November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Staff Gospel Reflection Matthew 25:14-30 Father Joseph T. Donnelly [email protected] Sr. Patricia Torre, DW [email protected] Ami Conlan [email protected] Patricia Richards [email protected] Jennifer Enger [email protected] Pastor 203-264-5071 ext. 3 Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care 203-264-5071 ext. 5 Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation 203-264-5065 Director of Music Accounting PARISH OFFICE 910 Main Street South, Southbury, CT 06488 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Tel: 203-264-5071 Parish Office Tel: 203-264-5071 Fax: 203-264-9562 Mary Korsu Office Manager [email protected] ext. 0 Karen Kirk (Bulletin Information) Information & Communications Manager [email protected] or [email protected] ext. 201 Mark Bentivoglio Building & Grounds [email protected] ext. 105 Faith Formation Office Tel: 203-264-5065 Ami Conlan [email protected] Jay Szymansky [email protected] Deborah McGrath Fran Walsh Fax: 203-264-4271 Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Coordinator of Design (Gr. 1-8) Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation Liturgical Schedule The Lord’s Day: Vigil (Saturday): 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM*, 11:00 AM* 4th Sunday/Month:Children’s Mass, 11:00AM Daily Mass: 8:30 AM, Monday to Friday, subject to change. *At the noted Masses, children are invited to participate in Liturgy of the Word. Children ages 7-12 go to the chapel; those ages 3-6 go to the Hospitality room. Sacramental Ministries 2 Baptism - To schedule a Baptism, please contact Sister Pat for an initial meeting and a parent preparation session. Reconciliation (confession) - Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:15 PM, or by appointment. Marriage - Please call the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Couples meet with Father Joe for an initial pastoral conversation before a wedding date can be set. Please do not make other plans until a date has been confirmed with the parish. For the Sick, including pastoral home visits, Eucharist or the Anointing of the Sick - Please call the Parish Office. Upon hospital admission, please indicate that you would like a visit by your parish, or please call the Parish Office to arrange a pastoral visit. Adults: What gift haven’t you developed as you had hoped? What could you still do? Children: What gift has God given you? What do you want to do with it? Mass Intentions If you arranged to have a particular person prayed for at a mass, notify the ushers upon your arrival so that you may bring up the gifts. Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:00 PM John Luke McGuinness Requested by Doug & Bonnie Brown Bill Fitzgerald Requested by Ken & Mary Korsu Donald Cheh Requested by Bob & Ann Haig Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners 9:00 AM Patricia Lawlor Requested by Conrad & Roberta Hade Curtis Krieske Requested by Liberta Cunningham Mildred Folsom Requested by The Huhn Family 11:00 AM Perry Jeffery Requested by Eileen Locher Elizabeth Winkler Requested by The Sharkey Family Deceased Members of the Cortese Family Requested by Faustina Cortese Monday, November 17, 2014 8:30 AM Donald Paris Requested by his wife Tuesday, November 18, 2014 8:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners Wednesday, November 19, 2014 8:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners Friday, November 21, 2014 8:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners Saturday, November 22, 2014 5:00 PM John & Martha Dougherty Requested by John, Ann, Mark & Michael Elizabeth M. Forte Requested by her daughter, Susan & Clay Cassidy and family Sunday, November 23, 2014 7:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners 9:00 AM William Langrock Requested by The Langrock Family Deceased Members of the Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes Ron Beaulieu Requested by Tom & Kathleen Magrane 11:00 AM Perry Jeffery Children’s Requested by Margaret & Leroy Fitzgerald Mass Kenneth R. Windover Requested by The Gibson Family November 16, 2014 Of Many Things…. Full, Conscious, Active Participation at Mass Do you get much from coming to Mass? One of the reasons people often give for no longer attending Mass regularly is that they don’t get anything out of it. And the response that is often given to that reasoning is: “You have to give something when coming to Mass in order to get something out of it.” Let’s talk about that. For more than a century, the Church has been encouraging active participation in the liturgy. It began long before Vatican II with the encouragement of frequent Communion, singing as part of the prayer, and the use of missals in one’s own language to actually understand what the priest was saying in Latin. The first document published by the Church at Vatican II was the document on the Sacred Liturgy where we find this famous quotation: “Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to full, conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy.” (#14) Therefore, I conclude from that teaching that when we participate at Mass in a full (body, mind and spirit), conscious (not unconscious and mindless) and active (not as a passive spectator watching the action), we are guaranteed to get something out of it. Here are some simple ways to do that: Be There: Making Mass a part of the natural rhythm of you life (“It’s what we do!”) builds a sense within you of its meaning and importance. We all give time to the things we value. Coming to Mass, giving over one hour a week to express your faith and focus intentionally on God says that you value that sacred relationship. Observe and Be Aware of Those Around You: Mass is the prayer of the Church and we are all the Church as I mentioned in last weekend’s homily. Other people who are there are not a distraction but an inspiration for us to be reminded that others believe similarly to me, acknowledge that they need God’s life in Word and Eucharist and inspire me to be faithful too. We are all part of the Body of Christ and we build up one another here. Listen to the Readings: We have worked very hard training our readers and investing in a good sound system so that you can have a better experience of listening to God’s Word each week. We give “At Home With the Word” to each household so that you might read the readings sometime during the week before you come to Mass and even study it a bit about them from the commentary there. We try our best to offer good, understandable and relevant homilies to help you understand the meaning of the Scriptures. We offer Little Rock Bible Study sessions as well as our GIFT program to 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time help you understand the Word of God. Really listening not just with the ears but with the heart can draw you more and more into the Scriptures and allow them to nourish you as they are meant to do. The missalettes are for those who have difficulty hearing. If wish to read along we ask you to bring your “At Home With the Word” book to allow those who really have hearing impairment to use the missalettes. Sing: Some view singing as an option but it is a unique form of our prayer. St. Augustine said: “The one who sings prays twice.” Sung prayer, the powerful words and melody of the songs can touch us at a deeper level than the spoken word. Try it and see if that is not true. The music and lyrics express what we believe. Our music ministry is the best I have ever experienced in a parish and they work to choose, play and lead good appropriate music. It is discouraging when people refuse to participate in song. Offer the Sign of Peace to Others: Again, the Mass is the prayer of the community and the sign of peace is a concrete opportunity to express that truth. And it should be a concrete gesture, a handshake, rather than a nod over the top of your glasses or a distant wave. Obviously if you are ill, you should not shake the hand of another, but the concreteness of the gesture expresses a connection among the members of the Church. Look at the person too since eye contact is important for that connection and exchange. Receive Communion from Both Host and Cup: Receiving both the body and blood of Christ in Eucharist is the fullest way to receive it. Not receiving from the cup for any reason other than allergy, addiction or illness misses the point. It is another concrete act of faith in God whose real life the Eucharist is. Stay for the Entire Mass: Once in a while, we all have to leave Mass before it is over (the end of the closing hymn) for one reason or another, but certain people leave early every week usually at the same time so it appears to be intentional or a bad habit. I particularly notice those who line the aisle behind the back row waiting until I leave. Once when I asked why they do it, one person told me that they do it out of respect for the priest. But Mass is not about the priest. How about some respect for Jesus present in the Mass? I can literally be trampled down as I leave and try to open the doors for those behind me. An extra two minutes is not going to make a lot of difference in any of our days. And staying until the end acknowledges a person’s belief about what we actually are doing at Mass. Why not give these suggestions a try. They work and you will get a lot more out of Mass if you try them. May God bless our parish and this primary gathering to celebrate Mass as Jesus asked us in his memory. Father Joe 3 November 16, 2014 Navigating the Rough Waters... With the death of a loved one we are often confused by the wide range of emotions that we may feel. Some of the most common are sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety, loneliness, fatigue, shock, yearning, relief and numbness. We may feel some or all of these. No matter what, it is important that we know, that these feelings are signs that we are going through a normal and healthy grief process. We should not deny or suppress them but rather recognize them for what they are. Our parish offers support through Bereavement groups, our Stephen Ministers and pastoral staff. Call us today at 203-264-5071. Or have a friend call. We are here to guide you through this. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Don’t Suffer Alone Sometimes we fall into a trap where we think it’s a sign of weakness to ask for help. So when we’re stressed, discouraged, lonely, or sad, we try to keep our struggles hidden and are reluctant to ask for help. However, that’s not God’s plan. Galatians 6:2 says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” God want us to care for others – and allow others to care for us in our time of need. If you’re sad or struggling inside, don’t suffer alone. Ask for help. We’ve got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to provide confidential one to one care, encouragement, and support to help you through a tough time. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care into your life. Find out more about Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our Stephen Leaders. If you or someone you know would benefit from a confidential conversation with one of our Stephen Ministers, please call Lynn Tidgwell at 203-217-0025, Sister Pat at 203264-5071 and Stephen Minister Catherine Hughes at 203-7585421 or log onto: —From Stephen Series The Marion Candle burns in loving memory of Donald Paris by his stepdaughter and family Please Pray For... Lynne Perilli, Dennis Savard, Victoria Tocci, Deborah Libourel, Ralph Ponzo, John Chapin, Annette Reidy, Suzanne Hardy, Dorothy Ruggiero, Maureen Bird McGrath, RoseMary DeCarlo, Bob Bowalick, Ken Schutte, Greg Fortin, Jeanne Kaufman, Mary Johnstone, Mary Ann Preston, Elena Saliani, Rich Young, Elizabeth Walsh, Glenn Robinson, Msgr. John Burns, Eric Hansen, Ino Toma, Elaine Williams, Harry Gaffney, Colin Lent, Corinne Robertson, Frank & Barbara Ditter Small Christian Communities Little Rock Scripture Study (LRSS) Four-week Study on The Infancy Narratives of Jesus Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00PM, Nov. 12-Dec. 3, Emmaus Room This study of the Infancy of Jesus from the gospels of Matthew and Luke will provide the opportunity for us to look at the realities of the darkness of our world and anticipate the joyful expectation of the bright light of hope, peace and salvation that is brought to us each year by the birth of Jesus. Contact: Elizabeth Tishion at 203264-1390 or [email protected] if you have any questions. 4 Tuesdays, 9:00-11:00AM (Begins Nov. 25th) Emmaus Room Are you longing to engage in a more spiritual preparation this Advent? Please join our Small Christian Communities throughout Advent. Please call Anne Sharkey at 203-262-1894 to sign up so that sufficient Quest books will be available. Dates: Nov. 25, Dec. 2, Dec. 9, Dec. 16 Ami Conlan, Pastoral Associate Faith Formation - [email protected] Fran Walsh, Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation - [email protected] Deb McGrath, Coordinator of Design (Grades 1-8) - [email protected] Jay Szymansky, Administrative Assistant – [email protected] Faith Formation Office: 203-264-5065 Fax: 203-264-4271 Sunday I, November 16 Wednesday, November 19 Friday, November 21 Sunday II, November 23 Grades 9 and 10 Confirmation Service Opportunities 4:00-6:30PM Confirmation Parish Service November 25th, 3:00-6:00pm Help change out the hymnals 5:00-7:30PM 6:00-8:30PM 1:00-3:30PM November GIFT meals: All sign up sheets are located on the Faith Formation bulletin board. The sheets will be removed as they are filled; please check frequently for available service dates. Grilled Chicken w/vegetables over pasta catered by Elenni’s Restaurant M 5:00P 4th Sunday of Each Month 11:00AM Mass Dec. 6 Jan. 3 Feb. 7 Mar. 7 May 2 June 6 Nov. 23 Mar. 22 Dec. 28 Apr. 26 Jan. 25 May 24 Feb. 22 Have you signed up to volunteer yet? Opportunities include altar server, cross/banner carrier, reader, youth choir, greeter, and more! To volunteer: Contact Ami Conlan at [email protected] Teens & Young Adults: Sign up on the Faith Formation bulletin board Families—Join Us! Save the Date! Breakfast with Santa Help Change Out the Hymnals Saturday, December 6th, Seatings between 9-11AM Ticket sales after all Masses (Nov. 29 & 30) Check your Home Packet flier for more information. “Breakfast with Santa” benefits the Southbury Needy Fund. Mission Trip Bread Sales November 25th, 3:00-6:00pm Your whole family — all ages! — is invited to help us get ready for the new church year by changing out the hymnals. Nov. 22 - 23 ~ After All Masses JAM Wednesdays at 10:00AM (Open enrollment) Come find out more about JAM and meet Miss Jen, Miss Jenny, and Miss Maryanne during the prelude sing-a-long! A 45-minute music and bible story program for children, birth to age 5. 5 November 16, 2014 This Week at Sacred Heart Church Saturday, November 15 After Mass - Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes’ Membership Drive Sunday, November 16 After all Masses - Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes’ Membership Drive 12:00-12:30PM - Youth Choir - Church 1:00-4:00PM - J-Walking (offsite) 4:00PM - GIFT, Session I - Entire Facility Monday, November 17 7:15PM - LRSS - Shalom Tuesday, November 18 9:15AM - LIFT - Church, Kitchen, Jerusalem, Library, Hall 6:30-8:30PM - Stephen Ministry Training - Jerusalem 7:00PM - Career Transitions - Emmaus 7:30PM - Knights of Columbus 4th Degree - Library 7:30PM - Mom’s Bible Study - Hospitality Wednesday, November 19 10:00AM - JAM - Nursery 1:00-3:00PM - LRSS - Emmaus 3:30PM - Women’s AA - Jerusalem 5:00PM - GIFT - Entire Facility Thursday, November 20 1:30-3:00PM - New Day - Hospitality 7:00PM - Adult Choir - Church 8:00PM - AA - Jerusalem Friday, November 21 10:00AM - Public Relations Meeting - Shalom 6:00PM - GIFT - Entire Facility Saturday, November 22 9:00AM - Mission Trip Bread Baking - Kitchen, Hall After Mass - Mission Trip Bread Sale - Atrium Sunday, November 23 After All Masses - Mission Trip Bread Sale - Atrium 9:00AM - Engaged Couple Blessing at Mass 10:00AM - Reception - Jerusalem 11:00AM - Children’s Mass 12:00-12:30PM - Youth Choir - Church 1:00PM - GIFT, Session II - Entire Facility Calendar Notes: The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (on Nov. 22-23) needs your help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help themselves. With the tradition of improving education, housing situations, and economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our society. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Southbury/Woodbury Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service, Tuesday, November 25 at 7:00PM Annual Thanksgiving Mass - Wed., November 26 at 7:00PM 6 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgical New Readers & Altar Servers The new Reader and Altar Server schedule can be picked up in the corner of the Atrium and is posted online. Also, the new 2015 Workbook for Readers is available in the Sacristy. Please sign out your copy. Thank you. A crystal Celtic Cross was recently installed in memory of Janet Mann, a long time Sacred Heart parishioner and dedicated member of the Sacred Heart Church Music Ministry. The cross, which was blessed during the Tom Kendzia concert, remains in our Church as a memorial to Janet. Social Outreach Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes Membership Drive The Knights of Columbus and the Columbiettes auxiliary chapter in Southbury are conducting a membership drive this weekend, Nov. 1516. Join fellow parishioners in a group dedicated to service in our church and community, and to support local charities. Members will be present in the Atrium at all the Masses to answer your questions. Southbury Interfaith Thanksgiving Meal Cmte. We will host our annual dinner at Christ the Redeemer on Nov. 27 th at Noon. For more information, call Adele at 203-267-5650. St. Vincent de Paul Meal Ministry We provide a meal for the shelter the first Monday of the month (except when a holiday occurs then it’s served the second Monday.) Team A is responsible for Sept/Jan/May, Team B: Oct/Feb/June, Team C: Nov/March/July & Team D: Dec/April/Aug. If you are interested, contact Jeanne Tillinghast at 203-264-5827. Career Transitions—Nov. 18th, 7-8:30PM, Emmaus If you are considering retirement or looking for a new job, please join us in an atmosphere of encouragement and support to network, share experiences and learn about the tools and skills available to help in your transition. Individual meetings can be arranged after the meeting on the 18th. Over the past months, our group has had successful placements. For more information, please contact Peter Fitzpatrick at 516-287-0441 or [email protected]. Coffee And…. Committee We are looking for volunteers to assist at Coffee And….you would be responsible for assisting at the masses on the Sunday that the Coffee And…would take place. If you are interested, please contact Lina Savard at 203-264-0214. Young Adults (18-30ish) Group SH Young Adults Facebook: SacredHeartSouthburyYoungAdults
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