Vol. XX No. 11 The official newsletter of the Confederate Secret Service Camp 1710 Sons of Confederate Veterans Fort Huachuca/Sierra Vista, Arizona February 2015 All the South has ever desired was that the Union, as established by our forefathers, should be preserved and that the government, as originally organized, should be administered in purity and truth. General Robert E. Lee, January 5, 1866 Next Camp Meeting (l to r) Chaplain Ben Middleton, Keigan McCloud, Rob McCloud, Lt. Commander Dwaine Bright, Adjutant Curt Tipton Camp 1710 is pleased to induct two new members into our ranks. They are MSG(Ret) Robert L. McCloud and his son, Keigan R. McCloud. The McClouds are descended from Pvt. William Madison Elliott, Company D, 34th Alabama Infantry Regiment. Adjutant Curt Tipton presented the candidates for membership. Chaplain Ben Middleton administered the oath and Lt. Commander Dwaine Bright presented membership certificates and cards. Adjutant Tipton presented the traditional Camp 1710 “Confederate Commission”. Welcome, new Compatriots! THURSDAY 19 March 2015 6:00 PM Country House 4373 S. Highway 92 Sierra Vista In this issue: Buffalo Soldiers Living History Presentation Commander’s Dispatch Adjutant’s Report From the Chaplain’s Tent Latest War News Camp Sutler & advertising Intelligence from the Wire 2 Sergeant Major (Ret) Harlan Bradford and Mr. Charles Hancock of the Southwest Association of Buffalo Soldiers gave an interesting and informative presentation at the 19 February Camp meeting. The presentation covered the service of AfricanAmericans in the US Army from 1866 through 1953 when the last segregated Army unit was disbanded. Of particular interest (left) Sergeant Major (Ret) Harlan Bradford and (right) Mr. Charles were the 9th and 10th Cavalry Hancock Regiments and the 24th and 25th Infantry Regiments. All four had been stationed at Fort Huachuca. Mr. Hancock also related the stories of the Buffalo Soldiers who received the Congressional Medal of Honor (and those who were denied the medal). SGM Bradford discussed the ongoing project to restore the Mountain View Colored Officers Club at Fort Huachuca and outlined the problems SWABS is facing in continuing the project. It was Mr. Hancock begins the presentation. He is the President of the Southwest Association of Buffalo Soldiers noted that when the project was first initiated, Camp 1710 was the first organization in The picture (left) shows the Buffalo Sierra Vista to donate funds. Soldier Plaza located on Fort HuaOur thanks to SGM chuca. The statue of “Emmett”, the Bradford and Mr. Hancock for 10th Cavalry trooper, was moved a great presentation! from its place at the main gate to the current location near the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade HQ several years ago. 3 On 24 February, 2015, members of Camp 1710 and the Borderland Veterans Camp 2201 gave a living history presentation at Liberty School in Douglas. The presentation consisted of several stations exploring the role of the infantry, cavalry, artillery and medical service during the War for Southern Independence. Also given was a demonstration of the “home Members of Camp 1710, Camp 2201 and friends at Liberty School front” to include civilian clothing, children’s dress and ladies’ fashions. The students also learned how school was conducted during the 1860s. Another demonstration showed the students the various flags used during the War. To indicate it was time for each group of students to rotate to the next station, Camp 1710 Color Sergeant Donnis Davis fired a blank round from his 12 pounder mountain howitzer. The children were very impressed with the noise and the huge cloud of smoke. The event involved classes from the Kindergarten and 1st through 5th grades. (clockwise from above) Camp 2201 The students had some preAdjutant Silas Griffin explains the pared questions to ask but role of the infantry; Larry Bowman demonstrates medical practice; the many came up with questions limber and mountain howitzer; a of their own. cavalry saddle with weapons, The living history presequipment and soldier’s personal entation was covered by the items; students loved the noise and Douglas Dispatch, the local smoke when the howitzer was fired. newspaper. Photos were also sent to the Sierra Vista Herald/ Bisbee Daily Review as well as to The Confederate Veteran. 4 Commander Archer is War II and the Korean War, out of state due to work com- he did touch on the service of mitments. Black Confederates. The service of slaves Our Camp was privi- and free Blacks in the cause leged to hear an informative of the South is controversial. and interesting presentation Such service is routinely deon the history of the Buffalo nied by revisionist historians Soldiers—Black soldiers who who declare no Black would served in the four original have fought for the right to regiments formed in 1866 and hold men in bondage. That those soldiers who served in may have a grain of truth but subsequent segregated units in the fact that the War was the US Army. All four of the fought not for slavery but for original regiments—the 9th the constitutional right of selfand 10th Cavalry and the 24th government and in defense and 25th Infantry—were sta- against an invader, those pertioned at Fort Huachuca. sons of color had every reason Mr. Charles Hancock, to join under the flag. It was President of the Southwest their home, too. Association of Buffalo SolA notation about a gediers and Sergeant Major nealogical website was re(Ret) Harlan Bradford, Past cently posted on the SCV Executive Director of General HQ’s Face Book SWABS, gave the presentapage. It is tion. www.blackconfederatesoldiers.com. Of particular note was The site has information for the fact that many Buffalo those seeking information Soldiers committed acts of about ancestors who fought valor and dedication that for the Confederacy. It is a should have earned recogni- valuable tool for such retion with a Medal of Honor, search as is the Tennessee only a very few actually reState Archives which has the ceived the medal. In fact, pension records of many during WWI, there was a Black Confederate soldiers. standing order that Black solI have some material diers would not be recognized about Black Confederates that for valorous acts. needs to be organized and, While Mr. Hancock once that is completed, I will emphasized the service of share it with the Camp and Black soldiers in the Indian with SWABS. Wars, the Spanish-American SGM Bradford also War, World War I, World brought us up to date on Commander & Mrs. Tom Archer SWABS’ project to restore the historic Mountain View Colored Officers Club at Fort Huachcua. This has been an ongoing struggle with the Army, the Registry of Historic Places and with fund raising. It should be noted that this Camp was the very first organization in the community to donate funds for the project. If (and when) the restoration reaches a conclusion, the building will become a center for study of the Black experience in the Armed Forces and will include service in the Confederate Army and Navy. We look forward to that day. Curt Tipton, Adjutant Unit insignia (l to r) 9th & 10th Cavalry 5 Compatriots, As Spring approaches, we are looking forward to another successful season for our Camp, the Arizona Division and the SCV. As noted elsewhere in the newsletter, we welcomed two new members and we have two applications pending. Our book donation to All Saints School was well received. We have already conducted two living history presentations this year and will give another in March. The “Civil War in the Southwest” event is scheduled and we will participate both as reenactors and with our sister Camps in recruiting and providing information about the SCV. Camp members took part in the Fiesta de los Vaqueros Rodeo parade in Tucson and we will hold memorial ceremonies for Confederate Memorial Day and at Dragoon Springs. A celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Camp’s charter is scheduled and we are assured of a large attendance.. The Texas John Slaughter Camp 2074 will host the 21st Arizona Division Reunion on 9 May and we will be in attendance. We will present our colors at the Federal Memorial Day ceremony at the Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery on 25 May. Financial Report (as of 19 February 2015) Wells Fargo checking acct. Bal. fwd. $500.17 Income: Trans fm savings: $ 75.00 Dues: $175.00 Donations: $ 18.00 Reimbursement: $ 45.00 Total income $813.17 (incl bal fwd) Expenses: Trans to savings: $100.00 Organization chgs: $165.00 (dues to GHQ & Div) Credit card pmt $ 19.50 Total expenses $284.50 Balance: $528.67 Wells Fargo savings acct. Bal. fwd. $260.40 Income: Trans fm checking: $100.00 Interest $ 0.01 Total income $360.41 (incl bal. fwd.) Expenses: Trans to checking: $ 75.00 Total expenses: $ 75.00 Balance: $285.41 Citibank MasterCard acct. Bal. fwd. $ 0.00 Charges: CV subscription $ 10.00 War Svc medal $ 36.00 Shipping: $ 8.00 Book project: $ 9.50 Total charges: $ 63.50 Payments: $ 19.50 Balance due: $ 44.00 War Service Medal The SCV recognizes members’ service to the nation in the US Armed Forces with the War Service Medal. Any Compatriot who served honorably in the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard during World War II (7 Dec 1941-31 Dec 1946); Korea (25 Jun 1950-31 Jan 1955); Vietnam (28 Feb 1961-7 May 1975); Lebanon/ Grenada (24 Aug 1982-21 Jul 1984); Panama (20 Dec 198931 Jan 1990); Desert Shield/ Desert Storm/War on Terrorism (2 Aug 1990-present) are eligible for the medal. Contact the Adjutant for an application. Cost of the medal is $36.00 plus $8.00 shipping from GHQ. The medal comes with a service bar indicating the conflict in which the Compatriot served. A miniature medal is also available but one must receive the full size medal before purchasing the miniature. I remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant. Curt Tipton, Adjutant 6 time of repentance, to give something up (fasting or abstinences) and give ourselves to others. This Lenten season let us give to praying each day and to reach out to those in need. In your prayer each day you might want to consider praying that we treat each other with love and respect, World Peace, for our Country, Sons of Confederate Veterans, GHQ staff and Officers, for the Army of the Trans-Mississippi, for the Arizona Division and each camp, our members and members and their families in need, and our men and women in the military. These are a few thoughts for prayer and I know that you can add many more and please do so. Heavenly Father, during this holy time for so many, we pause to remember that your light can never be extinguished. Help us to believe in this truth so that we might live lives that display your eternal illumination. “Amen” (prayer from Guidepost) May the Lord Bless you Ben H. Middleton, LENTEN SEASON “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter--when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Hear am I. . Isaiah 58: 6-8 (NIV) The season of Lent is observed for 40 days, excluding 6 Sundays, starting on Ash Wednesday and ending Saturday evening before Easter. Lent represents the Chaplain Camp 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring Satan’s 1710 temptations. For us it is a time of prayer, preparation, self reflection, ASH WEDNESDAY “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” How those words, remind me, tell me of my mortality. O dear Feast of Lent, what I can accomplish during your forty days of immortality? Surrender You will, my Master would say. And learn of my way, of obedience to the Father. That is a hard task, I thought. How can a mortal accomplish this? By grace, dear child, my grace. Grace I give you, each time you say, “no” to self, and “yes” to me. Love your enemies, 7 San Antonio, Texas 5 cents per copy $3.50 per annual subscription right; and this is not a tenth part of the horrors daily enacted in Virginia! The following extract from You speak of being sorry that I ever a letter from a young gentleman in had any thing to do with this war. the army in Virginia, Wm. H. Noel, God knows I wish I had a to his mother, in Atascosa county, thousand lives to sacrifice in such a Texas, will be read with interest.--It cause, and with my dying breath I breathes the true spirit. We regret would shout for Jeff Davis and the that our contracted space prevents us Southern Confederacy! from giving the letter entire, as well You say you pray for your as the reply of the noble mother: poor boy, and for the cause in which "My Dear Ma:--If you could see he is engaged. Millions of prayers what I have seen, you could not for a from the Southern mothers ascend moment (aside from political causes) daily to the throne of Grace in the doubt of the North's being in the same cause; and we consider this the wrong. pole star lighting us on to victory, If you could see the beauti- and steer by its light with a bold ful plantations laid in waste, the his- heart and a steady hand. The recoltorical and romantic town of Hamp- lection that you pray for me will ton reduced to ashes, slaves carried nerve my hand to meet any danger, off to labor upon fortifications, to or to endure any privation, and if I protect them from our just vengeshould fall, as perchance I may, I ance; peaceful citizens shot upon will have the consciousness of havtheir own door steps while vainly ing died in a good cause; and those striving to defend their wives and who die fighting for their country, daughters from the loathsome emshed their blood like Martyrs to wabrace of these boasted upholders of ter the tree of liberty. “ the constitution and the law, and last, Christmas is Past! most horrible of all, if you could January 4, 1862 know how often they have violated The Christmas holidays the persons of unprotected females, have passed off pleasantly. The then you could no longer for a moyoung people have enjoyed themment doubt of the South being in the selves at social parties. Eggnog, Letter from Virginia November 2, 1861 cakes and wines have received a due share of attention, and powder enough has been burned to kill a thousand Hessians. The gay appearance of the city during the past week would hardly indicate the hard times and general distress which might be expected to result from such a war as the country is engaged in. Were old Abe in San Antonio, he would be more than ever convinced that "nobody is hurt." Acknowledgments January 22, 1862 The thanks of the "Jeff. Davis Life-Guards," are extended to the officers and members of the "San Antonio Southern Aid Society," for camp furniture and provisions to the handsome sum of $377.31. The above named society have done a noble work, having contributed more or less towards the fitting out of nearly every company in and around this county, besides supporting the families of a number of poor men who are now in the service of their country. Our citizens generally have subscribed liberally towards sustaining the funds expended by the officers of the society. (Continued on page 8) 8 (Continued from page 7) San Antonio Herald We hope the good work will continue until the independence of our country is established. The transactions of the society constitute a part of the history of the times. A Brave Texas Patriot! September 20, 1862 Polk Childress, a son of Sol. Childress of this city, is a fine specimen of young American Texas Chivalry. He is a member of Forrest's Brigade. Speaking in a letter to his father of the battle of Murfreesboro he says "My outfit has not cost me much. I have a Yankee horse, valued at 175 dollars, got by me at Murfreesboro, a Yankee six shooter, got in Lincoln county, Tenn., where I captured a Yankee and secured his six shooter, Yankee shoes, Yankee hat and breeches." Polk is a mere lad in years and size, but in bravery a full grown man. Headquarters, 1st Brigade, 1st Division Army of the Southwest Camp Hope, Arkansas September 27, 1862 There are two brigades here, about 25 miles from Little Rock, on the Searcy road. The Arkansas brigade consists of six regiments, and is commanded by Col. D. McRea. The Texas brigade consists of five regiments as follows, Col. Nelson's, Col. Sweet's, Col. Fitzhugh's, Col. Darnell's, and Col. Taylor's. All of these last named have been dismounted, except Col. Nelson's, which was Infantry at the start. The well men are being drilled in Infantry, at the rate of six hours a day, and the convalescents as they can stand it. We have the promise of new arms in the place of our shot guns and old squirrel rifles--a change much to be desired in the Infantry service. I learn that a portion of these arms are now en route from Monroe, La. to Little Rock. Some are said to be Enfield rifles, the oth- ers Minnie and Belgian muskets. . . Our friends at home must do all in their power to manufacture clothing; we shall be needy on that score when cold weather sets in, many of our men have not now the second shirt to their back, their pants are worn out, and they are barefooted. There is nothing in this State to supply their wants with, they are looking to their friends at home to meet the emergency, and unless prompt steps are taken by the citizens in each county from which the men have so promptly volunteered, there will be a great deal of suffering --let county depots be established and as soon as the clothing can be deposited, let wagons be started with it for the various regiments. The Government does not ask these efforts to be made gratuitously--it is able and willing to pay promptly for all the goods thus furnished, but the difficulty is to get them in time to save the army from suffering, unless many and willing hands contribute their industry. Let the ladies organize societies and attend to the task in person, then it is sure to be accomplished. Very respectfully Henry C. Logan, Adjutant December 27, 1862 A little six-year-old, in speaking of Christmas the other day remarked that he did not expect to get any thing this time, as he reckoned Old Santa Claus was a Conscript and had been sent to the wars. Capture of Traitors! January 17, 1863 Exciting occurrences have transpired here in the last day or two. Judge Davis now Col. Davis, and the notorious Montgomery [Major] of Lockhart, were over in Matamoras, last week; they enticed away many of our Regiment, who for $50 went over and swore into the Northern army. Last Friday the above named renegade officers left Matamoras with about 120 renegades and deserters, to embark on a Yankee steamer at the mouth, which was there to take them to New Orleans. A party of Confederates went down at the same time on this side of the river, to watch their operations. On Friday and Saturday the sea was so rough that they could not go out to their steamer. On Sunday morning at daybreak the Confederate boys crossed over to the Mexican side and took Davis and Montgomery prisoners, and killed and captured about a dozen of the deserters. Two men on Generosity! our side were wounded. Col. Davis November 22, 1862 A valuable donation of 100 was sent prisoner to this place, and pounds of wool to the Ladies South- Montgomery went up a tree on the ern Aid Society of San Antonio, by end of a rope. He was a wealthy man, and h as a family in Lockhart. Mr. Caldwell, and 40 pounds by Mrs. Cline, will give the members an The Mexicans were very angry at opportunity of knitting socks for the our having violated the sacred neutrality of their soil. Yesterday their soldiers; a number of the members have offered their services to do so. blood went up to 100 degrees on the Any lady who has it in her power to subject, but in a day or two it will be down below zero. Last night at prepare the wool for knitting, will confer a great favor by reporting it to about 11 o'clock the whole Regiment was called to arms, it being reported the President, Vice President, or that the Mexicans were about to Treasurer. A list of articles sent by the cross over. The men were under arms nearly all night. They have Society to the destitute of Gen. McCulloch's command in Arkansas cooled down considerably on the other side to-day, and I believe evewill be given next week. A Bright Christmas Thought rything will go on as smoothly as ever. Davis has been sent into the from One of Our Little interior. He looked "awfully" down Friends hearted when I saw him. These articles were published in The San Antonio Herald between November 1861 and January 1863 9 Camp 1710 Gift Items Available for Purchase! “Arizona, Confederate First” T-shirts in sizes L-XXL and colors black or gray: $15.00 plus $2.50 s&h Battle Flags (12” square) or 1st National Flags (12”x18”): suitable for placing on graves: $2.00 each plus $2.50 s&h Logo Polo Shirts in sizes S-XL, your choice of SCV, Army of Trans-Mississippi, Arizona Division or your Camp’s embroidered logo; your choice of color: $26.00 plus $2.50 s&h Shirts in sizes XXL-XXXL $28.50 plus $2.50 s&h Logo License Plates: Your choice of SCV, Army of TransMississippi, Arizona Division or your Camp’s logo: $12.00 plus $2.50 s&h SCV Name tags: SCV logo with your name, Camp name and number. Can include your SCV office if desired. $8.00 plus $2.50 s&h Logo items policy Items bearing the SCV, ATM, Arizona Division or Camp logos may only be sold to bonafide SCV members in good standing. “Arizona, Confederate First” T-shirts and flags are available to all. To order: visit the Camp website at http://home.earthlink.net/~cssscv Click on “Camp Sutler” or Contact the Adjutant 10 17 March: Living History Presentation at Palominas School 19 March: Camp 1710 will hold a business meeting & supper at 6:00 PM at the Country House Restaurant, 4373 S. Hwy 92 21-22 March: The Arizona Department of Parks & Recreation and Picacho Peak State Park will hold the annual Civil War in the Southwest reenactments at Picacho Peak State Park. Contact Glenn Meek at [email protected] for information. 10 April: Camp 1710 will hold a celebration of its charter at 5:30 PM at Contessa’s Cantina, 202 Tombstone Canyon in Bisbee. 25 April: Camp 1710 will hold a Confederate Memorial Day ceremony at the Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery at 10:30 AM 2 May: The Confederate Secret Service Camp 1710 will host the Dragoon Springs Memorial Ceremony at the battle site at 11:30 AM 9 May: The Texas John Slaughter Camp 2074 will host the 20th Annual Arizona Division Reunion & Convention at the Old Pueblo Grill in Tucson. Business session begins at 10:00 AM. Lunch is served at Noon. 14 May: Camp 1710 will hold a business meeting & supper at 6:00 PM at the Country House Restaurant, 4373 S. Hwy 92 18 June: Camp 1710 will hold a business meeting & supper at 6:00 PM at the Country House Restaurant, 4373 S. Hwy 92 15-19 July: SCV National Reunion & Convention, Richmond, VA. Visit www.scv.org for information. 20 August: Camp 1710 will hold a business meeting & supper at 6:00 PM at the Country House Restaurant, 4373 S. Hwy 92 Officers 2014-2016 Commander Thomas M. Archer Lt. Commander Dwaine L. Bright Adjutant Curtis E. Tipton Chaplain Ben H. Middleton Judge Advocate William D. Barton Color Sergeant Donnis W. Davis Mailing Address PO Box 12980 Fort Huachuca, AZ 85670-2980 Email [email protected] Website http:// home.earthlink.net/ ~cssscv For membership information, call (520) 456-6956 or 800-MY DIXIE 11 Each year hundreds of spectators descend on Picacho Peak State Park to watch reenactments of an Arizona Civil War skirmish and the New Mexico battles of Glorieta and Val Verde. Experience battle re-enactments during the 2015 Annual Civil War the Southwest event. Visitors travel from around the country to experience three fascinating historic battle reenactments complete with lifestyles of the soldiers in the southwest during the 1860s. More than 200 re-enactors come from many states and will camp at the park with their authentic Civil War camping gear. Food and beverage concessions are also available. Civil War battles across America were well documented and history teachers carefully covered each battle across the East Coast, but few ever thought what was happening in the West during this time. A battle of the American Civil War was a skirmish fought near a rocky spire called Picacho Peak located between Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. The new highway follows the old wagon route that passed Picacho in 1862. In 1860 the New Mexico Territory, which consisted of the lands that would become the states of Arizona and New Mexico, was sparsely populated. It ranked 34th in population out of 43 states and territories with only 83,009 inhabitants. It was 37th in black populations, with just 8 whom were all free. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, the U.S. Government recalled the majority of its troops from the West to build the Union army for the fighting in the east. Henry Hopkins Sibley joined the Confederacy and convinced Jefferson Davis that he would raise an army in Texas and invade New Mexico territories. He proposed that mineral resources would fill the coffers of the Confederacy and fund their massive war effort. 12 The Commander of the Confederate Secret Service Camp 1710, S.C.V. requests the honor of your presence at a banquet celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Camp’s Charter at 5:30 P.M. on Friday, April 10th, 2015 at 202 Tombstone Canyon Bisbee, A.T. Contessa’s Cantina is located next to the Cochise County Courthouse at the “copper man” Cost is $20.00 per person The meal is a grilled platter with beef, chicken and pork, tortillas, ensalada, salsa, rice and refritos. Coffee, tea or water included A cash bar is available. Please RSVP with the name(s) of your guests to the Adjutant at (520) 456-6956 or [email protected] We must provide a headcount to the restaurant by 1 April You may pay in advance or at the door 13 The Commander of the Arizona Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans requests the honor of your presence at the 21st Annual Arizona Division Reunion & Convention on May 9th 2015 at the Old Pueblo Grill 60 North Alvernon Way in Tucson, A.T. The business session begins promptly at 10:00 AM Lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon The Division Memorial & Awards ceremonies will follow. Cost for the meal is $25.00 per person. Please RSVP and send payment (checks payable to Camp 2074) to: Texas John Slaughter Camp 2074 c/o Adjutant Don Rodgers PO Box 85636 Tucson, Arizona 85754 RSVP and Payment must be received no later than 20 April 2015 14 The Major General J.E.B. Stuart Camp #1343 is honored to host the 120th National Reunion in 2015 in Richmond, Virginia. We encourage you to sign up for a tour of the Old Dominion State while you are visiting with us. If we can do anything to make your trip more memorable, please contact us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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