2015 SEEDLING SALE ORDER FORM V ENANGO C ONSERVATION D ISTRICT 1793 C HERRYTREE R OAD , F RANKLIN PA 16323 814-676-2832 ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZIP HOME PHONE WORK PHONE EMAIL SPECIES AGE SIZE UNIT PRICE Norway Spruce 2YR Seedling 5-12” $15.00/25 Colorado Blue Spruce 2YR Seedling 10-18” $15.00/25 Fraser Fir 2YR Seedling 3-6” $15.00/25 Douglas Fir 2YR Seedling 5-12” $15.00/25 Eastern White Pine 2YR Seedling 5-10” $15.00/25 Canadian Hemlock 3YR Seedling 3-7” $15.00/25 Red Oak Seedling 6-12” $7.00/5 White Oak Seedling 6-12” $7.00/5 Sugar Maple Seedling 6-12” $7.00/5 Button Bush Seedling 6-12” $7.00/5 Red Chokeberry Seedling 12-18” $7.00/5 Myrtle Clumps 10-15 Leads Each UNIT ORDER TOTAL PRICE Keep this portion for your records Send this portion in for your order NAME The deadline for all orders is Friday March 20th, 2015. All orders must be accompanied by a check made payable to the Venango Conservation District for the total amount. Orders must be picked up at the Conservation District Office. You will be notified as to when your seedlings will be available for pick up (approx. Apr 22nd). ALL SEEDLINGS ARE BARE ROOT. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE QUALITY OR SIZES OF THE SEEDLINGS RECEIVED FROM OUR SUPPLIER. TENATIVE PICK UP DATE: APRIL 22 ND SPECIES N ORWAY C OLORADO B LUE F RASER D OUGLAS W HITE P INE Hemlock $15.00/25 Red Oak White Oak Sugar Maple Button Bush Northeast Wildflower Seed Mix 1,000 sqft Coverage $10.00/5oz C HOKEBERRY Myrtle Wildflower Seed TOTAL ORDER TOTAL QTY 2015 SEEDLING SALE INFORMATION NORWAY SPRUCE This graceful pyramidal has sharp, dark green needles. Beautiful spreading branches with drooping twigs. An extremely hardy tree that is successful undermost soil conditions. Fast growing, can reach 6 feet in 6-7 years from a 3-year seedling, up to 150 feet. Makes a charming Christmas tree. An appealing ornamental specimen, or a protective windbreak. Fast growth makes the Spruce ideal for timber. COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE Most popular of all spruces for ornamental use. Has the largest needles of all the spruces. Stiff silvery -blue to bluish-green needles. Can reach 6 feet in 8-9 years from a 3-year seedling, up to 100 feet. Does not like wet soil. Coloring in blue spruce influenced by spacing and soil fertility. O representation is given to the percentage of blue trees. FRASER FIR A medium sized, gray bark pyramidal growing fir of great beauty. Shiny, green foliage is lighter on underside. Needles are 1/2 to 11/4 inches long. Has delightful fragrance, and attractive purplish cones. Grows well in a variety of soils, under general conditions. Good ornamentals and becoming a premier Christmas tree specimen. Likes cool soil and northern exposure, not necessary to have full sun full day. DOUGLAS FIR A splendid pyramidal evergreen conifer, with short-stalked flat, dark green or bluish green needles, 3/4” to 11/4” long. Bears cones at maturity 2” to 4” long. A rapid grower, hardy tree that grows will in a variety of soils, but does best in deep wee-drained soils. Beautify Christmas tree, picturesque ornamental, windbreak, and can be sheared a hedge. EASTERN WHITE PINE A majestic evergreen beauty when planted as a single specimen tree, this very hardy pine grows stately and gracefully tall. Needles are soft and bluish-green in color. Bark is thin, smooth and greenish brown, turning darker as trees mature. With adequate moisture, growth can be 12-18” per year. Ideal for specimen planting, shade windbreaks and appealing Christmas trees. EASTERN HEMLOCK A graceful pyramidal with foliage of lacy, graceful, spray-like appearance. Short, soft, flat needles varying from dark green to light green during growing season. A very hardy easily transplanted conifer, growing a variety of soils. Prefers part shade, but will do well in full shade or part sun. Likes moisture. Can be pruned for hedges. RED OAK Select strain, collected from genetically superior specimens in Northwest PA. Matures with a broad round head, leaves turning a red to reddish brown in autumn. Will tolerate a wide range of soil types from acid to alkaline, but prefers sandy to rich loamy soil in full sun. Mature eight 75-80 feet. WHITE OAK A tall tree reaching 6– to 80 feet at maturity, this hardwood tree develops a broad head. Its leaves may linger in winter. The bark of the White Oak is flaked and light gray in color. SUGAR MAPLE An attractive maple that can be used for dual purposes. A handsome tree for shade. Rounded head with dense green foliage having serrated three to five lobed leaves. The smooth silvery bark becomes darker as the tree ages. Mature trees produce sap in spring that can be used for making delicious maple syrup and sugar. Wood of these trees is hard maple, valuable for floors and furniture making. Mature height approximately 70 to 100 feet. 2015 SEEDLING SALE INFORMATION BUTTON BUSH A native to the eastern United States that will thrive in wet and low lying areas. Blooms July and August with cream colored flowers that develop into nutlet type fruits remaining on into the winter. RED CHOKEBERRY A medium size shrub that prefers low wet areas and acid soil. It is excellent for borders or mass plantings. Bright white flowers in May, brilliant berries in fall that last into winter for wildlife. Bright red fall foliage. MYRTLE GROUND COVER Also known as Periwinkle, the hardiest of ground cover. Has dark lustrous green leaves and lilacblue or white flowers. Grows will under shade and in areas where grass will not grow. Stays green through summer and winter. NORTHEAST WILDFLOWER MIX This mix includes several annual, bi-annual, and perennial flowers that are sure to brighten up any landscape. In addition, it will attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other flower dependent species. The planting rate is recommended at 5 to 10 pounds per acre, or 5 ounces per 1000 square feet. More dense cover can be achieved by heavier seeding, and when soil preparation and weed control are not possible. SPECIES Bachelor’s Button/Cornflower Blanketflower Annual Baby’s Breath Queen Anne’s Lace Wild Blue Lupine Annual Gaillarcia/Indian Blanket Lance-leafed Coreopsis Spiked Gayfeather Rocket Larkspur Scarlet Flax Dames’s Rocket Spurred-Northern Lights Snapdragon Siberian Wallflower Lewis Perennial Blue Flax Shasta Daisy Red Corn Poppy Biannual Evening Primrose Annual Phlox Cosmos Black-eyed Susan Sulphur Cosmos Catchfly Purple Coneflower V ENANGO C ONSERVATION D ISTRICT 1793 Cherrytree Road Franklin PA 16323 814-676-2832 phone 814-676-2927 fax www.venangocd.org COMMITTED TO QUALITY AND SUSTAINABLE NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2015 SEEDLING SALE The Venango Conservation District is holding its annual tree seedling and groundcover sale through March 20th, 2015. Whether it’s for conservation, landscaping, erosion control, attracting wildlife or what ever the reason you can order tree seedlings using the attached order form, call us, or visit our website for more information. 814-676-2832 www.venangocd.org
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