March 22, 2015 - Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish of Campbell, Ohio

Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish
Cristo, el Buen Pastor
394 Tenney Avenue • Campbell, Ohio 44405 • (330)755-4141 • (330)755-1367 (fax) • (330)755-3633
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Youngstown
The Mission of Christ, the Good Shepherd Parish is to celebrate the Sacraments,
share our heritage and traditions, and support one another in living and sharing our faith in this community
March 22, 2015
5th Sunday of Lent
When the prophet Jeremiah coined the term “new
covenant” he was actually doing something quite
radical. For the Jewish people, there was only one
covenant, the one made between the Lord God and Israel
through Moses at Mount Sinai. For Jeremiah to suggest
that God would somehow supersede the covenant with a
new one would have sounded audacious to Jewish ears.
But in this way he is a predecessor of Jesus who, in the
Gospel of John, is continually portrayed as superseding
the past, establishing the reign of God in a new way.
And in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus the “new
covenant” speaks the language of his “new
commandment” of love when he tells of the dying grain
of wheat, and of our own need to die to self in order to
be raised with Christ. As Lent ends and we prepare to
enter into Holy Week, the dying grain of wheat serves as
an excellent symbol of the kind of dying and selfsacrifice to which disciples are called, a symbol of that
new covenant written deep within our hearts.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
St. John the Baptist Church
159 Reed Ave.
Hall: (330)755-0036
St. Joseph the Provider Church
633 Porter Ave. Hall/Pierogi Sales: (330)755-1316
St. Lucy Church/Sta. Rosa de Lima
394 Tenney Ave. Palermo Hall: (330)755-4545
or (330)755-2245
All parish offices are located at
394 Tenney Ave., Campbell, OH 44405
330-755-4141 or 330-755-3633
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am - 3:00pm
[email protected]
Good Shepherd Campbell
MASS SCHEDULE: (check inside for details)
at St. Joseph the Provider
Saturday (Vigil for Sunday): 4:00pm
[with Confessions at 3:00pm]
Sunday: 8:30am - 10:15am -12:00 Noon (Spanish)
Weekdays Monday at 8:30am: Communion Service
Tuesday - Friday at 8:30am: Mass
at St. St. Lucy/Sta. Rosa
Holy Days: (See inside)
Next week is Palm Sunday. Let us stay committed to our
Lenten observances these final days of preparation for Easter.
This week is the Annunciation. We once again ask for
Mary’s intercession and guidance as we strive to have Jesus
take flesh in our lives more and more. The evening of the 25th
will be the final night of our Soup and Bread Mission.
I want to thank you for your generosity for the collection for
the AED. We will have another on April 5. And, by way of
reminder, our 2nd collection next week will be for our
Diocesan assessments.
Finally, I want to continue our hearing of Pope Francis’
Lenten Message:
“Where is your brother?” (Gen 4:9)
All that we have been saying about the universal Church must
now be applied to the life of our parishes and communities.
Do these ecclesial structures enable us to experience being
part of one body? A body which receives and shares what
God wishes to give? A body which acknowledges and cares
for its weakest, poorest and most insignificant members? Or
do we take refuge in a universal love that would embrace the
whole world, while failing to see the Lazarus sitting before
our closed doors?
The prayers of the Church on earth establish a communion of
mutual service and goodness which reaches up into the sight
of God. Together with the saints who have found their
fulfilment in God, we form part of that communion in which
indifference is conquered by love.
We share in the merits and joy of the saints, even as they
share in our struggles and our longing for peace and
reconciliation. Their joy in the victory of the Risen Christ
gives us strength as we strive to overcome our indifference
and hardness of heart.
Every Christian community is called to go out of itself and to
be engaged in the life of the greater society of which it is a
part, especially with the poor and those who are far away. The
Church is missionary by her very nature; she is not selfenclosed but sent out to every nation and people.
Her mission is to bear patient witness to the One who desires
to draw all creation and every man and woman to the Father.
Her mission is to bring to all a love which cannot remain
silent. The Church follows Jesus Christ along the paths that
lead to every man and woman, to the very ends of the earth
(cf. Acts 1:8). In each of our neighbours, then, we must see a
brother or sister for whom Christ died and rose again. What
we ourselves have received, we have received for them as
well. Similarly, all that our brothers and sisters possess is a
gift for the Church and for all humanity.
Dear brothers and sisters, how greatly I desire that all those
places where the Church is present, ‡•’‡…‹ƒŽŽ›‘—”parishes
and our communities, may become islands of mercy in the
midst of the sea of indifference!
God bless you,
Fr. Conoboy
La próxima semana es Domingo de Ramos. Sigamos
comprometidos con nuestras celebraciones Cuaresmales
estos últimos días de preparación para la Pascua. Esta
semana es la Anunciacion. Una vez mas pedimos por la
intercesión y guía de Maria asi como nos esforzamos para
que Jesus se haga carne en nuestras vidas cada vez mas. La
noche del 25 será la ultima noche de nuestra Mision con
Sopa y Pan. Les quiero agredecer por su generosidad con la
colecta para el AED. Tendremos otra el 5 de Abril y les
quiero recordar que nuestra segunda colecta de la semana
que viene es para nuestro Diocesan Assesments.
Finalmente, quiero continuar nuestra audencia del Mensaje
Cuaresmal del Papa Francisco:
.«¿Dónde está tu hermano?» (Gn 4,9) – Las parroquias y las
Lo que hemos dicho para la Iglesia universal es necesario
traducirlo en la vida de las parroquias y comunidades. En
estas realidades eclesiales ¿se tiene la experiencia de que
formamos parte de un solo cuerpo? ¿Un cuerpo que recibe y
comparte lo que Dios quiere donar? ¿Un cuerpo que conoce
a sus miembros más débiles, pobres y pequeños, y se hace
cargo de ellos? ¿O nos refugiamos en un amor universal que
se compromete con los que están lejos en el mundo, pero
olvida al Lázaro sentado delante de su propia puerta cerrada?
Cuando la Iglesia terrenal ora, se instaura una comunión de
servicio y de bien mutuos que llega ante Dios. Junto con los
santos, que encontraron su plenitud en Dios, formamos parte
de la comunión en la cual el amor vence la indiferencia.
También nosotros participamos de los méritos y de la alegría
de los santos, así como ellos participan de nuestra lucha y
nuestro deseo de paz y reconciliación. Su alegría por la
victoria de Cristo resucitado es para nosotros motivo de
fuerza para superar tantas formas de indiferencia y de dureza
de corazón.
Por otra parte, toda comunidad cristiana está llamada a
cruzar el umbral que la pone en relación con la sociedad que
la rodea, con los pobres y los alejados. La Iglesia por
naturaleza es misionera, no debe quedarse replegada en sí
misma, sino que es enviada a todos los hombres.
Esta misión es el testimonio paciente de Aquel que quiere
llevar toda la realidad y cada hombre al Padre. La misión es
lo que el amor no puede callar. La Iglesia sigue a Jesucristo
por el camino que la lleva a cada hombre, hasta los confines
de la tierra (cf. Hch 1,8). Así podemos ver en nuestro
prójimo al hermano y a la hermana por quienes Cristo murió
y resucitó. Lo que hemos recibido, lo hemos recibido
también para ellos. E, igualmente, lo que estos hermanos
poseen es un don para la Iglesia y para toda la humanidad.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas, cuánto deseo que los
lugares en los que se manifiesta la Iglesia, en particular
nuestras parroquias y nuestras comunidades, lleguen a ser
islas de misericordia en medio del mar de la indiferencia.
Que Dios te bendiga,
P. Conoboy
5TH SUNDAY OF LENT - MARCH 22, 2015 • 3
Memorial Flames
at St. Joseph the Provider
St. Theresa: Mary Kondrat (John Orlo Family)
The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before Mass.
Weekend Masses at St. Joseph the Provider
Saturday, March 21: Vigil for Sunday
4:00pm Christ, the Good Shepherd Memorial Mass
John Zuraw Sr. (M/M Mike Kocjancic)
Adio Rispinto (M/M Ray Benson)
SUNDAY, March 22: 5th Sunday of Lent
8:30am Gerald “Jerry” Cozart (St. Lucy Men’s
10:15am Mary Kondrat (sister, Helen & Ed Nester)
Louie A. Pagan (Robert & Nancy Pagan)
Weekday Masses at St. Lucy/Sta. Rosa
Monday, March 23: St. Turibius 0f Mogrovejo
8:30am Communion Service
Tuesday, March 24: Weekday
8:30am Jennifer J. Suhich (Mom & Dad)
Wednesday, March 25: Annunciation of the Lord
8:30am Helen Zuzik (Mary Kominak)
Thursday, March 26: Weekday
8:30am: Anthony Pico (Joe & Carmela Cassee)
Friday, March 27: Weekday
8:30am Robert Petruska (MM John Tesner)
Weekend Masses at St. Joseph
Saturday, March 28: Vigil for Sunday
4:00pm Anthony Pantana (daughter, Angie & John
William Hamley (Joe Valerio & Family)
Carl F. & Rose Snitzer (John Snitzer Family)
SUNDAY, March 29: Palm Sunday
8:30am Mary Timko (Richard & Cindy Timko
10:15am Karen Nester Van Dyke (M/M Michael
Candida y Julia Pagan (Robert & Nancy
Damas difuntas (Elba Navarro)
Christ, the Good Shepherd: Carl F. & Rose Snitzer
(John Snitzer Family)
Divine Mercy: Ray Maruskin (Bob Elko)
Holy Family: In Thanksgiving (Patterson Family)
At. St. Lucy/Sta. Rosa
St. Anthony: Joseph Nobile (sister, Louise & Anthony
Please pray for the repose of the souls of
Mike Berardino and Francisca Cruz
May they be greeted in heaven with joy & celebration.
Our sympathy & prayers are with their families.
We would like to have a Social Committee that
would be in charge of the different socials that we
have. If you would be interested in joining this
committee please drop your name in the collection
basket. Thank You
Phone Number_____________________________
2015 Bishop’s Appeal for
For Catholic Charities and Church
Changing Lives . . . One Family at a Time
A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who made a
commitment to the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal. We
need the support of all members of Christ, the
Good Shepherd if we are to be successful in
reaching our parish goal. If you have not made
your commitment you may mail it in directly to
the Bishop Appeal office.
Missions at St. Joseph the Provider
Wednesday, 25
5:30pm Bread & Soup
6:00pm Mission
Sunday, March 22:
Confirmation Preparation, Session 3
Monday, March 23:
CCD class K-8 grades
Confirmation preparation
Choir Rehearsal
Tuesday, March 24:
St. Anthony Novena (2)
Environment committee meeting to
discuss decorating for Palm Sunday,
Holy Week and Easter. Let Lori know.
Wednesday, March 25:
Food Pantry Palermo Center
10:00am Crochet Club
Soup/Bread 6:00pm Mission
Altar & Rosary/Infant Jesus meeting
Thursday, March 26:
5:30pm Prayer Group
Friday, March 27:
Pierogi sales $6.00doz 330.755.1316
5:30pm English
6:30pm Spanish Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 28:
10:00am Legion of Mary
St. Nicholas School Moms’ & Dads’ Club
Fish Fry
Every Friday through Lent excluding Good Friday
4 - 7 pm at St. Nicholas Great Hall, Struthers
Adult dinner $10.00
Children 6-12 $6.00
Take-out available.
St. Luke Knights of Columbus
Fish Fry - Fridays during Lent
In the Pole Barn 5 –7:00pm Dinners $9.00
Call in orders welcome 330.423.3143
Living Bread Radio’s Annual Pledge Drive
Scheduled March 24, 25, 26.
Opening Mass March 24th at noon and closing
Mass March 26th at 6:30pm
Please keep Catholic Radio on the air 89.5FM
More info call 1.888.966.2903
Domingo, 22 de Marzo:
Preparación para Confirmación, Sesion 3
Lunes, 23 de Marzo:
6:00am CCD K-8
Preparación para Confirmación
6:30pm Práctica de Coro
Martes, 24 de Marzo:
8:15pm Novena de St. Anthony (día 2)
6:00pm Reunión del Comite del Medio Ambiente
para discutir decoraciones para Domingo de
Pascua, Semana Santa y Pascua. Dejenle
saber a Lori.
Miércoles, 25 de Marzo:
Banco de Comida en el Palermo Center
10:00am Club de Crochet
5:30pm Sopa/Pan 6pm Misión
6:30pm Reunión Altar & Rosary/Infant Jesus
Jueves, 26 de Marzo:
5:30pm Grupo de Oración
Viernes, 27 de Marzo:
Venta de Pierogi $6.00 dozena 330.755.1316
5:30pm Inglés
Estaciones de la
6:30pm Español
Sabado, 28 de Marzo:
10:00am Legión de María
Kolachi Sale Pre-Sale only
sponsored by St. Joseph Provider Cultural Society
Kolachi will be baked Tuesday, March 24 and Pick-up
Friday, March 27 from 10am - 2pm
Deadline for orders is Tuesday, March 17
Cost is $10.00 each
Please mark you order and drop in the collection basket.
Nut_____ $_______
Apricot____ $______
Frozen Potato, Kraut or Prune
Pierogi available for
Special occasions.
$6.00 a dozen
Call Brenda 330.942.8561
Poppy Seed _____ $_______
Total order $____________
Name______________________ Phone #___________
More info or to order call Edward Kotsol 330.540.8928
or Dorothy Stellmar 330.755.4234
5TH SUNDAY OF LENT - MARCH 22, 2015 • 5
The letter to the Hebrews reminds us that even
Christ “learned obedience from what he suffered”.
As we continue in our Lenten journey, are we
striving to learn from the disciplines of the season,
not just until Easter, but for a permanent conversion
of heart?
Children: $26.00
Utilities/Main: $198.00
Second Collection: $353.00 Pay for AED
Thank you for your faithful offerings to your parish
Readings for the week of March 22:
First Reading — I will make a new covenant; I will
write my law upon their hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-34) or
Ezekiel 37:12-14.
Psalm — Create a clean heart in me, O God (Psalm 51)
or Psalm 130.
Second Reading — Christ learned obedience and became
the source of eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:7-9) or
Romans 8:8-11.
Gospel — If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies,
it produces much fruit (John 12:20-33) or
John 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45].
Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62];
Psalm 23; John 8:1-11
Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 102; John 8:21-30
Wednesday: Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10; Psalm 40;
Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38
Thursday: Genesis 17:3-9; Psalm 105; John 8:51-59
Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 18; John 10:31-42
Saturday: Ezekiel 37:21-28; Jeremiah 31:10, 11-13;
John 11:45-56
Sunday: Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16;Isaiah 50:4-7;
Psalm 22; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47 [15:1-39]
Your prayers are requested for the health and
well-being of the following parishioners:
Scott Anderson
Tommy Bayus
Bob Beck
Nadine Bednarik
Julia Beltz
Mike Berardino
Jim Bigley
Lori Bodnar
Gizela Bogatek
Pat Bozichovich
Ted Braccolino
Dorothy Buccieri
Mary Bukofchan
Danny Bullen
Lefty Butchko
Hannah Carnahan
Melissa Carnahan
Anna Casasanto
Joseph & Ellen
Patti Centofanti
Ed Cook
Nilda Cruz
Gabriall Daves
Edith Dellick
Frances DelRae
Ana Diaz
Mary Dirienzo
Mary Lou Dubaj
John Duda
Michael Esposito
Bernie Flowers
William Galluppi
Bob Gatti
John Gerlick
James Gotch
Frances Gregor
Iraklis Grillis
Rosa Gonzalez
Crispin Gonzalez
Lucy Hames
John Hames
John Hamley
Janine Hooks
Anne Hornak
Ann Hudak
Helen Janecko
Elizabeth Jean
Dick Kajut
Mary Kominak
Angelina Koval
Kevina Koval
Donny Kusky
Joan Larriccia
Dr. James Lazor
Vern Libby
John Lissi
Rita Makatura
Joe Makosky
Hannah Marsh
Kay Marshall
Rina Mazzarino
Mary Mazzocca
Joe Mazzocca, Sr.
Jackie & Bruce
Leo Miranda
Josephine Misko
Joe Montella
Barbara Montella
Darren Patterson
Marge Mraz
Ann Novacich
John Orlo
Tom Orlo
Florence Patterson
Dave Parsons
Brian Pascarella
Antionette Pennel
Walter Perez
Linda Perry
Faith Perry
Fr. Steve
Andy Rauzan
Deacon Rentas
Thomas Repasky
Dolly Rich
John Richards
Ann Rivalsky
Carmen Rivera
Tootsie Rivera
Paul Romeo
Sylvia Rossodivita
John Rozum
Franklin Rudolphi
Chester Rufh
Andrea Ruscitti
Gina Sacco
Jerry Sacco
Luz Salcedo
Deacon Enrique
Linda Schulte
Betty Schlosser
Barbara Schlosser
Wesley Scott Sr.
Freddie Seitz
Helen Seman
Marina Serrano
Teresa Serrano
David Shaffer
Denise Sharshan
Jon Shabella
Ruth Sierzega
Mike Simboli
Diane Stamos
Steve Stamos
Betty Ann Glass
Dorothy Stellmar
Shirley Szilagy
Dave Tabor
Jim Tabor
Chip Taylor
Fr. Paul Tobin
Mary Ann
Natalia Trimboli
Priscilla Turscak
Mary Uhrain
Ed Uhrain
Blanche Vanca
Diane Varady
Crissi Vallus
Eddie Vallus
Suzanne Morales
Helen Wacht
Edward Wacht
Billy Walter
Dorothy Walter
Eddie Walter
Paul White, Sr.
Linda Wright
Fr. Joe Zamary
Patty Zbell
Fr. Howard
Rudy Zura
Also, please pray for our parishioners in nursing homes.
Prepare for Easter by seeing
“Mary of Nazareth” Movie
Free showings of the movie will take place on
—Sunday, March 22 at 6:00pm (the movie will
be shown in its entirety)
Showing in St. Michael Parish Hall, Canfield.
Mary of Nazareth is an epic new motion picture
on the life of Mary, mother of Christ, from her
childhood through the Resurrection of Jesus.
This full-length feature film, shot in English in
High Definition, was filmed in Europe in very
authentic locales with outstanding
cinematography, a strong cast, and a majestic
music score. It is considered appropriate for
children age 11 and older. Donations will be
accepted. For more info call 330.744.8451 ext.
Benefit Concert for
Holy Cross Academy Catholic Schools
Recording Artists from Northern Ireland
The Priests
at Canton Palace Theatre, Canton, OH
Monday, March 23
7:00pm, doors open at 6:00pm
Tickets: $40, $50, and $80.
Master of Ceremonies — Raymond Arroyo
for more info call 330.454.8172
Free Concert at St. Rose, Girard
by Rino Angelini & Friends
Palm Sunday—March 29—2:00pm
Dear Parishioners,
Your response and generosity that helped
make our Chinese Auction so successful last
year was truly outstanding. The monetary
gifts and the prizes that were donated from
you were great. We ask only one more thing
of you this year and that is if you can, please
get the prizes to us by April 6, so we know
where we are with prizes by that Monday or
We depended on you last year and you
came through. We Thank You in advance
for your support this year.
Chinese Auction Committee
Building a Vibrant Parish Seminar:
Join us for a complimentary seminar that will equip you
to engage more parishioners to transform your church
into a vibrant, faith-filled community.
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
St. Matthew Room
Tuesday, March 24
7345 Westview Drive
Seminar (includes
lunch) 10:00am 2:00pm
More info: Debbie Farina at (800)477.4574
Community Meal, St. Charles Church Social Hall
Come be our guest for this offering of hospitality!
Meal is offered at no charge and prepared by our
Church community. All are welcome
Thursday, March 26
Mothers of the Crucifix Society of
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Youngstown
Bingo & Card Party TODAY Sunday, March 22
3:00PM Tickets $6.00 Refreshments will be served.
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Holubky Dinner, Palm Sunday—March 29
Noon until 3:00pm, at Fr. Snock Center, Shady Run
Adults $10 Children 3-12 $5.00
Take-out dinner available—containers provided
Chinese Auction
Christ, the Good Shepherd
@ St. Joseph Gym
Sunday, April 12
Doors open at 10:00am
Auction at 2:00pm
Admission $5.00
Includes: 1 sheet of tickets,
Haluski, Cupcake & Beverage
Additional food items available.
5TH SUNDAY LENT - MARCH 22, 2015 • 7