AUCTION LOT LISTING Auction date: 24/03/2015 Lots listed: 1,052 SMALL & WHITFIELD 9.30am Antique, Period & General Furniture, Porcelain, Glass & Collectables Items marked with an * indicate that the lot is offered on behalf of a GST registered source Lot No Description Lot No Description 1 HMV red bakelite mantle radio 'Litle Nipper' [$80-100] 41 Box of retro kitchen wares, mixing bowl, etc [$15-25] 2 Two vintage gas blow torches [$25-40] 42 Box of assorted bric a brac [$20-30] 3 Tall light house statue [$20-30] 43 Box of lace and linen [$25-40] 4 Two vintage cast iron ketles [$30-50] 44 5 Large vintage cast iron cooking pot by Clark [$20-30] Extensive collecton of tns full of vintage butons, coton reels, etc [$80-120] 6 Retro felt picture of a Rotweiler [$20-40] 45 Green retro telephone [$20-30] 7 Malley's cream can [$30-40] 46 Cream vintage telephone [$20-30] 47 Green carnival glass bowl [$20-25] 48 Italian classical style telephone [$30-50] 49 Vintage bakelite telephone [$40-60] 50 Large box of sewing items - butons, threads, etc [$40-60] 51 Group of English trios, etc [$30-50] 52 Set of graduated Cornishware bowls A/F [$25-40] 53 Boxed set of retro coloured wine glasses [$20-30] 8 Halls vintage botle and two others [$20-30] 9 Brass ship's log made into a table lamp [$50-80] 10 Vintage Coleman iron and trivet [$25-40] 11 Four miniature bud vases with classical decoraton [$15-20] 12 Set of four coloured cups and saucers [$20-25] 13 J. Eastman and Co vintage botle [$20-30] 14 Small pressed metal tea strainer with blue glass liner [$15-25] 54 Boxed set of retro coloured glasses [$20-30] 15 Victorian style lady bell [$10-20] 55 Queen Anne milk, sugar and dish [$10-20] 16 Cast metal ship condiments [$20-25] 56 WMF tray and various plated items [$30-50] 17 Novelty water mill mantle clock [$30-50] 57 18 BP one gallon petrol can [$20-30] Collecton of blue and white pagoda patern cow creamer, olive oil botles, etc [$20-30] 19 Caltex one gallon petrol can [$30-50] 58 Italian made brass polenta pan [$30-50] 59 Two art glass vases [$20-30] 60 Cream retro wall phone [$10-20] 61 Set of 12 cut crystal wine glasses [$20-30] 62 Two cut crystal decanters [$20-30] 63 Five pewter tankards - three Australia Army Ordnance [$20-40] 64 Purple glass six sectonal serving plate [$30-50] 65 Four Meakin trios [$20-30] 66 Pair of English salts, silver plated [$20-40] 67 Crystal glass claret jug [$30-50] 68 Three crystal glass pickle jars [$15-25] 69 Diana two handled vase [$10-20] 70 Five pewter tankards [$10-20] 71 Collecton of vintage brushes [$20-30] 72 Chateau Yaldara, Barossa wine box [$10-20] 73 Box of vintage cast iron weights [$30-50] 74 Quantty of lace and linen [$30-50] 75 Doyley's Box and Birks of Adelaide box [$25-40] 76 Collecton of Australian tea towels [$20-40] 77 Box of bric a brac and china [$20-40] 78 English made Midwinter 'Oranges and Lemons' design part dinner service [$50-80] 79 Box of glassware [$10-20] 20 21 Shell large 1 quart vintage oil botle [$80-100] Castrol large 1 quart vintage oil botle [$80-100] 22 Castrol 1 pint vintage oil botle [$60-80] 23 Willow biscuit tn/lunch box [$20-30] 24 1940's Arnot's tn, Homebush NSW [$30-50] 25 W.A. Gilbey vintage botle [$20-30] 26 Rubber mallet [$10-15] 27 One box of knives [$25-40] 28 Group of vintage thumb planes, etc [$25-40] 29 Kitchen scales and weights [$40-60] 30 C.M. Brockes and Sons vintage botle [$20-30] 31 Quantty of Willow blue and white soup bowls [$30-50] 32 Pro Hart Arnots tn [$20-30] 33 French cast iron frying pan [$40-60] 34 Vintage record travel case [$20-30] 35 Vintage leather atache case [$20-30] 36 37 38 Quantty of large and small tns, etc [$40-60] Oak gallery serving tray [$20-30] Two tubs of assorted Lego [$20-30] 39 Group of English china and bric a brac [$30-50] 40 Vintage wash board [$20-30] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 1 Lot No Description Lot No Description 80 Good box of lace tablecloths, curtain tes, etc [$30-60] 128 Retro Grecian design eight person glass service [$40-60] 81 Box of glassware [$10-20] 129 Model potery house and snow globe [$10-15] 82 Old quilt, etc [$10-15] 130 83 Box of tns [$20-40] Alka cup and saucer (original box) and retro cup and saucer [$10-20] 84 Cruet set A/F, etc [$20-40] 131 85 Three pieces of Islamic metalware [$15-25] Set of six retro English 'Darwin' patern cofee cups and saucers [$20-30] 86 Cast metal vintage design telephone [$50-80] 132 Set of six liqueur glasses (in box) [$10-15] 87 Old style telephone [$20-30] 133 Midwinter brown cups and master bowl [$20-25] 88 Two Army water holders/fasks [$20-30] 134 Copper ketle with porcelain handles [$30-50] 89 Early tapestry porrait of Young Lady [$20-25] 135 Box of knives [$30-50] 90 Italian fruit bowl with plates [$20-25] 136 Retro orange serving bowl and servers, etc [$15-25] 91 Victoria Egyptan Scene dessert service (chip to one) [$20-25] 137 Group of retro corn-on-the-cob holders [$10-20] 138 Halls and Sons soda syphon [$20-40] 139 Group of three retro cake moulds [$20-30] 140 Set of six lidded retro ramekins [$15-25] 141 Eight amethyst glass beakers and a spare [$30-50] 142 Modern serving bowl with boxed cheese knives [$10-20] 143 English vase and jug [$15-20] 144 Modern icons and Prayer book [$20-30] 145 Burleighware tureen [$20-30] 146 Three assorted Carltonware dishes A/F [$20-25] 147 Pair of silver plated veggie dishes and pair of silver plated dishes [$30-50] 92 93 Set of six limited editon collector's plates [$20-30] Leadlight jewellery box and contents [$20-25] 94 Three piece cannisters [$20-30] 95 Three piece tea service with spare teapot [$20-40] 96 Swif whip beaters, Dianan tea towel, etc [$15-25] 97 Group of stone jars including Bennets A/F [$30-50] 98 Maxwell and Williams canisters [$15-20] 99 Large wall plate [$10-20] 100 Large glass turtle/fsh tank [$40-60] 101 Glass fsh tank, lidded [$30-50] 102 Two vintage petrol drums, Mobil, etc [$20-30] 148 'The Helena Collecton' polar bears [$20-40] 103 Well framed classical portrait [$25-40] 149 104 Group of paintngs and prints (two) [$20-40] Large lot of American 1970's retro orange tea wares [$50-80] 105 Wicker laundry basket [$30-40] 150 106 Brass based side lamp [$20-25] Meakin six person dinner service - Symphony A/F [$40-60] 107 T.G. Green large mixing bowl A/F [$20-30] 151 Group of Oriental tea wares [$20-30] 108 Pair of brass base side lamps [$15-25] 152 Two steins and an Australian plated jug [$10-20] 109 Large modern hat box [$10-20] 153 110 Tall rose design brass vase [$20-30] Quantty of Willow blue and white side plates, egg cups, etc [$30-50] 111 Rexona Medicated Soap vintage box [$30-50] 154 Two cut crystal and silver plated serving tray [$20-30] 112 H.S. Power print with two others [$30-50] 155 Group of cabinet plates A/F [$20-40] 113 Set of fve retro kitchen canisters [$40-60] 156 Group of Oriental tea wares A/F [$20-25] 114 Group of funky orange egg cups [$10-20] 157 Large French fsh serving plate [$20-30] 115 Group of three egg cups, Noddy, etc [$20-25] 158 Carton of glass knobs [$25-40] 116 Set of fve retro spice canisters [$25-40] 159 Cosy dolls (fve) [$20-40] 117 Painter's wooden model [$20-25] 160 Group of assorted pin dishes [$20-30] 118 Group of retro Japanese breakfast wares [$20-30] 161 Group of vintage tles [$20-25] 119 Set of six retro coloured glasses [$15-25] 162 120 Diana polk-a-dot jug (slight chip) and another [$15-25] Large fruit bowl with Victorian etched plates [$20-30] 163 Wembley Ware rabbit dish A/F [$10-20] 121 Retro soda syphon [$15-25] 164 Silver plated condiment set [$15-25] 122 Pair of retro salad servers [$15-25] 165 Limoges dish and gravy boat [$10-20] 123 Set of four plastc retro corn-on-the-cob plates [$15-25] 166 Group of Aynsley and Co dinner plates with buter dish [$20-30] 124 Six person corn-on-the-cob serving plates [$30-50] 167 W.P. Hartley tobacco pot A/F [$20-30] 125 Deco mirror yacht [$40-60] 168 Three cabinet plates [$15-25] 126 Two retro decanters [$15-25] 169 Box of knives [$30-50] 127 Retro Australian glass bowl and six matching ramekins [$20-30] 170 Large quantty of various fsh cutlery sets [$30-50] 171 Silver plated fsh set in fted box [$50-100] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 2 Lot No 172 Description Lot No Description Floral ornament and box [$10-20] 220 Gentleman's travel vanity set [$20-30] 173 West German potery [$10-15] 221 Cricket books, travel alarm, cake set [$10-20] 174 Pair of metal cockerels [$20-30] 222 Interestng bangles and hair clips [$20-40] 175 Lawn bowl greedy cup and saucer [$10-20] 223 Boxed of celluloid dolls, etc [$20-30] 176 Floral biscuit barrel A/F [$20-30] 224 Rio lizard skin evening bag [$20-25] 177 Doulton Burslem Australia Federaton beaker A/F [$20-30] 225 Two pairs of vintage riding gloves [$10-20] 226 178 11 postage weights [$10-20] Oriental mudmen, ginger jar, etc [$20-25] 227 179 Boxed new silk te and cuf links [$15-20] Bridget Voth 'Stopping to Smell The Roses' oil paintng [$30-50] 180 Three various boxes [$20-25] 228 Group of Monet prints, etc [$10-20] 181 Royal Copenhagen miniature dishes, etc [$10-20] 229 Deco wall mirror with bevelled edge [$30-50] 182 Two Oriental fgure on wooden base A/F [$10-20] 230 183 Pair of Oriental meditaton balls [$10-20] Rokbest 31 day mantle clock with keys and pendulum (working conditon) [$50-80] 184 Horse shoe barometer [$10-20] 231 185 Group fgure fne arts, Rosellas [$20-40] 186 Potery lemonade set [$40-60] Set of six 'Wheat' design etched crystal glasses with set of six etched 'Fern' patern comports and tumblers [$40-60] 187 232 Oriental teapot and silver plated wares, etc [$20-30] Glass mortar and pestel [$10-20] 188 233 Pair of brass mounted lamps [$30-50] Novelty head vase [$10-20] 189 234 Miniature chaise longue [$20-40] Group of two retro clocks [$20-30] 190 235 Group of Carltonware dishes [$15-25] Group of three copper cake moulds [$20-30] 191 236 Three Balinese carvings [$20-30] China panther [$10-20] 192 237 Three assorted Bisque fgures [$10-20] Pressed metal mantle alarm clock [$20-30] 193 238 Bee hive design sugar bowl [$20-40] Pair of crystal and brass two branch wall lamps with crystal droplets [$20-40] 194 Moet Chandon ice bucket [$30-50] 239 Strachan silver plated sugar bowl, etc [$20-25] 195 Large novelty money box in the form of a toy soldier [$20-40] 240 Four pewter wall plaques [$15-25] 241 Royal Doulton, Stafordshire, etc, cabinet plates [$20-30] 196 Quality silver plated serving tray [$15-25] 197 Victorian foral sugar bowl with associated lid [$20-40] 242 Collecton of vintage records [$15-25] 198 243 Box of metalwares [$25-40] Three pieces of modern pewter [$15-20] 199 244 Embroidery ribbon, string, tn, etc [$10-20] Three assorted English trios [$30-50] 200 245 Bric a brac [$20-30] Vintage dressing table set [$20-25] 201 246 Box of general books [$10-15] Boxed set of spoons and knife rests [$20-30] 202 247 Box of books [$10-15] Six person Grosvenor Christne cutlery set [$60-100] 203 248 Two boxed trolleys (as new) [$10-20] Two glomesh bags [$20-30] 204 249 Box of assorted books [$20-30] Manicure set [$15-25] 205 250 Quality silver plated photo frame [$15-25] Group of eight engravings and lithographs [$100-200] 206 Box of odd cutlery [$10-12] 251 Golf clubs and bag 'Daiwa' [$50-100] 207 Part crystal dressing table set, etc [$20-30] 252 Large vintage tn wash tub [$30-50] 208 Fancy ladies evening bag with black glomesh [$20-30] 253 Hand painted Italian side lamp [$15-25] 209 254 Cut crystal dressing table set with quality perfume atomiser [$25-40] Vintage child's lamp [$10-20] 255 Set of vintage grocer's scales by Pioneer [$50-80] 210 Large pair of salad servers [$15-25] 256 Set of three Willow kitchen tns [$25-40] 211 Three boxes of cutlery including funky cofee bean spoons [$30-50] 257 Set of fve coloured kitchen canisters (one lid missing) [$30-50] 212 Quantty of place mats [$10-20] 258 Decoratve brass table lamp [$20-40] 213 Set of focal binoculars with another pair [$30-50] 259 Group of classical CD's [$30-50] 214 Box of Dixon fatware and knives [$30-50] 260 Collecton of glass frogs and vase [$20-30] 215 Kodak camera and parts [$10-15] 261 Collecton of Oriental serving bowls [$20-25] 216 Harrods place mats, original box [$20-30] 262 217 Group of carved wooden items [$10-15] Two salad bowls, lustre and silver plated rim [$20-30] 218 263 Pair of Grizelle art glass baskets [$20-25] Fancy cutlery [$20-30] 219 264 Group souvenir wares [$20-40] WWII matchbox toy fgures (three bags) [$15-25] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 3 Lot No Description Lot No Description 265 Briefcase with Masonic regalia, Lodge apron, etc [$30-50] 311 Carltonware lobster design large serving plate [$30-50] 266 Brass tray and various plated items [$20-50] 312 267 As new neck and shoulder massager [$20-40] Carltonware lobster design medium serving plate [$25-40] 268 Two square tablecloths, servietes, etc [$20-40] 313 Carltonware lobster design serving dish [$25-40] 314 Majolica leaf plate [$15-25] 269 Large glass punch bowl with matching suite of glasses [$15-20] 315 Pair of Bizarre Clarice Clif side plates [$60-90] 270 Woodmouse with horse chestnut fgurine, etc [$20-30] 316 Victorian satn glass vase [$10-15] 317 271 Set of four Martn Boyd ramekins [$20-40] Box of China [$20-30] 318 272 Pair of English Stoneware botles [$20-30] Wooden nut cracker [$10-20] 319 273 Boy and dog Realites, cold cast bronze [$30-50] Cofee table books [$20-30] 320 274 Doulton harvest ware small teapot A/F [$10-20] Modern wrought iron milk botle holder [$10-15] 321 275 Carltonware bowl [$20-40] Group souvenir ware, NSW interest [$30-50] 322 276 Shelley black ground vase [$30-50] Meakin 'Anniversary' six dinner plates [$20-25] 323 277 Shelley black ground squat vase [$30-50] Tablecloth and eight napkins [$20-40] 324 278 Retro red glass goblet vase [$20-30] Two jewellery boxes and cookie jar, etc [$15-25] 325 279 Falconware vase [$25-45] Box of oil paintngs and watercolours [$15-25] 326 280 Box of assorted bric a brac, glassware, etc [$20-40] Martn Boyd large master salad bowl and matching signed server (slight chip to one) [$80-120] 281 Collecton of sewing paterns [$10-20] 327 Bennet Potery trough with frog [$80-120] 282 Retro boxed decanter and tumbler set [$15-25] 328 283 Frosted glass chess set [$15-20] Large green bowl, John Campbell, TAS 1935 [$80-120] 284 Elna sewing machine [$40-60] 329 The Litle Sydney Potery cream jug [$30-50] 330 Nancy Mitchell Potery gum leaf and foral display [$20-30] 331 Dog and cat Heredites, cold cast bronze [$30-50] 332 Australian potery small vase with applied fowers, signed Margaret Murphy (chip to one fower) [$20-40] 285 Group of glassaware [$10-15] 286 Two ladies handbags [$10-15] 287 Two decorated brass trays [$20-30] 288 Box of silver plated dishes, tea strainer, etc [$20-30] 289 Box of toy car garages [$15-20] 290 Two metal plaques [$20-30] 333 Diana potery vase [$15-20] 291 Lovely glass serving platers [$10-20] 334 292 Large Edwardian foral wash bowl and jug (hairline crack) [$30-50] Blue cylindrical bowl by Bosley, Mitcham SA [$60-80] 335 293 Jug and basin set A/F [$20-30] Carnival glass marigold vine etched decoraton bowl [$40-60] 294 Bronze impellor mould and another [$30-50] 336 Marigold carnival glass vase [$15-25] Large pressed glass serving plater [$10-20] 337 Dogs in basket Heredites, England [$50-80] Group of leather and shoe repair tools in vintage Spencers tn box [$30-50] 338 Three art glass paperweights [$30-50] 339 Carltonware pair of cups and saucers [$30-40] 297 Set of three graduated meat covers [$40-60] 340 Beswick tomato design master bowl [$50-80] 298 Vintage ladie's fur shawl, Stephen Datner [$20-40] 341 299 Carltonware lobster design serving plater [$40-60] Eight various ramekins - Guy Boyd and Dyson Studios [$20-40] 300 Carltonware lobster design condiment set [$30-50] 342 Marigold carnival glass vase [$15-25] 301 Carltonware lobster design gravy boat and stand [$30-50] 343 Carltonware milk, sugar and covered pot (cover stained) [$30-50] 302 Carltonware cup and saucer - lilly pad [$10-20] 344 303 Royal Winton trio [$15-25] Japanese Kotani tea service for ten (slight A/F) [$100-200] 304 Carltonware lobster design cabinet plate [$20-30] 345 305 Carltonware lobster design serving plater [$40-60] Two Royal Worcester soup coupes with dishes [$20-30] 346 Crackleware modern planter [$20-40] 306 Carltonware lobster design serving spoons (three) [$30-50] 347 Nippon sugar bowl and ladle etc [$15-25] Carltonware lobster design large serving bowl [$40-60] 348 Cornishware green mark lidded canister [$30-50] 349 Reclining cat, cold cast bronze [$30-50] 19th C. Stafordshire dog A/F [$30-50] Four crystal bud vases with trinket box and ashtray [$20-40] 295 296 307 308 Carltonware leaf design pin dishes [$20-30] 350 309 Royal Winton 'Turnip' large bowl [$30-40] 351 310 Carltonware lobster design large serving bowl [$40-60] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 4 Lot No Description Lot No Description 352 Wedgwood, Royal Doulton and Limoges ceramics (three) [$10-12] 397 Early Indian bronze fgure of a man on horseback [$100-200] 353 Royal Doulton 'Woodley Dale' small dish [$15-25] 398 Adelaide Exhibiton 1910 overlay fash mug [$15-25] 354 Oriental lacquer tea caddy A/F [$40-60] 399 Gilded blue glass biscuit barrel [$40-60] 355 Royal Albert lidded jar 'Moonlight Rose' etc [$10-12] 400 Oriental foral decorated vase [$50-80] 356 Carltonware leaf dish and spoon [$15-25] 401 Early blue ground vase [$30-50] 357 Booths large cup and saucer [$20-40] 402 Green glass biscuit barrel [$30-50] 358 Four Clarice Clif dinner plates [$30-50] 403 359 Crystal sherry decanter and six glasses [$20-40] Pair of late 19th C. enamel overlay glass mantle vases [$80-120] 360 Pair of Royal Doulton 'Phoenix' patern breakfast bowls [$10-20] 404 Wooden sculpure with hammerhead shark [$30-50] 405 361 Royal Albert 'Anemones' trio [$20-30] Pair of pink glass and enamel mantle vases (one has minor chips) [$40-50] 362 Aynsley tea for two with spare cup and saucer [$30-50] 406 German porcelain gull fgure [$30-50] 407 Nao ducks [$25-45] Art glass vase with sterling silver top [$30-50] 363 Royal Albert milk jug (slight chip) [$5-10] 408 364 Royal Adderley 'Cornucopia' foral displays [$20-30] 409 Two Whitefriars swans (one A/F) [$15-20] 365 Wedgwood lidded pot [$15-25] 410 Polar bears glass sculpture [$30-40] 366 Pair of Royal Albert 'Lavender Rose' buter dishes [$20-30] 411 Poole bowl (crazed) [$20-40] 412 367 Lovely etched glass vase [$30-50] Royal Doulton Bunnykins bowl [$15-25] 413 368 Rosina chintz cup and saucer [$10-20] Set of four Stuart crystal brandy balloons [$50-80] 414 369 Green enamel crystal perfume botle [$20-40] Royal Albert tennis set [$20-40] 415 370 Cat nodding Realites, cold cast bronze [$30-50] Wedgwood jasperware box [$15-25] 416 371 Fenton aqua shoe [$20-40] Shelley trio [$25-35] 417 372 Royal Winton foral tray [$30-50] Blue and gilded Bohemian glass vase (rim frits) [$10-15] 373 Wedgwood jasperware jug [$35-55] 418 Red enamel crystal perfume botle [$20-40] 374 Crown porcelain basket and another [$20-40] 419 Realites sitng dog, cold cast bronze [$30-50] 375 Spring basket with eggs [$30-50] 420 Shelley trio 'Wild Flowers' [$25-35] 376 Royal Albert Friendship patern sugar bowl [$20-30] 421 Limoges ewer [$20-40] 377 Milly and Molly Millenium cats, cold cast bronze (Paul Jenkins) boxed [$30-50] 422 Holmegaard perfume botle (miniature decanter) [$20-40] 378 Art glass paperweight [$30-50] 423 379 Aynsley sugar bowl [$30-40] Musical enamelled egg on stand (Lara's Theme) [$30-40] 380 Cold painted bronze fgure of a bird on marble base [$100-200] 424 Art glass perfume botle, vaseline look (initalled, cartouche) [$30-40] 381 Wedgwood jasperware vase and pin dish [$20-30] 425 382 Pair of Royal Albert trios [$45-65] Art glass perfume botle (Rob Knotenbelt Artst) [$30-40] 383 Four ebony elephants [$20-30] 426 Apple art glass paperweight [$20-30] 384 Chinese famille rose porcelain snuf botle [$30-50] 427 Two art glass perfume botles A/F [$20-30] 385 19th C. brass censor [$80-120] 428 386 Two blue and white Portmeirion wooden lidded canisters [$20-30] Cloisonne miniature Oriental vase [$30-50] 429 387 Large Oriental vase [$30-40] Doulton Burslem 'A Winter's Tale' blue and white cabinet plate [$50-80] 388 Five original fgures (one A/F) [$10-20] 430 Art Glass cat and kiwi paperweight [$30-50] 389 19th C. Chinese famille Rose ketle [$80-120] 431 Coalport jug with mask spout [$30-40] 390 Oriental 'Famille Rose' vase, signed [$50-100] 432 391 Pair of Chinese Yin vase,with enamel decoraton [$120-180] Cut crystal and silver plated table top cigarete lighter [$30-50] 433 Two perfume botles [$20-30] 392 Blue and white high relief brush pot, [$50-80] 434 Art glass oil burner, signed [$25-35] 393 Chinese inside painted snuf botle [$30-50] 435 Enamelled and crystal leopard box [$20-40] 394 Japanese Satsuma small bowl, signed to base [$80-120] 436 Four Brambley Hedge fgurines [$20-40] 437 Villeroy and Boch cat paperweight [$25-35] Oriental bronze mythical lion on wood stand [$50-80] 438 Orrefors small bowl [$20-40] 439 Royal Albert 'Day and Night' six person cofee service with milk and sugar [$150-250] 440 Westminster Australia charger [$20-30] 395 396 Red cinnabar snuf botle [$20-40] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 5 Lot No Description 441 Royal Worcester milk and sugar [$25-40] 442 Three Jasperware including Wedgwood [$12-18] 443 Aynsley boxed fruit design pin dish [$20-30] 444 Lot No Royal Worcester vase with pheasant by James Stnton A/F [$20-40] Description 483 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' vase, unusual bird decoraton [$60-90] 484 Pair Waterford crystal candle holders [$60-90] 485 Wedgwood small dragon lustre bowl A/F [$20-30] 486 Malachite elephant fgure [$40-60] 445 Set of six Royal Crown Derby 'Derby Posies' cups and saucers [$80-150] 487 Miniature Shelley cup and saucer [$40-60] 488 446 Shelley small vase - fruit [$20-40] Pair of Noritake fruit plates [$20-40] 489 447 Shelley small vase - fruit [$20-40] Wedgwood gravy boat [$20-30] 490 448 Group of Royal Crown Derby cofee cups and saucers A/F [$20-30] 'Rams Head' vase by Gustafsberg 1901, copper/gris glaze, H: 27cm [$150-250] 491 449 Royal Albert and Stafordshire dishes [$20-30] Marie Tuck 'Breton Woman' oil on Paris board, signed indistnctvely below, 34x26cm [$300-400] 450 Wedgwood jasperware cup and saucer [$20-30] 492 Napoleon print [$15-30] 451 Wedgwood pin dishes jasperware, etc (fve) [$15-25] 493 'Riverscape' watercolour, signed [$40-60] 494 452 French Hussards print [$15-30] Blue and white condiments with trios A/F [$20-40] 495 453 Contemporary LED desk lamp [$20-30] Royal Albert 'Wheat' patern trio [$25-40] 454 496 * Pair of large vintage brass oil burners [$60-100] Collecton of Hornsea English potery [$50-80] 497 455 Pair of carved ivory chopstcks and another set of four [$30-50] Group of three walking stcks including silver fnials [$30-50] 498 456 Collecton of vintage evening bags [$50-80] Woods four person foral dinner wares [$30-50] 499 457 Oak cased banjo barometer [$60-90] Royal Chelsea trio and another [$15-25] 500 458 * Three piece Cantonese part tea set [$25-40] Small German barometer [$30-40] 501 459 Moor Park Golf Club sign [$30-40] 502 Box of dolls and parts [$50-80] 503 Internatonal University Course books [$20-30] 504 Suite of Stuart crystal glassware (21) [$150-250] 505 Fancy Victorian silver plated bread cradle [$50-60] 506 Tall red glass vase [$30-40] 507 American silver plated pair candlestcks and matched vase by Wallace [$50-80] 508 Woods sports series tennis tankard A/F [$10-15] 509 Various Australian potery including Remued A/F [$15-25] 510 Scotch whisky advertsing decanter - D & J McCallum 'Perfecton' Scotch whisky [$80-100] Royal Doulton 'Rosslyn' sandwich dish and two jugs [$30-50] 460 Spode dish (slight A/F) [$10-20] 461 Crown Stafordshire plate ERII Jubilee [$10-20] 462 Grimwades 'Royal Winton Ivory' lidded tureen [$25-40] 463 Denton foral ornament basket (slight A/F) [$25-45] 464 Royal Albert 'Brigadoon' trio [$25-40] 465 Two English blue and white plates/servers [$20-30] 466 Pair of Wedgwood night lights [$20-40] 467 Maling 'Rosalind' dish [$35-55] 468 Three boxed Wade Whimsies [$20-30] 469 Japanese porcelain tea wares [$20-40] 511 Large crystal basket [$30-50] 470 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' Deco shaped dish [$40-60] 512 Pair of Stafordshire style fgurines 'Dick Turpin' and 'Tom King' [$80-120] 471 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' Deco shaped plater [$35-55] 513 Rubber and plastc doll [$25-40] 514 472 Icon Saint Nicholas [$40-60] Cut crystal bowl with plated top together with servers [$30-50] 515 Old icon [$60-90] 473 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' small dish [$25-45] 516 Bronze monkeys on plinth [$200-300] 474 Wedgwood 'Mayfeld' patern plate [$20-40] 517 475 Four Aynsley cofee cups and saucers [$40-60] Adelaide Show prizes and large EPNS vase, etc [$15-20] 518 476 Five Stuart glass tumblers [$20-30] Shelley trio [$25-35] 519 477 Two silver plated toast racks [$15-25] Beswick model of a white cat [$30-50] 520 478 Large silver plated dome [$30-50] Beswick model of a brown cat [$30-50] 521 479 Two icons - one gold leaf and one other [$50-60] Pair of silver plated dishes and Christening mug [$20-30] 522 Very old icon [$60-90] 523 Taddy's Segar stone jar [$20-30] 524 Cast metal model of a horse [$25-40] 525 Antque English brass buggy lantern by J & R Oldfeld LTD, Birmingham [$80-150] 526 Vintage cow bell [$30-50] 480 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' vase [$40-60] 481 Carltonware 'Rouge Royale' large dish 'Stork' patern [$50-80] 482 Carltonware mushroom design condiment set [$60-90] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 6 Lot No Description Lot No Description 527 Rare early brass photographic developing tanks for glass slides [$40-60] 569 Matchbox Super Kings boxed cars carrier and cars [$30-50] 528 Rare early brass photographic developing tanks for glass slides [$40-60] 570 John Bedford Collector's Guides [$20-30] 571 A three ter shaped what-not with coton reel supports - Australian late 19th Century [$100-150] 572 Green oil lamp with cast iron base and squirrels [$80-100] 529 Rare early brass photographic developing tanks for glass slides [$40-60] 530 Two brass crocodile nut crackers [$30-40] 531 Two brass cannons [$40-60] 573 Enamelled pink glass hand lamp [$50-80] 532 Michelin Man (hole on botom of one boot) [$40-60] 574 Vintage framed war tme photograph [$15-20] 575 Nautcal wall hanging with German barometer to centre [$40-60] 576 Vintage English print 'On The Thames Near Oxford' in folk art frame [$60-100] 577 Vintage English print by Tintern Abbey 'On The Wye' in folk art frame [$60-100] 578 Carter's Price Guides [$20-30] 533 Pair of metal fghtng cocks on marble bases [$50-80] 534 Brass table crumb tray and broom [$30-50] 535 Early Indian brass dinner gong [$20-40] 536 Pair of fghtng cocks [$20-30] 537 Pressed brass wall hanging with hinged lidded box [$20-40] 579 Marquetry inlaid box, 19th C. [$150-250] 538 Lead Farmyard toys, etc [$100-200] 580 SA Centenary Celebratons 1936 [$15-25] 539 Three leather horse brasses [$50-80] 581 Books of Great Britain [$10-15] 540 Riding crop with pipe tamper [$50-80] 582 541 Bone back scratcher in the form of a hand [$40-60] Group of books on collectng, Antque Year Book, etc [$20-30] 542 Two riding crops with monograms [$50-80] 583 543 Victorian pink glass basket [$30-50] John Leech London Victorian humourist engravings [$100-200] 544 'Bing' Pigmyphone, German toy gramophone [$80-100] 584 Australian stamp album - blocks of four, etc [$50-80] 585 Quantty of stamp bulletns [$10-20] 545 Boxed Farmyard set by Britain [$50-80] 586 Group of various books [$20-30] 587 Quantty of sheet music [$10-15] 588 Quantty of Commando Comics [$25-40] 589 1950's mantle clock [$25-40] 590 NSW Railways luggage rack [$40-60] 591 Large bowl on wooden base [$50-80] 592 Oak cased American mantle clock by Waterbury [$80-100] 546 Horseshoe shaped fower/cigar holder [$15-25] 547 Brass horn [$20-40] 548 549 Spelter fgure of a Norsman Warrior on a Rearing Horse [$180-280] Franz Farga 'Violins and Violinists' illustrated 1955 [$10-15] 550 Arthur Mangin 'The Desert World' 1872 illustrated [$10-15] 593 551 Sharpe Brothers Australian Stoneware jar [$20-30] Frank Wing 'The Fotygraf Album' 1916 [$10-15] 594 552 Ingraham cotage clock [$70-90] Three drawer Colonial miniature chest [$50-80] 595 553 Box of assorted Matchbox trucks and tractors [$20-30] Winston Churchill 'The Second World War' six volumes [$30-50] 596 554 Books of SA interest [$15-25] Vintage automatc bowling game [$30-50] 597 555 Burago Boss Mustang [$30-50] Audel's Engineers and Mechanic's guide (eight volumes 1927) [$15-20] 556 Burago Mercedes gull wing 300SL [$30-50] 598 An illustrated treasury of cultvated fowers [$10-15] 557 Burago Race Champion [$30-50] 599 Walt Disney Fantasy Land [$20-25] 558 Burago Citroen hot rod [$30-50] 600 Pair of ebony and ivory bookends [$30-50] 559 Box of Matchbox ships and destroyers [$30-50] 601 Poems of Adam Lindsay Gordon [$20-30] 560 Vintage tn toy grater [$30-50] 602 561 Box of Matchbox helicopters and track [$25-40] Facsimile book 'South Australia' 1888 and one other [$15-25] 562 Box of assorted Matchbox cars [$20-30] 603 Leather bound volume 'New Testament' [$30-50] 563 Box of assorted Matchbox cars and racers [$20-30] 604 Book 'Captain Sweet's Adelaide' [$25-40] 605 Book 'Catalogue Chandeliers and Billy Tea' [$10-20] 606 Books of Australian interest [$10-20] 607 Book 'Rock'n Roll in Australia' with 1950's Top Forty clippings [$10-20] 564 Box of assorted Matchbox cars and racers [$25-40] 565 Sheets of Australian pre-decimal stamps, part sheets, etc [$80-120] 566 Box of Engineering, motorcar mechanical books [$30-40] 608 Australiana books [$20-30] 567 Quantty of ephemera [$10-15] 609 Book 'Diamonds, Myth, Magic, Reality' [$10-20] 568 Matchbox Super Kings boxed cars carrier and cars [$30-50] 610 Group of novels by Franke Clune [$20-30] 611 Britannica atlas [$20-40] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 7 Lot No 612 Description Lot No Description Books of Australian vintage humour [$10-20] 659 Two vintage walking stcks [$20-30] 613 Australiana books [$20-30] 660 614 Neville Cayley 'What Bird is That?' 1953, etc [$10-15] Vanity set (three) ivory - Picadilly Circus stamp A/F [$30-50] 661 Two boomerangs, SA Centenary 1936 [$25-40] 615 Comical Australia [$10-15] 662 Two old cameras [$10-15] 616 Various 19th C. prints of gun dogs, horses, etc [$15-25] 663 Walnut cigar box and contents [$25-40] 664 617 Tin of collectables [$15-25] Stamp album [$15-25] 665 618 Stereoscopic viewer and slides A/F [$30-40] Stamp album [$15-25] 666 619 Bone handled fsh service [$25-40] Stamp album [$15-25] 667 620 Three various tobacco tns [$15-25] Stamp album [$15-25] 668 621 Two Players Navy Cut cigarete tns [$40-60] Australiana books [$20-30] 669 622 Stamp album [$15-25] Mint and used Commonwealth stamps including Australia and New Zealand [$30-40] 623 Stamp album and loose stamps [$20-30] 670 624 Box of Australian kiloware [$25-40] Kangaroo EPNS/glass lined bowl and Viking longship (two) [$15-25] 625 Box of Great Britain stamps [$40-60] 671 Tin of badges [$15-25] 672 Covers and postal statonary [$20-30] 673 Wade crab [$10-20] 674 Drawing instruments [$8-12] 675 Various horse brasses [$20-30] 676 Vintage Coleman measuring can [$10-20] 677 Two box brownie cameras [$20-30] 678 Collecton of various spectacles [$20-30] 679 Two boxes [$10-20] 680 Three boxed Australia Post mail boxes with two unboxed [$30-50] 681 Group of Australian Army badges, etc [$15-25] 682 The Croxley Fountain Pen with 14ct gold knib, etc [$40-60] 683 Two sets of vintage cased spectacles [$30-50] 684 Vintage ladies evening bag with applied beaded decoraton [$50-80] 685 Photograph case c.1900 [$20-30] 686 James Heeley and Sons patent double lever corkscrew [$80-120] 626 Box of Australian stamps 1966-2000 [$25-40] 627 'Folk Painted' book, signed [$20-30] 628 General books [$10-20] 629 'Great pictures by Great Painters' 1914 [$20-30] 630 631 632 Box of various children's books [$30-50] Alice Springs (two) [$10-12] Girl's Own Annual, etc [$15-25] 633 Folio The Bible Story with sheet music, etc [$20-30] 634 As new Villeroy and Boch book [$20-40] 635 Box of old children's books [$10-20] 636 Box of assorted railway magazines [$20-25] 637 Hawkin's Electrical Guide (ten volumes 1917) [$15-20] 638 Quantty of children's books [$10-20] 639 The Second World War magazines volumes 1-104 [$100-200] 640 Australian Proof coin set [$15-25] 641 Army Club playing card and cribbage board [$20-25] 642 Lodge medals (some silver) [$30-50] 687 Two collapsible drink holders (one bakelite) [$20-40] 643 Box of vintage pocket knives [$30-50] 688 Boomerang mouth organ [$10-20] 644 Collecton of vintage hat pins and holder [$50-80] 689 Two tn 'Pillar Box' money boxes [$15-25] 645 Four car badges including RAA and Royal Army Ordnance Corps [$50-80] 690 Two sets of vintage cased spectacles [$30-50] 646 Buton hooks, etc [$10-15] 691 Decoratve leter opener [$20-30] 647 Box of butons by Jennens of London [$20-30] 692 Cranberry glass pepper pot [$10-12] 648 Ivory and bone glove stretchers (three) [$40-60] 693 Shark tooth [$20-30] 649 Copper crumb scoop [$10-12] 694 Early brass tea strainer [$5-10] 650 French hair preparaton, in original box [$20-30] 695 651 Sterling silver cream jug, Birmingham 1921 A/F [$60-80] Vintage framed photograph [$15-25] 696 Scotsh claw brooch [$30-40] 652 Boxed model toy tractor [$10-20] 697 653 Folder of New Zealand mint stamps [$20-30] Miniature travel ink well together with 'The Magic Pocket Savings Bank' and travel shaving kit [$20-30] 654 World War II verse 'The Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels' [$10-20] 698 113 Australian pennies [$30-40] 699 101 Australian half pennies [$30-40] 655 Edixa refex German zoom lense camera [$40-60] 700 Four sheets of Australian half pennies [$30-40] 656 Zeiss Ikon vintage German camera [$40-60] 701 Ladies Oroton handbag in original box [$20-40] 657 Collecton of vintage glass door knobs (nine) [$30-50] 702 658 Gold plated thimble/sewing scissors, German [$40-60] Miniature musical ukulele [$20-30] 703 Quantty of Australian stamp booklets [$10-20] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 8 Lot No Description Lot No 704 Straton powder compact and another (two) [$25-45] 705 Brass inlaid black cigarete case in the Deco taste with Egyptan fgures [$25-35] 706 Cocktail spoons and forks with agate [$30-40] 707 Sterling silver and garnet matchbox holder [$30-50] 708 Two boxwood Netsuke (one signed) [$50-80] 709 Oriental hardstone recumbent lamb [$40-80] 710 Chinese jade pebble amulet [$40-80] 711 Silver and mother of pearl pen knife [$30-40] 712 Silver owl paper knife [$30-50] 713 Early 19th C. German horn snuf box A/F [$100-150] 714 Description 749 Silver and turquoise necklace and two pairs of earrings in original box - Desert House Crafon Tuscan Arizona [$80-150] 750 Fancy curb link neck chain and greenstone ring [$20-30] 751 Opal mosaic pendant and pair of sterling silver opal doublet earrings [$40-80] 752 Venetan glass beads [$30-50] 753 14ct gold ear rings with mosaic malacite [$100-150] 754 Silver gilt dolphin pendant set with cabachon ruby [$100-150] 755 18ct gold/sterling silver te bar set with greenstone [$100-200] UV glass collectors torch (uranium glass black light) [$30-50] 756 Turquoise beaded necklace [$30-50] 715 757 Crystal necklace [$30-50] Hallmarked sterling silver shoe horn [$20-30] 716 758 Hallmarked sterling silver comb [$10-20] Sterling silver necklace and earrings - gold panner [$30-50] 717 Hallmarked sterling silver buton hook [$10-20] 759 Sterling silver pick and shovel pendant [$20-40] 718 Hallmarked sterling silver manicure [$20-30] 760 Two 9ct Lodge medals [$50-80] 719 Plated box full of goodies (including compact) [$20-40] 761 Sterling silver onyx signet ring [$30-50] 720 762 Chinese jade amulet, calligraphy to back [$50-80] Two micro mosaic brooches and two pairs of earrings [$60-90] 721 Bronze medallion - French ships piano [$50-70] 763 722 Oriental hardstone tomb fgure [$40-80] American 'Elgin' gold plated ladies fob watch [$40-60] 723 Two assorted dress watches [$30-50] 764 Silver designer 'Egg' ring [$50-100] 724 Four ladies watches including one 14ct watch [$50-80] 765 Silver pear and leaf pendant with chain [$50-80] 766 18ct yellow gold wedding ring [$100-150] 725 Quartz (with rutle needles) necklace [$20-30] 767 9ct "D" pendant on 9ct chain [$30-50] 726 Polished stone necklace [$20-30] 768 18ct yellow gold garnet set brooch [$100-150] 727 Polished gemstone necklace [$20-30] 769 Sterling silver ingot and chain [$10-20] 728 Agate necklace [$20-30] 770 Vintage pair of opereta glasses [$30-50] 729 Glass bead necklace [$15-25] 771 French 'Ball' pendant watch [$40-60] 730 Gemstone necklace (agate, amethyst) [$20-30] 772 Sterling silver unicorn ring [$30-50] 731 Silver and paua shell brooch and silver bracelets [$40-60] 773 Sterling silver garnet set pendant [$60-90] 732 774 Two gold plated pocket watches [$30-60] Dress bangle with Swarovski crystals [$30-50] 733 775 Swarovski drop earrings, boxed [$40-70] Guta Percha bangle with cameo centre piece [$80-120] 734 Swarovski crystal ornament (for hanging on adhesive glass), boxed [$30-50] 776 9ct ring set with diamonds [$250-350] 735 777 18ct gold diamond and sapphire ring [$250-450] Swarovski pave crystal bracelet, boxed [$80-150] 736 778 Fifh Avenue boxed suite necklace (stones missing) bracelet and earrings [$50-100] 18ct yellow gold natural ruby dress ring, 2.7gr [$180-210] 737 779 9ct gold vintage garnet set ring [$80-120] Oroton necklace [$30-50] 738 780 Four various gold rings, vintage [$100-200] DKNY crystal dress watch, boxed [$20-30] 739 781 18ct yellow gold gemstone set ring [$100-150] Swarovski crystal leopard charm [$40-60] 740 782 9ct gold emerald set ring [$50-100] Swarovski crystal fying Pegasus brooch [$50-80] 741 783 Swarovski crystal kiten charm [$50-80] Vintage 18ct white gold solitaire diamond ring [$200-300] 742 Swarovski crystal armlet, in velvet bag [$50-100] 784 9ct yellow gold part sapphire, 1.6gr [$110-130] 743 Fifh Avenue 'Tycoon' ring [$30-50] 785 Silver contnental fob watch [$50-80] 744 Swarovski clown brooch, boxed [$50-100] 786 Wendt's Lever fob watch [$20-40] 745 Swarovski crystal spider jacket pin [$30-50] 787 Two vintage watches [$20-40] 746 Swaorski amethyst and crystal ring, in silver bag [$50-80] 788 Jade necklace [$20-40] 747 789 Vintage rolled gold hinged bangle [$30-50] Swarovski hoop earrings, boxed [$50-80] 748 790 Two silver gilt blue lace stone set pendants [$50-80] Costume jewellery [$15-30] 791 Red coral necklace and bracelet [$60-90] 792 9ct yellow gold opal ring [$100-150] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 9 Lot No 793 794 795 Description Lot No Description Group of four sterling silver set boulder opal pendant [$80-120] 828 John Tulloch 'Sail Ship' watercolour [$50-100] 829 Australian Colonial cedar side cabinet [$200-250] 9ct gold necklace set with solid opals of good colour (Gallery pric tag $950) [$300-500] 830 Brass candelabra of ecclesiastcal taste [$80-100] 18ct white gold brooch set with coral (Gallery price tag $485) [$200-300] 831 Two hardwood statonary boxes [$40-60] 832 Victorian chaise longue [$300-500] 833 Suite of three Regency style nestng tables [$100-200] 796 Sterling silver retro gem set pendant and silver bangle [$100-150] 797 John Tulloch paintng on velvet [$20-40] 834 Small round oak table [$20-30] 798 John Tulloch 'Cimba' paintng on glass [$30-50] 835 Period stlye apprentce chair [$30-50] 799 Bhutan Natonal Costume (male) 'Goh' with map of Bhutan [$100-200] 836 French style three piece suite with elaborately carved and gilded frames [$500-700] 800 Alistair Hinkley 'Trees on the River Bank' watercolour, signed lower right, 37x48cm [$100-200] 837 Dracynia tree in blue glazed pot [$60-100] 838 Black leather three piece lounge suite [$100-200] 839 Large Spanish infuence cherrywood dining table with artsan ironwork stretchers, by makers Nathan Norris, 230x103cm [$1000-2000] 801 Taylor Ghee 'Anglican Church Mt Dandenong' oil on board, signed lower lef, 35x30cm [$300-500] 802 'Stll Life' oil paintng [$20-30] 840 803 Nicholas 'Steel Foundry' oil on canvas, laid down, signed [$220-260] Red leather chair, purchased at Nick Scali [$200-300] 841 804 Michael Taylor 'The Crooked Fence' oil on board, signed lower right, 1974, 49x39cm [$100-200] Set of four contemporary plastc moulded tub chairs [$200-300] 842 805 'Clown' print [$20-30] Set of six balloon back mahogany dining chairs [$300-500] 806 Oak framed sailing scene print [$20-30] 843 807 B. Ambagtsheer 'Ships at Dock' oil paintng [$10-20] Polished occasional table with turned reeded legs [$50-80] 808 Shirley Padfeld 'Coorong Evening' oil [$50-70] 844 Modern Oriental vase [$30-50] 809 Beryl Martn 'stll life' watercolour, signed lower right [$40-80] 845 Early cut crystal decanter with classical etching [$20-40] 810 'A Pelican's Brief' oil paintng [$50-60] 846 Cut crystal decanter [$30-50] 811 Graham Marchant 'Paris - Stll Life' artst proof [$50-60] 847 Stylish jewellery mannequin [$30-50] 848 Oriental hand painted vase [$30-50] 849 Four drawer ladies desk on stretcher base [$80-100] 850 Pair of modern gilded candlestcks with two deer [$30-60] 812 Barbara Bartel watercolour 'Coorong' signed lower lef [$40-60] 813 Large framed print [$30-40] 814 Pastel drawing of Sturt Desert Pea [$20-40] 851 815 Viv Newcomb 'Stll Life - With Flowers, Lemon and Book' watercolour, signed lower lef [$50-100] Vintage Aladdin lamp on turned base with original glass shade [$150-200] 852 816 Margaret Lang 'Roses' oil paintng [$20-40] Australian Colonial cedar chest of seven drawers [$800-1000] 817 Ivars Jansons 'Watsonias' oil on board, signed lower lef, 24x34cm [$500-800] 853 Large bronze model of an eagle on solid marble base [$400-600] 818 'Paris' pallete knife oil paintng [$30-50] 854 Sapper desk lamp by Artemide, Italy [$30-50] 819 Large beach scene limited editon print by Andris Janson, signed lower right [$100-200] 855 Sessions mantle clock, working with key [$80-120] 856 820 Will Eagen 'Yarra at Kew' pastel, signed lower right, 25x29cm [$50-100] Stylish black and white chequered fabric upholstered wing back armchair [$150-250] 857 Oval oak traymobile with glass top [$40-80] Max Schodl (German 1834-1921) 'Stll Life' oil on panel, signed, 1919 [$550-650] 858 American made stainless steel cake stand [$20-30] 859 Oak dropside traymobile [$100-150] Clem Abbot 'Central Australian Landscape with Gum Trees and Mountains' watercolour, signed lower right [$80-120] 860 Large Bohemia etched and cut crystal vase [$30-50] 861 Large table lamp [$30-50] 862 Hand knoted prayer rug, 98x64cm [$50-80] 863 Hand knoted prayer rug, 96x70cm [$80-120] 864 Hand knoted prayer rug, 96x64cm [$50-80] 865 Mahogany davenport desk [$80-150] 821 822 823 824 Jeremy Boot 'Birds of Prey' print 450/750, signed lower lef [$50-100] Jeremy Boot 'School of Ducklings' print 154/750, signed lower right [$50-100] 825 Silver 'Sheep with Cathedral' watercolour [$50-70] 866 Bookends, etc [$20-30] 826 Artst Unknown, 19th C. oil paintng in gilt frame [$20-40] 867 Victorian walnut carved open armchair, deep butoned [$150-250] 827 John Tulloch 'Wartme Ships' watercolour [$50-100] 868 19th C. Contnental fruit wood extension dining table [$500-1000] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 10 Lot No Description Lot No Description 869 Good suite of six English oak high back dining chairs with cane seats (includes one carver) [$300-500] 909 Two modern chrome and upholstered stools [$30-50] 870 Cutlery canteen table on cabriole legs [$100-150] 910 Vintage Australian 'Pacifc' guitar and case [$40-60] 871 Miniature dropside table in mahogany [$100-200] 911 872 Gold silk vintage handmade dress inserted with lace, knee length, worn by Rosamund Plummer [$100-200] Glass decanter, 'Camus' botle and cocktail shaker [$20-40] 912 Manchurian oak bedroom suite with four poster bed, two bedside tables with rough sawn Carrera marble, and dressing table - love hearts hard carved. Given by Captain Glenn Heritage to Alders Heritage [$300-500] 873 Towel rail [$30-50] 874 Fox fur pelt [$50-100] 875 Heavily carved French oak dresser base A/F [$300-500] 913 Mahogany A320 airbus [$40-50] Pair of modern metal and glass storm lantern candle holders [$100-200] 914 Modern pot with fowers [$20-40] 915 Carved single door pot/side cabinet [$40-60] Green painted side cabinet [$10-20] 876 877 Large leaf fcus bonsai in pot [$60-100] 916 878 Two etched hallway brass lights [$40-60] 917 Small fall front writng bureau [$30-60] 879 Victorian mahogany duchess dressing chest [$300-500] 918 Queen Anne Scotch Whisky 3.75L botle and stand [$20-40] 880 Brass banker's lamp [$30-50] 919 881 Brass 'Orient Express' style lamp, Paris [$50-100] 882 Art Deco design bronze fgure on marble base [$250-350] Pair of oval shaped bedside tables in the Sheraton manner with leather tops and two drawers fted [$300-500] 920 Squat foot stool [$10-20] 921 Large concrete garden statue of a seated young girl [$50-80] 922 Brass and green enamel standard lamp [$50-100] 923 19th C. Contnental oval centre table in walnut supported by a marquetry nilay base with six matching dining chairs [$500-800] 924 Maxwell Williams boxed 56 piece cutlery set [$50-80] 925 Silver plated cake stand, wine cooler with place mats and coasters [$50-70] 883 Mahogany inlaid display cabinet with lead panelled door in the Sheraton style [$400-600] 884 Pair of Art Deco table lamps with leadlight shades and cat motf [$80-120] 885 Pair of vintage crocodile skin shoes and bag in brown [$100-200] 886 Set of twelve etched crystal comports [$30-50] 887 Two large Stuart crystal bowls [$30-50] 888 Set of six iron stone blue trios [$30-50] 889 A 19th C. mahogany bow front chest of six drawers [$800-1200] 926 Upholstered Chesterfeld sofa, 19th C. [$500-1000] 890 HMV table top/pinic gramophone (working conditon) [$80-120] 927 Vintage musical teddy bear [$20-50] 928 Old teddy bear [$40-80] 891 Tifany style lead light side lamp [$100-150] 929 Turkoman Mafrash (bag face) c.1920 [$30-50] 892 Grosvenor eight person silver plated cutlery service in presentaton box [$80-120] 930 Carved front two door bedside table [$40-60] 931 Two bonsai trees in glazed pot [$100-150] 893 Modern mahogany display cabinet [$100-200] 932 Large Italian made silver plated ice bucket [$20-30] 894 Early oak bookshelf with two doors [$100-200] 933 Timber two ter table [$20-30] 895 Two ribbon plates [$10-12] 934 896 English oak swivel spindle back ofce chair [$100-150] Pine square cofee table with sabre legs and a drawer [$50-80] 935 Large Windsor style rocking chair [$50-100] 897 English oak swivel captain's (Windsor) chair [$100-150] 936 Towel rail [$15-30] 937 Four piece white painted cane pato setng [$100-200] 938 Suite of six elm dining chairs [$300-600] 939 Pine kitchen table [$100-200] 940 Set of eight bentwood chairs with cane seats and backs [$150-250] 941 Painted tmber and cane chest of six drawers [$80-120] 898 Painted white open shelf bookcase [$100-150] 899 Set of six English scene cups and saucers together with cake plates (Anne Hathaway's Cotage) [$40-80] 900 School desk and chair [$40-60] 901 Oak desk fted with eight drawers [$80-120] 902 Large green cloud glass serving tray [$40-60] 903 Retro stool [$20-30] 904 Two ter traymobile [$30-50] 942 905 Electronic rocking horse Christmas decoraton, illuminatve candy stripes [$30-50] Pair of Oriental inspired porcelain side tables [$150-250] 943 Two door glazed display cabinet [$100-200] 906 Cloisonne foral table lamp [$80-120] 944 907 Cloisonne black side lamp [$60-100] Quality mahogany fre screen with tapestry inserts by Norman Turner and Notage [$100-150] 908 Black hanging oval pot rack [$20-30] 945 Lacquered pedestal with Oriental decoraton [$100-150] Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 11 Lot No Description Lot No Description 946 Stained and polished pine occasional table [$50-100] 988 Modern stainless steel Simpson 380 two door refrigerator [$200-300] 947 Large gourd [$20-40] 989 Leadlight hanging light ftng [$20-40] 948 Brass and marble top side table [$50-80] 990 Sellicks of Unley occasional table [$60-100] 949 Art Deco smokers stand [$50-80] 991 Poted plant [$20-30] 950 Gilt framed mirror [$30-50] 992 Poted plant [$20-30] 951 Wrought iron framed mirror [$20-40] 993 Poted plant [$20-30] 952 Gold framed wall mirror [$25-40] 994 Poted plant [$20-30] 953 Antque mirror [$20-30] 995 Modern bookshelf with lower doors [$50-80] 954 Modern framed mirror [$20-40] 996 Three brass eagle fgurines [$50-100] 955 Gilt framed mirror [$40-70] 997 Oriental carved travel chess set [$20-30] 956 Large contemporary paintng of fowers [$20-40] 998 Half round mahogany table [$50-100] 957 China display cabinet [$100-200] 999 Pine open shelf bookcase [$50-100] 958 Art Deco design bronze fgure on marble base [$250-350] 1,000 Samsung DVD player with remote [$20-40] 1,001 959 Set of Panasonic hif speakers and amp [$50-80] Small desk fted with drawer [$50-80] 1,002 960 Arnels foral wash bowl and jug [$30-50] Two hand crafed table lamps (purchased The Rocks 1980's) by Crestafern Albany [$50-80] 1,003 Open shelf bookcase [$40-60] 961 German cuckoo clock (in working conditon) [$150-200] 1,004 Small sideboard with glazed door and drawers [$60-100] 962 Edwardian nursing chair [$50-80] 1,005 963 Hand knoted hall runner carpet, 296x80cm [$80-120] Solid Tasmanian oak two door wardrobe with central glass panel [$80-120] 1,006 Retro telephone table [$20-40] 1,007 Three contemporary pictures [$30-50] 1,008 Singer drop-head treadle sewing machine [$50-100] 1,009 Victorian ladies bedroom chair [$80-120] 1,010 Four drawer white Queen Anne bedroom chest [$30-50] 964 Oriental carpet, room size 2x3m [$50-100] 965 Modern stainless steel and blue glass standing light [$30-50] 966 Pair of pressed and spindle back cotage chairs [$40-50] 967 Shaped side table [$20-40] 1,011 Poted yucca plant [$50-70] 968 Large gold framed oval mirror [$100-200] 1,012 Poted yucca plant [$50-70] Modern cofee table with glass inserts [$50-80] 1,013 Laundry wicker basket [$30-50] Kelvinator two door side-by-side fridge/freezer [$50-80] 1,014 Garden bench [$150-250] 1,015 Cast iron fre grate [$20-30] 971 Wicker verandah chair [$10-20] 1,016 972 Single bed ensemble [$80-120] Spinning wheel with all atachments including spools, etc [$50-80] 973 Four various pictures [$10-15] 1,017 Large fcus tree in concrete pot [$150-250] 974 Art Deco glazed display cabinet [$80-120] 1,018 975 Large Sony home audio docking/radio staton, USB adapton [$100-200] Large concrete boy fgure with a wheelbarrow [$50-100] 1,019 976 Glass topped long cofee table A/F [$30-50] Helena Nikitns 'Bewitched and Bewildered' paintng on silk (Belair Art Show) [$50-80] 977 55 pianola rolls with piano stool [$50-80] 1,020 Colonial pine two door linen cupboard [$100-200] 978 Gary Duncan, signed set of three bird prints [$100-150] 1,021 Lovely Victorian print in oak frame [$50-80] 1,022 Pressed brass pot [$10-20] Veriegated dracynia in pot [$40-60] 1,023 Brass fower centrepiece with insert [$10-20] Pine dining chair [$20-30] 1,024 Miniature mahogany two drawer chest [$80-120] 981 York Challenger 510 exercise/running machine [$100-200] 1,025 Huon pine single door wardrobe with lower drawer [$150-250] 982 Side table fted with a drawer [$20-30] 1,026 983 Group of 6 prints, Australiana etc [$20-30] Large pair of cast metal driveway gates approximately 2.8m width [$100-150] 984 Mahogany bed head super king size upholstered in pink Chintz [$200-300] 1,027 Pine ornate plant stand [$30-50] 1,028 985 Singer sewing machine, treadle with cabinet [$60-120] Mahogany carved stand with single drawer [$60-100] 1,029 Colonial cedar side table [$50-100] 986 Two ter occasional table [$20-40] 1,030 Plaster 'Water Pourer' fgure on pedestal [$50-80] Poted broad leaf plant [$30-50] 1,031 Australian Colonial huon pine chest fted with eight drawers decorated with fne line carving [$800-1500] 969 970 979 980 987 Printed on 20/03/2015 Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 12 Lot No Description Lot No 1,032 19th C. maritme caulking hammer [$100-150] 1,033 Large concrete garden statue of a young girl [$50-80] 1,034 Concrete garden statue of a frog [$40-60] 1,035 Metal garden table and three chairs [$80-100] 1,036 Succulent plant in pot [$30-50] 1,037 Large concrete garden statue of a young lad [$50-80] 1,038 Danish design farmhouse table together with six ladder back chairs with seagrass seats, all in European pine [$300-400] 1,039 Brass and cast iron fre fender with fre dogs and fre tools [$100-200] 1,040 Small French style folding fre screen in brass [$40-70] 1,041 Regency style copper fre screen [$30-50] 1,042 Brass and wire fre screen [$30-50] 1,043 Vintage wooden folding child's high chair [$40-60] 1,044 Circular pine dining table [$50-100] 1,045 Set of six bar back dining chairs [$100-150] 1,046 Cast iron and tmber bench seat [$100-150] 1,047 19th C. brass fre fender [$50-100] 1,048 Brass fre surround together with tools [$50-100] 1,049 Folding chair with cane seat [$30-40] 1,050 Demi lune half round hall table [$80-100] 1,051 Henk Guth 'The Western McDonald Ranges of Central Australia' oil on board, signed lower right [$100-150] 1,052 Kenta palm in blue glazed pot [$150-200] Printed on 20/03/2015 Description Auction date: 24/03/2015 Page 13
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