OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART Darra Station Road DARRA 29 March 2015 28/29 March Palm Sunday— Holy Week & Easter Timetable Mon 30 March - 7am Mass Jindalee Tue 31 March - 9am Mass Jindalee Wed 1st April - 9am Mass Darra Holy Thursday 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper J’lee Good Friday 10am Stations of the Cross Darra 10.30am Reconciliation Darra 12 midday Stations of the Cross Darra 3pm Commemoration of the Passion Darra & Jindalee 4.30pm Reconciliation Jindalee Holy Saturday 10am Polish Easter Food Blessing Darra 6pm Vigil Mass Jindalee Easter Sunday 7am & 9am Mass Darra 7.45am Polish Mass Darra 8am Mass Jindalee NB: NO 5.30PM MASS Easter Monday 7.45am Mass Darra 9am Mass Jindalee. Tues. 7th—12th April Normal timetable Parish Priest: Fr Daniel Carroll Parish Office: 111 Yallambee Road Jindalee Ph 3715 8517 Fax 3715 8357 Pager 3309 1109 Email [email protected] Web: www.darrajindaleecatholicparish.org.au SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS No Sunday School during School Holidays. We wish you all a very Blessed Happy & Safe Easter. Sacramental Programme: Group A Workshop 2 Meeting will be on:Monday 20th April @ Darra Church 7pm-8pm Parents & Children must attend. CALLING Eucharistic Ministers FOR EASTER Please contact the parish office to register. Thank you. RCIA—This Tuesday 7PM Jindalee Church. Agape Charismatic Group: No prayer meeting on Good Friday. Normal prayer meetings will resume on 10 April. Everyone is welcome. Enquiries: LP 0401587624 Volunteer assistant gardener needed to help out with the running of irrigation, weeding etc, for our OLSH Church at Darra. Please contact Dick Pietrala on 0417 607 749 . Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary School 115 Darra Station Road Darra Phone: 3375 4519 Fax 3375 3867 CHURCH OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES 111 Yallambee Road JINDALEE YOUTH GROUP Life Teen: Stations of the Cross this weekend. School Holidays from Easter Sunday. Hope you all have a Happy Easter! Contact Steph Unger on 0432 330 509 or at [email protected] Holy Saturday (from Sabbatum Sanctum, its official liturgical name) is sacred as the day of the Lord's rest; it has been called the "Second Sabbath" after creation. The day is and should be the most calm and quiet day of the entire Church year, a day broken by no liturgical function. Christ lies in the grave, the Church sits near and mourns. After the great battle He is resting in peace, but upon Him we see the scars of intense suffering...The mortal wounds on His Body remain visible....An extract about Easter Saturday from the Catholic culture website. REQUEST TO ALL PARISHIONERS. IF ANY OF YOUR DETAILS HAVE CHANGED HAVE YOU NOTIFIED THE OFFICE? NEW PARISHIONER? CHANGE OF ADDRESS? “We are committed to protecting your privacy. The information you provide may be used for a variety of purposes including the provisions of pastoral services, maintaining & developing our Parish infrastructure & communicating with you on what is happening within our Parish Community.” NAME:—————————————————————— ADDRESS ———————————————————— PH: (H)_______________ ( W)_________________ (M)_________________________ Email:________________________________ CHILDREN: (Name, age, DOB & school if attend) ————————————————————————— ———————————————————————-—— ———————————————————————————–——— MUSIC CONCERT wish to participate in Planned Giving. Please The old boys and community of St. Laurence's College I/we forward : Envelopes Direct Debit Form warmly invite you to a concert at Credit Card Form St. Ignatius Church, Kensington Tce, Toowong on Monday 30 March at 7pm. Choral and instrumental groups will perform an entertaining selection of works by a range of composers, Entry is free, however a collection will be taken with all proceeds going to Jesuit Mission, (for Fr Cao SJ in Burma). Catholic Leader—Out this weekend. Church agencies & religious orders respond to domestic violence crisis Eucharistic Ministers needed to visit Sinnamon Village on Sat Nepalese visitor tells the story of his journey from child urdays. Would only be required once or twice a month. labourer to Caritas leader Thank you to all those who helped and Please call the office. Mass with battered Port Vila community a part of Caritas attended the Feast of St Joseph. $100. was raised Evangelization: That the unique contribution of women to the life worker’s bitter-sweet experience in Vanuatu after for the parish. God bless you all. St Fabians' Parish Golden Jubilee will be celeof the Church may be recognized always. cyclone NB: No morning tea 1st Sunday in APRIL & brated on Sunday 24th May . 9am Mass to be followed Found outside Jindalee Church Silver Miraculous Medal. Fete Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School No Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday 4 April. Contact the office. Sunday 24th May – 10.00am to 3.00pm—All welcome. by morning tea. All Welcome. HOLY LAND Good Friday Collection—This collection promotes International Food Stalls, BBQ, Books, Cakes, Devonshire Tea, Words of Wisdom – “The nation doesn’t simply NB: the parish has a new PO Box 3113 the missionary work of the Church in the Holy Land. Craft, Side Show Alley, Sweets, Trash & Treasure, Cent Auction need what we have. It needs what we are.”St Edith Mt OMMANEY QLD 4074 Roster for 28/29 March 2015 ROSA MYSTICA THURSDAY’S 9am Jindalee small meeting room. All welcome. PRAYERS REQUESTED: For the Sick, Lord, Bless and Heal: Kerri Melkersson Readers: J’lee 6pm Vigil: Margaret Bruce Basil Crain, Bella Harry, Noah Abraham Leishman (baby), Toni Duggal, Les Bushell J’lee 8am: Denis Nolan, Marvel Nobleza 5.30pm: Wadie Rassam, Darrylyn Edmistone Brian Deveney, Hans Brandt, Carmel Andrews and for all those who have need of our prayers at Darra 7am: Leonie Persley Darra 9am: The Nasalio Family, Marie Fernando this time. Let us pray to the Lord. E Ministers: J’lee 6pm Vigil: Peter Elford, Agnes Ip, Kay Irving J’lee 8am: Jan McMullen, Barry Routledge, Pechy Sanchez, August Toleafoa Lord, grant eternal life to the recently deceased: Liza Kalaja-Popovic, Anna Maria Hennen J’lee 5.30pm: John O’Connor, Lucia Handicott, Anna Scott, Jean White and for those whose Anniversaries occur at this time: Fr John Nee, Bishop Cuskelly, Alice Garvey, Darra: 7am: Bao, Chau & Thieu Vu 9am: Aileen Nasalio, N Weerasingham, A Fernando Laurie McMullan, Stan Downey, Sam & Stella Saccasan, , Albert & Eileen Cumner, and for those names in Altar Servers: J’lee 6pm Vigil: Sarina, Harrison & Maddi Dolman the newsletter: John the Baptist, Teresa, Maria, Joseph, Margaret Jean Miller, For the souls in purgatory, J’lee 8am: Erin & Amy O’Connor, Thenga Sitima, Caitlin Davidson Deceased parishioners, for all deceased relatives and friends of all here present. Let us pray to the Lord. J’lee 5:30pm: Jonathan & Nicholas Ho, A.J. Ropati, Vilu Ropati Darra 7am: David Vu, Hao Do 9am: Charbel Torbey, Nathan Renger, Maria & Melanie Samaila Church Cleaners: J’lee Group 5: Lorraine Hartjes, Mary Honeywill, Bronwyn Barton Darra: Kuyen Tran, Vietnamese Group (4/5 April)
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