APEX NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS CLUB www.apexnewcomers.org APRIL 2015 Apex Newcomers & Friends Club (ANFC) is a not-for-profit social organization. ANFC promotes interest in local, civic, cultural, and service programs. General Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month (September through May) at the C. C. Jones Building, 309 Holleman Street, Apex, at 9:30 a.m. Prospective members are welcome to try 2 visits to any function before joining. The annual non-refundable dues are $25.00 per year plus a donation of $2.00 at each meeting to help defray the cost of hospitality and building use. An additional fee of $7.50 will be charged for those people requesting a copy of the newsletter be mailed to them. SPECIAL: Bring a friend to the general meeting and receive 2 entries into the door prize drawing! PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As I said last month my term is running down. Only the auction and the picnic in May remain ahead, besides the ‘Get-a-way’ at the Trinity Center (for the 1man and 21 women who will go for 4 days). It has been a very good two years, and I’ve made many more friends and learned a great deal! Susan and her nominating team are working diligently to get replacements for all the open positions. Please remember that it takes many hands to keep this club going. So, please consider being a working part of this wonderful club!! You will be richly rewarded and helped by many friends. We are still in need of items for the auction. Your help is needed!! Items could be a home baked pie or a favorite cake, a gift certificate to an area restaurant, a regifted and unwanted Christmas present, a gift certificate from your hair salon or manicure place, or even a ‘slightly used’ item from your house. Again, many hands (gifts) are needed for a great auction to help us have the proceeds along with the money from the raffle to fund the charities we will donate to in May or June. Hopefully, when I see you again I will be walking better and sporting my ‘new’ knee'! As ever, Bette F., President AUCTION – ELEANOR S.: 919-363-5490 PLEASE BRING ITEMS TO MY HOME BY APRIL 2ND WHEN WE WILL GO OVER ALL ITEMS. IF I AM NOT HOME, LEAVE BY THE FRONT DOOR CHAIR WITH YOUR NAME ON ITEM. On Thursday, April 2nd at 9:30 a.m. I hope to have several women volunteer to assemble all items. On Monday, April 6th at 9:30 a.m. we will finalize the list of items to be auctioned and hopefully, some of you will take items home and bring them to the meeting on the 8 th. PLEASE CALL ME AND TELL ME WHEN YOU CAN HELP. APEX NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS CLUB www.apexnewcomers.org APRIL 2015 PROGRAM COORDINATORS: Anne G. and Carolyn C. Location: CC Jones Bldg, 309 Holleman St., Apex Next meeting April 8th @ 9:30 A.M. Our program will be the Annual Auction and Quilt Raffle. PHOTOGRAPHY & SCRAPBOOK: Judy S. & Susan A. Judy S. asks anyone who is at a function where she is not in attendance to feel free to take pictures. You can email digital pictures to Judy. MEMBERSHIP – Coordinators: Frances H. & Shirley M. We have 81 registered members as of March, 2015. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Western Wake Crisis Ministry: Coordinator: Judy M. Thank you to everyone for all of your help. We had 6 pounds of food and $50.00 in checks and cash. They are in need of things like hamburger helper type products, canned Spaghetti o's, Beef-a-roni, and products such as these in cans. They also need toilet paper. Canned meats are also needed. Red Cross: Coordinator: Eleanor S. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED Our Newcomers & Friends Club provides 2 volunteers on the first Friday of each month to work as a Greeter or in the Canteen at the Cary Blood Center, 3700 Regency Parkway. The work hours are 7:40 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. You need to complete an application before volunteering the first time. These forms will be on the table to sign during the general meeting. Blood donors are always needed. Walk-ins are accepted. Friday, Apr. 3rd Canteen: Anne S. Greeter: Judy S. BROOKRIDGE ASSISTED LIVING: Coordinator: Eleanor S. We visit Brookridge on the second Wednesday of the month at 3 PM to visit with the residents. We play games and visit. All sundry items are welcome; also any baseball hats are needed for the men. Keep your donations coming, and thank you. FUNDRAISING Coordinators: Sharon V. & Pat. H. Keep turning in your tickets and remember there are more for the asking! Get them from either of us. Please bring in your gently used items for the auction to Eleanor S. at home by April 2. Again this year we will be represented at Cambridge Village at their Senior Fair. Pat H. and Susan A. will be taking care of this. Pat will be calling on the businesses in Apex for donations to our auction also. A letter can be provided to you for any business that you possibly get a donation from with our tax-exempt number for them. Hoping for a great fundraiser again this year. 2 APEX NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS CLUB www.apexnewcomers.org APRIL 2015 USO – Eleanor S.: On Friday, March 13th, Susan A., Shirley H., Flo H. and I delivered over 115 neck pillows for our troops. It was such a warm feeling to know that they will be a comfort to our service people. It was mentioned that around the holidays is when there is a greater need for them. We decided that our next donation would be in November. So ladies you have plenty of time to make as many as you like. Anyone who would like more information, please contact me. Look under pictures to see our donation. I thank all the many ladies for their contributions. ACTIVITIES DURHAM BULLS: Eleanor S. 919-363-5490 We will be going to see a Durham Bulls baseball game on June 10th at 1:05 PM against LeHigh. Sign up sheet will be at the April 8th meeting. I have reserved 20 seats in Section 208 (under cover) at the present time. Price of ticket is approx. $11.15 each. If more than 20 sign up, there may be a price change, not sure. I MUST HAVE A GOOD COUNT AT THE TIME OF THE MEETING TO SECURE THIS SPACE AND PRICE. ART 101: Coordinator and Host: Betty S. Thursday, Apr. 2nd , @ 1:00 p.m. at the Halle Cultural Art Center. BOOK CLUB: Coordinator: Sterling S. and Judy L. Fri., April 17th , @ 1:00 pm. till 3:00 pm. at Cambridge Village. We will be reading The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd. BOOK EXCHANGE Coordinator: Elaine Cl. Check out the “box of books” at the next meeting, and bring your discarded books to share with the group. Remember, you do not have to return them; you just take them, share, and enjoy. If you have found a hardcover book you really enjoyed and would like to share, feel free to bring it. PUZZLE EXCHANGE Coordinator: Judy M. Something new!! If you are interested, please bring puzzles with all of the pieces to share and to pass along to other members. I will place them next to the books. BOLIVIA (Tuesday) Coordinator: Eleanor S. Meets every other Tuesday at 1:00 pm. Apr. 14th – Host: Pat E. Apr. 28th - Host: Judy E. BOLIVIA (Wednesday) Coordinator: Kate D. (Meets 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesdays) at 1:00 pm. Apr. 1 – Host: Barbara K. Apr. 15 - Host: Betty F. Apr. 29 – Host: Judy L. 3 APEX NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS CLUB www.apexnewcomers.org APRIL 2015 BREAKFAST Coordinator: Dorothy L. Please call Barbara C. or Georgiana F. to reserve or cancel Monday, Apr. 27th, @ 9:45 a.m., Perkins Restaurant, 908 US- 64, Apex DINNER Coordinator: Nancy E. Please call no later than Tuesday. Thursday, April 23rd, @ 6:30 p.m. Rock Harbor Grill, 121 N. Salem St., Apex GAME NIGHT Coordinator: Anne T. Saturday. April 11th, @ 7:00 p.m. Host: Nancy & Tony Participants bring their own drinks and an appetizer or dessert. LUNCH Coordinators: Eleanor M. & Carol G. Monday, April 20th, @11:15 a.m. Treibeca Tavern, 500 Ledgestone Way, Cary 919-465-3055 MEN’S NIGHT OUT Coordinator: Tony P. Friday, Apr. 3rd @6:15 p.m. Host: Judy & Ray S. Men play cards, and spouses usually go to the movies then finish the night with refreshments at the home of the host. SPECIAL EVENTS Coordinator: Eileen K., Beulah Berry & Eleanor S. Call to reserve. Saturday, April 18th, Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, Swan Lake, Matinee Performance, Tickets, $27. Throughout the centuries of classical ballet, no work more completely defines the art form than Swan Lake. It tells the story of a princess who is turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer’s curse, the prince who falls in love with her, and the evil sorcerer’s daughter who lures the prince into being unfaithful. Scored by the immortal Tchaikovsky. May 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. Trinity Center - Emerald Island, $96 a day, (total $288 ea. double occupancy). Trinity provides your lodging, meals, lounge areas and recreational facilities. Internet access in living area, private beach access, lots of fun and lots of card playing in the evening. Call Eileen or Eleanor anytime, and we will tell you all about it. TREATS & TALENTS Coordinator: Gerry W. Friday, April 24th @ 9:30 a.m. Host: Gerry W. CARING & SHARING Coordinator: Shirley H. Please contact Shirley if you know of anyone in the hospital or has had a death in their family, and she will send a card from the members. 4 APEX NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS CLUB www.apexnewcomers.org APRIL 2015 HOSPITALITY Coordinator: Anne S. & Judy S. Treats for April meeting: Gay G., Sharon V., Nancy E., Shirley H., Roberta C., Janet M., Eileen K., Betty S., Jane W., Veronica M. APRIL BIRTHDAYS Apr. 5 - Eleanor M. Apr. 8 - Dolores D, Apr. 30 - Martha S. Apr. 18 - Jane W. Apr. 19 - Donna N. Apr. 25. Anne T. NEXT BOARD MEETING Wednesday, Apr. 15th, @ 9:30 a.m. Host: Miriam M. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CALL THE COORDINATOR IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND ANY ACTIVITY FOR WHICH YOU HAVE SIGNED UP. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY The meeting will be cancelled if the Wake County Public Schools are closed or have a delayed opening due to weather conditions. SPONSORS Daniels Florist, 2829 Jones Franklin Rd., Swift Creek Shopping Plaza, Raleigh, NC 27606. Phone (919) 8511500. They will continue to supply a floral arrangement for our monthly meetings. Apex Chamber of Commerce. We are a member of the Apex Chamber of Commerce, your one stop for Apex information. The Apex Chamber of Commerce located in the Historic Trail Depot, at 220 North Salem Street has the map of Apex as well as Raleigh, Durham, and North Carolina maps. They have a calendar of events for the state as well as the town of Apex. Along with apartment guides the Apex Community Guide has a wealth of information including the history of Apex and a quick reference section with telephone numbers to everything needed to get started in Apex. Local newspapers are also available! All information at the Chamber is free! Visit their website at: www.apexchamber.com, or visit to find out more about the town you now call home. 5 APEX NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS CLUB APRIL 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Bolivia 1:00 p.m. Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Auction mtg. 9:30 a.m. Art 1:00 p.m. 9 3 Red Cross Men’s Night 6:15 p.m. 4 10 11 Game Night 7:00 p.m. 5 6 Auction Mtg. 9:30 a.m. 7 8 Gen. Meeting 9:30 a.m. Brookridge 3:00 p.m. 12 13 14 Bolivia 1:00 p.m. 15 Board Meeting 9:30 a.m. Bolivia 1:00 p.m. 16 17 Book Club 1:00 p.m. 18 Swan Lake 19 20 Lunch 11:15 a.m. 21 22 23 Dinner 6:30 p.m. 24 Treats & Talents 9:30 a.m. 25 26 27 Breakfast 28 Bolivia 9:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 29 Bolivia 1:00 p.m. 30 APEX NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS CLUB MAY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 3 4 5 Trinity Center 10 11 12 Wednesday 6 Trinity Center 6 Thursday 7 Trinity Center Saturday 1 Red Cross Men’s Night 6:15 p.m. 2 8 Trinity Center 9 7
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