Buildings Buildings Music Dept Buildings $ Financial Report and Attendance as of February 28, 2015 Average 8:30 Attendance 95 Average 11:00 Attendance 234 Average Sunday School Total Attendance 124 Contributions Miscellaneous Income Operating Expenses Building Fund Transfers Benevolence Giving Net Excess/(Shortfall) $ $ $ $ $ $ YTD Budget 160,500 4,650 (111,520) (4,333) (67,459) (18,162) $ $ $ $ $ $ YTD Actual 150,359 4,572 (111,027) (4,333) (67,459) (27,888) Last YTD Actual $ 138,562 $ 2,078 $ (104,039) $ (4,333) $ (72,220) $ (39,952) Remaining steadfast in our vision to become a dollar-for-dollar congregation 20,000 125,000 100,000 unknown unknown unknown 5,000 unknown 393,298 Easter Lillies will be available beginning Sunday, March 8th. If you would like to order a lily in memory of, or in honor of someone they are $10.00. Forms will be available in the Narthex and Church office. Make checks payable to The Church at Horseshoe Bay, Easter Lily Fund. A special dedication brochure will be printed in April. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. Postage Paid Marble Falls, TX 78654 Permit # 51 The Church at Horseshoe Bay 600 Hi Ridge Rd. PO Box 8295 Horseshoe Bay, Tx. 78657 The Church at Horseshoe Bay Recurring Church Events: MondaysPrayer Ministry Group 9:00 a.m. Coffee & Conversation with Pastors 11:00 a.m. Bluebonnet Chorale 12:30 p.m. (Ensemble) 2:00 p.m. ( Full group) Highland Lakes Men’s Chorus 4:00 pm WednesdaysPrayer Ministry 4:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 1:00 p.m. Chancel Choir 3:00 p.m. ThursdaysStaff Meeting 10:00 a.m. ThursdaysPastor Forum 1:00 p.m. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9:45 a.m. Visit our website at: Like us on Facebook Sermons Available on Church Website Audio recordings of recent sermons from The Church at Horseshoe Bay are now available on our website. Go to: click on “Audio of Sermons”. The Church at Horseshoe Bay Staff Johnny P. White Malcolm McQueen Garry Kesler Kena Richert Jennie Lynn Hodges DeDe Hodge Senior Pastor Pastor Minister of Music Bus. Administrator Organist/Pianist Church Secretary 2015 Board of Trustees Carolyn Thornton - Chairperson Fred Klingensmith -Vice-Chairperson Elsie Thurman - Treasurer Kent Graham - Asst.Treasurer Geneva Dalton - Corp. Secretary Claudia Bird Bill Edwards Pat McMurtrie Kay Tyler Wayne Ratisseau Don Eckelbarger Mike Maine Norm Homburg Ken Lindgren Linda Wilson In the life of the church Men of Faith is an ecumenical group welcoming community-wide membership and activities. Plans are now underway for new opportunities for fellowship and fun for men of faith. The program is aimed at growing spiritually and sharing the gospel message by initiating and supporting programs that demonstrate Christian values. A Steering Committee oversees all functions and activities. The newly elected officers are Andy Burke, Chairman, Wayne Ratisseau, Vice-Chairman, and Lee Peterson, Secretary/Treasurer. This year’s programs will focus on Christian messages and members will be given opportunities to volunteer for various existing programs and functions, new endeavors, and special focus projects. If you would like more information on this fellowship group, call Andy Burk at 830-596-1648 or visit the website: The Men of Faith will host a Men’s Fellowship Breakfast on April 10, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall at The Church at Horseshoe Bay beginning at 8 a.m. Friday morning. Breakfast will be served. The guest speaker will be the Honorable Mike Conaway, U.S. Representative for Texas’s 11th Congressional District. Serving his sixth term, Congressman Conaway represents 29 counties in Texas. Mike has been instrumental in organizing prayer breakfasts in Washington for members of the House and their staffs. He and his wife Suzanne live in Midland and have four children and seven grandchildren. An ordained deacon in the Baptist church, Rep. Conaway will relate how his church background has influenced his life, among other topics. Tickets for the breakfast will be $10.00 each and will be on sale at the Church office from March 16 to April 9, or in the Church Narthex on three Sundays, March 15, 22 and 29. Introducing a Visitor Greeter Program SPECIAL CARE FOR OUR VISITORS: The Board of Trustees has approved a new Church Greeter Plan presented by the Welcome Awareness Committee that will treat our visitors with dignity and enhance the friendliness of our church. Before each early and late worship service, current church members will be stationed at three key locations near the parking areas to greet new arrivals and direct them to the Sanctuary. We want our guests to know that they are truly welcome. In that regard, two specially selected Visitor Parking Spaces have been reserved for their use. Ushers will have pre-selected seating for our company in the Sanctuary, or they will be seated at a location of their choice. The guests will be encouraged to enjoy refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following the service. The committee is seeking volunteers who want to be a part of this special act of kindness. Charles Thornton and Wayne Ratisseau have volunteered to be the Head Greeters for the early and late services respectively. Please look for the pew cards in a couple of weeks. We are thankful for the assistance of our Church Volunteer Coordinators, Ronda Rodman and Beryl Ann Owen, who will be assisting with locating church members who want to be a part of this vital initiative. BIRTHDAYS Suzanne Dillon Tom Edwards Shirley Wood Bill Wheeler Virginia McCoy Nancy Cobb Lois Crosby Pat Moseley Branard Brochstein Mike Thuss Jane Boisvert Ronda Rodman Brenda Womack 3/1 3/2 3/2 3/4 3/5 3/5 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/7 3/7 3/8 Jim Carter Pat Pattison Melanie Jaksa Bud Vaught Thomas Ostertag Glenda Butler Sue Pennington Jack Sowle Jolene Varese Spike Dykes Mary Robison Caira Franz Linda Lambert 3/9 3/10 3/10 3/11 3/11 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/15 3/16 JoAnn Hudgins Tina Pender Jean Rogers Frank Ligon Dian Ferrara Sally Lancashire Sue Nichols Jim Blackmon Sue Stacy Pat McMurtrie Richard Owen Barbara White Dorothy Gaisbauer 3/18 3/18 3/18 3/18 3/18 3/20 3/20 3/22 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/23 3/24 Bill Trembly Sally Cary Sonia Wylie Ann Wright Hugh Reed Karen Jarrard Jan McAuley Charlie Keiser Art Hawkinson Cathy Harris Marjorie Williamson Ruth Newman Billy Williams 3/24 3/24 3/26 3/27 3/27 3/27 3/28 3/28 3/29 3/30 3/30 3/30 3/31 ANNIVERSARIES Al Jaksa, Jr. & Melanie Jaksa Tom & Gloria Sams James & Ellen Hower Ken & Dianne Jones Roger & Geneva Dalton John & Kay Borota Joe & Peggy Mauch Branard & Georgi Brochstein Lonnie & Diane Wagner Bill & Pat McMurtrie 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/6 3/7 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/14 G.A. & Rita Smith Norman & Jimmie Homburg Stan & Patsy Barnes Lee & Kerstin Detenbeck Art & Carol Hawkinson Larry & Georgia Linnartz Ken & Jean Anderson Kent & Beverly Graham Gary & Sandy Howard Jerry & Jean Johnson Fred & Beryl Ann Owen 3/15 3/15 3/17 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/24 3/31 Pastors’ Forum Thursdays at 1 p.m. in Library “Why Evil Exists” 3/5- The American North and South- Holy War 3/12- Nietzsche- Considering the Language of Evil 3/19- Dostoevsky- The Demonic in Modernity 3/26- Conrad- Incomprehensible Terror This is open to all! Don’t miss out on being in the new Church Directory. Schedule your portrait time by calling the church office or signing up online by following the link from the church website. ( ) Portrait dates are Monday- Friday, March 17-27. We want everyone to be included in this pictorial directory! CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES- SUNDAYS 9:45 A.M. SEEKERS CLASS After the New Testament: Writings of the Apostolic Fathers 3/8- The Shepherd of HermasAn Apocalypse Led by: Stan Smith 3/15- Apocalypses in Early Christianity Led by: Jim Jorden 3/22- The Letter of DiognetusAn Apology Led by: Jim Jorden 3/29- Apologetics in Early Christianity Led by: Linda Wilson BIBLE ALIVE The Book of Romans 3/8- Justification by Faith Demonstrated by Abraham Led by: Larry Canter (ch.4) 3/15- Results of Justification Led by: Art Hawkinson(ch.5) 3/22- Motivation to Right Living (ch.6) Led by: David Sweigart 3/29- Why the Law (ch.7) Led by: Art Hawkinson FAITH BRIDGE WOMENS BIBLE STUDY Lord, Change My Attitude By James McDonald Developing Power Thoughts By Joyce Meyer 3/8- “With an Attitude of Love” Led by: Dwight King 3/15- “Replace a Doubting Attitude” Led by: Gail Matthews 3/22- “With an Attitude of Faith” Led by: Gail Matthews 3/29- “Replace a Rebellious Attitude” Led by: Ann Higdon 3/8- Power Thought 9 I pursue peace with God, myself , and others. 3/15- Power Thought 10 I live in the present and enjoy each moment. 3/22- Power Thought 11 I am disciplined and selfcontrolled. 3/29-Power Thought 12 I put God first in my life. Did you know? For 2015, the Church at Horseshoe Bay plans to put great emphasis on the season of Lent. Lent began on Ash Wednesday and dozens of members attended one of three services. Many individuals have committed to giving something up during Lent; others have taken on a special challenge for Lent. The church will be decorated with purple for the next few weeks since purple is the liturgical color for Lent. Listen and watch for exciting announcements about Passion Week activities especially the Maundy Thursday communion service. If you are not already involved in a Christian Education class, Lent is a perfect time to begin attending. This might be a good time to consider joining the Prayer Ministry. Make a special effort to join with other Christians around the world in preparation for Easter Sunday. Winnie Woodruff, Jean Turnbaugh, Mary Ann Pickering, Eleanor Taylor, Frances Highsmith, and Jo Ann Warren folding the newsletter. Bill Trembly and Norm Homburg beautifying the Remembrance Garden We thank the members of this congregation who lifted up prayers on behalf of our son, Darrell who had successful heart transplant surgery performed January 18th in Austin. Darrell, continues to do well and will be in recovery mode til midApril. He goes regularly to the hospital for supervised exercise and check-ups. His Christian faith and the prayers of many have sustained him. Jack and June Sargent It's official! We are now residents of Horseshoe Bay. Our new address is 1409 Far West (Far West parallels FM 2147 with Hi Circle South being the closest cross street). For you golfers, our home is located at the green of hole #10 on Slick Rock golf course. Our household goods are scheduled to arrive on March 10 and we will then spend a few weeks unpacking and settling in. At some point after that, we will enjoy inviting you over to see where we live. We count it a blessing to be at the Church of Horseshoe Bay and to live in this Highland Lakes community. Thank you for so warmly welcoming us! In Christ, Amy and Malcolm McQueen BENEVOLENCE u pdate MEALS ON WHEELS Do you have a craft, art, game or activity you would like to share with others? Beginning March 2, Meals on Wheels Burnet County will be serving freshly prepared hot meals from their new facility at the Boys and Girls club in Marble Falls. With their new expanded space, they are hoping to expand their congregate program for the seniors who are able to come to the facility to share a meal and fellowship together. They are looking for volunteers to plan and implement activities weekdays around noon. There is a special need for volunteers to lead arts and crafts, chair exercises, programs, games, and other activities. If you are interested, please contact Paul Hicks at 512-715-9717([email protected]) or contact Beryl Ann Owen ([email protected]) and/or Ronda Rodman, [email protected] with Worship + 2. Mission Moment Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services opened its doors in 1903, when a mother dying from tuberculosis asked her minister to help her find someone to care for her four young children. During the past century, this ministry has expanded to include children ages birth to eighteen. Many of these children have suffered from neglect, abuse, abandonment, and family crisis. This year there are three programs that rely 100% on private donations to sustain their services. These three programs include: 1) Child and Family Program: A program which is preventative in nature where the goal of intervention is to prevent a complete family breakdown. This program is at no cost to those who are served and serves the highest number of children and families in a year. 2) Single Parent Family: This program provides a much needed safety net for struggling mothers and their children who are facing homelessness due to poverty, abandonment, and other crisis. In addition to housing, the program offers financial and emotional support, family therapy, and other programs to help single mothers get back on their feet. 3) Transitional Living Program: The transition to adulthood and economic independence can be challenging for any adolescent and generally occurs over many years, with substantial support from family and friends. Sometimes, however, some young adults do not have the family and friend support that is needed during this time. This is particularly true for aged-out foster care youth. This program helps these 18 to 24 year olds, typically female, who are transitioning into becoming independent but are in need of support and assistance in doing so. The Church at Horseshoe Bay is helping to support these programs through our Benevolence giving. On March 15 we will have Laura Nettleton, development officer of PCHAS, come and present a mission moment to our congregation. You are encouraged to come to church and find out more about ways to support this worthy cause. Worship + 2 Opportunity - Vet Rides Would you be willing to help an area Veteran? Vet Rides is looking for a few good men or women. Vet Rides functions through volunteers and public donations. They have served over 345 veterans with numerous rides each year since 2010, driving veterans, their spouse or widow to medical appointments in the local area as well as longer drives to the VA locations (Cedar Park, Austin, Kerrville Temple or San Antonio). Their mission is to provide volunteer drivers departing from Burnet, with a Vet Rides picking up vets at their residence or a convenient pick up location. Drivers should plan on most of the day (5-8 hours) devoted to the veteran’s appointment needs and return drive home. When coming from Horseshoe Bay, your usual departure from Burnet will generally be between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Vet Rides needs 12 additional drivers right now. If you think you can help with this extremely worthy project please email us. Pew cards are available through March 8. A meeting with the local director, Mrs. Sophie McCoy, will acquaint you with all the details of volunteering as a Vet driver. “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another…” I Peter 4:10 Ronda Rodman: [email protected] Beryl Ann Owen: [email protected]
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