Current Newsletter - St. John`s Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter
March 2015
Spring Cleaning
During the Season of Lent
Lent, which comes from an Anglo-Saxon word for “spring,” can be
viewed as a spiritual spring cleaning: a time for taking spiritual inventory and then cleaning out everything which hinders a relationship with Christ. A tradition which sprang out of Lent was placing
ashes mixed with oil on one’s head or forehead. This day is known
as Ash Wednesday. We must realize that any Lenten disciplines
we demonstrate before God, however, don’t help us become closer
to Christ, or gain us any spiritual favor. Only the gospel does that.
It’s true that for Christians in the early centuries, this sacred season
before Easter was usually a time of training for new disciples.
Scripture teaches us, however, that whether someone is a new believer or a seasoned one, intense spiritual training is always in season. In 2 Timothy 2:20-22 Paul gives us an example of what living a
sanctified life looks like: “Now in a large house there are not only
gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.
Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love
and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” This
passage is part of Paul’s warning to Timothy about false teachers.
In our culture’s bent toward what many call a “prosperity gospel,” (the claim that if we commit ourselves to God and live in a way
that pleases Him, we will have little or no troubles in life) it is particularly important to heed Paul’s warning.
How do we, then, best prepare for Lent? For spiritual preparation, it
is important to hear sound, biblical teaching. How will we know the
difference between sound doctrine and words spoken to make us
“feel” better? By studying and knowing Scripture.
Worship Service
Sunday at 10 a.m.
Sunday School
Bible Class
Sunday at 9 a.m.
Service Broadcast
* Sunday 8 a.m.
Radio WKCQ 98.1 FM
* Monday 7 p.m.
Charter Cable TV Channel 191
Church Office
Church office hours are:
Monday—Friday, 10 a.m.—2p.m.
Finally, the best way to prepare during the Lenten season as disciples of Christ is to hear and believe what our Savior has lovingly
done to save us on Calvary.
Office Phone:
(989) 652-6201
Forever in His Service
Pastor Jeffery J. Luplow:
(989) 295-3240
Stan Szuber
† If you know… of anyone who is ill, in the hospital, or desiring a pastoral visit, please notify Pastor Luplow or
the church office.
† is a great site to find a biblically inspiring message to start your day.
Remember Friendship Sundays are the second Sunday of the month. Reach out to a neighbor or friend and
invite them to church. March 8 is the next date for Friendship Sunday.
† Christian Compassion Group is meeting the second Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. If you have any questions
regarding this group, please contact Stan Szuber or the church office.
† Check out St. John’s selection of cards for Easter and all
occasions. Cards are located in the gathering space
of the church and in the Gift Shop/Library. Also note that St. John’s sweat shirts are available in the Gift Shop/
2015 Church Council
Installation of the council was held Sunday, January 25. Below is a list of the current members. Please contact them or
fill out a green card located in the pew for comments or concerns.
President – Walt Koester
Secretary – Herb Zeilinger
Treasurer – Cliff Nauss
Financial Secretary – Todd Jammer
Christian Education – Stan Szuber
Cemetery Committee Chairman – Chuck Nemec
Elder Chairman – Dale Jammer
Elders: Ed Bergman, Wil Swartz, Ryan Frahm, Larry Frahm,
John Wojt, Ken Jammer, Jim Tackabury, Marv Hauck, Tim
Brown, Dave Lawrence
Trustee Chairman – Dale Warnemuende
Trustees: Gary Bierlein, Cliff White, Dave Miller
A special thank you to Tom Conzelmann for serving as
Christian Education for the past six years.
May the God of hope fill
you with all joy and peace
as you trust in him, so
that you may overflow
with hope by the power of
the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Easter Flowers
Sunday, March 29th, is the deadline
for signing up and payment for Easter flowers to enhance the church in
memory of or in honor of loved ones.
Below is a list with prices for the flowers that are available.
Daffodils, Hyacinths, Tulips are $12.25
Easter Lilies are $15.25
Azalea’s are $25.25
A sign-up sheet is available on the kiosk. Please
make checks payable to St. John’s Altar Guild.
Did you Know?
St. John’s started a food pantry in 2014
to assist needy families in the community. A box for donated items is available
outside the office on the pew.
St. John’s Archives has a 38 star American flag. The 38 star flag was flown from
1877 to 1890. Our church was established in 1879. That is the significance
of this artifact.
God’s Grace for our Salvation through His Son Jesus Christ is in action through St.
John’s media ministry.
I have been blessed to witness the impact St. John’s worship services through cable T.V.
has had on others; and I feel it is worth sharing with you.
I regularly visit two residents at a facility. One is a member of St. John’s and one is not.
They have been in the practice of watching our church’s broadcast together on Monday
evenings. (Charter Cable T.V. Channel 191 at 7 p.m. on Monday evenings)
Both have shared with me how wonderful it is to hear the gospel and how much it
strengthens their faith.
The one who is not a member is always willing to seek out others who may be new to the
facility or seem to look lonely. She invites these people to dine with her, go to activities,
etc. She told me that she invited one of these women to watch our church broadcasts
with her. Now these three women are all watching our church services together. They
keep the door open so others may join them. They discuss how wonderful it is to hear the
word of God, to see all the worshipers and hear the choir sing. They discuss all this at the
dinner table where others are invited to dine with them.
Who knows how many will start watching and be able to hear of God’s saving grace?
I encourage each of you who are able to take a few minutes and go see a shut-in, stop
by a nursing facility or group home and visit someone there. Invite them to watch our cable broadcast or listen on the radio. (WKCQ 98 FM at 8 a.m. on Sunday mornings)
You just may be the next person to witness God’s saving grace shown to others through
our media ministry here at St. John’s.
Your sister in Christ, Joni Szuber
Martin Luther Corner
The Second Article
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy
Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died
and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the
dead; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
What does this mean?
I believe that Jesus Christ is true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of
the virgin Mary; and that He is my Lord, Who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned creature, purchased and won me from all sins, from death and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver,
but with His holy, precious blood, and with His innocent suffering and death; in order that I might be His
own, live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence and blessedness; even as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true.
Luther’s Catechism, The Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, third printing, pg. 4, 5
Thoughts and Prayers
I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving
be made for everyone~ for kings and all those in authority.
I Timothy 2:1-2
The family and friends of
Marion Reif, Oscar Ranke, Bob
Beyerlein, Edward Schiefer, Henry
Reinert, Jerry Nuechterlein, and
George E. Day, who have fallen
asleep in Jesus, have given memorials in their honor. May God’s
comfort surround them and give them peace in knowing
that their loved ones have found eternal peace.
The following Memorials were made in their honor.
Organ Fund—$2608
General Fund—$2257
Media Ministry—$510
Altar Guild—$350
Christian Compassion Group—$20
Just a reminder that anyone can take the
virtual walk to Jerusalem. Just let the office
know how many miles. Twenty minutes of
either spiritual or physical activity is
one virtual mile!
Tennis is at St. John’s on every other Saturday in the gym. It begins at 11 a.m. Everyone is welcome to come!!!
If you have any questions, please speak to
Stan Szuber or contact the church office.
Holy Week Schedule 2015
Even secular historians consider Jesus’ resurrection from the dead to
be of necessary and unique significance for the Christian faith. Our
faith is dependent on this absolute truth, and that’s why that truth remains a part of every worship service at St. John’s. Paul says, “And if
Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is our
faith…you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:14ff). But Jesus has
indeed been raised from death’s grave. Therefore, we can be confident
of all His claims as our true Savior-God.
March 29 – Palm Sunday
Order of Service: Morning Praise (CW pg.45ff) – Choir: Palm Sunday
Sermon Text: Mark 11:1-10.
Theme: “The Lord Needs It”
Hymns: 226, 370, 485 (3-4), 131, 133
April 2 – Maundy Thursday
Order of Service: Special Service © - Choir: In an Upper Room
Sermon Text: Mark 14:22-25. Theme: “Until I Drink It Anew In The Kingdom Of God”
Hymns: 104, 129, 135, 119
April 3 – Good Friday
Order of Service: Special Service – Choir: O Darkest Woe! & Jesu, Blessed Jesu
Sermon Text: Luke 23:39-43. Theme: “Today You will Be With Me In Paradise”
Hymns: 100, 125, 127, 105, 121
April 5 – Easter
Order of Service: The Common Service © (CW pg.15ff) – Choir (see below)
Sermon Text: John 16:16-22. Theme: “Your Grief Will Turn To Joy”
Hymns: 143, 145, 162, 397, 157
Choir Anthems: Christ Is Risen! Raise Your Voices; Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands; He Is
Risen; Crown Him With Many Crowns.
There will be an Easter Brunch held between the 7am
Easter Sunrise service and the 10 am service.
St. John's mission is to proclaim & teach to all ages
God's law and loving gospel trusting the Holy Spirit's
blessing on bringing people to repentance & faith in
Jesus Christ for life and salvation; to administer God's
means of grace, namely Baptism and the Lord's Supper, trusting the Holy Spirit's blessing on believers'
growth in faith and holy living to God's glory.
St. John’s updated website is up and running-what a wonderful site for visitors as well as our members.
Let’s take a brief tour.
The Home ( page includes Church Information, Welcome and Quick Links,
which includes: Current Calendar, Sermon Links, Daily Devotions (linked to ELS website), Current Newsletter and CCG (Christian Compassion Group).
About Us you will find Our Beliefs, Our Heritage, Our Staff and ELS.
Resources you will find: Sermons, Daily Devotions, Newsletter and CCG (Christian Compassion
Group). At present the sermons are available to read, and in the near future to listen as well as view.
Fellowship which includes: Ask the Pastor, Friendship Sunday, Adult Instructions and Sunday
School. There is a link under Sunday School for JC Playzone which has many things for children to do–
games, Parables, Daily Devotions, Bible Stories & Music, Coloring, Cards, Crafts & Recipes and Memory
Verses. This is a good source for families with young children as well as when grandchildren are visiting.
Calendar you will find the current church calendar.
Bulletins are the current bulletin as well as past bulletins, also
(present and past).
Calendars and Newsletters
Be sure to explore at the new site. If you have any questions or ideas for the website, please notify the
church office. There is a wealth of information about our church for us to use as well as sharing it with others—those in college, away from home, military, shut –ins, friends and family. Share God’s News with others, this is a simple way to reach out to others and do some evangelism.
Many thanks to all those who have and continue to work on the website to make this happen.
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. Galatians 3:26
John 16:22
Word Search Scramble
Find the words listed below and unscramble to
discover the verse.
Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessings
Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessings, Which before
the cross we spend, Life and health and peace possessing From the Sinner’s dying friend.
Here we rest in wonder, viewing All our sins on Jesus
laid; Here we see redemption flowing From the sacrifice he made.
Here we find the dawn of heaven While upon the cross
we gaze, See our trespasses forgiven, And our songs
of triumph raise.
Oh, that, near the cross abiding, We may to the Savior cleave, Naught with him our hearts dividing, All for
him content to leave.
Lord, in loving contemplation Fix our hearts and eyes
on you Till we taste your full salvation And your unveiled glory view.
Christian Worship, page 111.
Plastic eggs, a basket, story objects that
can fit in the eggs - small cross, nails, a
small sponge dipped in vinegar, coins,
(Judas or the thief on the cross), black cloth
(the temple curtain or dark day), a small
grapevine wreath (crown of thorns), flowers
(Easter), a small numeral 3 (three days), a
small piece of evergreen (palm branch), a
cracker (Last Supper), a stone, and any
other objects you wish to use to tell the
Easter story.
Directions: Put the story object in the
eggs. Be sure to leave one egg empty (the
empty tomb). The number of eggs you use
depend on the number of objects you
choose from the list and also on the age of
children in the family. The eggs can be
numbered to the order of the Easter story.
Place eggs in a basket and share the Easter story with family and friends.