YOUNG ISRAEL OF STATEN ISLAND / March 20, 2015 / 29 Adar Rav Yaakov Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus Zavel Pearlman, President Rav Yaakov Lehrfield, Rabbi Rav Ephraim Polakoff, Assistant Rabbi SHABBOS LUACH CONDOLENCES David Berkowitz on the loss of his wife Evelyn Berkowitz. Yaakov Rosenrauch on the loss of his mother Mrs. Sarah Rosenrauch. Shiva will be observed in Israel through Wednesday morning. Yaakov can be reached at 718.554.8636 or 011.972.52 305 4270. MAZEL TOV Cheryl & Irwin Keller on the bat-mitzvah of their granddaughter Chaya Malka, daughter of Shira & Yanky Bokow. Rochelle & Moshe Brand on the marriage and Sheva Brachot of their children Samantha & Michael Brand. Karen & Paul Goldstein on the Shabbat Sheva Brachot of Rena & Shimmy Goldstein. Rita & Michael Kaufman and Sara & Izzy Adler on the engagement of their son and grandson, Joshua Kaufman to Sara Isaacson. Lily & Mike Lazarovics on the birth of a grandson to their children Bracha & Jonathan Lazarovics. Heidi & Stevie Schwartz, Goldie Schwartz and Rachel Gottlieb on their son and grandson Bennet, receiving Smicha in Israel. To have a Simcha listed in the weekly announcements, please notify the office before 1 PM Thursday at 718-494-6700 ext. 0 or email [email protected] . Please leave detailed messages with the wording and spelling of names that you want placed in the announcements CONTACT INFO Rav Yaakov Lehrfield Rav Ephraim Polakoff Zavel Pearlman Alan Zachter Office Rebecca Silberman Josh Sturm [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact the following for requests to utilize shul facilities: Minyanim for Smachot Building use, other than catering Catering Alan Zachter 347-922-1586 Norman Koller 718-983-0255 [email protected] -718-698-5564 Shabbos Z’man Krias Sh’ma Candle Lighting Friday Mincha Rabbi Lehrfield Chumash Shiur Rebetzin Polakoff’s Rosh Chodesh shiur for Women on the topic of: “The Life & Legend of Basya bas Pharaoh" Daf Yomi Review / Daf Yomi Rabbi Polakoff Pre-mincha Shiur is on the topic: "Avodah and Avodah Sheb'lev: Saying Kirbanos During Davening." Mishna Yomis Shabbos Mincha/Ends Rabbi Lehrfield will be speaking on the topic of: “Whose Matzos are these?” 6:35 6:45/7:54 Between Mincha/Maariv Sponsored by Marilyn Reiz Kaiman in memory of her mother Mrs. Alice Reiz, Chaya Dobrish bas HoRav Avrohom Lieber & Rachel Laya WEEKDAY LUACH Earliest T&T Mincha / Maariv Halacha of the week 5:59 7:05 / 7:27 This coming Shabbos, the Shabbos immediately preceding Chodesh Nissan, we read Parshas Hachodesh which discusses the proclamation of the new moon and the new month, to inaugurate the month of Nissan. Rabbi Reisman’s Navi shiur 9:30 PM in the MPR Family Learning Program 9:45 AM Rabbi Lehrfield Bagel & Coffee Shiur: Legends of The Gemara 9:45 AM CANCELLED --Rabbi Lehrfield Shiur 10 AM CLASS WILL RESUME MAY 19 --Rabbi Polakoff at 8:00 pm Beis Midrash: CANCELLED Baba Basra Shiur Brachot 8:00 PM, Pirkei Avos 8:45 PM & Parsha 9:15 PM, Rabbi Y.A.Weiss. Adult evening classes in Aleph Bais, Siddur & Basic Judaism. 8 PM. For information call Jerry at 646-645-0226. Rabbi Polakoff Shiur at 8 PM on “Hilchos Pesach” Motzei Shabbos Sunday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday We would like to thank the following for their contribution: CHARITY FUND: We would like to thank the following for their contribution: Miriam & Sid Zachter in memory of the Yahrzeit of Sid’s father, Leo Zachter Eliezer Ben Avraham Leib A”H. The Reingold family would like to thank the entire Staten Island community for the tremendous support given to us over the last years. The outpouring of love for Albee Z”L is overwhelming. During the week of Shiva, we received endless phone calls and emails. We apologize if we are unable to return all of them. We will always cherish the memories of our years in the community and take comfort in knowing how many lives he touched and how much he will be missed. Eruv is Up 10:01 6:10/6:50 5:45/7:00 8:30 AM 5:00 PM in the Main Shul 5:00 / 5:50 5:50 Early Mincha on Sunday at 1:45 in the Main shul Late Maariv Sun-Thu 9:30 in the Main Shul DAVENING AND SHIURIM Rabbi Polakoff will be giving a Shiur this Wednesday night March 25th at 8 PM on Hilchos Pesach If you would like to include an announcement in the Simcha or Charity fund sections of the weekly announcements, please note the suggested amount for such listings is a $50 contribution which can be submitted by dropping it off at the YI office or mailing it to our P.O Box There will a monthly Parsha shiur given by Mordechai Plotsker. Please keep your eyes open for details on when the next one will be. Any questions please contact Aryeh Pearlman. SHUL ANNOUNCEMENTS Rabbi Lehrfield is giving a Gemara Shiur every other Sunday at 9:45 AM or after the 9 o’clock minyan in the gym. The Luach will indicate which week the class will be given. We are looking for $72 sponsors for these classes. PESACH IS AROUND THE CORNER The OU Passover guide is available online at Keep your eyes open for the mailing with other pertinent information regarding the Chag. MAOT CHITIM All contributions for the Matanos Le'evyonim/ Maot Chitim appeal should be given to any board member, Gabbai or placed in the box in the back of the main Shul. It is important to get your donation in time to help those in need make Pesach. TEHILLIM GROUP There will be a women's tehillim Shabbos group following the main minyan in the women's section. If you have a name to add to the list for a refuah please contact Chanie Maslow at 718 477 9575 or [email protected]. A NEW YEAR, A NEW LOOK!! You can now list all your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Mazal Tov’s etc., on our digital Luach located in the lobby of the main shul. We have a special section that allows for you to post your announcement accompanied by a photo! Please contact Zavel Pearlman for pricing. FAMILY LEARNING PROGRAM Start your week in a most productive and enjoyable way. All parents, grandparents are invited to learn and study with their children and grandchildren. Please join us Sunday’s at 9:45 AM in the upstairs Beit Medrash. Young men from Rabbi Katzman’s yeshivah will join us to answer questions or to be your chavruta, study partner. Refreshments will be served. Please contact the main office or Dr. Emmer for sponsorship opportunities. There is a Mishna Brurah learning group every night at 9:15pm for 15 minutes prior to Maariv. Please come and join. If you have any questions, please contact Louis Emmer at [email protected]. A Course on “Tefillah”, based on the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, will be given by Rabbi Norman Linzer on alternate Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the main shul. It will alternate with Tuesday class given by Rabbi Lehrfield. Women and men are welcome. YISI DAY CAMP NEWS The YISI Day Camp 2015 brochures and applications have been mailed and you have already received them. The brochure and application, as well as all of the other necessary forms, can be found on the camp website,, If you have any questions, please contact Josh and Stefanie Sturm at [email protected]. We look forward to another great summer with you at YISI! The Young Israel of Staten Island Day Camp is currently looking to fill the following positions; adult senior counselor for preschool groups, senior counselor, junior counselors, CITs, lifeguards, and music/dance instructor. If you or anyone you know may be interested please download an employment application from the camp website,, email it to Josh and Stefanie Sturm at [email protected] and we will schedule an interview with you. BECAUSE YOU MATTER In order to show that everyone has a voice in our Shul, we have created a new email, [email protected] specifically for ideas to be heard. Emails will personally be read by our President. Only emails that are signed with a name and phone number will be considered and get a quick response. Our President can be reached at 917-567-7383. SAVE THE DATE March 25th at 8 PM Rabbi Daniel Yaakov Travis will be speaking on the topic of “From Bronx HS of Science to Rosh Yeshiva”. How Rabbi Dovid Winiarz zt”l helped change my course in life. YOUNG ISRAEL OF STATEN ISLAND / March 20, 2015 / 29 Adar Rav Yaakov Marcus, Rabbi Emeritus Zavel Pearlman, President Rav Yaakov Lehrfield, Rabbi Rav Ephraim Polakoff, Assistant Rabbi COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS Anyone in need of a Seder of Yom Tov meal, please contact Rabbi Lehrfield at 646-8723631. PESACH BOUTIQUE This Motzei Shabbos at 9:30 PM come shop at the community Pre-Pesach boutique in the JFS gym, all while supporting our community schools. Vendors from across the tri state will be there and there will be wine tasting available! Don’t forget to check out the RJJ PTA table! WINE SALE JFS Wine sale to be held at the JFS gym located at 400 Caswell Ave. Purchases and preordered pick-ups are on Saturday evening, March 21, 9:00 PM -11:30 PM and on Sunday morning, March 29, from 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM. Thousands of bottles available. ORDER YOUR MATZOH The Young Israel will once again be selling Shmurah Matzoh (Pupa-Tzaylem) at: $28.50 / lb Matzah----$29.50 / lb whole wheat-----$28.00 / box spelt----$28.00 /box Oat matzoh. Forms can be found in Shul & online. All checks should be made payable to the "Young Israel of Staten Island". All orders and checks must be received by Sunday, March 22, 2015. Mail or bring orders to: Philip Altmark at 256 Woodward Ave. All orders may be picked up starting Tuesday, March 24th from Famous Kosher Bakery at 10 Carmel Ave. JCC DART CHALLAH FUNDRAISER On March 27th come and join in the tradition of having delicious challah all while raising money for a worthy cause. Challah’s are $4 per loaf. Have the challah’s delivered to you for $1 or come and pick them up at the JCC between 9 AM-12 PM. Contact [email protected] for more information. YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS GROUPS There will be regular morning and afternoon groups this week. For those families who participate in house groups after Shabbos afternoon groups, please submit a house groups schedule along with a list of children involved in your house groups and the names of the group leaders to Rebecca as soon as possible. ALL HOUSE GROUPS MUST BE PICKED UP FROM THE YOUNG ISRAEL BY 4:00 PM. PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD ASSUMING THEY ARE GOING TO HOUSE GROUPS IF YOU HAVE NOT DOUBLE CHECKED WITH THE PARENTS HOSTING GROUPS FOR THAT WEEK. TEENS There will be no teen Shalishudos this week. Teen Night has been rescheduled for Motzei Shabbos, March 28th. Details to come SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, March 29th - Lego Day - Join us at YISI for a morning of breakfast, the Lego Movie and exciting specialty Lego building. 10:00 am-12:30 pm. Children ages 3 and up welcome! $10 in advance, $12 at the door. RSVP to [email protected]. Yeled V’Yalda’s Insurance Navigator is ready to assist you with enrolling in Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act/ Obamacare & Child Health Plus. All services are free. 718-514-8863. PESACH Book your seats now for the Chol Hamoed Sukkos Pesach trip to Six Flags Great Adventure for grades 6 & up on Monday, April 6th. A coach bus will leave the Shul at 8:00AM sharp and will return at approximately 9:00 PM. Your check for $65 ($75 for nonmembers) made payable to YISI is your reservation. Tickets without the bus are available as well. Contact [email protected] ASAP to reserve your spot. ONE MITZVAH LEADS TO ANOTHER Please note the following Pesach Groups Schedule: Rachelit be collecting surplus Mishloach Manos. Your contributions help supply our families and our hospital pantries with snacks. Food can be dropped off at the front door of 1097 Willowbrook Road, Sun-Thu between 4:30-7:30 PM only. Please remember - Closed packages only, with appropriate Kosher supervision Absolutely no homemade goods. There will be no groups on the first days of Yom Tov (Shabbos, April 4th and Sunday, April 5th). There will be morning groups and NO afternoon groups on the second days of Yom Tov (Friday, April 10th and Shabbat, April 11th). CHAVERIM DO A MITZVAH We are looking for sponsors for our weekly Shalosh Seudot. Your sponsorship allows close to 60 of our youth to have a meaningful Shalosh Seudot experience every Shabbos afternoon, complete with great nosh, Divrei Torah and singing. Please see Wayne Greenberg or Rebecca or Effie Silberman if you wish to sponsor in honor or in memory of a loved one. HEALTH INSURANCE ASSISTANCE We are here to assist with Emergency Roadside Assistance (changing tires, boosts, car lockouts, and emergency gasoline). Phone number: 718-761-2428. TAKE NOTICE All teachers- please pay attention to your students and take note whether they are in need of any clothing, a warm winter coat or snacks for school. All the clothes are distributed very discretely and privately without anyone’s knowledge including the parents. Just contact Rachelit after 4:30 pm at 718-983-9664. YOUNG MARRIEDS EVENTS The next Young Married's Minyan will be this Shabbos, March 21st, Parshas Vayikra, at 9:30 in the teen lounge. Following davening will be the annual Young Married's Shabbos Lunch in the Social Hall. The lunch will be a buffet. TEHILLIM CIRCLE Please say Tehillim for those seeking refuah: Bracha Rivkah bas Miriam Leba Kayla Rus bas Chaya Rochel Refael Pisachya Yaakov HaLevi ben Aviva Sarah Shayna Golda bas Chaya Gitel PLEASE NOTE THAT TO HELP ENSURE THIS LIST IS CURRENT, ALL NAMES WILL BE REMOVED AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CALENDAR MONTH AND THE LIST WILL BE REFRESHED. SHOULD AN INDIVIDUAL NEED CONTINUED COMMUNAL TEPHILOS, PLEASE RESUBMIT THEIR NAME MONTHLY EITHER BY CALLING OR EMAILING THE YI OFFICE [email protected] OR 718-494-6700 X 0 COMMUNITY GEMACHS Furniture - Email a photo of the furniture to [email protected] or call 718 983 8136. Centerpieces - Rachelit 718-983-9664 after 4:30PM Gowns- Debbie Berkovits call 718 494-1905 Food Pantry - Noga Kugel 718-494-8451 Clothing - Rachelit 718-983-9664 after 4:30PM. Drop off at the FRONT DOOR of 1097 Willowbrook Road, Sunday thru Thursday between the hours of 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM only Please keep your eyes and ears open for news about more upcoming events! Check out our youth bulletin board for pictures, event info, and more! If you have any questions regarding the youth department please feel free to contact Rebecca Silberman at [email protected] CHESED OPPORTUNITES Chevra Kadisha of Staten Island is looking for additional individuals, both men and women, who are able to assist on a regular basis. If you are available or would like additional information, contact Larry Cohen at 718-612-3474. Tizku L'Mitzvos. Nachas Unlimited has successfully raised funds to ease the lives of sick children in our community. If you or anyone you know has a child in need of assistance directly related to the illness, please call Rachelit at 718-983-9664. All calls are confidential. Bikur Cholim is looking for volunteers to visit Jewish residents in Staten Island nursing homes. Hours are flexible. For more information, please call Barbara Grossberg at 718983-1849. Bikur Cholim provides those in need with food. If you have food to donate (or return) PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF ANY FOOD BY THE PANTRY DOOR as it gets wet and ruined and invites rodents. Please call for pickup Beverly Israel 718-761-4472/ 646-5301495. Coat & Clothing Donation: We are accepting coats and clothing in excellent condition. Men, Women’s & Children clothing of all sizes needed. All Clothing may be dropped off at the FRONT DOOR of 1097 Willowbrook Road, Sun-Thu between 5:00-7:00 PM only. Anything left at the side door will be thrown out with sanitation. All clothes are distributed discreetly. If you are in need of clothing or for any further information, please contact Rachelit after 4:30 PM at 718-983-9664. LOST & FOUND Found cuff link. Please call 646-239-7402 for more information. AVAILABLE JOBS Shomer Shabbos Gift Importer located in Carteret, NJ, right off exit 12 of the NJ Turnpike seeks Individual for full time office work. If you are a hard working organized, team player please apply. Full time only. Very nice atmosphere. We are centrally located 15 minutes from; Edison, Elizabeth, & Staten Island. Please respond with resume to [email protected]
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