Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart Church

March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
The Catholic Community in Southbury, Connecticut
Growing in Faith Together
Day by day, day by day.
O dear Lord, three things
I pray.
To see thee more clearly ~
Love thee more dearly ~
Follow thee more nearly.
Day by day, by day,
by day, by day.
910 Main Street South
Southbury, CT 06488
Our Mission Statement
Sacred Heart Parish is a faith-filled family and vibrant Catholic community of believers in Jesus Christ. We are the visible presence
of Jesus through:
Creating a welcoming, joyful, and compassionate atmosphere
Empowering the gifts of one another
Supporting one another on our journey of faith
Sharing God’s unconditional love
Providing opportunities for spiritual growth through ministries and worship, particularly in the Eucharist, and
Advocating responsibility for the poor and oppressed.
If you are new to our parish or if you have been away from the practice of your faith, we extend a warm welcome and hope that you
will find our parish to be a community in which your faith can be nourished. We invite you to introduce yourself so that we may
offer our heart-felt greeting. Our parish family is enriched by your participation in our life of worship and service. Please consider
becoming a registered member of our family.
March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Father Joseph T. Donnelly
[email protected]
Sr. Patricia Torre, DW
[email protected]
Ami Conlan
[email protected]
Deacon Chuck Dietsch
203-264-5071 ext. 3
Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care
203-264-5071 ext. 5
Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation
910 Main Street South, Southbury, CT 06488
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
www.sacredheartchurch.info Tel: 203-264-5071
Parish Office
Tel: 203-264-5071
Fax: 203-264-9562
Mary Korsu
Office Manager
[email protected]
ext. 0
Karen Kirk (Bulletin Information) Information & Communications Manager
[email protected] or [email protected]
ext. 201
Mark Bentivoglio
Building & Grounds
[email protected]
ext. 105
Patricia Richards
Director of Music
[email protected]
Jennifer Enger
[email protected]
Faith Formation Office
Tel: 203-264-5065
Ami Conlan
[email protected]
Jay Szymansky
[email protected]
Deborah McGrath
Fran Walsh
Fax: 203-264-4271
Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation
Administrative Assistant
Coordinator of Design (Gr. 1-8)
Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation
Liturgical Schedule
The Lord’s Day: Vigil (Saturday): 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM*, 11:00 AM*
4th Sunday/Month:Children’s Mass, 11:00AM
Daily Mass: 8:30 AM, Monday to Friday, subject to change.
*At the noted Masses, children are invited to participate in Liturgy
of the Word. Children ages 7-12 go to the chapel; those ages 3-6
go to the Hospitality room.
Sacramental Ministries
Baptism - To schedule a Baptism, please contact Sister Pat for an
initial meeting and a parent preparation session.
Reconciliation (confession) - Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:15 PM, or
by appointment. Monday during Lent: 6-7:00PM
Marriage - Please call the Parish Office at least six months in
advance. Couples meet with Father Joe for an initial pastoral
conversation before a wedding date can be set. Please do not
make other plans until a date has been confirmed with the parish.
For the Sick, including pastoral home visits, Eucharist or the
Anointing of the Sick - Please call the Parish Office. Upon
hospital admission, please indicate that you would like a visit by
your parish, or please call the Parish Office to arrange a pastoral
Gospel Reflection ~ John 12:20-33
Adults: Name several ways I have sacrificed my own desires to be of
help to others?
Children: How have I given something up to help my family, a
classmate, or a friend?
Mass Intentions
If you arranged to have a particular person prayed for at a mass,
notify the ushers upon your arrival so that you may bring up the gifts.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
5:00 PM Genevieve Wagner
Requested by The Wagner Family
Katherine T. Hession
Requested by Tim & Cindy Barry
Bonnie Brown
Requested by Bill & Hildegard Bayer
Sunday, March 22, 2015 - Fifth Sunday of Lent
7:30 AM Vin Pavone
Requested by Kathy & Paul OBear
9:00 AM B.G. Patterson
Requested by Vince DeFenthis
William Caspare
Requested by Mary Ann Halford
Joan Burns
Requested by Bobbi Calabrese
11:00 AM Children’s Mass
Monday, March 23, 2015
8:30 AM Bob Noe
Requested by Ann Marie Christian
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
8:30 AM Tom Flanagan
Requested by his sister, Anne
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
8:30 AM Susan Rathjen
Requested by her parents
Thursday, March 26, 2015
8:30 AM Tom & Joan Pamondetta
Requested by Jim & Fran Anderson
Friday, March 27, 2015
8:30 AM Regina Rabiega
Requested by The Gustafson Family
Saturday, March 28, 2015
5:00 PM Henry Duffy
Requested by Johanna Metzker
Mildred A. Stachowicz
Requested by Sally Knauf
Sunday, March 29, 2015 - Palm Sunday
7:30 AM Frederick Foster
Requested by his wife and family
Tammy Baldwin
Requested by her mother and family
Gerry Voity
Requested by his family
9:00 AM Patrick Corcoran
Requested by Tom & Kathleen Magrane
Frank & Mary Ditter
Requested by The Cote Family
Georgia & Malvina Cote
Requested by The Cote Family
11:00 AM Dean Savard
Requested by his mother, Lina
Joseph Mortati
Requested by his wife, Jen
May Loftus
Requested by Cecelia Scales
March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Of Many Things…. “I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you.”
Today begins Holy Week – it is the holiest week in our
Christian Tradition. In our prayer we follow Jesus from his
triumphant entry into Jerusalem through the Last Supper, his
walk to Calvary and his death on the Cross, and finally
celebrate his Resurrection from the dead.
Holy Week begins next Sunday
with the commemoration of Christ’s
Passion. Our celebration begins with
Jesus’ triumphant entry into
Jerusalem. Sunday is called Palm
Sunday because we bless the palm
and read the Gospel story of Jesus
hailed as King and the long awaited
Messiah. (Mt 21:1 – 11) The liturgy
begins with rejoicing but the mood liturgy quickly changes as
we move from the joyous anticipation of the One who comes
to save all people – to the angry cries of all people wanting to
crucify Jesus. Sunday is also called Passion Sunday. What
began with exaltation ends in a deafening silence.
Reflection: What is one thing you will do next week to
make it a “holy week?”
(On Sunday, March 29 at 3 pm we will have our annual Palm
Sunday Faith Reflection Service. Seven parishioners will share a
moment from their lives when they knew God’s presence, in joy
or in pain. Each reflection is followed by sacred music by our
Adult Choir. A light reception follows. Come with an open heart
to listen and to pray.)
The Sacred Triduum begins with Holy Thursday and ends
with the Easter Vigil. The Latin term ‘triduum’ means ‘three
days’ and refers to Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy
Saturday celebrated as one continuous liturgical feast as we
celebrate the Last Supper of Jesus and his apostles; their walk
to the Garden of Gethsemane, the place of Jesus’ agony and
arrest; the trial and torture leading to his death on Calvary;
his burial and his victory over sin and death in his
resurrection. These three days are truly, and for this reason,
the high holydays of our Catholic Christian Tradition.
Holy Thursday: At 7:30 pm we will commemorate the Last
Supper, Christ’s gift to us of himself. Central to this Liturgy is
the washing of the feet, a reminder of Jesus’ mandate to love
one another as we have been loved – by God and by those
whose lives we touch. We proclaim this ritually through the
washing of the feet. You will be invited to have your feet
‘washed’. This involves holding one foot over the basin and
allowing the minister to pour water over your foot, and then
dry it with a towel. On Holy Thursday, will you participate in
this ritual of service and have your feet washed? If so, why? If
not, why not?
At the presentation of the gifts, in addition to the bread and
the wine, we present the oils of catechumens, chrism and oil
of the sick that have been blest by the Archbishop. We will
use these oils in the celebrations of our sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation and the Anointing of the Sick. Our
Liturgy ends in silence with the rite of transfer of the
Eucharist to an altar of repose. This procession recalls Jesus’
journey into the night – from his meal with the disciples to
the Mount of Olives – and onto to Gethsemane where he
prayed for this cup to pass. Jesus invited his disciples to pray
with him. You are invited to pray at the altar of repose until
11 pm. Whether you stay or leave,
we unite in and keep a holy silence
as we go out into the night….
Reflection: What is one thing
you can do this Holy Thursday to
live Jesus’ command to love
another? Who needs your love,
(At 10 am on Good Friday, we make our annual Faith Walk
through town, joined with members of the other area churches,
remembering the walk Jesus made on his way to Calvary)
Good Friday: At 3 pm we commemorate the Lord’s Passion,
the only day of the year when Mass is not celebrated. The
altar was stripped bare after the conclusion of the Holy
Thursday liturgy and it remains so. There are no altar cloths
or candles. Songs are sung without accompaniment. The
liturgy consists of the reading of the Passion and Death of
Jesus from the Gospel of John, a reflection on the readings,
intercessions and communal veneration of the Cross. The
liturgy concludes with Communion, which was consecrated at
the Holy Thursday liturgy.
Reflection: What needs to ‘die’ in you so that new life
may take root?
Blessing of the Easter Food: Holy Saturday at noon in the
The blessing of Easter foods is an ancient practice and
varies by culture. A basket containing lamb meat (which of
course signifies Jesus, the Lamb of God), boiled eggs, dyed and
plain, Pascha (a special Easter bread), and other meats and
breads are blest for sharing at the Easter Day meal.
Easter Vigil: begins at 8 pm with a service of light, a fire lit
and blest, from which the Easter candle will be lit. This candle
remains in the sanctuary for the 50 days of Easters and is
used at baptisms and funerals throughout the year. We sing
the Exultet, proclaiming Christ our Light, our salvation. We sit
in a darkened Church as we read the stories that tell of our
salvation history, of the covenant God had with our ancestors
in faith and now has with us. We renew our baptismal
promises – our ‘yes’ to all that God has done for us.
Reflection: On Easter morn, with whom will you share
the good news of Jesus’ peace and joy?
Together, let us keep Holy Week holy. May we be renewed in our
faith as we walk with Jesus in life, through death, to resurrection.
Sister Pat
March 22, 2015
Pastoral Care
Navigating the Rough Waters
Addiction: Two Major Myths
Addiction/alcoholism is a moral problem.
This is FALSE. Addiction is a PRIMARY disease, and is not caused by
other factors such as upbringing, environment, heredity, psychological
illnesses, etc. These are contributing factors, which can make the disease
worse. Changes in the brain occur as a result of addictive disease, thus
recovery from addiction usually cannot be accomplished by personal
willpower despite the negative consequences of the drinking/drug. It is a
PROGRESSIVE disease, which if left untreated-gets worse. It affects
ALL known life areas: health, relationships, family, job, finances, legal,
school, and spirituality. As the disease progresses, the addict makes
choices that are often at odds with his/her moral code in all of these
areas. For these the addict is responsible, and recovery helps the addict
to deal with the pain/shame of these choices. An addict in recovery need
not live any longer in guilt and shame.
Addiction/alcoholism is a “symptom” of some underlying psychiatric
Studies show that this is FALSE. Like all diseases, addiction is often
hard to understand. There is no definitive cause connected to the disease.
Career Transitions
Wed., March 25, 7:00-8:30PM, Hospitality
If you are considering retirement or looking for a new job, please
join us in an atmosphere of encouragement and support to
network, share experiences and learn about the tools and skills
available to help in your transition. Individual meetings can be
arranged after the meeting on the 25th. Over the past months, our
group has had successful placements. For information, contact
Peter Fitzpatrick:516-287-0441 or [email protected].
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry: Help, Hope, Healing
Are you going through a tough time?
Let Stephen Ministry help.
Our Stephen Ministers are trained to listen
and encourage, care for and pray with
someone going through a difficult time.
If you or someone you know is in need of caring support, please
call Stephen Leaders Sister Pat at 203-264-5071 or Lynn
Tidgwell at 203-217-0025 or Stephen Minister Catherine Hughes
at 203-758-5421.
Annointing of the Sick – all Masses, April 11 & 12
This Sacrament is deeply rooted in the care and concern of Jesus’
ministry for the sick. It is recommended for those experiencing a
serious illness, suffering with mental and emotional disabilities,
with chronic illness, struggling with addictions, before any
surgery, or for the elderly if they are in a weakened condition.
Those who would like to celebrate this Sacrament are asked to sit
in the first pews around the church. The ushers will be available
for your assistance.
Tuesdays, 9:15AM, Jerusalem
Ladies in Faith Together meets weekly at Sacred Heart Church
on Tuesdays mornings to pray, study, share, and provide service.
Please Pray For...
Lynne Perilli, Dennis Savard, Victoria Tocci, Deborah Libourel, Ralph Ponzo, John Chapin, Annette Reidy, Suzanne Hardy, Dorothy
Ruggiero, Maureen Bird McGrath, RoseMary DeCarlo, Dee Holliday, Ken Schutte, Elena Saliani, Rich Young, Elizabeth Walsh, Glenn
Robinson, Msgr. John Burns, Eric Hansen, Ino Toma, Frank & Barbara Ditter, Ann Rasch, Rosemary Wolahan, Debby Duffy, Corrine
Burke, Brittney Wheeler, Caylin Roque, Barbara Pelletier, Bill Mikolsky, Judi D’Alessandro, Irene Visintin, Christina Corr, Mary Kay
Ceballos, Diane Barrante, Joyce Johnson, Marilyn Brown, Faye Delaney Sullivan, Nancy Rutigliano, Sharon Ballard, Tracey Kepics
St. Joseph Medal of Appreciation - March 22 at 3:00pm (St. Joseph Cathedral, Hartford)
I am happy to announce that Kathleen and Tom Magrane are receiving the St. Joseph Medal of Appreciation for their outstanding service and
ministry to the work of the Church here at Sacred Heart Parish. This medal is awarded each year to deserving parishioners in parishes throughout the
archdiocese. Kathleen and Tom will receive it from Archbishop Blair in a ceremony on Sunday, March 22 at 3:00pm. The ceremony is open to all.
Kathleen and Tom have been faithful and dedicated parishioners for many years. During that time, both of them have served terms on the Parish
Council and presently both serve as Ministers of the Eucharist at Mass as well as in service to the homebound. Kathleen is one of our Stephen
Ministers, directs and arranges all of our hospitality for the various occasions we celebrate here at Sacred Heart and is a member of the Extend-aHand Committee as well. Tom has for many years been one of the altar servers for funerals here at Sacred Heart and as such is part of our larger
ministry to the bereaved. He also teams up with Kathleen in the ministry of hospitality. Thank you, Kathleen and Tom for your wonderful dedication
and commitment to Sacred Heart Parish! I speak for us all in affirming the award you will receive. May God continue to bless you both!
Sacred Heart to Receive Father Philip Cascia Service Award - March 26 at 5:30pm (Grand Oak Villa)
Each year St. Vincent DePaul Mission of Greater Waterbury recalls and renews its commitment to serve the poor in our region at the Annual
Banquet. This year, the Mission will acknowledge the sandwich-making, meals, construction, donations and many volunteer hours that Sacred
Heart parishioners have given over the years. To attend, tickets are $50 per person and tables of ten are available for $450. Proceeds go to
support the work of the Mission. For reservations, call Mary Korsu so we can coordinate attending parishioners with our Parish’s tables.
Ami Conlan, Pastoral Associate Faith Formation - [email protected]
Fran Walsh, Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation - [email protected]
Deb McGrath, Coordinator of Design (Grades 1-8) - [email protected]
Jay Szymansky, Administrative Assistant – [email protected]
Faith Formation Office: 203-264-5065
Fax: 203-264-4271
No ROC Mass in April
The Next ROC…May 2nd
Children's Stations
of the Cross
Mission Trip
Palm Sunday
March 27, 7 - 7:30pm
Church Sanctuary
Bake Sale
This is for children preschool to Grade 5, and is
an introduction to this prayerful Lenten devotion.
An RSVP is requested, but not required, as we
will be using sticker booklets and want to ensure
we have an adequate supply.
Please email Faith Formation: [email protected]
Faith Walk
Good Friday—April 3
The Sacred Heart shuttles leave the
parking lot periodically, starting at
9:00am. Last bus leaves Sacred
Heart at 9:50am. Meet at 10AM at
St. James Lutheran Church.
Participating in the Faith Walk as an actor (Jesus, Mary,
Roman guard, etc.) is both Liturgical Participation and
Parish Service.
Sign up on the Faith Formation bulletin board.
After all Palm Sunday Masses: March 28-29
Buy a treat and support this year’s Mission Trip
Confirmation Workshop
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Confirmation Workshop
April 19th at 7:00pm
Monday, May 18, 7PM
Rehearsal for Sponsors &
Confirmation Mass
Bishop Peter Rosazza, Presiding
Candidates: May 17th at 6pm
Next Children’s Mass
April 26 at 11:00am
To Volunteer:
Email [email protected] or sign up at: http://
You Gotta Believe! Workshop for Students in
Grades 7 & 8
6:30-7:00pm: Pizza & Drinks
7:00-8:00pm: Presentation
The ROC Youth Group is hosting motivational speaker Bret Nichols for an interactive presentation on:
 making good choices
 looking at challenges with God as our focus
 inspiration and encouragement
 growing in faith
 anti drugs/alcohol message
 eliminating distractions that separate us from God’s plan for us
Bret speaks to thousands of young people each year sharing words of motivation, inspiration and encouragement. He uses
his basketball as a way to deliver his message with an interactive style. This is a student-only event and an RSVP is
requested to the Faith Formation office. Please RSVP by calling 203-264-5065 or [email protected].
Email Ami Conlan [email protected] for more information.
March 22, 2015
This Week at Sacred Heart Church
Saturday, March 21
At Mass - Haiti Video
5:30PM - Meeting - Jerusalem
Sunday, March 22
At all Masses - Haiti Video
11:00AM Children’s Mass - Girl Scouts process in
12:00PM - Youth Choir
1:00PM - GIFT, Session II - Entire Facility
6:30PM - Mission Trip - Hall, Church
Monday, March 23
6:00-7:00PM - Confessions/Reconciliation Service - Church
7:00PM - LRSS - Shalom
Tuesday, March 24
7:30-4:30PM - Deliver sandwiches - Kitchen
9:00AM - SCC - Emmaus
9:15AM - LIFT - Jerusalem
6:30PM - Choir Rehearsal - Church
7:00PM - Haiti, Youth Trip - Emmaus
7:30PM - MBC - Hospitality
Wednesday, March 25
10:00AM - JAM - Hospitality
1:00PM - LRSS - Emmaus
3:30PM - Women’s AA - Jerusalem
6:00PM - ROC Middle School Event - Hall, Jerusalem
7:00PM - Career Transitions - Hospitality
7:00PM - Choir Rehearsal - Church
In case of SNOW or
Thursday, March 26
8:00-6:00PM - Career Transitions - Emmaus ICY weather, please
check our website or
9:30-12:00PM - LRSS - Hospitality
12:15-1:15PM - Support - Hospitality
tune to TV Channel
1:30-3:00PM - New Day - Hospitality
3 or NBC 30 for
7:00PM - Adult Choir - Church
8:00PM - AA - Jerusalem
Friday, March 27
information. If
1:00PM - Martha & Mary - Kitchen
Region 15 has a delay
1:30PM - SM Supervisory - Hospitality
4:30PM - Fish Fry - Hall, Kitchen, Jerusalem or cancellation, there
is no 8:30a.m. Mass
7:00PM - Children’s Station of the Cross
Saturday, March 28
9:00AM - Palm Sunday Rehearsal
After Mass - Mission Trip Bake Sale - Atrium, Hall
Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday
After all Masses - Mission Trip Bake Sale - Atrium, Hall
12:00PM - Youth Choir
3:00PM - Palm Sunday Faith Reflection Service, reception to follow
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Social Outreach
St. Vincent de Paul Meal Ministry
Team “D” will be serving Chicken Noodle Casserole, salad, and
cookies on Monday, April 13, 2015 at St. Vincent De Paul Shelter in
Waterbury. Trays and lids are available in the church kitchen
beginning April 4-12, 2015.
Easter Basket Collection
Covenant to Care will once again be collecting Easter baskets to give
to our adopted social worker for the children in the Dept. of Children
and Families care. Please place assembled baskets in the Covenant to
Care box by Palm Sunday. (No peanut products please.)
Mustard Seed Charitable Grant Application
Mustard Seed Charitable Grant applications and instructions are
available in the atrium. Deadline: March 31st. The Mustard Seed
Charitable Grants are generously funded by bequests from Irma Ziegler
Smith, Mildred Ziegler and Francis Brewer, as well as donations made in
memoriam or honorarium. Only Sacred Heart parishioners may apply for
a charitable grant for an organization by submitting the application by
March 31 to Mary Korsu in the parish office.
Palm Sunday Faith Reflection Service
Sunday, March 29, 3:00pm
The Sacred Heart Adult Choir will sponsor its Annual
Faith Reflection Service. This service consists of personal
faith stories given by seven Sacred Heart parishioners. Following each
faith story, a selection of beautiful sacred music will be presented by the
Sacred Heart Church Adult Choir, this year, featuring violinist, Alyce
Cognetta Bertz. People in attendance have commented year after year
how they feel their own faith being nourished as they listen to these
inspirational and faith filled stories. Please join us for this reflective and
spirit-filled service as we prayerfully begin our Holy Week together.
Light reception to follow in Social Hall.
Runners, Walkers, Sponsors & Volunteers
The 5th Annual Hoof It for Haiti-Southbury 5K Run/Walk will be held
on April 25 at 9:00AM with a kid’s run at
8:30AM. Contact Christine Granja, 203-2644467 or visit www.hoofitforhaiti.org for more
Life Planning & Planned Giving Seminar
You may have received a letter and pledge card asking
you to support this year’s Archbishop’s Annual Appeal.
Please prayerfully consider your response. Know that
your financial support will touch the lives of thousands of
people that are served in our Archdiocese through the
Appeal. If you did not receive the 2015 Archbishop’s
Annual Appeal mailing or have misplaced the pledge
card mailed to your home, please pick up one of the extra
pledge cards and envelopes in the rear of the Church.
Sacred Heart …
For the 21st Century
Help Sacred Heart pass on the gift of Faith, Hope and Charity
and consider the gift of a bequest to Sacred Heart in your Will or
estate plan. For more information, please call Father Joe.
The Office of Development with the Archdiocese of Hartford will be
offering a Life Planning Seminar on April 7 at 3:00 & 7:00PM. Topics
include the importance of establishing a Will, Living Trust, Advanced
Health Care Directive, and Health Care Representative. Planned giving
opportunities that will support Sacred Heart Parish will also be presented. To register, contact Mary Korsu at 203-264-5071.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation in Lent
As you know, we offer, with all churches in the archdiocese, the Sacrament
of Reconciliation in Lent from 6-7PM each Monday in Lent. This week,
both Monsignor Hossan and I will be available for the sacrament and we
will celebrate it within a communal service beginning at 6PM. We offer
such services each Advent and Lent. As you may know, the communal
service consists of an opening hymn, prayer, reading of Scripture, a homily,
examination of conscience and closing prayer. Participation in the entire
service with a sincere sorrow for sin and intention to change our lives
forgives non-serious (venial) sin without individual confession to a priest.
At the end of the communal service, we will, however, offer the opportunity
for those who desire it to confess individually to one of us, if they wish.
As I mentioned last weekend, Lent is the particularly appropriate time to
celebrate this sacrament. I suggest that all Catholics should do so at least
once a year during Lent. Please join us on this Monday night, on one of the
following Mondays in Lent, at our normal Saturday afternoon confession
time 3:30-4:15PM or by personal appointment 24/7 during Lent.