R3.00 incl Friday March 13, 2015 TEBOGO DETHRONED WOMAN ARRESTED AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ARGUS AANGEDURF Royal family attempt to dethrone chief Woman arrested for false statement Residents urged to pay for services Phalaborwa se fietsryers durf Argus aan - page 2 - page 2 - page 2 - page 12 Residents from Makhushane, Maseke, Mashishimale, Majeje and Selwane marched against Ba Phalaborwa Municipality Speaker, David Maake with concerns about employment and CV’s taken to Palabora Copper last Wednesday. Community march against Maake Residents demand that all vacancies at Palabora Copper should be communicated to the communities and business people in the area should be prioritized for business. Mashele said they need a response within seven days. ‘If we don’t receive a positive response from the date of delivering the memorandum, we will do anything in our power to have our demands met,’ said Malesa. A prominent community leader from Namakgale, Nduna Malungane said he disagrees with the demands of the protesters. ‘The people from those tribal offices are selfish and cruel, they didn’t want people from Namakgale and Lulekani to take their CV’s to the tribal offices, now that Maake intervened and we were able to take our CV’s to the libraries, they complain. “The same people said in the past that Namakgale and Lulekani people will ever work at the mine, the mine belongs to the Sotho speaking people only because they believe to be the rightful residents of Ba Phalaborwa, which is not true,’ said Malungane. Ba Phalaborwa Municipality spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu said the appointment of employees at Palabora Copper has nothing to do with the municipality. ‘We received CV’s from the residents as per agreement with PC, the CV’s have been collected by a representative from PC on the due date, all the CV’s are at PC now. The speaker is not involved in appointing anyone to work at the mine,’ said Mahesu. Meanwhile Palabora Copper said in a statement that its shareholders had approved the R9.3 billion plan to extend the life of its copper mine. ‘A group of shareholders composed of the Chinese consortoim which include global steel manufacturer HBIS and South Africa’s IDC approves a 9.3 billion rand life of mine extension project for Palabora Copper,’ the company said. NTT TOYOTA PHALABORWA 015 781 0661 | 1 Sealene Road, Phalaborwa | www.automark.co.za | www.nttgroup.co.za |T & C's Apply EARN CASH BACK, TRADE IN ASSISTANCE & LARGE DISCOUNTS ‘15 TOYOTA AURIS 1.3X R215 900 TOYOTA AURIS 1.6XS ‘14 R209 900 ‘13 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER V8 ‘15 TOYOTA ETIOS 1.5XS H/B R529 900 ‘13 TOYOTA FORTUNER 2.5D4D R299 900 ‘15 TOYOTA ETIOS 1.5 XS SD R145 900 ‘14 NISSAN SENTRA 1.6 ACENTA R199 900 THE AUTO MARK PROMISE BACKED BY TOYOTA GUARANTEED NOT STOLEN, YEAR MODEL & MILEAGE AUTOMARK WARRANTY AVAILABLE 7 DAY EXCHANGE PLAN EVERY VEHICLE SUBJECT TO A CHECKLIST ABRAHAM LOCHNER Sales Manager AUTOMARK 076 834 2502 JOHAN VAN HEERDEN Sales Consultant AUTOMARK 071 681 8076 R139 900 MAURICE MAFUYEKA Sales Consultant AUTOMARK 073 020 6656 ‘15 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 ESTEEM R215 900 GAVIN MONYELA Sales Consultant AUTOMARK 073 285 0657 ‘15 MICHAEL MOLELE Sales Consultant AUTOMARK 072 972 8286 TOYOTA FORTUNER 2.5 D4D A/T ‘14 R385 900 PETER MAWASHA Sales Consultant AUTOMARK 083 720 7526 TOYOTA COROLLA 1.3 IMPACT R155 900 TIAAN DE JONGH F & I Manager AUTOMARK 076 842 6815 2 NUUS PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 Arrested COUNCILORS: Ba Phalaborwa Municipality councillors during an awareness campaign on service payment at Namakgale Community Hall. from leŌ is: cllr Alina Peta, cllr Thomson Nkuna, cllr Anna Sono, cllr Ishmael Mpenyane and cllr Percy Mhlari. Pay for your services Ba Phalaborwa Municipality Mayor councilor Anna Sono urged residents to pay for services during an awareness campaign on service payment held at Namakgale and Lulekani community hall on Wednesday and Thursday. The campaign’s main focus was to increase awareness about service payment in the municipality. The mayor urged residents to pay for water, refuse, rates and taxes and sewerage plants. ‘Community members can pay from as little as R50 but they should pay for their municipal services, the municipality does not have money anymore because of people who don’t pay for their services,’ said Sono. During the event, community members were given an opportunity to ask questions relating to the campaign. A 24 year old woman has been arrested for making a false statement under oath; she lied to Phalaborwa police claiming that she was raped by her ex-boyfriend during the Marula Festival last Saturday. According to Phalaborwa police spokesperson, Constable Elvis Mongwe, a rape case was opened; the investigation proved that the lady was making a false statement since the evidence to prove the rape case was not enough. ‘She was released on warning and investigation continues,’ said Mongwe. Constable Mongwe would like to inform members of the public that making a false statement under oath is a punishable offence and SAPS condemns such practices as it affects both the state and the person who was falsely accused and arrested. ‘SAPS Phalaborwa will continue to fight against man who rape woman and we won’t rest until we win the battle,’ added Constable Mongwe. NUWE HERDERSPAAR: Die Lede in Christus Horeb Gemeente, 17 Blue Crane Staat, Phalaborwa, wil die nuwe Pastoor paar hartlik welkom heet. Pastoor Schalk gaan op die 15 Maart sy inwydings diens preek. Dis ‘n dinamiese Pastoor wat op Nelspruit die grootste Lede in Christus gemeente bedien het. Gaan verwelkom die pragƟge Pastoor paar. Almal is welkom. ADVISORS (Request for Proposal; Business planning, implementation planning and Technical aspects) Leolo Community Trust is seeking the services of Advisors for the Marula Project in the Greater Ba-Phalaborwa Area, which will produce different marula –related products. The Proposal must contain the following: ? Outline of the work to be done and by when, including the activities to be undertaken, the expected deliverables, as well as the overall budget; ? Proof of Previous track record in activities directly relevant to the proposal; List of Previous projects that were carried out related to the marula products and the outcomes of each. ? CVs of the Key individuals on the advisory team showing their expertise and experience relating to the proposal. ? Registration and ownership documents Only individuals/entities with experience and depth knowledge in marula related products will be considered. Should you be interested in applying for the said services, Please forward your proposal to: [email protected] or Hand deliver to No.17 Hardekool Street, Phalaborwa For enquiries: Laban Malatji 015 781 0819 Closing Date: 27 March 2015 @12h00 DETHRONE: Tebogo Phillip Malatji to be removed from the throne by Makhathi Bishop Malatji and Ba Phalaborwa Ba Seloane royal family. Tebogo dethroned Makhuthi Bishop Malatji and Ba-Phalaborwa Ba-Seloane royal family lodged an attempt to dethrone Tebogo Phillip Malatji as the chief of Ba-Phalaborwa-Ba-Seloane clan in the Polokwane Circuit High Court last Wednesday. Malatji was officially inaugurated on October 30, 2010 by the then acting Limpopo premier, former MEC for economic development environment and tourism, Pitsi Moloto, House of Traditional Leaders provincial chairperson, Kgoshi Sefokgole Makgeru and Tebogo Malatji’s advisor, Dr Mathole Motshekga. The royal family spokesperson, Sam Malatji said the Premier of the province, Stan Mathabatha should take the chieftaincy certificate from Chief Tebogo Malatji, as he is not the rightful heir. ‘The decision that was taken in court last year should be implemented, whoever is responsible should stop with the delaying tactics,’ said Malatji. He further said that according to section 49 (11) of the Traditional Leaders ship and Government Framework Act, they can proceed to place the rightful heir on the throne even though the respondents continue with their appeal. The first and the second applicants want the court to implement the judgment and order granted on April 16, 2014 or is executed pending the appeal process initiated by the third and fourth respondent, Tebogo Phillip Malatji and the Ba-Phalaborwa-BaSeloane traditional council. The applicants further want the bogoshi of Ba-Phalaborwa-BaSeloane to be restored to the house of Ngoako William Malatji, the rightful heir to kgoshi Seloane’s throne; that Makhathi Bishop (Ngoako Malatji’s eldest son) be recognised and appointed as acting kgoshi of the Ba-Phalaborwa-Ba-Seloane tribe; alternatively that the first respondent be ordered to act in terms of Section 11(3) of the Traditional Leadership and Government Framework Act, Act no 41 of 2003. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 COMMUNITY DJ Blinks makes name for herself House Music Dj, Tshepiso Maponya (23) also known as DJ Blinks from Phalaborwa has made a name for herself in the music industry. The Electrical Engineering student at Mopani College, Sir Val Duncan Campus said she gave herself the Dj title at young age, when she use to Dj at family parties. ‘I preferred watching and listening to music when growing up, then called myself a DJ although I was only pressing the next button on a DVD player. In 2008 I learned to use virtual DJ on a computer even though I did not own one, that did not stop me from following my passion,’ said Blinks. She said she experienced the power of having a crowd under her command when she played at local parties. In 2012 Blinks graduated with a merit at Fuse Academy, a DJ school owned by Dj Zinhle and Nomndeni where she was taught all the basics of Dj-ing. ‘I encourage young people to be educated and business oriented, this will make lives easier. ‘Most of all pray, you can never go wrong with God on your side,’ added Blinks. JJ‘s Pub and The Moon Club in Germiston are the first clubs to allow her to grow her passion. ‘It has been a good journey so far. I enjoy every lesson I learn from fellow DJs. ‘For me it’s not about the fortune or fame but the passion that makes me happy. ‘I refuse to limit myself so I’m versatile when it comes to the music I play,’ concluded Blinks. She has shared the stage with the likes of Dj Zinhle,K.O, Oskido, Ms Cosmo, Black Motion, Liqui deep, Donald, Busiswa, Ganyani, Bucie, Uhuru, Tira, to mention a few. PLAYING: DJ Blinks is the first female DJ in Phalaborwa and has shared a stage with other house hold brands. ATHLETES PERFORM!! “Running Edge Athletic and Sport Academy” Are very proud of the following two Athletes who Participated In the Limpopo Athletics Championships in Polokwane on Saturday 7 March 2015 Bernalee Benade (Left) came First in Javelin Girls U/15 and Second in the 90m Hurdles event Girls U/15 Jacquiline Henriques (Right) came Third in the 400m Hurdles Girls U/19 Hard work ALWAYS pays off. Well Done!! “Running Edge Athletic and Sport Academy” is Registered at the Limpopo Athletic Union which means that their athletes can compete Against any other schools or clubs in SA. Their athletes will train and Compete throughout the year for maximum exposure and experience. Queries: Pieter van Rooyen – 082 871 8984 3 4 VACANCIES PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY CLOSING DATE: 23 MARCH 2015 THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY WITH ITS SEAT IN PHALABORWA, INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM SUITABLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: (1)OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 1.3. 1.1. AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERS (X5) REF. NO. MM15/03/00 Section 166 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003, requires Council to appoint an Audit Committee which will serve as an independent advisory body. In accordance with these provisions of the MFMA and Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulation of 2006, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality seeks to appoint suitably qualified professionals to serve as Audit Committee members. REQUIREMENTS Post graduate degree in any of the following: Accounting, Financial Management, Internal ? Auditing, Auditing, Legal, IT and or Performance Management. Minimum experience of 8 years in any of the following:- Internal Auditing, Risk ? Management, Auditing, Accounting, Legal, IT and or Performance Management at senior management level Professional qualification ( MBA, CA, CIA, CISA) ? Proven expertise and experience in the fields of financial management ? Proven expertise and experience in performance management ? In depth understanding of Internal Auditing, Risk Management, financial management, ? Information technology, Human Resources Management and municipal legislation. Preparedness to be subject to security clearance ? KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Interested persons will be expected to render, inter alia, the following services:(a) Advise the municipal council, the political office-bearers, the accounting officer and the management staff of the municipality on following matters:Internal financial control and internal audits ? Risk Management ? Accounting policies ? The adequacy, reliability and accuracy of financial reporting and information ? Performance Management ? Effective governance ? Compliance with this Act, the annual Division of Revenue and any other applicable ? legislation Performance evaluation and ? Any other issues referred to it by the municipality. ? ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: RISK MANAGEMENT– POST LEVEL 3 REF. NO. MM15/03/1 (2) BASIC SALARY: R288 682.28 (Fixed plus travelling allowance) REQUIREMENTS A degree in Risk Management/Internal Auditing or equivalent. ? Knowledge of Enterprise Risk Management with specific reference to internal auditing ? practices and risk management, with a financial background. Computer literacy ? Valid driver’s license ? Three (3) years relevant experience. ? KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Draft the Risk Management Plan, ? Draft and review a risk management policy strategy ? Conduct a strategic risk assessment ? Develop a strategic management profile for the municipality ? Conduct department operational risk management ? Compile and update a risk register ? Follow-up on the implementation of risk management plans ? Conduct risk awareness ? Provide administrative support for Risk Management Committee meetings ? Review fraud and corruption awareness ? Formulate a fraud and corruption strategy ? Undertake special investigations into all irregular activities ? Compile monthly sectional reports ? ? Offer administrative support at departmental meetings ? Monitor and provide insurance report on Council assets ? Monitor and provide security report on contracted security company ? Perform any other related duties as instructed by the supervisor (2) TECHNICAL 2.1. SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPECIALISED OPERATOR (TLB) – POST LEVEL 11 REF NO: TS 15/02/4 BASIC SALARY : R107 749.07 – R114 533.81 Per annum REQUIREMENTS (b) Review the annual financial statements to provide the council of Ba-Phalaborwa municipality with an authoritative and credible view of its financial position, its efficiency and effectiveness and its overall level of compliance with the MFMA, DORA and any other applicable legislation. (c) Respond to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipal Council on any issues raised by the Auditor General in the audit report (d) Carry out such investigations into the financial affairs of Ba-Phalaborwa municipality which Council may request. (e) Perform such other functions as may be prescribed (f) Access the financial records and other relevant information of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality in performing its duties in liaison with the Internal Auditor or a person designated by the Auditor General to audit the financial statement of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. Certificate of Operating heavy machinery/ TLB ? 3-5 Years working experience ? Preparedness to be subject to security clearance ? Preparedness to work in all weather conditions ? Preparedness to enter confined areas ? TERMS OF OFFICE AND REMUNERATION The term of office of the appointed candidates will be three (3) years, thereafter, it will be ? subject to review by Council. However, successful candidates will not be allowed to serve in more than three (3) Audit Committees in Government to ensure effectiveness as contained in circular 65 of the MFMA. The persons appointed will be remunerated in accordance to National Treasury ? Guidelines. Remove and wash off debris from tools and equipment ? Physically load materials and other products and /or holding and guiding plant/ ? 1.2. COMMUNICATION RESEACHER – (POST LEVEL 06) REF NUMBER 15/02/01 (RE-ADVERTISEMENT) NB. PEOPLE WHO APPLIED BEFORE NEED TO RE-APPLY BASIC SALARY : R214 319.08 - R236 679.76 Per annum REQUIREMENTS BA Communication / Media Studies/Public Relations / Journalism ? Effective communication skills ? Computer literacy. ? Valid driver’s license ? Three years working experience in communications ? Preparedness to be subject to security clearance ? KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Content development and management research by:? Develop content of events ? Manage any research pertaining to communication ? Conduct research before any activity ? Ensure feedback on issues raised by the community ? Monitor media both print and electronics ? Monitor newspaper on a daily basis ? Give views on media articles ? ? Give views on press statement ? Develop project plans ? Convenes preparatory meetings Publicizes the events ? ? Deals with all logistical arrangements Ensures that there is mass mobilization ? Brands and market the institution ? Ensures that the image of the municipality is beyond approach ? Updates the website ? Assists in compiling of news letter ? Collates and edit the information for the news letter ? Ensures that the newsletter is produced ? KEY PERFOMANCE AREAS Provide support during the installation, repair and maintenance of water reticulation ? systems by using TLB machine to excavate defined areas Lay pipes and lines, clean and or clear obstructions and overgrown roots interfering ? with sewer and drainage system Excavate and backfill trenches to defined levels using machinery (TLB, etc) ? Clean and remove blockages, debris and alien vegetation from drainage systems ? (manholes, pipes, canals, etc) equipment during the hoisting and placement Remove debris / rubble, etc and clean worksites ? (3) DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVLOPMENT 3.1. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: PLANNING AND HUMAN SETTLEMENT: POST LEVEL 3 (RE-ADVERTISMENT) REF NO: PD 15/02/11 BASIC SALARY R288 682.28 (fixed) plus travel allowance REQUIREMENTS A Bachelor degree in Urban /Town and Regional Planning or equivalent ? Registration as a Professional Planner with SA Council of Planners (SACPLAN) ? Three (3) years post qualification professional experience ? Valid driver’s license ? ? Computer literacy, ? Language proficiency (in at least three languages) ? Project Management skills, negotiation and initiation skills, Communication skills, analytical skills, delegation and development skills Preparedness to be subject to security clearance ? KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Monitor and implement the SPLUMA provisions (inclusive of the municipal Spatial ? Development Framework & Land Use Management Scheme) Undertake strategic planning to ensure sustainable development ? Undertake technical valuation of land use application to determine acceptability in ? terms of planning and relevant legislation(s) Manage projects for the upgrading and improvement of specific areas ? Compile technical report regarding the sub- divisions, site purchase and lease of ? municipal and private land Plan and monitor the development of municipal land for land housing delivery ? Collaborate with other departments on cross cutting issues related to Town Planning ? Perform Land, property and housing related activities to ensure effective and efficient ? controls Assess building plans ? Provide Town Planning related information ? Assess all Town Planning applications ? Manage all developmental project ? NB. PEOPLE WHO APPLIED BEFORE NEED TO RE-APPLY PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 VACANCIES 5 BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY (Continued) CLOSING DATE: 23 MARCH 2015 THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY WITH ITS SEAT IN PHALABORWA, INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM SUITABLY QUALIFIED CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT IN THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: 3.2. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: STRATEGIC PLANNING - POST (RE–ADVERTISEMENT REF. NO. PD15/03/11(2) LEVEL 03 SALARY SCALE: R288 682.28 (FIXED PLUS TRAVELING ALLOWANCE) REQUIREMENTS: B Degree in Development Studies ? A minimum of 3 years of municipal strategic planning experience ? Interpersonal skills ? Performance management ? ? Negotiation skills ? Strategic thinking ? Communication skills – both verbal and management skills ? Code B driver’s license • Computer literacy. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Manage the development, approval and maintenance of an IDP in line with national and ? provincial legislative and policy requirements and the approved Ba-Phalaborwa Integrated Development Planning Strategy and policies. Compile and implement strategic operational and activity plans related to the section: ? Integrated Development Planning of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Compile and submit business plans to source national and international funds to finance ? projects and other developmental initiatives prioritized in the Ba-Phalaborwa IDP Ensure effective and efficient co0ordination of all development planning initiatives in the ? Ba-Phalaborwa municipal area, including the mining sector and all sector governmental departments In collaboration with the Manager: Public Relations and the Manager: Local Economic ? Development, facilitate community and stakeholder participation workshops and activities in the Ba-Phalaborwa municipal area into Ba-Phalaborwa IDP In collaboration with the Manager: Public Relations, communicate the Ba-Phalaborwa ? IDP and all local development planning initiatives, projects, programs and activities in the Ba-Phalaborwa municipal area to all relevant stakeholders Compile and submit monthly status and progress report on all development initiatives, ? projects, programs and activities within the area of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality to the Director: Economic Development, Human Settlement and Spatial Planning Develops new and advise on the amendment of existing procedures, policies and by-laws ? to ensure that institutional arrangements in all spheres of government enhance integrated development planning in the Ba-Phalaborwa municipal area Develops, maintain and implement a performance management system of the ? municipality in respect of institutional and individual performance. Develop, implement and maintain monitoring tool kit ? Facilitate the in-year municipal performance assessment reports and provide inductive ? data on capacity interventions and integrated development planning Generate municipal annual performance assessment reports ? Provide secretariat to the Oversight Committee when probing the annual performance ? report to the Municipality Provide secretariat to the Portfolio Committee in the Economic development, Human ? Settlement and Spatial Planning directorate Compile monthly performance reports of the directorate Economic Development, Human ? Settlement and Spatial Planning In collaboration with the Office of the Speaker and the Communications Manager, ? develop, supervise and manage public participation processes in the municipal area. Develop public participation schedules for approval and implementation, prepare public ? presentations for Councillors to present during public participation meetings. NB. PEOPLE WHO APPLIED BEFORE NEED TO RE-APPLY 3.3. MANAGER: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – POST LEVEL 5, BASIC SALARY: R242 699.14 – R267 839.68 REF NO PD15/03/3 REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate B degree in Public Administration or equivalent tertiary qualification, ? 2 – 3 years working experience. ? Computer literacy ? Valid driver’s license ? Report writing skills, Interpersonal relations, ? Good communication skills (written and verbal) ? ? Project management, change management, diversity management, Honesty and integrity, service delivery innovation, financial management. Preparedness to be subject to security clearance ? KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Develop, maintain and implement a Performance Management System of the ? Municipality in respect of institution and individual performance Develop, implement and maintain a performance monitoring toolkit. ? Facilitate the in-year municipal performance assessment report. ? Provide inductive data on capacity interventions and integrated Development Planning. ? General municipal annual performance assessment reports. ? 4. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES 4.1. EXAMINER OF VEHICLES/DRIVER’S LICENSES - POST LEVEL 06 Ref no: CSS 15/02/7 BASIC SALARY : R214 319.08 - R236 679.76 Per annum REQUIREMENTS Traffic Officer’s diploma ? Diploma Examiner of Vehicles Grade A ? Diploma Examiner for Drivers Licenses Grade A ? Code EC and A drivers licenses ? Two years working experience ? Registration with Province as per legislation ? Confidentiality agreement to be signed ? ? Professional driving permit to be obtained ? Must be in good health and physically fit ? Preparedness to be subject to security clearance KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Test motor vehicles for roadworthiness in terms of the National Road Traffic Act and ? SANS Codes of practices as specified by legislations Test applicants for learners and driver’s licenses using the prescribed method as ? contained in legislation. Operate and use the weighbridge by weighing all vehicles tendered for such on the ? prescribed manner. Administer the required procedure pertaining to the exchange of foreign licenses and ? the exchange and renewal of driver’s license cards. 4.2. ROAD MAKER – POST LEVEL 13 REF NO: CSS 15/02/7 BASIC SALARY: R87 911.99 -R95 275.91 REQUIREMENTS Grade 10 ? 2 years experience in the relevant field ? ? Preparedness to be subject to security clearance KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS Erect signs as per RTA and SA Road Signs Manual ? Ensure that road marking is done in accordance to RTA and SA Road Signs Manual ? Ensure that issued PPE and safety clothing is worn and used at all times ? Ensure that holes are dug correctly for signage and other poles ? Ensure that signs, road marking and welding are done correctly ? Ensure the use of relevant signs and safety equipment is in order ? ? Keep workshop area and road marking vehicles clean and neat ? Assist at the testing centres when required ? Attend special duties and ensure signage placement ? Set up and store drivers licence test track poles and equipment ? Assist with manual labour in the Director Community and Social Services when required e.g collecting stores / transferring of archive boxes etc. NOTE: Fraudulent qualification or documentation will immediately disqualify any applicant. Should the applicant not be notified of the outcome of their applications within 30 days of the closing date, they should regard their applications as unsuccessful. A candidate who canvases to any councillor or senior official for preference will be disqualified from the selection process or from appointment. Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to reference checks, vetting and signing of oath of secrecy. An application letter with a detailed CV and certified copies of qualifications, clearly indicating the post being applied for, should be forwarded to the: Municipal Manager, Private Bag X 01020, PHALABORWA, 1390 or hand delivered to office number H29, Human Resource Division. Enquiries can be directed to Mahlabela, A at 015 780 6482 or Mrs Malebe DT at 015 780 6313. Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality subscribes to the principles of equal employment and affirmative action. We welcome applications from persons with disabilities 6 CLASSIFIEDS 0000 NOTICES 0006 CHURCH SERVICES AGS - CHARISMA GEMEENTE PHALABORWA Hardekoolstraat. Sondag oggend diens en kinderkerk o m 0 9 : 0 0 . Aanddiens om 18:30. Dinsdae selkerk om 19:00. Navrae: Past. Sampie Cronjé by 082 787 1192 of 015-781-1747 SV000470 GATEWAY CHRISTIAN CENTRE Living in God`s Amazing Grace... Palm str. 27 Past. Danie & Tashai van Wyk 015 781 1122 / 072 583 6188 Sunday morning 9am. Grace school 5-6pm. Life groups on Wednesdays. Bilingual. SV000480 ANGLICAN CHURCH St. Francis By the Gate. 76 Grosvenor Crecent PHALABORWA, Sunday 9:00 am. Ho ly Communion & Junior Church. Manche Masemola Namakgale, 7:00. St. Mary`s Mashishimale 8:00 am. St. Phillips Makushane, 9:00 am. Rev. Cole, Tel: 082-542-3922. SV000471 ANTIOCH CHRISTIAN RACHAM CHURCH Branches: Namakgale, Maseke, Mashishimale, Makushane. Sunday service 9:30am. Wednesday 17:00pm. Come and fellowship with us. Remember Jesus is the ANSWER. CONTACT PASTER E.MASEKO 061 030 5201 SV000472 CHRIST EMBASSY GIYANI Cheap cheap complex. Giyani town. Contacts: 072-979-6943/ 071-526-1079/ 082-365-1303 SV000473 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution Namakgale Phalaborwa. Contacts: 078-703-0367/ 082-963-2294/ 072-299-1572 SV000474 Nkowankowa Prayer Meetings. Every Tuesday at 18H00. Ritavi Primary School room 3. Come see God answering your prayers. SMS your prayer request 073-655-5595 YM011323 EVANGELIES GEREFORMEERDE KERK PHALABORWA Waterbessie straat 3. Sondag skool 07:45. Oggend diens - 09:30. Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae biduur - 19:00. Jeug Vrydae 19:00. Almal welkom!! Vir enige navrae kontak Ds. Jan B e k k e r o p 072-677-7070. SV000475 GATEWAY CHRISTIAN CENTRE DECLARING YOUR INNOCENCE! Pastor Danie & Tashai van Wyk. 27 Palm street, Phalaborwa. Sundays 9am Fellowship, 5-6 pm Grace school. Contact: (015) 781-1122 or 072-583-6188. SV000476 PINKSTER PROTESTANTE KERK SHEKINAH BEDIENING H/V Pres. Kruger en Pres. Boshoff straat. Sondag oggend Sondagskool 08:30, Sondag oggend diens 09:30, Sondag aanddiens 18:30, Woensdag biduur 19:00, Vrydag jeugdiens 19:00 Kontak asb Pastoor Wouter Deysel op 0721830004 of Jan Engelbrecht op 0834813555 SV000479 GEREFORMEERDE KERK PHALABORWA Jansensingel 67, Phalaborwa. Eredienste 10:00 en 18:00. Katagese: Sondae 09:00. Bybelstudie: Dinsdae 08:00 en 17:30. Bybelskool ( h u i s e n tuinwerkers): Maandae 13:00 Kerkkantoor: 015 781 1373 Ds Francois Pretorius. Sel: 071 600 5485 en Pastorie: 015 781 7408. [email protected] SV000699 KINGDOM WORLD CITY INT Apostle DR Kuhlengisa invites you to Kingdom World City Int at 18 Grey Street, Phalaborwa, opposite Zorba Supperette. Sunday 09:00 to 11:30 and Tuesday 6pm to 8pm. Reining as kings in life SV000631 RESURRECTED JESUS CHRIST CHURCH (RJCC) NAMAKGALE Tuesdays:Morning 07H00 - 08H00, Tuesdays: Evening 17H30, Thursdays: Womans Church: 17H30, Sundays: 09h30 Contact 072 314 3267 SV000489 NEON CHURCH GRACE REVEALED DECLARING YOUR INNOCENCE! Pastor Danie & Tashai van Wyk. 27 Palm street, Phalaborwa. Thursday 6pm. Contact 015 781 1122 or 072 583 6188 SV000486 Seventh Say Adventist Church SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH. A people of love with a message of hope....300 Calvin Ngobeni street, Namakgale. Sabbath (Saturday) morning 9am. Prayer meeting: Wednesdays 5-6pm. Contacts: 076 178 8204, 082 558 2886. SV000484 LEDE IN CHRISTUS KERK 17 Blue Crane Straat, Phalaborwa. Skakel Past. Fanie Ferreira 083-4099-719. DIENSTYE: Sondag oggend: Erediens: 9:30, Sondagskool: 8:00. Sondag aand: Evangeliediens: 18:00. Woensdag aand Biduur: 19:00. Saterdag oggend Biduur: 6:00. ALMAL WELKOM! SV000483 NEW LIFE BABTIST CHURCH 64 Grosvenor Street (opposite Impala Park) Services on Sunday at 09:00 and 18:30. Youth on Friday at 19:00 Contact Pastor Jonathan Rutherford at 015 781 0109 or 076 865 0259 SV000566 PRAISE TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 17 Park Street Sunday morning 09:30 Junior church 09:30 Sunday evening 18:00 Tuesday 18:30 Pastor Billy & Lorraine de Beer: 015-781-7356 /0833108672 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 PS JB SHIRINDA Sunday Service 10h00: Childrens Church 09h00, Tuesdays: 14h00 (healing and deliverance). Thursdays: 17h00 Woman`s Church, Fridays 16h00 Youth Service For further enquiries please contact Mr Tebogo Maganyane at 072 314 3267 SV000488 0007 EMPLOYMENT CONSULTANT NEEDED! To market Justine products. Start your own business and earn on your own time. Afrikaans & English people needed. Call Karin on 082-500-9301 to make use of this opportunity. SV000744 Estate Agent, Hoedspruit area for Global Brand. Previous experience desirable. Training available, must have own car and labtop. Must be presentable and well spoklen. Large Commission based opportunity. Contact Rob 083-469-3820 YM011552 SERVICE TECHNICIAN Company in Phalaborwa requires fire extinguisher service technician. Must have driver`s license and be willing to work hard. SAQCC registered persons will get preference. Salary neg. Send CV to 086 518 8620 SV000772 TUINHULP BENODIG Tuinhulp benodig vir 3 dae per week. Betroubaar, hardwerkend, met ondervinding. Verwysing `n vereiste. "Well spoken" Kontak 082 266 8232 na ure tussen 18h00 20h00 SV000763 0008 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Ek is n Hardwerkende 38 jong man. Soek dringend meganiese NG KERK instandhoudings werk, PHALABORWA op n plaas of H/v Grosvernor en werktuigkundige werk Mauritz Laan, Tel: b y enige motor 015 781 0966, Faks: Handelaar. Ek is eerlik 015 781 0967 e-pos: en opreg. [email protected]. skakel asb Sidney 078-748-5611 Oggend diens 09:30, SV000487 Aand diens 18:00, Jnr Kategese 08:00, Snr Kategese 19:00. Doop - normaalweg eerste Sondag van die maand. Ds. Carl Schoeman en Ds. Otto van Heerden SV000477 R75 The ad will appear in the Letaba,Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit Herald with a block around. YM011578 KONSTRUKSIE WERK BENODIG Enige bouwerk, Paving, Teels, Plumbing, bou en herstel van lapas, besproeing,afdakke, verwyder van vullis, sny van takke en bome, herstel van verkoelers, installeer palasades, motorhekke en verf van wonings. Kontak 079 896 6323 LOOKING FOR JOB I am 25 years old and from Lulikane. I am looking for any job. My qualifications are Grade 12, code 10 license, computer skills and office admin experience. Contact Patience on 078 215 3706 SV000812 LOOKING FOR WORK I am 25 years old. Looking for a job from Monday to Friday.I have experience as a cashier and a cheff. Contact venetia on 076 386 2709 SV000814 LOOKING FOR WORK I am 28 years old and can do cooking, cleaning and washing. I can also work as cashier. Contact Zodwa on 079 715 1359 SV000813 LOOKING FOR WORK Looking for a cleaner or domestic position. I alsa have experience in brickmaking and mixing of cement. Contact Iris on 076 713 4537 SV000815 LOOKING FOR WORK Reliable domestic worker available 23 March. We are leaving Phalaborwa and wish to find employment for our maid Contact Rosa on 082 428 1710 SV000736 OP SOEK NA WERK Betroubare en hardwerkende vrou soek na werk as huishulp.9 Jaar ondervinding by een werkgewer. Kan skoonmaak, was en stryk. Kontak Linah by 074 432 4861 SV000821 LOOKING FOR WORK I am a hardworking woman looking for a job. I have experience in housekeeping, stock taking and cashier work. Contact Rosina on 073 491 4365 BAKGAT TRANSPORT We supply garden refuse drums on montly contracts. Refuse are removed on a weekly basis @ R70 pm for 1 drum & R130pm for 2 drums. Furniture Removals. Free Quotations call 015 781 6947 SV000805 CARPET CLEANING Cleaning of carpets, lounge suits, car seats,matresses and chairs For free quotes contact 084 652 2258 SV000819 LOOKING FOR WORK I am an honest and hardworking woman with 20 years experience. I am looking for a job as domestic worker. Contact Doris on 083 997 6353 SV000669 FD POOL REPAIRS Cracks, weirs, pipes and paint For free quote contact 084 652 2258 SV000818 SV000670 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as domestic worker. Contact Tiny on 071 585 4922 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for a job as general cleaner or retailer. Grade 12. Read and write English,Afrikaans, Tsonga, Sotho and Zulu. Contact Rhulani on 071 5743 739 HAUSEN DEVELOPMENTS Building contractor, building work, kitchens & carpentry, flooring, roofing, painting, tiling, NHBRC Registrations, building plans & approvals, electrical & plumbing, swimming pools, walling, pre-cast materials. Free Quotations call 015 781 6947 or 072 966 2144 SV000810 SV000806 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for domestic work, full time or part time. I can cook, clean and take care of children. I have 10 years experience and I am honest. Contact Thandi on 073 126 6988 KOSIE`S OLD BUSINESS 4 Ton truck for all your garden/building rubble removal @ R380 per load. Furniture removal free quotes. Contact Carl/Carol 082 872 3705, 082 888 9501, 061 950 7320 SV000817 SV000820 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for domestic work. I have 7 years experience Contact Betty at 078 722 9320 SV000687 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for domestic work. My previous employer moved out of Phalaborwa. Contact Melicah on 082 631 3468 SV000816 LOOKING FOR WORK I am looking for welding job. I do have welding Phase 1 - Arc Welding, Phase 2 - Gas Welding and Phase 3 - CO2 Welding Contact Timothy on 072 337 0855 SV000809 SV000811 LOOKING FOR WORK Ek het 14 jaar ondervinding in huiswerk. Kan skoonmaak, was en stryk. Kontak Lola by 073 573 4460 LOOKING FOR WORK I have 15 years experience in domestic work. Can clean, wash & iron and can look after children. Contact Enika at 078 678 6637 SV000764 SV000766 0015 ACCOMMODATION JUMBO SELF CATERING GUEST HOUSE PHALABORWA 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Fully equipped and furnished. Fully fenced and alarm system. R275 pppn Minimum of R1100 pn or R10 000 pm Contact René vd Walt on 079 524 1590 SV000786 Woonstel op Xai Xai se hoofstrand te huur vir April vakansie en langnaweke. Kan tot 8 mense slaap. Skakel 082-804-0444. YM011475 0016 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APPROVED THATCHED ROOFS, HARVEY ROOFS, HARVEY THATCH ROOFING, WOODEN DECKS, JUNGLE GYMS. CALL WALT AT 082-872-5530 YM011311 SV000757 LESEDI ELECTRICALS & FENCING CC Gate and garage door automations, Electric Fencing, CCTV, Intercoms system, Pallisade fencing, Repairs, Service and Installations Call 083 542 4079 SV000637 LETABA REKENMEESTERS Financial Statements. Tax returns. Tax advice. Deceased Estates. NCR. Trust and Companies Registration. Close Corporation Amendments. Debit Order Systems. Bookkeeping. TAX Reviews. Tax Suspensions. Professional Accountants (SA). Contact: Jaco De Wet 082-804-4158 or 015-307-6202/3 YM011315 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS 0017 SERVICES BOREHOLES /BOORGATE Scientific Borehole Surveys. Hydro-geological Investigations. Contact CP Leone on 072 306 2560 SV000788 LIMPOPO FURNITURE MOVERS AND TRAILERS RENTAL 082-575-7769 YM011322 0018 ENTERTAINMENT CROCODILES FOR AFRICA Agatha Crocodile Ranch (Tzaneen) Feeding shows daily 9AM - 4PM. Braai facilities available. Educational school shows. 7 YM011508 JUMBO BOAT CRUISES Enjoy the ultimate wildlife experience on the Olifants River. tourinfo@ intekom.co.za www. riversafaris. co.za Tel: 083 580 5703 SV000785 JUMPING CASTLES FOR HIRE From R300 - R400. Free delivery in town. Contact 082 802 8834 / 079 508 5177 SV000641 NEED YOUR HOME SECURED? I do gates, palisades, balustrades. staircases, carports and metal any size. I also build trailors and do repairs. Contact Ray at 072 339 6806 for a quote for the best quality workmanship guaranteed. SV000642 PAVE KING AND POOLS Building contractor. Maintenance/repair & supply, Paving, Pre-cast walls, Pools, Building alterations & construction, Tiling, Paiting, Lapa`s, Plumbing & electical, Carpentry, NHBRC registered, Reverences available Free quotations 015 781 6947 or 072 966 2144 SV000804 PAVING / PRE CAST WALLS For free quotes on paving and pre-cast walls Call Hennie at 083 626 7102 office 015 781 0413 or call Gavin at 082 902 8867 SV000542 LUI-GAT CLEANERS Specializing in the cleaning of carpets, lounge suites, base sets & mattresses, car valets and caravans Contact Nicky at 073 510 2817 SV000784 find it! 0020 TRANSPORT / TAXIS / COURIERS 0022 FARMS & PLOTS YM011551 SV000771 0023 PROPERTIES FOR SALE SV000770 FOR SALE: R1.45 M NEAT AND TIDY Entrance hall, Lounge, Dining room, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with wooden cupboards, Outside laundry, Swimming pool, Double garage, Servants room with toilet and shower. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV000835 HOUSE FOR SALE R880 000 4 Bedrooms, dining room, lounge, kitchen, 1 bathroom with shower. Big outside building with laundry,1 room, shower and toilet. 1 garage, 4x5m swimmimg pool, lapa with braai and clean garden Contact 082 304 6722 Weeklikse Shuttle FOR SALE: R850 000.00 HOUSE IN Service beskikbaar. PHALABORWA Tzaneen na SOUTH Gauteng en terug via Lounge, Dining room, Polokwane. Ook OR room, Spacious Tambo en Lanseria Family kitchen with wooden Lughawe. cupboards, Pantry Kontak /laundry, 3 bedrooms 081-557-2299 of with build-in cupboards, 1 bathroom, Outside epos: patio, Swimming pool, [email protected] Carport, Double vir verdere garage, Servants room, besonderhede. outside toilet and shower, Sprinkler irrigation system, Electronic motor gate, CCTV camera`s (optional) , Generator included. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015-345-1192/ SV000834 084-627-0956/ 076-410-9503/ FOR SALE: R750 000 082-851-7139 URGENT SALE epos: Beautiful house in Phalaborwa South [email protected] consists of entrance web: www.steynbergmeubel hall, lounge, dining room, tv room, 3 vervoer.com FOR ALL YOUR TRANSPORT NEEDS Removal of garden & general waste, building rubble. Delivery of bricks, sand & stones. 4 Ton truck @ R380 per load Contact Adele at 082 465 8155 or 083 456 1068 bedrooms with build-in cupboards, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, outside laundry, big carport for 4 vehicles, patio, swimming pool, build-in braai, servants room with toilet and shower, electric motorgate and sprinkler irrigation system. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV000755 SV000832 YM011513 SV000781 GARDEN FLAT TO LET Fully furnished 1 bedroom garden flat. Open plan kitchen and lounge, aircon & alarmsystem, buildt-in cupboards, safe parking for 2 cars. R6000pm, deposit required. Available 1 April 2015. Contact Petra on 083 449 5991 21 Ha bushveld farm, 25m km from Hoedspruit. 1 bedroom, en-suite tatch Rondawel. Eskom power and borehole. Priced for an unbonded clean deal at R850,000 Contact Rob 083-469-3820 SV000702 YM011325 BACHELOR WOONSTEL TE HUUR Geen kinders of diere nie. Enkel persoon of paartjie. R1800pm. Water en krag ingesluit KOntak Lizette op 074 325 4933 YM011305 CAR WASH & PUB FOR SALE Carwash & Pub for sale. Fully Restaurant licence. www.agatha-crocodile. Contact 072 051 9243 co.za agathacroc@ vodamail.co.za TEL: 015-307-4398 / 082-562-5004 / 072-114-0132. 0024 PROPERTIES TO LET MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 FOR SALE: R2.4M LIVE IN STYLE FAMILY HOME Thatch roof, Lounge, Dining room, TV room, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen with wooden cupboards and wine rack under staircase, Pre-paid, Roof fans, Split units, Separated Outside Laundry, Lapa, Swimming pool, Build-in braai, Outside toilet, Carport, Electric motor gate, Sprinkle irrigation system and a beautiful maintained garden, generator for standby when power failure, Blindas stay in property,Flat let: 1 bedroom, lounge, kitchen with wooden cupboards, Bathroom with build-in shower, own entrance and carport. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV000836 HOUSE FOR SALE 3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, double lounge, modern kitchen, entertainment area, new side of town, double garage and carport. R1 367 000 Contact Lydia on 076 658 1359 @ Huizemark SV000825 HOUSES FOR SALE Modern 2 and 3 bedroom houses for sale in security complex in the new side of town with spectacular mountain & sunset views. Finance can be arranged. Must see! Call Hausen Developments at 015 781 6947 or 072 966 2144 SV000807 HOUSE FOR RENT 4 bedroom, fresh paint, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, neat kitchen(new stove) scullery, study, extra bedroom with own bathroom, outside toilet and shower, 1 lock-up garage, enough parking space for 5-6 cars. Prepaid box. R8000pm Call Musa on 079 992 6139 or Hyacynth Properties at 015 781 2828 SV000827 HOUSE TO RENT IN TOWN 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, shower, kitchen, lounge/dining room. Prepaid, water incl. Walls all around for security.R6200pm same deposit required. Available 1 April 2015 Contact Lylence on 071 974 6799 SV000822 HUIS TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis 10km buite dorp op Mica pad. Koopkrag, water ingesluit. R4500pm. Onmiddelik beskikbaar Kontak Kallie by 082 773 1480 of Anshe by 082 466 4174 SV000808 HUIS TE HUUR 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms. Fully equipped and furnished. Fully fenced and alarm system. R10 000pm Contact Rene vd Walt on 079 524 1590 SV000787 TO LET: R3200 BACHELOR FLAT NO ANIMALS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Fully furnished flat, with bathroom and kitchen. W/L included. Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV000828 SHOWHOUSE THIS SATURDAY 14 MARCH Come visit us at 15 TORCHWOOD AVENUE from 11h00 till 14h00. Stunning thatch roof property. R1 200 000 neg. Contact Jan-Hendrik on 082 5611 763 @ Huizemark SV000824 Looking for a Job? Place your details in our classifieds for only R20! TO LET: R4500.00 FULLY FURNISHED COTTAGE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Large open plan lounge, kitchen and bedroom, bathroom, water and electricity included. Garden service included Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties SV000829 TUINWOONSTEL TE HUUR 2 slaapkamers en ten volle gemeubileerd. R6000pm water en ligte ingesluit. Kontak Bianca by 082 558 9129 SV000823 8 PROMOTION TO LET: R7000.00 FAMILY HOME AVAILABLE 1ST APRIL 2015 Lounge, Dining room, 3 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Kitchen, Laundry, Carport, Garage, Servants room with toilet and shower, Automated motor gate, high walls around and palisades in front of property, wendy hut Contact Douw-Marie Loxton 072 625 9115 at Jen Tom Properties INSTANT LAWN LM & COASTAL BUFFALO (SWAZI) AND ST AUGUSTINE GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 YM011307 SV000830 TO LET: R9000.00 HOUSE NEAR KRUGER PARK GATE Lounge, Dining room, Kitchen with wooden cupboards, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large patio in front, Swimming pool and build-in braai, automated motor gate. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV000831 TO LET: R9000.00 THATCH ROOF PROPERTY DOUBLE STOREY Lounge, 3 bedrooms with build in cupboards, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, scullery, garage for 4 vehicles, shade cloth parking, patio, alarm system, sprinkler irrigation, electric motor gate, pre-paid meter and a maintained garden. Contact Tommie Marais 082 882 5447 at Jen Tom Properties SV000833 WOONSTEL TE HUUR Een slaapkamer. Groot en ruim vertrekke met braai area en motorafdak. Silonque area. R3800pm (W & L ingesluit) Deposito R3800. Kontak Adele by 082 465 8155 of 083 456 1068 SV000826 0035 FOR SALE MANGO AND PALM TREES FOR SALE Grafted at R25 and Palms from R10 5L bag.QUADS FOR HIRE R300per hour plus R150 lifting. Doug 083-453-2228. Sunland Nursery. ACCOMMODATION available AT WORLDS BIGGEST BAOBAB. 5 Chalets ensuite. R300 p/p. Contractors Wendy houses/caravans etc. R100 p/p. Heather 082-413-2228 YM011331 KRAAL GARDEN MANURE SIFTED AND SWEATED We supply quality organic manure for lawns, gardens, pot plants and many more at affordable prices. Our organic manure is guarenteed against termites, weeds, herbicides etc. We do free quotations and we guarentee you our top quality service. Contact Rene at 072 395 9864 SV000803 SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE! Above ground 4.88m x 0.92m. 2Months old, Cost R3000. Excellent condition. Complete with pump, silter, ground sheet+pool covers R1750 or neat offer. Contact 084-418-0569 or 082-092-8754 YM011579 R60 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa & Hoedspruit Herald R75 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit Herald with a block around. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 BUSINESS & FINANCE Separating the job from the vacation “The Information Technology industry as it is known today is a rapidly evolving and quick shifting field with so many opportunities at all levels for future IT employees. With the growing need for well qualified and experienced IT professionals, prospective students should, before they make any hasty career decisions, first acquaint themselves with some of the current facts, trends and insights relevant to this vast industry,” says Natalie Rabson, Marketing Manager at Boston City Campus & Business College. Technology advances are snowballing. A greater number of organisations utilise smart technology for various daily functions from switchboards to marketing, operations, logistics and finance. And so the need for well qualified and experienced IT professionals makes the IT industry a hugely popular career option for school leavers. “Since the dotcom boom, hot-to-trot IT graduates and prospective students have been coming out of the woodwork, but most of them are not always aware of the challenges that lie ahead – challenges endemic to the kind of business world they’ve decided to enter,” adds Rabson. For one, IT is always changing, with new technologies, new systems and new standards coming into play. One will therefore need to constantly stay ahead of one’s learning curve and at all times remain passionate, creative, and tech-savvy alert. According to Pieter van Rensburg, a Senior IT Engineer & Solutions Architect at BAC-IT Solutions, “The best advice one can give prospective or current IT students is to take what you learn and learn it well, but bear in mind that due to the nature of the industry you have to be prepared to do scores of research and problem solving (much of which will probably happen in your spare time). As the IT industry changes, we need to change with it to stay competitive in this gigantic and merciless market. If IT really is your calling then never become stagnant, never become complacent, and never stop learning”. Van Rensburg adds that this should not discourage you because IT makes for such an interesting, albeit challenging long-term career that can be tweaked in varying directions and ultimately be very satisfying and fulfilling. Currently in South Africa’s IT industry there is a definite skew towards the theoretical, creative and analytical side of things. Van Rensburg says “A few years ago there was a huge demand for skillsets in the hardware and networking side, but this has had a gradual decline over the last few years, and has opened up sectors such as creative design and programming or for systems engineers and analysts to grow exponentially.” Prospective students should be aware that there is also been a huge shift in the industry towards Cloudbased infrastructures and ‘BYOD (bring your own device), due to the rapidly growing mobile market. “A graduate studying towards specialising in these fields will find a much easier entry into the marketplace,” says van Rensburg. One question many students ask is the potential for starting one’s own business or rather opting to work for a company. Yet, and as with all industries, in order for a graduate to successfully start his/her own venture he has to bring a specialised skill set or just something new and needed to the industry. “Currently all major centres in South Africa are over saturated with companies offering the same facilities. As a result many companies attempt to exploit a niche in the market, then concentrate on it and exploit it. When these smaller companies get noticed they tend to be bought by bigger conglomerates”, adds van Rensburg. So, ultimately it all depends on your unique product and the amount of capital and hard work you’re willing to invest, in order to turn your venture into more than just a small business. On the bright side, a career in IT does pay. Whilst technical graduates with little to no experience can expect salaries ranging from R9 000 to R12 000, according to the latest Career Junction IT salary survey, systems and network administrator salaries can range from R20 000 to R30 000 and a technical and business architecture specialist’s salary can range from R30 000 to R50 000. To find out more about the IT courses on offer at Boston Tzaneen 34 Skirving Street Veritas Building, visit www.boston.co.za, Like us on Facebook, or call us on 015 307 1717. CALENDER Phalaborwa SPCA would like the residents to save this date in their calendars. Dewald Wasserfall will be at Mopani South East FET College on March 28. Tickets will cost R2000 for R50 The ad will appear in the Letaba, Phalaborwa and Mopani Herald Emergency NUMBERS Tzaneen Police 015 306 2129 Rescue Service: Aviation 083 1999 Ambulance 10177 Fire Department 015 307 5555 Mopani Disaster Management 015 306 7010 BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY NOTICE ON AWARENESS CAMPAIGN ON SERVICE PAYMENTS Notice is hereby given in terms of Municipal Property Rates Act 26 (2)(b), Rates payable must be paid on or before each date determined by the Municipality in terms of Municipal Systems Act chapter 9, the municipality has a right to exercise credit control measures fo nonpayment of services. We therefore invite members of the public and stakeholders to participate during Awareness Campaign on Service Payments meeting as Scheduled below: DATE: 13 March 2015 VENUE: MUNICIPAL ACTIVITY HALL TIME: 16H00 Community members will be given chance to make comments, inputs during the meeting on Service payment Issues. Enquiries: MD Nkwane at 015 780 6315/ 073 199 1329 email: [email protected] KL Pilusa at 015 780 6417 email: [email protected] DR SS SEBASHE MUNICIPAL MANAGER Corner Nelson Mandela Road & Selati Road Civic Centre Private Bag X01020 PHALABORWA 1390 Notice No: 8/15 a front table, R1500 for black table, R100 per adult and children under the age of 12 pay R50. For any information contact: Kerry on 074 343 6560 and Andile on 072 018 2253. PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 SCHOOL NEWS 9 Galaxy explorers Learners of Rethusitswe Primary School in Namakgale participated in the annual astronomy quiz competition recently. In the competition learners explore issues of space exploration such as planets, stars, galaxies, comets, meteoroids and meteorites. The competition is sponsored by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTE). The principal of the school, Tryphina Makofane said the competition started at a circuit level to the provincial level where the school was awarded a prize for second runner up. ‘They scooped position one in the district level and qualified for the provincial level, being on the second position. I am proud of them and their science teacher Kgaugelo Malatji,’ said Makofane. The prize includes a telescope, microscope, a sky guide South Africa 2015 and a telescope for each learner. MICROSCOPE: Learners of Rethusitswe Primary School in Namakgale won microscopes and telescopes at the annual astronomy quiz compeƟƟon last Friday. from leŌ is:Evelyn Lekganyane, Mathello Shai, Tryphina Makofane, Kgaugelo Malatji, Pornet Ngobeni and Noxolo Mogane. TENDER NO. DESCRIPTION CIDB GRADING COMPULSORY BRIEFING SESSION ADVERTISEMENT PERIOD CLOSING DATE, TIME AND PLACE EVALUATION CRITERIA NONREFUNDABLE FEE LNW 50/14/15 VAN HEERDEN BOREHOLE AUGMENTATION 5CE 10h00 ON TUESDAY, THE 17TH OF MARCH 2015 AT DOORNDRAAI PLANT. COORDINATES: S 24.16.187 E28.47.;061 14 DAYS 11H00 ON TUESDAY 31ST OF MARCH 2015 AT NO. 01 LANDDROS MARÉ STREET IN POLOKWANE FUNCTIONALITY, THEN 90/10 WHERE PRICE= 90 AND BBBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION =10 R500.00 LNW 18/14/15 POLITSI PLANT: CONSTRUCTION PIPE CROSSING BRIDGES (GABIONS AND CONCRETE SUPPORTING STRUCTURES) 3CE OR HIGHER 10h00 ON WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH OF MARCH 2015 AT POLITSI PLANT: S 24.46.330 E 30.05.739 30 DAYS 11H00 ON MONDAY, THE 13TH APRIL 2015, AT NO.01 LANDDROS MARÉ STREET IN POLOKWANE FUNCTIONALITY, THEN 90/10 WHERE PRICE = 90 AND BBBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONSTRIBUTION = 10 R300.00 LNW 46/14/15 PHALABORWA: UPGRADE OF PUMPSET AND PLC (SOFT STARTERS WITH PLC AT LULEKANI AND PMS PUMP-STATIONS) 3EP OR HIGHER 11h00 ON FRIDAY THE 27TH OF MARCH 2015 AT PHALABORWA PLANT. COORDINATES S 24.03.904 E31.08.493 30 DAYS 11h00 ON MONDAY, THE 13TH OF APRIL 2015 ,AT NO. 01 LANDDROS MARÉ STREET IN POLOKWANE EVALUATIONALITY, THEN 90/10 WHERE PRICE = 90 AND BBBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION = 10 R300.00 LNW 47/14/15 PHALABORWA PLANT:UPGRADE OF ROADS INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AT THE PLANT 3CE OR HIGHER 12h00 FRIDAY THE 27TH OF MARCH 2015 AT PHALABORWA PLANT COORDINATES: S24.03.904 E31.08.493 30 DAYS 11h00 ON MONDAY, THE 13TH APRIL 2015, 01 LANDDROS MARÉ STREET POLOKWANE EVALUATIONALITY, THEN 90/10 WHERE PRICE = 90 AND BBBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION = 10 R300.00 LNW 48/14/15 MARBLE HALL: SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND CONTAINERISED ACCOMMODATION UNITS (SINGLE QUARTERS) 3GB OR HIGHER 10h00 ON THURSDAY THE 26TH OF MARCH 2015, AT MARBLE HALL PLANT. COORDINATES: S 24.57.126 E 29.16.701 30 DAYS 11h00 ON MONDAY , THE 13TH OF APRIL 2015 ,AT NO. 01 LANDDROS MARÉ STREET IN POLOKWANE EVALUATIONALITY, THEN 90/10 WHERE PRICE = 90 AND BBBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION = 10 R300.00 LNW 49/14/15 DOORNDRAAI: REFURBISHMENT OF SLUDGE LAGOON AND INTRODUCTION RECYCLING SYSTEM 3CE OR HIGHER 10h00 ON TUESDAY, THE 24TH OF MARCH 2015 AT DOORNDRAAI PLANT. COORDINTES: S 24.16.187 E 28.47.061 30 DAYS 11h00 ON MONDAY , THE 13TH OF APRIL 2015, AT NO. 01 LANDDROS MARÉ STREET IN POLOKWANE FUNCTIONALITY, THEN 90/10 WHERE PRICE = 90 AND BBBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION = 10 R300.00 10 SKOLENUUS PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 SNAKES: Meridian Eco Club received a visit from Phalaborwa Snake Club recently. The learners learn a lot about snakes and had coddles of fun making friends with non-venomous snakes. PARTICIPATION: Well done to the athletes of Rooiskool who parƟcipated in the Limpopo AthleƟcs meeƟng at Polokwane on March 6. Back from leŌ: Sonele Sodo boys u/11 - 5th in high jump; Ikne Stücki boys u/13 - 4th in 200m; 5th in 100m; Rain Terblanche boys u/12 - 5th in shot put. Front: Jabulani Shayi boys u/10 - 3rd in 70m hurdles; Vutomi Hlungwane girls u/12 - 2nd in 75m hurdles. OP PAD NA SA’S: Rooiskool se Ikne Stücki, seuns o/13 het 4de in 200m en 5de in 100m behaal tydens die Limpopo atleƟekbyeenkoms te Polokwane op 6 Maart. Hy het gekwalifiseer om aan die SA atleƟekbyeenkoms te gaan deelneem. CONGRATULATIONS: Meridian College congratulated the following teachers for being awarded the best performing teachers in the Lulekani circuit during the 2014 Grade 12 ceremony held recently. Samancor Chrome is a progressive, innovative company with an enviable UHSXWDWLRQIRUEHLQJDQHPSOR\HURIFKRLFH:HKDYHDFOHDUO\GH¿QHGFRPPLWPHQW to provide growth and development opportunities and these are evident at our WZRPLQHVWKUHHVPHOWHUVDQGRXUFRUSRUDWHKHDGRI¿FH ed or s on by Sp LIMPOPO BRANCH 015 781 0166 [email protected] The following opportunity has become available at our Tubatse Ferrochrome smelting complex, situated near Steelpoort in the Limpopo Province. Maintenance Supervisor (Power Generation) The incumbent will supervise the safe and cost-effective execution of all maintenance of the plant, equipment & facilities, shutdown work and ensuring high quality workmanship of artisans and contractors. This will include ensuring SHEQ compliance within the Team through effective use of the Toolbox and utilising the Information Management System (IMS) to initiate, investigate and report SHEQ status. Further areas of focus include managing performance against set targets and competencies, prioritising breakdowns and authorizing work and ensuring equipment spares availability. Candidates must hold a relevant a relevant N5 or NQF level 4 (equivalent) and complete a functional assessment. 3 years’ experience on Power Generation Plant, at least 1 Year Supervisory experience in a similar environment, SAP experience and Computer Literacy are also required. HR SAP, MES and IMS experience will be advantageous. ANN 076 555 3744 R918 000 CHARMAINE 083 662 1747 If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful. www.samancorcr.com The Working Earth 03-20447 4 BEDS, 2 BATH LIVING&DINING ROOM AIR/CON KITCHEN, POOL, LAPA GARAGES FOR 6 VEHICLES R 864 000 ,QPDNLQJWKH¿QDOVHOHFWLRQFRQVLGHUDWLRQZLOOEHJLYHQWRDFKLHYLQJWKH 6DPDQFRU&KURPH¶VHPSOR\PHQWHTXLW\DQGWKHPLQLQJFKDUWHUREMHFWLYHV All candidates may submit their CV, quoting Ref. No. SAM20447 by email to [email protected] Closing date: 20 March 2015. R1 500 000 5 BEDS/3 EN SUITE, STUDY 3 RECEPTION ROOMS. KITCHEN PANTRY, GARAGES POOL & LAPA MAGDA 082 554 4650 3 BEDS, LOUNGE DINING, BATHROOM STUDY, GARAGE 2 CARPORTS , FLATLET PROPERTIES URGENTLY NEEDED IN THE R700 000/ R850 000 PRICE RANGE CONTACT HAIG: 082 654 0761 3 BEDROOM UNITS AVAILABLE IN SECURE COMPLEX FROM DEVELOPER R1.5 MILLION CONTACT SHARON: 082 215 9414 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES AVAILABLE FROM R450000 CONTACT ISOBEL: 083 702 1067 015 781 7177 ALL PROPERTY IN THE GREATER KRUGER Houses Flats Farms Plots Big 5 Nature Reserves Commercial Industrial Developments Businesses FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION PRE QUALIFICATION PLEASE CONTACT YOUR HOME LOAN SPECIALISTS: RIKA 076 300 0323 OR ROBIN 076 953 6249 PHALABORWA HERALD Friday March 13, 2015 SKOLENUUS AFWAGTING VERBY: Groenskool is voorwaar trots om te kan deelneem aan hierdie unieke gebeurtenis! Dis die eerste van sy soort in S.A. Die meisies groei hul hare alreeds sowat 10 maande om 23cm hare te kan skenk ten bate van kankerlyers se pruike. Die dag vind plaas op Groenskool se rugbyvelde op 23 Maart tussen 08:30 -12:00. Hierdie meisies daag ons buurskole asook hul familie en vriende uit wat 23cm hare het om te skenk, om by ons aan te sluit om sodoende hul bydrae te lewer vir hierdie onbaatsugƟge gebaar. Só kweek Phalaborwa nie net oulike leerders nie, maar ook dienslewerende kinders. Sien jou daar! Die volgende kinders gaan ons skool verteenwoordig by die ATKVRedenaars kompeƟsie op 24 Maart te Laerskool Pietersburg-Suid. Baie geluk! Sterkte met jul voorbereiding. Leandri Erasmus (Gr. 2) Rouxne SchneƩler (Gr. 2), Nolan Robertson (Gr. 3), Chanté Arnold (Gr. 4), Theani Erasmus (Gr. 4), Chanté Schreiber (Gr 5), Marizelle Ferreira (Gr. 6) Igna Ferreira (Gr. 7), Yuné Porteus (Gr. 7), Simoné Raubenheimer (Gr. 7) CALEB LAAT DIE SPEKE SING: Caleb Smit van die Rooiskool het op 21 Februarie aan die Sabie Classic fietswedren deelgeneem. Hy het die 17km wedren voltooi in 1uur en 42 min. If it matters to you, it matters to us. Get a quote today! Liezl Bothma Tel: (015) 781 3921 Cell: 082 805 8063 [email protected] 3 Lekkerbek Street, PHALABORWA. Hollard Insurance Obligatory Mozambique Third Party Liability Insurance ALRE Brokers is an authorized financial services provide FSP NO 44499 11 ATLETIEK IS HUL KOS: Atlete van die Rooiskool wat op 21 Februarie goed presteer het tydens die inter-laer byeenkoms op Drakensig. Agter van links: Jabulani Shayi - S o/10 goud 70mH, Ikne Stücki - S o/13 goud 100m, goud 200m, silwer 200mH, kampioen vankKampioene (breek rekord van 2002,) Jason Basson - S o/10 brons gewigstoot. Voor: Junior Senoamadi - S o/9 goud 60m, goud 80m, Vutomi Hlungwane - D o/12 goud 75mH, goud 100m en Olivia Turner - D o/7 silwer 60m. PUIK UITSLAE: Baie geluk en dankie aan die volgende personeel van Groenskool vir harde werk en pragƟge uitslae vir Conquesta 2014. herald.co.za 24 Hardekool Street • Phalaborwa • 1390 HULLE VOLTOOI DIE ARGUS HULLE VOLTOOI DIE ARGUS: Na genoeg 33 000 fietsryers het die naweek aan die Cape Argus fietstoer deelgeneem. Die wedren word gewoonlik 109km lank maar is die jaar verkort tot 47km weens die verwoestende brande wat in die Skiereiland gewoed het. Drie lede van Phalaborwa FIetsry klub het aan die wedren deelgeneem. Baie geluk aan Ben Herold, Quinten Sullwand en MarieƩe Steenkamp wat die wedren voltooi het. In die foto is Quinten Sulwald en MarieƩe Steenkamp. ARGUS TYD: Ben Herold van die Phalaborwa Cycling Club het die afgelope naweek aan die Cape Argus deel geneem en die wedren voltooi.
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