March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Introduction to the Liturgy of the Day We begin our Holy Week celebration with palm branches in our hands, recalling the crowds that cried both “Hosanna!” and “Crucify!” While we cannot walk the streets of Jerusalem of two thousand years ago, we can walk with Jesus Christ through our world today proclaiming his salvation, especially in the most desolate and downtrodden places as well as in the well-worn paths of our own lives. These branches, and we who carry them, will now be blessed so that the mission of Jesus Christ will, like our loud hosannas, be proclaimed to the entire world. WE CELEBRATE THE HOLY EUCHARIST Monday March 30 7:00 am Edward and Mary Smichowski (A) by daughter- in- law Ann Marie and family Tuesday March 31 7:00 am Shirley Kolankiewicz by Joe and Dee Lacomis Wednesday April 1 7:00 am Mildred Pramick by brother Boots Holy Thursday April 2 Mass of the Lords Supper 7:00 pm Good Friday April 3 3:00 pm The Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday April 4 8:00 pm The Easter Vigil on the Holy Night of Easter Easter Sunday April 5 7:30 am ( with Easter Procession ) Easter Masses are 9:30 am for the intentions of 11:00am all our parishioners. Please Note: Starting on March 30th and up until April 12th All Masses / services will be in the CHURCH. Holy Thursday 7 pm Thor Balavage, Brianna and Victoria Zawacki All Altar Servers and Extraordinary Ministers are requested to take part in this mass. Please meet at 6:40 pm in the church hall in your robes. Good Friday 3 pm Zeb Chrisdock, Justin Coyne and Jeremy Stanco Stations of the Cross April 3rd – 7 pm Evan Elko, Andrew and Kevin Krawczyk Easter Vigil 8 pm Peter and Charles Kulick, Sarah Satkowski Easter Sunday 7:30 am Andrew and Kevin Krawczyk, Jeremy Stanco 9:30 am Gina and Michelle Grossbauer 11:00 am Taylor and Joshua Baiera During 11 am Mass on Easter morning, Ariana Boccardi will share her musical and vocal talent. On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual Good Friday collection for the Holy Land. Your financial contribution helps to support the struggling Christian community and to protect Christianity’s holiest places. The Sunday Collection for March 22nd was $ 5,158.00 Our “Road to Resurrection” collection came to $ 539.85 which was forwarded to the Care and Concerns Ministry at St. John’s, which includes the food pantry, the free health clinic and the clothes closet for kids and adults. The Sanctuary Candles burn this week in memory of Theresa Gayza by Marian Wanielista Stanley and Anna Snopkowski by daughter Jean Poplawski Thomas and Anna Yoniski by Joe and Dee Lacomis Holy Thursday Adoration Schedule The Women’s Society will recite the rosary following the evening Mass. The Holy Name Society members are asked to consult the adoration list in the vestibule. We ask all men to be faithful to their assigned times between 9 and 10PM. Private Adoration: The church will be open until 10:00 PM on Thursday Good Friday The church will open at 9AM for private prayer. The “grave (tomb)” will be in place until 12 noon on Holy Saturday. On Good Friday those 14 years and older may not eat meat. Those 19 to 59 may have a full meal and 2 lesser meals *Please Note: The Rectory Office will close at 12 Noon on Holy Thursday and remain closed Good Friday and Easter Monday. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 7th. **The Easter Bunny will arrive here at Sacred Heart in Dupont after Easter Sunday AM Masses. CCD Calendar: March 30 Class April 6th Easter Monday – Class cancelled Holy Thursday Procession…All young parishioners grades 1 thru 8 (Catholic and Public Schools) are encouraged to help our parish celebrate the Solemn Feast of Holy Thursday by participating in procession and mass. Practice for Holy Thursday will take place on Wednesday April 1 at 6 pm. We will meet in the church hall. Practice will not be more that 45 minutes. On Holy Thursday we will meet in the church hall no later than 6:30pm, wearing our Sunday best. Mass starts at 7pm. Holy Name Society 300 Club Drawing Week 4 And the winners are: Ticket No. 1st Prize $100 John Scyrba 112 2nd Prize $ 50 John Lizak 200 3rd Prize $ 25 Kristen Kubasko 204 4th Prize $ 25 Anthony Caltagirone 64 Our Lady of the Eucharist Speaker Series As part of an ongoing series of educational presentations, Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish will host James Siberski, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Gerontology Education at Misericordia University. The presentation will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. The topics to be discussed will be various aspects of aging successfully from a Catholic view point. A discussion on Alzheimer's, diets associated with aging well, caregiver issues, brain health and how we can assist our elderly church members will be covered. The goal for all Catholics is to have their life span equal their brain and health spans. Plan on joining us! Just two minutes each day - 120 seconds FYI : TRIDUUM The most ancient and always the central event of the liturgical year is the Easter TRIDUUM (Latin, three days) celebrating the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. The sacred three days (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday) are a liturgical season in themselves and not strictly part of Lent. (from “Words of Grace” – All Saints Press) The Feast of Divine Mercy will be celebrated at St. Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin Road, Laflin, PA on Sunday April 12,2015. Father Richard Cirba, of St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, Wilkes – Barre, will offer the homily. The afternoon includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation [7 priests] ( 1 pm ) Veneration of the Image followed by Holy Mass ( 2 pm ) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song, Holy Rosary, Benediction, individual blessing with the First Class Relic of St. Faustina. ( 3 pm ) Meetings: Choir will meet on Tuesday March 31 at 6:30pm in the choir loft. New members are always welcome!!!! Women’s Society will meet Tuesday April 7th at 6:30 pm Holy Name Society will meet Wednesday April 8th at 7 pm The Bible Study group will meet on Wednesday March 25 7 to 9 pm in rectory meeting room. On Monday, March 30, 2015 approximately twelve priests from the Greater Pittston Area will be available to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) at St. John the Evangelist Church, William Street, Pittston. beginning with a brief Penance Service at 7:00 p.m. Confession Schedule Please plan ahead to take advantage of the opportunities for confession between now and Easter. HOLY WEEK Monday March 30 6:30AM to 6:50AM , Noon Tuesday March 31 6:30AM to 6:50AM Wednesday April 1 6:30AM to 6:50AM *Please Note: Confessions are NOT SCHEDULED for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE Monday 7AM March 30 Tuesday 7AM March 31 Wednesday 7AM April 1 Holy Thursday 7PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper Church will be open until 10PM for private adoration. Good Friday 3PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7PM Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday 8PM Easter Vigil (please note this Mass satisfies the Sunday obligation.) Easter Sunday 7:30AM (includes the procession) 9:30AM 11:00AM *Please Note time change for Easter Sunday Masses. Easter Food will be blessed on Holy Saturday at 11:30AM and 1:30PM in the church hall Sacred Heart of Jesus Women’s Society. By now all parishioners should have received their raffle books from the Society. The profit from this fund raiser benefits Sacred Heart Church. We are asking that you support this important project by purchasing the tickets and returning them as early as possible. The prize winners will be drawn on April 19, 2015 after the 10:30 Mass. The winners will be notified as soon as possible. If anyone would like extra tickets, please call the rectory during office hours. (570-654-3713).
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