Phil 103 CRN 24853 Critical Reasoning Winter 2015 Professor: Dr. Daniela Vallega-Neu Email: [email protected] Office hours: W 2:00-4:00 pm in SCH 245. GTFS: Joshua Kerr: Office hours Wednesdays, 10:00-11:50 in SCH 221. Email: [email protected] Claire Pickard: Office hours Thursdays, 2:00-4:00 in SCH 221. Email: [email protected] Main class meets MWF 12:00-12:50 pm in 240A MCK Discussion sections: CRN 24854 CRN 24856 CRN 24855 CRN 24857 Day and time: Place: F 10:00-10:50 303 GER F 10:00-10:50 102 PETR F 11:00-11:50 122 MCK F 11:00-11:50 101 PETR GTF: Joshua Kerr Clair Pickard Clair Pickard Joshua Kerr CRITICAL REASONING Course Description: This course introduces basic reasoning skills that are important not only for discussing philosophical questions but also for any field of study or situation in life where we need to argue, i.e. where we either wish to convince someone of something by giving them good reasons in favor of our belief or proposal, or where we want to dissuade somebody from something through reason or argue that they are wrong. In this course you will learn how to recognize, analyze, and criticize (evaluate) different kinds of arguments. You also will learn to construct your own arguments. We will first look at deductive reasoning, then at inductive reasoning, and then will begin to apply what we learned to current issues and debates. At the end of the course, you will be required to write a short final argumentative essay. Course Format: Lectures and exercises The only way to learn to argue is through exercises, so that besides lectures in which the instructor explains the course material, most of the class time will consist in exercises, both for analyzing arguments and for making them. Blackboard: Assignments and any changes to the course schedule will be made available on Blackboard. Learning outcomes: Strengthen critical thinking skills. Ability to detect and analyze arguments. Ability to make good arguments. Achievement of mobility of thought. Strengthened ability to write an argumentative essay. 1 Phil 103 CRN 24853 Critical Reasoning Winter 2015 Required Texts: Critical Thinking: An Introduction to the Basic Skills. Written by William Hughes, Jonathan Lavery, and Katheryn Doran. (Broadview Press, 2014) Requirements: Two in-class exams 40% (20% each) A final argumentative essay 20% Completion of homework, exercises, attendance and participation in discussion sections 40% NOTE: ALL REQUIREMENTS NEED TO BE FULFILLED IN ORDER TO PASS THE COURSE – YOU CANNOT MISS A TEST!! Explanation of Requirements: In-class exams: You will be given a number of questions you need to answer. The type of questions will be similar to questions discussed in class. You need to be there for the tests. If you are unable to make it because of illness or other accidents, you need to notify your GTF as soon as possible and provide documented proof that excuses your absence. You will be allowed to take the test within a week from the original day of the text. (Further time extensions will be allowed when necessary.) Final argumentative essay: You will be required to write a short essay (2-3 pages, double spaced, standard margins, font Times New Roman 12) in which you will make arguments for and against a certain issue; you will need to provide main arguments, anticipate counterarguments, and refute the latter. You will have some choice concerning the topic on which you will write. Participation points: You will get participation points for attending the discussion sections, for completing in-class assignments and short homework assignments, for making significant oral contributions in class, and for completing outlines and drafts of your final paper as stated in the syllabus. Participation points will be translated into grades at the end of the semester. If you miss class, you may still complete the class exercises (you don’t have to, but then you do not get any participation points). Homework assigned on Fridays should be handed in to your GTF on Mondays prior to the beginning of class. Further policies: 1. Please retain the original copy of all work returned to you during the term until the final course grade has been posted. In the event of any question concerning whether grades have been accurately recorded, it is your responsibility to provide these original copies as documentation. 2. Handing in homework late will lower your grade. Homework that is more than a week late will not be accepted, unless this was for demonstrable reasons beyond your control. 3. In order to avoid disruptions in class you are asked to avoid exiting and entering the classroom while lectures and discussions are going on and do not pack your things until the class is officially over. 2 Phil 103 CRN 24853 Critical Reasoning Winter 2015 4. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to keep up with the course material. 5. The uses of electronic devices like laptops, cell phones, iPods, iPads, Blackberries, etc. during class is not allowed unless a student has a documented need for using a specific device (note from the Accessible Education Center). If the latter is the case, please notify your instructors right away. 6. You are expected to follow the rules of academic honesty. Failure to do so will result in failure of the whole course (“F”). Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the inclusion of someone else’s product, words, ideas, or data as one’s own work. When a student submits work for credit that includes the product, words, ideas, or data of others, the source must be acknowledged by the use of complete, accurate, and specific references, such as footnotes. By placing one’s name on work submitted for credit, one certifies the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgements. Verbatim statements by others must be enclosed by quotation marks or set off from the regular text as indented extracts. In order to find out how to avoid plagiarism, see Fabrication: Fabrication is the intentional use of information that the author has invented when he or she states or implies otherwise, or the falsification of research or other findings with the intent to deceive. Examples include, but are not limited to: 1) citing information not taken from the source indicated; 2) listing sources in a reference not used in the academic exercise; 3) inventing data or source information for research or other academic exercises. Cheating: Cheating is an act of deception by which a student misrepresents or misleadingly demonstrates that he or she has mastered information on an academic exercise that he or she has not mastered, including the giving or receiving of unauthorized help in an academic exercise. Examples include but are not limited to: 1) copying from another student’s work; 2) collaborating without authority or allowing another student to copy one’s work in a test situation; 3) using the course textbook or other material not authorized for use during a test; 4) using unauthorized material during a test; for example, notes, formula lists, cues on a computer, photographs, symbolic representations, and notes written on clothing; 5) resubmitting substantially the same work that was produced for another assignment without the knowledge and permission of the instructor; 6) taking a test for someone else or permitting someone else to take a test for you. Assistance/Resources: If you need a special learning assistance, (for example, use of electronic devices, extended time in exams) please notify me right away and contact the Accessible Education Center. Accessible Education Center (AEC): coordinates services, provides advocacy and support to students with documented physical, learning, and psychological disabilities and provides assistance to the general campus community in responding appropriately to requests for accommodations based on disability. Location: 164 Oregon Hall Web page: Phone: 541-346-1155 Email: [email protected] Teaching & Learning Center (TLC): TLC provides numerous resources (including courses, workshops, and tutoring) to help UO students succeed. They work with a diverse student body with a wide range of needs. If you are unsure which resources would work best, they are happy to answer questions and share suggestions. Location: 68 PLC. Web page: Phone: 541-346-3226. University Counseling and Testing Center (UCTC): The UCTC provides comprehensive mental health care and testing services to the University of Oregon campus. The primary mission of the UCTC is to provide quality clinical/therapeutic services, psychological testing and assessment, psychoeducational workshops and outreach as well as emergency services. Location: 2nd floor, University Health, Counseling, and Testing Center Building Web site: 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 541-346-3227 3 Phil 103 CRN 24853 Critical Reasoning Winter 2015 Discrimination and Sexual Harassment: The UO is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic and dating violence and gender-based stalking. If you (or someone you know) has experienced or experiences gender-based violence (intimate partner violence, attempted or completed sexual assault, harassment, coercion, stalking, etc.), know that you are not alone. UO has staff members trained to support survivors in navigating campus life, accessing health and counseling services, providing academic and housing accommodations, helping with legal protective orders, and more. Please be aware that all UO employees are required reporters. This means that if you tell me about a situation, I may have to report the information to my supervisor or the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. Although I have to report the situation, you will still have options about how your case will be handled, including whether or not you wish to pursue a formal complaint. Our goal is to make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and have access to the resources you need. If you wish to speak to someone confidentially, you can call 541-346-SAFE, UO’s 24-hour hotline, to be connected to a confidential counselor to discuss your options. You can also visit the SAFE website at COURSE SCHEDULE (Tentative schedule. Changes will be announced on Blackboard.) Week One Jan. 5: Introduction to the course. Critical Thinking [CT] 1.1 Reasoning (inference, premises, conclusion) Jan. 7: Logical strength and soundness. CT 1.2. and 1.3. Jan. 9: Meaning. CT 1.4, 2.1 - 2.4. [Homework: 2.5: provide the answer to 1., 2., 3., 5. and 6.] Week Two Jan. 12: Definition. CT 2.6 – 2.12. Jan. 14: Clarifying meaning / ambiguity. CT 3.1 – 3.3. Jan. 16: Analytic, contradictory, and synthetic statements. CT 3.4-5. Descriptive and Evaluative meaning. CT 3.6-7. Necessary and sufficient conditions CT 3.8-9. [Homework: provide your own examples for each of the concepts discussed.] Week Three Jan. 19: NO CLASS (Martin Luther King Holiday) Jan. 21: Reconstructing arguments; missing premises and conclusions. 4.1-4.3. Special cases: reports of arguments and explanations. 4.4-5. Jan. 23: The structure of arguments. CT 4.6-8. [Homework: Questions 4.9: reconstruct arguments 5-7.] Week Four Jan. 26: Assessing arguments and truth claims. CT 5.1-6.5. Jan. 28: Assessing the acceptability of premises. CT 6.6. Some fallacies: CT 6.7-8. Jan. 30: Assessing relevance; fallacies of relevance. CT 7.1-7.5 [Homework: Questions 7.6: Complete answers for questions 1-3.] Week Five Feb. 2: Assessing adequacy. Fallacies. CT 8.1-5 Feb. 4: Causal fallacies. CT 8.6-7. Feb. 6: IN CLASS TEST (1): reconstructing and assessing arguments. 4 Phil 103 CRN 24853 Critical Reasoning Winter 2015 Week Six Feb. 9: Deductive reasoning. CT 9.1-2. Feb. 11: Formal validity and soundness in deductive arguments. 9.3-4. Feb. 13: Categorical syllogisms. [Class materials on blackboard. Homework TBA.] Week Seven Feb. 16: Inductive reasoning CT 10.1-4 (Inductive generalizations, statistical syllogisms, induction by confirmation.) Feb. 18: 10.5-6 Analogical reasoning. Feb. 20: Scientific reasoning (causal reasoning) 11.1-2. Week Eight Feb. 23: IN CLASS TEST (2): inductive and deductive arguments. Feb. 25: Arguing back CT 14.1-5. Feb. 27: Attacking different forms of inductive arguments. [Class materials on blackboard. Homework TBA.] Week Nine March 2: Irrational techniques of persuasion. CT 15.1-11. March 4: Writing and assessing argumentative essays. CT 17.1-4 March 6: Writing an outline for an argumentative essay. HOMEWORK: Decide on a topic you wish to discuss in your final argumentative essay and write an outline of your main argument with supporting arguments. Type, print out, and bring your outline to class on Monday!!! Week Ten March 9: Discussion of main arguments and their supporting arguments. March 11: Finding and refuting counter-arguments for your essay. March 13: How to write your final essay (writing a narrative along your essay outline). FINAL ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY DUE latest Thursday, March 19th in the Philosophy Department. Add a cover page with course information, your and your GTFs name on it! 5
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