Malawi Floods 2015 Table A: Total funding and outstanding pledges* as of 24 March 2015 (Table ref: R10) Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and appealing organizations. Channel Description Allocation of unearmarked funds by FAO FAO Agriculture inputs Allocation of unearmarked funds by OCHA Various Recipients OCHA Emergency Cash grant to UNRCOLogistics American Red Cross Malawi RC Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Donor Funding USD Outstanding Pledges USD 500,000 0 50,000 0 Humanitarian assistance 250,000 0 WVI to provide critical emergency support to populations affected by the severe flooding in Malawi 550,000 0 Canada IFRC Delivery of humanitarian assistance for flood affected communities (D002200-001) 278,441 0 Canada WFP Food aid for flood affected communities (D002200-002) 397,772 0 Canada UNICEF WASH 400,000 0 Canada IFRC Delivery of humanitarian assistance for flood affected communities 721,559 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNICEF Education Cluster Flood Response 248,775 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNICEF WASH EMEREGENCY CLUSTER RESPONSE TO FLOOD AFFECTED POPULATION IN MALAWI 400,000 0 Central Emergency Response Fund UNHCR Camp coordination and camp management (CCCM) and Shelter assistance response to severe flooding and displacement in Malawi 570,760 0 Central Emergency Response Fund WFP Humanitarian Aviation Services, Logistics Augmentation and Cluster Coordination in Response to Floods in Malawi 800,020 0 Central Emergency Response Fund IOM Camp coordination and camp management (CCCM) and Shelter assistance response to severe flooding and displacement in Malawi 866,694 0 Central Emergency Response Fund FAO Emergency Assistance to Support Food Insecure Rural Communities whose Food Production Cycle was Severely Disrupted by Floods during the 2014 – 2015 Cropping Season in Nsanje, Phalombe and Chikwawa Districts in the southern region of Malawi 1,001,909 0 Central Emergency Response Fund WFP Emergency Food Assistance to People Displaced by Floods in Malawi 3,073,239 0 Czech Republic IFRC Urgent Assistance (93356/2015-ORS) 61,125 0 Denmark ACT/DCA Food, cash and shelter to people affected by heavy floods in the southeren Malawi (2014-32210) 152,253 0 Denmark MSF Medical assistance and WASH-improvements in the Chikwawa and Nsanje districs (2014-32214) 304,507 0 * includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc) Page 1 of 6 Channel Description Denmark Denmark RC Food assistance and early recovery activities (2014-32208) European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Red Cross Emergency assistance for populations affected by floods in Southern Africa and Indian Ocean / To save and preserve lives of vulnerable people affected by floods and cyclones in Malawi (ECHO/-SF/BUD/2015/01000) European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department OXFAM GB European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Donor Outstanding Pledges USD Funding USD 491,400 0 0 0 Flood response in Mulanje District (ECHO/ -SF/BUD/2015/01010) 168,350 0 IFRC Malawi floods response (ECHO/ -SF/BUD/2015/01004) 170,068 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department ACT/DCA WASH response for flood affected people in Salima and Ntcheu districts, Malawi (ECHO/ -SF/BUD/2015/01005) 224,467 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department Care Germany 2015 Malawi Floods Response (ECHO/ -SF/BUD/2015/01006) 224,467 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department ACT/CA UK Chikwawa and Phalombe Flood Response (ECHO/-SF/BUD/2015/01003) 224,467 0 European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department IOM Emergency assistance to flood affected displaced populations in Malawi and Mozambique (ECHO/-SF/BUD/2015/01002) 793,651 0 Finland Malawi RC Shelter 113,000 0 Germany Humedica Prevention of secondary effects of the flooding in Mwambo (VN05 321.50 MWI 01/15) 226,040 0 Iceland UNICEF Delivery of humanitarian assistance for flood affected communities 75,000 0 Ireland Plan Ireland To save lives and alleviate suffering (PLAN ERFS 2015) 113,379 0 Ireland NGOs 58 metric tonnes of non-food items, including tents, blankets,mosquito nets, water tanks and other urgently required items. EUR 500.000 573,000 0 Italy IFRC Multilateral contribution to the IFRC emergency appeal called “Malawi: Floods - n. MDRMW011” to provide assistance to affected people in Chikwawa, Nsanje, Blantyre urban and Phalombe districts for a period of 9 months through the distribution of food and non-food items and activities in Health, Wash and Hygiene sectors. (Appeal n. MDRMW011) 170,068 0 Japan JICA In-kind - 180 Dome Tent (12M2) : Ntcheu (82) , Nsanje (98) 900 Sleeping Pad : Ntcheu (90), Nsanje (300), Chikwawa (510) 500 Blanket (fleece type): Ntcheu (90), Karonga (400), Chikwawa (10) 400 Blanket (50% wool type) : to be coordinated 40 Plastic Sheet (4x60m): Ntcheu (40) 160,000 0 Japan WFP Emergency food assistance to displaced people in flood-affected areas 2,000,000 0 Malawi WFP 14,000 MT of maize from the Malawi Strategic Grain Reserves 3,300,000 0 * includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc) Page 2 of 6 Funding USD Outstanding Pledges USD Channel Description Netherlands Netherlands RC Humanitarian assistance 567,000 0 Norway NGOs Humanitarian assistance 815,000 0 One UN Fund, EFW IOM DTM Mechanism 400,000 0 One UN Fund, EFW UNICEF Nutrition Response 450,000 0 One UN Fund, EFW UN Agencies Protection response in Phalombe, Chikwawa and Nsanje. The objectives are to prevent and respond to gender based violence (GBV) during the flood emergency and mainstreaming of GBV across sectors of the response; reunify or provide alternative care for separated children and to minimize the neglect of children during the flood emergency and; monitor, record and respond to human rights violations and security threats in and around the camps. 600,000 0 One UN Fund, EFW UN Agencies Disease monitoring, mobile clinics 631,000 0 Private (individuals & organisations) Various Recipients CSB (Supercereal), rocket stoves and plastic mugs to Livunzu, Bodaza and Savala camps to 970 households. In addition, Maize 50kg, Beans 10kg, CSB 10kg, Vegetable Oil 2litres, per households (total of MK 14.680.950) through Mary's Meals Malawi 32,000 0 Private (individuals & organisations) Plan Humanitarian assistance for flood-affected in Chikwawa district 340,966 0 Private (individuals & organisations) SC To support medium to long term recovery in Zomba, Machinga, Chiradzulu and Phalombe. (through SC) 500,000 0 Spain WFP Cash and Vouchers 566,893 0 Start Fund NGOs Immediate needs across flood affected areas funded through for NGOs, 350,000 GBP 525,000 0 Sweden MSB UNDAC M1 Malawi floods 9,552 0 Sweden MSB UNDAC ICT 19,200 0 Sweden MSB Secondment of Logistics officer to WFP 54,928 0 Sweden MSB Secondment of Emergency WASH Specialist to Unicef 55,292 0 Sweden MSB Secondment of Emergency WASH Specialist to Unicef 59,059 0 Sweden MSB UNDAC ICT 59,857 0 Sweden MSB Secondment of ETC Specialist to Unicef 61,368 0 Sweden SMR Survival Kits to Victims of Floodings 121,521 0 Sweden Plan Sweden Malawi floodings - Relief 254,712 0 Sweden Sweden RC Response to floodings in Malawi 303,804 0 Sweden OXFAM GB Flood response in Mulanje District 325,991 0 Donor * includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc) Page 3 of 6 Channel Description UNICEF National Committee/Germany UNICEF Delivery of humanitarian assistance for flood affected communities United Kingdom Various Recipients United Kingdom Donor Outstanding Pledges USD Funding USD 226,757 0 Delivery of assistance through the Scotland Malawi Partnership 0 45,317 UNICEF Delivery of humanitarian assistance for flood affected communities (through the Scottish Government) 0 181,269 United Kingdom NGOs Immediate NGO response through Concern/Goal: 45MT of Maize flour and 15 Mt of pigeon pea to stabilise food situation in Nsanje until WFP started their food distribution (approx 20,000 GBP) 30,000 0 United Kingdom Various Donors Immediate movement of 2000 NFI kits for families of 5, plus 10 one meter diameter pots for communal cooking, into cut off areas in Nsanje (94,000 GBP) 141,000 0 United Kingdom UN Agencies Up to 4 so far of the UN personnel requested by agencies from the standby register, including WASH, Nutrition, Child Protection, 230,000 GBP 345,000 0 United Kingdom UNICEF Delivery of humanitarian assistance for flood affected communities 1,000,000 0 United Kingdom WFP GBP 1 million, to replenish MVAC stocks moved for flood victims and any additional support to flood response food needs. 1,500,000 0 United States of America UNICEF WASH 50,000 0 United States of America NGOs USAID has donated plastic sheets, Jerry cans and blankets all valued at $100,000 (distributed through Goal, PCI, CRS and Save the Children) 100,000 0 United States of America Various Recipients Logistics Support and Relief Commodities (USAID/OFDA) 183,825 0 United States of America SC Agriculture inputs 200,000 0 United States of America CRS Agriculture inputs 200,000 0 United States of America PCI Agriculture inputs 200,000 0 United States of America Various Recipients USAID has donated 78,400 bed nets valued $295,000 (distributed through UNICEF and NMCP) 295,000 0 United States of America GOAL Agriculture inputs 500,000 0 United States of America WFP Food commodities worth $1.5 million 1,500,000 0 United States of America WFP Emergency food assistance to displaced people in flood-affected areas (OFDA / USAID) 3,500,000 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) WFP In-kind - Fortified ready-to-eat biscuits are being prioritised for immediate distribution to 77,000 vulnerable displaced people who have no access to markets or cooking facilities in the hardest hit districts, Nsanje and Chikwawa. (through UN Humanitarian Response Depot in Dubai) 0 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Gender coordinator has been recruited and deployed 20,000 0 * includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc) Page 4 of 6 Funding USD Outstanding Pledges USD Channel Description Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF HIV 45,000 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Coordination & Logistics 57,619 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNFPA 50 Tents under procurement and being transported to be used for Women friendly spaces (victims of VBG and counselling centres); 2,320 dignity kits in in Nsanje, Chikwawa, Phalombe, Zomba, Mangochi, Machinga; 78,000 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) WFP Nutrition Response 138,401 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) ActionAid Food Security; Shelter & Protection (K90,000,000.00). Also supported with fuel for evacuation of victims and needs assessment. Deployment of site coordinators in 10 camps of Bangula, Makhanga, Osiyana, Chigwmafumu, Chikali, Mbwazi, Fatima, Phokela, Mlonda and Chilimba. 195,000 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Child Protection 223,221 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Coordination, information, management, monitoring and supervision. 320,400 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Protection 626,779 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Nutrition Response 944,987 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Education 948,611 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNFPA 2 ambulances; 1 reproductive health coordinator; Kitted medical supplies and equipment; Medical supplies and equipment; Antibiotics and Intravenous fluids; and 7 delivery beds 994,545 0 Various Donors (details not yet provided) UNICEF Health 1,324,981 0 World Bank Bilateral (affected government) Health 575,000 0 World Bank Bilateral (affected government) Infrastructure rehabilitation and temporary bridges 600,000 0 43,471,680 226,586 Donor Grand Total: USD * includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc) Page 5 of 6 Donor Channel Description CAP: Consolidated appeals are a precursor to the current strategic response plan (SRP) and humanitarian needs overview (HNO). They detail the inter-agency humanitarian strategy, programme and funding requirements in response to a major or complex emergency. Carry over: Previous year's carry-over stocks (i.e. stocks physically in-country at 31 December) and carry-over contributions (i.e. funds committed by the donor at 31 December), not spent or used in the previous year, and now to be applied to projects in the current year. Flash appeal: An inter-agency humanitarian response strategy to a major disaster that requires a coordinated response beyond the capacity of the government plus any single agency. The appeal addresses acute needs for a common planning horizon, normally up to six months. Funding: Contributions and commitments Outstanding pledge: A non-binding announcement of an intended contribution or allocation by the donor. The recipient organization and response plan or project are not necessarily specified. As soon as a commitment is reported to FTS against a pledge, the amount in the pledge column is reduced accordingly: FTS therefore reflects the 'outstanding' (not total) pledge amount. Overlap: Occasionally there is some overlap between needs and requirements stated in an individual country strategic response plan (SRP) and those in the regional response plan (RRP). We therefore make an adjustment to reflect this overlap and not to overstate the needs in the global total. RRP: A regional response plan (RRP) is an inter-agency plan, coordinated by UNHCR, that articulates the shared vision of how to respond to the affected population's assessed and expressed needs. SRP: The strategic response plan (SRP) articulates the shared vision of how to respond to the affected population’s assessed and expressed needs. It is a management tool for response and supports decision-making by the humanitarian country team. It has two interlinked components: a country or context strategy, with strategic objectives and indicators; and cluster plans, with objectives, activities and accompanying projects. Together they detail how the strategy will be implemented and how much funding is required. Unearmarked funds: The allocations of unearmarked funds by UN agencies are sometimes based on estimates and this amount is subject to change throughout the year. * includes contributions to the appeal and additional contributions outside of the appeal (bilateral, Red Cross, etc) Page 6 of 6 Funding USD Outstanding Pledges USD
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