Current Week

March 22, 2015
Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of being!
Pope Francis
4:00 PM
7:30 AM
10:30 AM
7:00 PM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
7:30 AM
10:30 AM
Margie Serock by Helen Lagana & Anna Timcho
Deceased Members of the Evanochick Family by the Capozzelli Family
John and Elizabeth Brazina Family by the Family
Stella Kulina by Pam and George Boyer
John and Helen Kasarda by Bernadine Kisatsky
Dorothy Lutz by Marina Blevins and Family
Leo Maranki by M/M Paul Thomas
Joseph and Antoinette and Stephen and Susan Batcha
by JoAnne and Barbara
For the People
Angie Puzzetti and Family by Michalene and Jim Eisenhart
March 14/15:
Sunday $4,289.00; Loose $110.00; Dues $1,511.00; Easter Flowers $729.00;
Rice Bowl $72.00; Care and Education of Priests $94.00; Easter $85.00;
Ash Wednesday $13.00; Holy Thursday $35.00; Good Friday $5.00; Poor Box $265.30
LENTEN REMINDER: Every Friday during Lent is a day of abstinence from meat for everyone 14 years of age and older.
YOUTH GROUP NEWS: Practice for the Living Stations will be held on Sunday, March 22nd at 7:00 PM
in the church. Everyone who is participating in the Living Stations is asked to attend this practice. Costumes
will be distributed at this practice.
The Living Stations will be depicted on Good Friday, April 3 rd beginning with the choir at 7:00 PM.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come to this meaningful portrayal of Our Lord’s Passion and Crucifixion.
FAITH IN ACTION YOUTH GROUP is sponsoring a collection for the local Food Pantry
this month. Please donate any kind of CEREAL. Deposit in boxes at the Church entrance.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be held every Friday during Lent at 12:00 PM and at 7:00 PM.
The reader at Stations on Friday, March 27th at 12:00 PM is Rich Pshar, Cross Bearer is Pat Anthony,and
Candle Bearer is Mary Lloyd The Reader at the 7:00 PM Station will be Abby Hartz , Cross Bearer is
Michael Walters , and Candle Bearers are James Gabrielle and Michael Eisenhart .
BLESSING OF THE BASKETS will take place on Saturday, April 4th at 11:00 AM
PENANCE SERVICE on Palm Sunday, March 29th, from 3:30 – 4:30 PM. Just a reminder… the
Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be offered during Holy Week on Monday evening from 6 – 7 PM and
Tuesday morning from 6:15 – 6:55 AM. These will be your only opportunities for Confession before
10:30 AM MASS SOLEMN PALM SUNDAY PROCESSION: We would like all those who are able
to join in the solemn procession into the church. Pews in the front of the church will be reserved for those
who are in the procession
Holy Thursday 7 PM
Good Friday 1 PM
Easter Vigil 8 PM
Easter 7:30 and 10:30 AM
Greetings from the Pastor,
The Gospel you just heard at Liturgy was the all too familiar story of how Jesus raised Lazarus
from the dead. As Jesus approaches Jerusalem for the hour of His passion, His miracles are
more profound. This Gospel has many different levels: Martha and Mary, those who chided
Jesus for not being there earlier and how Jesus loved Lazarus. I think one of the behind-thescenes levels of the Gospel is one of the last lines where Jesus says: “…untie him and let him
go.” Jesus wants all of us to be “untied” from the bounds of sin. We are just about through the
Lenten season and Holy Week is just around the corner. If Holy Week and Easter Sunday mean anything to
you, I urge you to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There are so many opportunities to come to
confessions. Each morning from 6:15 to 6:55 AM, the confessional door is open. On Palm Sunday afternoon
from 3:30 to 4:30 PM, we will have a parish penance service. Monday and Tuesday morning of Holy Week, you
can again come at 6:15 AM. I understand that for some, confession is a “tough” sacrament. Some have not been
there for years and are embarrassed. Others use the excuse that they tell their sins to God directly and they
don’t need to go to a priest (you are only fooling yourselves). Still others say they don’t commit any serious sins
and have no need for confession. Whatever your excuse (remember God will listen to a thousand “reasons” but
not one “excuse”, please be courageous and come to this most healing sacrament. Just yesterday, the second
grade class celebrated their First Penance. I wish all of you could have been there to see their loving and
caring faces. THEY know the power of this special sacrament. You know you will feel better and be “raised”
and “untied” like Lazarus was from his burdens. Renew yourself to go to confession!
CCD HIGHLIGHTS: Just a reminder: No class on April 5th (Easter Sunday).
The monthly Confirmation preparation class will be
March 22nd for the 5th and 6th grade students. This class
will be held in the Parish Center.
On March 29th we ask all students to remain in the
Parish Center after class to take part in the Palm
Sunday Procession.
CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on March 21 st:
Benjamin Branz, Matthew Charnigo, Gianna Famalette, Ave Lynn Hauze, Ryan Kiddish, Ella Kresge, Cole Kuehn,
Diamond Elizabeth Macko, Gavin Perkosky, Kaitlyn Puzzetti, Austin Sando, Lilli Warner-Senape, Edwin Yates.
SPECIAL THANKS to Father Kloton, all parents and guardians, teachers and assistants who guide the children of
our parish in Faith Formation preparation.
The next Charismatic Mass and Healing Service at St. John Bosco is Tuesday, March 24th
at 7:00 PM. Praise music will begin at 6:45 PM. Light refreshments will follow.
CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE: The Diocese of Scranton’s First Annual Catholic Men’s Conference will be
held of April 25th. The conference will feature nationally known speakers and opportunities for Eucharistic
Adoration, Reconciliation, Mass, and prayer. The fee is $30 through March ($35 in April). They would like
everyone to be registered in March!! Also, they are in need of parish captains. If you are interested in volunteering, please
see the following website:
All the faithful of the Diocese are invited to attend the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Peter,
Scranton, on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, at 4:00 PM. At this Mass priests from throughout the Diocese
will renew their priestly promises before the Bishop, and the oils to be used for the sacraments of
Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders will be blessed. Participation in the
Chrism Mass is a beautiful way to pray for and support the priests of the Diocese.
Holy Family Academy is holding Pre K & Kindergarten Registration on Saturday, March 21st
from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. .Holy Family is located at 601 North Laurel St, Hazleton.
MINISTERY SCHEDULE for next weekend March 28/29 (Palm Sunday):
4:00 PM: Altar Servers: Austin Perkosky, Sarah Delese; Lectors: Mary Fran Chuckra, Bobby Maso;
Extraordinary Ministers: Jim and Michalene Eisenhart
7:30 AM: Altar Servers: Theresa and Joseph Karosa; Lectors: Jean Rudawski, Janet Croshaw; Extraordinary
Ministers: Cheryl Turri, Joe Rudawski
10:30 AM: Altar Servers: Adam and Kyra Zabretsky; Lectors: Matt Kopczynskie, Rose Flanagan; Extraordinary
Ministers: Cindy Zabretsky, Sandy Sabo
*** If you are unable to serve, please arrange a replacement.