���From Seeds to Your Table��� Course Registration Form 2015

“From Seeds to Your Table”
Course Registration Form 2015
Name :
Fee: $100.00
Please indicate which Group of classes you are interested in:
Group 1: Tuesdays, 6:30-9:00
March 17, 2014 until May 5, 2015
Group 2: Thursday, 6:30-9:00 pm
March 19-May 7, 2015
Please choose your preferred method and submit your form and payment early as
space is always limited and courses fill up quickly. First come, first served!
1) Fastest and easiest – Register online and Pay your $100 fee via Paypal. You will
receive a receipt from Paypal which is your instant confirmation.
2) Traditional method - Print and mail this form with your cheque. When we
receive your registration and payment, we’ll email or call you to advise if space
is available.
Make your cheque payable to London Middlesex Master Gardeners and mail
it to: Seeds to Your Table, PO Box 42 Komoka, Ontario N0L 1R0
Seeds to Table courses are offered
in collaboration with: