Bedford County Conservation District 702 West Pitt Street, Suite 3 Bedford, PA 15522 2015 TREE SEEDLING ORDER FORM Reasons to plant native trees and shrubs: Wildlife habitat and food Riparian filter strips Natural windbreaks Erosion control Living snow fences Increased property values Landscaping aesthetics Food for pollinators Native plants are better adapted for climate and soils Description of Seedlings Available Conifers Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus) 10” - 18” 4 year old transplant (2-2), fast-growing (12”+/year with adequate moisture), stately, tall (to 100’), long soft needles, can tolerate dry rocky soil or wet swampy conditions, ideal for single plantings, windbreaks Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) 12” – 18” 4 year transplant (2-2), grows to 100’, PA state tree, long-lived, shade tolerant, likes moist, organic well-drained soils, popular as specimen, accent, or foundation plant, can be sheared Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida) 12” - 24” 3 year seedling, native pine of Northeast US, small to medium size, yellow-green foliage, very hardy growing in most conditions, useful on dry, rocky sites where few other trees can grow, medium sized decorative cones White Spruce (Picea glauca) 12” - 24” 4 year transplant (2-2), extremely hardy evergreen with short bluishgreen needles, rapid grower preferring well-drained loam but adapts to most soils, beautiful as Christmas tree or specimen planting and as windbreak planted in row Deciduous Trees and Shrubs Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) 24” – 36” seedling, grows to 70’ – 100’, handsome tree for ornamental or shade planting, mature trees produce sap in spring for maple syrup, wood is hard maple for floors and furniture White Oak (Quercus alba) 12” – 18” seedling Chinkapin Oak 18” – 24” seedling Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) 24” – 36” seedling American Hazelnut 8” – 14” seedling Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) 12” – 18” seedling, grows to 6’ – 12’ tall, multi-stemmed shrub, native to Eastern US thriving in wet and low-lying areas, blooms in July with striking globular white (Quercus muehlenbergii) (Corylus Americana) to cream-colored flowers developing into nutlet type fruits, valuable for wildlife cover and food American Cranberrybush Viburnum 12” - 15” seedling Gray Dogwood 5 year, 2’ – 3’ cutback American Witchhazel 18” - 24” 4 year seedling, very attractive small tree with fragrant bright yellow ribbon-like flowers in fall and winter Red Chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia) 18” - 24” seedling, grows to 6’ to 15’ tall, excellent shrub for borders and mass plantings, bright white flowers in May, brilliant red berries in fall, bright red fall foliage, (Viburnum trilobum) (Cornus racemosa) (Hamamelis virginiana) does well in wet soil 2015 Tree Seedling Sale Order Form Name _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Address _____________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ City ____________________________________ State ________ Zip __________________ all prices include state sales tax Seedling Variety Quantity per bundle Price per bundle Eastern White Pine 10 $12.00 Canadian Hemlock 10 $12.00 Pitch Pine 10 $8.00 White Spruce 10 $12.00 Sugar Maple 10 $10.00 White Oak 10 $10.00 Chinkapin Oak 10 $10.00 Chokecherry 10 $10.00 American Hazelnut 10 $10.00 Buttonbush 10 $10.00 American Cranberrybush Viburnum 10 $10.00 Gray Dogwood 10 $10.00 American Witchhazel 10 $10.00 Red Chokeberry 10 $10.00 # bundles ordered Cost Subtotal Total amount enclosed Please complete and detach order form and return with payment by March 31, 2015 to: Bedford County Conservation District 702 West Pitt Street, Suite 3 Bedford, PA 15522 Attn: Tree Seedling Sale Bedford County Conservation District Tree and Shrub Seedling Sale Pick-up Dates - April 17 and 18, 2015 Wintry weather will soon give way to spring and now is the time to make plans for tree and shrub plantings. The Bedford County Conservation District is again offering tree and shrub seedlings. Native species that offer wildlife food or cover and those which are effective as riparian buffer plantings are emphasized but most have appeal in landscaping as well; as windbreaks, hedging, or as specimen plantings. Native species are preferred food for our native pollinators. Proceeds from the seedling sale are used in Bedford County for Conservation District education efforts such as Arbor Day activities and Envirothon events. Orders must be submitted with prepayment to the Bedford County Conservation District office by March 31, 2015. Make checks payable to BCCD and send to: Bedford County Conservation District Attn: Tree Seedling Sale 702 West Pitt Street, Suite 3 Bedford, PA 15522 Orders may be picked up Friday, April 17 from 9 AM to 5PM and Saturday, April 18 from 9 AM until 12 Noon. The conservation district will not be responsible for orders not picked up by 1200 Noon on Saturday, April 18. Please call 814-623-7900 ext. 4 if you have any questions. No refunds for seedlings that are not picked up on time. The Conservation District strives to assure that your seedlings arrive to you healthy and efforts are made to avoid root stress in handling. The District cannot guarantee successful planting of bareroot seedlings, just as our suppliers cannot guarantee seedling survival.
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