February 28 & March 1, 2015 Sunday 9:00 am 10:45 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm March 1 Worship Service\Children’s Church Adult Sunday School Class (Room 016/019) Worship Service\Children’s Church Gospel of John Class (Conference Room) “Not A Fan” Class (Choir Room) SH!FT “Rise” Monday 6:00 am March 2 Prayer (Auditorium) Tuesday 5:45 am 7:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 7:00 pm March 3 “Be Fit B You” (Activities Center) Young at Heart (55+) (The Commons) Adult Bible Study (Choir Room) Crochet Club (Room 016/019) WOW (Women of the Word) (Room 120/122) Wednesday 6:00 am 9:00 am 7:00 pm March 4 Prayer WOW (Women of the Word) (Choir Room) Church Prayer (Auditorium), Home Improvement Classes, Children, Youth, Choir/Band Small, Individually Wrapped Candy Needed to stuff 50,000 Easter Eggs for this year’s Community Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 29. Thank you for dropping off candy in the bins located throughout the church. Please note: Smarties candy won’t fit in the plastic eggs. Thursday 9:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm March 5 Ladies’ Bible Study (Conference Room) Crochet Club (Room 016/019) Prayer (Auditorium) The Edge Academy of the Arts will begin enrollment for classes on Monday, March 2. Please visit the website to register, and for a full list of classes at edgeartsacademy.com. Classes start Monday, March 16. If you would like to enroll in private lessons or have any questions, please email: [email protected]. Saturday 8:00 am 6:00 pm March 7 Men’s Bible Study (Hospitality Center) Saturday Night Service First Time Here with Us? We're honored that you've chosen to worship with us today. If you can spare a few moments after the service, we'd love to meet you and give you a gift. Just come to the VIP signs in the Lobby and you'll be on your way in no time. Thanks again! Reminder! Time Change next Sunday, March 8! Time to spring forward and move our clocks up one (1) hour. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNTIES AVAILABLE at thenaz.tv. click ABOUT, then EMPLOYMENT) - Qualified candidates may submit a letter of interest, including available start date and salary expectations, along with a resume’ and your personal Christian testimony (one page or less) via email to [email protected]. To complete an employment application in lieu of a resume’ please visit 4770 Hoover Road, Grove City, Ohio. You can obtain an application from the Church Receptionist between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, or email your resume’ to [email protected]. Grove City Christian School Baseball Coach - GCCS invites qualified Christian leaders to apply for a paid Middle School Baseball Coaching opportunity. Do you love coaching students and developing complete Christian champions? We focus on improvement of athletic skills, dedication, spiritual growth, academic achievement, leadership development, and community service. GCCS is seeking candidates with baseball knowledge and expertise, strong leadership, communication, organizational skills, and the ability to serve as positive Christian role models for the student athletes. Interested candidates may contact [email protected] or (614) 305-2026. Grove City Christian School (GCCS) is now accepting new students for the 2015-2016 school year. Call (614) 875-3000 or visit www.grovecitychristian.org for more information. Community Food Truck Festival and Easter Egg Hunt at The Naz! Sunday, March 29 Food Truck Festival - 10:30 am-3:00 pm Easter Egg Hunt at 1:30 pm for Nursery–Fourth Grade Kids Mark your calendar now! Don’t miss this great Community Event. We are very excited to introduce "Wake The Living”, a band comprised of great musicians for the purpose of inspiring and encouraging people everywhere! Please download the new single “Tis So Sweet" on iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon to help support the album project, "River Hymnal,” to be released later this year. Volunteers Needed - We have been blessed that The Naz has become a very busy place. We need volunteers to help with set-up and tear-down for events. This would include lifting and moving chairs and tables. If you would like to help in this ministry, please email or call Jennie Corum at [email protected], or (614) 875-2551, ext. 254. Please be in prayer for our newly-elected Advisory Board here at The Naz. Keep the following persons in your prayers as they lead us into our new church year: (in alphabetical order) Tom Belville, Corbin Boucek, Brent Greek, Kent Hansher, Neal Lauron, David McKnight, Chuck Milam, Paula Philllips, Matthew Sullivan, Cheryl Ticknor (Missions President), Homer McKnight (emeritus). Influence newer and existing preschool families at The Naz by facilitating a First Steps Family Life Group. Contact Kim Panzino at (614) 875-2551 for details about these groups, and join us for our next training on Friday, February 27, at 6:00 pm in The Naz Cafe. WWW Friends (Widow Women with Friends) - Will meet Friday, March 13, at 10:30 a.m. in the Conference Room. If you have any questions, please contact Leila Grindley at (614) 875-5658. “A friend who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” Abortion Recovery Connection (aR Connection) - The Abortion Recovery group will meet Tuesday, March 3, 7:00 pm, at PDHC, 665 East Dublin-Granville Rd., Columbus, OH This gathering is open to anyone who has experienced abortion, whether you are newly seeking information and support, or have previously gotten connected. There is no commitment to begin a support group or even share your story. Simply come to be in community with others and learn about available help and resources. Connection nights are the first Tuesday of every month. Restore, Reclaim, Recover, There is Hope! Contact PDHC at (614) 444-4411 or email [email protected] for more information. First Steps Preschool Ministries Discover First Steps Preschool Ministries at The Naz by attending our Open House the second Sunday of each month during one of our morning services. Next Open House is Sunday, March 8. We invite all parents, grandparents, and potential volunteers to join our Preschool Pastor in the Conference Room above The Commons at 9:00 or 11:00 am. You will also meet our nursery and preschool staff, and hear and see our incredible ministries during an actual service. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our ministries with you! MOPS Meeting (Mothers of Preschoolers) - Monday, March 9, at 7:00 pm. Get connected with other moms the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm (September through May) in the Preschool Wing at The Naz. If you have questions regarding registering for MOPS, contact Stacy Driftmyer at (614) 226-2884, or Kim Panzino at (614) 875-2551, ext. 215. Pizza, Play & Praise - Wednesday, March 18, at 11:30 am in The Commons. Invite your neighbors, friends, and family to Pizza, Play & Praise on the third Wednesday EVERY month at 11:30 am. Families enjoy pizza specials in the Cafe, Praise House fun with the Church Mice and Puppets, and play in the PlayPlace. Grab a brochure with all of the details in The Commons, or contact Kim Panzino at (614) 875-2551, ext. 215, for more information. CIT (Culture Impact Team) - Do you ever wonder how you can make a difference in the world? 1. Pray for our leaders, our soldiers, people around the world, and our church. 2. Go to websites that support biblical views and get info updates and ways you can help. (ex. afa.netdenisonforum.org, fpeusa.org, ohioansagainstcommoncore.com) For more listings and helpful info, pick up a CIT flyer at the Connections Center. 3. Get involved by writing emails, posting twitter, facebook , and/or financial support. We can turn the tide of the current ungodly direction if we decide to act. Please Note: New Hours for The Naz Café - Effective March 1, 2015 Opening one hour later in the mornings. Tuesdays only we open at 7:00 am Sunday - 8:00am-2:00pm Monday - 8:00am-8:00pm Tuesday - 7:00am-8:00pm Wednesday - 8:00am-9:00pm Thursday - 8:00am-8:00pm Friday - 8:00am-8:00pm Saturday - 8:00am-8:00pm MOPS Kids’ Clothing Resale at The Naz - Saturday, April 18, from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Interested in selling or buying, visit us at www.MopsResale.com, or contact Brittney at (614) 329-1301. If you are unable to place your offering in the plate, there are secure drop boxes in the Lobby. Kids Matter Ministries (Kindergarten-Fourth Grade) Worship JAM –Third & Fourth Graders interested in joining the KMM Music Team will meet on Wednesday, March 11, at 7:00 pm to learn new songs and more about leadership. Contact Pastor Deb for more information at [email protected]. Fourth Graders! You are invited to join IGN!TION for the nation’s largest Christian gathering of preteens March 27-28 in Cincinnati, OH. The cost is $80.00. Information and registration forms are available at the KMM Check In Area and 3-4 Pick Up Cart. Slimenation 2015 - Save these dates June 17-20. We will need Agents of J.I.M. (that’s code for families with kids) to join us to defeat yet another villain. Be watching for more information. SH!FT (Seventh-Twelfth Grade) Parent E-mail List - If you are a parent of Middle School or High School students we would love to stay in touch with you on a regular basis. We send a frequent email out on a bi-weekly basis to help keep you, the parent, informed about everything that is going on in the student ministry along, with some awesome parenting resources. We love the opportunity to partner with you in investing in the lives of your students! If you are not receiving these messages and would like to, please email Pastor David at [email protected]. Walking Dead Series – We are excited to launch our new series leading up to Easter called "Walking Dead." During this series we will utilize this popular cultural icon to discuss the power of God to bring the dead to life, just as He did when He walked the earth. This series will begin for High School Students on March 8 and for Middle School Students on March 11. Please continue to pray for us we prepare to minister to the lives of students. Humans vs. Zombies – Keeping with the theme of "Walking Dead," we are proud to announce that we are hosting a large outreach all-nighter on Friday night, March 13. Middle School and High School students, come ready with all your nerf gear, prepared to have a great time, and bring all your friends!! Registration is at 8:00 pm. Pick-up the following morning at 7:00 am. Cost is $10, which covers pizza and breakfast. For more info and registration forms, visit the church website, grab a paper form at the SH!FT kiosk in the lobby, or just stop by the youth office some time. Your 2014 Contributions Statement is available on the “Grove.” If you need any help, please call (614) 875-2551, ext. 241, or email [email protected]. Text to Give (844-899-7644) - Pick up information at the Connection Center. Link to secure giving - IGN!TION (Fifth & Sixth Grade) Are you the parent of a fifth or sixth grade student? Are you wondering what is going on for your pre-teen student? You can get information by joining the IGN!TION Parents’ Group on “The Grove.” You will receive weekly updates on upcoming events and some amazing resources to help us partner with you in raising your student—no matter what age.
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