Church Life 2015 Issue 3 DEEP GRATITUDE Church Life is published monthly These things just don’t happen in a vacuum. All that we’ve experienced together over the past weeks and months is the result of sacrifice and generous contribution. Royal Oak First United Methodist Church 320 West Seventh Street Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 Phone (248)541-4100 Fax (248)541-0192 E-mail: [email protected] Editor, Webmaster: Katrina Davis [email protected] Webmaster: Tom Allen Proofers: Virginia Borts, Kay LaCombe News Reports: The Congregation Members of the New Wave Retreat, the New Wave Team, and the New Wave Riders have drawn on God-inspired vision to fashion a strategic plan, flesh it out, and then shepherd it into implementation. They set the stage for the physical work on our building to fit in to the over-arching quest. FIRST THOUGHTS Building plans have been developed to date through the diligent work of Patrick Calhoun and the rest of the members of the Building Improvement Team who have worked together with our architect over hundreds of hours. Patrick has given several presentations of the plans as they were updated and you have contributed your ideas and critique. Ray Blessman and Andrew Sluss have given strong leadership, boundless energy, clear vision, and a determination that we should not do a job half-way and consider it done. They have led our ROFUM Rebirth Leadership Team with strength and steadiness with all its moving parts coming together for a prayerful, deeply spiritual response from our congregation. Joe and Jean Foster, Pam Sluss, and Mary Lou Graeber’s work created a prayerful atmosphere for us to begin, unfold, and complete our commitments. March 8 for April Issue Communication pieces beautifully designed and well-presented are the result of Caroline Scott whose work ranked with the best that our consultant has seen in over a decade of work with churches across the country. Mary Nahhat has worked with lots of creative friends and staff (and family members) to provide worship services that have moved Continued on page 2) our souls. Baptism Dates.......................................... 7 Birthdays .................................................. 9 Calendar .................................................. 8 Homebound Members ............................. 7 Kid’s Page ............................................ 11 Sponsors ................................................. 6 Missions .................................................. 5 Worship Schedule ................................. 10 PAGE 2 FIRST THOUGHTS CHURCH LIFE (continued from page 1) Trish Lambert brought us a pancake celebration to bring our fund drive to a joyous conclusion down its homestretch. Jon Cline has doggedly watched and provided for all the physical detail to work along the way. When our postage meter wouldn’t work at the most crucial moment, he and Cynthia picked up the whole bundle of vision brochures and marched them to the post office, hand-mailing them instead. Jessica LaRose and Karyn Murray led our children and youth to lead us, going before us in expressing gratitude and participating in commitment. John Boyse, Chris Christopher, and Bill Bond helped many of us make early and generous commitments: preparing us all to leave a legacy for generations to come. You have prayed, celebrated, discussed and obeyed in making your commitments. Some have gone before the rest of us, generously and inspirationally. MARCH 2015 Kay LaCombe and company have helped us all to be on-board, and have developed a plan for those who will join us later to participate as well. Our consultant, Rev. John Laster, has provided expertise and faith: believing in us before many of us were sure. This is a phenomenon. So many moving parts working in concert at the same time. A miracle in the making and nothing short of it. Deep thanks: to all these above and to those who should have been mentioned. Deep thanks. And deep thanks to God who is in and through and ahead of what is happening in this historic movement of our church. Carpe Diem, Rev. John H. Hice, Senior Pastor FINANCE UPDATE God is Good...All the Time...All the Time...God is Good. When the Church needed you most, you were there. Very proud to report that we overcame a dire operating income deficit for the year to finish near breakeven. This was only possible due to very generous gifts in the months of November and December. December typically provides the highest level of giving for the year for a myriad of reasons...Christmas season, extra programs, taxable income reduction plans, pledge catch ups, etc. What was unusual this year from most was that November was our biggest giving month of the year. Giving more than doubled (nearly tripled) expectations for tht month. It was in large part due to that one month, that our year end deficit was nearly eliminated. Many that gave in November, gave as they were called by Rev. Hice to dig deep and provide additional “2nd Mile” contributions. That call to action was necessary and the response was awesome. Thank you for your very generous gifts. Thank you to everyone that serves God at ROFUM by and with any means you can. Through your attendance, your volunteerism, your participation, your share talents, and your love, our Church thrives and the work of God is witnessed. Thank you for loving our church...and what a great church it is. See you in church! Michael Dresden Finance Chairperson PAGE 3 CHURCH LIFE Thank you for your kind words and cards I received as I recovered. They meant so much to me. A special thanks to Rev. Bob and Rev. Hice for their calls. In Christian Love, Betty Latimer Many thanks from the Homeless for the items you provided on their Christmas Tree. 8 Scarves 27 Pairs of Gloves 17 Hats 2 Pairs of Socks 2 Sets of Earmuffs The tree will be up again—10 months from now. Boy, time flies! Peggy Gill MARCH 2015 A special thank you from me to anyone who took the time to do their part in showing love, care, support, concern, and respect for your church home...ROFUM! From picking up a discarded bottle in the parking lot, to leading a group within the church in a leadership type role—all is appreciated! From Bob Demonovich having caution signs made for Lafayette’s Fellowship Hall entrance; to Bob and Sherry Giles getting more efficient light bulbs for our parlor: to Joe Foster’s painting, and general maintenance: to Bill and Kathy Carlsen’s landscaping and outdoor maintenance: and last but not least to everything that you yourselves do when no one is around to witness it, but GOD himself… All is appreciated!!! Fred Bowden SUB SALE SUCCESS Twenty-plus youth and their parents showed up early Super Bowl Sunday morning to make Sub Sandwiches. In just 25 minutes, thanks to the excellent organization of Robin Richardson, 115 delicious sandwiches were made. Unfortunately, we had to turn some folks away who had not pre-ordered. A profit of over $400 was made for our summer choir camp. Thanks to all who purchased and we hope you enjoyed the game! NEW AT GILDA’S CLUB— MEN’S SUPPORT GROUP There is a new men’s support group at Gilda’s Club on the second Thursday of each month from 6:30pm—8:30pm. Betty Becker May 25, 1924—February 9, 2015 Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit provides a social and emotional support program for men, women, teens and children living with cancer, their families and friends in a nonresidential, home-like setting. There is no cost to participate in the program. The clubhouse is located at 3517 Rochester Road in Royal Oak. Call 248-577-0800 for more details. PAGE 4 CHURCH LIFE MARCH 2015 There will be a breakfast meeting of WhatA Fellowship on Saturday, March 28, 2015. Breakfast will be at 9:28am with the program to follow at 10:15am. Irene Miller, a Holocaust survivor, will share her story of survival, as she promotes tolerance and acceptance of diversity. Come and enjoy a good breakfast and become enlightened. News for All from the United Methodist Women: United Methodist Women Luncheon & Program March 5th 9:30am in the Parlor—UMW Executive Meeting Leader: Virginia Sleeman 12:15pm—Luncheon & Program: Prayer & Self-Denial Leader: Mary Lou Graeber WE NEED YOU!! The office is looking for a few volunteers to help with various tasks. Don’t know anything about office work? That’s ok! We will show you. Let us know what your strengths are and we can find the perfect task to match you with. Don’t want to make a long-term commitment? That’s ok too! There is always a “one-time” thing that needs doing. Please contact the office during office hours at 248.541.4100 or by email at [email protected]. Meeting: March 18 at 9:30am in the library. This month’s book discussion will center around exciting stories of remarkable Michigan women from our past history. All are invited to join us to hear these interesting tales of the lives of these women. For more information call Mary Nahhat 248-546-6230. PAGE 5 CHURCH LIFE SCRAP METAL DRIVE The next collection date is Saturday, March 7th, from 9am – noon. Funds from this drive go to our sister church in Lithuania. Thank you for your support. Mark Lowman ROFUM SHAWL MINISTRY We are continuing our ninth year together as we knit, crochet, and serve the community. We meet on the second and fourth Thursday of the month in the Parlor from 1-3pm. Please join us! MARCH 2015 PRAYER EVENT AT ROFUM You are invited to a prayer event on Saturday, March 7th, from 10am to 2pm. You will have an opportunity to pray, meditate and reflect as you visit the different prayer stations in our church on level 2. During our spiritual journey, let’s ask, “Lord, what do you want to do through me?” The themes of the 10 stations include: Gratitude, Church and Ministry, Self & Family, Church Leadership, Capital Campaign, City and State, Country, World, Military, and Personal Prayer Requests. Light refreshments will be provided. FIESTA DINNER CONCERT ALMOST HERE Friday and Saturday, March 13 and 14, Fellowship Hall will move south of the border as the Sanctus Choir and other church musicians present our annual Dinner Concert with a Latin theme. Following a delicious Mexican dinner (don’t worry, the food will be mild but spicy will be available) there will be an hour of music set to a Latin beat. Tickets available after all services. CHAPEL MINISTRY OFF TO A PROMISING START By the time the March Church Life is in your hands, we will have had our first two Chapel services. It has been a spiritual time as our sack lunch guests and church members have shared their faith, offered prayers, sang hymns, and heard the Good News of salvation. The next service will be the last Thursday of March, the 26th, at 11:00am in the chapel. All are welcome. The service lasts about 30 minutes. If you would like to share your Christian witness at one of these services, please call Neal Harris (248-689-3382) or e-mail him at [email protected]. Hope to see you there. Your ROFUM Prayer Team PAGE 6 CHURCH LIFE MARCH 2015 Thank you to our Church Life Sponsors Assured Home Nursing Services, Inc., Dr. Nancy E. Hartrick - Family Dentistry, Kinsey-Garrett Funeral Home, Paul Kremer – Garage Doors Sponsorships: Single Issue $15.00 Quarterly (3 issues) $45.00 Yearly (12 issues) $180.00 Prices are based on a business card size space. Individual Messages: Birthdays, Anniversaries, Greetings, etc. $5.00/issue New sponsors are always welcome! Contact the church office (248/541-4100) to learn how you or your organization can become a Church Life sponsor. PAGE 7 CHURCH LIFE Evergreen Health & Living Center 19933 W. Thirteen Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48076 Dorothy Cowley – 420L 248-971-2493 Rhea Embry—312R 248-593-1727 Please mail to home: 830 Normandy Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073-5210 Keith Leenhouts Sterling Woods 36430 Van Dyke Ave. Apt. 109 Sterling Heights, MI 48312 Yvonne Quinn 586-978-7398 American House 777 E. Woodward Hts Blvd Hazel Park, MI 48030 Peggy Smullen - 116 American House 1915 Baldwin Ave. Apt. 001 Pontiac, MI 48340-1177 Amole Koscien Villages of Clinton Twp. 15393 15 Mile Rd.—Apt. 226 Clinton Twp., MI 48035 Mary Tata 586-296-2374 American House 2300 Grand Haven Dr. Troy, MI 48083 Dorthella Kreger – 233 248-577-9904 Chelsea Retirement Community 801 W. Middle St, Apt 687 Chelsea, MI 48118-2317 Olive Mae Glenn 1-586-256-5144 MARCH 2015 Out of the Area Maggie Fries 255 Mayer Rd. Apt. 264L Frankenmuth, MI 48734-1344 Christina Smith P.O. Box 930 Good Hart, MI 49737-0930 231-242-0294 Gertrude Penney PO Box 840040 St. Augstine, FL 32080-0040 904-471-1442 Phone numbers & addresses will be removed from the on-line version of Church Life for security reasons Shorepointe Nursing Center 26001 Jefferson St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 Mary Lou Forester 1-586-279-2512 Joe Garrett - Army Aaron Mingle - Navy (Afghanistan) Jody Holton - Army (Washington D.C) Thomas Morales - Navy (Italy) Bobby Huneycutt - (California) Mason Smith –ROTC: WMU/Army Nat’l Guard (MI) Andrew Kostrzewa - Navy (California) Avery Gardner - Navy Grandson of Delores Grier Nephew of Jane Walbridge’s Husband Son of Polly & John, grandson of Ben & Ruth Forsythe Great-grandson of Audine Tuscany Son of Ben Smith Grandson of Marion LeBeau Granddaughter of Joe Gardner Dan Lewis - Army (Stateside) Nephew of Kris Simms Upcoming Baptism Schedule We will celebrate the sacrament of baptism on the following dates: Mar 15 Apr 12 Great-grandson of Audine Tuscany May 17 Jun 21 If you would like to schedule a baptism, please contact the church office at 248-541-4100, ext. 1224, Monday through Thursday between 9am and 3pm. Monday Sunday Communion 1 Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 4 Alexander Techq 10:00a Adult Book Study 10:00a Program Staff Mtg Crafty Ladies 10:30a Mom/Tot Playgrp 10:30a Mom/Tot Yoga BSA 1601 12:00p AA 12:00p Full Staff Mtg Soul Stretch Yoga 1:15p Library Comm 5:45p Holy Cow Music Guild 6:45p BSA 1615 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 7:00p Men’s Basketball Thursday Friday Saturday 5 World Day of Prayer 6 Communion 7 9:30a UMW Exec Mtg 8:00a Alexander 9a-noon Scrap Metal 12:15p UMW Prog & Technique Collection Lunch 10:00a Prayer Event 5:30p AA 5:30p Sat Night Worship 6:30p Carillon Ringers 7:30p Sanctus Choir 8:00p Teen Al-Anon 2nd Sunday in Lent 8:00a 9:30a 7:00p 7:00p 8:00p Newsletter Deadline 8 9 8:00a Alexander Techq 9:30a Crafty Ladies 5:00p Web Team 7:00p BSA 1601 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 10 11 10:00a Adult Book Study 9:30a Charity Circle 10:30a Mom/Tot Playgrp 10:00a Program Staff Mtg 12:00p AA 10:30a Mom/Tot Yoga 6:45p BSA 1615 12:00p Full Staff Mtg 7:00p Men’s Basketball 5:45p Holy Cow 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 7:30p Knowledge Circle 12 13 14 1:00p Shawl Ministry 8:00a Alexander 8:00a BSA Wilderness 5:30p AA Technique First Aid Class 6:30p Carillon Ringers 6:30p Fiesta! Dinner 5:30p Sat Night Worship 7:30p Sanctus Choir Concert 6:30p Fiesta! Dinner 8:00p Teen Al-Anon Concert 16 Alexander Techq Crafty Ladies Web Team BSA 1601 Soul Stretch Yoga 17 18 10:00a Adult Book Study 9:30a UMW Book Disc 10:30a Mom/Tot Playgrp 10:00a Program Staff Mtg 11:00a Church Life Vols 10:30a Mom/Tot Yoga 12:00p AA 12:00p Full Staff Mtg 1:00p Church Life Vols 5:45p Holy Cow 6:30p Church Council S1 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 6:45p BSA 1615 7:00p Men’s Basketball 7:20p All Meetings 7:30p SPRC 8:25p Church Council S2 19 20 Noisy Bucket 21 1:00p Love & Peace 8:00a Alexander 5:30p Sat Night Worship Circle Technique 5:30p AA 4:30p Fish Dinner & 6:30p Carillon Ringers Cookie Walk 7:30p Sanctus Choir 8:00p Teen Al-Anon 9 :15a Arise! Worship 9:15a Bereans Class 10:00a Angelus Choir 11:00a Worship & CS 12:00p Pancake Breakfast 4:00p Confirmation Class 7:00p Debtors Anon 7:00p Cantata Chorale 3rd Sunday in Lent Daylight Savings 9:15a 9:15a 10:00a 11:00a Arise! Worship Bereans Class Angelus Choir Worship & CS / New Members 12:30p Sanctus Choir Council 4:00p Confirmation Class 7:00p Debtors Anon 7:00p Cantata Chorale 4th Sunday in Lent 15 One Great Hour of Sharing 9:15a 9:15a 10:00a 11:00a Arise! Worship Bereans Class Angelus Choir Worship & CS / Baptism 4:00p Confirmation Class 7:00p Debtors Anon 7:00p Cantata Chorale 5th Sunday in Lent Noisy Bucket 22 9:15a Arise! Worship 9:15a Bereans Class 10:00a Angelus Choir 11:00a Worship & CS/ 4:00p Confirmation Class 7:00p Debtors Anon 8:00a 9:30a 5:00p 7:00p 7:00p 23 8:00a Alexander Techq 9:30a Crafty Ladies 5:00p Web Team 7:00p BSA 1601 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga Palm Sunday 29 30 :15a Arise! Worship 8:00a Alexander Techq 9:15a Bereans Class 9:30a Crafty Ladies 10:00a Angelus Choir 10:30a Sack Lunch 11:00a Worship & CS/ Clothing Day 4:00p Confirmation Class 5:00p Web Team 4:00p Kim Christopher’s 7:00p BSA 1601 50th Birthday Party 7:00p Welcome to the 7:00p Debtors Anon Party! Orientation 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 24 25 26 10:00a Adult Book Study 10:00a Program Staff Mtg 11:00a Sack Lunch 8:00a Alexander 10:30a Mom/Tot Playgrp 10:30a Mom/Tot Yoga Chapel Service Technique 12:00p AA 12:00p Full Staff Mtg 1:00p Shawl Ministry 6:45p BSA 1615 5:45p Holy Cow 5:30p AA 7:00p Men’s Basketball 7:00p Soul Stretch Yoga 6:30p Carillon Ringers 7:30p Sanctus Choir 8:00p Teen Al-Anon 31 10:00a Adult Book Study 10:30a Mom/Tot Playgrp 12:00p AA 6:45p BSA 1615 7:00p Men’s Basketball 27 28 9:28a WhatA Fellowship 5:30p Sat Night Worship CS – Church School UMW – United Methodist Women PAGE 9 Please note: If you don’t see your name on our birthday list, please let us know! We may not have your birthday in our data base. CHURCH LIFE 1- Vincent Notarantonio David Murray Ray Slowik Sarah Cook 2- Laura Hice 3- Darren Wahl Janet Carlson Mark Consolacion Ava McCulloch 4- Michael LaPrise 5- George Samson Carole Duffy Ava Tereau 6- Joan Hoelaars Shaelyn Simms Jamie Pepper 8- Benjamin Mutz Ashley Schalm Heather Nowak 9- Angela Nielsen 10- Lee Poirer Joslyn Drysdale 11- Scott Cummings Latrese Zryd Carol Edward 12- Elsa Reynolds Patrick Umstead James Thompson MARCH 2015 13- George Samson, Jr. Zenovia Courtney Randy Fall Noreen Sleeman Elizabeth Visci Florence Martin 14- Donald McCreedy Sharon Giles 15- Emmanuel Samson Sarah Greco Kyle Bodway 17- Ervilla Lee Hoffmann Drew Kosnik Mary Tata Phyllis Wagster Rosemary Walker 18- Lori Vickers Nathan Kubacki 19- Goldie Chiti Cynthia McCarthy Chloe Johnson Kyle Watkins Justin Watkins 20- Beverly Burgess Kira Tull Kristina Simms Abigail Kremer 21- Michele Zryd Nolan Tull Cynthia Goodaker Allison Harris 22- Howard Emorey Kay LaCombe Maya Longe Christian Southern 23- Lillyana Little James Hice 24- Velma Lowman Robert Giles Lori Suarez Jacob DeTavernier Marko Kashubara 25- Adrianna Burgess Brendan Murray 26- Braeden Simms 27- Janet Cork Christian Samson Jean Macintyre William Starling Donaven Smith 28- George Hoelaars 29- Kimberly Christopher Gaberiel Budnar Marjorie Welch Karl Evans 30- Aubrey Pepper 31- Christel Samson 2015 Fish Dinners are Here! Don’t be late for church! Set your clocks forward Saturday night, March 7th! Fridays, 4:30—7:00 p.m. March 20 Spread the word! Invite your neighbors and friends. Baby Cod from Iceland (baked or deep fried), Walleye (fried) or Chicken Tenders. All dinners include fries or baked potato, coleslaw, roll, butter, beverage, and dessert (such a deal!!) PAGE 10 CHURCH LIFE MARCH 2015 THE ROFUM YOUTH GROUP Worship Schedule Saturday Sunday 5:30 pm - Casual Worship in our Parlor 9:15am - Arise! Worship & Nursery Care, 9:15am - ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00am - Traditional Worship SUNDAY SCHOOL Crib Nursery - Level 3 Room #302 Preschool - Level 3 Room #304 Grades K-2 - Level 4 Room #405 Grades 3-5 - Level 4 Room #403 Grades 6-12 - Level 3 Room #306 Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. WEATHER ALERT Please note that when the Royal Oak Schools close for inclement weather, we cancel Holy COW (Church on Wednesday). has had a great start for 2015. First we celebrated the New Year with a lock-in party. A few weeks later we hosted a successful Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser where we raised over $700 for the discipleship trip to YOUTH 2015 in Orlando, Florida. Thank you to everyone who joined us for dinner that evening to support the youth group. The ROFUM Youth Group just returned from a Youth Winter Retreat in Gaylord. Thank you to Kevin and Robin Richardson who graciously hosted twelve teenagers for the weekend. We had an amazing time tubing, skiing, and even swimming in a heated indoor/outdoor pool at Treetops Resort. A fireside chat and prayer, fun games, yummy food, and a chance to catch up with old friends while making new friends rounded out a great weekend. For the month of March we will have the opportunity to attend the Renaissance District Youth Lay Servant Retreat. This weekend provides the chance for youth to fellowship with other UMC youth groups from our district while learning how to become leaders in the church and our communities. The retreat is scheduled for March 2022. In April we will be returning to Cass Community Social Services for a spring break mission trip. We always encourage youth to attend our mission trips, but would also like to extend our welcome to all members at ROFUM. Families are encouraged to attend as a meaningful alternative to a traditional spring break. The dates of our mission trip are April 7-10. The cost is $80 is per person, scholarships are available. The youth group needs prayer partners! If you would like to help the youth group, but are unable to attend our events or outings, there is another way to support the ROFUM youth group. We would like to ask members of our congregation to pray for one specific youth for an entire year. It is our desire to have a prayer partner for every one of our youth. If you are interested in any of the activities listed above or in becoming a ROFUM youth prayer partner, please contact Heather Nowak for more information at [email protected] or 586-718-3354. PAGE 11 CHURCH LIFE MARCH 2015 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID 320 W. Seventh Street Royal Oak, MI 48067 Return Service Requested Dated Material - Please Deliver Promptly Mailed February 17, 2015 Royal Oak, MI Permit No. 330
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