Oilseeds and Products Oilseeds compete with major grains for area. As a result, weather impacts soybeans, rapeseed, and sunflowerseed similarly to grain and other crops grown in the same regions. The same general price movements expected for grains will also be exhibited by oilseeds. Lower corn prices allow soybeans to compete for area, pushing soybean prices lower, as well. Expanding South American soybean area and production will also pressure soybean prices lower. Soybeans will exhibit a more than 30% decline in prices in 2014/15 from two years earlier. Rapeseed competes with wheat and barley for area. As a result, rapeseed prices are expected to track wheat and barley prices in the next year, and will take a little longer than soybeans to find new price levels. By 2015/16, rapeseed prices are projected to see a 30% decline from 2012/13 prices, and a 40% decline from the peak of 2010/11. Sunflowerseed prices are mirroring the movements of rapeseed, falling 28% from 2012/13 and 37% from the high point reached in 2010/11. With larger oilseed availability, meal and oil production will also increase. Because the oilseeds are the largest cost categories for protein meal and vegetable oil production, the decline in oilseed prices reduces crushing costs, allowing lower output prices while maintaining crushers’ margins. Prices of soybean, rapeseed, and sunflowerseed meals are all expected to fall more than 30% from recent peaks. Soybean, rapeseed, and sunflowerseed meal prices also reflect prices of other major livestock feed components. The fall in grain prices will further pressure meal prices downward Expanding livestock production will dampen the downward movement of protein meals. Dairy, poultry, and hog production are the primary drivers of protein meal consumption, and production of livestock and products is rising globally. Because soybean, rapeseed, and sunflowerseed oils are co-products with their respective meal counterparts, some common costs underlie both products. Vegetable oil prices are projected to fall and remain below historical highs over the next ten years. From their zeniths soy, rapeseed, sunflowerseed, and palm oil prices are expected to exhibit declines of approximately 40% to 45%. While price-supporting demand factors, including energy-related factors, will remain in place, expected continuing increases in palm oil production will limit upward price pressure. Palm oil prices have adjusted back to a more typical relationship with other vegetable oils as production has recovered from constrained production in 2012/13. Vegetable oil prices tend to follow similar paths in the long term. However, there will likely be periods when prices move somewhat differently, particularly for palm oil, as there is a cyclical pattern to production. The increase in oilseed, especially soybean area that quickened in recent years is expected to slow. Lower prices will provide less incentive to expand plantings, especially if it requires new ground to be broken. There are still some regions that have available land for expansion, particularly in South American countries such as Argentina and Brazil, where new crop is being cleared, most of it for soybeans. Compared to soybeans, rapeseed has a much more limited geographic area. New lands are not being devoted to rapeseed planting and traditional producing countries such as Canada and the EU must also consider established crop rotations. One region that has been able to expand rapeseed production is the former Soviet Union. Producers on land that was formerly under central planning now consider regional and global markets. As a result there has been some switching of land from traditional grains into rapeseed. The potential for that to continue in the future is limited, however, and rapeseed area will not exhibit large increases. Crushing is the primary utilization for oilseeds as the co-products, protein meals and vegetable oils form the primary basis of demand. While many nations import soybeans and rapeseed to take advantage of value-added industry opportunities, most of the crushing occurs in major producing countries. Brazil and Argentina process most of the soybeans they grow as they invest in expanding crush capacity and provide jobs. Major crushers of rapeseed are Canada, China, EU-27, and India. These are also the largest producers. While Japan produces virtually no rapeseed, it is the one nation that imports to feed crushing facilities. Ukraine, Russia, and the EU are the leading sunflowerseed producers and processors. Argentina, China, and Turkey also have significant crushing capacity Soybeans account for the largest share of global oilseed trade. The U.S., Argentina, and Brazil account for nearly 90% of exports. Approximately 35% of soybean production is traded, and that proportion is expected to increase primarily as demand grows in China, which currently accounts for nearly two-thirds of global imports. Imports by other countries have been relatively stable. A much smaller proportion of rapeseed is traded. Approximately 15% of global rapeseed production will be sold on the world market in the next ten years. Canada controls an approximately two-thirds market share. The EU-28 has emerged as the world’s largest exporter of sunflowerseed. However, trade is not as important in the sunflowerseed market, with only about 1% being sold on the world market. In combination with population growth, especially in developing regions, per capita incomes are pushing demand for meat and dairy products. Increased purchasing power allows better diets. As demand for these products increases, so too, does utilization of protein meals. Increasing urbanization in nations such as China is pushing livestock, poultry, and dairy production into locations closer to population centers. As a result, animal production is intensifying, using improved practices and feeds. Protein meals are being increasingly used in feed concentrates. Because poultry are much more efficient converters of protein than other animals, poultry production is increasing faster than hogs or dairy. Relatively low costs of production and short production cycles make poultry attractive for increasing meat in diets in developing regions. Versatility in product lines also has allowed poultry to take share away from other meats in developed countries. As global economic expansion accelerates in the next few years, dietary improvements, and therefore, protein meal consumption growth is expected to outpace the recent past. Rapid increases in livestock and dairy production are outpacing the ability to produce feed in many parts of the world. In addition, many nations with limited land bases have intensive livestock operations which require the importation of feed ingredients, including protein meals. The major exporters of soybean meal, as in the case of soybeans, are Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. In recent years, India has emerged as a notable exporter, and Paraguay is increasing sales on the world market. China is self-sufficient as this country imports soybeans to process to meet domestic product demand. The EU is by far the largest importer, with other trade distributed widely around the world. As with rapeseed, Canada is the dominant exporter of rapeseed meal, with most going to the neighboring U.S. India has emerged as a minor exporter in recent years, but domestic consumption is growing faster and will limit export capability. Despite being one of the largest producers of rapeseed meal, the EU is self-sufficient, feeding all that it produces. Trade in sunflowerseed meal takes in a somewhat limited region of the globe. Ukraine and Russia are the dominant producers and exporters of sunflowerseed meal. Most of the trade is with the European Union and Turkey. Vegetable oil consumption is being boosted by a combination of population growth, income expansion, and increased industrial uses, including those for biofuels. China is leading global soyoil demand growth, accounting for more than half of consumption increases in the past decade, and is expected to maintain that role in the next ten years. Palm oil production in tropical Asian nations such as Indonesia and Malaysia is dramatically increasing global vegetable oil supplies. These two countries together accounted for 85% of palm oil production in 2013/14. Palm oil is readily accepted and is rapidly taking share in many markets. Rapeseed oil consumption is increasing only with population growth. Per capita consumption is stagnating and is not expected to show measurable increases over the next decade as the rapid growth in production and consumption of palm oil is displacing rapeseed oil in some regions. Similarly, sunflowerseed oil is not increasing dramatically on a per capita basis. Unlike soybeans and products and palm oil, both rapeseed and sunflowerseed products are constrained by limited potential for expanding the land base devoted to those respective oilseeds. Palm oil has captured the largest share of global vegetable oil trade. Unlike soybean, rapeseed or sunflowerseed oil, palm oil is not a co-product with other oilseed products. The trees are fast growing in low-cost areas of the Pacific Rim and Asia and production has exploded. Two-thirds of global palm oil production is sold on the world market, coming primarily from Indonesia and Malaysia as this commodity has become an important source of foreign exchange. Together these two countries account for 90% of palm oil exports. Imports are much more widely distributed. In recent years, highly competitive palm oil gained market share from soyoil. As a result, soyoil trade declined in the period from 2008/09 to 2011/12. Nevertheless, demand growth globally will outpace crushing capacity increases in importing nations and trade will gradually increase. Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. will remain top exporters. Approximately 15% of global production will be sold on international markets. Rapeseed and sunflowerseed crushers cannot absorb the competition from palm oil prices in the baseline as readily as soybean processors, as rapeseed and sunflowerseed have a 40% oil content compared to 18% for soybeans. As a result, crushers are more than twice as exposed to changes in vegetable oil prices than soybean crushers. Rapeseed oil will see only gradual increases in demand and trade over the next ten years. Important importers will be China, the EU, and the U.S. The U.S. will remain the single largest importer of rapeseed oil in the world due to location near major rapeseed production and processing in Canada, which accounts for the largest proportion of the 10% of global production that is traded. Though trade is small in absolute terms, sunflowerseed oil is dependent on the international market as more than one-third of production is traded. The largest exporters are Russia and Ukraine, and the largest importer is India. World Soybean Supply & Utilization Area Harvested Yield 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 88.6 93.4 93.1 2.11 2.31 2.37 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 94.6 (Million hectares) 90.9 96.4 102.6 103.4 103.1 109.3 113.3 2.50 (Metric tons per hectare) 2.41 2.20 2.54 2.56 2.33 2.46 2.50 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 280.8 186.8 42.6 51.5 314.9 215.9 38.4 60.6 331.1 220.9 48.7 61.6 354.7 236.3 54.0 64.5 (Million metric tons) 355.0 337.8 219.0 212.1 63.0 52.5 73.0 73.2 Utilization Crush Other utilization Ending Stocks 227.3 163.5 25.4 38.4 253.1 175.3 29.2 48.7 269.8 186.0 29.9 54.0 288.0 195.6 29.5 63.0 282.0 202.3 27.3 52.5 264.8 193.6 28.1 43.0 299.0 209.6 28.9 60.5 321.8 221.3 29.9 70.5 312.3 228.3 29.8 54.2 318.3 230.2 31.0 57.1 338.6 240.3 32.1 66.2 53.5 61.8 61.4 66.7 72.9 73.0 87.8 87.6 86.5 92.8 104.6 280.8 314.9 331.1 354.7 355.0 337.8 386.8 409.3 398.8 411.1 443.2 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 18.6 23.5 1.4 9.2 0.4 9.7 0.1 0.1 2.7 0.1 30.9 5.9 18.3 24.2 1.5 8.5 0.4 9.6 0.1 0.2 2.9 0.1 31.0 6.6 17.6 25.0 1.6 7.9 0.4 10.3 0.1 0.2 3.0 0.1 29.9 7.2 19.4 27.7 1.7 7.2 0.4 10.7 0.1 0.1 3.2 0.1 30.8 7.9 19.8 30.1 1.9 6.9 0.5 12.2 0.1 0.2 3.2 0.1 30.9 7.6 102.6 103.4 103.1 109.3 113.3 Net Exports Total Demand 386.8 260.6 43.0 83.2 409.3 264.2 60.5 84.6 398.8 240.5 70.5 87.8 411.1 268.8 54.2 88.1 443.2 283.7 57.1 102.3 Soybean Area Harvested 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 Argentina Brazil Canada China EU-28 India Japan Mexico Paraguay South Korea United States Rest of world 14.0 21.5 1.0 9.3 0.5 6.5 0.2 0.1 1.9 0.1 29.3 4.2 14.4 22.9 1.2 9.6 0.4 8.0 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.1 29.9 4.6 15.2 22.2 1.2 9.6 0.5 7.8 0.1 0.1 2.4 0.1 28.8 5.1 16.3 20.7 1.2 9.3 0.6 8.1 0.1 0.1 2.4 0.1 30.2 5.5 (Million hectares) 16.4 16.0 21.3 21.7 1.2 1.2 8.8 9.1 0.4 0.3 8.8 9.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.6 2.5 0.1 0.1 26.0 30.2 5.2 5.6 World total 88.6 93.4 93.1 94.6 90.9 96.4 World Soybean Supply & Utilization Area Harvested Yield 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 118.0 118.5 118.4 119.3 (Million hectares) 120.5 121.8 122.9 124.1 125.1 126.2 127.2 2.67 (Metric tons per hectare) 2.70 2.73 2.76 2.78 2.81 2.83 2.86 2.66 2.61 2.64 19/20 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 486.6 314.4 66.2 106.1 513.1 309.5 90.1 113.6 523.9 313.1 95.5 115.3 535.1 319.0 97.5 118.6 (Million metric tons) 545.1 556.4 325.5 332.4 98.7 100.2 121.0 123.9 Utilization Crush Other utilization Ending Stocks 377.0 253.7 33.3 90.1 396.1 267.2 33.4 95.5 405.1 273.5 34.1 97.5 413.0 279.8 34.6 98.7 420.7 285.4 35.1 100.2 429.0 291.2 35.8 102.0 437.4 296.7 36.5 104.1 445.8 302.3 37.2 106.3 454.0 307.6 37.9 108.5 462.2 312.9 38.6 110.7 470.5 318.4 39.3 112.8 Net Exports 109.6 117.1 118.8 122.1 124.5 127.4 129.8 132.4 134.5 136.4 138.7 Total Demand 486.6 513.2 523.9 535.1 545.1 556.4 567.1 578.2 588.5 598.6 609.2 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 21.9 33.2 2.4 6.9 0.5 10.9 0.1 0.2 3.6 0.1 33.6 9.7 22.4 33.3 2.4 6.9 0.5 11.1 0.1 0.2 3.7 0.1 33.6 9.8 22.8 33.4 2.5 6.9 0.5 11.4 0.1 0.2 3.8 0.1 33.6 9.9 23.2 33.5 2.5 6.9 0.5 11.7 0.1 0.2 3.9 0.1 33.6 10.1 23.6 33.6 2.5 6.9 0.5 12.0 0.1 0.2 4.0 0.1 33.7 10.2 122.9 124.1 125.1 126.2 127.2 567.1 338.8 102.0 126.3 578.2 345.2 104.1 128.9 588.5 351.2 106.3 131.0 598.6 357.2 108.5 132.9 609.2 363.3 110.7 135.2 Soybean Area Harvested Argentina Brazil Canada China EU-28 India Japan Mexico Paraguay South Korea United States Rest of world World total 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 20.0 31.5 2.2 6.7 0.6 11.0 0.1 0.2 3.3 0.1 33.6 8.7 20.1 31.9 2.3 6.8 0.5 10.8 0.1 0.2 3.3 0.1 33.7 8.7 20.4 32.2 2.3 6.6 0.5 10.6 0.1 0.2 3.4 0.1 33.2 8.9 20.7 32.5 2.4 6.7 0.5 10.5 0.1 0.2 3.4 0.1 33.3 9.1 118.0 118.5 118.4 119.3 18/19 19/20 (Million hectares) 21.0 21.5 32.7 33.0 2.4 2.4 6.7 6.8 0.5 0.5 10.6 10.7 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 3.5 3.5 0.1 0.1 33.4 33.6 9.3 9.5 120.5 121.8 Soybean Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Brazil Canada India Paraguay United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 Japan South Korea Mexico Rest of world Total net imports Residual Soybean price, Central IL 6,204 20,089 301 239 2,649 23,977 8,876 19,662 738 6 2,850 29,708 6,665 25,848 977 6 2,370 25,487 7,574 23,432 1,449 1 4,121 30,140 10,885 25,214 1,444 12 4,085 31,269 4,349 29,943 1,630 55 2,599 34,456 13,087 28,404 1,872 15 4,058 40,401 9,192 29,914 2,693 18 5,206 40,566 7,368 36,129 2,702 38 3,555 36,717 7,736 41,509 3,200 115 5,491 34,743 7,840 46,224 3,131 179 4,373 42,864 53,459 61,840 61,353 66,717 72,909 73,032 87,837 87,589 86,509 92,794 104,611 16,614 14,711 4,688 1,368 3,794 10,275 25,412 14,547 4,295 1,240 3,639 11,514 27,963 13,936 3,962 1,190 3,667 10,882 28,280 15,121 4,087 1,231 3,844 11,923 37,363 15,095 4,009 1,232 3,614 11,648 40,698 13,177 3,396 1,167 3,327 11,481 50,154 12,623 3,401 1,197 3,523 12,316 52,149 12,377 2,917 1,239 3,498 12,467 58,956 12,015 2,759 1,139 3,606 9,330 59,599 12,446 2,830 1,113 3,409 8,751 70,149 12,928 2,894 1,271 3,700 11,352 51,450 60,647 61,600 64,486 72,961 73,246 83,214 84,647 87,805 88,148 102,294 2,009 1,193 -247 2,231 2,942 -1,296 4,651 2,317 294 214 202 264 -52 -214 4,623 (Dollars per metric ton) 452 365 357 482 505 537 487 Soybean Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Brazil Canada India Paraguay United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 Japan South Korea Mexico Rest of world Total net imports Residual Soybean price, Central IL 8,018 45,514 3,595 139 4,515 47,832 9,983 50,786 3,959 126 4,502 47,703 9,847 52,488 3,985 154 4,581 47,753 9,851 54,585 4,010 147 4,613 48,846 10,135 55,809 4,032 93 4,781 49,601 10,635 57,063 4,042 56 4,922 50,680 11,245 58,318 4,039 49 5,156 50,975 11,787 59,534 4,024 28 5,452 51,580 12,250 60,576 3,998 52 5,791 51,815 12,694 61,722 3,968 72 6,153 51,826 13,154 62,840 3,933 102 6,403 52,249 109,614 117,057 118,806 122,052 124,451 127,397 129,781 132,404 134,482 136,435 138,681 73,810 12,757 3,181 1,299 3,970 11,097 79,329 13,988 3,283 1,292 4,169 11,498 81,106 13,551 3,128 1,294 4,192 12,037 84,913 12,923 2,951 1,295 4,195 12,277 87,222 12,991 2,893 1,296 4,225 12,326 90,008 13,036 2,883 1,296 4,268 12,408 92,653 12,969 2,864 1,295 4,279 12,221 95,336 13,039 2,878 1,294 4,291 12,068 97,363 12,914 2,842 1,292 4,283 12,290 99,597 12,853 2,805 1,290 4,279 12,112 101,995 12,782 2,762 1,288 4,269 12,084 106,115 113,558 115,307 118,553 120,952 123,898 126,282 128,905 130,983 132,936 135,182 3,499 3,499 3,499 3,499 3,499 3,499 3,499 3,499 354 363 377 393 3,499 3,499 3,499 (Dollars per metric ton) 400 399 399 392 384 379 373 World Soybean Products Supply & Utilization 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 176.8 128.9 5.5 42.4 187.2 138.6 5.6 43.0 200.1 146.4 5.8 47.8 210.2 153.8 6.2 50.2 (Million metric tons) 218.5 208.6 221.2 158.8 152.2 165.3 7.1 7.2 4.9 52.6 49.2 51.0 235.1 174.4 6.7 54.0 242.7 180.5 8.4 53.9 241.8 181.3 9.8 50.7 252.4 188.8 9.7 54.0 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 133.3 127.6 5.6 142.6 136.7 5.8 151.5 145.3 6.2 158.1 151.0 7.1 164.6 157.5 7.2 158.2 153.3 4.9 168.1 161.4 6.7 179.5 171.1 8.4 187.6 177.8 9.8 187.2 177.5 9.7 196.1 185.7 10.4 43.5 44.6 48.7 52.1 53.8 50.4 53.1 55.6 55.1 54.6 56.3 176.8 187.2 200.1 210.2 218.5 208.6 221.2 235.1 242.7 241.8 252.4 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 40.4 30.2 3.1 7.1 42.9 32.6 2.8 7.6 46.1 34.9 3.3 8.0 49.2 36.4 3.9 8.9 51.0 37.7 4.1 9.2 47.5 35.9 3.8 7.8 49.4 38.9 3.4 7.1 52.8 41.4 3.6 7.8 52.8 42.7 4.1 5.9 53.2 43.1 4.1 6.0 55.4 44.9 3.6 6.9 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 33.1 30.3 2.8 35.1 31.8 3.3 37.4 33.5 3.9 39.8 35.7 4.1 41.4 37.5 3.8 39.8 36.4 3.4 41.8 38.2 3.6 44.8 40.8 4.1 46.3 42.2 4.1 46.3 42.6 3.6 48.5 45.3 3.2 7.4 7.8 8.7 9.5 9.6 7.8 7.6 7.9 6.4 7.0 6.9 40.4 42.9 46.1 49.2 51.0 47.5 49.4 52.8 52.8 53.3 55.4 Soybean Meal Net Exports Total Demand Soybean Oil Net Exports Total Demand World Soybean Products Supply & Utilization 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 268.6 200.5 10.4 57.7 281.3 210.7 10.9 59.8 289.2 215.6 11.7 61.8 296.1 220.6 12.1 63.4 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 208.4 197.5 10.9 219.1 207.3 11.7 224.8 212.7 12.1 60.2 62.3 268.6 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Million metric tons) 302.2 308.1 225.0 229.6 12.3 12.4 65.0 66.1 313.7 233.9 12.5 67.3 319.2 238.3 12.7 68.2 324.6 242.5 12.9 69.2 330.4 246.6 13.2 70.6 335.6 250.2 13.5 71.9 230.2 217.9 12.3 234.7 222.4 12.4 239.4 226.9 12.5 243.9 231.2 12.7 248.5 235.6 12.9 252.9 239.7 13.2 257.4 243.8 13.5 261.3 247.4 13.8 64.3 65.9 67.5 68.6 69.8 70.7 71.7 73.1 74.4 281.3 289.2 296.1 302.2 308.1 313.7 319.2 324.6 330.4 335.6 57.3 47.4 3.2 6.7 60.5 49.9 3.4 7.2 62.5 51.1 3.7 7.7 63.9 52.3 3.8 7.8 65.3 53.3 3.9 8.2 66.7 54.4 4.0 8.4 68.1 55.4 4.1 8.7 69.5 56.4 4.1 8.9 70.7 57.4 4.1 9.1 71.9 58.4 4.2 9.3 73.3 59.6 4.3 9.5 50.2 46.8 3.4 52.9 49.2 3.7 54.4 50.6 3.8 55.7 51.8 3.9 56.8 52.8 4.0 57.9 53.9 4.1 59.1 55.0 4.1 60.1 56.0 4.1 61.1 56.9 4.2 62.2 57.9 4.3 63.4 59.1 4.3 7.1 7.6 8.1 8.2 8.6 8.8 9.1 9.3 9.5 9.7 9.9 57.3 60.5 62.5 63.9 65.3 66.7 68.1 69.5 70.7 71.9 73.3 Soybean Meal Net Exports Total Demand Soybean Oil Net Exports Total Demand Soybean Meal Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Brazil China India Paraguay United States Total net exports Net importers Canada EU-28 Japan South Korea Mexico Rest of world Total net imports Residual Soymeal price 48%, Decatur 19,219 14,510 643 3,674 1,069 4,431 20,650 14,004 589 2,230 648 6,525 24,221 12,700 -480 4,265 784 7,173 25,624 12,548 835 4,140 1,095 7,845 26,813 11,958 431 5,280 1,072 8,256 24,021 13,026 802 3,800 1,076 7,628 24,912 12,899 1,098 3,110 1,124 9,980 27,615 13,929 178 4,792 1,043 8,075 26,043 14,648 853 4,384 523 8,649 23,667 13,210 1,349 4,347 2,147 9,917 24,960 13,923 1,997 2,735 2,500 10,173 43,546 44,646 48,663 52,087 53,810 50,353 53,123 55,632 55,100 54,637 56,288 1,011 21,729 1,195 1,307 791 16,362 1,052 21,486 1,503 1,462 1,249 16,218 1,213 22,233 1,601 1,773 1,724 19,300 1,278 21,818 1,737 1,870 1,775 21,722 1,390 24,197 1,747 1,752 1,393 22,128 1,170 20,689 1,812 1,697 1,512 22,315 980 20,408 2,106 1,662 1,203 24,638 866 21,268 2,208 1,586 1,493 26,574 965 19,988 2,282 1,533 1,537 27,566 737 16,405 1,765 1,539 1,282 28,925 741 17,865 1,976 1,647 1,406 30,320 42,395 42,970 47,844 50,200 52,607 49,195 50,997 53,995 53,871 50,653 53,955 1,151 1,676 819 1,887 1,637 1,229 3,927 2,333 282 202 192 226 1,203 1,158 2,126 (Dollars per metric ton) 370 365 343 381 434 516 540 Soybean Meal Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Brazil China India Paraguay United States Total net exports Net importers Canada EU-28 Japan South Korea Mexico Rest of world Total net imports Residual Soymeal price 48%, Decatur 27,837 14,083 1,595 2,575 2,632 11,474 29,684 14,609 1,376 2,944 2,771 10,903 31,732 15,498 1,338 2,658 2,887 10,231 33,040 15,893 1,321 2,501 2,989 10,162 34,065 16,375 1,301 2,478 3,078 10,168 34,985 16,552 1,308 2,515 3,153 10,128 35,841 16,478 1,333 2,573 3,221 10,313 36,767 16,360 1,349 2,683 3,286 10,214 37,704 16,481 1,355 2,813 3,349 9,952 38,656 16,551 1,391 2,977 3,412 10,075 39,664 16,605 1,421 3,159 3,470 10,035 60,195 62,286 64,345 65,905 67,465 68,640 69,759 70,659 71,655 73,062 74,353 718 18,941 1,944 1,700 1,402 32,989 645 18,487 1,835 1,683 1,304 35,831 597 19,394 1,910 1,763 1,527 36,655 553 20,205 1,989 1,799 1,696 37,163 508 20,259 1,986 1,817 1,810 38,584 459 20,363 1,970 1,838 1,893 39,616 416 20,742 1,967 1,873 2,004 40,255 379 20,974 1,972 1,919 2,114 40,801 346 21,403 2,042 1,983 2,239 41,143 317 21,771 2,096 2,043 2,340 41,995 298 22,169 2,176 2,126 2,445 42,639 57,695 59,786 61,845 63,405 64,965 66,140 67,259 68,159 69,155 70,562 71,853 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 392 369 370 382 2,500 2,500 2,500 (Dollars per metric ton) 397 404 401 395 383 378 368 Soybean Oil Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Brazil Canada Paraguay United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 India Japan South Korea Mexico Rest of world Total net imports Residual Soyoil price, Decatur 4,238 2,692 -81 249 286 4,757 2,411 -67 108 588 5,597 2,438 -55 182 507 5,970 2,458 -55 258 834 5,789 2,321 -30 257 1,290 4,704 1,903 -7 226 954 4,453 1,412 4 240 1,477 4,561 1,668 34 252 1,394 3,794 1,885 47 123 596 4,244 1,245 74 554 893 4,090 1,378 61 626 776 7,384 7,797 8,669 9,465 9,627 7,780 7,586 7,909 6,445 7,010 6,931 2,714 -490 901 24 206 84 3,634 1,688 -344 2,015 45 240 146 3,799 1,411 446 1,714 61 261 121 3,944 2,310 734 1,439 50 298 137 3,939 2,625 703 717 42 284 234 4,578 2,411 397 1,058 39 260 158 3,440 1,437 161 1,597 26 305 190 3,427 1,267 443 945 19 271 353 4,475 1,442 -356 1,164 20 318 141 3,201 1,325 -711 1,086 38 284 190 3,828 1,259 -451 1,829 16 272 186 3,776 7,073 7,589 7,958 8,907 9,183 7,763 7,143 7,773 5,930 6,040 6,887 311 208 711 558 136 515 972 35 661 507 516 684 444 17 443 (Dollars per metric ton) 1,147 709 793 1,173 1,144 1,039 843 Soybean Oil Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Brazil Canada Paraguay United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 India Japan South Korea Mexico Rest of world Total net imports Residual Soyoil price, Decatur 4,343 1,166 80 628 877 4,600 1,398 101 672 821 4,884 1,581 117 706 791 5,078 1,697 128 730 617 5,159 1,805 138 751 703 5,268 1,877 149 768 750 5,408 1,914 163 785 800 5,573 1,936 177 800 864 5,695 1,894 191 815 935 5,793 1,836 203 829 1,044 5,889 1,769 215 843 1,150 7,094 7,592 8,078 8,250 8,555 8,812 9,070 9,349 9,529 9,706 9,865 1,042 -470 1,927 32 338 193 3,632 1,104 -570 1,988 31 331 177 4,131 1,159 -524 2,136 26 340 175 4,366 1,025 -414 2,158 25 352 182 4,521 1,034 -433 2,291 25 364 183 4,690 1,123 -432 2,367 27 378 184 4,766 1,187 -427 2,402 26 388 185 4,909 1,224 -439 2,423 26 400 190 5,126 1,266 -387 2,446 25 412 200 5,165 1,346 -345 2,467 26 424 209 5,178 1,400 -300 2,476 25 436 219 5,209 6,694 7,192 7,678 7,850 8,155 8,412 8,670 8,949 9,129 9,306 9,465 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 722 665 695 714 400 400 400 (Dollars per metric ton) 731 728 756 774 780 784 791 World Rapeseed Supply & Utilization 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 Area Harvested 25.5 26.7 27.3 26.4 Yield 1.55 1.73 1.78 1.70 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 44.4 39.5 2.2 2.7 51.3 46.2 2.4 2.7 57.3 48.6 5.3 3.4 Utilization Crush Other utilization Ending Stocks 41.3 36.4 2.5 2.4 48.6 40.6 2.7 5.3 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Million hectares) 28.3 31.0 31.4 (Metric tons per hectare) 33.8 34.1 36.3 36.1 1.72 1.86 1.94 (Million metric tons) 1.79 1.80 1.76 1.97 54.7 45.0 5.8 3.9 57.5 48.6 5.1 3.8 70.8 57.9 4.0 9.0 75.0 61.0 7.3 6.7 75.3 60.6 8.9 5.8 78.9 61.6 8.3 9.0 79.8 63.8 6.6 9.4 87.7 71.1 5.1 11.4 53.6 44.7 3.1 5.8 51.2 43.5 2.6 5.1 53.1 46.7 2.4 4.0 61.8 52.0 2.5 7.3 68.2 56.6 2.7 8.9 68.7 57.9 2.4 8.3 70.2 60.6 3.0 6.6 70.6 62.4 3.0 5.1 76.1 66.4 3.0 6.7 3.1 2.6 3.7 3.5 4.4 9.0 6.8 6.6 8.8 9.2 11.6 44.4 51.3 57.3 54.7 57.5 70.8 75.0 75.3 78.9 79.8 87.7 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 4.7 7.2 4.2 6.8 0.0 0.4 2.2 4.9 7.3 4.6 7.2 0.0 0.3 2.5 5.2 7.3 4.9 7.4 0.0 0.5 2.1 5.2 6.0 5.4 6.6 0.0 0.4 2.7 6.3 5.6 6.6 5.7 0.0 0.5 3.6 6.5 6.6 6.2 6.6 0.0 0.4 4.7 6.5 7.3 6.5 6.5 0.0 0.3 4.3 6.9 7.4 7.0 7.3 0.0 0.6 4.8 7.6 7.3 6.7 6.6 0.0 0.4 5.4 8.8 7.4 6.3 6.8 0.0 0.7 6.3 8.0 7.5 6.8 7.1 0.0 0.5 6.2 25.5 26.7 27.3 26.4 28.3 31.0 31.4 33.8 34.1 36.3 36.1 Net Exports Total Demand 07/08 08/09 Rapeseed Area Harvested (Million hectares) Canada China EU-28 India Japan United States Rest of world World total World Rapeseed Supply & Utilization 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Area Harvested 36.4 36.5 36.4 36.8 Yield 1.98 1.91 1.94 1.96 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 88.0 71.9 6.7 9.3 86.8 70.0 7.2 9.6 87.1 70.6 6.4 10.1 Utilization Crush Other utilization Ending Stocks 78.5 68.2 3.1 7.2 77.3 67.9 3.1 6.4 9.5 88.0 Net Exports Total Demand 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Million hectares) 37.1 37.4 37.7 (Metric tons per hectare) 38.0 38.3 38.6 38.9 1.98 1.99 2.01 (Million metric tons) 2.03 2.05 2.07 2.09 88.9 72.0 6.3 10.5 90.5 73.2 6.4 10.8 92.1 74.5 6.6 11.0 94.1 75.9 6.8 11.5 96.0 77.2 7.0 11.7 97.8 78.5 7.3 12.0 99.6 79.8 7.5 12.3 101.4 81.2 7.7 12.5 77.2 67.8 3.1 6.3 78.5 69.0 3.1 6.4 79.9 70.1 3.2 6.6 81.3 71.3 3.2 6.8 82.9 72.6 3.3 7.0 84.4 73.8 3.3 7.3 86.0 75.1 3.4 7.5 87.5 76.4 3.4 7.7 89.1 77.7 3.5 7.9 9.4 9.9 10.3 10.6 10.8 11.3 11.5 11.8 12.1 12.3 86.8 87.1 88.9 90.5 92.1 94.1 96.0 97.8 99.6 101.4 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 Rapeseed Area Harvested 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 8.1 7.5 6.8 7.2 0.0 0.6 6.2 8.1 7.6 6.9 7.0 0.0 0.7 6.3 8.2 7.4 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 6.5 8.2 7.5 6.9 6.8 0.0 0.7 6.7 8.2 7.5 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 6.9 8.2 7.6 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 7.1 8.2 7.7 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 7.3 8.2 7.7 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 7.6 8.2 7.8 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 7.8 8.2 7.8 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 8.1 8.2 7.8 6.9 6.9 0.0 0.7 8.3 36.4 36.5 36.4 36.8 37.1 37.4 37.7 38.0 38.3 38.6 38.9 (Million hectares) Canada China EU-28 India Japan United States Rest of world World total Rapeseed Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Canada India Rest of world Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 Japan United States Total net imports Residual Rapeseed price, Hamburg 3,520 40 -487 3,385 4 -742 5,271 2 -1,557 5,257 0 -1,735 5,629 2 -1,214 7,777 1 1,256 7,044 0 -197 6,983 1 -367 8,598 0 179 6,986 0 2,224 9,107 0 2,512 3,073 2,647 3,716 3,522 4,417 9,034 6,847 6,617 8,777 9,210 11,619 418 44 2,283 -61 316 -132 2,231 327 676 79 2,281 361 960 354 2,165 401 805 276 2,257 451 3,034 3,231 2,123 634 2,177 1,906 2,275 391 930 2,410 2,321 188 2,622 3,603 2,350 469 3,421 3,284 2,495 217 5,046 3,205 2,378 775 2,684 2,742 3,397 3,880 3,789 9,022 6,749 5,849 9,044 9,417 11,404 -389 95 -319 358 -768 267 207 -215 317 262 292 375 -628 -12 -98 (Dollars per metric ton) 644 393 419 647 616 579 505 Rapeseed Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Canada India Rest of world Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 Japan United States Total net imports Residual Rapeseed price, Hamburg 8,399 0 1,084 7,929 0 1,509 8,045 0 1,841 8,181 0 2,144 8,313 0 2,324 8,491 0 2,330 8,625 0 2,631 8,719 0 2,811 8,843 0 2,954 8,972 0 3,095 9,090 0 3,218 9,484 9,438 9,886 10,325 10,637 10,821 11,256 11,529 11,797 12,066 12,308 3,752 2,403 2,452 732 3,691 2,827 2,447 672 3,738 3,188 2,478 682 4,041 3,291 2,492 701 4,117 3,503 2,499 718 4,228 3,567 2,500 726 4,548 3,672 2,502 734 4,619 3,861 2,504 746 4,709 4,028 2,503 757 4,846 4,158 2,502 760 4,950 4,293 2,500 765 9,339 9,638 10,086 10,525 10,837 11,021 11,456 11,729 11,997 12,266 12,508 -145 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 419 394 408 419 200 200 200 (Dollars per metric ton) 429 439 443 439 434 432 427 World Rapeseed Products Supply & Utilization 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 24.2 21.8 0.3 2.1 26.7 24.2 0.5 2.0 29.0 26.5 0.3 2.2 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 22.1 21.6 0.5 24.8 24.4 0.3 2.1 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 28.8 25.7 0.6 2.5 (Million metric tons) 30.9 33.6 36.6 27.6 30.7 33.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 3.0 2.6 2.9 38.7 34.0 0.5 4.2 40.3 35.7 0.5 4.1 41.4 36.9 0.6 4.0 44.1 39.2 0.4 4.6 26.9 26.3 0.6 26.4 26.1 0.3 27.8 27.5 0.3 31.0 30.7 0.3 33.8 33.3 0.5 34.4 33.9 0.5 35.9 35.3 0.6 37.3 37.0 0.4 39.5 39.1 0.4 1.9 2.1 2.4 3.1 2.6 2.8 4.3 4.4 4.1 4.6 24.2 26.7 29.0 28.8 30.9 33.6 36.6 38.7 40.3 41.4 44.1 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 15.5 14.2 0.6 0.7 16.8 15.8 0.4 0.6 18.7 17.5 0.5 0.7 19.3 17.2 0.7 1.4 20.4 18.5 0.5 1.3 23.0 20.6 0.8 1.6 25.4 22.5 1.0 2.0 26.7 23.0 1.6 2.1 28.1 24.1 1.2 2.7 29.0 24.9 1.7 2.4 31.7 26.4 2.8 2.5 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 14.8 14.4 0.4 16.1 15.6 0.5 17.8 17.1 0.7 18.1 17.6 0.5 19.2 18.4 0.8 21.4 20.4 1.0 23.6 22.1 1.6 24.5 23.3 1.2 25.4 23.7 1.7 26.5 23.7 2.8 29.2 25.5 3.7 0.7 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.8 2.2 2.7 2.5 2.5 15.5 16.8 18.7 19.3 20.4 23.0 25.4 26.7 28.1 29.0 31.7 Rapeseed Meal Net Exports Total Demand Rapeseed Oil Net Exports Total Demand World Rapeseed Products Supply & Utilization 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 45.0 40.2 0.4 4.4 45.1 40.0 0.5 4.5 45.0 40.0 0.5 4.6 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 40.6 40.1 0.5 40.5 40.0 0.5 4.4 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 45.7 40.7 0.5 4.5 (Million metric tons) 46.5 47.2 48.0 41.4 42.1 42.9 0.5 0.4 0.4 4.7 4.6 4.7 48.9 43.6 0.4 4.8 49.8 44.4 0.5 5.0 50.7 45.1 0.5 5.1 51.6 45.9 0.5 5.2 40.4 39.9 0.5 41.1 40.6 0.5 41.8 41.3 0.4 42.4 42.0 0.4 43.2 42.8 0.4 44.0 43.5 0.5 44.7 44.3 0.5 45.5 45.0 0.5 46.3 45.8 0.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.3 45.0 45.1 45.0 45.7 46.5 47.2 48.0 48.9 49.8 50.7 51.6 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 33.6 27.2 3.7 2.8 33.5 27.0 3.6 2.8 33.4 27.0 3.6 2.8 33.9 27.5 3.6 2.8 34.5 27.9 3.7 2.9 35.1 28.4 3.8 3.0 35.7 28.9 3.9 3.0 36.4 29.4 4.0 3.1 37.0 29.9 4.0 3.1 37.7 30.4 4.1 3.2 38.3 30.9 4.2 3.2 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 30.8 27.1 3.6 30.6 27.0 3.6 30.6 27.0 3.6 31.0 27.3 3.7 31.6 27.8 3.8 32.1 28.3 3.9 32.7 28.7 4.0 33.3 29.2 4.0 33.9 29.7 4.1 34.5 30.2 4.2 35.0 30.7 4.3 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.2 33.6 33.5 33.4 33.9 34.5 35.1 35.7 36.4 37.0 37.7 38.3 Rapeseed Meal Net Exports Total Demand Rapeseed Oil Net Exports Total Demand Rapeseed Meal Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Canada India EU-28 Total net exports Net importers China Japan United States Rest of world Total net imports Residual Rapemeal price, Hamburg 1,569 633 -60 1,412 546 -41 1,489 679 -36 1,481 984 -43 1,852 1,177 76 1,856 774 -6 1,927 786 84 2,965 1,311 18 3,328 1,000 40 3,334 901 -143 3,413 1,327 -96 2,142 1,917 2,132 2,422 3,105 2,624 2,797 4,294 4,368 4,092 4,644 -83 19 1,450 757 15 27 1,303 632 112 31 1,412 622 274 64 1,437 735 213 10 1,715 1,034 -8 109 1,626 895 866 58 1,132 879 1,408 25 1,978 757 615 7 2,722 722 5 75 3,058 830 277 74 3,340 878 2,143 1,977 2,177 2,510 2,972 2,622 2,935 4,168 4,066 3,968 4,569 1 60 45 88 -126 -302 -124 -75 178 131 129 184 -133 -2 138 (Dollars per metric ton) 298 195 221 278 295 353 323 Rapeseed Meal Trade Net exporters Canada India EU-28 Total net exports Net importers China Japan United States Rest of world Total net imports Residual Rapemeal price, Hamburg 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 3,426 1,129 -114 3,527 1,167 -80 3,551 1,107 -31 3,588 1,108 -72 3,629 1,124 -11 3,654 1,129 -58 3,678 1,137 -22 3,710 1,161 42 3,738 1,182 115 3,758 1,192 187 3,777 1,204 272 4,441 4,614 4,627 4,623 4,742 4,724 4,793 4,914 5,035 5,137 5,253 20 91 3,358 897 118 114 3,519 788 137 95 3,588 732 123 78 3,608 740 244 62 3,611 749 331 54 3,624 640 272 62 3,683 700 334 75 3,749 680 407 95 3,833 625 455 119 3,928 560 560 118 4,024 476 4,366 4,539 4,552 4,548 4,667 4,649 4,718 4,839 4,960 5,062 5,178 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 -75 267 245 247 259 -75 -75 -75 (Dollars per metric ton) 271 278 274 268 260 253 243 Rapeseed Oil Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Canada Rest of world 944 -253 906 -229 1,049 -190 1,129 57 1,271 -94 1,416 202 1,609 176 2,296 -66 2,584 98 2,346 137 2,265 260 691 677 859 1,186 1,177 1,618 1,785 2,230 2,682 2,483 2,525 363 -104 -2 37 429 200 -70 -1 65 392 -90 231 -2 28 512 276 676 -2 18 426 269 159 -1 17 858 444 318 39 17 801 780 333 16 8 816 644 278 3 25 1,189 1,030 377 96 29 1,191 1,592 -251 6 20 1,037 896 -10 158 8 1,419 Total net imports 723 586 679 1,394 1,302 1,619 1,953 2,139 2,723 2,404 2,471 Residual -32 91 180 -208 91 -41 79 54 670 660 770 852 -125 -1 -168 (Dollars per metric ton) 1,410 868 927 1,367 1,258 1,127 954 Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 India Japan United States Rapeoil price, Rotterdam Rapeseed Oil Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Canada Rest of world Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 India Japan United States Total net imports Residual Rapeoil price, Rotterdam 2,552 285 2,519 323 2,540 322 2,563 321 2,587 354 2,600 413 2,623 427 2,650 458 2,674 503 2,693 558 2,712 528 2,837 2,842 2,862 2,884 2,941 3,013 3,050 3,108 3,178 3,251 3,239 1,363 -77 156 7 1,335 959 18 228 15 1,568 936 20 197 16 1,638 975 -23 190 15 1,673 996 -55 203 16 1,728 932 3 219 16 1,789 964 -57 231 16 1,842 1,011 -117 260 16 1,884 1,075 -160 267 17 1,924 1,141 -191 268 17 1,962 1,364 -178 -16 17 1,998 2,783 2,788 2,808 2,830 2,887 2,959 2,996 3,054 3,124 3,197 3,185 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 825 765 790 812 54 54 54 (Dollars per metric ton) 830 832 859 877 885 892 900 World Sunflowerseed Supply & Utilization Area Harvested Yield 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 23.0 20.8 22.8 23.4 1.17 1.22 1.33 07/08 08/09 (Million hectares) 21.0 23.6 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 22.9 22.9 24.8 23.8 24.7 1.29 (Metric tons per hectare) 1.30 1.41 1.39 1.44 1.60 1.51 1.74 36.6 33.1 2.7 0.8 43.1 39.7 2.4 1.0 39.0 36.0 2.4 0.6 46.1 42.9 2.6 0.5 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 30.0 26.9 2.5 0.6 28.9 25.3 3.3 0.4 33.5 30.2 2.9 0.4 34.2 30.2 3.4 0.7 (Million metric tons) 31.6 37.6 36.6 27.4 33.3 31.8 4.0 3.7 3.9 0.3 0.6 0.9 Utilization Crush Other utilization Ending Stocks 29.3 22.7 3.3 3.3 28.5 22.4 3.3 2.9 33.0 26.0 3.6 3.4 33.4 26.2 3.3 4.0 31.2 24.6 2.8 3.7 36.7 29.0 3.7 3.9 35.7 29.2 3.7 2.7 35.6 29.4 3.8 2.4 41.8 35.7 3.8 2.4 38.2 32.0 3.6 2.6 45.1 38.1 3.7 3.3 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.9 30.0 28.9 33.5 34.2 31.6 37.6 36.6 36.6 43.1 39.0 46.1 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 1.5 1.0 3.9 1.4 0.6 5.6 0.5 5.0 0.8 2.6 1.7 1.0 3.7 0.8 0.7 5.6 0.5 5.4 0.8 2.8 1.8 0.9 4.3 0.7 1.0 7.2 0.5 5.4 0.6 2.4 1.6 0.9 4.3 0.8 0.7 6.1 0.6 5.5 0.7 2.5 1.3 1.0 4.5 0.8 0.8 6.8 0.7 5.6 0.6 2.6 22.9 22.9 24.8 23.8 24.7 Net Exports Total Demand Sunflowerseed Area Harvested Argentina China EU-28 India Kazakhstan Russia Turkey Ukraine United States Rest of world World total 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 1.8 1.2 4.2 2.8 0.4 4.9 0.5 3.8 0.9 2.5 1.9 0.9 3.7 2.3 0.5 4.7 0.5 3.4 0.7 2.3 2.2 1.0 3.6 2.4 0.5 5.4 0.4 3.8 1.1 2.4 2.4 0.8 4.0 2.1 0.5 5.9 0.5 4.2 0.7 2.4 23.0 20.8 22.8 23.4 07/08 08/09 (Million hectares) 2.6 1.8 0.7 1.0 3.3 3.8 1.6 1.5 0.4 0.5 5.0 6.0 0.5 0.5 3.4 4.5 0.8 1.0 2.7 3.1 21.0 23.6 World Sunflowerseed Supply & Utilization Area Harvested Yield 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 23.9 25.3 25.8 26.1 1.67 1.61 1.64 18/19 19/20 (Million hectares) 26.3 26.5 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 26.7 26.9 27.0 27.1 27.2 1.66 (Metric tons per hectare) 1.69 1.72 1.74 1.77 1.80 1.82 1.85 51.4 47.6 2.9 0.9 52.5 48.5 3.0 1.0 53.5 49.4 3.1 1.0 54.5 50.3 3.2 1.0 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 44.1 40.0 3.3 0.9 44.1 40.7 2.6 0.8 45.7 42.3 2.5 0.9 46.9 43.4 2.6 0.9 (Million metric tons) 48.0 49.2 50.3 44.5 45.6 46.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 Utilization Crush Other utilization Ending Stocks 43.0 36.8 3.7 2.6 43.1 36.8 3.8 2.5 44.6 38.1 3.9 2.6 45.8 39.2 3.9 2.7 46.9 40.3 4.0 2.7 48.1 41.2 4.0 2.8 49.2 42.2 4.1 2.9 50.3 43.1 4.2 3.0 51.3 44.0 4.2 3.1 52.3 44.8 4.3 3.2 53.3 45.6 4.4 3.3 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 44.1 44.1 45.7 46.9 48.0 49.2 50.3 51.4 52.5 53.5 54.5 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 1.4 1.0 4.5 0.6 1.0 7.7 0.6 6.4 0.7 2.8 1.4 1.0 4.5 0.6 1.0 7.8 0.7 6.5 0.7 2.8 1.4 1.0 4.5 0.6 1.0 7.8 0.7 6.5 0.7 2.8 1.4 1.0 4.5 0.6 1.0 7.9 0.7 6.6 0.7 2.8 1.4 1.0 4.5 0.5 1.1 7.9 0.7 6.6 0.7 2.8 26.7 26.9 27.0 27.1 27.2 Net Exports Total Demand Sunflowerseed Area Harvested Argentina China EU-28 India Kazakhstan Russia Turkey Ukraine United States Rest of world World total 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 1.4 1.0 4.2 0.7 0.8 6.5 0.5 5.6 0.6 2.5 1.5 1.0 4.3 0.8 0.9 7.0 0.6 5.8 0.7 2.7 1.5 1.0 4.4 0.7 0.9 7.3 0.6 5.9 0.7 2.7 1.5 1.0 4.4 0.7 0.9 7.4 0.6 6.1 0.7 2.8 23.9 25.3 25.8 26.1 18/19 19/20 (Million hectares) 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 4.4 4.5 0.7 0.7 0.9 1.0 7.5 7.6 0.6 0.6 6.2 6.3 0.7 0.7 2.8 2.8 26.3 26.5 Sunflowerseed Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina China EU-28 India Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine United States 18 72 -667 2 -22 302 926 80 88 113 125 2 -18 35 6 97 17 111 -259 3 -67 385 215 139 32 93 186 -1 -53 152 330 70 -59 142 210 4 -26 26 67 113 -54 107 -141 5 -72 148 761 114 51 125 298 4 8 -3 346 133 70 171 218 6 0 -34 432 119 73 183 316 4 29 304 265 62 77 156 307 4 29 3 107 82 78 112 394 4 138 95 55 55 711 448 544 809 477 868 962 982 1,236 765 931 Turkey Rest of world 655 -21 522 -159 398 14 486 182 525 -275 433 152 716 179 679 91 796 159 590 48 550 -28 Total net imports 634 363 412 668 250 585 895 770 955 638 522 77 85 132 141 212 281 127 409 321 313 291 401 227 283 67 (Dollars per metric ton) 745 364 452 661 593 580 466 Total net exports Net importers Residual Sunflowerseed, Rotterdam Sunflowerseed Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina China EU-28 India Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine United States 79 223 391 4 95 13 188 102 99 239 253 4 124 59 113 147 72 163 278 4 136 114 203 161 54 170 279 4 134 102 214 165 68 135 278 4 134 96 212 165 78 108 264 4 137 141 204 158 94 96 287 4 138 143 193 145 92 76 404 4 138 137 181 124 89 49 545 4 136 120 170 102 95 29 613 4 134 117 180 80 100 4 650 4 132 116 185 65 1,095 1,039 1,130 1,121 1,092 1,093 1,100 1,156 1,216 1,253 1,256 Turkey Rest of world 832 55 849 -18 887 35 914 -1 908 -23 884 1 881 11 917 31 954 54 992 53 1,026 22 Total net imports 887 831 922 913 884 885 892 948 1,008 1,045 1,048 Residual 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 442 418 425 443 208 208 208 (Dollars per metric ton) 457 461 465 462 456 448 444 Total net exports Net importers Sunflowerseed, Rotterdam World Sunflowerseed Products Supply & Utilization 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 12.8 10.2 0.2 2.4 12.4 10.0 0.2 2.2 14.6 11.5 0.2 2.9 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 10.2 10.0 0.2 10.0 9.7 0.2 2.6 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14.8 11.5 0.3 3.0 (Million metric tons) 13.6 16.7 16.7 10.7 12.8 12.9 0.3 0.3 0.6 2.6 3.7 3.2 17.2 13.0 0.6 3.6 22.1 15.7 0.7 5.8 19.5 14.0 1.1 4.3 22.1 16.6 0.4 5.0 11.5 11.1 0.3 11.7 11.4 0.3 10.5 10.2 0.3 12.7 12.1 0.6 12.9 12.3 0.6 12.9 12.2 0.7 15.7 14.5 1.1 14.8 14.3 0.4 16.3 15.5 0.8 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.1 4.0 3.8 4.3 6.4 4.7 5.8 12.8 12.4 14.6 14.8 13.6 16.7 16.7 17.2 22.1 19.5 22.1 11.2 9.2 0.7 1.3 11.4 9.2 0.7 1.5 14.3 10.7 0.9 2.6 14.4 10.7 1.1 2.6 13.0 10.2 1.0 1.9 16.2 12.0 1.0 3.2 16.8 12.1 1.7 2.9 16.4 12.2 1.5 2.7 20.5 14.7 1.1 4.6 19.4 13.3 2.1 4.0 22.7 15.8 1.7 5.3 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 9.2 8.5 0.7 9.5 8.5 0.9 11.0 9.9 1.1 11.1 10.2 1.0 10.3 9.3 1.0 12.5 10.8 1.7 13.1 11.6 1.5 12.8 11.7 1.1 15.0 12.9 2.1 14.8 13.1 1.7 17.0 14.9 2.1 Net Exports 2.0 1.9 3.3 3.3 2.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 5.4 4.5 5.8 11.2 11.4 14.3 14.4 13.0 16.2 16.8 16.4 20.5 19.4 22.7 Sunflowerseed Meal Net Exports Total Demand Sunflowerseed Oil Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports Total Demand World Sunflowerseed Products Supply & Utilization 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 21.7 16.2 0.8 4.7 21.6 16.1 0.8 4.7 22.4 16.6 0.8 5.0 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 16.2 15.5 0.8 16.1 15.4 0.8 5.5 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 23.2 17.1 0.8 5.3 (Million metric tons) 23.9 24.5 25.1 17.5 18.0 18.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 5.5 5.7 5.9 25.7 18.7 0.9 6.1 26.3 19.1 0.9 6.3 26.8 19.4 0.9 6.5 27.3 19.7 1.0 6.6 16.7 15.9 0.8 17.2 16.3 0.8 17.6 16.8 0.8 18.0 17.2 0.8 18.5 17.6 0.9 18.9 18.0 0.9 19.2 18.3 0.9 19.6 18.6 1.0 20.0 19.0 1.0 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.2 6.5 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.2 7.4 21.7 21.6 22.4 23.2 23.9 24.5 25.1 25.7 26.3 26.8 27.3 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 22.4 15.3 2.1 5.1 22.1 15.3 1.8 5.0 23.0 15.8 1.8 5.4 23.8 16.3 1.9 5.6 24.6 16.7 2.0 5.9 25.3 17.1 2.1 6.1 25.9 17.5 2.1 6.3 26.6 17.9 2.1 6.6 27.2 18.3 2.2 6.8 27.8 18.6 2.2 7.0 28.3 18.9 2.3 7.1 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 17.0 15.2 1.8 16.7 14.9 1.8 17.3 15.4 1.9 17.8 15.8 2.0 18.3 16.3 2.1 18.8 16.7 2.1 19.3 17.1 2.1 19.7 17.5 2.2 20.1 17.9 2.2 20.5 18.2 2.3 20.8 18.5 2.3 5.4 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.7 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.5 22.4 22.1 23.0 23.8 24.6 25.3 25.9 26.6 27.2 27.8 28.3 Sunflowerseed Meal Net Exports Total Demand Sunflowerseed Oil Net Exports Total Demand Sunflowerseed Meal Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina India Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 Turkey Rest of world Total net imports Residual Sunmeal price, Rotterdam 945 8 59 476 1,089 -8 1,106 5 47 440 862 3 979 1 62 795 1,337 1 766 0 80 836 1,483 -7 1,063 10 55 651 1,272 17 719 18 48 965 2,209 7 586 -4 48 658 2,516 6 740 4 50 566 2,926 3 839 -18 99 1,681 3,836 3 327 -90 52 1,360 3,050 19 250 -29 50 1,750 3,750 -3 2,569 2,463 3,175 3,158 3,068 3,966 3,810 4,289 6,440 4,718 5,768 14 1,702 312 342 10 1,486 281 469 9 1,733 385 792 4 1,641 403 936 -3 1,513 222 826 -6 2,438 306 920 3 1,947 427 812 0 2,147 500 911 -1 3,734 737 1,311 -1 2,907 431 999 0 3,191 720 1,115 2,370 2,246 2,919 2,984 2,558 3,658 3,189 3,558 5,781 4,336 5,026 199 217 256 174 731 659 382 742 149 120 122 178 510 308 621 (Dollars per metric ton) 298 178 228 254 263 318 315 Sunflowerseed Meal Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina India Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 Turkey Rest of world Total net imports Residual Sunmeal price, Rotterdam 289 -30 30 1,444 3,746 5 351 -30 28 1,486 3,614 5 338 -30 33 1,617 3,783 5 315 -30 37 1,696 3,975 5 287 -30 41 1,770 4,172 5 252 -30 46 1,812 4,366 5 218 -30 53 1,862 4,548 5 198 -30 61 1,913 4,721 5 180 -30 68 1,954 4,883 5 161 -30 75 1,985 5,022 5 143 -30 80 2,013 5,153 5 5,484 5,454 5,746 5,998 6,246 6,451 6,655 6,869 7,059 7,218 7,364 -14 3,057 636 1,063 -18 3,023 684 1,022 -22 3,233 701 1,093 -27 3,389 714 1,180 -28 3,513 752 1,266 -26 3,566 808 1,361 -22 3,633 862 1,440 -17 3,730 898 1,515 -7 3,789 934 1,602 3 3,884 969 1,620 13 3,959 1,004 1,647 4,742 4,712 5,004 5,256 5,504 5,709 5,913 6,127 6,317 6,476 6,622 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 742 281 224 225 236 742 742 742 (Dollars per metric ton) 251 254 248 242 234 226 215 Sunflowerseed Oil Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 India Turkey Rest of world Total net imports Residual Sunoil price, NW Europe 1,006 -17 -43 978 95 1,175 -31 92 640 23 1,221 -42 506 1,514 69 851 -24 596 1,867 6 1,219 -75 178 1,324 30 850 -93 765 2,098 61 578 -76 449 2,644 76 978 -29 32 2,651 -9 790 13 1,413 3,262 -55 353 9 921 3,244 -4 350 13 1,540 3,850 2 2,019 1,899 3,268 3,296 2,676 3,681 3,671 3,623 5,423 4,523 5,755 49 290 79 67 816 35 694 3 130 634 10 1,123 113 352 1,051 94 1,072 203 111 1,094 -1 1,093 18 272 498 124 933 582 301 1,251 169 815 610 116 1,197 22 652 775 244 1,045 121 785 1,113 380 2,218 362 701 938 368 1,582 531 667 1,526 250 2,284 1,301 1,496 2,649 2,574 1,880 3,191 2,907 2,738 4,617 3,951 5,258 718 403 619 722 885 806 572 497 703 635 846 1,639 796 490 764 (Dollars per metric ton) 837 956 1,404 1,254 1,189 929 881 Sunflowerseed Oil Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Argentina Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine United States Total net exports Net importers China EU-28 India Turkey Rest of world Total net imports Residual Sunoil price, NW Europe 373 -2 1,386 3,699 -21 415 -4 1,364 3,607 -8 382 1 1,567 3,773 -4 342 3 1,656 3,958 -6 297 5 1,771 4,146 -10 255 8 1,858 4,332 -15 215 11 1,957 4,508 -16 182 16 2,060 4,672 -16 150 20 2,155 4,824 -15 116 24 2,242 4,955 -14 85 27 2,309 5,077 -11 5,434 5,375 5,717 5,953 6,208 6,438 6,676 6,915 7,134 7,323 7,486 528 484 1,478 259 2,328 444 435 1,534 311 2,295 506 463 1,666 372 2,354 543 487 1,729 395 2,442 581 482 1,850 419 2,519 606 475 1,922 455 2,623 631 465 1,982 484 2,757 656 500 2,038 498 2,865 682 542 2,094 512 2,947 707 559 2,150 528 3,022 733 551 2,200 542 3,103 5,077 5,018 5,360 5,596 5,851 6,081 6,319 6,558 6,777 6,966 7,129 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 357 881 819 834 856 357 357 357 (Dollars per metric ton) 871 874 904 922 929 933 944 World Palm Oil Supply & Utilization 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports 52.0 30.0 3.5 18.6 59.0 33.5 4.2 21.3 63.2 35.8 4.6 22.9 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 32.7 28.5 4.2 36.0 31.5 4.6 Net Exports 19.4 Total Demand 52.0 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 65.7 37.4 4.8 23.5 (Million metric tons) 73.1 78.8 82.1 41.2 44.2 46.1 5.1 4.7 5.2 26.8 29.9 30.8 85.7 48.8 5.6 31.3 91.5 52.1 6.1 33.3 100.3 56.1 7.3 36.9 102.4 59.1 7.3 36.0 38.4 33.6 4.8 40.6 35.6 5.1 44.4 39.7 4.7 47.8 42.6 5.2 50.1 44.6 5.6 53.4 47.3 6.1 57.1 49.8 7.3 61.9 54.5 7.3 63.9 56.6 7.3 22.9 24.8 25.1 28.7 31.0 32.0 32.3 34.4 38.5 38.6 59.0 63.2 65.7 73.1 78.8 82.1 85.7 91.5 100.3 102.4 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) 0.1 0.1 0.1 18.0 20.5 22.0 17.6 17.3 17.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.5 1.3 3.7 4.0 4.2 0.1 23.6 18.2 0.9 1.8 4.3 0.1 26.2 18.2 0.9 1.9 4.9 0.1 28.5 19.3 0.9 2.1 5.2 0.1 30.5 20.2 0.9 2.2 5.3 48.8 52.1 56.1 59.1 Palm Oil Production 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Thailand Rest of world 0.0 12.0 13.4 0.8 0.8 2.9 0.0 13.6 15.2 0.8 0.8 3.1 0.0 15.6 15.5 0.8 0.8 3.1 0.1 16.6 15.3 0.8 1.2 3.4 World total 30.0 33.5 35.8 37.4 07/08 41.2 44.2 46.1 World Palm Oil Supply & Utilization 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 108.5 62.8 7.3 38.4 113.3 65.2 8.0 40.1 116.3 66.8 8.3 41.2 119.6 68.7 8.5 42.3 (Million metric tons) 122.9 126.3 129.4 70.7 72.7 74.5 8.7 8.9 9.1 43.5 44.7 45.8 133.2 76.7 9.3 47.2 137.3 79.1 9.5 48.7 141.4 81.4 9.7 50.3 146.3 84.2 10.0 52.2 Utilization Consumption Ending Stocks 68.0 60.1 8.0 71.1 62.8 8.3 73.1 64.6 8.5 75.2 66.5 8.7 77.4 68.5 8.9 79.5 70.4 9.1 81.6 72.3 9.3 83.9 74.5 9.5 86.5 76.8 9.7 89.1 79.1 10.0 92.1 81.8 10.3 Net Exports 40.5 42.2 43.2 44.4 45.6 46.7 47.8 49.2 50.8 52.3 54.3 108.5 113.3 116.3 119.6 122.9 126.3 129.4 133.2 137.3 141.4 146.3 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) 0.0 0.0 0.0 37.1 38.2 39.1 23.6 24.2 24.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.6 2.7 6.5 6.7 6.9 0.0 40.4 25.4 1.0 2.7 7.1 0.0 41.9 26.0 1.1 2.8 7.4 0.0 43.3 26.5 1.1 2.8 7.6 0.0 45.3 27.0 1.1 2.9 7.9 76.7 79.1 81.4 84.2 Supply Production Beginning stocks Net imports Total Demand 19/20 Palm Oil Production 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 India Indonesia Malaysia Nigeria Thailand Rest of world 0.1 33.0 21.3 0.9 2.3 5.3 0.0 34.2 21.9 0.9 2.3 5.8 0.0 35.1 22.3 1.0 2.4 6.0 0.0 36.1 22.9 1.0 2.5 6.2 World total 62.8 65.2 66.8 68.7 18/19 70.7 72.7 74.5 Palm Oil Trade 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Total net exports Net importers Bangladesh China Egypt EU-28 India Nigeria Pakistan United States Rest of world Total net imports Residual Palm oil price, Malaysia 7,851 11,456 58 9,602 13,245 62 11,656 12,977 204 11,416 13,363 282 13,962 14,371 330 15,943 14,943 113 16,524 15,327 120 16,400 15,558 316 18,451 15,734 249 20,335 17,567 550 21,160 17,025 375 19,365 22,909 24,837 25,061 28,663 30,999 31,971 32,274 34,434 38,452 38,560 528 3,570 378 3,343 3,484 229 1,172 275 5,611 757 4,318 535 3,929 3,524 321 1,393 340 6,217 847 4,974 399 4,184 2,896 375 1,672 582 6,942 896 5,138 729 4,177 3,648 417 1,513 660 6,343 723 5,222 535 4,833 5,013 432 1,908 930 7,185 699 6,117 1,024 5,378 6,867 392 1,917 1,016 6,501 951 5,759 1,346 5,298 6,603 407 1,949 978 7,532 996 5,710 1,380 4,744 6,661 417 2,021 953 8,423 984 5,840 1,288 5,538 7,473 422 2,178 1,014 8,607 1,030 6,588 869 6,670 8,308 452 2,206 1,256 9,505 1,232 5,571 1,045 6,785 7,847 482 2,610 1,207 9,263 18,590 21,334 22,871 23,521 26,781 29,911 30,823 31,305 33,344 36,884 36,042 775 1,575 1,966 1,540 969 1,090 1,568 2,518 481 392 416 655 1,882 1,088 1,148 (Dollars per metric ton) 1,058 633 793 1,154 1,032 791 803 Palm Oil Trade 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/12 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 (Thousand metric tons) Net exporters Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Total net exports Net importers Bangladesh China Egypt EU-28 India Nigeria Pakistan United States Rest of world Total net imports Residual Palm oil price, Malaysia 22,267 17,765 432 23,164 18,578 429 23,746 18,930 533 24,395 19,418 549 25,082 19,928 547 25,750 20,427 563 26,320 20,909 579 27,260 21,385 591 28,349 21,849 577 29,441 22,279 595 31,012 22,665 579 40,465 42,170 43,209 44,362 45,556 46,739 47,808 49,236 50,776 52,315 54,256 1,250 6,205 1,076 6,863 8,869 511 2,593 1,248 9,800 1,296 6,722 1,138 6,995 9,217 537 2,665 1,323 10,228 1,343 6,810 1,210 7,124 9,569 562 2,771 1,354 10,417 1,403 7,099 1,266 7,226 9,930 587 2,866 1,372 10,562 1,468 7,372 1,331 7,330 10,128 611 2,963 1,391 10,912 1,536 7,705 1,398 7,431 10,416 633 3,054 1,412 11,105 1,596 7,811 1,464 7,536 10,642 654 3,156 1,426 11,474 1,660 8,057 1,531 7,697 10,820 673 3,255 1,441 12,051 1,726 8,304 1,603 7,882 11,036 692 3,353 1,458 12,672 1,791 8,495 1,677 8,088 11,254 709 3,453 1,477 13,321 1,855 8,946 1,756 8,318 11,767 726 3,555 1,496 13,787 38,415 40,120 41,159 42,312 43,506 44,689 45,758 47,186 48,726 50,265 52,206 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 680 618 630 657 2,050 2,050 2,050 (Dollars per metric ton) 672 672 702 722 731 739 747
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