NEWS THIS WEEK - Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Portage

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 1747 W. Milham Ave., Portage, MI 49024 Phone: 343-3453
March 1, 2015
Visit for the weekly POP Announcements & schedule of volunteers.
WELCOME to Pr ince of Peace. If you ar e visiting us this mor ning we
welcome you! There is a Welcome Center Table located in the Gathering
Space (south end) just outside of the sanctuary, if you need assistance or
information about Prince of Peace.
SUNDAYS: We began Febr uar y 22 (so it’s not too late to join
us) to study the new book by acclaimed New Testament scholar
N. T. Wright — Simply Good News. It’s an ideal book for listening to each other on what it means to “hear God’s good news” in
Sunday worship.
TUESDAYS: This week (Mar ch 3) we begin
a study of the hugely important book The New
Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in an Age of Colorblindness, by
Michelle Alexander. Do you wonder how White and Black
America experience events like those in Ferguson so differently? This book goes a long ways toward understanding.
WEDNESDAYS: We continue to engage the Sunday lessons
in the morning (10:30 am), but the evening worship also carries
an educational component on silent prayer and spirituality.
Look for bibliographies and other resources available in the
Gathering Space on prayer — free for anyone who is interested in learning more.
SOUP SUPPERS! The Lenten Soup Supper s ar e on Wednesdays, at 6 p.m.
A sign up sheet is available today for volunteers to sign up for soups, breads,
cookies and to be helpers. Contact Dianne Hellman for more information.
WEDNESDAY EVENING LENTEN WORSHIP: Midweek Lenten Wor ship Services are on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. Join us as we explore the
Blessings of Meditation through a more informal worship using the Bonhoeffer
Evening Prayer written by Joseph Byrd. The Bonhoeffer Evening Prayer, was
commissioned by Prince of Peace for the occasion of our 50th anniversary.
Come early and you can enjoy the Soup Supper at 6 p.m.
SUNDAYS IN LENT: On Sunday mor nings at 10:30 a.m. wor ship Pastor
Paul is leading us on the journey to “The Way of Peace and Life” through messages based on the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7.
Prayer Corner
March 1, 2015
Those with health concerns:
 June H
 Ray F
 Nonnie G
 Pearl I
 Leila L
 Kinsley K (Haley S's newborn
Others with Concerns due to illness:
 Helga J (Sue J’s mom) leukemia
 Charles W (Mike W’s father) cancer lymphoma
 Troy G (Tonya H’s brother) liver cancer
 Marion S (Nickie W’s grandmother & Noel S’s mother) stage 2 cancer
 Terry R (Gail M’s brother)
 David B & family (friends of the
Underwood family) - gastric
 Kim P (Bill F’s sister) - aneurism
 Mike R (Karen S’s friend) recurrence of cancer
 Jack W (Karen G’s brother) congestive heart failure
 Jackie N (Karen S’s friend) stroke
 Daniel W (Bev D’s nephew)
 Gene N (Pastor Paul’s father) pneumonia
 Alvina S (Diane S’s mom)
 Nell R (Anne V’s sister-in-law) broken hip
Military personnel in combat zones:
 Stacey L (Kim & Wade L’s
daughter) - deployed to the
Middle East
Those Grieving—Family & friends of:
 Eugene D
 Jack B
SOCIAL CONCERNS “God’s Work, Our Hands”
Project 418 Ranney Street House Restoration needs
your help. Please sign up for jobs beginning now
through May on the sign up sheets in the gathering
space. Contact Paul M or Claudia L for information.
March 6 & 7 Peer Ministry Leadership Training for
The Lenten LWR Backpacks are ready for sewing.
HS youth.
Pick up packs to sew in the gathering space and please
March 15
Seder Meal for 5th graders and their
sign up the number of packs you have taken to sew.
Please return to church by April 12. Our goal this year
March 22
Airway Lanes Bowling Party for
is 125 backpacks.
elementary age kids & families @
The 2015 Ranney Street Men’s Shelter meal schedule
12:30 p.m.
sign up is in the gathering space. There are four dates
left. Prepare a meal for a group of six to eight men
who are working to make healthy changes in their lives
by preparing and delivering one meal on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Remember Loaves and Fishes as you shop this week. Needed are rice and 6 g. protein foods. You may also make a
monetary donation to Loaves and Fishes.
Serving volunteers are needed at Ministry With Community. Contact Katie Corbit, Volunteer Coordinator at
269-343-6073 x15 if you would like to help.
CALLING ALL INSTRUMENTALISTS! If you ar e inter ested in playing for the Easter Vigil (woodwinds, str ings,
guitar, percussion; Saturday evening, April 4) or for Easter Day (brass; Sunday, April 5), please contact Janet H as soon as
PEER MINISTRY LEADERSHIP TRAINING will take place on Mar ch 6-7, 2015 in Grand Rapids. There is still
time to register for the training event which will include a lock-in at St. Luke's Church. We have nine of our high
schoolers signed up to join a group of over 70 youth from around the area. Contact Megan for more information.
HEY SUN LOVERS! We ar e putting together a schedule for 2015 gr ass cutting.
Folks usually work in pairs doing the lawn and it takes about 2 hours. Normally you’re
scheduled for 2 different weeks. It’s a great way to get a tan and help your church in the
process. If you haven’t already signed up and want to help, call Bill H.
THIS WEEK AT POP – March 1-8, 2015
Sunday, March 1:
9:15a Education Hour
9:15a Choir rehearsal
10:30a Worship
Monday, March 2:
6:30p Worship Committee mtg.
Tuesday, March 3:
9:00a Ladies Exercise
9:00a Quilters
9:15a Staff
6:30p Prayer Shawl Ministry
7:00p Bible Study
7:00p Handbell Choir
Wednesday, March 4: 6:00p Soup Supper
6:00p YAP meeting
7:00p Lenten Midweek Worship
7:45p H.S. Youth Group
Thursday, March 5:
5:30p Stewardship mtg.
7:00p Sanctuary Choir
Friday, March 6:
H.S. Peer Leadership Training in GR
Saturday, March 7:
H.S. Peer Leadership Training in GR
9:00a Bread & Breakfast
Sunday, March 8:
9:15a Education Hour
10:30a Worship
Daylight Savings Time
begins March 8th
*Change your clocks ahead 1 hour
before bed on Sat. night (March