Boca Raton Synagogue WEEKLY PARSHAT VAYIKRA ROSH CHODESH NISAN SHABBAT HA’CHODESH Stone Chumash Page 544 March 20 • March 27, 2015 • 29 Adar • 7 Nisan 5775 This week’s Weekly is generously sponsored by Rabbi Uri & Aliza Pilichowski wishing a Mazal Tov to Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, our true role models and friends, and to Noam & Jill Kaminetzky and to our very dear Linda on your honor at this year’s BRS Dinner. Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Goldberg and the entire community, we miss you and hope to see you soon. RABBI EFREM GOLDBERG Marah D’asrah [email protected] RABBI PHILIP MOSKOWITZ Associate Rabbi FRIDAY NIGHT [email protected] Plag Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Earliest Candle Lighting Candle Lighting Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat DAVID L. WOLGIN, PHD President [email protected] RABBI DAVID SHABTAI, MD Rabbi, Sephardic Minyan [email protected] RABBI MORDECHAI SMOLARCIK Rabbi, BRS West SHABBAT DAY [email protected] RABBI JOSH BROIDE Outreach Rabbi 6:00 pm 6:16 pm 7:14 pm 7:15 pm Rabbi’s Class 6:00 pm Shabbat Mincha Ma’ariv/Havdalah 7:00 pm 8:07 pm Simple and Meaningful Thoughts to Share at Your Seder Rabbi Efrem Goldberg [email protected] RABBI SIMMY SHABTAI Rosh Beis Medrash [email protected] RABBI KENNETH BRANDER Rabbi Emeritus [email protected] MATTHEW HOCHERMAN Executive Director [email protected] RABBI GERSHON EISENBERGER Youth Director [email protected] RABBI ELI ZIANS Teen Director [email protected] ESTHER LUPIN, LCSW BRS/JFS Social Worker [email protected] KERRY PURCELL Editor-in-Chief of the Weekly FRIEND Friend us on Facebook Boca Raton Synagogue FOLLOW Follow us on Twitter @RabbiGoldberg @RabbiPhilip @Broide @MatthewJHoch SHARE Check out Jewish Pride Films for our latest videos [email protected] HAHN JUDAIC CAMPUS • 7900 MONTOYA CIRCLE N. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33433-4912 (561) 394-0394 • FAX (561) 394-0180 • WWW.BRSONLINE.ORG • [email protected] FROM THE RABBI’S DESK A couple of weeks ago, the 20th of Adar, marked the twentieth yahrzeit of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l. In a tribute written shortly after his passing, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, who shared a very close relationship with Rav Shlomo Zalman, described him as a “Gentle giant.” He wrote: “Reb Shlomo Zalman was endowed, as a lamdan, with a set of qualities which served him, ideally, as a posek. He had encyclopedic knowledge — and he had it, as mechudaddim beficha, at his fingertips. His temperament was remarkably judicious, invariably level-headed, and never pedestrian. He was deferential to the views of others, and yet genuinely self-confident. He could be innovative and even daring.” “The Art of Saying Hello” Rav Shlomo Zalman’s brilliance was undeniable, and yet it was perhaps surpassed only by his humility and sensitivity to all. R’ Chanoch Teller recounts the following anecdote: “When Rav Shlomo Zalman passed away, a beggar in Sha’arei Chesed sobbed in her anguish: “Now who will say ‘good morning’ to me every day?” (Mi yagid li boker tov?)” While a testament to his unpretentiousness and accessibility, the anecdote has the potential to leave the reader believing that one must be the gadol ha’dor, the greatest of the generation, to be friendly, caring and gracious to all. Indeed, Rav Shlomo Zalman’s greatness was seeing his warmth and friendliness as nothing extraordinary at all, but something that should come naturally and be instinctive. This week, I had the privilege of attending a retirement party of an executive who was stepping down after twenty years of dedicated service to his company. In his typical humility, when he invited me, he portrayed the gathering as being something like a small cake in the conference room for a few minutes to mark his retirement. In reality, however, over six hundred people packed into the company cafeteria, most of them standing for what turned into two and a half hours of tributes offered by those who reported to him and with whom he worked closely. One by one the presenters noted the individual’s business acumen, talents, skills and gifts. They talked about his attention to detail on documents, his negotiating prowess and his invaluable contributions to the growth and success of the company. Every single one of them, however, also noted that what made him truly special and beloved was not his mind, but his generous heart and soul that he brought to work each day. They described him as a man of high Page 2 moral character. Exasperated when he couldn’t find a better word (he wasn’t familiar with the word mensch), one person described him as amazingly decent. Speakers were literally chocked up as they recounted his warmth, wise counsel, sagacious guidance, and most of all, his genuine care and concern for their personal lives. When the event concluded, I asked him, “You only thought a handful of people were going to attend, those you worked closest with for the last two decades. Why do you think over six hundred people decided to attend?” He answered, “When I began my career many decades ago I made a conscious decision that I would smile and greet every single person I would encounter throughout my day at work, whether in the lobby, elevator, hallway, in line at the cafeteria or outside in the parking lot. I made it a goal to learn everyone’s name and made it a point to use his or her name whenever I said hello. I guess people appreciated it and maybe that’s why they showed up today.” The Talmud testifies (Berachos 17a) about Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai that no one ever preceded him in a greeting [of Shalom], even a stranger in the marketplace.” The Mishna in Pirkei Avos (4:20) encourages us all, “Hevei makdim b’shalom kol Adam, be the first to greet each person.” The Maharal explains that when you walk by someone without offering a greeting you make him or her feel invisible and insignificant. By making a point of greeting someone you demonstrate that you don’t see yourself as superior or better than another. Rather, by instigating the greeting, you show that you respect that person as an individual and thereby you give them dignity and worth. In his book, “Reflections of the Maggid,“ Rabbi Paysach Krohn tells the following story: In Argentina there was a ritual slaughter complex, comprised of several buildings. There was a building where the animals were fed, a building where they were slaughtered and the meat packed and loaded onto trucks, and an office building with dressing rooms for the shochtim (ritual slaughterers). The entire area was surrounded by a tall chain link fence and everyone entered through a wrought iron gate in the front, near the parking lot. The owner, Yisrael (Izzy) Nachmal, was a workaholic. He was the first one in every morning and the last one out every evening. He oversaw every aspect of his company, Ultimate Meats, and made it a point to know every worker. The guard at the front gate, Domingo, knew that when Izzy left in the evening, he could lock Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity the gate and go home. One evening as Izzy was leaving, he called out to the guard, “Good night, Domingo, you can lock up and go.” “No,” Domingo called back, “not everyone has left yet.” “What are you talking about,” Izzy said, “everyone left two hours ago!” “It is not so,” Domingo said, “One of the shochtim, Rabbi Berkowitz, hasn’t left yet.” “But he goes home every day with the other shochtim, maybe you just didn’t see him,” Izzy said. “Believe me, I am positive he didn’t leave yet,” the guard insisted. “We better go look for him.” Izzy knew that Domingo was reliable and conscientious. He decided not to argue, but instead got out of his car and rushed back to the office building with Domingo. They searched the dressing room thinking that perhaps Rabbi Berkowitz had fainted and was debilitated. He wasn’t there. They ran to where the animals were slaughtered, but he wasn’t there either. They searched the truck dock, the packing house, going from room to room. Finally they came to the huge walk-in refrigeration room where the large slabs of meat were kept frozen. Izzy Nachmal was incredulous. “Domingo,” he asked, “how did you know Rabbi Berkowitz hadn’t left? There are over two hundred workers here every day. Don’t tell me you know the comings and goings of every one of them?” The guard’s answer is worth remembering. “Every morning when that rabbi comes in, he greets me and says hello. He makes me feel like a person. And every single night when he leaves he tells me, ‘Have a pleasant evening.’ He never misses a night – and to tell you the truth, I wait for his kind words. Dozens and dozens of workers pass me every day – morning and night, and they don’t say a word to me. To them I am a nothing. To him, I am a somebody. “I knew he came in this morning and I was sure he hadn’t left yet, because I was waiting for his friendly good-bye for the evening!” We may not have encyclopedic Torah knowledge or a brilliant business mind, but every one of us can be extraordinary just by making a point of greeting everyone with a smile. Whether at work, the gym, the supermarket or walking to Shul, we should never retire from being friendly, courteous and attempting to provide dignity and worth to all. They opened the door and to their shock and horror they saw Rabbi Berkowitz rolling on the floor, trying desperately to keep himself warm. They ran over to him, lifted him off the floor and helped him out of the refrigerated room, past the thick heavy wooden door that had locked behind him. They wrapped blankets around him and made sure he was warm and comfortable. Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Follow the Rabbi at rabbigoldberg Friend the Rabbi on facebook Efrem Goldberg Share the Rabbi ‘s blog on BOCA RATON SYNAGOGUE DERECH ERETZ STATEMENT In the spirit of our mission “Valuing Diversity and Celebrating Unity,” we believe that a community is built on the collective engagement of individuals representing differing perspectives, whether religious, political, or social. As Boca Raton Synagogue is an environment where all of its members and visitors need to feel valued and welcomed, members are required to comport themselves in a manner which reflects mutual respect and a sense of inclusiveness. In our Synagogue, we value debate about pressing issues. This is consistent with the American democratic tradition. Our sages saw the value of arguments conducted L”Shem Shamayim,“ for the sake of heaven, believing that great minds who engage in respectful debate will arrive at better solutions. They valued and welcomed alternate views, as do we. “Derech Eretz,” good and proper conduct, and mutually respectful dialogue are core values of the Synagogue community. These create a “safe place” for inspiration and spiritual growth, the central purpose of the Synagogue. It is a violation of Jewish law and ethics to use harsh language (vitriol) to demonize or to marginalize people with whom one may disagree. Uncivil expression reflects negatively on our Synagogue as well as on the individuals who engage in such behavior. Boca Raton Synagogue expects its members to act and to speak with kindness and sensitivity to others. It is only in this fashion that a strong, vibrant, and harmonious community can be created and maintained. Adherence to this policy is a requirement for membership in good standing at the Boca Raton Synagogue. In line with our recently published Derech Eretz Statement, we mention some examples of how we can be more sensitive toward others and create an even better community. • Please help reshelve chumashim and siddurim at the conclusion of all minyanim. • When the shul is crowded, please take private articles off the seat next to you and invite someone to sit down. There is a coatroom in the lobby for hats and outerwear. If you have a Mensch Message you would like us to promote, please email us at [email protected] Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 3 SHABBAT SCHEDULE SHABBAT HA’GADOL DERASHA FRIDAY NIGHT Earliest Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 5:55 pm Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Plag MIncha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Social Hall) 6:00 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:16 pm Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 7:10 pm Candle Lighting 7:14 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:15 pm SHABBAT DAY NEXT SHABBAT, MARCH 28 - 8 NISAN Neitz Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:40 am Hashkama Minyan (Social Hall) 7:30 am Sephardic Minyan (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 9:00 am Ashkenazi Minyan (Rand Sanctuary) 9:00 am Sermon: Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Shtiebel Minyan (Shtiebel Beit Midrash) 9:30 am Teen Minyan (Berdugo Beit Midrash) 9:45 am Youth Tefillah Groups (Jacobs and Rubin Youth & Senior Center) 10:00 am Sof Zman Kriat Shema 10:26 am Early Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 3:00 pm Rabbi’s Class 6:00 pm Simple and Meaningful Thoughts to Share at Your Seder Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:55 pm Ashkenazi Mincha (Rand Sanctuary) 7:00 pm Daf Yomi (Berdugo Beit Midrash) between Mincha/Ma’ariv Sh’kiah 7:32 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah 8:07 pm Shabbat Hagadol Derasha for Teens Rabbi Eli Zians Sephardic Mincha Dessert Reception Mincha 5:30 pm SHABBAT HAGADOL DERASHA 6:40 PM From Ancient Hatred to Modern Anti-Semitism: The Haggadah as a Guide to Understanding the Age Old Question of Why the Jews? SHABBAT LEARNING Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Tefillah Insights with Rabbi Josh Broide (Rand Sanctuary) 8:30 am Advanced Gemara Chabura 15 minutes after Hashkama Minyan Rabbi Sacks Explanatory with Rabbi Broide (Board Room)10:00 am Junior Congregation (Shechet Beit Midrash - Rooms 205 & 206) 10:00 am Youth Groups (Drop-off begins at 10:00 am) 10:30 am Sephardic Roundtable (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 11:00 am Avos U’Banim (Social Hall) 5:00 pm CHILD CARE WILL BE PROVIDED Ma’ariv/Havdalah BRS WEST (At the Hillel Day School, 21001 95th Ave. • (305) 725-2292 • FRIDAY NIGHT Earliest Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 6:00 pm Friday Night Live: Please invite someone to this Outreach Program 6:00 pm Plag MIncha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Social Hall) 6:05 pm Earliest Candle Lighting 6:18 pm Sephardic Mincha (Sephardic Beit Midrash) 7:15 pm Candle Lighting 7:17 pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat (Rand Sanctuary) 7:20 pm Ma’ariv/Havdalah (Shabbat) 8:10 pm Ashkenazi Shacharit SUNDAY 8:11 pm Sponsored by Dr. Avraham and Elana Belizon in memory of his beloved father, Dr. Yitzchak Belizon PARSHAT TZAV SHABBAT HA’GADOL DAILY MINYAN TIMES 5:40 pm 5:45 pm 6:15 pm MONDAY Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat Candle lighting 7:10 pm 7:14 pm Rabbi’s Class Shacharit Youth Groups Kiddush follows Davening Mincha (Shabbat) Shabbat Ends/ Maariv 8:45 am 9:00 am 10:30 am SHABBAT DAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 6:15 pm 8:07 pm THURSDAY FRIDAY 6:25 am Social Hall 6:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Rand Sanctuary 6:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Rand Sanctuary 6:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Rand Sanctuary 6:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:20 am Rand Sanctuary 6:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 6:25 am Rand Sanctuary 6:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash Ashkenazi Shacharit 7:15 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall 7:00 am Social Hall Sephardic Shacharit 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 8:00 am Social Hall 9:00 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 7:55 am Berdugo Beit Midrash 7:45 am Social Hall 8:30 am Social Hall 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:20 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library 3:40 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:20 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:20 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library 3:05 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:15 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash 7:20 pm Social Hall 9:30 pm Senders Library Sephardic Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit Ashkenazi Shacharit 2:00 pm Early Ashkenazi Senders Library Mincha Sephardic Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:15 pm Sephardic Beit Midrash Ashkenazi Mincha/Ma’ariv 7:20 pm Late Ashkenazi Ma’ariv Page 4 Rand Sanctuary 9:30 pm Senders Library Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity MAZAL TOV SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Rabbi Eli & Batsheva Zians on the birth of their daughter, Tehilla Devorah. AND to her proud big sister, Ashira. Ira & Jackie Lome on their sons, Tzvi & Eli becoming B’nai Mitzvah. AND to their proud sister, Devorah. AND grandparents, Shia and Phyllis Lome and Bruce Idell. Josh & Denise Herschberg on their daughter, Yehudit Rachel, becoming a Bat Mitzvah. AND to her proud siblings, Ariella, Netanya and Dov. AND to her grandparents, Kitty Greenstein, Peter Greenstein, Patricia Greenstein and Stan Slovin. AND to all of her Aunts and Uncles. Jonathan & Esther Abrams on the marriage of their daughter, Doba Devira, to Zev Rudberg, son of Cary and Dora Rudberg of Dallas, Texas. Jack & Rhoda Azar on the engagement of their granddaughter, Bracha, to Danny Namdar, son of Jacob & Hilda Namdar of Queens, NY. Her proud parents are Rabbi Josh & Rena Einzig of Atlanta, GA. Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky, Noam & Jill Kaminetzky and Linda Gordon on being honored at this year’s BRS 25th Annual Journal Dinner. Mitch Stiel on his 60th birthday. KIDDUSH Hashkama Minyan Kiddush sponsored by the Hashkama Minyan Kiddush Fund. Teen Minyan Kiddush sponsored by Dan & Sue Kaskel in honor of her mother, Dee Heyman, on her special birthday. AND in honor of the Zians Family on the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Tehilla Devorah. Sephardic Kiddush sponsored by Eli & Amy Buzaglo with appreciation to HaShem. Seudah Shlishiet co-sponsored by Rabbi Josh & Simone Broide, Jerry & Gigi Kaminetzky, Jeffrey & Carla Klein, Norma Pollack, and Stan & Joy Smith Guest Speaker: Rabbi Mordechai Siev SPECIAL KIDDUSH IN HONOR OF RABBI PHILIP MOSKOWITZ Next Shabbat morning, Shabbat Ha’Gadol, BRS is overjoyed to host a special Gala Kiddush in honor of the recovery of Rabbi Moskowitz and with wishes for only good health and happiness for him, Rebbetzin Arielle and the whole Moskowitz family. To contribute, please email Matthew at [email protected] RABBI MORDECHAI SIEV Rabbi Mordechai Siev of Ascent in Tsfat will give a Farbrengen tonight, Friday, March 20 at 8:45 pm at the home of Nachum & Beila Kaplan, 7409 Andorra Place in Captiva. He will also be speaking at BRS this Shabbat in the Shtiebel Minyan and during Seudah Shlishiet. He will speak about Jewish identity in connection with Ascent’s work with the IDF and creating a home for all Lone Soldiers. For more information about Ascent please call (516) 343-1674 or visit their website at AVOS U'BANIM The exciting new Avos Ubanim father-son learning program continuing on Shabbat afternoons beginning one hour before mincha in the Social Hall. Come join your friends for great learning, ices and prizes! PESACH WORKSHOP Rabbi Goldberg’s annual Pesach Workshop will be held on this Sunday, March 22, beginning at 10:00 am BRS WEST RABBINIC CANDIDATE CLASSES Tuesday, March 24, at 8:00 pm, Rabbi Rael Blumenthal will deliver a class at BRS entitled “More than Matza: 10 Ideas to Uplift, Inspire, and Engage your Kids at the Seder.” The entire BRS community is invited to attend. Saturday, March 28, at 9:00 pm Rabbi Gideon Black will deliver a class at the sanctuary of BRS West (at Hillel) entitled “Conversion for Marriage: From the Shtetl to the City.” The entire BRS community is invited to attend. Light refreshments served. NPA – NO PARENTS ALLOWED Sunday, March 29 - 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Children – join us at Shul for Pesach arts & crafts, movie, and lunch. Parents – enjoy a quiet and productive day of cleaning and Pesach preparations. Cost - $5 per child, max per family $20. Pizza available at additional cost of $2 per slice. Very limited space available. Please contact, Rabbi Gershon Eisenberger at [email protected] WHATSAPP CHESED GROUPS Our community often has chesed opportunities such as driving someone to a doctor or making a meal that requires responsiveness in real time. Additionally, we sometimes have shiva homes that struggle to get a minyan. We have created two WhatsApp groups for individuals to be alerted to chesed opportunities in real time and to volunteer to help. If you would like to be part of the BRS Chesed Group or the BRS Shiva Minyan Group on WhatsApp, please contact the Shul office indicating which group and your WhatsApp cell phone number. TEHILLIM CIRCLE Friday night, March 20, Rosh Chodesh Nisan, please rotate to the next 3 Psalms. ROSH CHODESH ADAR Will be celebrated this Shabbat, March 21. SUNRISE MINYAN AT THE BEACH This Friday, March 27 at 6:55 am - Men and women welcome. Watch the sun rise over the ocean as you connect with God through prayer and inspiration. Meet at the Palmetto Park Gazebo for a special inspirational Minyan. Please call the Shul office (561) 394-0394 to confirm your attendance. THE ROSH CHODESH LECTURE WAS CANCELLED FOR MARCH. New Date: April 19 with Dr. Ahava Oppenheimer. Hosted by Freyda Cohen, 22256 Hollyhock Trail in Thornhill Green. PARTY IN THE PARK, THIS SHABBAT We would like to invite you to come join your friends of Boca Raton Synagogue for our next Party in the Park! We will eat snacks, play some games, learn some great Torah, and have some good fun. Don’t forget to bring your BLANKETS!!! Who: Families and children of all ages What: Party in the Park When: This Shabbat, March 21, 3:15 pm. This event will not be held if it is raining at or after 2:00 pm. Where: Right before the lake, between the Shul, Lago, and Thornhill Green Why: ‘Cause it’s Shabbat Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. THE BRS GREETERS ARE HERE Don’t be surprised if someone wishes you Good Shabbos as you enter the Rand Sanctuary or offers you a Siddur and help finding a seat. It’s part of our new initiative to make everyone feel welcome at BRS. We hope you will also greet a new member and/or guest or introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met before. Contact Jessica Weiss at [email protected] or Annette Shachter at agshachter@ if you would like to be part of this committee. COSTUME GEMACH We are proud to announce a Costume Gemach for the BRS community. Please donate and drop off any used or unwanted costumes at the home of Steven & Keri Greenfield, 22218 Alyssum Way in Thornhill Green - feel free to leave them at the front door any time. Please make sure size is indicated. We ask that all costumes are returned cleaned and in good shape. Suggested donation is $10 per family. All proceeds will go to the BRS Rabbis Discretionary Fund. If you have any questions, please contact Shani Muschel at smuschel@ or Keri Greenfield at [email protected]. You can also email Keri for pick-up at your home. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 5 PESACH ANNOUNCEMENTS SECOND NIGHT PESACH SEDER AT BRS Need a break from the kitchen? Want to experience a Pesach like you’ve never experienced it before? Leave your 2nd Seder to us! We will provide delicious food, uplifting singing, and beautiful Divrei Torah to enhance your Seder. People of all ages and backgrounds will love the liveliness and spirit of the BRS Seder. Come join Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and the entire Goldberg family for a Seder experience you won’t forget! The cost to attend the Seder is $75 per person for BRS members and BRJE regulars and $90 per person for non-members. The cost for children ages 5 – 15 will be $35 per person. For more information or to sign up, visit www. The Seder is based on a first come, first served basis, and will be closed out at 120 participants. PESACH WORKSHOP Rabbi Goldberg’s annual Pesach Workshop will be held on Sunday, March 22, beginning at 10:00 am COMMUNITY KASHERING FOR PESACH NEW TIME Will be held on Sunday, March 22 at 8:30 am – 12:00 noon at the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. PESACH SEDER If you have room at your Seder table for a guest or two, or you are in need of a Seder to attend, contact Linda at [email protected] or (561) 394-0394 THE SELLING OF CHAMETZ Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Moskowitz and Rabbi Dr. Shabtai will be available to arrange the selling of chametz at the following times. Unless otherwise noted, Rabbi Goldberg will sell chametz in his office and Rabbi Moskowitz and Rabbi Dr. Shabtai will sell chametz in the main shul office. Sunday through Thursday immediately following Mincha/Maariv for 10 minutes (Social Hall) . Sunday, March 22 9:00 - 10:00 am – Rabbi David Shabtai, MD Tuesday, March 24 8:00 – 9:30 pm – Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Thursday, March 26 10:00 – 11:30 am – Rabbi Philip Moskowitz WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY Shia and Phyllis Lome Bruce Idell Family & Friends here in honor of the Lome Bar Mitzvah Marc Herschberg Howard Herschberg Aryeh Herschberg Grace Herschberg Gerry Famaghetti Family & Friends here in honor of the Herschberg Simcha Arie Hizkiya BIRTHDAYS Mitch Stiel Alex Schwartz Refaella Galbut Dr. Donny Cohen Rebecca Fisher Netanel Greene Leo Ehrlich Salomon Maikhor Dan Skoczylas Estee Goldberg Tuesday, March 31 10:30 – 11:30 am – Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Thursday, April 2 6:00 –7:00 pm - Rabbi Philip Moskowitz CLEAN SHUL CUBBIES FOR PESACH If you are renting a cubby through the Shul, please remember it is your responsibility to remove all Chametz from your cubby. Please remember to clean your Tallit bag of all candy and wrappers as well. COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS BLOOD DRIVE One Blood of South Florida will be hosting a blood drive at Weinbaum Yeshiva High School on Wednesday, March 25 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. For every pint collected, $20 is contributed to a senior scholarship fund. Free t-shirt and refreshments for all donors. Contact Lysee Stein [email protected] with any questions. ANNUAL COMMUNITY-WIDE PRE-PASSOVER HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE. The annual pre-Passover boutique and vendor show, sponsored by the Hillel Day School PTA, will be held at Boca Raton Synagogue on Wednesday, March 25, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm. Bring your friends and come shop for all of your holiday needs! Cash and checks only! Remy Greenblatt Judah Rackman Renee Mintz Akiva Stadlan THANK YOU FROM PENNY PEARLMAN It is with heartfelt emotion that I thank this amazing community for all their help and Chesed during my recent bereavement. All who set up the house,all who cooked, all who came, all who donated... you made a difficult time so much easier. My special thank you to our wonderful Rabbi Goldberg and Rabbi Moskowitz , truly the best of the best of the best. REFUAH SHLAYMAH For members of BRS Community. For all other Refuah Shlaymah needs, please call Linda at (561) 394-0394 Helen Ijac Moshe Applebaum Alta Haita bat Devorah Moshe Zvi ben Rachel Leah Joan Noven Yosef Chaim ben Faiga Rochel Tova bat Malka Merv Jacobs Ariella Berman Meir ben Sarah Ariella Sarah bat Elisheva Malka Stuart Silverman Beverly Kassirer Yeshaya Moshe ben Nacha Sarah Briendle bat Pessel Nachum Gedalia ben Sara Baila Chana Guta bat Rochel Mordechai ben Malka Ruth Malinowitz Yerachmiel Pincus ben Malka Rivka bat Freyda Yonatan Chaim ben Yehudit Noa Maya Carmel Rabbi Philip Moskowitz Noa Maya bat Devora Rachel Perel bat Chaya Sara Harav Gavriel Pinchas ben Jacquie Padow Devorah Zlata Ya’akova Chava Rus bat Beyla Chazan Mark Helpern Or Ester bat Dina Rivka Ephraim ben Mindle Leah Wendy Wasserstrom Zehava bat Chaya Lily Lerman Libi Chana bat Golda Chava YAHRZEITS Sunday, March 29 8:00 – 9:00 pm – Rabbi David Shabtai, MD Page 6 LIFE CYCLE Sheryl Strauss in memory of her father Dr. Jaimy Bensimon in memory of his father Edmund Ashkenazie in memory of his mother Dr. Ephraim Foonberg in memory of his father Carla Klein in memory of her father Linda Katz in memory of her sister Gabi Shabtai in memory of his wife Rabbi David Shabtai, MD in memory of his mother Rabbi Simmy Shabtai in memory of his mother Rabbi Samuel Levine in memory of his mother Chani Salamon in memory of her father Stanley Smith in memory of his father Martin Wasserstrom in memory of his father Robert Bruckstein in memory of his father Jerry Kaminetzky in memory of his mother Frances Band in memory of her mother Esther Ohayon in memory of her father Rabbi Josh Broide in memory of his grandfather Michael Kazinec in memory of his brother Barry Okoskin in memory of his mother Norma Pollack in memory of her father-in-law Dr. Sydney Abramson in memory of his father Alan Rubin in memory of his mother Jeffrey Klein in memory of his father Salomon Maikhor in memory of his sister Norman Mordkofsky in memory of his father-in-law Dr. Jonathan Cutler in memory of his brother Grace Halpert in memory of her father Ruth Weiss in memory of her mother Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Philip Shapiro, 29 Adar Raphael Bensimon, 29 Adar Margie Ashkenazie, 30 Adar David Foonberg, 30 Adar Philip Lewin, 30 Adar Roberta Shabtai, 30 Adar Roberta Shabtai, 30 Adar Roberta Shabtai, 30 Adar Roberta Shabtai, 30 Adar Tzirel Levine, 1 Nisan Alvin Lipschitz, 1 Nisan Meyer Smith, 1 Nisan Harry Wasserstrom, 1 Nisan Isidor Bruckstein, 2 Nisan Zehuva Kaminetzky, 2 Nisan Sarah Shulman, 2 Nisan Miguel Benadiba, 3 Nisan Benjamin Broide, 3 Nisan Barry Kazinec, 3 Nisan Gertrude Okoskin, 3 Nisan Hymen Pollack, 3 Nisan Ben Abramson, 4 Nisan Sondra Rubin, 4 Nisan Eugene Klein, 5 Nisan Esther Maikhor, 5 Nisan Sidney Spiesel, 5 Nisan Stephen Cutler, 6 Nisan Jeruhem Milwer, 6 Nisan Magrit Grunberg, 7 Nisan DAILY • • • • WEEK AT A GLANCE DAF YOMI (Sunday - Friday) with Rabbi Ben Sugerman at 7:00 am in Rooms 211/212. MISHNA BERURA YOMI (Sunday -Thursday) 15 minutes before Mincha NIGHT BEIT MIDRASH (Sunday - Thursday) community learning in the Senders Library at 8:00 pm NIGHTTIME DAF YOMI (Sunday - Thursday) with BRS Rabbinate at 8:40 pm in Rooms 104/105 THE 2014-2015 PILLAR SOCIETY CAMPAIGN PILLAR SOCIETY 2014-2015 EMERALD Daniel & Caroline Katz Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser PLATINUM Leo & Heni Ehrlich Martin & Ileana Flics Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky Lothar & Carlyn Mayer Dr. William & Debbie Rand Michael & Jill Rose Larry & Deborah Silver Harry & Marilyn Wanderer MONDAY • • HEBREW POETRY with Hassia Yehuda will take place this week MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Social Hall TUESDAY • • GOLD PARSHA CLASS with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg at 9:30 am in the Social Hall SEFER DANIEL CLASS with Rabbi Philip Moskowitz will not take place this week Daniel & Dr. Liora Adler Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas Howard & Bonnie Block Dr. Steve & Yael Charlap Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen Drs. Eli and Orlie Cohen Dr. Hillel & Chayi Cohen Dr. Meyer & Laura Cohen Nachman & Jamie Feig Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher Dr. Ben & Cara Freedman Michael & Barbara Frenkel Hensha Gansbourg Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg Murray & Basheva Goldberg Glen & Rosa Golish Drs. Charles & Simone Griff Stanley & Ana Haar Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin Dr. Chanoch & Rachel Harow Ben & Hanna Henschel Dr. Moshe & Shari Hirth Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter Dr. Mervin & Elaine Jacobs Dr. David & Sharona Kay Gary & Judi Krasna Yaakov Kronfeld Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove Stephen & Linda Melcer Bob & Penny Pearlman Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky Mike Senders Dr. Leor & Gabriela Skoczylas Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor Teddy & Linda Struhl Dr. Jonathan & Suri Winograd Drs. Allen & Amy Wolnerman Michael & Risa Zimmerman Anonymous Anonymous WEDNESDAY • CUP OF JOE & KNOW with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg after 7:45 am Minyan in the Rand Sanctuary IN-DEPTH STUDY OF BOOK OF SAMUEL I with Malka Morris at 9:30 am in the Social Hall MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL 3:00 - 5:00 pm in the Social Hall KABBALAH & SPIRITUALITY: THE INNER WISDOM OF THE 5 BOOKS OF MOSES (BEGINNERS) with Anne Deakter will not take place this week KABBALAH & SPIRITUALITY: THE INNER WISDOM OF THE 5 BOOKS OF MOSES (ADVANCED) with Anne Deakter will not take place this week • • • • THURSDAY • • AVIGAIL ROCK with Rabbanit Avigail Rock at 9:15 am in the Board Room WEEKLY SHMOOZE at 9:45 pm in the Senders Library FAY GREENE’S CLASS The next class will take place this Tuesday, March 24 at 12:30 pm at the home of Ellen Averbook, 22351 Guadeloupe Street in Captiva. All women are invited to attend. RSVP to [email protected] BRS AUXILIARIES, ETC. SAPPHIRE BIKUR CHOLIM Dr. Mark & Helen Cohan Rabbi Simcha & Anna Freedman Elaine Trachtenberg Dr. Neal & Bonnie Weinreb Anonymous Seder Night. Any patient who has the ability to participate in a Seder is obligated to do so. If you are bedridden, you should recite the Haggadah in bed. If you are not able to drink wine or grape juice, you may use tea, coffee, or juice for the Four Cups. If you have difficulty standing, you may recite Sefiras Haomer while sitting or even lying in bed. Source: Guide for the Jewish Hospital Patient. (Orthodox Union) SILVER Dr. Avraham & Elana Belizon Evan & Orly Shapiro Dr. Josh & Stephanie Stern Dr. Ashi & Chava Weisstuch Anonymous PLEASE SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY ERUV The Eruv is a vital necessity to our community. It is that time of year and, once again, our funds are dangerously low. This makes maintaining the Eruv almost impossible. In order to continue the upkeep of our Eruv, please send a donation as soon as you can. Checks should be made payable to Boca Community Eruv Inc. and sent to Boca Raton Community Eruv, Inc. 7653 London Lane, Boca Raton, Fl 33433. The Eruv needs your caring support…JUST DO IT!! The eruv is generously sponsored this Shabbos by Dr. Bennett & Chani Salamon in commemoration of the yahrzeit of her father Avraham Moshe ben Menachem Mendel. List in formation NEW PILLAR SOCIETY CATEGORY We have added a new $4,000 Pillar Society level this year called Sapphire. This is for BRS Members that at least one spouse is 70 years old or over. The Sapphire Level members will receive all of the same benefits of the Silver Level as well as a Half Page Ad in the Annual Journal. Pillar Society brochures with additional information are available in the lobby. To join the Pillar Society for 2014/2015 please contact Matthew Hocherman at [email protected] or (561) 394-0394. Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity Page 7 ISRAEL UPDATE SOCIAL ACTION Last Tuesday, for the 20th time in her history, Israel held free and fair elections. It has been reported that 71.8% of eligible voters cast their ballots, the largest turnout for an Israeli election since 1999. In a region surrounded by tyranny, violence, and human rights violations — Israel stands alone as a beacon of democratic values. Voting results project Benjamin Netanyahu’s center-right Likud party with 29 or 30 seats, and Isaac Herzog’s center-left Zionist Union party with 24 seats. Netanyahu will most likely be the next prime minister, but it will come down to putting together a coalition. Sixty-one seats are necessary to build a majority government. The Joint List, a merger of four previously independent Arab political parties, is expected to have 14 seats in the new Knesset, making it the third largest party. University students across the globe protesting Israel’s supposed discrimination against Arab citizens in this spring’s round of “Israel Apartheid Weeks” should take notice. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS JONATHAN POLLARD Your letters - the only ray of light in Jonathan’s dreary cell. Write to him today: Jonathan Pollard #09185-016, c/o FCI Butner, P.O. Box 1000, Butner, North Carolina, U.S.A 27509-1000. Yehonatan ben Malka - Jonathan Pollard. Jonathan Pollard has been imprisoned in the United States since 1987. While working as an American civilian intelligence analyst, Pollard admitted to passing classified information to Israel. Although even his most ardent supporters agree that he was in the wrong and guilty, the nature and length of his imprisonment is disproportionate and unparalleled. Join a multitude of prominent politicians, officials from the national intelligence world, and the legal world who have called for Pollard’s sentence to be commuted. For more information and to sign a petition, visit WARREN WEINSTEIN The 72-year-old Weinstein, Yisrael Yitzchak ben Hannah Faygel, was a consultant for the US Agency for International Development in Pakistan when terrorists broke into his home in 2011 and dragged him away. Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has since claimed to be holding him. Weinstein made news in a just-released video in which he pleads for President Obama to help. No Jew should ever feel abandoned or forgotten. Please add him to your prayers. ROBERT ALAN “BOB” LEVINSON Is an American private investigator and retired DEA and CIA agent. He was taken hostage on March 9, 2007 when visiting Iran’s Kish Island and is currently the longest held hostage in American history. ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES (IDF) PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS OF IDF SOLDIERS The Emek Learning Center in Baka has a program that offers support to IDF Soldiers without families in Israel. If your child or grandchild is in the IDF and would like the center to reach out to them, please send Linda their name and contact information and it will be forwarded to the center. If you want to learn more about the center, the website is Linda can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (561) 394-0394. Please have in mind children and grandchildren of members of our community currently serving in the IDF: Amiel Abir, Asher Kaplan, Adam Barel, Daniella Borenstein, Yosef Brander, Stav Gare, Menachem Kaplan, Shabtai Kaplan, Daniel Louis, Albert Lupin, Charlie Pollack, Yakov Simcha ben Moshe Yisroel, Yehuda Strauss, Elad Shachar, Liel Reinfeld, Ron Hirschhorn, Yehoshua Strauss, Amichai Berman, Matt Firestone, Dov Lieber, Leo Loeffler Chanan Wolfson, Eitan Yitzchak ben Etel Rochel, Noam Bar Yakov, Yuchiel Shlomo Lowenstern, Amir Tsarfati, Reuben Gladstone, Zoe Gladstone, Dean Tansman, Joshua Weiss, Hannah Katz and Zachary Solomon. If you have children or grandchildren currently serving in the IDF, please let us know their names so we can include them. Please have in mind our missing-in-action Israeli Soldiers. Page 8 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity BEIS MEDRASH of BRS NEW TIME FOR AVOS U’BANIM The exciting new Avot Ubanim father-son learning program will now take place on Shabbos afternoons beginning one hour before mincha in the Social Hall. Come join your friends for great learning, ices and prizes! For sponsorship opportunities, please speak with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai. SUNDAY NIGHT: HALACHOT OF DAILY LIFE CHABURA Join Rabbi Simmy Shabtai on Sunday nights, 8:00 – 8:45 pm in the Senders Library for group learning on the Halachot of day-to-day life (Tefillah, Brachot, Etc.). TUESDAY NIGHT: 7TH & 8TH GRADE GEMARA CHABURA Come to the Senders Library on Tuesday nights, 8:00 – 8:45 pm and join your 7th and 8th grade friends for guided learning in Masechet Brachot by Rabbi Simmy Shabtai. THURSDAY NIGHT: PARSHA CHABURA Join Rabbi Simmy Shabtai on Thursday nights, 8:45 – 9:30 pm in the Senders Library for roundtable learning and insights on the weekly Parsha. THURSDAY NIGHT: MUSSAR SCHMOOZE & BBQ WINGS Come to the Senders Library after the 9:30 pm Ma’ariv to hear words of Mussar and inspiration from various rabbinic personalities from within our community. Famous BBQ wings from Chef Gersh will be served. This week we will have the privilege to hear from Rabbi Avi Billet WEDNESDAY NIGHT COMMUNITY LEARNING All levels welcome Located in the BRS Social Hall Free of charge. Refreshments provided MEN’S AFTERNOON KOLLEL Mondays Wednesdays 3:00-3:45 Gemara Pesachim (2nd perek) with Rabbi David Shabtai, MD 3:00-4:00 Gemara Pesachim (10th perek) with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg 3:45-4:30 Hilchot Tefilla with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai 4:00-4:40 Hilchot Aveilut with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai 4:30-5:00 Mesilat Yesharim Rabbi Yigal Abramchik 4:40-5:00 Sefer Yona with Rabbi Simmy Shabtai NEW! Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton Participate in our vibrant Wednesday Night Learning Program, taking place between 8:00 and 10:00 pm in the Sephardic Beit Midrash as we are joined by Yeshiva Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton. In addition to Chavruta learning, we will be having the following Chaburas take place: 8:00 – 8:45 pm Shulchan Aruch Chabura By: Rabbi David Shabtai, MD. 8:45 – 9:30 pm Mesillat Yesharim Chabura By: Rabbi Matan Wexler 8:45 – 9:30 pm Chassidus Chabura With our Shtiebel Minyan For more information, please contact the Rosh Beis Medrash, Rabbi Simmy Shabtai, at [email protected] or 347.439.7031 Young Israel of Deerfield Beach 8:45 – 9:30 pm High Level Bava Metzia Chabura By: Rabbi Shaul Opoczynski Rosh Yeshiva of Tiferes Torah of Boca Raton. Light refreshments will be served. Congregation Torah Ohr For more information about any of the programs taking place as part of the Beis Medrash of BRS or to be set up with a Chavruta, please contact our Rosh Beis Medrash, Rabbi Simmy Shabtai at [email protected] and family specials! Sponsorships still available! BRS TEEN MINYAN BBQ All teens from teen minyan are invited to our Teen BBQ. The BIGGEST problem will be too many meats to choose from Sunday, March 22, at 7:00 pm Hosted by the Kay Family Located at 7958 Tennyson Ct (Boca Hamlet). TEEN MINYAN Join us every Shabbat at 9:45 am in classrooms 104/105 followed by a delicious Kiddush and schmooze! Join us every week for your chance to win tons of prizes!! Heat tickets, Ipads, and so much more but you gatta be in it to win it!! LOOKING FOR AWESOME SUMMER PROGRAMS? Searching for an incredible and inspirational summer? Search no more! Visit for more information! If you would like to help sponsor or donate to our Teen Kiddush, Teen Seudah Shlishiet, or any other program, or for more information about upcoming events and activities, please contact Rabbi Eli Zians at [email protected] or at (516) 451-2123. Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom! BRS YOUTH PROGRAMS RABBI EISENBERGER'S MISHNA CLASS We are continuing our journey through Shisha Sidrei Mishna as we learn Masechet Eduyot. Join us every week for an incredible learning experience. Junior Kiddush each week. 9:30 am - 10:00 am in Room 102. JUNIOR CONGREGATION Daven with your friends each and every week with Boca’s all star Rebbe, Rabbi Matan Wexler. Great stories, singing, Parsha, and special treats!!! Begins at 10:45am SHABBAT IN THE PARK Who: Families and children of all ages. When: This week, Parshat Vayikra, between 4:30 pm and 5:30 pm. Where: Right before the lake, between the Shul, Lago, and Thornhill Green Why: Cause it's Shabbat! This event will not take place if it rains at or after 3:00 pm. NEXT WEEK: FAMILY MINYAN We are excited to announce our third family minyan of the year. Please join us next Shabbat, March 28, Parshat Tzav. Great Prizes, Kiddush, and more. We hope to see you there! Tefillah will begin at 9:45 am with Baruch She'amar. Page 10 Boca Raton Synagogue Valuing Diversity • Celebrating Unity ISRAEL & BOCA RATON!!!!! ► 2 local 18-22 Birthright Busses - FULL ► 1 local 22-26 Birthright Bus - ALMOST FULL ► 85 teens from Boca going on the March We can be so proud that our community is sending more young adults on Birthright this summer than EVER before!! What an inspiring evening listening to and meeting with Jewish leaders that have literally changed the world. From Ambassador Ron Prosor to Charles Bronfman to Billi & Bernie Marcus. Matt Levin introduced the evening and then we met and heard from an amazing young couple that met on a Birthright trip, got married, and now lives locally and they are raising a Jewish family. This summer Birthright expects to have sent over 500,000 young Jewish adults from 66 countries to Israel and over 2,500 have already participated from South Palm Beach. Our Jewish Federation is a proud partner who continues to support this important program!! of the Living - BIGGEST GROUP EVER!! ► PLEASE JOIN US on our Community Mission to Israel in November!!! CatCh the Spirit and join uS on a miSSion like no other! The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is proud to announce the “Spirit of Israel” Community Mission. Make incredible memories and friends and catch the spirit of heritage, history, technology, adventure, Israeli culture and democracy. We will experience the best of what Israel has to offer, see unforgettable sites, meet people who are transforming the country and share the magic of our homeland. • See the Innovation Nation • Meet with security experts • Attend sessions with government officials • Enjoy food, wine and culture • Experience outdoor adventures • Celebrate Shabbat in Jerusalem and more! PRICE: $3,200* per person – land only, double occupancy *$500 subsidy per person available For more information, contact Barbara Kabatznik at 561.852.6050 or [email protected]. COME & HEAR ABOUT THE TRIP ON MAY 4 AT BRS @8:00PM PAID ADVERTISEMENTS BRS MEMBER SINCE 1993 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Do You Remember When it did not hurt? 561-683-8126 ALLCPA.NET - [email protected] • Tax Prep & Planning • Corporate, Partnership, Individual & Trust Returns (All States) • Financial Statements • Business Start-up, Consulting & Incorporation • QuickBooks & Payroll Services • Healthcare Accounting • Outsourced CFO services • Complimentary Initial Consultation Stuart A. Rubin, M.D. Board Certified: Rehab Medicine / Pain Boynton Beach Deerfield Beach • Musculoskeletal Medicine • Epidural and Joint Injections • Balance and Fall Clinic • Stroke and Cancer Recovery • Sports Medicine • EMG-Disability • Acupuncture 561.738.2000 WWW.STUARTRUBINMD.COM Sheri Strauss, DBA GreenSeed Tutoring Services We Plant Academic Success Standardized Test Preparation Application Essays Language Arts Academic Support Melinda S. Ruben, M.Ed. ~ 561.306.1690 [email protected] HOUSE FOR SALE THORNHILL GREEN 3 BR/ 21/2 BA/ POOL $675,000 Open House on Sunday, March 22, 2-4PM 22200 Larkspur Trail Gloria Singer 561.866.7584 PAID ADVERTISEMENTS Hear Better with • 57 Patents of Advanced Technology • World Leader in Noise Reduction • Fully Rechargeable – No Batteries • Amazing Sound Clarity Call Today for a FREE Hearing Evaluation! (561) 404-5656 Polo Club Shoppes 5030 Champion Blvd., #G-12 Boca Raton, FL 33496 30% OFF Imprezo 20 Aids for BRS Members* Also in NYC: (212) 843-4381 Shomer Shabbat * 30% discount off $6398 MSRP on purchase of pair of Imprezo 20 hearing aids. Includes charging station, remote control, 3 year protection plan, travel case and CaptionCall telephone. PAID ADVERTISEMENTS BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY: Innovation and Jewish Inspiration Where Scientific Come Together Improving electric car batteries is what drives Prof. Arie Zaban, who says his inspiration comes from reading the Bible and Jewish sources, as well as other fields of research. He has sold this battery technology to the Israeli start-up company, Phinergy, which plans to use it in electric cars by 2017. Prof. Zaban and his team at Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials have developed an affordable, longer- lasting Aluminum-Air battery for electric cars. To learn more about Dr. Zaban’s research, go to or call Ileane Rayman-Kaufman at 561-229-7013 or email [email protected] Jewish and Zionist values are central to Bar-Ilan’s initiatives in the sciences, law, nanotechnology, engineering, business, the humanities and its Medical School in Safed. PAID ADVERTISEMENTS OINT VENT BRS WEST RABBI SEARCH FINALISTS Please share any questions or feedback by contacting any of the search committee members, whose names are listed below. Jackie Tripp, Chair BRS West Search Committee: Donny Cohen, Lance Cohen, Jennifer Epstein, Sharona Kay, Roger Kurland, Ron Lewittes, Gil Stein and Ashi Weisstuch RABBI ELI KOHL (SHABBAT OF 3/21/2015) Rabbi Kohl is currently the Rabbi of the Mount Kisco Hebrew Congregation. He utilizes his musical abilities to lead High Holiday Services, teach in the local preschool, and he has been invited to perform in other communities. He serves as part of the Pastoral Care team at Northern Westchester Hospital. Previously he served as the Rabbi of the Orthodox community at the University of Maryland. Rabbi Kohl grew up in Brooklyn, NY, he attended Yeshivat Hakotel (now known as Netiv Aryeh) in Jerusalem and continued on to Yeshiva University. He completed his Rabbinic studies at RIETS at YU while simultaneously spending three years studying in the Marcos and Adina Katz Kollel program. He also completed advanced training towards a Certificate from Machon Puah in Reproductive Health and Halacha. While at YU, He worked in the Mechinah program helping students from all backgrounds transition to YU. He also spent time with preschoolers teaching kindergarten in Ramaz and more recently he served on the education staff at Camp Yavneh, teaching a wide variety of classes to children of all ages. Naomi Kohl completed her BA in Psychology at Stern College for Women, holds an LMSW in Social Work from YU's Wurzweiler School. She also completed her coursework towards her MA in Jewish Education from the Azrieli School at YU. She is currently the Alumni Relations Coordinator for SAR Academy and SAR High School in RIverdale, NY. Rabbi Kohl and Naomi have three children Yisrael (7), Shira (5) and Elana (3). RABBI RAEL BLUMENTHAL (MID-WEEK, WEEK OF 3/23/2015) Rabbi Blumenthal currently serves as rabbinic intern at Congregation Keter Torah in Teaneck, NJ and teaches at Yavneh Academy in Paramus, NJ. Previously he served as the director of Teaneck NCSY. Rabbi Blumenthal has spent the past 6 summers as a director of NCSY's TJJ program in Israel, and currently trains advisors in Kiruv and relationship building. Rabbi Blumenthal was born and raised in South Africa and studied for 3 years in Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh where he devloped a close relationship with Rav Mendel Blachman. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science from Yeshiva University. He completed his Rabbinic studies at RIETS while studying in Rav Hershel Schachter's Kollel. Rabbi Blumenthal is married to Aliza who is a New York native. She received her bachelors in Psychology from Yeshiva University and her masters in Social Work at Hunter. She works as a therapist at Jewish Family Service in Passaic/ Clifton. Rabbi Blumenthal and Aliza have two children, Ayelet (3), and Dovi (2 mo). RABBI GIDEON BLACK (SHABBAT OF 3/28/2015) Rabbi Gideon Black is the OU-JLIC Rabbi at NYU, a role he has held since 2011 in which he serves as the rabbi for the Orthodox student community on campus, working as part of the Hillel team at the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life. Additionally, Rabbi Black directs the OU-JLIC/YU Fellowship program, which places rabbinic students on various campuses as interns. Prior to his time at NYU, Rabbi Black held rabbinic internships at the Riverdale Jewish Center under the tutelage of Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, and at the Manhattan Jewish Experience. Rabbi Black was born in Glasgow, Scotland and was raised in London, England. Following high school he spent two years at Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush) in Israel. After beginning his undergraduate studies at the London School of Economics, he received his law degree from University College London and his MA in Jewish Philosophy from YU's Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, and was ordained by YURIETS in 2011. Rabbi Black is married to Aliza, who is from Englewood, NJ. In Israel, Aliza studied at Midreshet HaRova after which she majored in Biology at Stern College. She completed her masters in Physician Assistant Studies at Pace University/Lennox Hill Hospital and currently works as a PA. The Blacks have two sons, Judah (3) and Natan (1). MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 25th Annual Journal Dinner Will take place at Congregation B’Nai Israel, 2200 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, FL JOIN US AS WE HONOR Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky JOURNAL HONOREES Noam & Jill Kaminetzky KETER SHEM TOV AWARD Linda Gordon IN HONOR OF HER 18YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE TO BRS To make your reservations for the dinner go to TRIBUTE COMMITTEE Sal & Leslie Abady Dr. Prosper & Pamela Abitbol Daniel & Dr. Liora Adler** Asia of Boca Raton Dr. Albert & Evelyn Begas** Steven Berkeley & Dr. Rebecca Stern Howard & Bonnie Block** Michael & Mirta Brown BRS Board of Directors BRS Men’s Club BRS Sephardic Minyan BRS Shabbat Morning Haftorah Group BRS Sisterhood BRS West Dr. Issy & Riwella Bruk Century Village of Boca Raton Butters Construction CEK Caterers Dr. Steve & Yael Charlap** Dr. Mark & Helen Cohan Donny & Dr. Freyda Cohen** Drs. Eli & Orlie Cohen** Dr. Hillel & Chayi Cohen** Dr. Meyer & Laura Cohen** Bob & Michelle Diener Dr. Bob & Elise Dolgow Leo & Heni Ehrlich*** Chaim & Rebecca Elkoby Robert & Ruth Epstein Nachman & Jamie Feig** Drs. Brian & Sharon Ferber Alan & Mona Fisher Dr. Mark & Tilda Fisher** Martin & Ileana Flics*** Dr. Ben & Cara Freedman** Michael & Barbara Frenkel** Hensha Gansbourg** Tony & Judy Gelbart Dr. Russel & Lauren Glaun Rabbi Efrem & Yocheved Goldberg** Murray & Basheva Goldberg** Lisa Goldman Glen & Rosa Golish** Dr. Eric & Sarah Gordon Richard & Marlene Gordon Drs. Charles & Simone Griff** Gutterman Warheit Memorial Chapel Stanley & Ana Haar** Dr. Larry & Debra Halperin** Dr. Chanoch & Rachel Harow** Drs. Samuel & Anita Heering Ben & Hanna Henschel** Dr. Moshe & Shari Hirth** Yanki & Lauren Hofstatter** Dr. Mervin & Elaine Jacobs** Dr. Bernie & Melanie Kaminetsky*** Daniel & Caroline Katz**** Lisa Kaufman - Boca Home Care Dr. David & Sharona Kay** Dr. Steven & Marjorie Kellner Emerald Pillar Society Member**** Platinum Pillar Society Member*** King David Catering Gary & Judi Krasna** Yaakov Kronfeld** LAN Infotech Philip & Jennifer Landau Levitt-Weinstein Memorial Chapels Howard & Elayne Levkowitz Robert & Linda Levy Drs. Joseph & Seema Loskove** Dr. David & Reena Makover Barry & Russel Mannis Kosher Marketplace Lothar & Carlyn Mayer*** MDVIP Stephen & Linda Melcer** Ronnie & Esther Morris David & Joyce Muller Paul S. & Lynn H. Pariser**** Bob & Penny Pearlman** Joe Persky Dr. Michael & Dana Petrover** Dr. William & Debbie Rand*** RCI Controls Rome Aire Services, Inc. Michael & Jill Rose*** Daniel Rosenthal & Sara Goldberg Dr. Daniel & Rachel Rudensky** George & Stephanie Saks* Dr. Barry & Dana Schechter Mike Senders** Larry & Deborah Silver*** Dr. Barry & Judy Silverman Dr. Leor & Gabriela Skoczylas** Dr. Zorik & Ellen Spektor** Eric & Loren Stein Teddy & Linda Struhl** Warren & Robin Struhl Elaine Trachtenberg* Dr. Benjamin & Donna Tripp Dr. Jackie & Rachel Tripp Vazquez & Sons Landscaping VIP Caterers Harry & Marilyn Wanderer*** Dr. Neal & Bonnie Weinreb* Dr. Jonathan & Suri Winograd** Dr. Jeff & Fay Wolkowicz Drs. Allen & Amy Wolnerman** Michael & Risa Zimmerman** Anonymous** Anonymous** Anonymous Gold Pillar Society Member** Sapphire Pillar Society Member*
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