Term 2 Volume 13, 2014 Yr 10 Society and Environment students visited Tamala Park Waste Education Centre to observe how our household waste is handled and how we can help Refuse, Reduce, and Re-use. (See more inside). Inspiration • Ambition • Passion • Integrity Kinross College, Falkland Way, Kinross, WA 6028 Telephone: (08) 9306 6000 Fax: (08) 9306 6011 [email protected] www.kinrosscollege.com.au Dates for your Diary 2014 August July 4 Last day Term 2 (Friday) 13 Mindarie SC Yr 10 Interviews 21 Staff development day (Student free) 22 First day Term 3 (Tuesday) 13 Coastal Cluster (K-Yr 5) Transition information evening 6.30 - 8.00pm 14 Yr 8 Lightning Carnival 14 Yr 10 - 2015 Subject selections deadline 16 Coastal Cluster (K-Yr 5) Transition information evening 10:00 - 11.30am 20 Mindarie SC Yr 10 Interviews 20 Yr 9 - 2015 Subject selections deadline 27 Mindarie SC Yr 10 Interviews 28 P & C Meeting, 7 pm Conference Room September 1 P & C Meeting 7pm, Conference Room 4 Rangers Camp 10 Yr 7-8 French selection 23 Yr 10 AE excursion ECU Please note: Dates may be subject to change Kinross College useful information: College contact details: Session times Student start time Student finish time Phone: Fax: Absentee SMS No: Email: Address: Website: (08) 9306 6000 (8 am - 4 pm) (08) 9306 6011 0408 948 286 [email protected] Falkland Way, Kinross WA 6028 kinrosscollege.com.au Enrolment Registrar Email Finance Assistant Email Part-time hours Sandra Swan [email protected] Donna Olsen [email protected] 8:30 am - 12:00 noon Mon-Thu 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Fri Uniform Shop Hours Cathy Searson (Manager) 9270 4660 (message service) Mon - 12:30 - 3:30 pm Thu - 8:30 - 11:30 am 8:50 am 3:00 pm Session times are the same each day of the week. Monday - Friday Form class 8.50 - 9.00 Session one 9.00 - 10.00 Session two 10.00 - 11.00 Recess 11.00- 11.30 Session three 11.30 - 12.30 Lunch 12.30- 1.00 Session four 1.00 - 2.00 Session five 2.00 - 3.00 Newsletter Email Jo Kolb [email protected] Student Achievements Beth and Emily’s success Yr 6 students, Beth Morley and Emily Holloway, belong to the West Coast Splash synchronised swimming team, after becoming State champions over the Christmas holidays, they competed in the ‘Nationals’ in Brisbane over the Easter holiday. Beth and Emily won Gold medals in the under 12 team category, with Emily also winning a Gold in her duet, making them both Australian champions. The girls train 3 hours a day, 4 times a week, with such dedication. Who knows, Kinross may have some future Olympians! Emma’s Soccer selection Yr 6 student, Emma McMurdo has been offered a place to represent WA in the State Football (Soccer) 12s Team. The National Schools Championships are held in Bendigo, Victoria from September 13 to 19, 2014.Congratulations Emma, we wish you every success. Letter from the Principal .. Enrolments 2015 If parents know their child/ ren (other than Year 10s) will be leaving the College at the end of this year, please advise our Enrolment Registrar on 9306 6001 or email Sandra. [email protected] at your earliest convenience. This information is required as early as possible to enable accurate assessment of student numbers for next year. Enrolments for 2015 must be received by the College before 25 July 2014. Thank you for your assistance. Dear Parents and Caregivers Welcome to the midyear edition of our school newsletter. It has been an interesting term for a number of reasons. Firstly, the College is going through a transition stage where our explicit teaching strategies are becoming further embedded in our everyday practice. In some areas the progress of staff and students has been excellent. Across the board a number of teachers have attended professional learning activities learning, interpreting and implementing the explicit teaching strategy. Secondly, Kinross College is of an age where some staff members have or are contemplating retirement, changing teaching locations or opting out of the profession. With the State Government’s staffing freeze this term it has been difficult to staff the College with long-term teachers. Hopefully this will be addressed in Term 3! Thirdly, a big thanks to the students who have worked to the best of their ability through this transition phase with a minimum of fuss. The endeavor and Dress code reminder We understand the weather is now colder but students still need to adhere to the Kinross College dress code. Students should wear College uniform items or plain navy blue items (no logos or branding allowed on non uniform items). Hoodies are not acceptable items for school wear. For further information please refer to our dress code policy. The Uniform shop is open on Mondays and Thursdays between the following hours: Mon - 12:30 - 3:30 pm (including reporting day 3 July 2014) Thu - 8:30 - 11:30 am enthusiasm of a significant number of students has been recognised by the staff and as such you the parents should also share in the accolades for their performance. On Thursday July 3 between 1:00pm and 7:00pm parents are invited to attend the College to discuss student progress across all learning areas. Booking interview times are essential on this afternoon and evening and we hope this parent/teacher/student reflection continues to be the successful event is has always been. Finally, we hope you enjoy the snapshot of school life for this term contained within the articles and photos. Term 3 will resume on Tuesday 22 July. Lloyd Page Principal How can your Child earn Vivos? Students can earn Vivo Miles under the following categories: Academic Community Academic 1.0 Very well presented assignment, assessment, set task Community 2.0 Uniform and presentation- wearing correct uniform and adhering to expected standards of personal presentation Academic 1.1 Improved performance over a period of time Academic 1.2 Coming to class prepared and ready to learn - correct equipment, positive attitude Academic 1.3 Participating in Physical Education lessons Academic 1.4 Very high standard of book work meeting school standards and expectations Miles This term we have embarked on an exciting new initiative at Kinross College, with the introduction of Vivo Miles. Vivo is an award winning recognition and rewards platform that allows us to instil the core values identified at Kinross College, with the student body. How Does Vivo Work? Academic 1.5 Positive and productive contribution to class - individual student participates fully in lessons, contributes to class discussions Academic 1.6 Handing in completed homework or assessment on or before due date Academic 1.7 Consistent effort - over a period of time, work is of a consistently appropriate standard Academic 1.8 Positive collaborative skills excellent team work, cooperative skills, accepts the opinions of others, contributes to the group The Leadership Team and Staff have identified core behaviours we would like to promote. Each community or academically-based behaviour has been allocated a reward value or ‘Vivo’. When a student demonstrates one of these behaviours to a staff member, they are rewarded with ‘Vivos’. Academic 1.9 Class work - appropriate time spent working on task, work completion during lesson Students can log in to their personal account and monitor their own progress, as well as view positive feedback that they have received from their teachers. The Vivos they earn can then be redeemed at the Vivo Miles Shop. Parents can use it too! Why are we doing this? Schools around Australia using the Vivo Miles program are reporting increased attendance, engagement, performance, motivation and positive behaviour. Staff and students have been very receptive, and we look forward to reporting our Vivo progress very soon. Academic 2.0 Year Coordinator Special Award Vivo keeps parents in the loop about their child’s progress at school. With a personal login, parents can track their child’s achievements and teacher feedback as it happens, and set-up alerts and notifications directly to their phone using our handy phone apps. Vivo allows parents to celebrate their child’s achievements with our easy-touse Pledge feature. They simply set their child a target related to the number Community 2.1 Advocacy - standing up for what is right, not tolerating bullying, reporting inappropriate behaviour or concerns about the well-being of another, helping others Community 2.2 Consistently using excellent manners with staff and students Community 2.3 Following requests, instructions and directions - hand up, complies with expectations promptly Community 2.4 Caring for your community choosing to pick up litter without being asked, contributing to the wider school community Community 2.5 Being on time to lessons and organised - ready to learn without being asked Community 2.6 Showing empathy for others helping others without being asked, showing kindness and consideration, handing in lost property, reporting damage, respecting school equipment, respecting the environment Community 2.7 Honesty - telling the truth Community 2.8 Acting as a positive role model Community 2.9 Demonstrating tolerance and respect for others - showing a willingness to listen to different opinions and thoughts, accepting differences and helping others to do so of Vivos they earn, with a promise of a treat when completed. Praise from home is enormously beneficial to a child’s academic development. If you have any questions regarding Vivo Miles, please contact your child’s Year Coordinator. Mrs Nicki Hill Deputy Principal Junior School Maths Head of Mathematics Terry Beeston retires. Staff dressed up in scarves, cardigans and glasses in his honour. Terry, who ran Mathematics for the last six years, was an iconic figure and respected and adored by all members of the Kinross College Community. We thank Terry for his wonderful contribution and wish him well for a well earned retirement. Amanda Gardiner, another respected iconic figure in Mathematics has also moved on. Amanda was a ‘pillar of strength’, in particular her work with the more able students and the extension program. Thank you to Amanda and the lasting contribution she has made at Kinross College. With these departures, two new teachers have arrived, Blake Dingle and Sharon Tan who have made an enthusiastic, energetic start. They are promising young teachers with a keen eye for student well-being and we look forward to helping them settle into the Kinross College community. Whilst this has been going on, Mr Michael Williams has done an excellent job taking over as acting Head of Mathematics. The maths classrooms have taken on a new feel with lots of dynamic mathematical posters to further enhance our learning culture. The prospective ATAR mathematicians in year 10 sat their mid-year exams at Mindarie College on June 13 and by all reports they were well-prepared and gained a lot of wisdom from the experience. We look forward to guiding them for their future pathways as the year goes on. Peter Turkich Maths Department Mr Beeston retires... In January 2004 I accepted the job of Team Leader for the Forrest Community without fully exploring the floor plan of the building and it was only the enthusiasm and incredible positivity of my team that led me to believe teaching and learning were possible in that football park like arena. However, not only was the next 4 years challenging and frustrating, it was the most rewarding and the best teaching environment I had ever experienced. It was noisy, sometimes chaotic but always fun; and the kids loved it. Some staff couldn’t deal with the proximity of 130 students and 4 staff, some thrived; Mr MacBride had a huge audience, Mrs Thompson reigned like Boadicea, Mrs Bradley brought her calming positive demeanour (and still does). Hylton Hayes, the founding Principal, was the most inspirational leader it has been my privilege to work for. With the change to a lower secondary faculty model, came a greater emphasis on learning and less on the learner and whilst I feel we produce better mathematicians I fear we are not producing better people. The characters of my last 10 years of teaching will remain with me, and I will think of you fondly as I meander along the fairways of life. I thank the Department of Education, Hylton, my colleagues and all the students I have taught, for providing me with the opportunity to earn a living and have so much fun. Kind regards Terry Beeston. KEA - Kinross Extension & Acceleration Society & Environment Our Year 10 Academic Extension group visited Tamala Park. This may seem like an unusual excursion but we are working towards presenting at Mindarie Senior College’s ‘Sustainability’ Expo! The excursion gave students a basic understanding of how our waste is recycled and disposed of. Students were able to see ‘upcycling’ and hopefully gained a little inspiration. They say that a picture paints a thousand words, the following photos capture the day. Janette Thompson HOD Society and Environment Student Services Term 2 Recap 3 on 3 Lunch time basketball On May 14 Kinross College hosted a 3 on 3 basketball tournament at lunch time. The tournament featured eight teams, all of which contained a teacher and two students. It was a fiercely contested event which saw a number of teachers winding back the clock to their glory days, or at least attempting to. After frenetic quarterfinal and semi-final rounds that left six disgruntled teams eliminated and licking their wounds (metaphorically, in most cases at least), it boiled down to a battle between teams led by S&E’s Mr MacBride and PE’s Miss Posener. In a see-sawing affair Miss Posener, Jordan and Joe emerged victorious. Thank you to all the students and staff who participated and made it an enjoyable and entertaining lunch time event. Joel Bond Kinross College Chaplain Drumbeat This term the Student Services Team at Kinross College has run the Holyoake Drumbeat program with two groups of Yr 9 students. The Holyoake Drumbeat program uses drumming to promote social understanding and connection through a team drumming experience. The program is being facilitated by Mr Kim Alexander, Mr Graham Gorman and myself. The highlight of the program is the performance in the final week, which this term was held at Kinross Primary School. Both the performers and the audience thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we hope it is something that can occur again in the future. I would like to acknowledge the City of Joondalup for its financial contribution to the program, as without this suuport we would be unable to run Drumbeat at the College. GLC Excursion On Monday 5 May, 9 members of the Student Council joined me at the World Vision Global Leaders Convention at the Perth Convention Centre. The purpose of the day is to educate students on issues confronting the developing world, with this Convention having a particular focus on Rwanda. The Convention features a variety of speakers as well as a simulation game. The students thoroughly enjoyed the day and were deeply challenged by what they heard. The Student Council is looking forward to running the 40-hour famine at the College in August. Joel Bond Kinross College Chaplain Students visit Amana Living Kinross Care Centre Over the last term a group of thirteen Yr 10 students have been making weekly visits to the Amana Living Kinross Care Centre to meet and engage with the residents. The girls have engaged in a number of different activities with the residents such as art and craft, card games and bingo. Apart from some organisation and supervision provided by Mr Ross and myself, the project has been entirely driven by student initiative and leadership. The residents at the Care Centre thoroughly enjoy the students’ visits and the staff at the Care Centre are very appreciative. It has been a pleasure to accompany the students and see the compassionate and caring way they engage with the residents. Congratulations to Lauren, Jazmyn, Eloise, Kiera, Chloe, Toia, Lily, Xanthe, Hannah, Eva, Willow, Kemi and Taylia. Your work with the residents at the Care Centre has been exceptional and you should take great pride in the character and initiative that you have demonstrated. Joel Bond Kinross College Chaplain p R “How much is that doggy in the window?” As part of a special S&E project, I had the opportunity to collect used blankets, towels and dog food and donate them to the Dogs Refuge Home on behalf of Kinross College. The generous donations by students and staff will help make rescued dogs more comfortable during the cold winter months. On Thursday June 5, I visited the Dogs Refuge Home in Shenton Park. I went there to donate the blankets and towels I collected. I went there with Mrs Scanlon, and we dropped all of the blankets and towels in the bin they put there, then we had a tour around the refuge. It was very noisy because there were so many dogs there at one time. The dogs are all rescued from the pound or from homes where they were not looked fg after. The refuge takes care of them until they are adopted to a loving family. I got to see the volunteers walk with the dogs and clean out the dog pens. The donations and the work of the volunteers mean that the refuge can keep saving dogs. If you are thinking of a getting a dog for your family visit: www. dogshome.org.au Jessica Yr 10 student Food Technology News Hello Kinross! Experiencing Australian life as a Canadian exchange teacher has been most exciting! There have been many learning experiences such as: 1. new recipes (e.g.) Australian Damper (campfire bread) 2. new cooking terminology (e.g.) wombok = Chinese cabbage 3. new expressions (e.g.) tea = dinner/supper I have delighted in WA’s warm weather, white sandy beaches and gorgeous sunsets. With the weather cooling, my husband and I are now taking in “indoor orientated” activities such as the Perth Mint. I have enjoyed working with Kinross students and sharing some Canadian recipes with them. To date, we have prepared Perogies (potato dumplings), Nanaimo Bars (a dessert bar) and Butter Tarts (a raisin tart). Please remember that the Kinross Arts Department is having a showcase on the evening of July 1st. I encourage you to drop by for a visit and to see more photos of student work. Carmen Babin Food Technology Teacher Pictured above: Year 8 & 9 students hard at work in the kitchen, producing a variety of delectable products! Bunnings supporting our Yr 9 boys Some of the Year 9 Junior VET boys have been attending workshops on Wednesday mornings at Bunnings. Their instructor has been very accommodating and we really appreciate this partnership with Bunnings. Mauveen Titlestad OfficeMax book list promotion winners 2014 Through the generosity of OfficeMax we were able to award 6 of our students with $125 gift vouchers. All families who utilised the online services of OfficeMax to purchase their 2014 Stationery & Booklist items and/or pay Voluntary Contributions and Other Costs included on the booklist, were eligible for the draw. Thank you to OfficeMax for its ongoing support of Kinross College. Five of the six lucky winners are pictured with Charlene, our OfficeMax Sales Rep. From left to right: Lachlan, Teina, Connie, Charlene, Ethan and Kaitlyn. Science News The ConocoPhillips 4 days of science activities for students in Yrs 9 and 10 will take place this year at Edith Cowan University - Joodalup, Curtin University - Perth and UWA - Perth. The application process is now open! Students can gain great experience in the hands on science and engineering lab sessions. The experience costs $115 for a three day program and $150 for a four day program. Each program is designed to provide students who have an interest in science with an opportunity to engage in a wide range of handson science activities under the guidance of scientists who love their work. Further details and application process is online at http://www.scienceexperience.com.au With Semester One almost at a close, Science Department teachers are busy putting together teaching and learning programs for Semester Two. As was the case this semester, all Science programs at Kinross College address the standards of the Australian Curriculum and maximise opportunities for students to access content and skills to equip them to be lifelong learners and be able to operate with confidence in a complex, information-rich, globalised world. All programs will cover three interrelated strands: Science inquiry skills; Science as a human endeavour; and Science understanding. Each strand is of equal importance. Topic outlines for all year groups will be posted early next term. Please take note of assessment tasks and due dates as we will be adhering to the conditions of the Kinross College Assessment Policy. A small percentage of the overall assessment grade will be allocated to bookwork, attitude and behaviour. All students are required to have an exercise book for note taking, which also serves as a valuable tool for frequent revision. The schools theme for National Science Week 2014 (16-24 August) will be “Food for our future: Science feeding the world”. Inspired by the International Year for Family Farming. Stay tuned for information on Science Week Activities through the e bulletin. Mrs Bradley Head of Science Food for thought More than 7000 plant species have historically been used in human diets; however, less than 150 species are grown commercially today. Only 12 plant species represent the major vegetables on today’s menus. Physical Education Yr 10 transition day at Mindarie Senior College On Wednesday June 25, 224 Year 10 students attended the Mindarie Senior College campus as part of their transition into Year 11 - 2015. Students received information on career pathways and year 10 entrance requirements for year 11 courses of study. They were also introduced to the philosophy of the College and behavioural expectations. After enjoying a delicious lunch, students participated in mini tutorials in each subject area, it is hoped information in these settings will assist in defining career pathways for the future. Multi-media presentations on ATAR and VET pathways for 2015 were well received by our students. Positive feedback was given to students on their demeanour and mature behaviour whilst they toured the College. Students are encouraged to utilise and navigate the Mindarie College website to assist them prior to interviews and subject selection meetings. Graham Gorman Yr 10 Coordinator Sports Fun Over the last semester our Yr 10 Sports Fun student group has been working with the Yr 3’s from Kinross Primary. We have been teaching them a variety of teamwork and communication skills, along with the fundamentals of sport. Through the program we have experienced the role of a sports teacher and some of us have taken on major leadership roles. On June 20 we ran a tabloid event day constructing and creating a round-robin. In total there was 8 stations where all the kids had a ball! We thoroughly enjoyed the program and appreciated the effort put in by Ms. Posener to run the Sports Fun program. Konnor, Karla, Chelsea and Kennedy Yr 10 students Lightning carnivals So far this term we have had the Yr 7, 9 and 10 Lightning Carnivals. Our students have represented the College across a variety of sports including netball, AFL, soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball and league tag. Despite participation levels dropping amongst our Yr 9 and 10 students, those who did go out for the day really enjoyed the social competition, and represented the College with excellent sportsmanship and great enthusiasm! Primary girls AFL – Dockers Cup The Yr 7 Dockers Cup was held at Arena Joondalup on Wednesday 11 June. Our girls were outstanding and we won 3 games, all by huge margins. There were many outstanding performances from all of our students who competed with amazing commitment and integrity. I was very proud to manage the Kinross girls team which maintained its reputation as tough competitors and good sports. A special mention needs to go to Jessica Combe who won the most valuable player for the Kinross side. A big thank you to all of the parents and siblings who came down to support our girls. Miss Posener Phys Ed Teacher Year 8/9 SSWA Junior Boys Soccer This term a team of Yr 8/9 Boys have been participating in the School Sport WA Junior Boys Soccer Competition. The competition involves a roundrobin group competition with the winner proceeding to a knock out stage in Term 3. The team has played some great football and improved dramatically as the competition has progressed. An early loss to Duncraig SHS (4-2) in wet conditions did not hamper their enthusiasm and the boys came out determined against Ocean Reef SHS only to lose 6-4 in a very competitive match. Our first win in the competition came against Mater Dei College with a comprehensive 9-0 victory. The team currently has one fixture remaining against Carine SHS to complete their group phase. The Yr 8/9 boys who have played throughout the competition are to be congratulated on their efforts and the manner in which they have represented the College. Primary girls soccer – Glory Girls Cup The Year 7 Glory Girls Cup was held at the Kingsway Soccer Club on Thursday 10 April. Our girls were up against some very tough competition but played every game with excellent skills and determination. The girls finished 8TH overall and should be very pleased with their efforts. It is an absolute pleasure taking the Year 7 students out every year and we wish the boys the very best of luck for their soccer comp next term! Miss Posener Phys Ed Teacher Rangers Rangers – Term 2 activities and Mornington camp We have had a sensational term for the Kinross Police Rangers with a variety of activities and skills development undertaken by all ranks during our Wednesday afternoon Parades. Probationary Rangers have been learning the ropes (literally with knotting), as well as policing investigation, drill and navigation. Rangers have enjoyed camp cooking with their own version of Masterchef, and had some fun at beach volleyball, bowling, rock climbing and Darklight. Our Senior Rangers have all completed a basic rock climbing certificate and have been working hard in either a leadership or self-defence course. Camps are a bit of a focus at the end of term and we have just returned from Mornington Adventure Camp which went extremely well. Even with steady rain that occurred on the weekend, Rangers showed their resiliency as they contended with the cold and wet conditions and faced the challenges on offer. Activities included orienteering, crate climb, low / mid / high ropes courses, abseiling and rock climbing. Lots of laughs were had during our night activities and the most well-drilled team of the night, became the victors of the team challenges. Thank you to all the rangers and instructors who made it a memorable camp. David Moss Kinross Police Rangers had the amazing privilege again this year to join other Ranger units from across the state to march in the ANZAC Day parade in Perth CBD. Our Rangers had the exciting opportunity of marching directly behind the WA Police in 16th position. It was truly a humbling experience to march in honour of all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. To be part of a community gathering dedicated to remembering the significance of the sacrifice so many people have made for our country was an honour. I’d like to thank all the wonderful Kinross Police Rangers who marched really well, and again made me proud to be associated with such an outstanding group of students. Thanks also to the amazing Mr Moss, Miss Malone and Mr Ross for giving up their time over the holidays to help make this opportunity possible for our Rangers. Tina Nottle Staff at the College enjoyed a special treat on Canada Day As our Home Economics teacher, Mrs Babin, is on teacher exchange from Canada, her Yr 10 Food Production students, as part of their course work, layed on a spectacular spread of Canadian delights for morning tea. This included Perogies served with bacon, onion and sour cream, Nanaimo bars, Butter tarts and Chai tea. Staff participated in a Canadian trivia quiz where Mr Ferarri grabbed a prize for a top score of 14/20. World Challenge Training expedition The World Challenge crew rose bright and early to head down to Manjedale Scout Camp for their 2 day training expedition earlier this term. The training camp was designed to give the kids an opportunity to get an idea of what’s in store for them on our overseas expedition in relation to gear requirements, buying food and cooking for themselves, day hiking, teamwork, shared leadership, camp craft, safety and health & hygiene etc. The group powered through their hike and demonstrated advanced skills and initiative throughout a variety of training scenarios and activities. Students also had the opportunity to do some goal setting for their up and coming expedition (James and Richard just want to ride a donkey!!). All in all, I was really impressed with how the group worked together. Their interactions were really positive and we are fortunate enough to have some strong leaders amongst them, which will make getting around Mexico and Belize a lot easier! We had a heap of laughs and if this is how the group is going to perform over their month long expedition, I can’t wait to hit Mexico! Tina Nottle Head of Phys Ed &, World Challenge Coordinator Year 6/7 Disco All of our Yr 6 and 7 students were invited to a Disco here at the College to help raise funds for the World Challenge team. It was a great night with fantastic music and a heap of fun games thanks to Pyro Youth who volunteered their incredible DJ and entertainment skills. All of the students who attended had a great time, either having a dance battle, playing some games or just eating and drinking a heap of junk! The World Challenge crew ended up raising $1300.00, which will go towards our donation during our community service project. With our expedition departure now within 6 months, our team has a lot of fundraising to do! We would like to sincerely thank all of the amazing students who came along to support this fundraiser and we are glad you all had an awesome time! Thanks also to all of the staff who gave up their time to come and supervise, and of course Pyro Youth – we wouldn’t have had such a great time without you guys! Tina Nottle Arts Showcase Designs on recycling Yr 10 Fashion and Textiles students displayed their fantastic, Semester One, creations at the Showcase on the evening of Tuesday 1 July. All these creations were made using recycled materials collected from our community. We were all keen to see the ‘Tea Bag Tag dress’ after saving our tags for months! Amongst the materials used were bottle tops, Coke cans and packaging, playing cards, plastic carrier bags, records, CD’s, silk flowers, fabric made from glue, cling wrap, alluminium foil, latex gloves, computer keys from a disguarded keyboard, and feathers. What amazing results. Just a few of the excellent arts showcase exhibits ... Congratulations Miss Posener, we are all very proud of you! On the 3rd of May, Miss Posener completed the 70.3 Busselton Half Iron Man. Unable to register as an individual; she teamed up with a friend and completed it as a team - ‘Team MD’. Her friend Donna started the race with the 1.9km swim along the Busselton Jetty, with Miss Posener completing the rest of the course consisting of a 91km bike leg, finishing with the a 21km run. Together they completed the entire triathlon in an amazing time 06:35:34. Miss Posener’s incredible efforts of waking up to go to the gym and train at 4:30am every morning, in the long lead up to this international event, and only eating extremely healthy food that some of us wouldn’t even consider edible, has definately payed off. Her dedication and commitment to getting fit enough to complete the enormous distances of the Half Iron Man, is extremely admirable. Having watched and supported Miss Posener from the sideline of the triathlon course on the day, I feel she deserves massive congratulations for her achievement. Ashton Yr 11 Mindarie SC student & previous Kinross College student Student Achievements continued ... Jessica continues to power forward towards Championship status, Jessica is an inspiration to all. The following article was published in The West Australian 3 June 2014. FITNESS WITH MEANING! premieracademy.com.au 9408 6305 FREE UNIFORM! FREE PRIVATE LESSON! FREE CLASS SESSION! $59 FOR ONE MONTH TRAI NING UNLIMITED CLA S S E S ! LITTLE CHAMPIONS JUNIORS 4-6 YEARS An exclusive program for learning life skills which fosters motor skill development, focus, discipline, coordination and balance. Fitness through fun as well as helping children to cope with challenges. 7-9 YEARS AND 10-12 YEARS Improve focus, confidence, agility, flexibility and concentration. Understanding and applying the two most important tools in setting and achieving goals ‘Discipline and Commitment’ though martial arts. 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