The Church of St. David 316 N. Easton Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 Saint David Parish is a faith-filled Catholic Christian Community which responds to God’s call to all people to seek God, to know God, to love God with all our being, and to become God’s adopted children and heirs of God’s blessed life. MINISTERIAL STAFF Rev. Richard P. Connors, Pastor RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Mon.- Fri. 9 :00 AM to 12:00 Noon & 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM New Parishioners: For Parish registration please contact the rectory. Rev. Msgr. Richard T. Bolger, Pastor Emeritus Deacon William Eliason, Retired Sr. Maryanne Winterberg, IHM, Convent Superior Sr. Margaret Rose Adams, IHM, School Principal Sr. Mary St. Mark, IHM, D.R.E. Sr. Joan Sasse, IHM, Assistant D.R.E. Fifth Sunday of Lent Sunday March 22, 2015 If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces much fruit. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Night: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass Sunday Mass: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM Daily Weekday Mass: 6:30 AM (Chapel) Holy Day: 5:30 PM Vigil Mass, 6:30 AM & 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM (except Christmas and New Years) Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel): Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM (except National Holidays) Miraculous Medal Novena: Every Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass Sr. Kathleen Maguire, IHM, Pastoral Visitor Sr. Judith Moeller, IHM, O.L.C. Principal Stephen P. Kowalchik, Choir Director Barbara Aughtmon, Parish Organist Maureen Mahon, Parish Secretary John Hotz, Business Manager Joan Fenstermacher, Sacristan SACRAMENTS Confessions: EVERY SATURDAY - 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM. and 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM. NO scheduled confessions for the Eve of First Fridays or Holy Days. Confessions for First Fridays by appointment only. Baptisms: Second and Fourth Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM. Prior scheduling is necessary with the Pastor. N.B. Baptism Workshop: 2nd Thursday of each month in Rectory at 7:30 PM. Parents and Godparents are encouraged to attend before the birth of the child. Marriages: Make arrangements at the Rectory at least 6 months before the date of marriage. Marriages can be celebrated on Saturdays up to 2:00 PM. Sacraments at Home: Any sick or housebound parishioner can have the priest visit to administer the Sacraments. please call the Rectory. Rectory Convent Queen of Angels School Faith Formation Office 215-659-0445 Upper School Lower School 215-657-0252 * 215-657-0253 215-659-6393 215-659-4251 Email: [email protected] Our Lady of Confidence Day School: Religious Education Office 215-659-4059 215-657-9311 ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE: Monday 3:00 PM. Announcements may be edited for space. For more information, visit us on the web at 164 1 Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY Mar 21 5:00 PM VIGIL For the Intention of the Celebrant SUNDAY Mar 22 7:00 AM For the Intention of the People 9:00 AM Marion Martin 11th Anniversary 11:00 AM Roy Webb 12:30 PM John Princevalli MONDAY Mar 23 6:30 AM Rose Mary McNavage TUESDAY Mar 24 6:30 AM Anne Dehan WEDNESDAY Mar 25 6:30 AM THURSDAY Mar 26 6:30 AM Rita Gerardi FRIDAY Mar 27 6:30 AM SATURDAY Mar 28 9:00 AM Sister Jane Anne, I.H.M. Altar flowers can be donated in memory of loved ones. Please call the Rectory for details. LIVING YOUR FAITH ERNEST M. STROLLO LODGE #683 Order of Son’s of Italy in America (OSIA) Member Expansion The Ernest M. Strollo Lodge #683 is a local community chapter of the Order of Sons of Italy in America (OSIA). We are men and women who hold family/traditional values, conduct events, support local/national charities and offer scholarships to member children. Meetings are held monthly at St. Genevieve’s parish hall at 1225 Bethlehem Pike in Flourtown and membership is now open to the local community, non-italians and italians. Fr. Mike Speziale is Chaplin for this group. Please contact Donna DeFrancesco, President at [email protected] or Frank Speziale Finance Secretary via email at [email protected] for more information. Increased Offertory Update St. David Parish Increased Offering Appeal is being well received by our parishioners. To date 69 people have responded to Father Connors’ letter representing a combined weekly increase of 352.52. Please use the special envelope to indicate your new contribution amount and enclose it in this envelope. You may also use this envelope to note any special circumstances. Next week use your regular Sunday envelope for your new amount. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK C ONGRATULATIONS!!! to all of our students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, March 21st from Bishop Timothy Senior. The students were well prepared and participated very prayerfully and respectfully. Thank you also to students, teachers and parents, congratulations too for a job well done. Let us help our children learn that faithfulness to worship is the first service they can give to carry out the responsibilities that come from being Confirmed. Lead by example. IMPORTANT CHANGES FOR HOLY WEEK CONFESSIONS AND LIVING STATIONS SCHEDULE: Living Stations will be held for the parish in St. David Church on Monday, March 30 at 7:00PM. This presentation is extremely well done and very, very prayerful as it highlights the meaning and purpose of the Life of Jesus Christ for our spiritual enrichment. The Living Stations are presented for the school children of Queen of Angels School on Wednesday afternoon at 1:00PM, and you are invited to either presentation. Support our school children by attending the LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS. Confessions will NOT be available on Monday night. Thank you to those who participated in our Poor Man's Supper last Friday sponsored by the St. Vincent DePaul Society of St. David Parish. This excellent Society has been extremely helpful in assisting many families who are in true financial need. Thank you to all the members of SVDP Society, especially Robert and Maryanne Simpson. Palm Sunday is March 29th and blessed palms will be available at all the Masses in our regular Sunday Mass Schedule. Please note: If you usually attend the 12:30PM Mass on Sunday, be aware that the 11:00AM Mass will run overtime, and parking will be difficult for those arriving for the 12:30PM Mass. PLEASE BE PATIENT AND RESPECTFUL. Persons attending the 11:00AM Mass, please be very mindful that others will be trying to park for the next Mass, and your timely exit will result in less confusion or problems. Remember, the Lord lives in Church, and the devil in the parking lots! A Lenten Reflection: Lord, you speak to us daily in our conscience, but we are often deaf. You speak to us of peace, but we choose conflict. You speak to us of love, but we prefer indifference. You speak to us of life, and we succumb to small deaths of the spirit that lead to destruction. Help us, Lord, to listen to you with the ear of our hearts. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. God Bless You and your Families, Rev. Richard P. Connors REMEMBERING IN OUR PRAYERS... ...our sick: Rene VanderVossen, Mary Lou, Zappatelli, Bobby Taggart, Anna Monaghan, Betty Powell, Edward Duff, Geraldine Childrens, Magaret Freda, Jeanette King, Eileen Delancy, and Ann Campbell and Christians under threat of violence from ISIS. ...our deceased: Helen Wookcock, Sam Simonetta and all victims of war, hunger and sudden death. thanksgiving for: The students of Queen of Angels and St. David School of Religion who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on March 21st and for Bishop Timothy Senior who administered the Sacrament. For more information, visit us on the web at 164 2 Parish Activities and Events Sunday ♦ Children’s Liturgy of the Word (9:00AM Mass) ♦Scrip Sales (10:00 M – 11:00 AM in FCH) ♦AA Mtg. (6:30PM – 7:30PM in FCH) Monday ♦ Brownie Troop Meeting (3:00PM in FCH) ♦ Scrip Sales (thru backpacks only on FULL school days) ♦ Charismatic Prayer (7:30PM in Upper Room) Tuesday ♦ Scrip Sales (7:00PM - 7:30PM in Rectory) ♦ Choir Rehearsal (7:30PM in the Upper Room) Wednesday ♦ Widows’ Group (9:45AM in Upper Room) ♦ RCIA Team (7:00PM in Rectory) ♦ Legion of Mary (7:30PM in Rectory) ♦ Gamblers Anonymous (7:00PM in FCH) Thursday ♦ St. David School of Religion (4:30PM-6:00PM Q of A Lower School & 7:00PM in Upper School) Friday ♦ Scrip Sales (9:30 AM – 10:00 AM in the Rectory and in backpacks on FULL school days only) Saturday ♦ Jr. Legion of Mary (10:00AM in Rectory) Looking Ahead American Red Cross Blood Drive Apr 6 2:00-7:00PM: St. David Spring Blood Drive will be held on Easter Monday, April 6 in Father Curran Hall! Although the drive is at the end of a busy holiday weekend, Your Donation REALLY Does Make a Difference! A single donation can add days, weeks or even years to the life of up to three people. To make an appointment, go to, using sponsor code St. David or contact Joanne Waltrich at [email protected] or 215-658-0418 directly for an appointment. Thank you! Save the Date: Springtime in Paris Apr 18 The Marion Bolger Recreational Program, a Spiritual Mission of St. David Parish, will be hosting their annual fundraiser event, Springtime in Paris, on Saturday, April 18 in Monsignor Baum auditorium. Doors open at 6:30PM, event is 7PM11PM. Join us for an enjoyable evening of dinner, music and a limited bar. There are many chances to win prizes. Tickets are $40.00 per person. Please order by April 11. Tickets will not be sold at the door. This is the only event that we have to help us meet our financial needs, as we do not receive funding from any other sources. For information, please contact Shirley Meyer at 215-518-5352. Parish Men’s Retreat Weekend June 26-28 Each year we look forward to the Our Lady of Lourdes retreat at Malvern. Plan now on spending this special time with God in 2015. Join the men of St. David Parish for the weekend of June 26th to 28nd for their Malvern retreat. To learn more, call Gary Warnalis at 215-260-5913 or send him an email at [email protected]. Queen of Angels School News Queen of Angels Spring Fling Barbeque …All Are Welcome! Saturday April 11, 2015 6-9PM at OLHC Come and socialize with friends and family at this barbeque style party. There will be music, raffles and games for all including a parent vs. child volleyball game. Queen of Angels Home and School Association will provide the hot dogs, hamburgers and barbeque chicken with all necessary fixins’. Tickets are $6 per person with a family maximum of $25. Don’t Delay! Make your reservations today by calling Danielle Lips at (215)328-9581. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Queen of Angels Update! Our 8th grade class spent an evening serving in the Forteniters program. Forteniters is a program for people who have had medical issues in the past and possibly no friends, family, or a stable home. They gather every Thursday night for not only dinner, but comfort. The 8th grade class was able to sit down and talk with everyone, getting to hear their personal stories. They ended the evening serving a meal. It was a night the eighth graders will never forget! Our 6th and 7th grades went on a science field trip called The Science of Sliding at Blue Mountain Ski Resort. The 6th grade is learning about Newton’s Laws of Motion and the 7th grade studied them last year. The trip was a snow tubing trip to see how the Laws of Motion really work. After working on activities putting the laws to the test, the students had time to do some snow tubing. The director of the program said our students were the best students to ever come to Blue Mountain! A great time was had by all! Open House Come visit Queen of Angels at our next Open House on Monday, March 30. Presentation begins at 10:00AM. Please contact Sister Margaret Rose Adams, IHM at 215659-6393 [email protected] to attend! St. David Parish Youth News EPIC Youth Group Sun Mar 22: Recording of 2 Masses. Join Father Janton at WPVI Ch 6 Studios followed by Dinner, Location TBD. Leave OLHC parking lot at 1:00 pm Sun Mar 29: Service Project Easter Egg Hunt & Crafts Do you need service hours? We need your help! Set up at 9:30AM, Egg Hunt & Crafts from 1 -3PM; Clean Up finished around 4:00 pm. Contact: Mr. Spencer 215-2878731. Jul 27-31: Summer Beach Retreat Ocean City Tabernacle, Ocean City NJ. Approximately $150/person. Service, Mass, small groups, music and beach time. $25 deposit due May 15. Any questions, contact Margie Regan at 267-261-8204 or [email protected]. For more information, visit us on the web at 164 3 Good News You Can Use Did you know? ♦ Scrip Info The next special order is due April 10th - don't miss out! Please note: no scrip will be sold April 3rd or April 5th, so please plan accordingly! Even if you don't have children attending Catholic school, you can still purchase scrip. You can earmark the credit you earn and put it towards a neighbor, friend or simply indicate "needy family". Call Carol if you have any questions (215784-9384). ♦St. Luke’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Crafts Bring your children and grandchildren and join us on Palm Sunday March 29th from 1:00PM to 3:00PM at St. Luke’s Father Fitzpatrick Hall for an Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Games & Easter Crafts, learn to weave Palm. This is a family event so all children should be accompanied by an adult. EPIC Youth Group volunteers are at the event to help your children with the crafts and games. RSVP by Monday March 23rd to [email protected] or call 215-886-3506 and leave a message, and let us know how many children you are bringing. ♦ Choir News St. David’s Choir will present its annual Good Friday program on April 3rd at 7:30PM, and are accepting memorials of deceased loved ones for the program for $10.00 per line. Please provide pronunciation if needed. Turn names in to the rectory, the Sunday collection basket or give to any choir member. Please make checks payable to St. David Choir. All names are due by Saturday, March 28th. We hope you can attend. ♦ 33 Days to Morning Glory Join us for this six-week program that will bring you closer to Jesus through our Blessed Mother, Mary. Thursday evenings 7:00PM -8:30PM starting April 16 in Father Curran Hall. Cost for materials $30. If interested, contact Monica Marlin by March 15: Email [email protected], or 215-657-8126 or call St. David Rectory. ♦ Legion of Mary Annual Consecration All active and auxiliary members are invited to our annual consecration ceremony known as the ACIES. This year’ s service is being held today at St. David’s Church promptly at 3:00PM. Light refreshments will be served afterwards. ♦ Father Judge High School Spring Open House and Registration Sunday March 22, 2015 from 12PM-3PM. ♦ Basilian Spirituality Center: Icon Writing Workshops May 19 and 26, 2015 Cost: $425.00. For information call 215-780-1227. ♦Archbishop Wood High School: Registrations for Class of 2019 Are being accepted now. Contact Patricia Roschetz at 215672-5050 ext. 268 or [email protected] ♦Help Wanted Regina Coeli Residence for Priests (located on the grounds of Archbishop Wood High School) is looking for a part-time housekeeper. Please contact Msgr. Flood at 215-441-4642. Scrutinies and Penance The elect deal with sin through the Scrutinies and through the waters of the font; the already baptized deal with sin through the Sacrament of Penance. The same kind of reflection that enables all members of the community to share in the Scrutinies can lead the baptized to celebrate this Sacrament of Reconciliation to renew their baptismal commitment. Lent is the primary time for celebrating the Sacrament of Penance, because Lent is the season for baptismal preparation and baptismal renewal. Early Christian teachers called this sacrament "second Baptism," because it is intended to enable us to start again to live the baptismal life in its fullness. Those who experience the loving mercy of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation should find themselves standing alongside the newly baptized at Easter filled with great joy at the new life God has given all of us. ~from FAQs About Lent Middle School Youth Group The Middle School Youth Group is for boys and girls grades 5-7. All are welcome. Friday, April 17th: Father Curran Hall 7:00-8:30PM Topic: Actions=Words (Integrity) Saturday, April 5th: Easter Egg Hunt at Divine Providence Village. Leaving St David at noon and return 3:30PM. Saturday, May 9th: Mary Retreat Friday, May 15th: Movie Night Saturday, May 16th: Special Olympics To participate in any events or for questions, please call Jenn 215-582-9072 or email [email protected] All are welcome! Bring a friend! Advertiser Showcase Show your appreciation by supporting our local advertisers, such as: Willow Grove Automotive St. David Tithing & Finances Sunday March 15, 2015: $14,333.56 DEADLINE FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted to the Rectory by Monday 3:00 PM. For more information, visit us on the web at 164 4 Certified Public Accountants Associates, P.C. • • • • • • • A Professional Corporation 118 W. Butler Avenue P.O. Box 407 • Ambler, PA 19002 Tel: (215) 542-1492 Fax: (215) 542-8529 Member of Parish Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Preventative Care Orthodontic/Orthopedics Day and Evening Hours Sleep Apnea/TMD Implants Laser BARRY F. DAROCHA, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. SUSAN M. ROTZAL, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. 230 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside, PA 19038 Phone: 215-885-4252 • Fax: 215-885-7487 [email protected] BUX-MONT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CO 659-1313 659-0245 Special Discount Rates for Seniors Call 657-1212 AIRPORTS•HANDICAPPED•PKG. DEL. SRV. P. Michael Schelkun, MD, DDS Mark P. Kienle, MD, DMD Kevin O’Connor Parishioner The Bob Gordon Team C: 215-704-4979 O: 215-517-8800 Regency Realty Wisdom Teeth, Dental Implants and Facial Reconstructive Surgery Warminster Newtown Fort Washington 215-672-6560 215-884-0800 PRE-PLANNING/PRE-FINANCING JOSEPH J. MC GOLDRICK Funeral Home THOMAS M. McGOLDRICK, F.D. • JOSEPH McGOLDRICK (1924-2013) 507 West Avenue • Jenkintown, PA 19046 Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 2630 Woodland Rd. Abington, PA 19001 Geriatric Rehab Program Comprehensive Wound Care Diabetic Management & Training √ Specialized Extended Short Stay Program √ Post Hospitalization Rehabilitation √ Chronic Illness Management √ √ √ "Dad needed surgery and we knew he would need rehab. Brookside did a wonderful job caring for him. I am so pleased. Thank you Brookdide." Mary P. 215-884-6776 Tour our elegantly decorated facility in the heart of Roslyn, PA. Law Offices of Allan C. Perry Speak Directly With The Attorney Family Law • Wills Personal Injury 306 Easton Rd. Willow Grove 215-706-5770 [email protected] Medicare & Medicaid Cerified Accepts HMO, PPO & Commercial Insurance plans Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 1120 York Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090 215.830.0433 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: “America’s Premier Inspection Service” Independently Owned & Operated STEVE BALLASY Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Owner / Inspector Diocese Member Insured • PA Certified Residential • Commercial • Buyer Inspections • Pre-Listing Inspections 610-745-4719 • PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM [email protected] • [email protected] Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Tom Freeman, Church Bulletin Representative this week Direct number: 610-283-4385 1-800-333-3166 extension #163 164 The Church of St. David, Willow Grove, PA (i) Rt. D 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF 20% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair Licensed ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower & Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair Insured ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.877.490.5599 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • JOHN J. BRYERS FUNERAL HOME, INC. Burial and Cremation Services 215-659-1630 Jeffrey S. Thompson – Supv Keith J. Murphy – FD Brian M. Hurst – FD Robert Mehlbaum - Asst 406 N. Easton Rd., Willow Grove, PA 19090 Free Estimates Carpet • Vinyl • Hardwood Refinish Old Hardwood 215-657-1880 Since 1967 Pet Grooming In Your Home PLUMBING & HEATING Bathing, Clipping, Flea Treatment, No Tranquilizers 215-657-4157 215-830-8433 Carla’s Pet Grooming Transmission & Clutch Service Roslyn Mileage • Performance • Durability 900 Easton Rd., Willow Grove, PA (1/2 Mi. So. of Turnpike) 215.657.0848 Carla Ristine Parishioner For all your insurance needs. 659-9827 501 North Easton Road, Willow Grove Robert Wetzel, Supv. 215-659-0911 INC. PHILADELPHIA Funeral Directors Since 1881 Bill Herchenroder, Supv. TOM NELSON DOGS & CATS Joseph J. Deegan, Agent ROCKLEDGE Erich Wetzel, Supv. 21 N. York Rd., Willow Grove 215-659-6300 Fax: 215-659-9264 Email: [email protected] WILLOW GROVE AUTOMOTIVE 401 Moreland Road Willow Grove Complete Auto Repairs State & Emission Inspections Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® statefarm.comTM ROAD SERVICE TUNE-UPS BRAKES & MUFFLERS State Farm Insurance Company Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois Fully Insured • Work Guaranteed FLYNNCO WELDING & FABRICATION CUSTOM FABRICATION & IRONWORKS RAILINGS • HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR GENERAL WELDING • FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE E. FLYNN - OWNER 21 WOODLAWN AVE., WILLOW GROVE Discounts Available CREDIT CARDS 215-659-WELD (9353) ACCEPTED HARTLEY'S RAINGUTTERS PLUS, INC. ROOFING ◊ SIDING ◊ WINDOWS EZ SHIELD COVERS 215-659-1752 FREE INSPECTION RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST Robert S. Strobel Insurance, Inc. 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS 215-427-1727 AUTO • HOME • UMBRELLA • COMMERCIAL 3535 Welsh Rd., Willow Grove, PA 19090 CALL FOR YOUR FREE QUOTE 267.781.0770 215-443-2500 294 Horsham Rd. Dresher & Horsham Rds. Horsham, PA 19044 Member of St. David’s Parish Fax: 215-443-8724 • BYOB • LUNCH • DINNER • TAKE-OUT • OFF PREMISE CATERING FAMILY DENTISTRY John P. Epright, D.D.S. Wet Basement? Call today BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMOVAL, REMOVAL, FOUNDATION REPAIR 1003 Easton Rd., Willow Grove, PA 1500 York Road Abington, PA 19001 FUNERAL HOME, INC. Leandro N. Angelone, Jr. - Supervisor By Appointment GEORGE G. (215) 657-2424 FitzPatrick Stephen R. Fitzpatrick, Supvr. WWW.FITZPATRICKABINGTON.COM 215-887-1500 215-659-0202 Since 1904 by Charles P. Direso Quality Program Development, Auditing & Consulting Services (215) 657-0837 Parish Member (215) 657-7754 Fully Insured Member, St. David COUTTS ELECTRICAL 10% OFF to Parishioners 215.481.9595 30 Yrs. Exp. • FREE Est. Lic. & Ins. 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Dr. James McGuckin Peripheral Vascular Institute 4220 Market Street. 2nd Floor Phila., PA 19104 215-240-6007 • $49.95 INTRODUCTORY 1 HOUR SPECIAL Walk Ins Welcome • 7 Days A Week Willow Grove Shopping Center (Near Barnes & Noble and HomeGoods) 164 The Church of St. David, Willow Grove, PA (B) Rt. D 215-657-6100 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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