CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to the Society of St Vincent de Paul and the Salvation Army on receiving the Freedom of the Borough of Limavady on Saturday 14 March 2015. The conferment is in recognition of the “outstanding work” these organisations have carried out over the years in alleviating suffering and promoting human dignity. A special word of thanks to our local Conference for the work they carry out on our behalf. DERRY DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES Due to the gr eat r esponse fr om nur ses, the Diocese Pilgrimage is happy to say that there is a full team in place to provide any medical/ nursing/wheelchair assistance to pilgrims who would like to register for support. Anyone who wishes to be part of the pilgrimage and avail of this care needs a special application form. These and all other application forms can be obtained from the Pilgrimage Office, Derry Diocesan Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street, Derry. Tel: 028 71 260293 and returned asap. ‘TIME OF SOLIDARITY’ Throughout our world Christians are being persecuted for their faith. Bishop Donal invites you to a time of prayer, intercession and solidarity for those suffering for their faith on Palm Sunday—29 March from 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm at the Cathedral. The cathedral choirs of St Columb’s and St Eugene’s will lead us in song. ROSARY BEADS if you have any spare Rosary Beads and would be willing to donate them for distribution to inmates with the North’s prisons, could you please leave them at the parish office over the next two weeks. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS each Sunday from 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm. First Friday and First Saturday Devotions on first Friday of each month from 8.00 pm - Mass, Adoration, Confession. For further information contact Drummond Hotel on 028 777 22121, email: [email protected] or MERCY SUNDAY Divine Mercy Devotions on 12 April 2015 12.45 pm - 5.00 pm at Knock. Concelebrated Mass at 3.00 pm. Chief Celebrant and Homilist: Most Rev Kevin Doran. LIMAVADY FOODBANK It is hoped to have a Foodbank up and running in Limavady in the near future. If you would be interested in helping, there will be an information meeting on Thursday 26 March. Please contact the Parish office for further details. YOUTH 2000 WEEKEND invite all young adults between ages of 16 - 35 to a catholic weekend retreat taking place from 27 - 29 March at Loreto Convent Secondary School, Letterkenny. Contact:, Tel: 0044 7598 876 399, CEILI & DANCE on Sat 28 Mar - Faughanvale Hall, 9 pm. Proceeds to British Heart Foundation. DIOCESAN PASTORAL CENTRE - SECRETARY 17.5 hours per week. Temporary 1 Year Contract. Working as part of a small team, you will carry out a range of administrative duties with particular support to the diocesan Safeguarding Office. Having proficiency in Microsoft Office with the ability to demonstrate good communication and organisation skills, you will have a minimum of 5 GCSEs (including Mathematics and English to grade C) or equivalent and 2 years relevant experience. For application packs, contact by email: [email protected] or telephone: 028 71362475. Completed applications must be returned no later than 3.00 pm on Monday 20 April to the diocesan Pastoral Centre, 164 Bishop Street, Derry BT48 6UJ. Please not that interviews will be held during the week of 27 April 2015. SUPPORT ASHERS Meeting in The Waterfront Hall, Belfast on Tues 24 Mar, from 8 - 9.30 pm. BULLETIN NOTICES All notices MUST be either left at the Parish Office, faxed to 028 777 65290 or sent by email to: [email protected] on or before a Wednesday at 1.00 pm LIMAVADY PARISH BULLETIN 5th Sunday in Lent 22 March 2015 ___________________________________________________________ St Mary’s St Mary’s Christ the King St Finlough’s ARRANGEMENTS FOR LENT Masses: Monday - Friday Saturday Monday & Friday Tuesday & Friday St Mary’s 7.00 am & 10.00 am 10.00 am 7.30 pm 9.00 am Consecration to Mary: Every morning after the 10.00 am Mass St Mary’s Stations of the Cross: Every Friday after 10.00 am Mass St Mary’s Christ the King St Finlough’s Confessions: Saturday 11.00 - 11.30 am & 7.00 - 7.15 pm Saturday 5.30 - 5.45 pm Saturday 6.30 pm Lenten Liturgy: St Mary’s Every Sunday at 6.00 pm (starting Sunday 1 March) _______________________________________________________________________ Eucharistic Adoration St Mary’s Every Thursday from 10.30 am - 8.00 pm _______________________________________________________________________________ Weddings, Month’s Mind Masses and Anniversary Masses To book Weddings, Month’s Mind Masses, Anniversary Masses, contact Janet at the Parish Office. Tel: 028 777 62522. Any forms to be signed by the Priest can be left at the Parish Office and collected the next day _______________________________________________________________________________ Baptisms St Finlough’s Church 1st Sunday of the month 11.00 am St Mary’s Church 1st Sunday of the month 11.45 am Christ the King Church 3rd Saturday of the month 4.00 pm _______________________________________________________________________________ Mgr McCanny Fr Devine Parish Office Telephone Numbers 028 777 29759 028 777 62721 028 777 62522 (Mon - Fri: 9.00 am - 1.00 pm) Email: [email protected] REQUIESCANT IN PACE Deaths We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of: Leslie Kelly, 1 Killane Road, Limavady who died recently. Month’s Mind Mass The Month’s Mind Mass for Clare McLaughlin will be celebrated on Saturday 28 March at 7.30 pm in St Mary’s Church. Anniversaries David Smith, Eamonn Carlin, Patrick & Martha Clarke, Thomas & Sadie Quigley, Stella Doughart, Mary Pordon, Norman & Anne Clarke, William Kelly, Paddy McGillion, Gemma Shore, Sarah & Kieran McLaughlin, Mary Anne Feeney, Mary Bryson, Edward McLaughlin, Lawrence Brolly, Mary Glasgow, Mary Stewart, Jeannie Brown All names to be included in the Anniversary List must be given in to the Parish Office before 1.00 pm on a Wednesday. Tel: 777 62522 MAY THEY REST IN PEACE SOLEMN EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT will take place in St Finlough’s Church on Sunday 22 March after 10.00 am Mass and will conclude at 7.30 pm with Rosary and Benediction. ST JOSEPH’S YOUNG PRIESTS SOCIETY will meet on Monday 23 March after the 10.00 am Mass in the Parish Office. The Holy Hour will be in St Joseph’s Oratory, Ballykelly on Wednesday 25 March at 7.30 pm. TROCAIRE’S ANNUAL LENTEN LECTURE “Care of the Earth: the challenge and the hope’ by leading Irish theologian Fr Donal Dorr, with an introduction by Bishop Donal McKeown, will take place on Wednesday 25 March from 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm at Our Lady’s Chapel, St Joseph’s Church, Galliagh, Derry. All are welcome. READERS OF THE PASSION ON PALM SUNDAY St Mary’s: 11.00 am - Jim Loughrey Christ the King: 12.00 noon - Lawrence McCreanor LIMAVADY CHURCHES FORUM On Good Friday, 3 April, we are having the Journey of the Cross. The walk will begin at 1.00 pm at the car park at the back of Supervalu. Everyone is welcome to join us for this time of meditation and reflection around the town centre. SICK AND HOUSEBOUND will be attended as follows: Mgr McCanny Wednesday 25 March Thursday 26 March Fr Devine Thursday 26 March Friday 27 March Monday 30 March Ballykelly area Glack area TROCAIRE 2015 ‘Moses then raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the branch; water gushed out in abundance, and the community and their livestock drank.” Numbers 20:11. 22 March is World Water Day To find out more visit: LENTEN SERVICES During Lent there will be a Service at 6.00 pm each Sunday evening. The Liturgy for the next two Sundays will take the form of Rosary, spiritual talk and Benediction. The programme is as follows: Sunday 22 March Sacrament of Marriage Fr P McCafferty Sunday 29 March Sacrament of Penance Fr P O’Kane THE DEEP END ‘Now the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified’ There is a very short parable in today’s Gospel describing a seed which has fallen on the ground and eventually dies. It may remain a single seed or it may yield a rich harvest. This concept of losing what one has to give way to something new and life giving is frightening for some. We get so attached and lifestyle changes are tough. In this passage Jesus knows that his hour has come; this is his crisis moment. But Jesus’ time of anguish moves from a cry of ‘save me’ to one of glorifying God ‘let it be as You not I would have it’. We are at an ‘hour’ in terms of climate justice. This is the time where big decisions and commitments must be made and there is no other option but to opt for life; to listen to God’s will, not ours. The priorities of wealthy nations must change, must turn outward and take risks if we are all to experience peace and security. We remember the horrendous storms which battered Ireland last year and which will continue to do so as our climates change. We are called to be stewards of the earth and this means making different choices: ‘I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: Let us be protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.’ Pope Francis COLLECTION FOR SUNDAY 15 MARCH 2015 Town Churches £3,328.00 Ballykelly £715.00 FINANCIAL REPORT The Financial report for the Parish of Limavady for they year ended 31 December 2014 is available at all the churches this weekend. ENVELOPES Envelopes take effect from 5 April. This year the envelopes will be distributed before and after all Masses as listed below: 21/22 March 28/29 March 28/9 March Christ the King Church St Mary’s Church St Finlough’s Church (Main Entrance back seat) (Main Entrance back seat) (Back of the Church) PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR NEW ENVELOPES UNTIL 5 APRIL NEW USERS: If you wish to star t using Par ish Envelopes the Team will also be able to issue you with a new box. CHANGE OF DETAILS OR STATUS: If you have moved r esidence, got mar r ied, you can also help the Team in updating our records. GIFT AID: This weekend and next the new boxes of Planned Giving Envelopes will be available for collection. We will be asking you to consider better ways to make your offering to the Parish and whether you are able to sign up to Gift Aid those offerings. As you probably know, Gift Aid is a Government scheme that allows the parish to reclaim the basic rate tax that you have already paid on your donations i.e. for every £1 donated, we can claim 25p at no cost to you. So, if you have a bank account and/or pay tax, do please consider signing one of the forms so that we can get this extra support for the parish. THANK YOU: for your patient assistance in helping us distr ibute the envelopes and your continuing generous support.
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